2I IT Locke Bound Over "Oath of the Sword" i-fr WAR VETERANS TO VISIT PRODUCTS SHOW On Bigamy Charge Innovation in rilms THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER .18, 1914. L 'Si DRAMA, melodrama, comedy and current event make up th va ried program at the Sunset for tho flrat half of the week. The feature lm a two-part romance, "Dayllrht" The plot la woven around a talented yourwj composer, who Is ordered to the moun tain to restore his health. He Is stricken blind, but Wins fame through the help of great love. Later his sight is restored and ne sees ror tne first ttma the woman he has married. "Bad Man Mason" Is a melodrama built on the theme that the devil is never eo black a he Is painted. Th comedy i a Majestic. "Back to the Kitelnn." The Mutual Weekly and local views complete the bill. Al tho Star the eleventh chapter Of the Trey O'Hearts," "The Painted Hills.' il! siiow a new section of the country and a new ort of adven luiea. A two-part drama of ambition, lm nd hiror is "Kid Regan's Hands." 'I'm- A:il:iiHttl Weekly and a fantasy, Vurld, Victor." complete the bill. The ! KiU'i'-ount rHeaae for Wednesday will t the Famous Players' production or Wlldtlower," Witii Marguerite The Globe will show for its special Sunday feature a four-part ' heavy dm ma, ' "Tile Murdoch Trial." with ! lor!ice-Turnec. She Is supported by c cdst of prominent Knglish players. I'Hthe Weekly and a comedy will com plete the bill. Thomaa Wise, playing his original tfcrt in "The Gentleman From Missis lrpi" will be the Shubert-Brady feu twro photoplay at the Cplumbia.' The picture depi ta the trials and pleas uiea of a new L'nited States senator. A conitdy ar.U an u'rgan number wjll i round out the program. At the Peoples' Itobert Etleson will be presented in a Lasky production of "Where tha Trail Divides." It in the tale of an Indian, educated at Carlisle, who marries a white woman. Mr. Edeuon wll be seen in hia ;ld part of "How'' 1. under, the Indian. "Tho Painted World" with Jutta Bwayne Gordon a"d Anita Stewart, is tha Vltagraph feature at the Majestic. Jtis a photoplay that ran first at the Vltagraph theatre In New York. Hughie Mack In "fatty's Sweetheart," and the Hearst-Sellg Weekly will complete the bill. "Sacrificial Klros" is the three-part feature at the Circle today. A Mary Plcicford picture, a comedy and a Vlta graph comedy drama,. "The Heart of Sonny Jim" complete the offering. "The Million Dollar Mystery" a Keystone, "Hard Cider," and an KdtHon will hold the screen Monday and Tuesday. Wed nesday's pictures are "A Physical Cul ture Romance"; an Edison, "Jim's Ro mance"; EsKanay, "The Fable of the Adult Girl Who Got Busy," and Hearst. Helig Weekly. Thursday's choice is "Our Mutual Girl"; Keystone, "Killing Horace"; Bssanay, 'A Splendid Dis honor." Friday the pictures are "The Hecond Mrs. Roebuck," "The Benevo lence of Conductor 786," "Ham, the Lineman." Saturday they are "Fatty's Debut, Lodging for the Night," "Fins Feathers Make Fine Birds" and a split reel of Biograph comedy. CO GREAT has been the success of Tha Million Dollar Mystery, writ tan by Harold MacGrath and produced by tha Thanhouser company, that it will be followed up with another ser ial, "Zudora." Daniel Carson Good man, who wrote "The Battle of the Sexea." "The Escape" and a number of other notable productions, is the .author of the new serial, which will be released weekly in two-reel episodes. Mr. MacGrath will write the newspaper version. Marguerite Snow, who is playing Countess Olga in the Mystery, wilt play Zudora. James Cruze, the reporter hero in the same production, will apepar.as Hassam All, a weird oriental chaicter, around whose mys ticism revolves much of the story. Harry Benham, well known Than- "houser leading man, is to be John Storm, Zudora's lover. These three pleading people will be supported by a company of 1000. "Zudora" is con structed In 20 episodes with a total number of scenes greater than in all of the first episode is, "The Mystic Message of the Spotted Collar." There are but six more weeks of "The Mil lion Dollar Mystery. ON COMPLETION of - "The Man Vho Could Not Lose," by Richard Harding Davis, Carlyle Blackwell and his Favorite Players will start on an other story by the same author with the scenario entitled "The Last Chap ter," which is the heading suggested by Mr. Davta for his tale, "The Un finished Story." The titl is a happy one, and the scenario is being put Into shape by a brother of Director J. Francis Dillon, who is producing for Mr. Blackwell. The same cast will be Ufed and will incluoa Ruth Hartman, William Brunton, John Sheehan, Oilie Kirkby and Gypsy Abbott. THE latestcelebrlty to succumb to tha lure of the films is none oth er than Ella Wheeler Wilcox, tho "Poetess of Passion." Her poem, "The Price He Paid." has been made into film material by the Humanology Film Producing company of Med ford, Mass. In addition they have added pictures of the poetess under the heading of "Hummer Days With Ella Wheeler Wil cox." GREAT preparations are already be ing made for the fifth annual ball of the Motion Pictures association of New York, to be held this year In the Grand Central palace on December 15. Last year the bail was. given at the Terrace garden with an attendance of IS, 000. The accommodations of the palace is 30,000, and preparations are being made for that number. Four floors will be prepared for dancing so that all who wish may so enjoy inemseives. To come nearer home, the Photoplayers club of Los Angeles will hold a high-Jinks the last two nights of this month. Their offer ing is to be vaudeville performances with the bills made up of such stage and - picture favorites as Filson and KrroU Deeley and Wain, Theodore Roberts, Jess Dandy, Ford Sterling. Hobart Bosworth, Charles Murray, Charles Chaplin and Will Ritchie. SOME conception of tha care and ex pense, which is being put on mo tion picture productions these days, may be gleaned from the fact that 13 members of the Savage Opera com pany were engaged to enact scenes from "Aida," which are Important factors in "The Nightingale." the All- Star corporation's features that will Introduce Ethel Barrymore to th screen world. Signor Antoni Fran chise Italian tenor, who is well known as a musical educator, was brought on to oversee all details of the "Aida" scerfes. The photoplay is by Augustus Thomas, who was in charge of its production. J WARREN KERRIGAN, the popular film actor, has been announced by the Universal company as the one to appear in the leading roles of Louis Joseph Vance's new series, "Terrence O'Rourke, Soldier of Fortune." There are to be 20 odd adventures, each complete in Itself, and Mr. Kerrigan Is certainly a happy chance for Ter rence fearless, dashing, gallant and humuroua gentleman adventurer. The first release will be ready October 28. : , 1 ; : ; s. r , tf VS " r '. i, ... ff.f .tys4Ts:T '4 Eugene. Or., Oct. 17. John Locke, alias Harry Logan, was bound over by the -justice of the peace in Eugene yesterday afternoon on the charge of polygamy.' Locke was arrested here Tuesday night, charged with having a wife in Portland and on in Eugene, and with living with both of them. The arrest was made at the Instance of Mrs. Dora Reed Barber, special agent of Governor West, who bad been investigating the case for several weeks before the arrest was made. The testimony at the preliminary hearing showed that a divorce decree was granted Locke from his wife at Oregon City, but he made affidavit that he knew nothing of the where abouts of his wife, while, at the sama time he was living with her In Port land. Service upon her was made by publication and Mrs. Locke, who was here to testify against her husband, declared that she knew nothing of a divorce until she came to this city yesterday. The records show that Locke was wed to Miss Nellie Gilmore at Salem In June, and testimony was they had lived together in Eugene since then. Locke, it developed, was charged in Indiana several years ago with grand larceny. He came west, it was testified, and changed his name to Harry Logan. The officers here wired to Indiana to ascertain whether or not he is wanted there, and were in formed that as witnesses against him there have left, he will not be prose cuted there. Japanese Actors Are TJsed tn 71T Waich la nrst Output of XTlppoaeae Company; Picture Xs Unique. An innovation in motion picture la The Oath of the Sword," a Japanese play with .Japanese actor In most of i the principal parts. The feature Is In three reels and is the first output of the Japanese-American Film company which is managed entirely by Japanese business men. In the company are assembled many of the most famous actors of Japan. A reviewer in the Moving Picture World says In part of "The Oath of the Sword:" "It is a vehicle through which we get glimpses of the inner life and modes of thought of the Japanese, their home life, their fisheries, their betrothals and mar. riage ceremonies, and lastly their pe culiar code of honor.. The picture is an education of distinct and unique value." No Liquor, So He Died. San Bernardino. Cal.. Oct. 17. Fred Knight, an orange grower, committed j sulciae Dy arinKing cmoroiarm occausa he was refused a physicians' prescrip tion for liquor. Organize to Work For New Boat Line Astoria, Or., Oct. 17. The first steps toward launching the movement for an open-river boat line from As toria to the interior were taken last evening, when the committee recently appointed by . the Columbia and Snake Waterways association met and or ganized for the work ahead. George W. Sanborn, member of the Port of Astoria commission and one of the most prominent salmon packers and shippers into the lower Columbia river district, was elected chairman. F. J. Walsh, engineer of the Port of As toria, was elected secretary. Other members of the committee are O. F. Wigglesworth. John E. Gratke, Wal lace R. Struble and F. C. Harley. No plan of action was outlined at the Top, left to right Captain C. R. Hotchklss, commander of Scout Young Camp, No. 2; Mrs. E. A. Sper ry, in charge of Woman's Relief Corps; Captain James P. Shaw, tn charge of the G. A. R. on Veterans' Day. 0 Bottom Sheds being built at Armory to house Land Product's Show exhibits. Veterans' day at the Manufacturers' and Land Products' show will bring to the armory more than SO veterans of the Civil war, members of the several posts of the G. A. R. in Portland and suburbs as well as representatives of the Women's Relief corps and the Spanish War veterans. It has been decided the three organizations will celebrate at the land show Nov. 6. The afternoon exercises will be given over to the Women's Relief corps and Mrs. E. A. 8 perry, chaplain of the or ganisation, will have charge of the exercises. Captain James P. 6 haw is arariglng for the Joint program of the O. A. R. and Spanish War veterans. Captain C. R. Hotchkiss, commander of Scout Young camp No. 2, of the latter organisation, is in charge of the de tails for the young veterans. While the program for the evening is now being worked out by the joint committee, several unique features will be shown. ' The Grand Army men with' the Spanish war veterans Willi meet at the courthouse and march In a body to the armory, headeti by the land show band. There win be musio and addresses, but the most Interest ing part of the program will be a sketch to be put on In the land show theatre. It will be several scenes rep resenting a recruiting office during civil war times, drilling an awkward squad and other scenes familiar to the old veterans. Stereoptican slides will form .a part of the program and the scenes will show incidents of the two wars in which the veterans fought. There are more than 700 members of the G. A. R. in Portland and the veterans plan to present on their day at the land products show. With the Spanish war veterans it is hoped to have several hundred men In line for the parade the night of November 6, which will open Veterans' day at the exposition. Songs at 15c Each GET KE-VXZT TOM OITE XKJIJkJU Mississippi Cabaret Albert "fclumble I Want to Linger. Henry L Marshall On Tampa Bay Van Alstyne Sailing Down the River.. Jas. Brennan All Aboard for Dixieland. Geo. L. Cobb Night Time tn BurgundyJIerman Paley Dress My Mother Wore. . . .Marshall Rose of Mountain Trail. ..... Brennan Back to Panama. - Dulmag" California and You Haxry Puck Beautiful Eggs Herman Paley Back to Indiana. ........Van Alstyne Back to Dixieland........ Jack Yellen Tampa Bay Van Alstyne I've Got Everything but You.Maxsha.il Ask Flowers to Tell ....... .Gottschalk Add lo Eaca for "Mailing. Standard Piano Solos 5c Each Qui Vive ..Ganx- ncKRinn but it wn rtoc.iriorl to mnir i Remember Me (Far Away)..Brinkman an effort to get all the wheat raisers ! ""JLka Angela J i c.iu ...... - I , Arrangements are being made to receive the message of President Wil son, which will officially open the ex position October 26. The president will file the message In Washington at 6 p. m., In order that It will be re ceived here promptly at 9 p. m. According to O. E. Freytag, super intendent of exhibits, the horticultural and agricultural display at the land show will be one of the most elaborate ever staged In Portland, or the north west. The two annexes on Couch and Eleventh streets, built by the land show management to house exhibits, will be ready this week. All space has practically been taken and tho work of booth building starts this week. Contracts have been awarded for the decoration of the armory and Campbell's band will play afternoon and evening the first week. McElroys band will, be, the feature the second week and other organizations will be heard the third week of the exposition. and others in Eastern Oregon and Washington interested in the plan at an early date. - Woman Refused to Hold Tongue Accused Taken to Jan for Second Tims Because of Her Obstinacy and Defi ance of Warning. New York, Oct. 17. Mrs. Anne Odell of Mid vale, N. J., in court at Pat erson, yesterday, was called "the woman jail can't silence." - "This time I'll try a fine $150," said Judge Delaney. Five years ago Mrs. Odell was sentenced to SO days for slandering Mrs. John Pellington, a neighbor. She promised to keep still, and was released. But she talked and was arrested for the third time by Mrs. Pellington, on Thursday. Charge of the Uhlans.. -Bohra Chop suck . .ue ziim City Troop March Engiemann Dancing in the Barn.. . Turner Frolic of the Frogs . Wilson T.a ft.rn.CA .Bohm Gertrude's Dream -.Boethorycn Gvdsv Dance - . Ijichner Heavenward Marcn ....... .Jvmaie Invitation to the Dance .....Weber Add lo Each for Postage. A FEW S U UGESTXOHB. Piano tuning tn city limita S2.00 Seven Popular Songs for.. .81.00 Belle Mead Sweets, a poand.81.00 Hallowe'en Cards..... -1 and TTp whjlw rra mrsxo o ptctukxs "GO WBXBJB TEX CSOWSS GO." Jerome K. Bem&ck Co.. Proprietors, 323 Waenfaartom Street, een iixu ana sroaaway. This Country Sees . First Peace Play This country had its first presenta tion of a "peace play" on Monday in the .Municipal theatre at Northampton, Mass. It was 'Tn the Vanguard" by Mrs. Spencer Trask. This is the third season for the playhouse which is the only one of its kind in the United States and which has met with consid erable success. Find Body in the Oxbow Power House ; ' i Copperfield, Or., Oct 17. Howard Klngsley, operator at the Obow elec- i trie plant of the Idaho-Oregon Light ! & Power company at Copperfield, found dead in the power-house at noon yesterday. The supposition is that while he was engaged in his duties he must have slipped, fallen among the machinery BR M33 4 $s5s r -: :VV MMJE. JULIA CLAUSSEN In Concert With 70 MALE VOICES HEILIG THEATRE OCTOBER 24 Seat Sale October 21 PROGRAM TODAY SPECIAL FEATURE In Four Parts "THE MURDOCK TRIAL" with FLORENCE TURNER And an All Star Support. : h Pathes Weekly The World's Happenings. Farce Comedy "The Count That Took the Count" and been killed. ' His body was taken to Boise for burial. He leaves a bride of four months. US THEATRE Home of tne Favorite Players 11 A- M. to 11 P. at PEESEWTS raroaT, MoarPAT axs TUilSOAT On of Hew Tork's Great aat Sen sations. A Warning. The Painted World Cast. Anita Stewart, Julia Bwayne Ooxdon, Harry Hortnrap, Janice Cummin ga, b. A. Boberta. A Semi-Theatrical IraTna From the Vltagraph Theatre, New. York The Most Daring and Fiercely Realistic Story liver Filmed Hearst-Selig Weekly Latest Baseball. War and Otber News Fatty's Sweetheart By Hughie Mack and Ralph. Inoa T Comedy coacrjro Evelyn Nesbit Thaw And Her Son, Bussel WSUam . . ? Thaw In THSEaDS OP VUSTUTT Week Beginning Sunday, Oct. 25 Admission lOo Box Seats S5o 4tn at Wash, CIRCLE THEATRE . Week Says 6o ) Biff Double Snow Sunday1 Only, 10c The Best Moving Pictures with th best Musical Talent. Free box seats for ladies only. Forced air ven tilation, upen io:3U a. m. to 11:16 p.m. V w STEAMER GEORGIAN A I Reaves Washlngton-streefdock at 7 1 A. M. dally, except Monday. Sundays j ai a. as., ror - cSh Astoria and Way Landings Returning, leaves Astoria at X P. M. PEOPLES THEATRE Where PARAMOUNT PICTURES Are Shown Today and All Week JESSE L. LASKEY PRESENTS Mr. Robert Edeson His Famous Character "HOW L AMBER" Where tine Trail Divides 3 I Five acts of ex traordinary dra matic action. Four hundred scenes, superbly set, with faultless attention to detail. 4? 1 OC ADMISSION I OC Coming Next Week MACKLYN ARBUCKLE IN THE "COUNTY CHAIRMAN" rHEAfRE SUNDAY, MONDAY! TUESDAY An Exceptionally . Bleiided Program ti 6 Reels of Quality Films TTfl P ui . Ln. hearts CHAPTER N(l. 11 THE PAINTED HILLS TWO PARfs .This picture novel todayj presents en tirely new arid different Situations and daring adventures. THe action is in tense as the story nearsiithe end. . . Do not miss any of these final chapters "Kid Regan's; Hands" A TWO-PART MAJTERPIECE Blending Love, Honor land Ambition ill! " . ft i 1 11 r:; ANIMATED f EEKLY" Motion Pictures of th! World's Im , portant Events. : 111 "CUPID VICTOR" A BEAUTIFUL INTASY Unusual Photography -IV, m.: COMING WEDNESDAY Marguerite) Clark in- "WILDF -in : A PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION Presented by Danil; Frohman u are i.ou each way. Main 112.