THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 21. 1914. 35 TOWN TOPICS (2S4UI CAT 07 1914.) AMUSEMENTS 1 and dice were taken aa evidence. Gregor Panas, whom the off leers found " Bitting at the head of the stairs as ft lookout, and who shouted a warning to the inmates of the coffee house j when the officers appeared, was ar- i rented for vagrancy, and Christ Kus- ta. the proprietor, and jnick ueroas. a waiter, were charged with conduct- 'ins the game. Officers on the beat BllUfl Broadway tt Tarlor. Cortalna Z rnr,riH that th fame tiarl been run trfaf .'iwWP" au"4" nine full blast all night long for sev- BTAitsui UtMiiwar and Sixth. iwt Matins SuuiUjr, Wtnluesdu end Muturdaj. Haker i'Uers In "iiruad- Curtain 2:20 eral weeks. The raid was. conducted ay Juoca.' Vsnderllle. by Sergeant Oelsner and Patrolmen Madden. Collins. G. W. Russell and McCulloch. The arrest of this number of men swelled the total arrests for the day to 126, the total being a record breaker. Space for Visitors Enlarged- Changes in the lobby of the Y. M. G A. have been made within the past few days, opening another reading room to the thousands of men who flock through the association room every week. The unused section of the of fice in the lobby has lost its parti tion and the space opened to those men who, although not members of the as sociation, come to enjoy assoclational advantages. Part of the lobby has been cut off for the members of the association. Books and magazines have been provided for the tables. Pa pers have been provided for the non members during their rest hours in the lobby. mat class in physical education, which is the Reed college extension course 24, will meet tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock in the college gymnasium. PAN TAGkd Broadway t Alder. uaruiua 7:30 ion a:iu. L0tW'H KMVRKHM Broadway at Yamhill. VaudaUla. Continuous Law is 5:30. t:30 Im IX weak days. CoutUuiwus 1 to 11 nan- dlTL l? itiC Foorth at Stark. Curtate 2:30. 7:30 and 8:10. Keating rtooa Masiau um d Coopem La "WUca Uubur Caais Huma." COL.LMB1A 8UU. betwees Washington and Blaxk auraata. Mouoo pictures. 11 a. m. 11 d. m. PEOPLES West Park at Alir streets. Mo tion pictures. 11.M) a. m.. to 11. M p. m. ITAJt Wasblogtbu at Park. Mollua pictures, 11 a. n. to 11 p. K. 81XJBB Wasblugtou at ElcTantb. Motioa plc- - tures. vt to. to li p. m. .... llAJtaTIC WaahlLjtou at I'ark. Motion ple : turea. 11 a. m. o 11 p. m. BUNHaVT Waaulngtoa at Broadway. Motion pictures. 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. CliMJL.fc FoarLh at Washington. Motion plc- tons.- luUK a. m. u u.i p. m. ART aflJSaXM Fifth nnrt TajrWr. Honrs 9 to s svk daja, 2 to J buul; tres afternoon J' of Tueadajr. Tnurslajr, Irrldaj, BaturOajr and . bands. IUver Trip. ' tteamer Georgians to Astoria, daily except Monday. Waaulngton atrcet dock. DMiiee lit jr. to ine wanes ana -Lacks, dally except builds.) , Alder street dock. felsuuisr Slut u( WasiuogtuD to The Dalle tall axcept Xnuradsy. laytor street dock. Public Library Meetings. AH October met Unit are free and opes to the public. . . . louraoay, uctoDer nr. . u. v.u"yu,-ui k tua New kVcouuuita and New Literature, auspices Oregon ClTictlt-ague. October 2, at au oi. utuwuw oinmittee. 3 . , Monday evening. October v. won u 'luvaday evening, ucu-oer w. own onday. October 2d. 2 p. Consumer' Aleaday, October 27, 3 p. in. Bible atndlea. October 2H to JO, in. luaWe. a. m. to 6 p. a. except ITrlday. 'October ao, awning e tloa only. filiate CuBTaitUoa Oregon Oougress t Metbera. ToUax's Events. Pacific Northweetern Cohference of Amef Icaa Handay School Union. X. W. C A. bolld . log, today; X. M C. A. building tonight. Coming Event. Pacific Nortbweatern Conference of American fnnday aebool union, Y. U. U. A. and X. W. U A. Duuaing. uciooer iu.-in. , ProgreaaiTC Bualueaa Men's luncheon at Multnomah botel. October 22. Pacific coast conterence of Danish Latberaa aburi'lie. at BetUanla church, Union arenue tad Morris atreeU, October 22-27. liealty board luncbeon at Commercial crab, October 2X Presenta for Christmas Ship start for New Xork October 2X Jefferson btgb plays Uncoln blgh at foot ball, Multnomah field. October 23. Oregon Clrlo league lnncbeoa at Multnomah hotel, October 24. Tranaportatlon dob fcmcneoa at Mnltoomali hotel, October 20. Mannfacarers' and Lend Products Shew St Armory, October 20 to Norember 14. Rotary elob lnarbeomat the fieaaoa hotel. October 27. Columbia plays U1XI Acadeaar at football, Multnomah field, October 2s. Jefferson high plays Portland Academy at laotball. Multnomah field. October 30. Opening concert of Symphony orchestra No vember 1. aUectloa day, November a. Port Information Supplied. t..L thla nnrl maw ha nk. hUaed from the Portland Chamber of Com- ( Soloman and Philip Blumauer for ap- Kobber Hear Ciurclu While on his way to attend a young people's meet ing at the Emmanuel Lutheran church. at Nineteenth and Irving strets, last night. John Nelson or the White Hall apartments. Sixth and Madison streets, was held up and robbed of $5.50, near the church building, by two young men, each of whom carried a revolver. Nelson hurried into the church after wards and notified Rev. J. Richard Olson, the pastor, who summoned the police. The men were last Been, going east on Gllsan street. are Mr. Ben Riesland. Mr. G. A. Johnj ' pleaded guilty to a charge of dts boti Mlai Hdco r 'Wilson and Miss I orderly conduct and the case was Anne Shannon Monroe. Miss Edith Clark Patterson will sing "My Lad die," and Miss rllna Joy will give pop ular numbers, campaign songs, 8 o'clock. Every one Invited. East Side Library, Eleventh and Alder sts. Adv: Zieoture on war Tomorrow. - The speaker for. the Reed college assembly at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning will be Dr. Jerome Hall Raymond, at one time a member of the faculty of the University of Chicago, and recently president of the University of West Virginia. He is now a university ex tension lecturer for the University of California and hajs been engaged for lectures in Portland by Pacific uni versity. He will give an illustrated lecture on the war at the assembly. Team Sans Away. Taking fright at a passing automobile, a team belong ing to the firm of Stevens Bros., pro prietors of a general store at Hills boro, ran away, at Williams avenue and Knott street, about 6:30 last night, and after a short dash struck an electric light Done breaking tt off. injured. W. L. Stevens, a member of the firm, was driving. - continued by Municipal Judge Steven son this morning. Davis said he had learned a good lesson from the ex perience. . Classes rn China Fainting now form ing. Firing guaranteed. Art novelties of all kinds made to order. Designing. "House of 1000 Gifts.' Mrs. Lincoln, 405 Morrison, block above O. W. & K? (Adv.) Mrs. Kendarson rails Chalet, open all winter. House parties and week No one was ; end accommodations. Phcne long dis tance via LatourelL O.-W. p. s . trains from union depot. Adv.) necessitated the transfer of the third . In Silk Creek. L D. Estes is In a crlt grade classes to the Lownsdale school teal condition from which It is not that more room might be provided for . expected that he will recover, other classes at the Ladd school. J , 7. M c Boys Leave School. lMToroe Proceedings Started. Suit, I Centrali Wash 21.Tne Cen. for divorce were filed yesterday by i ' ,,c , John L. Carmean against Agnes Car- tralia Pllc officers of every city mean and Mabel Sax ton against Glenn ( north of here "nave been instructed to Sax ton. case. Cruelty was alleged in each One Bnlt Pressed Each Week. 11.50 a month. Unique Tailoring Co.. 409 Stark. Main C14. A-4314. (Adv.) Boy Taken by Police. As he was in the act of purchasing a steamboat ticket for San Francisco, Eugene Mc Nally, 15 years old, was arrested by police officers at Third and Washing ton streets yesterday afternoon and charged with larceny. Until yester day morning the lad was employed as messenger for I Meyer & Co., gro cers, on Third street. Yesterday morn ing, according to his admission to City Detective Hellyer, he tapped the store's cash register for $36, and left. His father is a Columbia river pilot at Astoria. The boy was turned over to the juvenile court this morning. Widow's Son and Daughter Heirs. John A. Heusner, president of the Royal Bakery & Confectionery com pany, who died September 21, left per sonal property vaiuea at jzo.uuu ana real'' estate of unknown value in Port land and Santa Cruz, CaL, according to the petition of his widow, Mrs. Mamie Heusner, for the appointment or his son, William B. Heusner. as adminis trator of the estate. A daughter, Louise B. Heusner, is the only other heir. To Hold Examination. The United States civil service commission an nounces that an examination will be held In this city on November 18, to fill a vacancy In the position of guard. United States penitentiary, McNeil Island, Washington, salary $840 per annum. Applicants must be between 21 and 60 yeaxs of age, must be not less than 5 feet 8 Inches high, and must welKh not less than 145 pounds. Complete Information and application blanks may be obtained from T. V. Hutchlns, local secretary, postoffice building. Portland. Sues Company for $10,000 Damages Christ Karabelas this morning filed suit for $10,000 damages against the Consolidated Contract company as the result of an alleged beating received from a man by the name of Mukel stone, employed by the company. At the same time a suit was filed against the company by Pulos & Karabelas, grocers, to recover $2776.07 for f-wtds alleged to have been furnished the company for the use of its employes. It is charged that the company should have retained the amount from the wages of the employes. Estate Valued at 9100,000. Mrs Helen May, who died October 4, left an estate valued at approximately $100,000, according to the petition of aaerce. et ruth atreet. ar A-1293. Telephone Main W3 Fire and Police. Fire Main 7700, A-1323. 1'oUce Mala 7181. A-07S1. Today's Forecast. Portland and vicinity: Fair flight and rLnradar: winds niostlr nortberlr. ' Oregon: Tonight and Thurada v V west. ' artljr elondy, probably mai, Ttst portion; I ..variable winds, mostly asmr.".'. I ' Washington: fair tonlfrl wad Thursday; triable winds, mostly euatneriy. Idaho: Tonight and Thursday fair north, partly cloudy, probably rain south portion. Weather Conditions. . A degression of alight energy Is central .aver Utah,, and a large high pressure area arerllea the Atlantic atates. During the last t4 hour, light , rain has fallen In western ,4' ashing ton. Oregon. northern California, sort tier n -Nevada, central Montana and in Crtlnns of Arlsona, New Mexico and the mld . Mississippi valley. The chanires in tem ' aerature sines yesterdsy have been unim portant. The conditions are favorable for fair weath- rr In this, dlatiict tonight and Thursday ei :' trpt In eastern Oregon and southern Idaho, where It will remain unsettled with probably rain either . tonight or Thursday. EDWARD A. BKALS, . . District rorecasbn. pointment as executors of her will. She left the property to her daughter, Carrie Rossman, and son, Cbarence B May. The estate consists of a one- fourth share In the estate of her fath er, Simon Blumauer, of the estimated value of $95,000; a half interest in the partnership of Hexter & May, now being liquidated and estimated to be worth $500 and personal property. Tot Owner to Keet. Owners ef lots and others interested in Brainerd cemetery in MontaviUa will hold s meeting in Hamilton's chapel at East Eightieth and Glisan streets, Friday evening at 8 o'clock. A. J. Altman, president of the committee which has been planning the society, asks that all interested parties attend the meeting. Fanner Hurt In Runaway. H. Cher ry, a farmer of Alaha, Or., aged 45 years, who was injured when his horses ran away early yesterday, was brought to the Good Samaritan hos pital last night. He is suffering from a bad cut on the forehead, and numer ous bruises. Steamer fees Xsrklns for Camaa Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 3 p. m. Ad.) William Hanley, Progressive candi date for U. S. senator, will speak at the East Side library tonight. (Adv.) Crawfish. Millions of 'em. Snyder's, First and Madison. On sale Thursday and Friday only. 35c doa. M. 6783. Ad. Woman's Excnange. Luncheons served daily from 11:30 to 2 o'clock. 186 Fifth street, Yamhill. iaqvj Belief for Iiadd SchooL Crowded conditions at the Ladd school have Cordwood 4-50 and TJp. Multnomah oX jel Co. Main 6540, A-2116. (Adv.) 1 opoKane. be on the lookout for six boys who escaped from the state training school In Chehalls. The boys are John Mitchen, of Chehalls; Phillip Harring ton, of Aberdeen; Arthur Michael, of Puyallup, and Gordon , Lunsford. Jerome Vico and Frank Groser, of Fuel Xr. C. 1 P. M. Train Held to Gf e ' Passengers Apples i Hood River, Or.. Oct. 21. Vioc.l Riv er distributed 10 boxes of xra fancy Jonathan apples on No. 17. jb.-W. n & N. train, last evening. - Twenty boy with baskets distributed (lie fruit through the several cars, "'he train was held a few minutes over schedul-s to enable all the- passengers h receive an apple. " V Journal Want Ads bring result. Stuart Menxies. 11 A. M. to Corbett building. (Adv.) Dr. E. O. Brown, Eye, Ear. building. Mohawk (Adv.) Ijane Veterans Meet Cottage Grove. Or.. Oct. 21. The election of officers at the recent meet ing of the Lane County Veterans' as sociation held here, resulted as fol lows: C M. Dority, president; B. F. Crura, first vice president; George W. McReynolds, second vice president; J. F. Beytein, third vice president; Ed A. Kreamer, secretary; James Off cut. treasurer. Springfield was selected as the next meeting placet As the result of falling from the roof of the O.xX Luchterhand house Barred Prom Kecall Election. Resi dents of portions of two precincts, 4 8 and 88, which are partly In and partly out of the city, will not be eligible to vote in the recall election next Tues day. The territory embraced in the restriction Is a mile and a half square, and comprises the section which the supreme court denied admission to the city when it held the annexation elec tion of Sylvan, Mt Zion and surround ing territory illegal. Torfcet Begins Ufe Sentence. Lew Torbet, 20 years old, was taken to the penitentiary this morning by Deputy Sheriff Kulper to begin serving a life sentence. Torbet killed Mrs. Margaret Belial re, mother of his sweetheart, about two years ago and was convicted of second degree murder. He appealed to the supreme court but the conviction was sustained. Boy fractures Ig. Harland Ward, a 7 -year-old lad, whose home is in tne Cumberland apartment, at West Park and Columbia strets, was running and playing in the street yesterday, when he fell and sustained a fractured leg. He was taken to the Good Samaritan hospital. Nominal Tine Imposed. For pun ishing three boys who raided his prune orchard, George H, Warren, of Forty second and Simpson streets, was yes terday fined $5 by District Judge Day ton. Because the boys aggravated Warren until he took a horsewhip to them, the fine was made nominal. Thief Takes Overcoat, Conrad Sture, 617 Y. M. C. A. building, re ported to the police last night that his room had been entered and a new Eal- macaan overcoat, valued at $25, taken. Hanley Sally Tonight, East Side Among the speakers at the Hanley-for-TJnited-States-senator-rally tonight Bound Over to Grand Judy. Dis trict Judge Dayton yesterday bound A. B. Gilson over to the grand Jury on a charge of obtaining money by false pretenses by passing a bad check on a department store. Gilson is already under parole on a chage of a like na ture. Epworth Ire ague Bally. There will be a rally of the Epworth leagues of the city of Portland and environs in the Epworth league parlors of the First Methodist church. Twelfth and Taylor streets, at 8 o clock this evening. Wonld-Be Suicide Bepents. Ruther ford H. Davis, who attempted to com mit suicide by cutting his throat and wrists in the Panama saloon at Third and Alder streets Monday night. A SMALL remembrance to the loved one on certain anniversaries brings happiness. Noth ing is more appropriate or more generally appreciated than HAZELWOOD CANDY made fresh daily right here in Portland and de livered to any address. THE HAZELWOOD Confectionery and Restaurant QWASHINGTON AT TENTH Observations. STATIONS. - Tempera rare. . taker. Or. " Boston. Maaa. ..i. Ctlrairo. III. Denver, Colo. Duluth. Minn. Eureka, Cal. fie no. CaL ......... yCalveaton, Texas ... ' Havre, Mont. lacksonvllle, FTa. .... aanaaa CU, Mo Lewlaton. Idaho Los Angeles, Cal. ... - New urlesaa. La, ..: Hew York. N. Y North Head, Wash. . . 1 North Yaklrna, Wash., ' Portland. Or Rueeburc. Or eerameoto, Cal. .... . It. Lou la. Mo salt Ike, Utah . . . . Kan Kranclaco, CaL . Seattle, Wash sltka. Ala'ka Ipokaoe, Wash. ... faeoms, Wllh. ' tatnosh laid. Wash Taldes, Alaska . . . Walla Walla, With. Washington, D. C. . Blnaemacca, Nev. . a a . 3 M 6. " Seed Extension Lecture. Dr. Wil liam Conger Morgan will give the thir teenth lecture in the Reed college ex tension course 12, Natural Science, tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, in the biological lecture room of the college. His subject will be "The Everlasting Hills." The Reed college conference on labor problems will meet tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock In the seminar room of the social sciences. The nor- Advanced Because He Knew How to 54 82 44 &6 41 bO 74 44 68 D8 42 OS 62 48 44 47 4S 4J 02 !4 M 44 i :w 42 36 - 42 64 40 50 68 76 78 74 HO 60 80 58 80 72 70 80 70 52 60 60 58 6 72 74 W .'i6 52 r 69 S2 60 74 62 as 52 62 4 54 44 !0 74 42 68 58 42 58 68 f-6 48 40 47 48 46 62 54 54 44 44 38 40 48 36 42 50 40 4 8 6 4 4 4 12 18 4 10 6 4 8 8 6 12 4 4 4 4 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 4 Hare Is Your Opportunity to Know Hoar Aeoountlnf AfriTtJatn AJirebra 0 Atsajlng .Oi j Architect Draft 0 I Arithmetic .01 I AutafaobUs 0 j Bookkeeping 0 , Hoys' School 0 Business Law 0 1 Chemistry .82 Coast EuKiDeertns; 0 i Civil Service 0 Electricity .06 ) English (or Forelca 0 Men - 0 I English Grammar A O I Rending 0 ' Freehand Drawing .16 ' French .40 ; Geometry 0 .08 ! .60 : .02 0 0 .30 P. If. report of preceding day. Debate Is wi&nned. The constitu tional amendment which proposes to establish a department of public works will be debated before the Progressive Business Men's club at luncheon to morrow In the Multnomah hotel. Charles' W. Baraee speaking In favor of the measure and George C Mason, manager of the Non-Partisan league peaking against it. N. J. Sykes will "net as chairman of the day. German History Latin Machine Design Mechanical Drafting Peamanshtp Pharmacy Physica Plan Heading Est, Public, flpnaktnr Reinforced Concrete Salesmanship Spanish Shorthand Surveying & Map'ng Show Card Writing Telegraphy Trlgomi metry Typewriting Vocal Music Wireless Telegraphy T. If. C. A., Taylor and Sixth Streets. Catalogue Free. IfrYnl A n I Hundreds of Wonderful Values Await You at the Eastern's Basement Store BR1CQUETS o TMrtr-flTe Ken Arrested. Tnlrty flve men- were arrested charged with ; gambling In a raid early this morn ing on the coffee house at 271 Burn Bide street. Large quantities of chips I" I I "' i rJ 1 1 in l a and Women's and Misses' Suits. Coats, Skirts, Waists, Furs and other wearing apparel offered at only a fraction of their real worth. The thrifty, conservative and value-seeking woman, whom fads and fin icky style novelties do not tempt, but who look for real merit, workmanship, dura bility and satisfaction in wearing apparel, are fast making this their popular shop ping place. You should visit our Basement Salesroom without delay. Coats Worth Twice the Price Made of mannish tweeds, serge, diagonals, cheviot and zibeline? in three-quarter and full length mod els. There is a popular plaid H f shawl coat included. Values III sf to $20.00. P Serviceable Suits Short, cape style models with tunic skirt; longer jacket styles with the combination Roman stripe skirts, as well as the ever popular plain tailored designs, in choice ma tenals, lined with ; bkinner s satin. Those originally pri none less than $25.00, th ; Skinner's satin. -g a g m tt"...'"6.. 14.95 Man-Tailored Suits The values are unquestionably wonderful. Sizes 16 to 40. Conservative styleji in cheviots, worsteds, Q O diagonals and serge. Formerly priced X X $15.00 to $22.50. Only UVJUtJ Fancy Waists of chiffon, laces, nets, messalines, flowered crepes and tlowered talletas. .h-very popu lar color or dainty combination. Values to $7.00, Basement price: $3.45 BVUl BTTW ICE & CTTEXi CO. MsUn 9168 Phones A-2234. East Side Market Th f&rniera of th East Sid Public Market nave decided to continue the market on Saturdays. TrriV will be on hand with rjrodui aa lonr a they are patronized by the Bast Side people, and wlU deliver roods abort dlatancea. By . order of farmer- committee. Adv. . j Hotel Lenox -THIRD AND MAIN STS. has more attractive accommodations, and rates, than any modern hotel in the city .for permanent guests -$15 WANTE D! CHAIRS TO RECANE School for the Adult Blind 11th and Davis For particulars call J. F. Meyers, f hone Main 548 F'W'BALTES & COMBNY, PRINTERS First w Oak Streets Telephones: Main i65'Aii65 KCMVAB PRINTING CO IObEN F.QREENE.PREsfDENTi Splendid Dress' Skirts $3.95 A large variety from which to choose all the most popular weaves and shades. Values to $9.00 Remarkable Reductions in Raincoats A Variety of SPlendid Garments The styles are mainly on the plainer tailored type the materials are fancy mannish worsteds, diagonals, serges and waffle weave. Lined with Skinner's satin. Many of these were originally priced at $32.50 (T 1 S P" others no lower than $20.00. Special k I I f K basement price U I lU Smart Coats Hairline stripes, fancy mixtures, tweeds and novelty weaves. Misses' sizes 16 and 18. Those for women -36 to 42. Nowhere in Portland will you find such values and now while you are thinking Coat, yisit our basement salesroom and see these garments. Your choice at i 4 suta vasw,wo .$7.75 This Coat Assortment Contains models of novelty mixtures, full length zibeline Coats, semi-dress broadcloth models, mannish style de signs of tweeds and mixtures and staple long black mod els of cheviot and doeskin. Nearly all are half lined and some all lined with Skinner s satm. Basement salesroom price, values to $27.50. Only a.1 . dull iiucu auu $13.75 . ; - kl After the hunt f A bottle of good old ; Maui 4V. uambnnut tsrewing v,o. 4 CHADT" l 'i naBSBBBBSaBBBBBSBsa ' V i fl I M m. XiEATB PORTLATTD 8:O0 M. 1 . j Ji JbIbJLWJL AELrrE BFOE&HE 7:55 St - LEAVE SFOKANX 8 :30 T,?. WL E I t-l P AitBlTE POBTX-UID . .730 .. M. npT-o BCTWEM Z) I Vacassssi Jl D r '' io"" 1 lrH SPOKANE 1 TOlHUNDLr "' 5 MP"I OREGON- i- All TrUnm Arrive t f w Depart Prom 'nt fl WASHINGTON v n iol ; t, 1 rtn a FOSTLAND; i X RAILROAD & f HEW TXnmKAl, slL2 NAVIGATION .TjP COMPANY yfgggg Tickets, reservations and full information lC"!? a?MJ ' ' upon application. tAl ifii!?r"7 T 'I A CITY TICKET OFFICE Sfel li K N Third and Washington streets or by mail jN wySRvJLi li request to the l;j i; lSiiYjf General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon J. f'ffflJl 1 1 ' II Seattle , I m m FOUR trains Jm i l! daily Jfy 1 M Credit Your Privilege a Ask for Peoples Brown Trading Stamps Wonderful Values in Furs 405 Washington St Cor. of Tenth aBt"B OT ' ii A Mercantile Power on the Pacific Coast Day trains three between Portland. an Puget Sound, carry parlor cars, highrbacl seat modern coaches, dining cars; night trains has standard and tourist sleeping cars, coaches.- 9 TO AND FROM ABERDEEN-HOQUIAM Three fine trains each day. ;j To RAYMOND, SOUTH BEND, OLYMPWj Two trains. ' ' 4 Tickets and all information at 255v MORRISON ST. I Phones Main 244, A-1244. EXCURSION FARES from all stations to Manufacturers' and Land Products Show Q Portland, October 26-November 14. j Northern Pacific Railway Winter Excursion to Florida in Nov., Decfi Jan. 9 STARK STREET i '-:'