THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 18, 1914. soxmuBEPiaa kooxj BIDS PKXYATB JrAMXI.T T3 . (CJontlnnedj -l'ut ONE. 2 and a large housekeeping rooma. 1 large front sleeping room. Newly furnished. Furnace 2 blocks from Washington. 19 ft lTth St, N. Main 6520. WARM, neat room for plain working men, four beds, at jus wees.wca, arranged for housekeeping. 675 Couch, at 18th. LIGHT, airy furnished housekeeping room, with Urge kitchenette, hot and cold water. light heat, phone and bath free; $16" month. 391 Broadway, near Montgomery nt WARM, furnished room, large closet, furnace heat hot water,, electricity, breakfast If desired. 123 N. !3. Mar. 849. 2 KOOM ground floor suite. Private entrance, $3 per week. Most de sirable In town. 243 4th st. near city ball. FURNISHED Bleeping and housekeep ing rooms, Ktuam heat, bath, tele phone. Walking distance. $2 and up. 389 Sd. y TWO furnished housekeeping roomf with kitchen. Front rooms good for dressmaking; on carline. 678 Kear " e y t. -v'"-ln 68&9- " Two comfortable rooms for 5. E -connecting, phone, light, bath, etc- $4 per wet;k. Walking distance. 253 Chapm an st reet. M ar. 8938. 3.1 TAYLOR, suites and single it K rooms ulko basement suite: light. prone, bath, laundry. 1 SUITE H. K. rooms, gaa range, Bink. hot water a-d large pantry. Clay street. Tvv'O large modern front 11. K. rooms, .. . . . . i . .- . i. . 1 ' - Q1 nrsi uoor, io; 4 uwus, -, Columbia. , FLRN1SHED housekeeping rooms, free light, bath, phone, $2.60 and $3. 403 2d, cor. HarrlHon. . CLEAN, sunny housekeeping rooms, highly respectable, reduced rates. walking distance. 149 18th St. 1'W'O suites XL K. rooms, $16 and 118; 2 single 11. K. rooms, io ana "a8 fre-ephone. heat; 407 Columbia st THREE unfurnished H. K. rooms in private family. , Water and phone. 106 5th st. TWO connecting-rooms, $5 per month or $ rooms for housekeeping. 1 Market st. VKIiY" ItEASONABLB. 8 sleeping rooms and housekeeping rooms, 600 Jefferson. NICE front room, completely fur nished for light housekeeping' ath heat and phone; no children. 266 12th. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 48 EAST SIDE NICELY furnished 2 room h. k. suites. sink, gaa, bath, phono, free electric lights, walking diatance, renU $25 per week and up. 372 E. Clay, cor. Union, Just off Hawthorne. The Dun ford. I'hone B-1740, . NICE, furnished 2 and 4 room house keeping suites at 244 Killings worth ave.; low rent. Phone Wood lnwn 6S0. C-1887 , ' $1.60 TO $2.76 ween, furnished H- K. rooms, gas, free beat, laundry, baths. Fhone East 0J9. 406 Vancouver ave. NEWLY furnished rooma Hot water. ve., N. housekeeping 1144ft Union Vv J1I..N you answer these Want Ads, mention The Juurnii I. HousEKSEpnaa booms FAST UiliV PRIVATE r A MILT 74 TWO furiiinhed housekeeping rooms, vrv re.innn;it)le. clean, light and sunny, walking distance, bath .and phone, no chiluien. 46 Kvtrrett st, 1 'hone Eiiwt 1701. j PARTLY luinlbh.xl 2 nmrns. Plenty storage room, frets water and light. Fine view. Nice residence. $8 per month. Walking distance. I'hone East 4763. Atyi iIIh i n 1 y. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms, ground floor, front and back en t ranee. Water, light, hath, ptione free. alk I ti gd Ivttinie. 34 4 E. 2d. N. L. 1326.. CLEAN, n.odi-rn liu'isekerping rooms, very reasonable; desirable location; very convenient. 654 K. bturk St., cor. K IXth. H-2x;7. T 1 1 K t K neiit. unfurnished rooms. WiUdrohc, hot and eold water, tel plinne, sh'mver bath. On ptived street per niontn ln',6 E. Wash st THUKE furnished h ousekeeping rooms, ; water und phoiiw free, t block to best car sivic in town; $S munth. I'hone Sellwooi" HH7. TV'(l or three modern furnished house keeping rutins on gruund floor, hot and cold water, free i'hone and bath. 11 K. 14th North, Ankeny t-ai TWO furnished rooms, light house keeping, reasonable, al:so sleeping rooms. l')!o Hawthorne ave. ' 2 LAKOE rooms for liht housekeep !ng. liKlit, water and phone free; $S month. Tabor 1 H99,J-2i56. i'iikEE wr II f u rJ yh d housekeeping rooms, electric lights, gns etc. Bar- Itain. I'hone Woodhiwn M4. 4 itOoMS, lihL heut, phone, piano. IIT-IH, 'I,V7,IC, 516 East Aid private bath. ler st F.nt 15 10. I' i K.N ikli I '.J housekeeping rooms, heat, liht, $3 week up, 1 block L n r. i " I iflay St.. near Morris. 3 WELL furnished connecting house keeping looms, lower floor; rent verjj rrnsotiaMt. 89 E. 8th st. N. y-X- 1X5 'l'Vii nierly fumisheil. modern H. K. rooma; with large closet, 1035 E. 9th st X. Woodlawn 200. . CKLV furnitshed modern rooma, with ufe of kitchen, within walking dls- tanrf n k. ith St.. near AnKeny. FOUR nice rooms, first floor, electric lights, a as, wood stoves, bath, $15. 411 William ave THRKK 'lean, furnished li. K. rooms, 95 E. 30th. Enst 5505. Adults. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 793 Belmont street. TW O and 3 rooms, near Broadway bridge, $16and $12. 382J, ltst., N. S TO 4"h. K. rooms $S to $T2. Yard" (baby). 412 Vnnrouvgr. East 2593. CLEAN outside suite, only $2.00. 882 Vi East Clay, cor. Union ave. TW u or tiireo furnished housekeeping rooms. 031 Garfield ave. W II e..S yo'l answer thette Want AUs. mention 'i hp Journal. ron kent tiorsRS 12 $17. 5u 5 room modern house, sleeping porch, furnace. Lot 100x150. 10 E. 63d st, N. Key next at No. 12. SIX room house, unfurnished or far - nlshed, $11. Main 91305 fc'lVE room modern house, reasonable. Inquire 919 Woodward ave, Sfll. 1551. 1ti)OM house, corner E. 6th and Everett; shades. Call 426 E. Everett TWO cottages, close In, east side cheap rent. Phone East 4640. MODERN 5 room cottage. 666 Mill st Kent $l. , FOR REXT 5 room cottage, east side, cIob e In. Pho ne Main 1755. MODERN 5 room house, '1 2d and Al berta, only $18; East 1974. I1.6O, pleasant 5 room house, Mt Scott car to u4th Bt: se Jeweler 8 ItooMS, nodern East 28th st. ; will lease. Key at 861 Hawthorne ave. I ROOM cottage, cheap, 338 E. 44th. , Call Tshor 3i6. BIX room house and garage. Call East X i I o. Jl6, nice 5 room house, 16 E 20th, be tween Wash, and Alder. E. 5366. MODERN 6 room bungalow, gas ranga and shades, $18. Woodlawn ii99. FlVE room, modern, large yard, $14. 256 E. 27th N. East 3505. $15. nice clean ? room cottage, and K. Ash; phone Eawt;24fti. 3586 rr.Tf .. rr, NICE four room cottage, walking dis- tance, $10. 749 Water. I?i i.rno-'" TTT g" .,n 4-room house, yard. 524 Mill stret, near iotn street. $10 NICE 5 r. cottage and Vi acre, right at Ryan Place sta, Oregon Electric. Phone Hell. 1109. $26 8 room house, 625 Hawthorne cor, E. 16th. i ROOM house, 325 lialaey st Phone C-1Q37 6-room house 630 5th street rent Jin. FOB RENT nOUSES 12 i (Continued) Houses T rroiM, $25, 399 13. 46th st. N. 6 rooms, $$4, 406 B. Ankeny st 6 rooms, $14. 89 E. 10th eL 6 rooms. $14. 615 E. 7th st. 6 rooma, $16,148 K. 13th st. 6 rooms. $15, 593 E. Ash st. 4 rooms, $10, 67 E. 12th st. 4 rooms. $10, JE04 E. Ash st. 7 rooms, $20, 1209 Hawthorne ave. 7 rooms, $15. 435 M Ankeny st. 8 rooms, $15, 871 K. Glisan st. 6 rooms, $20, 600 K. Davis st 7 rooms. $15. 443 R. Davis at. f roomm, $15, 447 K. Davis st. 6 rooms. $16, 469 E. Everett st. 8 rooms. $22.60, 9 E, 12th st. 8 rooms. $15. 843 E. 8th st. N. 8 rooms, $27.50, 70 E. 11th st. 6 rooms. $20, 8 E. 14th st. 4 rooms, $9, 486 K. Grant st. 6 rooms, $25, 707 E. Burnside st. 7 rooms. $16, 554 E. Pine, cor. 13th. 11 rooms, $25, 71 E. 11th st. 8 rooms, $20, 91 E, 12th. Includes barn. 6 rooms. $18, 494 E Ankeny st 6 rooms, 18, 464 E. 26th St. 6 rooms, $15. 602 E. 8th et. 5 rooms, $18, 54 5 K. Ash st. 8 rooms, K5. 677 E. Ankeny. 10 rooms, $35, 6 Orand avL K. 5 rooms, $18 624 E. Davis st. 6 rooms, $2a, 26 E. 7th st. 5 rooms. $10, 619 Holgate St. 6 rooms. $16, 89 E. 9th st. N. 5 rooms, $10. 1575 E Burnside St. 5 rooms, $20. 620 K. Davis st, 4 rooms, $10, 508 E. Stark st. 4 rooms. $6, 102 E. 8th el N. 6 rooms, $12, 48 E. 21st st. 7 room?, $16, 542 E. Oak st 7 rooms, $10, 12'A Union ave. N. 8 rooms. $25, 701 E. Ankeny st P'DATS. 6 rooma, $18, 877 K. Ash st 6 rooms, $16, 495 E. fine st 6 rooms, $18, 66 E. 14th st N. 6 rooms, $25. 29 E. 16th et K. 4 rooms, $0, 27 ri 12th st N. 6 rooms. $20, 27 E, 12th st N. 6 rooms. $20, 92 E. 15th st rooms, $20, 2 Grand ave. N. '4 rooms, J15, 575 E. Hurnslde St. 4 rooms. $15, 683 E Davis st 4 rooms, $14. 63 E. 6th st N. Stores; Warehouses and 'Gar&gea. J. J. Oeder Real Estate and Rentals, Cor. Grand Ave, and E. Ankeny St. MKTFTt A FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable list of all -vacant bouses, flats, aoartments and bungalows in. the city; make use of th la BcrvicA whm von rtir- thl f1rv not obligate you In any manner to this i Store. YOU wiU rihd us willing and ready at all times to help you in locat- 1 ing. newcomers in foreland win rina this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private prop erty are Invited to list their unoccu pied apartments, flats and houses at Meier )k Frani's free rental bureau. HOUSES. cejnent tesamexrt. $28 4 rooms, fur- naoe, close to Jefferson hisrh school at 997 Commercial st. near Blandena. $2 4 rooma, in good repair, walking distance, at 467 ' iiaritet st, near Thirteenth, $20 6 rooms, 594 Raleigh, eor. 19 th. $26 6 rma, 649 Overton st. near 16 th. $20 6 rooms, 648 Pettygrove st $25 8 rooms, modern, large, yard, at 438 E. 26th Et, N-, nr. Tillamook. $308 rooms, modern; hot water heat fireplace; on Irving st, nr. 23d. $357 rooms, new and modern, hard wood floors, at 599 K. 27th st, north, near Stanton. 1L P. Palmer-Jones Co. 404 'Wilcox bldt;.. phon e Main 8693. 7 ROOM house, on Belmont st. near E. 3 2d; In good condition, $18. 6 room house, Belmont aad E. 38th ets., $18. 6 room hotise, E. 30th, near Belmont st, $16. 5 room eottagw, on 3 4 th, nar Tay lor, $13. Tabor 181L W. H. SAWTELL $12.60 SNAP- See this today; 2 etory. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, bath, gas. electricity, full cement basement, fur nace piped to every room, fireplace. j large yard, garden, chickeo horse and run; block from Montavilia car. Tabor 2743. 100 E. 66th at North. j MODERN 6 room house, furnace, fire place, tub and shower bath, open sleeping porch, tennis court; Waver leigh Heights; excellent view of city; good car service; rent $20. Sell. 2024 or call 499 E. 29th et NEW modern 5 room bungalow to re sponsible adults very reasonable. Owner wishes to reserve 1 room or will board 'and pay difference refer ences exchanged. Inquire 743 E. 7Sth street, north. FOR RENT Fine modern 6 room cot tage, beautiful view, furnace, fire place, garage, good car service, rea sonable rent Call Main 6109 or Sell wood 184 or A-4656. 4 9 Ek 46th st, near Hawthorne, 5 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, basement, built in conveniences. Open Sunday p. m. Key 518 Corbett bldg., durinsr wepfc. b OR RENT Good 5 room house, conveniences. sleeping porch, all rurnace, etc. Lot 100x150. Rent roduced to $17.50. 10 East 53d st Key at No. 12 6 ROOMS nice. Clean, west side. $25. 10 rooms, one floor, $16. 5 rooms, modern, east side, $12. BUNGALOW Fine grounds, 2 lota. chicken yard, 1 block to car. Reed College district range furnished, $10 per month. Telephone East 4763. TO RENT For $10 per month, 5 room cottage, woodshed, chicken houses and park, fruit etc; two lota 100x93. Prone Tabor 4272. FOR RENT 6 room house with mod ern improvements, lot 100x100, good neighborhaad, in Mt Scott district Inquire 6922 44th ave. Call Tabor 3692.' SIX room modern house, furnished, with piano, 2 lots, garden, fruit. small modern house with 2 lots; 403 I 4r., ava n.istii GREAT Scott! what more do you want when you can rent a $3500 house, SO minutes out for $15? Room 304 Ho tel Arthur. SMALL house, 5 rooms, 100x100 irrnnnrla ri!r r Viil?An 14 T 1 a ; e. 13th st, corner Bismarck.' Sellwood t ear. MODERN 7 room corner house, E. 20 th and Taylor sts., rent reasonable. Phone East 4178. 10 ROOM house. Chapman St. between Morrison and Y'amhilL Main 69S9, A-4017. IF you want to rent a modern 6 room house, nice yard, call 248 E. 28th. Tabor 1290. NINE room house, $15 on 79th, 1 block to MV. car. See Mrs. Ottinger, 2050 Holladay ave. MV.. ear. FOR RENT $6, nice new i room cot tage with 2 lots. A duress Mrs. R. McConnell, 674 Ramona ave. TO RENT a room cottage, bath, fruit trees, near to car $12. 1158 E. Aider Ft Phone Tabor 3703. 4 ROOM and a bath, neatly furnished; gas Btove and wood range, $15, in cluding water. 800 E. 6th st. N. MODERN house, 653 Mississippi ave, near O.-W, It & IS. car shops. Near schooL Price $16. A-7931. Main 1359. 6 BOOM house and acre, on 70th st, cheapt to responsible people. Phone Taborf 2f.06. FOR RENT $20 6-room house, mod ern, newly tinted. 1200 Kerby st. Main 6180. S ROOM bungalow. No. 1108 East Market St "VV. L. Nash, owner, 199 E. 60th st Phone Tabor 793, B-3081. i$8.00 FOUR room cottage, 107 Revere st. near O.-W. R. & N. car shops. Key next door. Phone East 3135. - , r- r r ; j ROOM modern house, best, in good neighborhood; cheap to right party. Sellwood 203S. SEVEN room house, 834 tt. 8th st, N. Reasonable. See owner. Geo. W. Tabler, 48.N-, 8th st . Main 1997, NEW 6 room houses, furnace, fire places, $17 and $20. 28th and B. Franklin. 5 ROOM modern bungalow, Rosa City park, 1 blocks from car. Tabor 1387. li! CLARK RENTAL. SERVICE. Piedmont 2 cozy little houses, bom better can be found in this district one 5-rooai, the other ?. Strictly mod ern. - Irvineton and Rose City Park- 4 rwy nice houses, ranging la prte frorri $20 to $40, Kunnyside and Mt Tabor t splen did houses, ranging in price from $29 to $25. Ladds Add. and Hawthorne Are- -2 fine houses, new and modern. Our houses are carefully selected from among hundreds, scattered over Portland, for rent They are fresh and clean inside and have not stood idle for months. We invite yonr in vestigation. Rental Department F. N. CL.ARK & COMPANY. 2d Fir Title & Trust bldg.. 89 Fonrth. UN FU RN I H UKD. 7 room house. 602 1st et $18 8 room house. 409 E. 11th st J18 i v a w uuudc. x. j. aui c . . . jio 6 room cottage, 415 E. &th et f ; 6 room cottage, 107 N. 14th st. 6 room cottage. 505 Flanders et...$l 6 room cottage, 170 E. 20th st $15 .6 room modern house, 1210 Kelmont$20 6 room cottage, 419 E. 47th St., ..$12 THE LAWRENCE CO M. 6915. 171 4th. A-2815 4 ROOM modern cottage, large rooms with closets at 50 Failing st, for $10; adults only. Marshall 2163 FOIi RENT, t room house in good condition. 707 E. Burnaide. East 3206. Ankeny car. FLT'SITURT FOR HALJS HOUSES FOR ilEXT an FURNITURE, six rooms for sale. $150. House for rent. 168 E. 3d North. Fhone E. 564 8. HOUSE for rent Good furniture for sale cheap. 1274 E. Taylor st Phone Tabor 2780. FURNITURE of 9 rooms for cheap. Part cash, balance to buyer. 246 N. 17th st. sale suit Aib or furniture tor sale are pub lished in the Household Goods classi fication when, house is not for rent. FURNITURE of 6 room house, $150. 880 Grand ave. N. FUKXISHED HOUSES 36 CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. Willamette Hts. One of the pret tiest cottages on Thurman street, of rustic arclutecture, grounds beautiful ly landscaped, splendid view, 7 rooms in all, 4 bedrooms, furnished in mabopany, Bteam heat, truly a beauti ful place; rent moderate. Melinda Hts. 12-room house, 6 Dea rooms, large grounds, furnished in mahogany, steam heat modern garage. eittuieui view; rem muuoraio. Portland Hts. 12-room house. has a most inspiring view, almost an acre of splendid grounds, entirely furnish ed in mahogany, & bedrooms, 3 baths, Bleeping tporch, etc.. rent moderate. Irvington New 7-room house. 4 bedrooms, S. P., completely furnished in mahogany, Grand piano, valuable paintings and library, garage; rent moderate. Irvington 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, large S. P., mahogany furniture, 3 blocks from school, concrete garage, corner property, in excellent condi Jiou; rent moderate Laurelhurst 7-room cottage, brand new, S bedrooms. -S. P., everything fur nished, oak and mahogany furniture, pianola, lawn; rent moderate. We guarantee the above the very best furnished homes now available to rent in Portland. We have a few more. It will save you time to call at our oifice Monday and investigate. We also carry a list of vacant houses to rent in the same districts. Rental Department F. N. CLARK & COMPANY, 2d Fir Title & Trust bldg., 89 Fourth. Complete Furnished Home, furnished with every modern conveni ence; in best district of nice homes, near school and carlines; am putting price low that I may be enabled to rent immediately. Call Tabor 2871. $20 5 room modern furnished bunga low, neat and clean. Enclosed sido porch, large front porch, good- attic, large yard, fruit trees, 2 blocks to car. No small children. 6903 45th ave, S. E. Tabor 3225. NICELY furnished 5 room cottage. bath, electric lights, 1 lots, near river, $15; or will sell furniture; 3 blocks to car; 6c fare. L. I Gray. Island. Oregon City car. NEATLY furnished 5 room house with sleeping outing housfe, to neat party; nice lawn, fruit trees: and roses and chickens if they wish, at 409 Gra hatn ave. MODERN 5 room bungalow furnished, small family preferred; take Ken ton car, get off at Denver ave, inquire at Brown's grocery, 1525 Denver ave. Phone Woodlawn 510. STRICTLY modern 5 room bungalow, newly furnished. $25; must have ref erences; no children; for Inspection Sundav and Monday 12 to 5; 1066 E. 15th st N. $6 MONTH -Two room cottage, nicely furnished, near carline. prefer couple with no children. Apnly Hobson's Gro cery. Woodmcre, Mount Scott car. LOWER floor of modern house, fur nished complete. Piano, back and front porches- cheap rent 1509 Oneon ta st, Woodlawn. MODERN 5 room bungalow, complete ly furnished, with piano, gas, elec tricity, $18. Call 1509Vi Oneenta st, Woodlawn. Phone Woodlawn 400. MODERN 5 room bungalow, furnished, to lease; Vi ' block to Rose City car. Reference; no children. Tabor 4093. 346 East 40 th st. north. FOR RENT Stnotly modern 7 room house, furnished, neat and clean. Ap ply Ben A. Bellamy, Grand and. Haw thorne ave. East 867. FOR RENT -Furnished 6 room house with piano, reasonable to th right parties. 961 Vancouver ave. $ii) 5 room modern furnished house, piano, near school, or will share. Tahor 34S4. FURNISHED complete new modern 7 room house, 3 chambers, Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4679. furnace. FURNISHED house, very low rent good furniture. Call at 740 Minne sota ave. $12. modern 6 room house, completely furnished, furnace and nice yard, 1 block to car; Woodlawn 8229. A MT. TABOR view snap: new, mod ern 7 rooms and sleeping porch; well and comfortably- furniphed. Main .267. FURNISHED houseboat for rent cheap. North of Bundy's Baths, Bert Downey. . A REAL snap, new 7 rooms, com pletely furnish d. fireplace, Mt Ta bor vlaw. Main 3267. SIX room house completely furnished, piano, sewing machine, $20; splen did location adjoining Laurelhurst; 956 E. Davis, 2 to 4; THREE room furnished house, $10, 84 E. 57th N, M. V, car to 57th, 8 to 4. FOR RENT 4 rooms, partly furnish , ed, $10, 6718 37th ave. MODERN 5 room furnished cottage, 112 Alberta st 4 KOOM furnished cottage, water. liwht, phone. $15; no children, E-1602, COMPLETELY furnished 6 room bun- 1 . . . . . jt AqnJ FURNISHED large 8 room house, suit able for roomers. Woodlawn 2783. $12 4 room cottage furnished, with piano. 1290 E. 12th N. MODERN half doubs house furnished for housekeeping; heat Wdln. 1205, nTcELY furnished house, gas, bath. etc. Adults. 720 E. Ankeny. PART of Woodlawn ieasant modern home. 1621. FOUR room furnished cottage, 834 Montana ave., close. to. 1 car lines. WHKN you answer thes Want Ads, mention Th jnnmsi. APARTMENTS 43 FrRNTSHFO A XII UNFURNISHED THE LAURETTB 1 unfurnished 3 room apartment; modern, 228 11th at MODERN steam heated apts, Haorison Court, 394 6th st $16 Up. FOR REXT HOUSES (Continued) $35 I win rent mv 15000 hnrnn In How ! B Va"Le. or rooms, witn private Citv Park for35 a month S reanSn-1 !aths' verjr reasonable rent, best serv sibfe party ;ompie1e and uJ&W 1 i5 P1"?1 . arran gemants, all outside APARTMENTS 43 iFURNISnET) AXl UJCFimXTSHED Splendid building, centrally located. easy walking distance, private corner oaicomes, everyinmg modem, line res idence section, excellent fcervice: mod erate priepK.' Marshall 2540. WALKING DISTANCE Rex Arms Apartments 13TH AND E MORRISON STS. 6-story fireproof building, complet ed last September. 2 and 3 rooms fur nished and unfurnished apartments, automatic elevator, balconies, tile bath room and white enameled woodwork. RATES $20 TO $32.50 MONTH. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS 3d and Montgomery. New brick, all outside furnished 2 room apartments, private bath, phone, automatic eleva tor, close in, $20 up. Main 9466. THE AVALOK Furnished or unfurnished. 3 room apartments, linen, silverware, private phone end bath, sleeping porch; nearest tlie Union depot of eatt side apaxt ments. 285 Ross st. Phone East 3172. BUENA VISTA, 12TH AND HARRISON. Strictly modern, under new manage ment Finest apts. in the west all out side rooms, 2 and 3, furnished or un furnished, walking distance, beautiful view. A few apts. for gentlemen bach elora. Lounging room ; references BRAND NEW BALBOA APARTMENTS, 429 HARRISON AT 11TH ST. Just completed, extra large light, airy, 2 and 3 room rurnished and un furnished apartments, with all modern, up to date conveniences. Prices rea sonable; references. THE ALT A MONT oth and College Clean, cozy, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, very cheap. Also bachelor's n r.i rtmnm Heat water, phono and janitor vice Included. LUZERNE APARTMENTS. 2 room furnished apts., private bath, phone large kitchen, all outside rooms, modern brick building. Corner od and Hall eta, $20 and $25. Marsh. 4G37. HAD DON HALL, 414 11th St 2 rooms with alcove, furnished, Brht, heat phone and water, only $16. Otner apartments reasonable prices. . VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished ants. Walking distance. References. THE CODY 431 E. Taylor st, modern brick buildii g; all outside rooms, steam heat pnone. light furnished; rents very reasonable; thproughly clean and under the personal manage ment of Mrs. Cody. THE IRIS Apartments. 3d and Mill sts., will be completed October 1; renta frnm SI 7 itt. ; 'J A rn,T r.i ali modern improvements;' largest heating ?l&yti?lSrtmh"- SHEFFIELD apartments, 272 BroaO- i way o, cor. Jeiierson, easy wanting THE MARLBORO UGH. 21st and Flanders, offers yon a modern 6 or 6 room home in Nob Hill district with high class service. at moderate prices. Main 7516. A-2676. THE ORLANDO Cor. 20th ahd Wash ington sts., very desirable, elegantly furnished 3 room corner apartments, $42. iu and $40; every modern conven ience; references. Marshall 184, MORTON apis, cor. Washington and King sts.; 3 and 4 room furnished and unfurnished apts. Best and cheap est place in city, walking distance. Main 10K2. A-1108. THE ROSENFELD (NEW), COR. EAST 14TH AND EAST STARK. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished and unfur nished, new, modern and quiet; refer ences; WALDORF COURT. IRVINGTON. " East 6th and Schuyler. Five rooms unfurnished with large sleeping porch; strictly modern. c 668. East 547. THE WASHINGTON, 689 Northrup, 6 room fur. or unfur. apta, with bath and all modern conveniences; phone, steam heat gas, electric lights, etc.; "W ' car to 21st & Northrup. M. 4376. THE DEZENDORF i 208 16TH ST., NEAR TAYLOR. Elegant 5 room furnished and unfur nlshed apts.. also 3 room fur, apt SAN MARCO APTS, E. 8th and Couch sts. 3 room, steam heated apts, private bath and phones, outside rooms. $16 to $22. 108 NORTH EIGHTEENTH STREET. One, two and three room furnished apartments, $12 to $20, walklngv dis- fc&IlV-tS. GRACE apt, 24th and Northrup sts. 3 large rooms, bath. heat. nhan t and strictly modern, unfurnished. Call aitti bimu i.uu. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 auu 4 room apts, lis up; Janitor service; walking distance, i-if erences.,712 Wash., opp. 226. M. 7134 NEW YORK APTS. E. 7th an.l M! moftt, furnished rooms, modern brick mag, an ouisiue apts, steam neat, limits; personal management of owner. itvu room ttyarimenis, lurnished or unfurnished, large outside rooms bay windows, close in, $10 and $13 per month; S9 E. 12th St; East 6279. 3 ROOM apartment, east side, rom pletely furnished; all outside rooms. Private bath and phone. $20. Phone iWUi. JEFFERSON1AN APTS, 614 Jefferson, Cor. 16th st Two and three room furnished apart aents, $16. $22.50. "THE ALCO. E. Coach and Union ave.; walking aistaiice, Huiuiner raitsaf, new, maclwrn z room nine,, is to m per month. PORTNOMAH apartments, unfur nished, harawoou lioors, phone, etc. 4 rooms. u. iiu r. uin st. THE ALBEMAHLE-2, 3 room fur. apts. Steam heat phone, bath, $20 to jz. 383 wiinams ave. t;a.t 4193. DRICKSTON, 448 11th. choice 2 and 3-room apanmenis, pleasant outside rooms. warsnaii a, THE ALAMO APTS . 494 Market st, nicely furnished 3 room apts, rent reasonanie. NEW steam heated apts, furnished and ,lrn ti . C tAnst . XT u ii i u i iiio'm . uuv uofli, Wfcl BU AV Woodlawn 2628. MODERN 3 room apt. furnished or unfurnished. 246 Shaver st Wdln 187. , . NEW, modern. 2 room unfurnished apartment, gas range, disappearing bed; low rent 861 E. Wash. East 3261 JULIAETTE AFTS, 2d and Montgom furnished ery, niutiri n i uuui uptB., or unfurnished reasonable. NEV CLARK 2 rooms, furnished, electricity, phone; $15 up. 616 Petty- grove, ILHEE Apts, 487 Taylor, near 14th 2 room furnished apartments on top floor! $14 month. 4 ROOM steam heated apartments, furnished and unfurnished, $20 aa Main 792 BEECH 2 r. fur. apts.; desirable, rea sonabley 78S-H Williams av. W. 1796 THE PAGE Two lovely apts, with prices to suit tenant East 8560. THE ORMONDE, light front 5 rooms. 856 Flanders, Nob Hill. Main 8251. DOWNTOWN apartments, newly rn- ovated, $20 and up. 350 Morrison. 3 1 251 12TH a lm s NEAR MAIN. m B B ft. juuuia, uueci piiunea APARTMENTS iS FURNISHED AND UNPURNISHEU (Cvanauwl THE BEJULK OOCBT. Trinity Place, near Washington. I and 3 room modern apartmeata. he vacant October 1. Ali moaern cyn YtnlnrR- nnmwllnl 1ft ni t or service veaienoea. unexoelled Janitor service, , bautifullv decorated and appointed; can be sea at axry time; refecence re quired. THE BERTLw C5 Lovejoy. near 21st 2 aad 2 room saodera ariartmeats, with all modern conveniences, private phone, vacuuu. cleaner ser'ice. etc, quired; $3 0 to $35per kobib. i- i S'ENT TaWS. Appir at diiis I '.S . rwwp a w. xj3, r iiru a. jav,v-'jjo i :ti W afcliiiiUjn st Main 9. A-2T. KRAND NEW r-rT mth cr LnVFJOT Just oinpltid. 6 story fireproof ! brick bldg. 7 2. 3 and 4 room outsw unfurnished apts., large, light and airy, with il mrwiern nD-torduie conveh- iences, automatic elevator. marble oainrooms. private oaiconiea. eoces required. PRICES MODERATE. , WELLESxEY COURT-APTS., E 15th ' and Belmont, half block south' of; Morrison st Furnished and unfar-; nished 2 and 3 room apts., rents rea- , Rnnahlv N'w 4 storv brick buildisg. i WILL share cozy apartment with lady interested in Christian Science; Marshall FOR REyr FLuTS 13 6 ROOM flat furnace, fireplace, laun dry trays, $29. 5 room fiat, furnace, fireplace, laun dry trays, $18. o room flat furnace, fireplace, laun dry trays, $16. 6 room flat, furnace, on Morrison, near E. 30th. $16. T Phone Tabor 1811. W. H. 8AWTELL. FOR RENT 5 room upper fh-. ewly tinted and varnished, electric and gas lijrht fireplace, furnace. All out side rooms, corner N. ltn and Kear ney sts., 2 canines pass uoor. WAKEFIELD FRIES 85 Fourth St. & CO, FOR RENT Brand new 4-roora fiat and bath, cabinet iilchen, gas range large perches. Every room light Hot water heat On car line, hard sur faced street 624 E 26th street at Clinton. Phone Sellwood 3". Rent $20 including heat CHEAPEST FLATS IN CITY. Well arranged unfurnished flat. 4 rooms and bath. $11 per month. Also similar flat completely furnished, for $15. Call at 639 Commercial Court near Rnsselt U" or rRS" cars, 59 8 SALMON st. fine modern flats of 6 and 8 rooms each, furnace, etc. Reasonable rent; Woodward, agent 104 Second st. MODERN 4 room npper flat furnace. sleeping porch, hardwood floors. 361 Larraboe, near Broadway bridge. Main 4868. VERY sightly Gat 5 Urge rooms, fins location, easy walking distance rea sonable rent Si 8 Main st, near King. Marshall 1775. . 125. MODERN C room upper; furnae. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, all outside J rooms newl v tin tea ana larpe jwq Or EaPt 19th and Davis. Tabor 262. fi ROOM lower flat; modern, good neighborhood, near school; paved street; furnace fuel free; $15. 1045 E. 21st st. North. MODERN 4 room flat built in buffet. disappearing beds, fireplace and fur nace; gas stove famished. 272 E. 46th, $20. B-1918, or Tabor 1725. MODERN room flats, walk CLEAN 4 room flats, 19 and $10; close in- HOT at H aiiinsc iiui nwu- awn 1943. or -rapor zbo. CLEAN 6 room upper flat kvDJlow at 469 6th St. rnone ," wood 15nl. FIVE room modern flat $10. Also 3 room flat $7.50 per monin. uvv Wrtlllams ave. ' MODERN 4-room flat built in buffet carllnea. , reduced rent 609 Weld- ler. t tin ' " thhkE modern 4 room flats, ren and $21. Cor. 12th ana oonege. Sio 4 room flat, SOI E. 11th; no ehll- nren. t-'none rast i"a. SWELL 6 room modern lower flat nice vard. 789 E. Yamhill. East b4S. crriir mom nnmr flat finest -lw also 4 room nottaea Kelt 1370. WHEN yo.i answer these Want aus. mention The .Tonrnnl. FtltMSHED FLATS SO THREE rooms and bath. Beautiful private home. 'ine grounaa ami tIw. Water, lieht and telephone iree. Cheap rent to right party. Adults only. Walking distance. Phone East 4763. FOR RENT 3 beautifully furnished rooms, sleeping porch private natn, wash trays, piano; .walking distance; 367 Vancouver ave. FIVE room furnished flat piano. electric lights, water. iai ena oi Harriman (steel) bridge, 27a Pacific st, near Adams et MODERN 6 room lower flat complete ly f urn i shea. warning oistance. Owner's home. 424 Tillamook. E. 160. FOR RENT 9 room modern flat, fur nished, or sell at a bargain. Call Main 8896 bet 12 and 4 p. m. porch, piano; 3 blocks from Broad- way Dnage, ou rtoss su UP-TO-DATE, walking distance, 4and S room tlats. rree pnone. rasi ami. NEW modern 4 room rurnisheu xiat, 891 Alblna ave. Woodlawn 2879. WHEN you answer theao Want Ads, mention The Journal. NYOttKS ANU OF TICKS HOT water heated building in rapidly growing east side corner location, Stores and rooms, all modern. Will lease or rent at low rate. For particulars apply to U. a MORTGAGE ixy. 606-607 Yeon bldg. , BRICK warehouse in South Portland icuh ,, j On paved street, reasonable Journal for ' rent trackage, ugnx ana airy, Publishing Co, Broadway and Yamhill V! A PRF.HS Fine new shop for rent Call cornef Main st. and Foster road, Lents. DESK room for rent elaborately fur- nished otfice, li per monui. x 245, Journal. FOU KKNT HALLS g . ...... . . . .ti ;,w ...1 . 1 M4n rlini IjSJUSJEj 1 1 it 1 1 Willi svwA " ' tt Ketd. Ill Second st Phons Main 188. HOTELS .04 ttil. j a tj l.'l T- w hrttel on Tillamook ! umiii".. .."" . ,-- Beach, under new managemeni, is open all the year. 211 Failing bldg fnone a-or ivi. jv.-s. v. j. wc, yi uyi KUtLM1-R resorts SEASIDE, Olt - Cheap housekeeping and sleeping rooms, with bath. Ap ply F. 8. Austin. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 3-1 AC COm- FOR RENT Sanitary stable, modate 18 horses, $18 per 6714 45th ave. Tabor 21 T8. v4K WANTED TO RENT EXPERIENCED farmer, best refer ences, wants to rent farm on shares. Some money to put Into stock. Y-86, Journal. WANTED 3 or 4 room modern cot tage on East side, not exceeding $10 monthly, must be clean. 388 E. 47th. WANT to rent modern house on acre or two. Must be cheap. Can give best references. Three adults. WANTED, H. k. rooms suitable for dressmaking shop, where can do sewing to pay rent E-422. Journal. 6 and 6 un to $22 60 A J Farmer 407 Stock TEAM 9 and 12 years old. good" pull- j SEVERAL good cowa, $40 to $80; tn FxchanJe Main 9387 , ers- fre workers, sound wind and, bercular tested; 720 E 334 st; W. Exchange, Mam gosi. le(rjj a mt thln from nard worl w. car. $13 Unfurnished lower floor of 4 good breeching harness; all for $1.. I virst'T-i... - . rh rooms, bath, hot and cold water. et i47s 6ln B jj la Woodlawn. Far- FIJ' 8 John.'pi roTA7bor ldll' blotk 10 minutes' walks from postofflce. 571 , reii t- Jcln r,ar t o A r bor i id g e, block ith vt ide I . , . east and block north. 1406 Burrag st ?th " "t em r-rr I 3 MULES Team, weight 2600 lbs, v-T'Tl p"tooi regttr.( Tritv hnii' TWO room flat, partly furnished,; 22i. tean w.,'gut 3o0 lbs, $2a5? 18 i montiS old t cheap. 70 Vancouver ave. Wood- , tealUi wcight 2500 lbs, $226. This in- rJ B JM nr M 5 lown 1853 fliwla Hiir V,rn- -11 . I a" or 1 aDOr ZZ. WANTED TO KENT TCoatlm4) wv- a r io jw-toodj lur- r'.icJ,u r? ;r J. wuw wvuiu conquer 0001 mu ana confecUosery In conuectiLn: miaht buy f.n i ' trlck,oa' S11"1 ! HORSES WANTED. l i wiVtkriiT Must bVIraAiLuifair flesh r fL j wl V i , .7 " Tr .rV: S - f, K-yat iSds. ' A 3LIVERY? r ii t-.. . .. I Auction Sale ( . . . v i ! f horses, veht-c-ltas .rf.nd harness at C- 1 ramijia siablte, sai Front, every Thurs- ' day at 2 isv. We sell n a commission basis. Satisfactioa s-uarauteed both buyer and seller. If you want to aeiL brmg your horses to our auction. If w ma mw, TKAM of maKOiad dapple grays, will .weigh 2So ios are well broken to all wark. Are easy keepers and true putters, either ui plow single. hav no tricks or vices in or out of stable aid any tooy can draw tour tons under . any or all conditions: stt of nearly i r.ea1 hand made liarness ail complete . Transfet iable llih st Hcv-t t : . . - . z : ZZZ TEAM, tiorse a..d mare, will acaie close to 2650 ILa. and are good, true set good heavy harness they have al ways worn, and gowd heavy narrow , Ure farm wagon, all in fine order, at one price of $146. Call Flynn con- tracttng stable, 444 Hoyt St. MULES Team of 2400 lb. mules, and if you are in the market for team of btg. sound mules that can full a freight car and work tev days a week on a very little feed, coma and take a look. They are clean leg. no biemifches of any kUul, and wui be hitched, tried and tested in every way 10 suit you. rnce is low. Call Lmou BEFORE von buy come nd me- li Transfer Sxable. 11th at Hoyt st. j extrae largi' mSch cow.;?reih MARKS, team of low. biocky young or coming fresh soon; price very rea marea. win weigh 2550 lbs., are true , sonable; J. Bchmauder, 35th and St io pull single or uoubie and will ride. ' au c last, wuacii auu unjmui drivers, i gentle for any one to handle, net good ; harness, all goes $240.00. Call Union Transfer Stables, 11th at Hoyt st j GOOD finsll team, horse and mare. that will weigh 2360 lbs.; are good to ride or drive; set light harness and light farm wagon, all like new wit springs, pole and shafts at low price iau. Contractors' stable, 444 Hoyt st. : w.r, nave one or the best young teams of mules in Oregon, weigh 2450ilaror car to 82d, 2 lbB., have nice. smooth leas. fat 1 and handsome. They will pull four tons any spot or place and ican walk four miles per hour. We will guaran tee these mules to be as represented or money refunded in fulL Price $5o. UnmaJTransfer Sble,lUhatHo t st. WANTED Team or cows or any tools for farm in exchange for eauitv 1460 in 5 room cottage, near East 39th st. ..... - , frr.ft an1 P 0op Int utmii 1 .1 mil n i. r. . cash. Talmr smu or Kat j PAIR of black, mealy nose mules, will weigh 26(h) lbs., are fast walkers. sure pullers, drive like pair of horses, are OTpntl in nr ntit Af urn K 1 an hn can feed or handle; set of good har- i nets. All at low orice $280.00. Umon i Transfer Stable. 11th at Hovt st A BARGAIN If taken at once: One bay horse, weight 1100 lbs., with har- i ?as and brand new top rubber tired ! ness buggy- must sell on account of m iiuituKiiu a mut vai l ior aa rs L vnnt.- I tciarn s ouLin. ovo Aiuer su ers; yong and gentle; for cash or i....-. -1 iu. cm, EAST TAYLOR ST. SALEto' STARLET Mules, draft driving and saddle norses ior sale. Guaranteed as re- presented. EAST TAYLOR AND EAST Bth. $100 takes team of mares with harness, about 1300 each. Take S car south to Sherman st, walk two blocks east to Hood st, two blocks south to Chester st, 180. ! SPAN of dapple gray geldings, weight 3100- Just home from work, hand maae harness and goo a wagon, beet V. ili. I , V. nt .i r A tA X; u'T 'k1.' p' "vr 'inX FOR SA pony-wiuTJooi sTngte 6haVnes.7.aT e and bridle; whole outfit $25; well V ....... I I die orth 850. 687 E. 72d st N. Rose City car. TEAM Iron grays, weight 1000 lbs, young, sound ana true; try them any j place under any circumstances. Tabor A. 1 J ii r. vjrnsH iu A GOOD aVl in. farm wagon, almost new; set of good double harness and a good small team for $150. 381 Wa ter St. GOOO pair of mares, 7 and years old, weight 2600. gray amd- brown, with good breeching harness and light farm wagon. H for $250. 505 Alder et. LOOK at this bargain, a good, young j DON'T buy pigeons before serins; me. saddle horse that will work single 1 am offering the entire flock of or,dovi., ',8 i111.0 for .t ; best squab farm on the coast st a bar- only $36.00. Call 129 N 11th st i gain. Guaranteed young pigeons. Car- WANT horse -for his keep" this winter, i neaux. Maltese, Runts. Homers. Wood Good care, light work. Farm 9 lawn 2644. Also Flemish giant bucks. miles from tity, VVelgnt about 1400 or 1600 lbs. N-55J, Journal. BIG work team for sale cheap or will take trade for a good 1100 lb. driv ing horse, come quick for bargain. ' 1029 E. Yamhill st. TEAM, side door wagon, and harness, bargain, just right for milk man. Come today Division et. ;- BARGAIN Have no use for them. 2300 lb. team of horses, double har- ness and farm wagon, $125 takes out- fit. 1967 E. Stark st Trial allowed. BROWN horse, weight 1050. 8 yeats old, good single, or double. With heavv ain-le harness, for IRS. fioi Alder st. FOR BALE. 1 span of farm or deliv- ery mules and double harness st la bargain. 1967 Raet Stark St WANT to buy a team about 1200 lbs.. on tlmei By much a monthi will give good security, Y-22, journal. i ONE sorrel mare. yj I-, sorrel mare weieni uu . voars f old flne addJt!f OP fny. With good ; ; : a . .: x , .tnoi,' all for $80. 605 Alder et vvAri juvu nvr-r ill cai null H ? for a dandy suburban lot on ear- 1 ' . . I.' T i T A L. 1 1 line. Call A-4822. , WANTED Horee to use for his keep; li , .. I - L.1- L . rnnil raro' rofaronra rlv.n J.&1. Journal ( GOOD single mare, rides or Jrlves, i weiarhs 1060 lbs., eentle: nrlra iNn. ir'11 ill tltvl . , " . 1 aavjv r . i .n,o i il 1 ;;i..,-Lir 1H size for sale or trade for cows. Tabor 767. BUGGY and ood set of home single ST. 4136 6th st Mt. Scott harness. $2 A .!. I .4W i 1 " 'r" """"" - " j 3o TAKES 1100 lb. ranch horse, true t worser single ana aouoie. ie ti. Stark st. ! BROWN horse. S years old, sound. n tl 19AO Inn alt rtr lr,ilA 4nt cow. 619 E. John st, St. John. 3 SPRING wagons and 8 good stock saddles ior sale cheap. 1967 E. Stark st tOiNh horse, a spotted on, little treet ' rf- fr,i. tQC -4 -V v 11 An CAC AMa i i i n -i i-a. mm 1 '. ,:i'i v w- y v nfrr . FOR SALE A nice Saddle. 1671 Haven st, Ht Johns gar. bEAD borses and cattle taken away free. Call day er nieht. Tabof 430$. GOOD second hand milk esle at 314 Front st .wagon for A FINE saddle mars for sale cheap. 1967 g atark st. SHETLAND pony, cart, harness an saddle for sale at 605 Alder tt WHEN reu answer the- Want Ads, mention The Journal. FOR 5ALE horse and farm wagon $35 apiece. Phone E. 43, FOR RENT stalls In sanitary bars 12 & head. Phone E. 4839. HOUSES, 'EUICLES, ETC. 18 r (Coatlaaad) MATCHEni; Zt ,7il r nature could make them. They are xr,m ki.,i, w . v,. ."1 XZZT'l "1. , are easy keepers, have no . tricks or vices in or out of stable, six vars idL "weigh close to 2800 lbs and both have had colts when four years old. cualung them proven brood mares, set heavy "t'tt I? f "l ,w" .tested in every way to suit purchaser. sZltX?. TEAM chestnat aorrela. mare and 5.fC horse, in pood rder. sound; weight Team mulea. mare weight 220 lbv; cooa lire. arlv UKa rjArses. IlOi. i of work, and have no further use far W JUDl UIHHtirU & JUU them. Take Oregon City car to Gladstone, walk up to wagon bridge, cross, turn to iett rust house, MARES, pair of four aad five years m ,o. ,iv. otu , i. ' Tz" bkcky. heavy boned mares"ith the oest or reet and legs, lonr flowing nanes and tails, both will make the bst of brood mares, crentle. good workers in all harness; also set of good harness all complete at low price $250.00. Union Transfer Stables, mn at rtoyi st. " " IV) l l j) ONE Jersey cow, freah Oct. 2, Hit; 1 in A ArCoV.Nn Btin 4-AW M . one red Durham, fresh Dec roan Durham, fresh Ifo 2s- ov. : 22; one one J ei sey. fresh Feb. IS. 115; one Jersey. rrvsh March 1 1 ; one roan Durham, frehh March 17. All the above cows are a-i and are for sale at my farm. one half mile S.-W. of Barton; Eta cada carline. Geo. W. Turner, Barton, 10 HEAD high grade dairy cows, 4 Jerseys, 3 Holsteiu. 1 tJueraBer. S Durham; t to 7 years old, freeh and coming rresh; J60 per head. 1 reg istered Holstein Freishen bull. Take Woodstock car to 69th ave walk 4 bkm'ks west. Jonns roaa: phone 622-R, Vancouver "osii 12 HEAD of fresh dairy cows giving from 4 to 6 gallons per day, all big, fine cows, 5 and 6 years old. Durham, Guernsey and Holstein. Take Wood stock car to 60th ave., walk 3 blocks west and 1 north. FRESii cows, calves by side, Jer- soys, hoavy rich milkers, verv reason- oie. zvti k. wasnington st. Mt blocks north. B- 169. 20 GOOD dairy and family cows Jersey, Durnhan and Holstein. Some fresh balance springers. 1 registered Guern Bey bull. Walk 3 blocks north 1 block west or Kenton rtann. FOR SALE Registered Holstein bull 4 years old, a fins animal and in good condition. Price right Address jnarsnaii 4114. . . I-X)R SALE Mitchell heavy size drag fa vv , i u kouu uruer; cuts IOOI log in iu minutes; cash 175. Fhone owner, H. Grebe, TIgard, Or. SOME extra good fresh cows, 6 Hol- stem heifers and good farm team ypry reasonable. A. Hess, 363 Foster l:a - mocks east of Lents. uME and see us about all breed dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co 07 Commercial block. Main tit. j MOVING away, will sell 2 floe cows. i one rresh th nthvr In frcahtn annn l, t S Haven St.. St Johns car. LIVESTOCK 3 weeks old Durham male calf for nle or trade for chickens. Tabor 767. ly i Ions rich milk. It. F. Walters. 133 Vi i First, $65. i FOR SALE Young Jersey milk cow; ! price reasonable. Call at 6135 3d st S. K. i FINE fresh 4 year old Jersey-Hol- steln cow. delivered. 619 E. John est. Et Johns. ONE good, rich mllcn cow, be fresh on oec Z9; cheap, can and see Rose. She's a pet. 505 Alder st. ! SEVEN mnth.' old heifer calf. Wood lawn 33S9. j MILCH goat for sale; your,, ' C. N. Stelner, Tonguln, Or, g malteee. FOR SALE Fresh Durham cow, No. 1. 1731 Division street. ' FOR SALE fresh cow, Jersey Guernsey i irs. nsn. ftiam tiz. , NO. 1 family cow for sale choap. 17 i i'j. eiark st. WANTED 3 good Jersey cows. 562, Journal. WANT good family cow. Call even ings. Tabor 768. FRESH Jemey with heifer calf tor sale. 2044 Hawthorne, 82d. POULTRY 37 ; EXHIBITION Barred Rock cockerels. Homers. Malteee. Cnrneaux Pigeons, Pedigreed Belgian har'". Oregon Car neaux Co, Box 279, Portland. Phone Tabor 483. GOLDEN Silver Chinese pseaeants Mallard duck. Japanese silkies Or- egon Bird & Pheasant Farm. Beaver- ; FOR SALE Six AhcoH pullets and I one cockerel; will start laying In I Jimuary; write F W. Kasseiaum, i Hillsdale, Or, rt. F. D. z. . . luiot'E 1CLAM) ited. Barred Rocks, Huff Orpington and leghorn hens 'for sale. 1607 Willow st. M.-V. car ! to C-'d. 3 bike, north. COLUMBIA YARDS. Dark Corhlah for sale; call or write what you want ' t ... U'.i n i o rvti.H.i.l. kl i r.ast fortiana, ur WHITE and Brown Leghorn h.ens foe eaie. its . za si, in. isae monta vilia car to 60th. one block N. and 2 est. r . ! THoROLGHHHEl) India game roost- er; exchange for pullets. 162 & rath. . .. - , . . i , i FOR SALE Plymouth Rock hens. i ruiiry wire, eic Hodge st and ! TVIIIIS U1TU -V m r s r J i djiut. wr win HiiHuit ior 11-11-, thoroughbred Black Minorca cock- , erei. fnone raet zezo. t WHITE Cornish bens. 1 cock, alo Dark, Cornish cockerel. Call 11. I x. . A. .... T, . . . . v WeisenWn. 1 1 8 4E.7 thetN . FOR SALfc 126 ear new Fetaluma In-. cubator: sleo 3 brooders, to trade for 1?'"?; yt , b , -n i 1-O R SAL15 50 Barred Rocks and 1 H neck led Hamburg pullets; Tabor 4892. felX White Orpington pullets, two hens will lay soon, reasonable. Feld man, 393 Harrlqh. Main 8361 FEW fine White Orpington cockerels, ir . 11 Ptinnt n.l bjACiv ' orpingtwn cockerels, beauties, rhfD. '5 44th t SellwJot 11V'. FOR SALE All kinds pullets. 26 , ! 15th st. near Pine st. WHEN you answer tht.- VV an Aim, irentlen The Journal. PULLETS for sale, 414 E. Harrison. IKKiS ANII HOUSKHOLIJ I'ETf 40 FOR SALE Canaries, Andreasberg rollers, $20 Ivy st U car. young Bt fins singers. PIT bull puppies for sale cheap. $3.1 Maliory ave between Failing: and enaver bis. PEDIGREED Boston Bull for sale or trade for diamond Woodlawn 261$. FOX terrier puppies for sale. "HT4 E. Taylor. WHEN you answer these Want Ait, mention The Journal. VOGS'AKD HOUS210U J2XS M ' - fOontiaaaJtl CAKJUUSS, rnsnntsed xtatm lards car, r a ents pr week. The ip ron's.Brrd Store, basement 171 W. Park at; near Morrison. FOR SALE If you want a good watctv- wiiiseii you my -mo.-ia Engtiss bull. Pedlgres stock. . T-2M. Journaj.i 0 . A y IN K pedigreed fersals Pitt Bad Terrier for sale cheaDi war anil hf old. cr- will trade for gti4 wood ran. i t-th 'st FOR S ALE Trained bird doga. dal. Irish terrier-. kiH Frmrh t33- do. GJ R. Campion, B, F. D. 1, Moras illa. ! Tabor 125 i '- DOGS. Fori terrier nuoDles. .2 Scotch eolltfcS.- ene la months old. one 1 year old, also one iemaie spits. 605 Alder st. REAL Irish terrier pups, dandies, bvt of par- and watchmen. John 24. Mann. 382 Stark at Both nhoiwn: Maim FOB " SALE Good watch dog. Great uaae, jaaie. Address Box 3. Map4-r wood. Oregon. CANARY birds for sale; 8t Andrews- ourg isiesi ana remaies. 16 ti. 16th rt B-IT25. FOR i SALE Canaries. ruaranttn I singd-s. 32 pair. Young birds. FhOM Sellwood 1472. AUTOSIOBILES-ACCESSOIUES 44 OBEGON MOTOR CAR COM PANT U8ED CAR DE-. i-.l PARTMTNT We (do not charge you a profit 9n used cars, because w are not second hand ear dealers. We take used cars In trad en new car sale ana all th used cars for exactly what we allow ior warn. SAVB'TTiE SECOND-HAND DEAL i: ER'S PROFIT. Motoriar company entitles you to our service in other words, you hsve a " I home Instead of being cast adrift 11 wnicn s th case wnu ouymg a used w Bi(ifwure, Wl If GIVE LTBERAITEBMB. it OPEN 8UNDAT. 1 ST4.DEBAKER -80,- five pas. s erwer touring car $300 1 EL.8IORE touring ear, ta rood ' condition $26d 1 FOJtD tourtng car, 1914 model. . in ptirfect condition; extra tries, seal (covers, master vibration, speedometer, etc. $4t 1 6TWEBAKER "25" touring cs-r. lli model, in excellent condi tion :t. $678 1 STgDEBAKER "20" tourlnf car. jt o-verhauld and rs paittWd $4SI 1 CADILLAC tourtng car, la food condition ..$40$ 1 CHALMERS "SO, 1J11 model, t passenger touring ear, overhauled and repainted $621 1 STGDEBAKER "six," 7 psn ferllke new $$ 1 PAgtRY five passenger touring carin good running order ..$2SI Ofegon Motor Car Co, fiSTUDEBAK-R BLDG, Corjtr Chapman and Alder fits. . Ifcones Main 42. A-7666. GENERAL AUTOS GO MP ANT, in?AD35lABTER8 FOB USED CARS.' 1913 6 aSasa. Ford .....$375.J 1914 2 3ass. Met $60.09 1912 6 iaa. Studebaker 30.00 1912 6 gass Studebaker ....... 00.00 1912 6 !vass. Marlon 60. 1913 3 bass. Reo 76.0 1912 Ipiass. Studebaker "30'. 476.00 1912 2 Vsa. Havers 600.04 1911 4aas. Maxwell ......... t$6jO GEBfKRAL AUTOS COMPANY. Main 2481. 623 Alder at 16th rt w WRUGK BODIES We lave several truck bodies, suit able foiine and two ton trucks, which we w(il sell reasonably for either cash G easy .payments. SElSEaSdSElr? HBOTOR M 0. jB4 Washington street. ) ANTED AUTOMOBILB " Havei X acreage tracts, one I and one 7 &res, under cultivation; one or both inr;Cxchange. B-244. Journal. LIGHT DELIVERY. Whites panel top delivery, newly painted good tires and in No. 1 me chanica' condition. Price $760; easy terms. iy ' GER&INGER MOTOR CAB CO., "6q Washington St. FOR SALE Automobile. 1915 modL silghk.,y used, full five pasaengtr. e1ectrlcrUag and lighting; will sell v at geoil discount. Bells new $1200. Will consider small roadster ta trade, i N-13. Journal. T'Must Sell Quick - My 30 apulck, good shape, tires excel lent i';360 cash and some terms. I'hone wner, A-1917 Of Marshall 1916.' OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "ThS Tlr Shop,'1 550 -Washington st, art llta Jdsrshall til Wajret your Urea ready tt T bargain in the elate, aacrl nr S passensrer suits foe ana cash, ifi' good shape, come and see It Addresn box $6, Fifth and Main. GreshaPnj Or. 1912 Ef M. F. "30" As good as new. W 111 bonslder Ford or some light car In ?rade. No real estate. Pi. R E. GRIFFITH. 3 53 North 23rd street. 19T2 FEVE passenger Overland fully cjulejed, overelie tires, newly paint ed andn excellent shape. A fine bar. gain, effsh or terms ts right party. E- 4 18. journal. HAVE 'comfortable S11Wjk1. 2 block .Worth I60T. Mot . ! 1 ML L 1 1 I ." i ,1 e room house. locks car. Rented $10. automotBe. imlth ilouck, $0i Hen JT l.l'Ig,, ; w I jm fKi BARGAINS' IN USED 'AlltO LariS stock. Prices r0to $760. oHegon Motor car co. f i HtuoeMKtr bias. C,rher Chapmen am) AlOtf,. '. I V rntes guar- snte with UNlTlb f 'aiming Auto Top Co. ainsliuia rut ill: etnaa reaaoniffc; factory finished. , lath nd Wash, fjar. 946. Low It A Mosarpah., FOR KLK 6 pass. 191! Cadillac In good tobdltion, a good buy at $800, H. L. Meats Auto Co., Broadway ttki uurniit ji i'none Main a 3 it. FOR HflgLE. rebuilt Cadillac, 1968, new iiresna top, ueico ignition, niCHie ton. trimmed, will give terms. C. B. Miners, -;528 Alder st ; FEDERAL TRUCK. Federal truck with ekoress bear end top",. in first class condition; easy terms - m-v, journal. 1912 FORE DOOR 6 passenger car, in food ("condition, good tires. Pries $426. liichmond Carafe, $7th a&d Di vision ttreets. Kl914 cylinder cat1, elifhlly usedj new Ajtres. vr hi mill ivr less man tt of Sat price.. . Cash mr terms. No eel esfote. T-26, Journal., 1919- ffredoor, 40 a. p. Chalmers. Preel?: slight speedometer, etc," Tbs ideal family car. $460. $T down. $29 a, tnonUi 30f Stark. FOUR -passenger 4 cylinder Bulck, fully Quipped, to exchange for team of betfes. N. H. Amen t, tour ell, OregonTjj ... . . 1914 FTOD taxicab. slightly usedr Has hew Ifres.wltb on eitra. Will oo pider t&fms. P-118, journal. BIGGEj flcinF AUTO SPRINGS-f - Frank jsne- 229 Palmn. Mslh 111, r V PASfiiENGr'R Pierce Arrow csf. for lots ) larfl. 201 Oerlinger bldif. t ON H ii fcrich treaded tire 83x4. never bnel4sHl. for ale chap. K. 2076. t Ji j",ti . .1'.