DEMOCRATIC VDMEN iiiiimr nu m mil in mi rKAiit btiftiviDtKLflin . AND INDORSE FLEGEL Enthusiastic Meeting Held . Last iNignt at me uemrai . Library, - VNQV1CE NOT, VvAQiTf D NOW Colossi X. , K. Staa&lf er Closely la .Touch With Conditions at Wiik ins-ton. trrrs Baelaetlen. A. F. Fief el, a successful business man of 25 years -residence in Oregon: A. f. Flegel. father of 10 children born In Oregon, every one of which has been started in the right way to become rood Htlzprm nt th t5t thu vara some of the things for which the Dml ocratlc candidate for congress was! commended trfoters of the first dis trict at a largeneeting of Democratic women at the Central library last night. United States Senator George E. Chamberlain was praised for his sup port of the Wilson peace policy, his personal service to Individual resi dents of the state, and for the things he has accomplished for the common wealth In general. Mrs; Qeorge K. Chamberlain, her daughter. Miss Carrie Lee Chamber lain, a son. Dr. C. T. Chamberlain and his wife, and Mrs. W. JL Ker, sister of the senator, were present, at the meeting. "Senator Chamberlain, in the minds of the people of the nation," declared Colonel I. M. Standifer, until recently a newspaper editor of Texas, "is Iden tified as one of the leaders in those movements of progressive legislation that has made Oregon an envied and famous state." Chamberlain Foremost In Councils. "Through my residence at Washing ton," obwerveri Colonel Btahdifer, "I know that Senator Chamberlain is foremost in the councils of the senate, lie has gained that power through roads of humility and service. Those movements now under way to put Sen ator Chamberlain aside do not under ' stand the great power, outside of Ore gon, that stands behind him. . "At this critical time, it would be a lack of greatest ludgment to take away those who have been standing and working together under the new administration. "I do not care whether Mr. Booth is the most honest man in Oregon or not. It makes- no difference if Mr. Hanley is a man of extraordinary character. Is it desirable in this time of emer gency, that you should place -a man untried, a novice, in the senate? "No etat in the union needs hon esty and faithful service at Washing ton so mu-h as Oregon. No state hat greater natural resources held by the national government. We have the public lands, the immense waterways In -rivers and coast line. These things must be looked after. We will do well to return a man who is out for serv ice rather than honor. "It is not a question of great timber holdings or vast landed estates. It Is a matter of conserving the best Inter ests of Oregon. The persons now run ning, tf elected, will have to be in Ore gon half a dozen years before they can achieve the position that Senator Chamberlain now oocupies. In the meantime, the interests of the state suffer. "Our duty Is to sustain a great pres ident and a senator: who has been truj to. a people and his duty.. riegei worked on rarm. : For the first time since the cam paign opened, A. F. Flegel went brief ly into his personal career. Until he was 18 years old, he narrated, his lit" was Spent on a farm. From tfcen he was 22 years old, he did all kinds of manual ' work, including canal mule driving. By the time he waa 28 year jpld he had gone through various de partments of railroad, and mercantile worn, naa securea a legal education and had been admitted to the bar. "Twenty-five years ago this month-," he said, ri came'to Portland. For three years I was councilman from the Tenth ward, "t have been exceedingly fortunate 1ft .this campaign In having thus far escaped the. slime of personalism that has been a characteristic of the cam paigns of others,", asserted the speak er. "Not a bad thing of consequence has been brought against me." At this point Dr. Esther Pohl-Love- Joy interruDted Mr. Flegel. The speaker had neglected to state one im portant fact of , his life, she asserted. and she wanted to make it known. "We should elect Mr, Flegel be cause he is the husband of Mrs. Fle gel, the mother of 10 promising OregbK the political party organisations, as TTTTJT Tfl TCJ T ATUTT1 VTl hie oslr onuonent is C. AL MurlDurt.;! U JJJ -LkJ AXU AJLA-IXS the Republican nominee who has been repudiated by his wn-party organiza tion because of his unsavory personal record. It is also reported that'Hurl burfc has disqualified himself as a pos sible legislator iby making a pr omlse to a friend to introduce a relief bill on condition that he share in the proceeds. "This' is what the Ashland Tidings says about Congressman Hawley, Re publican candidate for reelection in the first district: "Hawley la not a Republican con gressman. He is a reactionary. He stood solidly with Cannon throughout the entire struggle of progressive members to ' wrench control of the TO INSPECT HUGE ICE SKATING RINK Portland Ice Hippodrome Is Nearly Completed; P, C, H, A, Meets Today, by the power would be lodged In the members. Not 6nly is Hawley a do nothing, he is an extreme type of standpatter." The Estacada Progress says: "Every voter should vote down the proposed eight hour law. for it Is oorn cnnaren, oDservea lit. j-.ovcjoy. ruinous, and what would a farmer s man wno do u hJa , I urge that you vote for. the has raised such a beautiful family, harvest was handled in eight hour shifts or our lumber camps Orearon Ku Manv Interests. I were operated on the same basisT -a that nn Mtl There is no argument in favor of has so many natural interests needing I this-- bill for Oregon, protection at Washington as Oregon. J . . The Democratic party, -he said, is V '" heartily in sympathy with the disposl- nXhJ Jhl tion of these resources to the greatest Mt?" benefit of the people, and that party hl2un D TnZ? those fneaking should be continued in power The TuouUB i' party achievements in the labor of la- Q Hague. A. K. Higgs. John Van por -currency ana capitalistic Zante, J. A. Dunbar. Alfred D. Cridge lation were reviewed, andyhe prosi- Upoke on the tUOO exemption measure, dents peace policy commended. Tne mcetina closed with the audience "The present time is one of the 8inKinit "Home. Sweet-Home" most critical in the history of this nation," Mr. Flegel declared. "All the great nations of the world are at -war but the United States. Our country is being trusted as never before. The least spark may swing us into contro versy With some One of these over- A vote for Chamberlain and Flegel is a vote of confidence In this policy. he concluded. "A vote for anyone else Is a vote of disapproval." Illinois Suffragist Attacked. Dr. Esther Pohl-Lovejoy then spoke, centering her argument against the ef The doors of the Portland Ice Hip podrome, the largest ice skating rina house from reactionaries and place it; in the United States, will be thrown In the hands of its members. Not a , open to the public Sunday afternoon single vote did he ever cast in that' t .fl0 .,. tr- . ,,, fight in the interest of fair play. When Z coc Evry Is ,nvte,d Cannon voted Hawley said "Me Too." i to attend the opening. Manager Kel He jstood for the Cannon czar rule and ; !cr has arranged for a band concert with the Tammany-Cannon combination i during the afternoon. There will be against revision of house rules where- I no admission charge. Information was received from Van couver, B. C., yesterday to the effect that there would be a Ineetlng of the Pacific Coast Hockey association to day. Portland will be represented by Pete Muldoon and E. H. "Savage. The playing schedule will be adopted. The proposed schedule' is : Tuesday, Dec. 8 Vancouver, at Port land. Friday, Dec. 11 Victoria, at Van couver. Tuesday, Dec. 15 Portland at Vic toria. Friday, bee. 18 Portland at Van couver. Saturday, Dec. fc Victoria, at Port land. Tuesday,' Dec. 29 Vancouver, at Vic tori a. Tuesday, Jan. S Vancouver, at Port land. Friday, Jan. 8 Victoria, at Vancou ver. Tuesday, Jan. 12 Portland at Vic toria. Friday, Jan. 15 Portland at Van couver. Tuesday, Jan. 19 Victoria, at Port land. Friday, Jan. 22 VaneouTer at Vic toria. Tuesday, Jan, 26 Vancouver, at Portland. Friday, Jan. 29 Victoria, at Van couver. Tuesday, Feb. 2 Portland, at Victo ria. Friday, Feb. 6 Portland, at Vaa couver. i Tuesday, Feb. 9 Victoria, at Port land. Friday, Feb. 12 Vancouver, at Vic toria. Monday, Feb. Is Vancouver, at Portland. Tuesday, Feb.. 16 Vancouver, at Portland. Friday, Feb. 19 Victoria, at Van couver. Tuesday, Feb. 23 Portland, at Vic toria. Friday, Feb. 26 Portland, at Van couver. Tuesday, March 2 Vancouver, at Victoria. Friday, March 5 Victoria, at Port land. Saturday, March 6 Victoria,, at Portland. Tuesday, March 9 Vancouver, at Victoria- Many voters are today studying sample ballots, a supply of which has been furnished to various political headquarters and many of the candi dates. The ballots are about a yard long and carry the names of 143 can- heatcd, overwrought nations. Due to didateB 28 initiative measures and tne policy oi i-resiaeni wnson, wiese proposed constitutional amendments. inings nave ueen nverieu R. A. Booth, who ts campaigning In Crook county, will leave that county tonight for Portland. He is expected to arrive here tomorrow morning. Last night he delivered an address in Prine- vllle, -and tonight he will speak at Bend. He will be on hand to meet forts of Mrs. Jessie Stubbs, the Illi- Governor West tomorrow night in a nois suffragist, and her cohorts, to Joint discussion of how Mr. Booth got defeat Senator Chamberlain on grounds hIs timber, that the Democratic party should be . ejected from power. Th business district was cam- "These women are telling, boasting, Pgned last night by Republican how they antagonise congress with the Peaers addressing street crowds from tnreat or tne potential power or 4,uuu,- i "u 000 women votes in the west." the George Hall were in one automobile, snPflkAr observed. fThev would have nd A- I- Amidon and B. S. Youmans us believe that they control these were ln another, votes. But the women or the. west I will cast their ballot as they want to, CROWD STR05G FOR WILSON and not according to the dictates or thhL.. h .JWorkinS Men Give Speakers Any --atl-" ;( ;;cTv u ut Favorable Reception. tated.' as being one of the strong fac- Republican speakers were given an tnr towards Chamberlain's election unexpected reception when, in address thrrfneh causlne the women of the laS a crowd of working men from an state to rush to his defense. automobile last night between Second Attnrnov vreA urpn nrRnte the and Third streets, on Burnside, they candidacy of Mrs. Nellie C. Hughes, began denouncing President Wilson Democratic nominee for coroner, and I na nlB aaminisirauon. SDoke aaalnst-the public morgue pro- "Cut out your talk about Wilson, Datranda. Mrs. E. T. Weatherred pre- yelled a voice in the crowd. "His ad- sided at the meeting, and in opening ministration is the best we ever had. nv nraise to Mr. Chamberlain for is a second Lincoln." his determined fight for suffrage The crowd indicated its approval of when the suffrage question was un- this declaration, and the speaker began popular in' this state. Hurst Makes Stcong Campaign. Roscoe P. Hurst, Democratic candi date for state reDresentatlv from the seventeenth, district. Including Clacka- tne speaker. mas and Multnomah counties, is mak ing an energetic campaign for election to talk about R. A. Booth, 'Where did 9300th get his timber?" yelled someone.' Mr. Booth .got. his timber honestly. and he is a heavy taxpayer," replied Yes, Ke has lots of money," retort ed the inquisitor, "but where did he He has the support of practically all I get It?" In the same manner the crowd asked pointed questions ' about "Stand pat" McArthur, when his name was men tioned, and Dr. Wlthycombe, "How about Chinese labor?" and "How about the assembly?" were ques tions provoked by the mention of Dr. Wlthycombe' name. " Then one of the speakers in tne I automobile said he was a workingman i and wanted to assure his fellow wbrk- ar. K t ie tVt a TO.kmHlSran .tm ff AA You Can Now Treat This Trouble in would get them all jobs, then. At that the crowd rushed the automobile, which made a hasty departure. Relief for Catarrh Sufferers Now FREE Own Home and Get Relief at Once. How the Remedy for Catarrh Was Discovered. By tk new 'T'HIS terribler disease method th net I has raged unchecked and throat art JL. r , treated by an for years simply be- -i'J? jc,?i cause symptoms have been directly to the treated while the cause of jgefetf. mem. becn jeft Q circulate in the blood, and bring the disease back as fast as local treatments could relieve it C. E. Gauss, who experimented for years on a treatment for Catarrh, found HAEMER MAKES BOXING BOUTS FOR TOMORROW Seattle Athletic Club Comes for First Match of the Season Here. RITCHIE TO TRf SELF OUT WITH DUNDEE FRIDAY Ex-Champion Professes Lots of Respect for Young Italian Lightweight. San Francisco, Oct. 88. 'vTTllie Ritchie professed today to have a lot of respect for "Johnny Dundee, who will be the former champion's oppo nent ln a four round boat at the Eighth Street arena here tomorrow night. "It will be a hard task." said Ritchie, "to best Dundee' in four rounds. Ha is quick and strong, and the advantage of eight or nine .pounds which I prob ably will have will not count much in a short bout. "I took on this match to try myself out, and I will go into it with the de termination that when it Is . through the public will be satisfied that I can make a showing whether the bout is a four round affair or to a finish." BOXING AND WRESTLING The first interclub smoker of the season, Seattle Athletic club vs. Multnomah A. A. club, tomorrow even ing, Multnomah club gymnasium, 8 o'clock sharp. General admission $1. Ringside reserved. $1,60. (Adv.) Although the Seattle Athletic club r ' ii . i i i lias iivi uuiii-itaA wio .luuiiiiuiimu eiuu that after perfecting a balm that relieved whom it win -enter in the 115 pound the nose and throat troubles quickly, he I wrestling and 135 pound boxing class could not prevent the trouble beginning STS.S. the Ths Elixir a" ove- again. I meet to be held tomorrow night. taken into the i i i I v irgii nwnun win do sent against Viotch kal i On tcst caseS nc could the SeatUe club's 125 pound wrestler direct influence completely remove all nd Walter Knowlton will meet the upon the mm- fatarrh frrm nnc Sound City club's lightweight. These cousmembranet 81gns Ot VataiTn trom nose two athletes are expected to give the 7AT.ana.tnr?at DUC n ICW visitors hard bouts, ease by remov- weeks they were back. Careful experiments and Investigations have shown that as the troubles were expelled from the nose and throat, the real cause of fhe disease was overlooked and in a short time the Catarrh -would return stronger than ever. - Mr. Gauss has gone way ahead of the ordinary methods of treatment and has provided a remedy that Removes tHe Cause and Immediately Give Re lief to the Nose and Throat Reese Jones, of Scraatoa, Penn., says that after trying jnany other treatments, he used this new method and 'My nose is now entirely clear aad free and I am not bothered by the disease any more. The New Combined Treatment is worth its weight in gold." " Temporary relief from catarrh may be obtained In other ways, bat the New Combined Treatment must inevitably be accepted for permanent results. Goes to the Root of Stopped-up noses Constant frog-in-the-throat' Nasal discharges Hawking and spitting Snoring at night Bad breath Frequent colds Difficult breathing Smothering sensation in .dreamt Sudden fits of sneezing s Dry mucus in nose and any of the other symp toms that indicate ap proaching or present catarrh . Billy- Mascot will meet Earl Balrd of Seattlo in the 116 pound boxing and A. Schuttpelz, a new "winged M" wrestler, will go against Runchey of Seattle. The preliminary bouts between local boxers should be very good. The headliner between Monpier and Wag her should be a bout worth, seeing. Xr. B. E. Loomis will referee the wrestling and Olmar Dranga will han dle the boxing events. George Par ker and Frank E. Watkins will hold the watches. Hamilton Corbett and J. P. Carney will officiate as judges. The program will start promptly at 8 o'clock., The card Is: MAIN EVENTS, BOXING. 115 - pounds Billy Mascot, Multno mah club, vs. Earl Board, Seattle club. ; 135 pounds Walter Knowlton Mult nomah club. vs. Seattle club boxer. unnamed. . ' WRESTLING. 125 Dounds Virsrtl Hamlin. Multno mah club, vs. SeatUe club wrestler. Two great piano sales com bined in one. The' costliest pianos of the Soule Bros. Fail ure Stock now on sale at Eilers Music House, in connection with the Manufacturers Emer gency and Surplus Sale, Read page 6 this paper. In Thousands of Homes early, and certain relief la found for the ailments to which all are .subject ailments due to defective or irregular action of the stomach, liver, kidneys or bowels in the most famous family remedy, the ' world has ever known. Sarah T. Caoe. Mount Prllii. Tmh uvl n?J! h 1 5 I 55-n J Tear Treatment uTnaed. tunica jr... .uu ucwiws wbibk, incu ncaiiT - I I9e ww- a oAu.. tn.i -c.,l mah club, vs. Runchey, Seattle club. PBKI.IMIWiRV nriYIMP. C E. GAUSS, I 1 116 pounds H. Kuster, unattached. 6889 MA in If your Ne oearlv every method. But by your new method I was I completely cured and yoa cannot imagine the joy that has come over me." Trial Treatment FREE ! This new method is so important to the wel fare of humanity, so vital to every person suffer ing from any- form of catarrh, that the oppor tunity to actually test it and prove its results, will be gladly extended without one cent of cost. A targ-e trial treatment, with complete, mi nute directions, will be sent free to any catarrh sufferer. . . - . Send no ' money, take no risks, make no eromises. Simply clfn-, sign and mall the cou- poo and the trst package or the New Combined Treatment wilt be sent, fully prepaid, together with the valuable book oa Catarrhv 5' Tin PTR17F! - I mah cfu Dtin St Marshall, Mich. 1 vs. H. Qonsales, Western club. ftw(T..-,j ' 125 pounds A. Byers, Multnomah ew Combined Treatment will I -,h nm- Hm ,,n.t.h relieve my Catarrh and bring me health olub. vs. Ollie Hill, unattached. 14 pounds M. Brenn. Multnomah, be shown. So withont cost or obligation to me, scad, fully, prepaid, the Treat ment ana book. Name...... Address ................ 1S5 pounds -V. MonDier. Multno mah, vs. Harry Wagner, Armory. r The Chicago System. Chicago. Oct. 22. After raiding the city detective . bureau, prosecutor I Hoyne said he had evidence indicat ing that tne police toured Chicago with pickpockets, aiding the latter la I their work. SPSS ate justly famous because hey have proved to be so reliable as correctives or preventives of the sufferings, dull ' feelings and danger due to indigestion or biliousness. If you wiQltry them to cleanse your system, pprify your blood, tone your stomach, stimulate your liver and regulate your bowels, you-will know, why s many rely on Beecham's. Pills to Insure Health and Happiness Wrwt Saia ef Aay lxlietaa in the WoriUL . Sold c cry where m boaa, lOc 25c a mark with a stake -driver and a branding iron a mark which for decades to come will be pointed to with pride by every open fronted Western er and witK snarly venom by every dollar wolf and trust hireling.,, Some yrs ago,' a voiceV loud, long, convincing, aroe in protest against the dollkr wolf a voice which was the first voice raised against the practices of the Mighty Wall-street brigands the voice of Thomas W. Lawson. Again, in Friday's issue of The Journal,, this same voice will be raised in a full page statement (the accom panying extract being taken therefrom), again in protest to the game as revised down to date and strenuously played by The System. Watch for it the edition will-be quickly exhausted order your copy in advances read every word teaf out the page and read it be tween times and then pass it on to a friend that he, too, may learn THE TRUTH all to the individual profit of every citizen and to the future greatness of Oregon. ;4 i 'J fPald Advertisement by Kysfcell Affeaer. Title Treat BMf.) If: & Mi for a Dollar in Trade 1 American Scrip Company Admitted to Do Business in the State of Oregon This Tells the Story DAILY CAPITAL. JOURNAL Salem, OrH Oct. gl, 1914. WILL LET THEM FIGHT , IT OUT IN COURTS TTpen the presentation of the repre sentatives of the American Scrip com pany of Lob Angelss. CaL, ln the form of affidavits from prominent business men of Portland, to the effect that the American Travel Scrip company, a Portland institution, is t ran sac tin business under misrepresentation and false pretenses. Corporation Commis sioner Ralph Watson baa decided to rescind his action of two weeks ago, in which he denied the Los Angeles -concern the right to enter th stats because of a conflict In the names of the two corporations, and will let thera file their articles ef Incorpora tion and firht out the name dispute in the courts. In the meantime he will probably turn the affidavit ef 'the Portland business men ever to the district attorney of Multnomah coun ty to take such action aa ia necessary against . the Portland concern if it ii found guilty of the Illegal business transactions of. which it Is accused. ii r 1 r-4 3 Watch Sunday Papers for the List of Real Scrip Mer- chants. We Give a "Real" MUe in Travel j for Every Dollar in Trade I Chicago, Boise, Ltfr Angeles, San Francisco, Poraand; Salt Lake, San Diego f, Portland Office 516-17-18 Pittock Blbck Phone Main 3268. N