1 f THE OREGON , SUNDAY - JOURNAL PORTLAND, : SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1914. v ti' SOME RECENT SNAPSHOTS OF MEN ENGAGED IN FUBOC SERVICE 3M y4 y y i Hi - A I , 1 ' i ' , i ' . " JF , ' ' f - ' Mix 'y ' : ' ; .-iv : v - i v it I 1 i I -NEW ADJUTANT-GENERAL OF THE U. S. A. Colonel Henry P. McCain, who has succeeded General George Andrews as adjutant-general of the United States Army, with headquarters in Washington. NEW VENEZUELAN MINISTER TO THE U. S. Dr. Santos Anibal Dominici. who succeeds the late Min ister Rojas as the official representative of Venezuela in the United States. SECRETARY OF FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Hi Parker Willis, New York financial expert, who has been made secretary of the recently established federal re serve board. NEW U. S. SENATOR FROM GEORGIA Thomas W. Hardwick, for 12 years a congressman, who has been nominated to fill out the unexpired teem of the late Senator Bacon. n a "T, ,.- :fc,-r;4M tev'ptgs VM. .- I r-. J ' ' , r ' --J-L i . : '-r r -WAR SQUAD" OF CONGRESSIONAL UNION FOR WOMAN SUFFRAGE Here are the women who have , been dispatched by their equal suffrage association to work against the Democratic party in the states where equal suffrage now prevails, and where, in many cases, prominent Democrats help the women gain the ballot. Mrs. Stubbs. who has been dispatched to Portland, is shown on the right. (Photograph by Harris & Ewing.) AMERICAN SURGEONS WHO HAVE LEFT FOR THE WAR ZONE fiL From left to right are Dr. Corry, of New York hospital; Dr. Lestor Rodgers, of New York; Dr. Richard Derby.? ion-in- law of Colonel Roosevelt; Dr. Mercer Blanchard, of Columbia, Ga.; Dr. Benjamin Joblons, of New York, who recently, sailed for Paris to assist in caring for wounded soldiers. (Photograph, copyright 1914, by the International News Service.) H rarTsrf p:&Tp: i"SWtTm "" " "1 I I fffFl!. nWT-T ii tt I I MMaaMnaiiaHHiHdiiMM r ' i iiii'iii iiiftfiiriiriiiiiMMiMMMjii i mii Mill g?, i ' -x o , , ' ' " . 1 f o;, tr --' ,X A," ,-jt I 1 f J 1 .is,; ' 4 5 r I-1 113 iff I u f -1 BELGIAN MINISTER HEADS RELIEF WORK ' Emmanuel Havenith, Belgian TPi"istfr to the United States,. who is the head of. an organization to obtain re lief for the destitute of Belgium. HIS RECORD IN NAVY SPELLS EFFICIENCY D. W. Taylor, who, as naval constructor, was the man in line to succeed Chief. Naval Constructor Richard M. Watt.' Constructor 'Watt was appointed bv Sec. Memec. DISCOVERS CURE FOR PELLAGRA Dr. Joseph Goldberger, a surgeon of the U. S. Public Health. Service, declares diet is the cause of pellagra and announce that diet. too. is the cure. GIVES OUT RUSSIAN WAR NEWS HERE Colonel Nicolai Golejevski, military attache , at the Russian embassy in Washington, who gives out official war dispatches Received from Petrograd. 1 1 . i