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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1914)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1914. 5 WOMEN PORTLAND OF TO TENDER RE6EPTI0N TO JUDGE JEWELL WAS HIGHLY ESTEEMED SENIOR SENATOR Mr. and Mrs.-G. E. Chamber lain Will Be Honor Guests Tomorrow Afternoon, MARK OF APPRECIATION!? Effort of Orcffon Senator In Behalf of National Woman SaXfrag Will Be GHvcn Enthusiastic Recognition. In appreciation .of the efforts of Oregon's senior senator In the cause of national woman suffrage, the Dem ocratic women of Portland will hold a reception tomorrow afternoon in the grepn room of the Commercial club in honor of Senator and Mrs. George E. Chamberlain. The reception will continue from 3 to 6 o'clock and the public Is Invited, especially women. .Dr. Esther Pohl Lovejoy will give the address of wel come to Senator Chamberlain who will m:ike a short speech in reply. A mus ical program under the direction of .VTrs. Thomas C. Burke has been ar ranged I mm S m-f k Judge Stephen Jewell. Grants Pass, Or., Oct. 17. Stephen Jewell, county judge of Josephine county, who died at his home In this city October 8, was born in Graves county, Kentucky, December 6 1847. He came to Josephine county In 1887, and located upon a homestead three miles from Grants Pass, and while de A committee of well known Demo- veloping the homestead taught school cratic women ha- the affair in charge: Mrs. Agnes V. McNaughton, Mrs. I. N. Standlfer, Mrs. C. 2i. Jackson, Miss (Jaffney, Mrs. John Manning. Mrs. Willtam N. Gntens, Mrs. John Xissen, Mrs A. K. Klegel. Mrs. Thomas C Burke, Mrs. Frank 8. Myers, Mrs. B. F. Irvine, Mrs. E. T. Hedlund, Mrs. C. J. Smith, Mrs. Edith Tozler Weathered; Dr. Esther Pohl Lovejoy, Mrs. Joseph N. Teal. Mrs. W. T. Foster and Mrs. Robert C Coffey. JUDGE A. S. BENNETT URGES ELECTION OF SMITH FOR GOVERNOR in various districts of the county. Eight years ago he was first elected to the office of county judge, and had held the office continuously since that time. As an official of Josephine county, Judge Jewell was regarded as one of the most conscientious and painstaking of its public servants. He had been an ardent advocate of better highways, and under his administra tion, practically all the permanent road work in the county has been done. Judge Jewell is survived by his wife, and by nine of the ten children born into the household- The funeral ser vices will be held Sunday at 2:30 o'clock. (Continued from Page One.) merit of its men. picks the best It has.' J Tom Word was the first of the i candidates to be mentioned by the A burst of Jeers greeted this remark, ! speaker, and Judge Bennett continued: "Of country officers, I have little "Tie is a good man, no doubt. But i to say because living as 1 do so far there is no question that every good from, your immediate local problems, it man is not necessarily fitted to be sen- ! is not fitting that I should. But ator. If, it is a question of who can ; you have one local candidate who made best run a sawmill. Chamberlain is not! a record all over the state. We In it with Booth. But if it is a ques- have so often heard of Tom Word tlon of a United States senatorehip. I east of the mountains thak 1 feel I Booth Isn't in tt. and you all know it." ! can Joln yu ln Prlt3e and hope you To adapt the old saying, -Let the shoe- i w11 do yourselves honor by doing maker stick to his last, I say 'Let 1 nonr to him a worthy champion of Booth stick to his sawmill.- and let i loc31 government." xuruing to ine canuiaacy oi A. r. Chamberlain stay with the job for which he is fitted." Acknowledgment Is Made. Judge Bennett introduced his re marks with a word of appreciation for the storm of applause that greeted him whn R. W. Montague presented hjm to the assemblage. "Much as 1 would have liked to have received the nomination and been riveted governor of Oregon. 1 would rather have the people of the state who know me give me a, reception, like this than to be governor," he said. The Judge explained that he is not non-partisan, nor yet much of a partisan, though he had bn a Demo crat all his life, principally, he sup posed, because that party had always more strongly for the rights of the common people than did other par ties. At that, however, bo Bald that when he thought the time had come to vote otherwise he had done so. "No candidate." he declarfd "has a Tight to ask for votes without re gard to hlii fitness for the office to which h- aspires. Two years ago I thought it my duty to vote for a Re publican candidate for president of the United States. In view of recent ev.-nts and the eccentricities of the mnn for whom I voted. I have thought I may have been wrong. Brilliant and Erratic "His course was as brilliant and er ratic as a jumping firecracker full of energy and snapping all the time. When I think what might have been the fate of this nation If he had been elected, I thank God he was not elect ed. "Now we Democrats feel, without too much partisanship, that we can nek the friendly support of the people of nil parties all over the nation. ' The audience broke out into renewed applause when Judge Bennett touched upon the accomplishments of Presi dent Wilson, Secretary of State Bry an and the rest of the administration kirlng the trying times that followed their induction into office. "There have been gogd presidents before now there may have been bet- . . ..ui iia.o m wie neaq, one Tllfw Rpnnett most brainy men ho ever filled the chair. Our country, Instead of being now in the pitiable condition of France, Germany, Belgium, England, is W. peace with itself and with the world. "How easy it would have been in the Mexican affair to have hurled us into war! How easy it would have been to progress from that into a war with all the world! Conflict Is Avoided. "Austria tried to chastise little Ser via.and precipitated the world into con flict. History tells of a devastating war that followed a quarrel over an old bucket. Little things lead on to great ones. "How easy it would have been ln the Flegel for congress. Judge Bennett declared it would be a great thing for Oregon if in this time of demo cratic administration at Washington the state had one Democratic congress man to represent it on the majority side. "It seems to me," he .said, "that Portland, with her harbors and high ways to the sea to be developed, and with her commercial prestige greatest in the northwest could hardly afford to forego the opportunity to elect men like Flegel. He would help win for Oregon and Portland every benefit to which they are entitled from the federal government. Chambarlaln la Secure. Continuing his remarks about Sena tor Chamberlain, Judge Bennett re ferred to a recent interview in the Oregonian In which C. B. Moores, chairman of the Republican state com mittee, was quoted as seeing victory for his party "because of the big in crease of population whose members do not know Chamberlain." "He is not depending upon the peo ple who know Chamberlain and his ! accomplishments for the state," he said. "He is depending upon the people ' who do not know him at all. That j seems to me a poor foundation for a ' claim of victory, because the new comers will ask their neighbors who have known Chamberlain 30 or 4 9 years about him and will be guided by their judgment. Newcomers are not buying pigs in pokes, and will not vote for those whom neither they nor their neighbors know.' Answering charges that Chambcfr lain has "always been running for of fice," Judge Bennett declared the same criticism might; have been made cK Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamil ton, Daniel Webster or Henry Clay. "Early in life, Chamberlain looked over the field and saw that he could become wealthy by engaging In this business or that; but he chose to serve the people and win not wealth but the honor and approval of his neigh bors," continued the speaker. Comparing Chamberlain to Booth. said the latter ha made his fame and fortune in lumber. Hanley had made his in lands. Late in life, with old age not far away, with their fortunes made, these met are now asking the people to give them the meed of honor that belongs to Chamberlain. Draws Hanley Picture. J-udge Bennett next, pictured, an amusing dilemma for William Hanley. Pointing out that the Progressive candidate, before allying himself with the Bull Moose party, had voted for Woodrow Wilson and expressed his approval of the Wilson policies, the speaker asked, "What is Colonel Hanley going to do? No man can serve two masters nor can an equestrian ride two horses Means were in the same boat as th Democrats. "Because somebody else has been unfair to you," he said, addressing the women in the audience, "are you going to tear down your champion for so many years? Are you going, to do away with your knight on horseback because someone else has been unfair to you? If you do you may be "good politicians, but you will certainly be ungrateful." With this reference Judge Bennett closed his speech and sat down to con tinued applause. Miss Barnarda. Harry rendered two solos before Mr. Montague introduced A. F. Klegel, candidate for congress on the Democratic ticket, as the other speaker of the evening. Miss Helen A. Clark accompanied Miss Harry. Mr. Flegel's speech was a ringing tribute to President Wilson and hia policies and to the accomplishments of his administration. It was one of the most vigorous and forceful speeches made in Portland during the present campaign. Judge Bennett Complimented. By way of introduction he grace fully complimented iJudge Bennett. "All the world loves a lover," he said. "and all the world loves a good loser. After his speech to night I shall love Judge Bennett more than I ever did be fore." Round after round of applause greeted his statement. Describing the spirit of democracy, which is abroad in the world as evi denced in the foundation of the Chinese republic and the establishment of a duma in Russia, he told how some have predicted that out of the melting pot of the present European war a new spirit of democracy will arise. "This spirit of democracy," he said, "never comes from 'above, but aiways comes from the soil and rises up like the trees. Our greatest men, too, have been men who have risen from the soil. Democracy comes from the people, and the closer we keep our government to the people the better off .we shall be. "In our president we have the best type of a Democrat that I know of. He is sprung from the people, he has lived close to the people, and he has carved his way Into the hearts of the people deeper foan has any other man of the century. Keep dose to Paopte. "The spirit of democracy which I describe not only permeates legislative hails but houses of business. Let us keep it close to the people. The great est example of democracy Is what we, or rather the people of the United States, call the Oregon system. Few people can define it, but it means close to the people. "The Oregon system assures each man the right to vote for the man of his choice, free from domination of party or person. Other states have gone a step in this direction, but we have gone a full step. Let us never recede. "The Oregon system compels parties to put forward their best men or go down to defeat in the general election. And in this forthcoming eleotion I ap peal to the people to choose the best man. "But there Is something else to be considered besides the 'candidate.' This country is now in the midst of a world crisis. It is the only large gov ernment not at war. The business of all the powers engaged in the struggle has been entrutted in its care abroad. The United States has declared it self to be neutral and Is willing to un dertake the governmental obligations of a neutral ..power. And so it is not simply a question of a congressman. That amounts to but little. The big thing Is that the administration of Woodrow Wilson is on trial. If by your acts you send a man to Washing ton opposed to Woodrow Wilson you say his administration does not meet with your approval. I call your at tention to the fact that every candi date save myself stands opposed to him. If you vote for me you vote to support in the United States govern ment a crucial time, you vote to sup Dort Woodrow Wilson. "Wiser heads than mine have said that the danger, In the present elec tion lies not in the senate but in the house. A divided congress would be a calamity as you can see. I care not for myself but for my country." Mr. Flegel then rapidly reviewed a few of the present administration's accomplishments, pointing out that it had reduced the tariff where other ad ministrations had merely made prom ises. He called attention to the currency bill, saying that it was conceded to tie the greatest piece of legislation since the signing of the emancipa tion proclamation by Abraham Lin coln. Strike War Prevented. He further called attention to the industrial arbitration bill stating that it had prevented a strike of railroad engineers west of Chicago. He men tioned the anti-trust bill, the income tax law, the settling of the telephone. New Haven and Pacific railway cases through the medium of "peace bills." "For these reasons," he said, "you should cast a vote of approval for Woodrow Wilson." He eulogized the president for maintaining peace dur ing the troubled times with Mexico, praised him as a man of character who dared set aside a day or prayer ror peace, a man of faith in that he be lieves in the future and a man of supreme will in that he has the will to do right. "When the history of this period Is written," said Mr. Flegel, "there will be mentioned three great presidents: Washington, the father of his country; Lincoln the great war president against his will; and Wilson, the great peace president by his will. "I appeal to you to vote not as par tisans, but as patriots." AUTO STEERING GEAR FAILED TO RESPOND HAS FORGERY EPIDEMIC PREVAILED HERE DURING PAST WEEK Four Arrested Friday, One; Confessing to Having Op erated All Over Country. DAUGHTER OF PIONEER DIES WHILE VISITING TWO CAUGHT SATURDAY Zrfitast One Is Prlnerm Boy Who Told Detectives He Had Com to Portland to "Have Good Tlma." Allen Cook. Evidence said to have backed up Ross Cummings, driver of the automo bile which struck a street car Septem ber 2 8. causing the death of three men end injury to several others, in his contention that the steering gear was not working resulted in the return of a not true bill on the charge of in voluntary mansla-ughter against him by the grand jury yesterday. The men killed were Allen Cook, Wallace E. Hendricks and William H. Thurs ton. Cummings is now serving a three months sentence Imposed in the mu nicipal court for having taken tht wrecked automobile from Sam Golden- berg without permission on the fatal night. Allen Cook, one of the three men killed, was burled October 1 in the Rose City Park cemetery. He was born in Fayetteville, Ark., in 1S95, and came to Portland four, years ago with his mother, Mrs. Jennie Cook, and two brothers,,, Ottaus and Rolland Cook, all of whom survive and reside in this city. His mother is a widow. Mr. Cook was a member of Portland Homestead No. 42, Brotherhood of American Teomen and had a wide cir cle of friends. Petitions Request Delay, in Extension Additional Time to Consider Cost of Greely Street Project Xs Asked of City Council. J. H. Kramers, George H. Haram, S. M. Norton, J. J. Hoode and W. G. Lemon, representing a number of prop erty owners interested in the proposed extension of Greeley street from Wil lamette boulevard to Lower Albina have filed the following petition with the city council: "The petition filed for the extension of Greeley street was signed by many on the representation that the coat of the extension and improvement would be less than an average of $10 a lot and that a streetcar line would be con structed that would lessen the time in reaching the city about 15 minutes. "As the location of this extension has been only partially selected and the assessment district not established or plans for the improvement pre pared, there is, no way at this time to approximate the cost of this high way across deep cuts and fills and along the bluffs of the river. "Now, therefore, we, a committee representing a number of property A veritable wave of bad check pass ing has swept over the city in the last i. three days. Beginning with noon Friday, city detectives began arrest ing forgers, who were obtaining money" In this way. and four had been ar rested up to 12 o'clock that night. Among these was M. A. MacGibbon, a Chicago man, who confessed to a string of forgeries extending all over the United States, and which had net ted him several thousand dollars. Two more were arrested Saturday. All who have been arrested have confessed to the . transactions. In Portland alone, MacGibbon admitted, he had secured $172. Last night Captain of Detectives Baty stated that his men were work- ; ing on half, a dozen other reports of forgeries, and said that especial care should be exercised by merchants at this time. Three men were convictd of bad check work In municipal court last week and are now on the rock pile. The latest arrest for forgery charges was made yesterday afternoon when Detective LaSalle took Hugh E. Dodds, an 18-yeax-old ad of Prineville ln cus tody, after the latter had related a long list of bad check passing. He came to Portland, he said, to have a good time a week ago. Dodds confessed to all of the tran sactions charged against him, and in timated that his father would make good the various amounts. The checks were endorsed in the name of his fath er with the inscription attached to the signature, "by his son." He confessed to passing forged checks on the fol lowing: Rainbow Grill. $10; J. W. White, $10; City Taxicab Co.. $59; Fer ris club, $82; Gratton's at Milwaukie, $25, and a saloon at Sixth and Pine streets, $10. He will be given a hear ing in municipal court Monday. ! s ) j and her mother, Mrs. S. a Miilr. both of San Jose. Cal. Mrs. Stuart was the daughter of the late W. P. Miller, an Oregon pio neer of the earlv forty's. She was th niece of Drs. Dave and C. H. RaXferty and a cousin of Mrs. George W, Bates, of this city. Mrs. Stuart's home was ln San Joae, and she was visiting friends and rela tives -in Oregon at the time of her death, which was caused by heart fail ure. She was 36 years of age and an accomplished musician.; Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Rafferty accom panied the remains to San Jose, where the interment will take place. East Side Club Luncheon. S. C. Pier will tpeak briefly on "Apple Day" and Dr. A. W. Moore will give a short talk on "The Benefit of I the 'Apple to the Human System" at the luncheon of the East Side Business Men's club at 12:15 o'clock Monday at i the Hotel Edwards. The club will dis cuss plans for its campaign for 500 members and for its night at the Man ufacturers' and Iand Products show, October 27. H. V. Catton will act as chairman. -i - B0 COMES NEAR 9 A PERFECT SCORE Mrs. Wona Miller Stuart, Mrs. Wana Miller Stu3rt died at Wonona Acres, in Marion county, near Salem, last Wednesdav. She is sur vived by her husband, J. E. Stuart, Wedding Was Surprise. Oregon City, Or., Oct. 17. A mar riage which was performed Thussday afternoon at Vancouver. Wash., was announced today. Sidney Nuttall. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nuttall of. this city and Miss Margaret Zirbel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Zirbel of West Linn, being the contracting parties. Friends of the young people were greatly surprised when the announce ment came. Mr. Nuttall Is an employe of the Crown Paper company of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Nuttall will make their home in West Linn. Richard Zimmerman. Amwjg the babies who made envia ble scares in the better babies contest neia tl the Yeon building recentlr. was Hphard. the 9 months ofd son ot i.. l. fiiramcrman, or Macadam street Richard lacked but two points of making a perfect score.' receiving a marrji'of 98 from the judges ln th Brick Compelled To Neglect Campaign Democratlo Candidate for County Com missioner Kept Away From Town; Aska Friends to Assist Kim. Benjamin Brick. Democratic nom inee for the office of county commis sioner, will be compelled to remain at Salem for another week or so, owing to business which needs personal at tention, and he has asked his friends and citizens interested in his policies to campaign in hia behalf. "My platform Is on record," says Mr. Brick in a communication received in Portland, "and If elected my whole effort will be to give the county the best there is in me. The first thing I would recommend upon taking office would be the dividing up of the duties of the office so that each commissioner would be personally responsible for his department. I would also recom mend the taking of stock of the coun- owners, respectfully request that- no I ty properties; a capable man in charge of each department; that a written rc- i'anama canal matter to have precipl- i In opposite directions. To whom is tated the world, on our backs. The Hay-Pauncefote treaty was unwise, and England might not have Intended war when she protested its breach. But the English press would have taken H up and roused popular feeling and Ger many might have protested on the ground that her shipping also was being discriminated against, and France might have done likewise, and other little things combined to' make up great ones. I ' "We don't hear that jingoistic boast We can lick the world," any more since the European war started. Thanks to Bryan and Wilson and their efforts for peace we are now at peace witn Mexico wunout war and are sa Europe, Although he admitted the adminis tration may have made mistakes he was sure he could pick flaws he de clared VV'ilson has given so far a true and glorious American administra tion, and so the party has won, through him, a right to ask every patriotic American to stand by and aid him. Turning to the Immediate situation In Oregon, Judge Bennett reiterated his he going to be traitor? Is he going back on Colonel Roosevelt?" The Judge raised a laugh when he said that all there was to the Pro gressive party was Theodore Roose velt. "Theodore Roosevelt," he said, "is the Progressive party incarnated. Since he goes about the country say ing everything mean he can about President Wilson and his policies he must be getting ready for the cam paign of 1916." Judge Bennett next explained' why President Wilson wanted Senator Chamberlain reelected. "Let President Wilson speak for himself," he Laid, "for he says he wants George E. Cham berlain elected United States senator. ived from the conflict now raging ln i Jf you wish to help Prudent Wilson. urope If you want to carry out his policies. vote for Chamberlain. It is true that tfey have not always agreed, but Pres ident Wilson can't do Senator Cham berlain's thinking for him, and would think less of the man -if he could President Wilson is great enough and big enough to love, an independent. fearless man like Chamberlain. Beputllcans ln Same Boat. In some things Senator Chamber telief that the democratic party is of- j lain and I don't agree, but he Is a great fering the best men ln the state. Best Men Offered. "When the party in power selects candidates it thinks that by sheer force of numbers it can cram down the throats of the voters those men who were selected to serve its in terests best. But the other party, knowing it must win if at all by the man, a worthy man, nevertheless, and is the man I want to see elected Referring to the propaganda now be ing carried on in this state by the Con gressional Union for Woman Suffrage to defeat congressional candidates sim ply because they are Democrats, the speaker decried the logic of the action of the women, stating that the Repub- Joint Terminals May Follow Soon Railroads Agree to Bemove Tracks From North Front Street to Private Blg-ht of "Way. With an agreement reached by the railroad companies to eliminate their tracks from North Front, the first step has been taken, it is said, in the gigantic terminal plan which, if con sumated, will invol"e the expenditure of several millions of dollars and will mean the removal of all freight terminal tracks to a, ooint further north than is. occupied at present and routing all passenger trains Into a big central depot. Will H. Daly, commissioner of pub lic utilities, is sponsor for the plan to eliminate the tracks from North Front street and after several months of en deavor forced the companies to agree to remove their switching tracks from the street to their own right of -way. Notification that an agreement had been reached among the failroad com panies was received from L. C. Gil man, president of the Spokane, Port land & Seattle railroad and J. p. O'Brien, president of the Northern Pa cific Terminal company, by Commis sioner Daly yesterday and the work of removing the switching tracks and fa cilities from the street Is to begin Im mediately. I action bv ordinance be taken until the people have had ample time, and have plans and specifications prepared and the assessment district established to determine the probable cost of the pro posed extension and improvement" Revolver May Fix Assailants' Identity Miss Mancnr Says Weapon Xdka One Carried by Thug; Arrested Kan Re cognized by Two "Women. The finding of a stubby nickel plated revolver with a pearl handle, may fix the guilt for the crime of last Monday night, when Miss Mary S. E. Mancur, a school teacher of 504 East Thirty-sixth street, was held up and afterwards assaulted by two men, ac cording to the story she told. The revolver was found hidden tn one of the cells of the city jail yes terday. A. S. King of Ashland ana Harry E. Hunt of this city, who were arrested Thursday and confessed to plans for wholesale east Eide holdups, were in that cell and the officers say were the only men who could have se creted the weapon. Two young women who were held up Tuesday night viewed these men at detective headquarters Thursday and they positively identified one of the men as one of the highwaymen that had confronted them. Miss Mancur could only describe her assailants vaguely, but remembered distinctly that one of them had had a small pearl handled revolver. Tester day at detective headquarters she was shown the gun found In the jail and said that that was either the weapon or the men who had attacked her had one exactly like it. The revolver Is of a peculiar make and design and the detectives say would be hard to duplicate. rort be sent in to the commissioners by the heads of the departments every month in the form of a trial balance and as near as possible, run the busi ness of the county as is any other corporation in the mercantile world." Mr. Brick, as a volunteer Juvenile probation officer, worked for the coun ty and spent his own money in the work. Named to Divert Travel Via Oregon C. It. Born Will Take TTp Work and Will Visit Chief northwestern Cities With 2Xescag-0. C. L. Horn, of the Whealdon Annex has ben appointed a representative of all organizations participating in tbs ; conference of organization represents- j lives for diverting more 1915 travel ; via Oregon, and as such will visit the principal northwestern cities and con fer with their civic and commercial associations with a view of interesting them in the more travel proposition. He was appointed at a meeting of the organization Friday at which C. C Chapman presided. Among the cities he will visit will he Spokane, Seattle. Tacoraa, Victoria and Vancouver, B. C, and his chief duty will be to get them to have rep resentatives at a conference which will be held in Seattle Thursday. No vember 5. Dr. Chapman w'as also authorized to ask shippers of the northwest to use their Influence to the end that repre sentatives of the big transportation systems be present at the Seattle con ference. Mr. Horn's expenses will be paid by the several organizations that are represented ln the local conference. n Excellent Dinner, Is served today in the Arcadian Garden from 6 until 8. Tour family or friends would surely enjoy it, as well as appreciate your good tart in the choice of ' entertainment. Highest Class Entertainment 3XR. AITD MRS. CABVTLXiE In classic and . modern costume dances, well known as the dancing stars of the Tango Tea. BRESOXTXER and OZOTACSXirZ, Grand Opera Stars of Note. EXXiXOlR'S ORCHESTRA Week Day Dinner Dances and afternoon teas in ballroom, 4 to 7. 9 to 12. The Carvilles will instruct. Hotel Multnomah "DIGHT now, men, is he time to buy your Winter ufiderwear This store shows the largest stock of Vassar Union Suits in the town, and in the greatest range of fabric. Shown here in Balbriggan, Sea Is land Cotton, Wool, Worsted, Lisle, Silk and Wool. Perfect fitting garments of fine quality, at standardized prices: $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $8.50. uU i i "' urn, 1 B EN SELLING y" '' " 1 " " -v 1 LEADING CLOTHIER MORRISON STREET AT-OURH Dentistry Bill Endorsed 7 Si 4 'V.'.VV.V.-jBrtV - aw : ... . v 5v LORA C. LITTLE, Progressive Candidate for Representative. By Medical Freedom Clubs of Oregon - - - - i)H.i W. U. POWELL, President Pacific College ,tf Chiropractic. Whereas, Thi a Federation "exists tojunify effort in the'directicn of securing-medical freedom 'and restoring v liberties which ."have been taken from the pecle through the gradual encroachments of State liedicine, and; Whereas, Initiative' Bill 340 in tle State Pamph let known as the Dental Bill, is a definite ;step in the direction of medical freedom, protecting the Ipeoplo instead of the. Dental Trust, and , i Whereas this 'fight "of 'the people fcs been under taken" single-handed by Dr. E.H. Parker ( Palnleoe Parker) in backing this 111, and Whereas, Should Bill 340 be'defeafed, nothing is surerthan tha.t the Medical Trust will take courage and seek further restrictive laws in the interest of the doctors and against. the interests of the people; .therefore Resolved: Thatr this Federation" ufj voters in its several organizations to use alj ence insupport of B4J.1 340; and, further ft ?e"each and all . their influ- Resblved: .That we heartily endorsee rand commend DrT" Parker', for hi s stand against injustice anil Dental Mon opoly.' " " 2! Dated: 0ct7T13;i9l4; OREGON FEDERATION OF MEDICAL FREEDOM CLUBS AT AT J j By President. CPaid Adv. by E, R. Parker. Merchants Truat Bldg.g O Secretafy-Treasurer