.. I I ' ' I 1,1.1. . 111 ! 1 LORD ROBERTS IMSFECTMG THE SECOND KING EDWARDS' HORSE 1 : 3 : , 1 PI Tf, ' , ' 4 5 r21 - 7 &sxm - - it f 'y ' - i K o 1-' r - J 0 m. , ft J ft i - J6 . 2 fin V4, if :-;5'--. :- v ,j- 4 'if': Lord Roberts is here shown inspecting the members of the Second King Edward's Horse at Longley Park- This regiment is composed of colonials, most of whom have seen actual service before. (Photograph, copyright 1914, by the International Newal Service.) RED. CROSS TRAIN MAKES A HAL" 41 1 .' V 1 5 r ,:. : t , - - 'A ' y 1 . , s J t .'j fZte. - 'f I'm. 4. v.v.-. ','.--: .""Vf j til 7 c v " y. y y '-HI. V . t; x' f - .When, this red cooss train halted, lor a moment several of its passengers all of them wounded in service cot oat m the air ior auiew momenu. Many of the wounded are Arabs and Senegalese. f tf: i' " II 8- it V- - .it; -