THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 19, 1914. TOWN TOPICS 2U2d DAY OP 19J4.) AMUSEMENTS Tuvlor. Curtain 2 Wednesday and Sat- HEJMO Brosdwav rt and 8. 'The Whip." urusy matinee. HA K tit Broadway and Sixth. Curtaina 2:20 a net ti:VMi. M.tliif .Sunday. Wednesday and (Saturday. BakiT Players In 'Uroad- I way Junes." PAN lAiiKS Broadway at Alder. Vaudeville. Patrolman Drapeau reported. A quan tity of cigars and some small change wan taken. This Is believed to have been the work of boys. Some other house robberies in Lents were reported. FIVE GENERATIONS IN FAMILY GROUP Meeting at Woodstock. The Wood stock Good Government club will hold an open meeting Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Woodstock Methodist church to discuss mouth hygiene and the proposed dentistry bill. Dr. J. C. Jones will give a lecture on the ' Care and Use of the ituman Mouth,'1 illus- L iraieo ny lantern slides of educational Jurtaln 2 :.. l:v -inn w:i. and local interest. Dr. H. C, Fixott UKV KM I'KKSM Broadway at Yamhill.. ... ,, f. jH,t w.l, Vaudeville. Lutluuo.i l ..To to 5:0. :.W.w'Y ,H!"tuss the dentistry bill bpe- to 11 wee da. Utntlnuous 1 to 11 Sun- I cial music will be a leature of the da va L Kilt Fourth at KUrk. Curtalu 2:M. 7:30 I and 9:J0. Keating A .Flood Mimical Oom ' edy, luipauy lu "Wheu Uubby Came Ilome." COL.I.MBIA Sixth, between Washington and , fctark atrcets. Motion pictures. 11 a. m. to p. m. 1'Kul'LKS West Park at Alder sttcets. amo tion pictures. llM a. m. to ll:ai p. ni. ST A it WaidiinKton at Park. Motion pictures, U a. in. to 11 p. m. GIjUIIK Washington at Eleventh. Motion pic turea. 1- m. to 11 p. in. MAJKWTIC Washington ut Park. Motion pic ture. II a. m. to 11 p. ni. Fl'NWKT Wsshlngtju at Broadway. Motion -pictures. 11 a. Jn. lo 11 p. in. t lui UK Fourth a". Waahtusiou. Motion pic i lurrx. I1 ':.' a. m. to 11:1.1 p. m. AlKT Mf'SKt'M Fifth and Taylor. Houra 9 to week days, 2 to Sundays; tret ufternoona of 'luenduy, Thursday. Friday, Saturday and t Sunday. program. Itlver Trips. Steamer ieorgana to Antorla. dally except klonriar. Wiuhtnirtfin atreet dock. Dalles (itj. to rhe ane "" S"?'' girl told the officers that with Moore M .. 1.... V. --hi. IA 'l'h,. IImIIsSs 1 SnO Fined for Auto Spaedlng. A. A. Blumenthal. driver of an automobile truck, pleaded guilty in the municipal court tills morning to a charge -of speeding and was' fined $20. T. North rup was fined $3 for reckless driving at Fourth and Oak streets. O. T. Fer guson, aged 18. pleaded guilty to a charge of driving a seven passenger touring car on the sidewalk along Ainswortli street Saturday night and was fined $.T. Accused of Whit Slavery. Thomas K. Moore and Miss Katie Johnson, the latter 1 years -old, were arrested last night at the Minook hotel by Sergeant Harms and officers of the moral squad, and Moore is held on a charge of white slavery. He was turned over to the government officers today. The ally except Thursday. Taylor street duck. Public Library Meetings. All October meetings are fres and open to the public. Thursday. October 22. Ir. C. H. Chapman. ol the New Kcoiiurnia and New Literature, auapk'ea Oregon Civic league. October 24, 2S aud ill. Democratic atate committee. Monday evening, October 19. North Dakota society. Tuesday evening, October 20. South Dakota Society. Monday. October 26, 2 p. m. Coaaumcra league. lueaday. October 27, 3 p. m. Bible studies. October 28 to :). inclusive,' 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., except Friday, October .TO, morning ses sion only. State Convention Oregon Congress of Uotikera. had come from Seattle to Port land, following a short acquaintance, about four weeks ago. Today's Events. Public reception to Senator and Mrs. Georjte E. Chamberlain lu green room. Commercial club, tliia afternoon. U to o'clock. Monthly meeting of Nebraaka society at Central library at 8 o'clock. , Meeting of Everybody's Eifual Kuffrage league to consider amendments to be Toted on, at tentral library, at X o'clock. Coining Etpnts. Aiile day -"Buy an Apple" October 21. Phi itic Nurthwi atern Conference of American Sunday n-bonl un'on, V. M. C A. and Y. W. C. A. biiildliiK. October 20-2S. Ad club luucbean. Portland hotel, October 21. I'roereaalve Busluens Men'a luncheon at Multnnmab hotel. October '1. Pacific coat conterene- of Danish Lutheran rhurche. at Betliania church.. I'nion avenue and Morris streets. October 22-27. Kealty board luncheon at Commercial dob, October 23. Presents for Christmas Ship start for New York October 2X Jefferson high pliys Lincoln high at foot ball, Multnomah field. October 23. Oregon Civic league luncheon at Moltnonxah hotel. October 24. Transportation club luocheon at Multnomah hotel, October 26. Manufacturers' and Land Products Bhow at Armory. October 2ft to November 14. Columbia plava Hill Academy at football, Multnomah field, October 2M. Jefferson high plays Portland Academy at football. Multnomah field. October 30. Opening concert of Symphony orchestra No vember 1. Election day, November 3. Y. M. C. A. Holloweea Social, A. M. (Jrilley, physical director, and other officials of the Y. M. IV A., already are planning for the Halloween social to be held in the association's gymna sium October 31. The committee in charge plans many new "stunts" at the merrymaking, to which all mem bers of the association are invited. Tht Young Women's Christian Asso cution also maybe Invited to partici pate in the evening's fun. 1 1 the blades enter and leave the water edge first, with as little resistance as a feathered oar. Mr. Miller is an Oregon pioneer of 1852, having located at Oregon City 62 years ago. LIGHT AND AIR Journal Bull ding Offices Best Venti lated, Best Ughted, Best Service and J as Ziow Kent. i Office service in The Journal build ing is not excelled by that of any other building. The offices are light, airy and well ventilated, well cleaned and well served. Bull Run water from all fau cets is one of the advantages. No of fice is more than 25 feet from the ele vator is another. The elevator serv ice is regular, reliable and prompt. Tenants have free use of a hall, at night or in the day time, with a seat ing capacity of 150. Twice each week publicity is given tenants, with their consent, with number of phones and number of rooms, and line of business. The rent-of offices is ?20, $25 and J30 each, payable in advance. Suggestions as to improvement in service and con veniences in behalf of the tenant are solicited. Phones Main 7173 and A 6051. Ask for F. a Jackson. We are proud of our piano selling record since this sale commenced and Portland ought to be proud too, for it spells prosperity and bet ter times coming. We have sold more high-grade new pianos during the past several weeks by three times over than were sold throughout the entire state by all other piano merchants combined in the same period of time. i Chickering, Hazelton, Sohmer, Knabe, Hallet & Davis, Kim ball, Kranich & Bach, Steinway, Weber, Weber-Pianola, Steck, Steck-Pianola, Kingsbury, Kingsbury Player Piano, Lester and many others in Player Pianos, Upright Pianos and Baby Grands, all in one great sale at Eilers Music House. Important: Nearly all pianos in this sale are latest styles, WOl Teach How to Cook Apples. The Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation company proposes to en- courage the consumption of apples in : the territory which it serves by the pmnlnvmAnl f n ....1; . I . . ....-.. tor." who can teach the mimberiess and brand new, not even shopworn ; a few that are used are nouncemenTSnagrrof this paper. Ad 5 n the very best and guaranteed condition. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our manv friends for their kindness and beautiful floral offerings during our bereavement and loss of our son and brother. MRS. J. D. DAMMON. Mother. MRS. J. M. AMUNDSON. Sister. MR. JAMES C. SMITH, Brother. Measures to Be Discussed. The Ro tary club wUl seek to have Its mem bers informed on measures submitted for vote at the election November 3. Impartial discussion of the measures will occupy the luncheon program at noon tomorrow in the Benson hotel. The discussion will be led by Estcs Snedecor. The club will observe "Ap ple day" by having the fruit served in several ways. Port Information Supplied. Information regarding this port may be ob tained from the Portland Chamber of Com merce. 60 t'irUi atreet. Telephone Main 093 or A 1293. and Residence Damaged by Fire. The residence of J. A. Marshall, 473 Emer son street, was almost totally de stroyed by fire shortly after 10 o'clock last night. No one was in the house at the time. The firemen learned that a large fire had been kindled in a heating stove Just before the occu pants had left to visit friends. The loss is covered by $2000 insurance. "Grandpa" Simeon Thornton and descendants. Kive generations, its members living maxiy miles apart, have been brought together by camera for a long distance reunion. The various individuals were photographed at their home towns and the pictures were sent to Portland, where they were superinposed into one. "Grandpa" Simeon Thornton, 97. is the patriarch of the clan. He lives at Alturas, Cal. His daughter, Mrs. Anna Stephens. 76, lives in SeUwood; her eldest daughter, MrsJ D. A. Shear er, 44, lives at Goldendale. Wash-; and Mrs. E. F. WetUer, 23, and her son, Wilbur, 4, who live at 313 Marguerite avenue, Portland, are the youngest members. The picture will bepreserved In the Thornton family archives. WUl Discuss Prohibition. At St Johns tomorrow evening, Edward Ad ams Cantrell. Chautauqua speaker and formerly a Chicago minister, will speak 6n the statewide prohibtion amendment to be voted on by the people this No vember. Mr. Cantrell has just com pleted a tour of western Oregon cities, in all of which be has been well received. To Talk on Amendment. Miss Net tie Mae Rankin, teacher in the Haw thorne school, will talk on the 19 pro posed constitutional amendments to morrow at 4:15 p. m. in library halL This meeting is held under the aus pices of the Portland Grade Teachers' association. Everyone is invited. Today's Forecast. Portland and vicinity: Rain tonight TtiewdB.v; southerly windn. Oregon and Washington: Rain tonight and Ttteaday; frexh Mxitherlv gale along the coaat. fresh southerly minds interior. Tdaho: Kaln tonight and Tuesday; fresh southerly winds. Weather Conditions. A atorm of greHt magnitude and of decided energy la central over Brltioh Columbia. This atorm bug been Influencing the weather In the , north Pnciflc states since last Thursday when storm warning were ordered at all stations In this district. TUey have been flving con tinuously ever aince and will not be taken down uiitll 0:40 p. m. todaj, at which time it la eipected the winds will have moderated considerably. Maximum wind velocities of JC miles from the aoutheaat at North Head, and ft miles from the south at Tstoneh Island, o- enrred last night. The rains attending the storm have extended as far south as San Francisco and as far cast as Moutaua and Wyoming. The conditions are favorable for rain In this district tonight and Tuesday with slowly diminishing south to southwest wind. EDWARD A. HBALS. District Forecaster. at 3:30, at the Museum of Art. Miss Helen Putnam will speak on '"Egyp tian Ornament." Inventor Believes Success Is Near James K. Miller Working at Albany on New Propeller for Biver and Ocean Ooing Craft; Has Nursed Idea. Albany, Or.. Oct. 19. Constructing a propeller that he claims will revolu tionize river and ocean navigation throughout the world, James Henry Blair Miller, a brother of the late Joaquin Miller, is living: in a small house on the bank of the Willamette LaffertyMeansBusiness I arrived home from Washington yesterday and will begin my speak ing campaign from an auto truck tonight, and will speak, rain or shine, for 10 minutes at the follow ing times and places: 8 p. m., First and Morrison, west side; 8:15 p.m., East Morrison and Grand avenue; 8:30, Grand avenue and East An keny; 8:45, East Ankeny and East Fifteenth; 9:00, East Ankeny and East Twenty-eighth; 9:15, East Twenty-eighth and East Glisan; 9:30, East Glisan and East Fifty-second; the ambition of a life tWis about J i:''' Chj7,l a a T i a . . ,. . tirst. Schedule announced daily, and to be realized. ' ,:n k i t . lL . ,r as o, v. will be kept to the minute. A. VV. r::; " ; : ifferty. 733-35 Pittock block. L., I; ,::.r " '".r ' (Paid Advertisement oaj O JIG U iiio uuiiu iw build a propeller that would not strike the water with such resistance. The propeller has eight blades, each six feet long and 12 inches wide and each working on ratchets, so that the edge of the blade strikes the water as it enters, falls into propelling position while in deepest water and continues to adjust itself as the wheel turns, so that it emerges from the water edge first. The flat side of the blade never strikes the water. As the wheel turns. river at the foot of Montgomery street, where he is doing the work. At the age of 7 4 years, he feels, he says, that Caution: We shall sell every instrument in this group before this great sale closes, but the end will come very quickly. Investigate, act. Do it first thing today. More Pianos Sold During September Than in Any Sep tember Here tofore at Nebraska Society to Meet. The Ne braska. Society will hold its regular monthly meeting at the Central li brary at 8 o'clock tonight. Several new members are to be present and the officers have issued special invi tation to all former Nebraskans to attend. Observations. Stations. Raker, Or Bhiae, Idaho Boston, Mass. ....... Chicago. Ill Denver, Colo rnhith, Minn Enreka, Cal. Fresno. Cal alveston, Texaa HavTe. Mont. Jacksonville. Tla Kansas City, Mo I .os Angeles, CaL ... Marshfield, Or New Orleans, I-a. New York, N. Y North Head. Wash. . North Yakima, Waah. Portland. Or Roseburg. Or Sacramento. Cal ft. Iuls. Mo Kelt Lake. Utah Nan Francisco. Cal. . Seattle, Wash Sitka. Alanks Spokane. Wash Tacoma, Waah Tatoofb Isl'd., Waah. Valdea, Alaaka Walls Walla. Wash. . Washington. D. C. ... Winnipeg, Man P. M. report of preceding day. ; Detective Find Pnrse. Investigat ing further Into the holdup of the Misses Augusta and Sophia Wulf in front of their home at Nineteenth and Bybee streets Saturday night. City Detectives Craddock and Smith found the purse-that had been snatched from tha,Cungerxgirl about 600 feet south where the holdup took place. The gloves and handkerchiefs were also found, but the small valuables In the purse were missing. The descriptions given by the girls and by the con ductor of an inbound Sellwood car led the officers to believe that the robber was a youn.T man. and that immedi ately after the deed had been commit ted he took the car and went to Sec ond efld Morrison streets. Temperature. . g o b: C . 1 S m B- w - t! o i! is :s fa 3 2 gB 48 J 44 8 .10 2 M 1 f.2 14 0 ."id B4 54 8 . 01 M eo w io o 4d 7 46 12 0 re 60 4 4 o 54 B2 54 .94 50 70 4H 4 O 72 7S 70 1.8 .24 50 60 44 8 0 R2 78 62 4 0 55 76 5H lO o 54 72 54 4 O 50 60 50 0 1.58 til K0 i flt 4 O 56 60 54 0 .04 54 . . 50 30 4ti 58 46 4 .Oti 51 60 51 8 .71 52 62 52 6 l.fifl' 58 , 70 54 10 O , M 72 59 14 II 48 60 4H 8 O 60 68 58 H 0 50 5 8 14 .82 50 56 46 2 .26 48 50 48 12 .26 50 58 48 10 .76 50 56 46 20 2.12 42 . . 34 4 O 54 62 PO 6 .rT2 54 60 50 6 O 52 I 72 52 8 .U s,t a.ppies Dy in box. it you i want the best ones, get Honor Brand I non-irrigated apples of J. S. Clark & Son. both 15 or 29, Yamhill Street Pub lie Market. (Adv.) Big Stanley Rally, East Side li brary. Eleventh and East Alder streets, Wednesday evening, 8 o'clock sharp. Everybody inviteo. (Adv.) Knnxmage Sale, 133 First street, near Alder, Tuesday and Wednesday, Octo ber 20 and 21, for St. Matthews' Epis copal church. (Adv.) Dance Tomorrow Night, Foresters' hall, 129 Fourth street. Court Mt. Hood No. L All friends welcome. No charge. (Adv.) Steamer Jesse Harklns for Camas. Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday, leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.) KcCargar, Bates Lively Fire, cas ual ty and automobile insurance. Yeon bldg. Telephone Main 168. (Adv.) Frenca Dinner, with wine, 40c Pan ama Cafe, Third and Alder. (Adv.) Sr. E. C. Brown, Bye, Bar, Mohawk building. (Adv.) Xtectore by His a Putnam. The first lecture of the art history course of the school of the Portland Art associa tion will be given tomorrow afternoon Several Burglaries Reported. Re ports of several burglaries on Satur day and Sunday nights have come to the police. The Minnesota Trading company, at 94 Fourth street, reported that the store was entered some tim? between closing hours Saturday night and late yesterday and that a lot of cheap Jewelry and some caHh had been stolen. The officers advance the the ory that someone connected with the store did the Job. The confectionery Ktor at Main and Gilbert streets in Lents was entered Saturday sight. Teacher Noted Change "Your daughter is doing far bet ter work this term than she did in the spring and I attribute it en tirely to her glasses." Thus spoke a teacher to the mother of one of our girl patients. We can cite you to many similar cases where Dayton glasses are en abling some weak eyed child to hold its own alongside its classmates. NO EXAMINATION CHARGE DAYTON EYESIGHT SPECIALIST, 508-9 Swetlaad Bnildlng, Fifth and Washington, Fifth rioor. ra uffum & Pendleton's LOCKADE SALE ENJAMIN CLOTHES excepting full dress and Tuxedo suits, and a few contract goods, are priced Substantially Lower than usual. This sale and our price reductions are necessary to offset the obstruction of the usual traffic past our doors. We make it an object for you to come a little out of your way. Consider that you have a brand-new Fall and Winter stock to choose from. Famous Benjamin Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats $20 Suits now for. $30 Suits now for. $17.00 $25.50 $25 Suits now for. $35 Suits now for. $21.25 $29.75 $20, $25, $30 and $35 Benjamin Rain coats and Overcoats show same reductions. t Underwear, Shirts and Neckwear at prices that are an inducement to buy right now. Warburton, Dobbs, Heath and Bristol Hats all entered in the Blockade Sale. Buffum & Pendleton Morrison Street. Opposite Postoffice. I Tour giving or taking orders de pends on how much, you know. Here la your opportunity to know. Accounting Advertising Algebra Assaying Architect. Draft Arithmetic Automobile Bookkeeping Boys' School Business Law Chemistry Cost Engineer ing Civil Service Electricity English for For eign Men English G- r a m mar & Read ing Freehand Draw ing French Geometry German History Latin Machine Design Mechanical Drafting Penmanship Pharmacy Physics Plan Heading & Est. Public Speaking Reinforced Con crete Salesmanship Spanish Shorthand Surveying and Mapping Show Card Writing Telegraphy Trigonometry Typewriting Vocal Music Wireless Telegraphy C. A., Taylor and Sixth St. Catalogue Free. You want clean, beautiful streets then pave with BITULITHIC Why Drink WATER When You Can Get SALEM BEER The Most Popular Beverage on the Pacific Coast? SALEM BEER is brewed in one of the most mod ern plants on the Pacific Coast. It ir aged in steel glass-lined tanks. It is conveyed modern pipe line system direct to the bottle house, bottled uuder pressure and therefore never comes in contact with the air from the time it leaves the fermenting tank until the bottle is opened by the consumer. The consumer is absoluely assured a beer of ideal effervescence, snap and purity. A trial will sorely convince any one of the ex cellence of Salem Bottled Beer. The Family Trade of Portland Is Supplied by the Firm of PENNEYBROS. TeIep Home.S 287 379 East Morrison St. F'W'BALTES & COMPANY, PRINTERS First &? Oak Streets Telephones: Main 165 'Ai 165 ! WANTED! CHAIRS TO RECANE School for the Adult Blind 11th and Ds.vis For particulars call J. F. Meyers, Phone Main 548 Prosperity Is Here Now, and This Proves It. When the September sales record of the old Reliable Piano House was submitted to the head of this house it was realized that it ex ceeded .by far any September since the house was established. We thought this was the greatest rec ord that we could possibly look for ward to. but the way selling con tinues October is going to be far ahead of September and greater in number of sales than any October record ever experienced since the establishment of Eilers Music House. TWO GREAT BAT.TiS XK OJTE. The Greatest Distribution of rtne Pianos Ever TJnaert&ken in the West Manufacturers' Emergen cy and Surplus Bale at Eilers Music House, Combined With the Sesldue of the Costly Styles of Pianos From the Soul Bros. j Failure Stock. j Just think for a moment what ' all this means. Piano manufactur j ing cannot stop all of a sudden, j Pianos in course of construction must be finished. Thus many pi rano manufacturers accumulated surplus stocks. We took advan , tage of this situation by making arrangements whereby for each two pianos sold by the factory repre 1 sentatives, nowhere, we agree to i buy three surplef instruments east. I Thus the great little-price sale j for fine pianos was started. Then ! came the unfortunate failure of Soule Bros. By order of the court i this stock was sold to C. E. Lu : core, who started a closing-out J sale. This sale ran for several i weeks; many of the less expensive ' instruments were sold, but the bel i ter ones did not find buyers read ! ily, because cautious people would not take chances on expensive mu ' sical instruments unless they knew ; that some responsible home firm would stand back of the transac tion. Thus another great business, op portunity came along. The res idue of the costly pianos from the Soule Bros, failure came to Eilers Music House. Hence this double event; making possible the fur nishing of morg intrinsic genuine piano worth for the money than ever heretofore and than ever will be possible again. But this sale' cannot last long. There are no duplicates. Immedl ate action Is essential. Come once! All difficulties have been sur mounted. Eilers Music House, the nation's foremost institution, guar antees quality and guarantees posi tive satisfaction. Every pianoless home may now participate. It Is not a case of having to pay all cash. Payments are arranged to suit any reasonable purchaser. As much as forty months' time can be had to complete the purchase. Remember, the best upright pi anos, the best metal tubed human touch player pianos, the finest ba by grands, including the wonderful player piano de luxe and the Chick ering. are included in this sale. In fact, nowhere in the wide world can so many highest grade and truly valuable instruments be found under one roof than at the big Eilers Music House, in the filers building, on Broadway at Alder. tured. The Nation's most honored names In the piano trade are here. Quality is and "should be the first consideration. The enormous business of Eilers Music House enables them to sup ply higher grades for much less than the old-time dealers ask. Seventy-two out of every hundred pianos that come to the state are sold by Eilers Music House. This can be proven, as can every claim ever made by Eilers Music House. Any thinking business man and woman will know that quality in large quantity can be distributed for less per article than in small quantities. Thus the Eilers quick sale methods, the little-profit-per-piano policy accomplishes these wonderful results. Eilers Music House is thoroughly reliable and trustworthy In every way. It is a strictly Oregon institution, the only one of Its kind, and many years of piano distribution has put it in the lead of all great National institutions. Whenever opportunity offers, Eilers Music House is always ready to arrange exceptional values and offer these values to buyers at the lowest possible price consistent with quality. Just how a combi nation of circumstances has made prices lower than ever, and lower than they undoubtedly ever can be or ever will be again, simply be cause the same conditions causing these low prices will never again exist. Exclusive Types Also ZncSuAsu, The now famous Duotoual, dou ble sound -board Piano, and also the beautiful Player Piano de Luxe, the most valuable of all player pianos, because it possesses five distinct points of superiority over the next best makes, are also In cluded in this price sacrifice. And, remember the guarantee. Eilers Music House agrees in all seriousness that no transaction will be considered as closed or right unless it means positive sat isfaction to every purchaser. PIANO QUAXjXTT AT Z.OWXST PRICES. TEXS HAS MADE THE BE COBB - BBEAJEXNO CAM PAIGN SO BTJCCESSFTJT.. Eilers Music House has always been noted for sellrng the best and highest grades of pianos manufac- Prioes. Some instruments that are worth $1000. $1100 and $1150 in the regu lar retail way can now be had (upright, players or baby grands) for only $385. However, it is not necessary to invest in the very highest - priced of all musical In struments, for we sell the medium grade at correspondingly low prices. at This means Instruments valued at $200, $250 and $300 for $98, and $118 and $145. Although this may seem an im possibility, every advertisement of the Eilers Music House is true. Let us prove it- See for only $195 the highest grade, strictly war ranted. Colonial design or perfectly plain uprights, which usuallysell for more than double this price. Terms. At the exceptionally low prices we are asking, the terms should be spot cash, but so that every piano less home can take advantage of this offer, we have decided to give 40, or 30, or 20, or 10 months' time as best suits each purchaser. Don't fail to see the baby uprights; just the thing for small homes; or the large professional styles, favorite of exacting musicians; or beautiful baby graftds, which can be had for the price 'of an ordinary upright; or the superb and latest highest priced player pianos that can be had now for less than an ordinary upright usually costs. Never were old reliable makes of pianos of fered at the low prices now plainly marked on every instrument. Make a careful investigation for yourself at once, tomorrow. ' . Vlij- not buy a player piano while It r tw purchased for less than half, and on lew thnn half the- usual payments. Kree mnat rolls. Sly at home ind .njnf the eyenlnga. The ladies enjoy player pianoa. How can aftprnoon sootalH be i complete without munlc? Tho player ilno la just what la needed. Price in - tlila 1 emergency aale are almost leas than "half, ijj III At the cltih. at lodge, or at home, all men that are right appreciate mimic. !t la the trMre oror troubles, the tie that binds good fellowship for all time to come. $500 fj Til This $500 pluyer piano only $28,"! now. It's a new lnftrunieut, but this manufacturer' price means greater value than has ever been offered heretofore. It Is a' amall-alae plsyer piano, but well niade and absolutely depend able. Our money back guarantee or exchange privilege, either or both, go with this Instru ments also free music rolls anj all exchange privilege!, . j.. 2EM t I CaC7C PJ ,m These new jf75 player pianos, very latest, foil Hixed, murti-to-be-dcsired Instruments, esn now be at-curcd for only $.177. IJnbelleveable! No. not at all. See Uiem tiij. 11 These new $R25 player pianos, the hljrheat grade made, though plain cae Instruments, now only $437. All of; these player piano are old with the unconditional guarantee of sat isfaction. Free,- music roll and all free ex change privileges. 3 Oif n1f i I CI OCA i m ri r . . a i Theee new $1ZS0 player pianos, the most costly of all, can now be bad for lose than the ordinary player ptaao osnally costs. The manufacturer's representatives have placed a price of Duly $776. This particular style without the player action Inside, Just In regu lar upright, la sold at $700 and more by small dealers factory branch booses, and eoo- signment concerns, who most secure regmlar price plus freight. ' , Oregon Humane Society ' C7 a-ranA Ave. H between Coaen mA Davis. Phones East 1423. B-3S1A. J OPEN BAT AND NIOBT. 1 Report all cases of cruelty to this I office. Lethal chamoer for small anl- mala. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's soilca, I I Z i (CCHVAB PRINTING CO IW BEN F.a RE EN E. PRESIDENT 2-3-54: STARK STREET BROADWAY AT ALDER Store Open Every Evening Until 9 o'Clock During This Sale Ellsworth, Barnes & Davey, Manufacturers Representatives Out-of-Town Readers Should Send for Illustrations The manufacturers make the low prices now under the agreement that the House of Eilers purchases three surplus pianos every time their representatives here sell two. Free Music Rolls with all player -pianos, including the beautiful Player Piano de Luxe, a shown above. " $225 These new unricht dIhob. S225 value. almost everr color of easeS can now be secured ror only $!)H and for $10 and $143 we fur nish the larger" sizes, j elaj&ant plain ease, co looia,! style, usoal $r2uks-pe. are only S215 and for only $105 we . fcurnish pianos wort more than ilouhle-. instnrxoeata which houses right here tn Porthind. lay ts aeU or S42S and often UjO. Fori.Fbtore protection tn dealers elsewhere, ourf dgreemeait with tne from advertising the price and name.