r ..' : 16 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 20, 1914. SITUATIONS FEMALE . tCoatiauea.) NEAT appearing, . cultured - woman, wants to. care for children In the afternoon or evening, or matron In day nursery; reference. r-oii oft., k T. : m. Marshall 4663. - tOUNQ woman, single, much In need , of work, wanln noaltlon as hou- keener, or second girl: will do laundry f. work. Main 717. A-1517. ,YGUNO woman, greatly In need of work, wants position doing chamber Work or -kitchen helper: must go home rights. Main 717. ' AUDLLL aged woman, neat appearing, single, wants- work at once; is ex , perieticed in general housework; ref erences, Tabor 8768. " WOMAN, 27 years old. with two chil dren, 1 and 3 years old, wants work In home, small, wages. Nazarene Army. Wdln. 801. 720 Miesisslnni ave. LAl.ii would like position in office of -. doctor or dentist, or housekeeping lor professional man. Call room 620, Portland hotel. BY English girl, position In private I m .. ii . ...... i . - i family: unnd ulsiln cook: w&Kes no ' less than 25 per month. P. O. box 2044, Station A. ' YOUNO woman, with family to; sup port, needs work at once; experi enced in janitor work, or care of of fices,; references. Main 717, A-1617. YOUNG, neat appearing woman needs work at once: A-l waitress in dining room, or. laundress; prefers hospital.) ' Main 7223. i VAN TED By a middle-aged lady. position managing apartment or rooming house; references. Phone E. ; - 000. I ' UN M A KrtlL'D Irish woman wa Pts in chamber work in liotel or room! ;r.. ";-fZr.r?. Mr. in 7 7 " - - : : c .COMPETENT stenographer who does not desire uermanent position would , Main 6860. YOUNG trlrl, experienced milliner and clerk, wants position. Is also wait ress. Can give references. Main 717, A-1517. AN experienced woman with boy 4 wants position; housekeeper In re spectable home; good cook. 206 lnt Main 56x;:. NEAT utiiicarinK voung woman, ex pel ienced us cashier and in clerking, wants . worK at once. 10 per week. Main 71". GOOD reliable day worker wants houKeclcaning and washing and I ironliig to take home. 1617. Main 717, A- (JOMPETIiNT stenographer. 4 years' experience, wants position. Phone East 121 3. WANTED Situation on ranch as houseki per bv a woman with 2-yesr-old child Tabor 2492., bl'i'l AT I oN wanted by experienced first clut-s chamber maid. Tabor 2492. LACE curtains hand laundered,. 15c ujj. l alU-d for. Kxperts. Sellwood !!. AN experi.-iic il I'.TigJish cook wants wuilc li y day or hour. Lunches and dinriejH ii specialty. VVoodlawn 586. RhLI ABLE woman wants day work washing, ironing or cleaning. East C88I. .YOUNG woman wants position selling tickets for moving pitture show. Main ill, A -1 .' I i YOUNG girl," l"s. wants position car- Intc for hildren. Can give refer- entes. M:iln Joill. lUMI'CTKNT tUi'iKigrapher desires piece work or work by the hour. Ma I ii t;s 6 'i. 1 OUNG uirl v tierienreri waitreHS. neds position Imaiy. Ih arso seam- ! Mres Main 717, A-1517. Mluii.l..i;i:i married woman, exper- LARGE, light, clean 2 room suites. Ipiii'ed In cooking, wants work out of ' furnished complete for housekeep town Kefei . .i es. M:iin 7728. ling.' $7 and $8 per month;. 631 Thur- YOUNG irirl wants to care for chil dren days nlcep home nights, west 1 nld preferred. Phone Marshall 3679. NEAT miildleatred woman would like I . chamber work, half day. R-483, ; Journal. BTKNoGWAi'HEK Beginner, with high s. Imol education, wants work. Telephone Mi in 9l.1c. v O.MAN wants housework where hus- OILMAN uotel. 1st and Alder. Fur band (employed) can loom 6 days a ' nished H. K. rms. rhean. $1.50 wk. UP. month. .Sellwood iOi. rings. ENl'KUilONi 'Kl ) chambermaid work. C. J. 3 1.) No. 16th A-1790. wants street , l. 1 . VT . n .... ... ......... .. w .1 .. .. . wunts piano pupils. Phone Tabor i 4 1,1 ' t.'A i'A ii 1 .1 ; woman with small child .Hunts work; go id cook, searnstress und lniUKPk-'efier: I'-121, Journal. BTT N U i K ,P 1 1 1: It, " e xperieno d In le gal, commercial, would like position wt onoc, II- IS", Journal. YOUNG lady wishes position as cash ! ier moving picture show. 3S:1 5th. ell t ATlO.NS V. -.VST ED MALK ANI I'KSIAI.K 33 MAN and wife, experienced In janitor work in rooming, house, want work it once; good refer ni-es. Kast 6884. LACE ruitaiiiM lamirered; Hi , perlence; 1.1c up. Tabor u9 years ex- 33. B-2095. DIJESS.M.X KING 40 llliKSSMAKIMJ. plam and fancy, sat infnctloh guaranteed; waists. 75c up; nklrtH, $2 up. Mrs. Lee, Main 5652, A 3197. EXl'KUIENCED dressmaker wants work, home or out. 314 E. 48th st. Tabor 2379. PLAIN wewlng. repairing laces, etc. Woodlawn 3621. NURSES (SO .POSITION us nurse and companion or any case. Main 4246. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE (Continued YOUNG men may consult, without charge, register of fur nished rooms listing, several hundred in all parts of the cn. a. me 1. -w. c. A.; 'also those in , the Association bldg. : THE AI.HlUN HOTEL 21 2 U, 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, .hot and cold water, free bath, phone .OUTSIDE sleeping rooms, steam heat, . $2.50 wer-k, single and 2 room H. K. suites $2.50 to $3.50 week. The : ThomanHen apts 102 3d st ACKLV HOTEL Cor. 12th and Stark. $2.60 wk. up. Private bath, $4 up. Clean outid? rooms, modern trick bldg. BUCKINGHAM hotel. 20th and Wash ' 'Ington; new. fireproof, brick, every ; rtiodem convenience: $10 month up. NICE clean sleeping rooms; bathi heat ' and hot water. Free phone": S1.60 per " week. 4th and Market. a ,. HOI EL ARTHUR. 11th ner Mornaun. Transient and permanent,: rooms with 11 modern convenlen ces. 1 17.60 mo. up. ?" Nicely furnished A D RfiTT 25c day up i, 228 Wash. St. MDDUI I $1.50 wk. up KENILWORTH HOTEL, 228V4 2d. Low Miss Stewart. Main 1182. .MOOMS and apartments in modern ho tel, $2.80 week and ur. 455 A1dr. , THE KING. 309 Jefferson, nicely fur. rooms.' modern, central. $2 room up. I .HOTEL NOKRIS. 533 Alder, cheer- j , ful outside rooms, modern, $2 wk. up. Z nrainsHEs sooass i' ;?T,r-t Z " " t NICELY furnished rooms, pay you to k, Investigate; modern, good location. J. 588 Salmon. . 5 "h-Up ir tr -,.ia,n sAsM X axtaix-u,, -wav.as 4 Will Tt D' traill hat nrlvnto hatti. rinse In t91- lit! .'.Clay. , . . ' 1 BEAUTIFULLY furnlsned room, sleepine porch, hot water, electrlc ty. first floor. 123 N. 23d. ' NICELY furnished looms, $5 and - up. 547 Yamhill st. VVURiNiSilED'ioom tor laiy, Kearney ' and 19th. Marshall 6789. LARGE light rooms for rent. $1.50 to , $3 per month. 375 N. 19th st FLRNlSni-.jj room, lsth near Kear . $y. ' Main -6078. I 70 1 WIST 8EDB rEIVATB 7AMXX.T . f Continued) TWO front narlors and ninele rooms also housekeeping rooms, very rea- sonable. close In. Drivilieea of bath. phone, heat, laundrv travs. etc. See ! " t r WARM, furnished room, large closet. furnace heat, hot water, electricity. breakfast If desired. 123 N. 23d. Mar. 349. FURNISHED ROOMS 52; EAST S-jIPE HOTEL FARHEU Knott and Missis- this service especially valuable Real sIddI ave CrWn stam heated estate men and owners of private prop roSms -new' furniture- new mmee-: are invited to list their unoccu- rnnl'VeSsonaWeents: PhonS" Wood- tf StSS bureau8 lawn 1128. Mrs. Thos. Farrell. eler & Franks free rental bureau. WANTED -J-To rent my two Jroi.t rooms to a man and wife, the wife to care xor the flat of 5 rooms; no children; R-479, Journal. 1 71 EAST BIDE PRIVATE FAMXX.1T NICELY furnished room, heat, bath, 1 1 rw it we n r ( tt. -. t - lights, $6 month. 269 Fargo. V car. iJXFUKXISHKD ROOMS IP SINGLE J3.50; 2 rooms, J6.50; 3 room. 9; 344Jj Front. ROOMS AND HOARD 15 ROOM anil board; also table board, home cooking. 300 Jefferson st. BOOKS ASD BOAXUb PBIVATE FAItliiV 73 rnVRVf A T. nntlcman mav have pleasant rhome with widow and 1 daughter, 12. Modern house, piano, tnear Peninsula park. Room and board, I i J5 week. Phone C-1130. I GOOD home for couple of children. near good school, nice yard to play jn. Take Oregon City car at 1st and am or nff at riair r.rnw v Ti Keighner, Box 111. Oak Grove, Or. ROOM and board, private family, for two. $35 for 2 occupying same room. A-l location and surroundings. Tabor oiii. students prererrea. NICE furnished room, electric lights. phone, bath and piano; board ir de sired. 408 Broadway. Main 6257. YOUNG lady employed gives music lessons. Small charge for room and board. Tabor 3650. ONE furnished sleeping room near Washinkton High; breakfast if de al. T. t- fr A f 7 ) ; REfePONMBLE woman, wants to care for children at her home. Phone Woodlawn 400. NICELY furnished room with board for 1 or 2, reasonable; phone Ta bor 5166. MOTHERLY lady wishes the care or children. 383 5th. SLEEPING porch with board. 57" Trinity Place. Main 6781. WHEN you answer these Want,. Ads, i mention The Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE ONE room with kitcnenette. complete ly furnished, steam heat, running tot and cold water, phone in every room; $16.50 and up. i'.l Columbia bu, our- ! ner Bth St. TWO room snltes ajio single rooms ' complete for H. K steam heat, hot, I cold water; $8 to $12 month. 245 N. 17th st-. cor. Marshall. Mrshl. 4943 EXCEPTIONALLY large, attractive front room; fireplace, 7 windows, new house; suitable for 2 or more gentlemen. Mar. 5784; 327 Sixth. NICELY furnished h. k. suite, private bath, big closet, porch, basement; neat and clean as a pin, lor JJ.50 per weeK. Meters, it jm. atn st. man St., near zutn. ftione Mar. H6s. HEATED houekeeping room, with j kitchenette; ff cooking gas; $3.50 ; "eeK . T v .. ai n ROYCREST !T 12th and Yamhill, nice first floor (urnafn heate.l rirst tioor, rurnace heated sunny suite. Cambridge bldg., furnished H. K. rooms. central, cheap. 165 3d, cor. Morr'n. HOTJSEKEEPIITC? ROOMS i WIST SIDE PRIVATE FAMTtiY 73 FURNISHED sleeping and housekeep ing rooms, steam heat, bath, tele Pne Walking distance. $2 and up. v " 361 TAYLOR. Suites and single H. K. rooms also basement prone, bath laundry. f liKMSliKD housekeeping rooms, free light, bath, phone, $2.50 and $3. 403 2d. cor. Harrison. CLEAN, sunny housekeeping rooms, highly respectable, reduced rates, walking distance. 149 13th st- NEWLY furnished 2 room suites, heat and light, gas ranges, walking dis- ' tanee, reduced to $15. 386 Park. LARGE front housekeeping room, one sleeping room, reasonable. 211 6th street. s THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, $12.50 month. 692 ! Front. NICE front housekeeping rooms cheap, close in. 129 13th st. near Wash. SUITE and single housekeeping rooms, close in: adults. 21 N. 11th st. TWO H. K. rooms, adults only. 513 Johnson st; TWO modern furnished housekeeping rooms, $15. 469 W. Broadway. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS liST SIDE ao $1.50 TQ $2.75 ween, rurnished H. K. rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, baths. Fhone East 6039. 406 Vancouver ave. v HKN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. HOUSEKEEPING XOOHS EAST BIDE PRIVATE FABQLT 74 $3 WEEK, front room and kitchenette, free gas lights, phone, large front H. K. room;$2; large yard. 195 S. Grand ave. 4 ROOMS, light, heat, phone, piano, private bath. 546 East Alder st. East 1540. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. heat, light, $3 week up, 1 block L Liela y st.. near Morris. TWO clean, nicely furnished H. K. rooms $10. Also 1 sleeping room $G per month. 52 E. 12th st. N. TWO nicely furnished, modern H. I v. rooms, with large closet, 1035 E. 9th st. N. Woodlawn 200. NICELY furnished modern rooms, with use of kitchen, within walking dis tance. 6 E. 18th St.. near Ankenv. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 793 Belmont street. CLEAN outside suite, only $2.00. 3&2 East Clay, cor. Union ave. TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms. 1031 Garfield ave. THREE clean furnished housekeeping rooms, modern. East 5505. Adults. WHEN you Answer th-ioo Want Axis, mention Vie Journal. roRRENT HOUSES 12 I 4 ROOM modern cottage, large rooms wim ciosets at ou f ailing sti for $10; adults only. Marshall 2563. 5 ROOM modern house, completely rurnished, reasonable, to a good tenant; adults only. 828 E. 11th st. N. SEVEN large roms, $14; gas, bath, etc. 627 E. 9th. Phone East 6115. 5 ROOM house, beautiful vard, on Thvtrman st. Woodlawn 730. ' SIX room house, unfurnished or f uf- j nished. $11. Main 9130. ' r . TWO cottages, close in, east side., I cneap rem.. rnone cast 404U. FOR RENT 5 room cottage, east side, close in.. Phone Main 1755. 8 ROOMS, modern. East 28th st; will lease. Key at 861 Hawthorne ave. 5 ROOM cottage, cheap, 338 E. 44th. Call Tabor 356. MODERN 6 room bungalow, gas range and shades, $18. Woodlawn 1799. 6 ROOMS, $12.60; Sunnyside, Tabor J9. 4-room house, vard. 624 Mill stret near 16th street. 12 MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL A IN U JU"N tUKMAl lUIN tSUJttt.AU. Tenth Floor, Temporary .Annex. Complete and reliable list of all va cant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows in the city; make use of this service when you desire; this does store. You will find us willing and readv at all times to help you In locat ing. Newcomers in Portland will find J?OR RENT Good 5 room house, sleeping porch. all conveniences. furnace, etc. Rent reduced to J17.5o. Lot 100x150. 10 East 53d st. Key at i No. 12. NINE room house. 15. on 79th. 1 block to MV. car. See Mrs. Ottinger, 2050 Holladay ave. MV. car. TO RENT a room cottage, bath, fruit trees, near to car, J12. 1153 E. Aider st. Phone Tabor 3703. 5 ROOM bungalow. No. 1108 East Market st. W. L. Nash, owner, 199 E. 50th st. Phone Tabor 793, B-3081. SEVEN room house, 834 E. 8 th st-, N. Reasonable. See owner. Geo. W. Tabler, 48 N. 6th St. Main 1997. t NEW 6 room houses, furnace, fire places, ill ana zu. zsta ana Hi. Franklin. $17,50 5 room modern house sleeping porch, furnace. Lot 100x150. 10 E. aid St., in. is.ey next at n. $25 8 room house, cor. E. 16th. 625 Hawthorne ti ROOM house, 325 Halsey st. Phone C-1037. - FUltNnCRK FOG SAIAH HOUSES XOR RENT S2 FURNITURE of 9 rooms for sale cheap. Part cash, balance to suit buyer. 246 N. 17th st. . WEST side rooming house, furniture for sale, on Main st., 9 rooms. Price $300 Citizen Agency, 170 2d st. ADS ot lurnuur tor sala are pub lished in the Household Goods classi fication when house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 NICELY furnished 5 room cottage, bath, electric lights. 1V lots, near river, io: or win sen lurmiure, blocks to car; 5 Vic fare. L. L. Gray Island, Oregon City car, LOWER floor of modern bouse, fur nished complete. Piano, back and front porches; cheap rent. 1509 Oneon- ta st., Woodlawn. MODERN 5 room bungalow, complete ly furnished, with piano, gas. elec tricity, $18. Call 1509 Oneonta St., woodlawn. Phone AVoodlawn 400. SIX room modem house. furnished, with piano, 2 lots, garden, fruit, small modern house with 2 lots; 4603 45th ave.; B-1899.' FOR RENT Strictly modern 7 room house, furnished, neat and clean. Ap ply Ben A. Bellamy, Grand and Haw- thorne ave.- J-.ast 867. FURNISHED modern 6 room house. furnace, gas, electricity, piano. $28. 303 Fargo st. Phone Tabor 338L 5 ROOM new furnished house, strict ly modern, furnace, adults only. 1067 E. 22d st. N. WILL rent our 7 room home, furnished lovely, modern, desirable location, $35 a month; 393 College; Mar. 2703. $20 5 room modern furnished house, piano, near school, or will share. Tabor 3484.- 4 ROOM furnished cottage, water, light, phone. $15; no children. E-l 502, $12 4 room cottage furnished, with piano. 1290 E. 12th N. $16 Modern 4 room furnished bunga low. 3!1 hi. 3Vth st. m1,-,pi v fi,.j 1,,, NICELY furnished house, eta AduUs. 720 E. Ank gas, bath. Ankeny. PART of pleasant Woodlawn 3621. modern home. FOUR room furnished cottage, 834 Montana ave., close to 2 car lines. FURNISHED house, $25. Marshall 4138. 208 Abin gton. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THE ORLANDO Cor. 20th and Wash ington sts., very desirable, elegantly furnished 3 room corner apartments, $42.50 and $40; every modern conven ience: references. Marshall 184. WELLESiEY COURT APTS, E 15th and Belmont, half block south of Morrison st. Furnished and ' unfur nished 2 and 3 room apts., rents rea sonable. New 4 story brick building. MORTON apts, cor. - w aching ton and King sts.; 3 and 4 room furnished and unfurnished apts. Best and cheap est place in city, walking distance. Main 1082. A-1108. WALDORF COURT. IRVINGTON. East 9th and Schuyler. Five rooms unfurnished with large steeping porcn; strictly modern. c 668. East 547. THE WASHINGTON, 689 Northrup, 6 room fur. or unfur. apts., with bath and all modern conveniences; phone, steam heat, gas, electric lights, etc; "W" car to 21st & Northrup. M. 4378. THE DEZENDORF , 208 16TH ST.. NEAR TAYT1H i .eaegani o room rurmsnea ana unxur- msnru )ji., tttsu o ruuui iur. apt. SAN MARCO Air'TS., E. 8th and Couch sts. 3 room, steam heated apta. private bath and phones, outside rooms. $16 to $22. 109 NORTH EIGHTEENTH STREET. One, two and three room furnished apartments, $12 to $20, walking dis tance. GRACE apt., 24th and Northrup sts. 3 large rooms, bath, heat, phone, new and strictly modern, unfurnished. Call Aiarsnaii mis. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4 room apts., $18 up; good lanttor service; wainne distance, ref erences. iz wasn.. opp. azq. m. 7134. mont, furnished rooms, modern brick bldg.. all outside apts., steam heat, 1 i . . I t - narannl man.. crmAn, . THE PARKHURST, 20th. cor. North rup, modern 3 room furnished apart ments, homelike, private balconies. W car; references. 3 ROOM apartment, east aide, com pletely furnished; all outside rooms. Private bath and phone. $20. Phone B-10T9. JEFFERSONIAN APTS 614 Jefferson, Cor. lth st Two and three room furnished apart ments, $16. $22.50. THE ALCO, E. Couch and Union ave.; walking distance, summer rates, new, ' modern. 2 room apts.. $18 to $24 per month. PORTNOMAH apartments, unfur nished, hardwood floors, phone, etc. 4 rooms. $20. 200 E. 13th st. ELMWOOD APTS., 10TH AND HALL. Beautiful lobby, social hall, modern 3 room unfurnished apts. reasonable. THE ALBEMARLE 2, 3 room fur. apts. Steam heat, phone, bath, $20 to $28. 883 Williams ave. East 4193. DRICKSTON. 448 11th choice 2 and 3 -room apartments, pleasant outside rooms. Marsnaii o. NEW steam heated apts, furnished arhi unfurnished. - 856 East. 6th st. N. Woodlawn 2622. JULIAETTE APTS., 2d and Montgom ery, modern 2 room apts., furnished or unrurnisnea, reasonaoie. 1LHEE Apts., 487 Taylor, near 14th., Z room iurmsnea ajiaruoeaia on tOD .. .11 .v. lioor, iiioni.ii' - BEECH -2 r. fur. apta; desirable, rea sonable. 73 w imams av. w. 1796. THE PAGE Two lovely- apts., with prices to suit, tenant, tagt 3566. DOWNTOWN apartments, newly ren ovated, $20 ana up. 350fe Morrison THE LAURETTE 1 unfurnished 3 room apartment; modern. 229 llth st MODERN steam heated apts., $16 up. Harrison Court 394 6th st. WELL furnished 2 room apt. strictly modern, 443 Ha&salo. Phone li 2207. FOR REST HOUSES C Continued) APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ; (Contained) BRAND NEW BALBOA APARTMENTS. 429 HARRISON AT 11TH ST. Just comnfeted citra - large light. airy. 2 and 3 room furnished and un furnished apartments, with all modem, up to date conveniences. Prices rea sonable; references. Melciiffe Court E. 11th and Morrison, opposite east side public library; 4 story brick. building, automatic elevator, z ana 3 rooms, all outside, with every modern convenience; rates very reasonable; beautiful view: walking distance. BTJENA VISTA. TWELFTH AND HARRISON. Modern 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, walking distance; references. HADDON HALL, 414 11th St. 2 rooms with alcove, furnished, light. heat, phone and water, only $15. Other apartments reasonable" prices. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12 th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apt. Walking distance. . References. THE CODY 4 31 E. Taylor fit, modern brick buildii g; all outside rooms, steam beat, phone, light, furnished; rents very reasonable; thoroughly clean and under the personal manage ment of Mrs. Cody. THE IRIS Apartments. 3d and Mill sts., will be completed October 1; rents from $17 up; 2, 3, 4 room, all modern improvements; largest heating plant in city; furnished or unfurnished. No charge for cooking gas. SHEFFIELD apartments, 272 Broad way S., cor. Jefferson, easy walking distance; 3 or 4 rooms, with private baths, very reasonable rent, best serv ice, splendid arrangements, all outside rooms, direct phones. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, offers you a modern 5 or 6 room home in Nob Hill district with high class service, at moderate prices. Main -7516. A-2676. 4 ROOM steam heated apartments, furnished and unfurnished, $20 up. Main 792. FOR RETfT FLATS 13 CHEAPEST FLATS IN CITY. Well arranged unfurnished flat, 4 rooms and bath. $11 per month. Also similar flat completely furnished, for $15. Call at 539 Commercial Court, near RusselL "U" or "RS" cars. VERY sightly flat. 6 large rooms, fine location, easy walking distance, rea sonable rent. 618 Main st, near King. Marshall 1775. $22. MODERN 6 room upper; furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, all outside rooms newly tinted and large yard Cor. East 19th and Davis. Tabor 252. 6 ROOM lower flat; modern, good neighborhood, near school; paved street; furnace fuel free; $15. 1045 E. 21st st. North. $13 Unfurnished lower floor of 4 rooms, bath, hot and cold water, etc. 10 minutes' walks from postoffice. 571 5th st. West side. TWO room flat, partly furnished, cheap. 706 Vancouver ave. Wood lawn 1953. MODERN 4-room flat, built in buffet, carlines. reduced rent. 609 Wekl ler. THREE modern 4 room flats, rent $19 and $21. Cor. 12th and College. $10 4 room flat, 301 E- 11th; no chil- aren. itione Kast 9B3. SWELL 5 room modern lower flat, nice yard. 789 hi. Yamhill. Kast 5948. WEST SIDE 6 room upper flat, finest view; also 4 room cottage. SelL 1 370. WHEN yoa tuiswer theso Want Ads, mention The Journal. FURNISHED FLATS 50 MODERN 5 room lower flat complete ly furnished. Walking distance. Owner s home. 424 Tillamook. E. ISO SIX room furnished flat, sleeping porch, piano; 3 blocks irom Broad- way bridge. 400 Koss st- 4 ROOMS furnished, $12 per month. unrurnisnea, $10. 830 Haight ave. Phone Woodlawn 209. UP-TO-DATE, walking distance, 4 and b room nais, rree pnone. mast 3737 5 ROOMS and sleeping porch, fine res- laence, low rent, mast 4763. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention ine journal. STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland lor rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill HOTELS 34 THE BARVIEW hotel, on Tillamook Beach, under new management, is open all the year. 211 Failing bldg fnone A- or M. 202 9. w. A. Wise, prop. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 100 HORSES WANTED. 14 TO 15V4 HANDS HIGH. . 5 TO 9 YEARS OLD. Must be practically sound, fair flesh and condition, geldings or mares not in foal well broken to saddle. State quantity and prise cash on delivery at aepot. i w in buy a half dozen graysj Address A. LIVriK Y, P. O. Box 222, Portland. Or. Auction Sale of horses, vehicles and harness at Co lumbia stables. 392 Front, everv Thurs day at 2:30. We sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both Duyer and seller. If you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction. If you want to buy, attend this sale. $100 takes team of mares with harness about 1300 each. Take S car south to Sherman st. walk two blocks ectsr tr. Hood sU, two blocks south to Chester St., iu SPAN of dapple gray geldings, weight 3100; just home from work, hand made harness and good wagon, best Duy in the city ror $250. 1640 Ma cadam st. Take F car to Cross Roads. BARGAIN Have no use for them. ZiOO id. team or horses, double har ness and farm wagon, $125 takes out fit 1967 hj. Stark st Trial allowed. FOR SALE, 1 span of farm or deliv ery mules- ana double harness a a bargain. 1967 KastStark St TEAM, matched blacks, weight 2200 pounds, farm wagon and harness, $135. Call or address 81 E. llth st- N. $30 TAKES 1100 lb. ranch horse, true worker single and double. 1967 E. Stark st. 3 SPRING wagons and 2 good stock saddles for sale cheap. 191 67 E. Stark st, DEAD horses and cattle taken away rree. an day or nieni. aDor 4ZU3. A FINE saddle mare for sale cheap. iD( ci. oiarK sl $125 BUYS pair bays. 2300 lbs., good workers and harness. 368 EL 6th st. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention ine journal. FOR SALE horse and farm wagon $35 apiece. Phone E. 4939. FOR RENT stalls in sanitary ;barn $2 a neaa. i-none Hi. 43. IjITESTOCK 35 10 HEAD high rade dairy "cows, 4 Jerseys, 2 Holstein, 1 Guernsey, 2 Durham; 3 to 7 years old, fresh and coming fresh; $60 per head. 1 reg istered Holstein Freishen' buIL Take Woodstock car to 59th ave, walk 4 blocks west. FOR' SALE Mitchell heavy size drag saw, in, good order; cuts 4 foot log in 10 minutes; cash. $175. Phone owner, ti. orepe, m igara, nr. COME - and see us about all breed dairy cows. Geo. R. Molcel Cow Co, 607 Commercial block. Main 1J. FTJLJL-BLOOD, registered Jersey bull, 18 months old. to be sold at. once. Call B-1279 or Tabor Z2. NO. l family cow for sale cheap. 1967 E. Stark st. - WANT good family cow. Call eTea lnga. labor ios. 35 12 HEAD of fresh dairy cows giving from 4 to 6 gallons per day. all big. fine cows, 5 and 6 years old. Durham, Guernsey and Holstein. Take Wood stock car to 60th ave, walk 3 blocks west and 1 north. THREE fresh cows with calves from 5 to 25 days old; very rich and heavy milkers; 1 Holstein coming fresb next month, very reasonable. 2061 E. Wash ington st,. Mt Tabor car to 82d. 2 blocks north. POULTRY 37 GOLDEN Silver Chinese pneasants; Mallard ducks, Japanese silkies; Or egon Bird & Pheasant Farm, Beaver ton, Or., R. No. 1. BLACK Orpington cockerels, beauties, cheap. 6405 44th st. Sellwood 1230. WHKN you answer iheao Waut mention The Journal. DOGS AND HOL8EUOLU PETS 40 FOR SALE- If you want a good watch dog, I will sell you my 9-mo.-old English, bull. Pedigree stock. T-252. Journal. FOR SALE Trained bird dogs, Aire dale, Irish terriers and French bull dog. C. R. Campion, R. F. D. 1, Mdnta villa. Tabor 125. REAL Irish terrier pups, dandies, best of nal-t and watchmen. John M "Mann, 382 Stark st. Both phones; Main ana a-ju8. PEDIGREED Boston bull for sale or trade for diamond. Woodlawn 2513. WHjN you answer (heso Want Aau, mention The Journal. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 ELECTRIC AND SELF STAKiING AUTOMOBILES. NEW AND USED. LEARN TO DRIVE FREE. Motor to San Francisco, 1915. Call and see any of the following cars, all guaranteed: Prices $200 upwards; terms to suit. 1 MAXWELL roadster. " 1 WARREN roadster. 1 MOLINE 5-passenger. 2 BUICK 5 passenger. 1 REGAL 5-passenger. 2 BUICK 1500-lb. trucks. 1 PIERCE ARROW 7-passenge stage car. Wo sfell the best cars for the money, new or used. Howard Auto Co, BUICK DISTRIBUTORS 14th and Davis sts. . Used Auto Snap BUY NOV AND SAVE MONEY. We have several good used cars to select from. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Northwest Auto Co. BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. Main 8887. . A-4959. STbDEBAKER "30," panel top deliv ery car. thoroughly overhauled, new parts throughout, repainted, new over- sii&e tirtrs, cniusa, power pump etc Price $450 for quick sale. See Mr. Miller, Oregon Motor Car Co Stude baker bldg.. Chapman and Alder sts. Main 9402. A BEAUTIFUL CAR USED VERY LITTLE COST $4000 7 Passenger SEAT COVERS EXTRA TIRE FULLY EQUIPPED LOOKS AND PERFORMS THE SAME. OWNER WILL SELL IT FOR $1250 rsO TKAUKS, BUT WILL GIVE TERMS TO RELIABLE PARTY See Mr. Ausby or Mr. Von. Howard Auto Co. BUICK DISTRIBUTORS 14th and Davis Sts. LIGHT DELIVERY. White panel top delivery, newlv painted, good tires and in No. 1 me- unaiiicaj cuuuiuvu. x i ice a uv, easy terms. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO, 690 Washington St. i OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tire Shop," 550 Wasfhington st, at 18th Marshall 379. TIRES w t iJLUaUESS for : " BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS Large stock. Prices $300 to $750, OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. Studebaker bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder. (Written guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 16th st N H ) Painting Auto Top Co. .... m. I tin ir l-j l , , I rt " rtifma reasonale: factory finished. 15th and Wash. Mar. 945. Lowit & Mossman. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A GOOD DIAMOND REASONABLE SEE ELBY CO., 320 LUMBER EX. BLDG. 2D AND STARK STS. WANTED Automobile as first pay ment on 7 room house; rental value $20; price $3250. Call 414 Corbett bldg. FEDERAL TRUCK. Federal truck with express body and top, in first class condition; easy terms. U-oo, Journal. A TO QPR NftC-UADE AND BE- Frank Lange. 228 Salmon. Main 181. WANTED To buy scrap rubber and metals. Highest cash prices paid. J. Leve, 1S6 Columbia St Main 6198. BUICK nanel too delivery in good me- rWfo- Srlr !TC S4ailnf.,VS2l' price $300; easy terms. T-241, Journal. SLIGHTLY usea tires, largest stock in Portland. 3 to fib. Fine repair ing. Tire Supply Co.. 207 Madison,. FOR RENT Garage. 21st and Clack amas: electric lights, cement road way. $5; 824 Morgan bldg.; Main 2035. FIVE passenger Maiwell, also hood to be used as delivery truck; Tabor 943. FOR SALE, by owner, 1913 Ford. Call phone C-2333. rorenoons. ONE 5 pass. 30 h. Cadillac 5th Bt, at a bargain. 123 N. WANTED Ford engine, or light 20 - H. P. auto engine, urn wain. it,. WHKlN you answer tnese warn aus, mention The Journal. MOTOIiCYCLiES-BICYCL.ES 53 -t -, -. 1 l i. i- 191S 2-snrl Indian. dream tandem. Rushmore lights and Presto tank, complete, $150 if taken at once. W. F. Flemming, 149 E. 34th st 1913 7-H. P. Thor motorcycle, fully equipped, no junk, cheap. 828 E. Sherman, near 26th st. Phone Sell wood 1555. FOR SALE) 1914 motorcycle, run less than 40 miles. A bargain. 1-426, Journal. CTCLECAR $250. will take diamond or motorcycle. Oliver. 206 Alder st. FOR SALE Bicycle, $4. Woodln 3190. MUSlCAIi INSTRUMENTS 34 WANTED 100 old style Edison pho- notrraDhs with horns lor export pur- noses. Will Pay cash or make liberal allowance toward payment of modern machines. Eilers Music House. WANTED 100 old style Edison pho nographs witn horns for export pur poses; will pay cash or make liberal allowance toward payment of modern machine. Eilers Music House. 11 ?S hnvst hicrh rra.d nlano: picpnnnn ai chance, a as Lumuer n.xcnange w ' . . . : bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. HOUSEHOLD GOODS foP Sale 63 ONE practically new Reliable gas ranro. 1 hiirnorsi- ton oven urA broil LIVESTOCK (Continued) 3 er. Ruud water heater, connections! ana plenty oi pipe complete, o; aisa good folding bed b. 'labor i045. FUKMllUKK ttetore Duytk band goods, see what you can 't bere on new goods for cash. Get post ed. William Oadsby. 1st and Wash. WE buy, sell and exchange new and second band furniture of all kinds. Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction A Com. Co- 191 Second st. PIANO, victrola and furniture for sale. Call at once, a bargain. J. fVolc aOO Idn-Bbee st. uEfff,a room house- I 160. zag ivy st- U car. - 1 WHEN you answer, these Want Ada, I mention -i ne journal. 77 GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C Smith, I Oliver. Smith Promier. Royal, etc, 1J5 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. JV tjui jo.. sq ana Alder sts ,WE save you from SO to 76 per cent oo ait maies oi typewriters. sena for ouc iilustr-.ted folder; retail de partment.' WHOLESALE TYPEWRIT" ER CO.. 321 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington ijpewriier company, t uroaaway. YOU can rent visible typewriters 3 months for $4; convenient at home. cj nun nn rem appueu on pur. chase. Main 6273. or A-4441. 244 Stark. NEW, rebuilt. 2d hand, rentals out rates. P. p. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. FOR SALE- USCELLAXEOUS 19 SEWING MACHINES 25 samnle ma- . V, "l oinger, wnite, JNew Home &ni H1rldse make, regular $60. $70 and $80 machines for. $35 while they last; a. snap; also a large amount tof second hand machines $5 up; a written guarantee with every machine; 30 days" free trial, machines rented. Main 9431. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3rd. near Taylor tit. HESblAN Grocery, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, tinware, school supplies. Orders taken and promptly delivered to all parts city. Why pat ronize public markets when you can buy for less from the retailer? Bar gains in lanr1. and city property. If not right we make it' right. W. A. Hes sian, prop., 1193 Hawthorne ave Ta bor 81 or B-2549 GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Marine & stationary. Marine Hardware. Write for catalogue. GAS POWER & SUPPLY CO.. 168-172 FTont st, Portland. Oreeon. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and - household pets or poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different headings. KEEP DRY Umbrellas for sale and repaired; new covers a specialty. Prices reasonable. 449 East Burnside St. FERTILIZER Delivered by the cubic yard; well rotted cow or horse manure. Phone East 6315. B-3463. FOR SALE, 2d hand spring wagon. heavy chain, picks and shovels. All at your own price. 733 Bidwell ave., Sellwood. CHAMPION stitcher, $75, finisher $50, 2 patchers $15 and $25. Flemming stitcher $100, 2 H. P. motor $45. Watrous Shoe Store, 4519 60th av., S NEW WThite drophead sewing machine also 2 new trunks. Room 9, Wash ington bldg. FOR SALE -15 choice biOod sows, all sizes and ages; 34 choice rigs. Phone owner, H. Grebe, Tigard. Cr SAFES All sizes at cost; safes re paired. Mosler Safe Co.. 409 North- western Bank bldg. Main 7676. FOR SALE Reliance steel range. good condition. $12. Call 262 Al berta st, U car. DRESSES made for $1.50 and up; sat-' isf action guaranteed. 147 Eleventh st. west DON'T buy any plumbing supplies till you get our wholesale Drices. Htark- Davis Co., 212 3d st. Main 797. Sewing Machines 1 terms. 382 Morrison. A-5110. Mar. 721. $22 buys lady's solid goid watch, set witn small aiamona. 320 Lumber PhnnrB hinr a unH sisrv -tu FINE grey overcoat size 4 4, almost new. cost $25. sell at $10 cash. Tabor 504 5. LARGE and small dry goods' boxes for sale. $1.50 a dozen, call Main 6287. FOR SALE Raincoat 34, $6. E. Bur- well. 448 Taylor st DIAMOND paint $1.66 gal. Port Door & Window Co.. 230 Front. Mar. 100. GEVURTZ furniture store. 208 1st Lowest cash pric-a In the city. $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing machine with attachments. 162 Grand ave. FOUR ton lco making and refrigerat ing machine. Washington. 444 Wash. FOR SALE $40 gocart for $5; 449 Failing st. I FERTILIZER for sale. C-1876. 47 I ..... I. ... LADIES' gold watch, value $30; will sell for $20. LJ-71. journal. BOAT hull, 30x5 feet for sale cheap. Call E-5424. SAFES New and second hand, bar gains. 101 1st st Main 3565. TYPEWRITERS Professional and Business ACCORDION PLEATING K. STEPHAN HeiaftitcuUig. accordion. hW and unburst pleating; buttons coTcrru. goodg Bpongerl. Soalkiplng. 383 Alder. M-837. ASSAYKRS I WK 0jj gold, ller, pUtlnam, or or I sample. Pickering & Co., Anayer. 510 Horthwest Mdg.. 61h and Washington sti. ATT0E1TEYS IUSLIABLK Uwyer, diToros, collection. -1r,,j: tree tdricv. reasonable few. bank euy I terms. 612 Swetlapd bid; Marshall 576. BLAHK BOOS HAKR8 DAVIS & HOLMA.N, Inc. 10S 2d at. Ulan book manulactnrera; agents ior jonea im- proTed Loose Leat Ledgers. See tns new Enreka Leaf. A-31S3. Main 183. BTTSINXSS COLLEGES LINK'S -BUSINESS COLLEGE, 5t!i floor. Til- ford Mdg.. Portland, or. rnong Main ovaa. CARPET CLEANING. JOYCE BROS, klectrlc Cleaning worka, csr- . i t lu iri rt-flttlne our BM- 1 euity. East 440. B-liww. m e. ltb st. N. ca liPfcTH cleaned. retUUng .aditiayliuf. i Packer. Tatxr iuo. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. rug from old car- I pets, rag rags, carpet cleaning, im K. sts. I Work cs'.ied f-jr. East 8JWO. R-I2SO. I tKNINiSULA Bug Works Hag ug and car pet wTlng. I51W 1'atlon are. WIdn. CHIROPRACTORS DR. MeMAHON. 121 4th. 37 tt Williama ave., 18 aditutments $10. iattent get well. COAL AND WOOD. mr-r-n o r- a n n for for A-l dry 4 foot fir IlLLn Oi rrttin and oak , cord wood Also sawed to order. lTompt oe- pn bery. Main 45Wt. a -4547 Central Fuel Co. and coal uboDe Main lWMi, A-1IQ6. 24'J 2d. Suu.ll orders a specialty. PACielC SLABWOOD CO.. Main 70, A-7.1U1. Green short wood, blocks, big Inside, small Inside, dry slabwood. short planer trimmings. Edlefsen Fuel Co."1 S-: 7Tr K. J. EVERTS. JUl.x CharCOal foot or cubry street DRV slab and MWiwaww. mi'-'. Stands rd wool ""- ' - ; COLLECTIONS -1 i BOY accounts, bills, notes and Judgments - I .mtv name and nature anywhere. ror - I nma and nature any i v. . . i mirk results answer m-ore. I nplN accounts, notes. Judgments collected. Adont abort meiuou results. SWt id1utmer.t Co.. WX N W. Bank. M. 074 contracting and -bxttldino - I ufintre IT JONES. JR. i BUILD ANYTHING FROM SCBEBlf DOORS TO A HOTEL. TABOR 1764. EY-B. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. LPNGS. Specialist. Moderate prices. Glaes Htted. Dr. w : .-. n a M-tt n.wi LlsW 9A Jk irV ash EDUCATIONAL DANCING cDnr uil. WIIJUIN'S Walts, hesitation one-steo. twos ten. scbottlacbe; lessona 25e . I morning, afternoon. ee.; gnaraotee to teach anybody woo walks bow to dance. 86 6th I st., bet. Stark and Oak. 4 prtrste lesson $2; 18 clasres. Phone Msln 7637. MSSeSS ISSJ Z2r2S'22& twxHStep iroaranteed in 4 urlrats I lessons; class Mon. and rrt. eT., T to ; as- scmbiy alter. ui nri, oc. u, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 fOoattnaaO ' STORE FIXTURES AND HOUSE HOLD GOODS 2 counters, 2 shelvings, 2 standing desks. 2 filing cabinets, letter press, refrigerator, candy Jars, small scales, ranges, 2 heaters, 2 dressers, 2 phono graphs. Singer sewing machine, 1 com mon barber chair, bath tub, iron beds, tables, chairs. 112 Union ave.. next postornce. Electric Motors ' Electric motors bought, U sold, rented and repaired. . Walker,Electric Wks. 10 and Burnside. Main 6674. FOR SALE N- aa second band carom asio. pocket .,'lliard tables an! bnwling alleys and tx cessories. bar fixtures of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 46 48 6th st. Main 769. A-1769. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS" "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. Fertilizer Cow manure in any quantity deliv ered to any part of city. Special rates on more than one load. After ti p. m., Tabor 5914. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED The pecple of Portland to know that I pay highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or loo email to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. East 6707. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front St.. buys 2d hand fur niture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Main 9072. Our buver ;alls promptly. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay all the cash it Js worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchange.. East 636. THE GLOBK STuRE WANTED. SECOND HAND CLOTHING And everything Highest prices paid. Main 20S0. 285 1st. near Jefferson. I WANT to buy furniture out of store or a home, or will trade for same, one of two very fine pianos received as wedding gifts. Y-84, Journal. CABINET maker's bench, must be bargain'; state price. C-503, Jour nal. CALL up E. 6i20, M. R. Seater, to sU your furniture. Prompt attention, bis-liest cash prices. 3!8-374 Hawthorne HkZ WISE Get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8951. HIGHEST price paid for rifles, Bhot- gun cameras. Horn f eld. 4 4M N. 3d. FOR best prices on your household goods! Call Secord. East 4238. SWAP COLUMN 23 INCUBATOR, brooders, feed cutter. Perfection oil stove. 1 dozen Imper ial self heating flat irons, for 2 horse gasoline engine, large rug, furniture. O-10 Journal. SMALL motor boat, good order, ex change for furniture. A-851, Jour nal. FOR SALE or trade, good violin out fit for diamond. Apply room 53. Main 7954. WINCHESTER rifle. Remington single shotgun. Trade for typewriter. Call 202 Gerlinger bldg. LOST AND FOUND" 21 THE following articles were found on the. cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder street station. Marshall 5100, A-6131: October 17: 14 umbrellas. 1 pin, 2 purses, 1 napkin. 1 cartridge belt, 1 pail of Karo, 2 small packages, 1 log gers' outfit. 1 basket 1 grip 1 ladies' purse. 1 ruler, 2 purses, 1 sack of nails. 1 suit case, 1 book of church songs. 1 camera stand, 1 lunch box, 1 rain cape, 1 bill book, 1 satchel, 1 suit case, 1 necklace, 1 hat pin. 5 packages, 1 gun, 1 .basket October 18: 2 purses, 1 vanity box, 1 rain cape, 1 pair canoe paddles, 1 lunch box, 1 grip. 1 plant 1 set of plans 1 pin, 1 pair of gloves. 1 lunch box. i music roll, 1 jar of pickles, 1 package. 1 nooK. CRESCENT pin, with 4 leaf clovtr an1 small diamond in 'center; valued as keepsake. Leave at 124 2d st. djB, or 165 Monroe st. evenings, and receive reward. FOUND A bead bag and purse; own er may have same by calling at The Journal business office and proving property. LOST A red shepherd dog, white paws, hair cut off on back and no collar. Telephone Main 4973. Reward. John Ryrhen, Hillsdale, Or. - LOST ct 14, cameo bar pin, valued keepsake; reward. Marshall 5820. DANCING WHITING-IRELAND banc-lug Academy. Max lie, One-Step, lie&;tatiun. Leason daily. ;A1 Alisky bide. Ud and Morrison. Main HOItt. MTTSIC SCH00L8 AND TEACHERS LACHULOK u inuMc otferit complete course pianoforte to studentb ;irepartiic to teacb. Theory, church organ. U-104. Journal. K. THIKLliOKN, vl.jiin teacher, popll .Sc-lfc. 207 Klieducr bldg. A-41BO Marnhall 1fia. 1. K. LAWSU.N. pianu studio. 422 Morrlsoo. Main tllVJ. lessons. 6Dc. POPULAR MTSIC UAGTIMk; on plaiio gniirantesd lglcntfrs lu 10 leasoDS. i'lciure flaying. Kree detaoo ftration. Krw Hnklc. 6il K1lr hlda;. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS. Mu'IUKS, genera torn bougut, sold, rviileU and repaired. We do all kinds of tepsirinji and rewinding; all work guaranteed. II. 41. M. Kkctrlc Co.. HI N. 1st at. Phon Mnln 21il. W K buy, aelL rent and exchange new and aecond hand nxtort, repair work a specialty. Western Klrr'r'c Worlcs. i:i th l Mar. iKfi. EOXTNDRT AND MACHINE SHOP. PHOEN'iX- lrou 'JTjrk l"nia kit, ut od and Uaw- tbome. tJeneml hine and finiiMlry work. FURNITURE REPAIRING 421 HAWTHOIiNE, furniture repairers; 20 yrs. In I'urtlaud. Free deliery. Kitt 3044. KODAK STJPPLIE8. Kf))AKS and "'1 auppliea. leitoang. ItyunilU iTlotlug -lid enlareluj. FihK ic MAUKUAM CO.. ::4j Washington. MESSENGERS. UUTUUCVCLli and tiicyclea. 'bone lm JJ. A-ai5:i. UASTY MBKlSKNfiKK CO. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. FUlLLIi'S Paralyaia, nerroas ud ct rou te diseases. no4-S oregontan Mdg. M HUJ. OSTRICH PLUMES. Bar loess 1'lume bbop. cur. Park and Vanj- hlU. slain l&OU. OrtrtA. paradise, fancy featbers. remodeled, cleaned, dyed to mates tuajplM. Work go una tewl . I'LI MKS cleaned, dyed, curled and ruude. lat est styles snd color; expert hlack dyeing. C G. Venator, 4S4 Wash. St.. tel. Main 1512 PAINTING. PAPERHANOINQ. TINTING bnteliffe 4k Blied, best work In paiutlug. t perlng. M. 1872. A-223S. 12S) lltb t FAYING COMPAttlES THE BAKBlaU ASfUAL'l PAVING CO.. Per Und office. SOS Electric bldg. Manufacturers f- Jobbers Wholesalers BREWERS BOTTLERS HKNUY WKlNHAKK i:ith ami Biirntde. r i - i DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co, FASH IMPLEMENTS VEHICLES K. M. WIDE CO.. 22 Uawtborns art. Wholesale Arricnltnral Implements GRAIN KERCH ANTS M. H. HODSKK. Board of Trade bldg. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAS. L. alASTlCK CO.. 74 Front, of every desrrIption: indlngs. Leatbet KEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR COLLMciA Neckwear AUg. Co., u UiB st. LOST AND FOUND 2i ' (Continued) THE following articles weregfpund oc , the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power company, and owners thereof may claim at the ;?First and Alder street, station, Marshall 5100, . A-6131: - -ji October 6 4 umbrellas. book, I roll of musici l'drum frame,! ? box ci gars, 1 pair spectacles, 1 sat: papers, 1 book, 1 basket, 1 lunch box,fl; sickle. 1 package, 1 6c piece. 2 boots 1 pack age. 1 hand bag. 1 lunch box. 1 book, 2 books of car tickets. 2 purses. LOST, Bunch of keys. Finder pleas return to American-Hawaiian S. S Co.. 270 Stark St. ' ' WHEN yju answer these. W ant Au, mention The Journal. PERSONAL ijf f 23 MEN and women, those suiterm from every curable disease or habit treat ed and cured by the latet natural healing methods, including' radium, electricity, heat light bat hp j manipu lation, adjustment; and massage; m operations, no mediclnefre!Consulta tion. Dr. "P. E. Lewis, successor Jo Dr. W. 2. Mailory, Naturopath, 31a Rothrhilrt bl'jg. iij LADIES Ask lor Anttko i Mixture no. 8. "teller wan 7 pills for female iUa. A quick. )t safe and sure regulator, easy to use. works like magic. without harm, nain or inter- i ference with work. Price $3. Double strength. $5.00. For sale by Helrond Drug Co.. 222 Morrison, near First , THE. famous Battle Creek sanitarium tlectric light and massage treat ments for rheumatism, lumbago and kindred ailments can now be had in -Portland. For nervous, tired men and women this system of massage is un equaled. A trial will convince. Electro-Hydropathic Institute, 3d floor Empress Theatre bldg. Phone M. 4014. oo; a FIGHT on hin crices.ii Why pay Sj to $10 fpr a pair of e lasses, when 1 can fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold tilled frame as low as $1,507 C. W. GoodmTj, 191 Morrison st. near bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. EXPERT work in dyeing. remodeling', and restor ing plume,) Moderate etiarges and prompt serv ice. THE PLUME, 258 Morgan bldg. Main 4009. MME,DREYFtSS Who was for years Portland's most gifted clairvoyant, is demonstrating and teaching mind heallng and mental suggestion. 405-- Goodnough building, opposite postoffice. ABOUT HAIR GOOD& Don't trust peddlers with combings; let us make thent up. 95c up. Wigs, toupes a specialty, 20 yrs est'd. Febvet & Hanebut, 147 B road way; ft r. Morrls'n. SPIRITUAL" - medium, Rev. Virginia Rowo. Reading healing ; daily; cir cles Tuesday and Fridayi eVemngs, S o'clock. 231 6th st. Phon A-7116. niVHRPFQ i''ree consultation atty. UlVUIlUl-Owlth much i experience. Office hours 8 a. in. to 10 p. ru. Phone for appointment. Marshall 4368. MRS. STEVENS. 21 years Portland's renowned palmist and " clairvoyant has her book "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale 291 Morrison nt.J G x1. rv ,MAN TRAINED NURSE Treat ments for rheumatisnn lumbago etc. Massage ai?d baths. 452 Salmon st. cor. 13th. Mar. 5033. Onen Mutidava. SPIRITUALISM, Rev. M. A. Price. Cir cles, luffl., t w ea. ana bun., b p. m. Readings da'ly, 603 Btttj st. Mar 3960. DIVnRPF9L,lwyer .25 years' ex. UIVUnOLOperlence. rellable, advice free. 404 Rothchild bldg. 2 87 Wash. HAVE, your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702. SPECIAL, 2 mo. only, IS Cniropractlc treatments, $10. 1-3 Regular price. Dr. C. S. Tigard. 316 Alisky bldg. THE FUR oMOP. New orders, remodeling, best work. lowest prices. 717 Swetland bl d g. DR. Q. V. KETCHUil-Women mal adies and acute diseases men. Wash, bldg.. 4th and Wash. Fjm. 41. Ml. 448. SPIRITUALmedlum, EtBeiia Pearsin; readings daily; circles Tuesday, Thursday -eve. 431 Salmon. HOT BATHS AND i-MASSAGE. Magnetic healer. MaJBk 8527, A-7271. PHEASANTS prepared for hats. 717iSwetland bldg. HAVE you rheumatliyn? Tabor 5798. CHIROPRACTIC, lil 4th. Chroma cases; 18 treatments $10. Other lexn I AAVPR Consultation free Mala lr I LI I 4993 708 Selling bldg BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davis St. Main 2iii. HAVE you rheumatism? Tabor 579S. Noncics 20 AKTKtt October 15 I will not be rospmuilblft for any eojnt opened by Mm. li. A. (or Augusta) McClaln In mj name. B. A. M-C"laiii. Directory EPEBER STAMPS AND BE ALB ALSO stencils, trade checks, brut sic MS. I'A IHC COAST 81' AM V WOKKH 2l, Wnhtngt,n at Mio-7ttt. A-VT710. BEWINO MACHINES Si.VLUU MAC HIM All tuakus, imtw iud S4 band, lur aalo ur rent- prices, lowing Ma chins Km uorlum, 1V0 iliifi. near Tay lor. Main 6431. SHEET METAL, WORKS. ukl-AliilMJ, llu and gravel ruoia. Loall. 310 First. fui.ne Main P 1 424. iacob TAXIDE&MUIS V0 NiT CliKAPLb'f niiif iwi work! wu imuU k'. B. rinley. OroTllIe, Cal. ' TRANSFER AND STORAGE GUI .NO EAS1' .r y "lio'iMi WfeSfT We Can Bare Yob M'o-j. Reduced rates n HmiMd Hla. Plasos, Aut4 mobiles, etc. IbrouKb ctruolitlated cass lusuring pruoipt delivery anil cartful lis nd ling. Itates aitd inluriuntiou tuiisticii ou reqiMSL. -PACIFIC COAdl FOUWAUlJl.V.. COMPANY, i'liouc ,LariuilJ 2Uit. 201 Wilcox Uulldliig. Fijrlland, Oregoii. C. o. I'lit irauatt-r A Urage Co. utiles and coujuumIIuu 4 alory brick warsuouss witb separata irou looms nd firsproot raatc tor aiubiea. M. W. corner M and PIm sis. -Planu aud lurniturH uiuvd and packed foe stipplng. special rates i jjjade on goods, la tnrougn rara. to all doitiesuc and farclga i.iilui Wain Mm), -imm. OLM.N-ttJk TRAKbkKU CO. Htw lirsproof warenoue with separate rooms. We more and pack bousebold goods snd pianos and snip at reduced rates. A a to sans aud teams 'for muring, rorwardlug and diaiributing sxeuU. 1 res trackage. UtIUs and wairDuae. llitii and lluyt. Main &47. XJA. OREGON TRANSFER CO. stabUane4 j 1870. Transfer and lor warding s(ats. Storage, Iree trackage. Office and aturagoj : 474 ullsan at. intb and UIIhso. j ' Msla DO, A-I1SB STOBAUB. M MANSINO WAHKU-.-USB TRANSFER CO 13TH A.NU aVKBKTT STS. Let us mure, pack or ship your boosboI4 goods. Reduced fr;lgbl V rates un saalsra snlpments. Tbrougb csr. H serrlco. MAIN 7ri.V , A-2214. BAUOAGK Tranter berries Co. Main 120. A-1203. j .i VI flam st. WINDOW CJ.EANTNO EXI'KKT WIXDOW CLKANKRC Alain 327. 212 Henry Ibklg. A-47&3. FAINT, OIL AND GLASS KASMUSiiEN 4k CO., !Hlgu Standard- paint. r 2d snrf Tsytor, M.-A-I77t. . K. eiirner PIO K K.H FAIXT CU..Uo Ut af Uala Wt,' PiPE WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD PIPU CO factory U office near 24th snd; Virk sts. Msla 4W PLUMBING PIPE -STEAM SUPPLIES M l ll IMCi;- MJ(-87-Sf IVIi I . rll IK L.U FRONT 8TKEET. ROPE AND-BINDER TWINE - Portland Cordage Co.- WAIX ; TAPER MORGAN WALL PAPER CO. 230 2d betwaeo Salmon and Jklaia. " LA 6-room house 630 6th street, rent $15. r