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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1914)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1914. This page tells you how to win big prizes offered The Journal's Trade and Circulation Contest. m Equal Opportunity to Everyone Living in the Northwest WM A $1280 Reo the Fifth Auto A $850 "Maxwell 25" Runabout A Trip to the Exposition A Piano or a Grafonola Here are the rules, the location of districts and names of places where Grand Prizes District Prizes The Grand Prist Consists of a Vlv Passenffe Ko Touring; Car, 1915 model, fiflly equipped, the regular re tall price of which Is $1280. will be awarded to the person having the largest number of votes of all the districts. This automobile now on exhibition at the Northwest Auto Company. Broadway and Couch street. Second Grand Trtzm, Consisting of "a Maxwell Automobile, 1916 model touring car, fully equipped, the regu lar retail price of which is $850, will be awarded to the person having the second largest number of votes of all the districts. This automobile now on exhibition at the Pacific Motors Company. Twenty-first and "Washington streets. Winners of the Grand Prise b win have no interest in the District Prises. District No. 1 Consists of all territory west of the Willamette river and within the city limits of Portland. District No. 2 Consists of all territory east of the Willamette river and north of Burnside street, and within the city limits of Portland. District No. 3 Consists of all territory east of the Willamette river, south of Burn side street, and within the city lim its of Portland. District No. 4 Consists of all territory outside of Portland. 1ST PRIZE High-Grade Piano. 1st District A. Haynes Eros'. Piano, now on display at Graves' Music 'Store, 151 Fourth St. 2d District Kurtzman Piano, now being shown at Sherman, day & Co, 6th and Morrison. 3d District A Lad wig Piano, on exhibition at Wiley B. Allen & Co, Broadway and Morrison. 4th District A Bush & Lane Piano, now on the floor at Bush & Lane's, 433 Washington St. 2D PRIZE for each District A trip for two persons to the Panama-Pacific Exposition, either by rail or boat, with meals en route, one week at a first-class San Francisco hotel, and $50 spend ing money, 3D PRIZE for each District A trip for one person to the Panama-Pacific Exposition, either by rail or boat, with meals en route, one week at a first-class San Francisco hotel, and $25.00 spending money. . 4TH PRIZE for each District A $7SjOO Colombia. Grafonola. 5TH PRIZE for each District A $50.00 Cotambia Grafonola. 6TH PRIZE for each District A $25jOO Colombia. Grafonola. Grafonolas on display at Colombia Graphonhone Co, 429-431 Wash ington street, and Graves Music Co, 151 Fourth street. Over $5000 in prizes will be awarded by The Oregon Journal to the persons receiving the largest number of votes in this circulation and trade campaign, which started Thursday, September 24, 1914, and ends February 24, "1915. , Any person, excepting employes of The Journal or their families can enter this contest by filling out the entrance coupon appearing on this page and filing it with the Contest Department of The Journal. The retail merchants mentioned herein will issue, with every cash purchase of 5 cents or over, a salesHp or coupon having a voting value of one vote for every cent. If you have a charge account with the merchant, the vot- votes that count are gotten: ing coupon win be issued when you settle your bill. These coupons or saleslips must be presented to The Journal's Contest Depart ment within seven days from the date of issue to be credited to yourself or the candidate yon are supporting. The labels or trademarks of the articles men tioned in the "Manufacturers' List" appearing below will have a certain voting value. See manufacturers' list and advertisements for details. Paid-in-advance subscriptions to The Daily. Sun day or Semi-Weekly Journal (dated after September 23), for one month or more, will nave a voting value of one vote for every cent. Enter your name or that of your favorite in the list of candidates at once, and send it to The Journal's Contest Department. Albina Fuel Co- Inc. Goldsmith Branch Offices Throughout the City 5 Mara office 453 COALS KNIGHT ROCK SPRINGS . MEND OTA Our Summer Prices on Coal are still in effect. WOOD DRY SLAB NO. 1 DRY FIR SEASONED POLE OAK Our sales slips have a vot ine value of one vote for each cent. Make your home cozy and cheerful for the Winter month. CAITINT -Kalsomine VrrRALrTES-ENAMEL LOWE BROS. -HIGH STANDARD- PAINT. FLOOR VARNISH Heel proof mar-proof, water proof. WALL-DURA A wash able flat wall paint FLOOR PAINT Made 8 colors. in Aoai for eolor cards. RASMUSSEN &CO. Main 1771- k-esn N.E.Cor. 2d and Taylor Sts. Dotoii know that we will wire your home on the easi plan? ijii u payment Let pas explain. Phone M. 5100 for A-6131, Commercial Dept 4 Frtland Rail ivdy, Light & tPower Co. .1 Recebts from electric store or fog light bills private res idences good for 2 votes for eachTNcent represented. Just as tempting as they look The very sight of these luscious halves of sound, yellow peaches makes yon want to get your teeth into them I Cash Slips From the Following Retailers Have a Voting Power of One Vote for EVERY CENT OF PURCHASE Ben Selling Men's Clothing, Hats and HaberdsheryWoraen'a Ap parel, Fourth and Morrison Sts. C. H. Baker Men's, women's and childrerfs Shoes, 380 Washington St, corner West Park C. H. Baker Men's, women's and children's Shoes, 270 Washington St. C. H. Baker Men's, women's and children's Shoes, 270 Morrison St. The J. K. Gill Co. Stationery, Books, Office SaopCes, Third and Alder The Juvenile Children's Outfitters, Boys' Clothing. 143 Sixth St Ray Barkhurst Men's Tailor 6th and Stark Sts. Lennbnks Glpves7 t7mbrellas, Hosiery, 309 Morrison St S Portland Emporium Coats, Suits, Dresses, Furs, Waists, Millinery, 124 Sixth St. Jones' Market Meats, etc., 4th and Alder. Phones, Marshall L A-62S1 rlenry C. Schroeder (Furniture)-244 Russell. C-1774, East 3S42 Bonham & Currier, General Merchants 103 Jersey St, St Johns, Or. W. E. Goggins, Shoes, Gents' Furnishings 104 Main St, Lents. Tab. 4141 Sellwood Furniture Co. Corner Tacoma and 13th. Phone SelL 1682 Isis Theatre, Motion Pictures 13th and Spokane. Myrtle Rose Dancing Club Wednesday nights. Cotillion Hall, 14th near Washington King & Co. Department Store, Forest Grove, O. Smith & Wilson General Merchandise, McMmnviOe, Or. HARDWARE, PAINTS, ETC Oregon Hardware Co. Hardware, Sporting Goods, Cutlery, 70-72 Third St., near Oak. Nichols Hardware Co. 141 Killingsworth Ave Woodlawn 547 Eriksen Hardware Co. 554 Williams Ave.. C-1366. East 559 Howard Hardware & Paint Co. 1927 East Glisan. -Tabor 2977 Sunnyside Hardware Co. 983 Belmont Tabor 2497 JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Jaeger Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. 266 Morrison St Dillen Rogers Jeweler and Optician, Killingsworth and Albina. Wood lawn 2863 GROCERS W. S. Cutler & Son 1009 Union Ave. N. C-1354, Woodlawn 1748 F. H. Rupert 421 Jefferson St. A-1796, Marshall 1645 J. Woolach & Son 19th and Broadway. C-2618, East 537 Simola & Davis 45th Ave. and 62d St Tabor 645 Tremont Grocery 5907 72d St. Tabor 614 J. B. Neubauer 373 11th St. . A -4232. Main 638 Burroughs & Gault 321 Third St. A-1441, Main 1441 G. W. Long 840 Corbctt St. A-3523, Main 1704 Carl Walstrom 811 Williams Ave. C-1197. Woodlawn 1502 Geo. Hockenyos 128 Russell St East 5878 Peebler Grocery Co. 160 E. Broadway. 255 Holladay C-1352, E. 1602 D. Kellaher & Co. 133J4 Grand Ave. B-1694, East 418 M. J. Malley Third and Ankeny.- A-5822. Main 303 Brubaker & Normandin 60th and East Stark. B-2125, Tabor 1133 R. A. Walks East 80th and Glisan. Tabor 223 Sinnott Bros. 6203 Powell Valley. Tabor 14 John E. Malley Fourteenth and Washington. A-2167, Mam 2167 White Front Grocery 373 E. Eleventh. B-1615, East 380 Emig's Grocery Fifty-Second and Sandy. C-1665, Tabor 139 Schmeer & Co. 426 East Burnside. B-1183, East 483 Wis. Landauer 925 East Stark. B-2067, East 2618 A. M. Sauter 421 East Eighth. B-2189, East 298 ' W. J. Shanahan, Successor to RayG. Sherrett 1189 Milwaukie. SelL 2085 G. H. Zeisler East 21st and Clinton, Sellwood 150 McFarland & Legrand 415 Everett Main 1540, A-1540 Hawthorne Grocery Co. 1101 Hawthorne. Tabor 384, B-2425 Ross R. Peebler 680 Milwaukie. Sellwood 374 A. Robertson 13th and Tenino. Phone Sellwood 1066 Chas. W. Stubbs 114 East 28th St N. Phone. East 4381, B-2168. M. Schultz, 4452 45th Ave. Phone Sellwood 954. DRUGGISTS Huntley Drug Co.4th and Washington, Portland. Main 3208, A-3105 Edwin A. Robison 23d and Washington. A-5357, Main 8169 Rose CUy Pharmacy 57th and Sandy Road. C-2314, Tabor 2204 Wallace Drug Co. 37th and Hawthorne. Tabor 773 Irvington Pharmacy East 15th and Broadway. C-1434, East 5500 Woodstock Pharmacy4610 60th Ave. S. E. Sellwood 55 Phoenix Pharmacy 6616 Foster Road (Kern Park Sta.) B-2716, Tab. 465 F. L. A. Wilson 460 Jefferson. A-3421. Main 2069 St Johns Pharmacy St. Johns Castleman's Pharmacy Killingsworth and Albina. C-1474, Woodlawn 55 Couch's Pharmacy 817 Mississippi. Woodlawn 306 Vernon Drug Co. 17th and Alberta. C-1511, Woodlawn 2294 McGillivray Bros 435 Durham Ave. Woodlawn 1810 .'Allen's Drug Store 16th and Lovejoy. Main 1640 "Matthieu Drug Co. 275 Russell St C-1232, East 662 -Ausplund Drug Store 110 North Sixth. A-2221, Main 8106 Dickson Drug Co. 73 East 80th. B-1419, Tabor 764 Gclman & Bader Front and Gibbs. A-5877, Main 5403 H. F. Brandon 701 Hawthorne. East 873 Mt, Scott Drug Co. Lents, Or. Tabor 1417 ' Love's Pharmacy Grand Ave. and Burnside. East 341, B-1011 The Beaver Pharmacy 560 Umatilla Ave. Brink's Pharmacy 13tb and Washington. Mam-7233. A-4953 " ' Preferred Stock Canned Peaches are mountain grown in Jhe California Highlands sun ripened and delicious. Excellent for dessert no trouble, no preparation! Allen & Lewis Portland, Oregon. Preferred Stock, the only brand of canned fruits, vegetables -and condiments good for votes in The Journal contest Every caa of peaches oo 4 for SO vote. over cheerful, ehubby babies Purity Milk and Cream la yos, ptzxa, pure I mm Abaoln tely the T safest milk delir- i 9 f I ered in Portland II f I today. Guarded In II Hi I every step by J hSI modern science. 1 If Xts ure l Saonfb for Baby Ij ft fc It's Pure Eaoufa Is . for To 10 fssk An Labels soodJ J&i&0 for 20 votes. uz.f ' $Tt' Ask Your Grocer for the following brands of soap to ob tain the coupons for prizes given by The Journal: LUCKEL'S STEAM REFINED BORAX ROYAL WHITE GOLDEN STAR BABY ELEPHANT LUCKEL'S NAPHTHA DEWDROP WASHING POWDER Wrappers have a voting value of Z votes for each cent of purchase First Aid to the Hostess When unlooked for company comes, youTl feel perfectly secure with Otter Clams in the pantry. Delicious broths, chowders and bouillons pre pared in a few moments. AH the fresh sweetness of flavor retained At all grocers, 15 2 can 25 The labels are good for 30 votes SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN BANK Cor Morrison and Park Sts. PAYS 4 IN SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 200 VOTES ALLOWED FOR EVERY $1.00 DEPOSITED in our savings department and left 6 months or longer. (Individual contest accounts limited to $1000.00.) , C F. Hendrlckaen, Pres. WW T. Wright, Vice Prea. Anthoti Eckern, Cashier. O. C Bortxmeyer. Assist. Cashier. iwAl I Yo nerM win fe ifeit ECf?ll i' llll '1 steady your stotf- 5frr6S! 1 ' I 11 I - J ach strong f yfuj i-vl Vy GoMa West ColfSfllp "! V'V The choice of the dSsminating Always the $are Blended by Experts 1 4. tb. eoataW.1 CLOSSET & DEVERS TEA COFFEE SPICES ft of purchase s -BBBBBlBBBBBBBSBBBaBBBBBBBBl That is why more than 10,000 homes are using TIP-TOP BREAD be Made from the highest patent flour and best yeast to obtained. iVeJcf Tune Say "Tip-Top" to Your Grocer. Every loaf of "Tip-Top" worth 15 votes in The Journal Contest Crown Flour A Prizewinner First Prize The pure, light, sweet bread you will make from this flour is a prize in itself. Second Prize Turn your empty Crown Flour sacks into Journal office. Sacks cancelled and returned to you.. You will then receive for empty 50- lb ska. 330 votes. 25- lb sks. 170 votes. 10-lb sks. 80 votes. F mn "m:. 60-lb. sack worth 330 votes. 10-lb. sack worth 80 votes. rNSIDE 1 I !RAJtArriNt 'si77n TF 1 Double Carton Feature Innldff of all our cartons (except -36c aiart oats and wbeat, we are now pacing Paaffine Carton (illustjated above). This protec tion erahlen you to icet our cereals in tb-?arne condition as wha they Imve our mill. We ruar- ante contents pure, clean and wholei a Cereal Manufacturers. j'JPortland. Oregon CartoDibave value of 2 votes for itlicn cent represented. f fclllj ' the tnecn wbe per- Iff LOTION r fxapt , unobtainable other- III ii Good for ioo votes. I 1- IjY .nil uapla sb Beeelpt of lOo Btaarpa. Ill VS... I --'T1h EOaoott Chemical Laboratories. XorUan4 III U. S. DRY CLEANERS Send all your dry cleaning here. , Every care and at tention is given the worl w-hicri is returned to you in all its freshness, the same as new material. Get your work done here and be pleased. Also get in on the big premium contest V Our cash receipts for dry cleaning have value of: 2 votes for each cent represented . U. S. DRY GLEANERS East 262 J. DANNELLS, Manager B-1193 MOLLY MILK The one brand of evaporated milk that WILL WHIP SAVE YOUR LABELS They Are Valuable! Each label is worth 20 votes in The Jour nal's contest. GET HOLLY MILK And You GET THE BEST! Tell your dealer you want BRAND HAMS BACON LARD They Are Quality Products The labels from Columbia prod ucts have the following values in The Journal's Circulation and Trade Campaign, Cohrmbia Brand Ham Columbia Brand Bacon , 500 votes Columbia Brand Pure Pork Sausage 50 votes Columbia Brand Lard Small size, 125 votes Medium, 180 votes Large, 350 votes Columbia Brand Salad Oil 70 votes If you buy Columbia products in smaller quantities, have your dealer show Columbia on the satescheck and you will be enti tled to votes on the basis of 2 votes for 1 cent. IIIIIIIIIDII! You'll relish the delicious flavor and the uniformity of Damascus Butter At All Reliable Croc?. Wrapper Labels Good for Two Votes for Ejery Cent Represented. PORTLAND mi OREGON lira Nomination Mtank JOURNAL CONTEST DEPARTMENT::! Please enter the name of Name Address ir i . .... i Age. .....years. Residing in distrWtA Yours Name 4 ,- j.-fij . --; - it ............. ........ Address SflllIMfltti4lfi