The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 20, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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Ubcml an Personal
-m r ONDAT afternoon Mrs. Helena
MLaad Corbett will open her
home for a large charity card
party for the benefit of the
People Institute. The -affair will be
elaborately arranged and will be
among the most important events of
the coming week.
For Mlsr LiebenthaL
In compliment to Miss Anita. Lie
ben thai of San Francisco, the charming
house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford
Iowensart, Miss Ella Hirsch has asked
gueats for Wednesday afternoon to at
tend the performance of the Baker
Stock company.
Guest of Mr. and Mrs. Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Adams have
s their house guest Mrs. J. Van Leer
Klchbaum of Seattle. Mrs. Eichbaum
Is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Adams.
Afternoon Card Partj.
Delightful in every way. was the
rsrd party given yesterday afternoon
by the woman's department of the
Rose City Park club, it being the reg
ular monthly afternoon around the
card tables. Sixteen tables were used
for games of auction bridge and five
hundred. The prize for the high score
in auction went to Mrs. Z. H. Oreen
ough and the honors for five hundred
fell to Mrs. W. U Dalton.
At the conclusion of the games Miss
Oenevieve Peck, whose voice has add
ed to the pleasure of the club mem
bers on several occasions, sang a
group of songs. The women were then
Invited upstairs where tea and cake
were served from tables made attrac
tive by the use 'of marigolds and yel
low candles. The hostesses for the
afternoon were: Mrs. Arthur Laidlaw,
Mrs. J. U. McDonald, Mrs. W. A. Lov
ett. Mrs. C. ' H Leadbetter and Mrs
Frank Perry. The ladles department
Is planning a Halloween dance Thurs
day sveaing, October 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Morse Honored.
The friends and neighbors of Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Morse gave them a
pleasant surprise party last Thursday
evening at their horn at Woodmere.
Progressive five hundred was played
during the evening. Richard Wood was
the winner of the first prize and Mrs.
13. G. Curtis won the consolation prize.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Har
ris, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Curtis, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Morse,
Mr. and Mrs. Hottenroth, Mr. and
Mrs. Witherell, Mr. and Mrs. Allen,
Mrs. Pillar, Mrs. Tibbies and Mrs.
Grace Curtis.
Evans-Cusick Marriage.
Miss Elizabeth Maud Cuslck and D.
Perry Evans, well known Portland
people, are receiving congratula
tions on their marriage from their
many friends. The wedding ceremony
was performed at Vancouver, Wash,
Oct. 10 by Rev. W. O. Randolph. The
bride is popular in club circles and the
bridegroom has been in business in
Portland for the past seven years. He
is secretary of the Photographers' As
sociation of the Pacific Northwest and
is one of the directors of the Orpheus
Male chorus.
The young couple will be at home at
their residence, 950 Kerby street after
November 1.
Massachusetts Society Meeting.
The Massachusetts Society of Ore
gon held a card party and social Thurs
day evening in the Rosarian room of
the Commercial club. A short business
meeting preceded the social hour. A
new constitution and by-laws were
adopted. The president, George C.
Flanders, appointed the chairmen of
the committees as follows: Mrs. Dan
Kellaber, entertainment; Gordon
W. Stanley, reception; Dr. H. Dudley
Toung, press, and George C. Flan
ders, membership. An impromptu pro
gram was given. Mra Sarah Hinds
Wilder delighted the society with
piano solos. Mrs. Nina Larrowe
favored them with three readings and
as always waa most enthusiastically
applauded. A number of new names
were enrolled as membera.
Benefit Performance at Old Heffig.
' The Benefit performance of "Moth
er" at the OJd HeUig theatre, 10th and
Morrison streets, Monday evening,
Oetober 26, given by the Women of the
Catholic Women's league is of Interest
to society women. The Baker Stock
company are presenting the play with
an exceptionally good cast. Tickets,
which have been sold for this event,
must be exchanged for reserved seats
st the theatre.
Monday Club Reception.
Last evening the Monday Musical
club gave a large and elaborately ap
pointed reception and musicals In the
East Assembly room of the Hotel
Multnomah, opening their festivities
for this season. The newly elected
officers of the club received the guests
who numbered about 200. Many beau
tiful gowns were worn and the hall
was decorated most effectively with
groups of stately palms and potted
plants. The guests were seated for the
program of about eight most enjoyable
Guild Entertained.
The ladles of St. Paul's guild and
their friends were delightfully enter
talned by their president, Mrs. A. L.
Goodwin, and past president, Mrs. C
L. Gesell, at the home of Mrs. Gesell In
Third avenue, Lents, last Wednesday.
The afternoon was spent in games and
conversation, after which dainty re
freshments were served to over 30
guests. The next social will be a Hal
loween party at the home of Mrs. Ray
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ing. Ths brlds Is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Rosa Of Albany, Or.,
and the groom la a yvung Business
man of that city, at which place they
will make their home.
For Juvenile Orchestra.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Joyce enter-
I talned at dinner Thursday In the Col
lege room of the Hazelwood in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Webber and
the Juvenile orchestra. Covers were
laid for Mr. and Mrs. H.. A, Webber,
Franclsca Bliss, Hazel Van Avery, Gay
Kelley, Reynold Gustafson, Zallie Col
son, Roby Poffenberger, Ethel Pas
call, Mildred Van Avery, Bonita Hen
ry, Ellsworth Rickets, Russell Kelley,
Mr. and Mrs. Silber, Mrs. E. B. Morris,
Miss Alice V. Jorp. Miss Tnlu Jovce.
I W. G. Weigle of Ketchikan. Alaska.
Mr. Farnsworth. Bertram Grassby and
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Joyce.
O. E. 8. Dance.
The Satellites, O. E. S., will enter
tain with a dancing party Thursday
evening, Oetober 23, at Masonic Tem
ple. Other dances have been arranged
for December 3 and January 14.
Skinner Lewis Wedding.
A quiet wedding was that of R. B.
Skinner and Miss Lula E. Lewis of
this city, which took place October 17.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
J, Bowersox at 1170 Omaha avenue in
the presence of a few friends. Mr.
Skinner is of Linn county and he and
his bride will make their home on
the farm.
Society Notes.
Mr. and Mrs. Max G. Polits re
turned Saturday from an extensive
trip east,visiting New York. Chicago
and many large eastern cities.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Perry Evans
(Elizabeth Maud CuBick), whose
marriage was a recent event.
roond Shepperd in Millard avenue, on
Wednesday, October 28, from 2 until 4
o'clock. Mrs. Shepperd and Mrs. Ed
ward Klant will be the hostesses.
Philadelphia Visitor.
Mrs. Jullen Eysmans of Philadelphia.
Pa., Is a Portland visitor, the house
guest of her brother and sister-ln-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Emory. She
plans to pass a month here returning
home via San Francisco and Los An
geles where she will visit friends.
Mrs. Walton Honored.
The home of Mrs. Walton, on Mar
guerite avenue, was the scene of a
double surprise last Saturday. Mra
Walton has been superintendent of
the L. T. L.. also president of the
union in Sunnyside the past year.
It was to show an appreciation of
her faithful wor.k that about 22 L. T.
L. children uagier the leadership of
Mrs. Hoy surprised her by their com
ing and the presentation of a pretty
plant in a brass jardiniere.
A happy afternoon was ended by the
serving of refreshments. The sur
prise was double, when in the evening
about 24 women of the W. C. T. U.
walked in on her, each carrying a bou
quet. In turn the flowers were pre
sented to the hostess with the repeti
tion of an original verse from each
lady. Later she was presented with
a beautiful brass vase.
A well arranged program with
games made the hours enjoyable. A
luncheon was served later in the eve
ning. Inter-School Hop.
' Plans are being made for the semi
annual Interschool Hop. The com
mittee is: The Misses "Ruth
Walters. Marie Beach, Gladys Dun
ne, Ruth Dudley, Marion Hoben,
Eve Flood, Messers. Julius Ber
key. Layman Bonny, A. Town
send , Kurtz, Baltis Allen, Jr., Wil
liam Lewis, Donald Keyes, and Robert
Hamaker. The patronesses are Mrs.
Di M. Dunne, Mrs. Dudley, Mrs. Baltis
Allen and Mra Walters.
Dirrett-Ross Wedding.
Miss Maude E. Ross and Edward
Dirrett were married at the residence
of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward L. Williams, at 169 East
Fifteenth street, this city, Thursday,
October 15, Rev. W. T. Sprigg. pastor
of the Arleta Baptist church, officiat-
Slow Progress in
L. A. Poison Case
Dose of Brome Seller Said to Kara
Contained Strychnine, Bat Who
Purchased Poison Zs Vot Established.
Los Angeles, Oct. 20. Little pro
gress had been made today by detec
tives, who are trying to unearth
evidence that Mra. Carrie Klopp Lang-
don was poisoned. Mrs. Langdon died
after taking a dose of brome seltzer
which is said to have contained
In a safety deposit box the officers
found Mrs. Langdon's diary, which
contained a record of her movements
and her husband's prior to her death.
It also contained her father's will, by
which Mrs. Langdon inherited 110,000.
Detective McLaren is investigating
the actions of three men, one of whom
be hopes to identify as the purchaser
Of the poison.
Afcka for Her Maiden Name.
Freewater, Or., Oct. 20. Mrs. Lola
Wright of Fruitvale is suing for di
vorce from her husband, Frank Wright,
of Milton, alleging cruel and inhuman
treatment. She asks that her maiden
name of Lola Winn be restored to
her. They were married in Walla
Walla, in 1011, and have no children.
Tried to "Mash" President's Niece.
New York. Oct. 20. A man who gave
his name as Dr. E. C White, until j
recently an osteopathist in Paris, was
sentenced to 10 days' imprisonment
for attempting to "mash" Mrs. George
Howe, President Wilson's niece.
Now at
Edison's Latest Achievement
The Worlds Greatest Artists
On the World's Greatest
Musical Instrument
The Edison Diamond Disc
Call and ask to hear this latest
and most marvelous, achieve
ment of Mr. Edison
GraVeS IVIUSiC CO. Pioneer Music Dealers
i- Established 1895. , " .
151 Fourth Street Bet, Morrison and Alder. Streets i
SUCH an opportunity to
buy high-class, smart and
absolutely reliable Furs
comes but once in an ordinary
life time.
Many Furs at actual cost
every Fur in our great stock
at deep reductions. Make your
selections at oncel
Scores of Big
Read These
$25 Black Wolf Stola. . . .$19
$15 Black Wolf Muff $10
$42.50 Skunk Stola at. . .$30
$50 Skunk Muff now . . . $35
$20 Squirrel Scarf. ...... $14
$18 Squirrel Muff $10
$11 Black Oppoinm Scarf $ 8
$9.50 Blk. Opposum Muff $ 6
A deposit will hold Furs until
G.P. Rummelin
& Sons
124 Second, Near Washington
Portland's Oldest Furriers
Special 25c Lunch Served In the Basement From 11:30 A. M. to 20 P, M. Dally Soda Fountain In the Basement
Shoes Sninedlnthe Basement for 5 Cents, Wednesday Only Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors, 2d Floor
Velvet Ribbons at Half
, ,
In the Basement
Excellent quality satin-back Velvet
Ribbons in widths from No. l to No.
T Shown in a great variety of wanted
colors. Thursday at HALF PRICE
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A -6231
Drapery Remnants Half
In the Basement
Hundreds of Drapery Remnants
Swisses, Nets, Scrims, Marquisettes,
etc., in good useful lengths and hand
some patterns. Wednesday at HALF
w s 9.1 rz
BaseameMtl "50-iptecfiafl"aEgs" Tomorrows
Double Stamps Tomorrow With AH Basement Cash Purchases
$7.50 to 310.00 Dresses at
BASEMENT-These handsome Dresses will sell
quickly athis price, for they are most unusual
bargains. " Attractive styles for afternoon and
evening wear. Of good quality nets, trimmed
with girdles, silks, etc. Also Dresses of wool
serges in models for street wear. Dresses like
these ordinarily sell at 17.30 up to y QP
$10. Priced for Wednesday at, choice W4w
815.00 to $25.00 Dresses
BASEMENT There are exactly SO of these
stylish Dresses a special lot closed out to us at
big redaction and underprlced for Wednesday's
selling at half and less standard worth. Dainty
styles for evening wearj of sets, chiffons, silks,
etc. In beautiful rich colors.. All are effectively
trimmed. Dresses selling from $15.00 fQ nQ
to 25.00 on sale Wednesday
$15.00 to $18.00 Coats at
BASEMENT 300 Women's and Misses' smart
new winter Coats comprise if this phenomenal
offering. This season's newest and best styles
in shortmedium and full length models. Made
of splendid quality materials and handsomely
tailored. Shown in the most wanted fall and
winter colors and in a complete line of eQ QQ
sizes. Standard ti5 to 18 Coats
Women. Kimono.
W o ns n Long
Fl&nnelett. Kimo
nos, of extra heavy
quality, pood patterns.
SS Drw SlrirU for
Women's S t y 1 1 eh
N.w Fall Skirt, of
serge, and fancy
mixtures, com pl.t.
ranp. of all ciaes.
Home for
Many attractive
new models la thia
lot, ginshama and
percaJrn. tn light
and dark colors.
$10.00 Raincoat, at
"Women's R4!noat
of fine quality rub
berized materials &
poplins, full line "f
all size.
1 Night Gowns
Women's Extra
H'vy Outins Flan
nel Nightgowns,
In neat patterns
end colors.
$1 New Conois at
4 epledid models to
select from. Very
satisfactory for
genera! wear. All
sises up to 20.
$1.50 New Corsets
Splendid quality of
coutll. with non
rusting steels, sev
eral gtyles to .choose
from. All sizes to 30
Reg. 75c Aprons st
Women's Bungalow
Aprons, in 56 inch
length, light, m.di
um or dark percale.
78c quality.
$15 to $35 Suits at $10.95
BASEMENT A stirring Wednesday sale of
Women's and Misses' Suits 2 60 of them
in this lot excellent plain tailored models
very desirable for general war. Well lined,
perfectly tailored and nicely finished. All
sizes for women and misses. CIA OC
Regular lS to 35 Suits at 31U.3D
$1.25 Union Suits for 79c
BASEMENT Special one - day sale of
Women's Union Suits in good winter
weight High neck, long sleeves and ankle
length styles, correctly shaped and perfect
fitting. We have these in a full assortment
of all sizes. Standard $1.25 Union
Suits on sale Wednesday at only I
Art PieceSsSpecial $1.69
BASEMENT Manufacturers sample line
of 300 beautiful hand-embroidered pieces
-Pillow Tops, Scarfs, Towels, Neckwear,
Children's Dresses, etc., etc. exquisite
articles for holiday gifts. Pieces in this
great assortment which would -Q
sell ordinarily to $7. So. Choice S.U7
L75c and 85c Silks for 39c
BASEMENT Another great sale of fancy
Silks in the Underprice Store Wednesday.
24 to 36-inch widths in new patterns and
richest of colorings. Thrifty buyers will be
quick to take advantage gf this special of
fering. Standard 75c arid 85c Silks Q(j
on sale at special, the yd OjC
38x19 Bath Towels
Extra h'vy bleached
Bath Towels, .with
fringed ends, si sea
18x19 inches. Ex
ceptional bargain.
Bed Spread, at Only
Full six. Spreads of
good quality, plain
white with hand
some designs.
15c On tings Now
88 Inch Outing
Flannels, mill
ends In lengths up
to 10 yards. Reg
ular 15c grade.
Bleached Sheets for
Oood heavy grade
Bleached Sheets, in
size 72x90 Inches,
neatly hemmed and
ready for use.
lSe Flannelettse at
Mill end. Flannel-
ettes for kimonos,
dressing sacques,
etc. 15e to IS
grades. H yd.
Large Comforters at
Fnll size Comfort
ers, covered with
good grade slkollne
and filled with cot
ton, good colors.
65c Wool Serge at
SS Inch pure wool
Storm Serge of fin,
soft finish and good
weight, shown In
black and colors.
timing matins vsniy
1 inch Lining Sat
in's of excellent
heavy Quality, col
ors black, cream,
gray and tan.
Silk Poplins at 48c a Yard
BASEMENT New shipment 100 pieces
beautiful Silk Poplins full assortment of
the season's popular shades also in black A
and white. Heavy wetgtt and lustrous fin
ish. Will not slip and will give most satis
factory wear. Full 24 inches wide.
On sale Wednesday at, special, yard lOC
Girls Coats, Special $4.95
BASEMENT Splendid serviceable Coats
for children's school wear. Scores of
handsome new models in belted and other
popular styles. Winter weight materials
in plain and fancy weaves. All stylishly
cut and nicely trimmed. Sizes 4i AC
from 6 to 14. Worth to $ 12. 50. flw,3
Great Sale Sample Gowns
BASEMENT Manufacturers' sample line
of Women's Flannelette Gowns to be dis
posed of tomorrow at actual manufac
turer's cost. Come in the morning if you
want to share in this great bargain, for
lot is limited 1 of a kind. Plain 00 Of
white or stripes. At 37 He to?63
Men's $8 Raincoats $5.95
BASEMENT Wise men fwill come early to
morrow arid choose one of these splendid
Coatsi Good heavy weight materials in serv
iceable shades of tan. Cut full and long and
rainproof. Very desirable garments for gen-,
eral wear. Shown in sis 3 8 to er rjr
44. Standard $g.oo Coats, at JiDi)D
W o m e n's Storm
Rubbers In medium
or low heel, in com
plete range of all
sizes.' Pair 59c4.
Women'. Robber.' f Vactram Cleaner at
Golden Rod Vaenum
Cleaners, easy to op
erate; no parts t
break. Beg. iSJ9
grade at S3L29.
Women's heavy
winter-wgt. ribbed
Vests and Pants,
fleece lined. Full
Una of all aiaea.
( . 1 . ....
bOc Underwear at I I Men s Umbrella, at
Oood full else Um
brellas with strong
steel frames, rain
proof eover. Plain
and fancy hand lea.
$1.75 Umbrellas
600 women's
brellas, strong
durable, rain
sunproof tops
fancy handles.
and and
10c Handkerchief.
Women's plain er
fancy Handkerchiefs
of fine sheer mate
rials. Regular 10
grade, each 54.
r -
T wv a I l j .
isress Yiingnaras ror i i weuco severs now
Mill ends of beauti
ful new- Ginghams,
Id stripes, checks,
plaids, eto. 12 H
grade, yard 0.
Heavy tapestry
Couch. Covers, te
V4xlH yds. Rich
oiors and goosl pat
terns. Each 9&.
Women's Shoes Now $1.98
BASEMENT Our Underprice Store is noted
for Shoe Bargains l Come tomorrow and
supply your Shoe needs at lowest prices.
Hundreds of pairs Women's Shoes in all
popular styles and wanted leathers in button
or lace complete range of sizes QD
and widths. Priced special," pair pls70
Sale of Slippers 98c a Pair
BASEMENT Men's and Women's House
Slippers at a very low" price. Thousands
of pairs in this great sale. Felt Juliets
with ribbon or fur trimming. Siesta Slip
pers trimmed with pompons, etc, etc.
many styles. Made of good heavy n Q
quality felt with flexible soles. Pr. 20C
Lace Curtains 49c a Pair
BASEMENT A wonderful sale of Lace
Curtains in the Underprice Store tomor
row. Splendid grade Nottingham lace In
many beautiful patterns. Good widths and
lengths from iyx to yards. Curtains
selling ordinarily up to t.25 t AQ
only, the pair HVC
Sale Men's Oiled Clothing
BASEMENT "Alligator" brand Oiled Cloth
ing for men j absolutely waterproof. New gar
ment or money refunded If not satisfactory.
Men's "Alligator Jackets special at $1.75
Men'. "Alligator" length Coat, at $2.7
Men. "Alligator" fall length Co.U at $3.50
Men's "Alligator" Bib orW.i.t Pant. $1.75
Boys' 85c Pant, at
Boys' Knickerbock
ers of cordnoys
and tweeds, good,
heavy grade. Sizes
S to IS; 76c and 85c
50c to $1 Shirts
Boys' Sample Shirts
in various stylea.
made of percales
and madras. Some
a little soiled.
Boys Raincoat, at
Boys Raincoat,
dependable quality
sises 4 to 14 yra.
Regular SS Coats,
at S3.48.
Man's 75c Gloves at
Men's heavy Gaunt
let Gloves of pig
skin. Standard 7ac
quality, on sale at,
special, pair 48e.
$1.50 Union Suit
en's Winter-wrt
nlon Suits, with
Closed crotch, In
sizes 3 to 44: $.50
grade, at 98.
Wash Suitings tt
Texall Cotton Suit
ings, mill ends, tn
nany attractive pat
terns. Extra heavy
and very durable.
10 Fine Laeas for
Lines Torehon
Laeea, in narrow or
wide, edges and in
sertiona. Standard
10c grade, yard 6
; 10c Toilet Paper at
limit SO rolls to a
easterner. No phone
orders fflled. Stand
ard 10c Toilet paper
;,. roll 5.
Sale ol Gray Enameled Ware
In the Basement Tomorrow
2- qnart Covered Kettles for 25
3- quart Covered Kettles for 30e
12-quart Covered Kettles at 75
3-quart Sauce Pans special at 30e
l-quart Lipped Kettle now 12
1- quart Lipped Sauce Pan at 12
lJ4-qt. Lipped Kettles only 14
2- qt. Kettles or Sauce Pans 17
3- qt. Lip. Kettle or S'ce Pan 20e
4- qt .Kettle or Sauce Pans at 22
1- quart Double Boilers only 35
2- quart Double Boilers only 60c
14-quart Dish Pans cow at 37c
17-quart Dish Pans special at 45
9x5 Deep Bread Pans at only 16c
10x6 Deep Bread Pans only 18c
Gray Enameled Wash Basins 12c
1- quart Measure, special at 15c
2- quart Coffee Pots at only 35c
2-quart Tea Pots special tt 35c
10-quart Galvanized Pails at-16
12-quart Galvanized Pails at 20c
14-quart Galvanized Pails at 25
Double Stamps on Cash Purchases Here Tomorrow
Trlmminnied Hails ffor pi.4
2.50 Hat Shapes tor 50c
BASEMENT Beautiful new
Trimmed Hat plush and
velvet Turbans, satin and vel
vet small brim effects and
straight satlors. All hand
somely trimmed with wings,
fancy gold effects, ribbons,
stick-ups, etc. Great, many
different styles. Hats worth
BASEMENT Large Sailors in
black and colors small. tur
bans in green, blue, red and
other seasonable colors. Satin
finished French Felts, Scratch
Felts and Velours. Smart un
trtmmed Hats very desirable
for rough weather. Standard
trades worth 4to 12.50. On
sale tomorrow at the Cf
very low price of . . . OUC
Double Stamps on Cash Purchases Tomorrow
"Bargain Circle" Sate Notions and Small Wares
On the Main Floor Tomorrow
Clark's end Coats' Spool Cotton. CI p
All sizes. Special, a dozen eJXv
Regrular 2Se size Spool Silk "I Q
Wednesday Special JLii
$4.00 Bust Form nd Stand. FT If.
All sizes Wednesday Special ( U
Large spools Corticelli Sewing
Silk in black, white and colors,
regular Soc size, on sale for
Wednesday at only, the spool 35c
10c Cube Pins in assorted colors
on special sale now for only 5a
15c Dressmaker Pins, put up in
one-fourth pound boxes, for 10c
25 c Sleeve Protectors at only 15c
10c Skirt Markers special at 5o
65 c Combination Folding Coat
and Pants Hangers on sale at 25c
15c Sanitary Belts now for 10c
25c Hair Curlers for sale at 18c
5c Hair Wavers now at only 2Hc
toe Folding Drinking Cups at 7
25 c Sanitary Aprons, special 18
Regular 10c Trouser Hanger B
50c Naiad Bolero Shields at. 35
II Naiad Brassieres for only 83
i5c Women's Supporters for 10c
10c Wire Coat Hanger only 7e
Sc Wire or Wood Hangers at 3e
S2 Bust Formi special for $1.69
tSc Child's Hose Supporters 10
5C Basting Cotton, spool only 4e
toe Spool Silk, assorted, for S
2 He Darniflf Cotton, 43-yard le
t5c Stocking Protectors at 10c
toe Shoe Trees special now 8c
Regular toe Curling Irons at 7c
Pin Cushion and Pin Holder
combined for the low price 25
35c Scissors, assorted sizes 18
Pearl Buttons, fresh or salt water.
Sizes 14 to 24. Regular price
toe the dozen, now on sale at 5c
Hair Nets, with or without elas
tic All colors five for 10
356 Skirt Markers now only 18o
0e Featherbone at, th 4 yard 8c
Se Wire Hairpins, assorted,
Combs, in assorted-styles, at 10
20c Dress Weights, yar at 15
5c Common Pins, 2 pkgs. for 5c
10c Bone Hair Pins, ox at 7
10c Mother's Ironing Wax at Se
25c Stickerei Braids, bolt at ISc
25e Frilled Elastic for, yard 19e
St "Victoria" Plaiters only 25c
Regular 5 e Stocking Darners 3c
Regular Se Removable Collar
Supports specially priced at 2 He
5fc Safety Pins, in assorted sizes,
white only. Specially priced 2H
25c Machine Oil, large size at IS
Child' Guaranteed
'" . "" ' iM -
. U4 .
Boys' and Girls'guaranteed Hose
guarantee ticket on every pair. Fine
and heavy ribbed. Priced ir
special at, the pair . . . lalC
Girls' Heavy Fleeced Union
Suits. Ail sizes'!,
Girls medium weight Pants, Vests
50c grades 38c44-$oc grades at 45c
75c grades priced now at only 55c
Broken sizes luv Children's ail-wool
tuttgurter' imported Underwear
on sale at. ... 4.. .HAUP PRICE