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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1914)
5i til! SECTION THREE EIGHT IMAGES WANT ADS AND lARIXE NKW8 PART TWO PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1914. TRAFFIC PANAMA CANAL WILL AGAIN II Portland Waterfront Receives News That Ditch Is in Con dition With Rejoicing, STEAMER MONTANAN HERE! Vessel Will Tatk Away 600 Tons of Cargo; Grace Line' Santa Cat allna la Due Monday. The Panama Canal will be open for traffic tomorrow morning, a .delay of three days having Jiten caused by the slide in Culebra cut. Hereipt of this news was the cause of general rejoicing along the Port land waterfront yesterday afternoon. It came in a dispatch received from the New Yoirk office of W. K. Grace & Co., and Colonel Goethals, head of the cunal zone, was given as the au thority for the statement. The entire damage will not have been reiaired for a considerable length of time, however as the amount of oarth while slid Into the channel at Cult-bra out will roqtilre the attention of the canal dredging force for sev eral weeks, liy quick application of the emergency force held at the canal, t tie damage was repaired sufficiently to allow of the passage of vessels with a drart up to 30 feet. Channel Being Made. A channel 100 feet wide and 30 feet deep will have been completed by to morrow morning. Unless through the number of titeatiiers ahead of her the Grace liner Santa Cecelia, due at the canal to morrow or Tuesday, should not suffer any delay. Captain Anderson's steamer carries a heavy cargo, of, Portland freight which shippers were anxiously awaiting and he Is expected to follow his schedule closely. Yesterday afternoon the American Hawaiian steamer Montanan arrived in the harbor from New York via Cali fornia ports. Bhe carries only 160 tons of cargo for Portland, but will carry away 600 tons of cargo awaiting her on Albert dock. Monday the Grace liner Santa Ca ta li n a is due in from New York via Cali fornia ports. She has 1500 tons of cargo brought through the canal for tills port and will take lumber and general cargo outward bound. Tramp Steamers Coming. Importers alone were not the orHy persons relieved when the news of the re-opening of the Panama canal reached the city for the exporters also were worried during the three days the canal was out of commission. Accord ing to officers of the British steamer South Pacific, which reached here yes terday, the movement of the tramp steamers in this direction Is general and many more will come than have Ueen announced as coming this way. Delay of these steamers through the canal would have meant the loss of many thousand dollars to this section, according to local exporters. The movement of wheat now going ahead at a rapid pace would have been great ly 'delayed as the tramps would have been cut out temporarily, at least. STORMS AFFECT SCHEDULES Yeels in Coastwise Trade Are Delayed by Winds. Schedules have been broken in all directions by the steamship companies operating out of Portland this week, due to the heavy storm which has been Mowing off the coast of Oregon and Washington. All lines being unfor tunate enough to have a steamer due in port during the latter three days of the week were affected. Sailings of the mosquito fleet havs been especially affected, as, except for the Bailing of the steamer Sue H. El more and the gas schooner Tillamook early last week, not a member of the fleet has been seen in port in 10 days. The steamer Geo. W. Elder will bo 36 hours late sailing from Portland, aa she will not get in till Monday noon. It is planned to send her out eight hours later, however. She was de layed both in and outbound at Eureka. t Fifty hours were taken by the steam er Qulnault, Captain Antone Wie, of the Portland Steamship company's fleet, in making the trip from Tatoosh Head to Astoria. As she had only a light cargo of canned salmon, she stood out of the water more than usual, and, bucking a heavy southeast wind, had hard running. She will also be hurried out, and is expected to sail by 9 o'clock Monday evening. ' SI BMARIXES AT SAN PEDRO Monitor Cheyenne Convoys Craft Into Port. fan Pedro, Cal., Oct, 17. The U. S monitor Cheyenne arrived here during tne nignt, convoying submarines H-2 and U-3. The monitor later will be Joined by torpedo boat destroyers from San I lego and a cruiser, after which the entire fleet will engage in battle prnctlce. The steamer Oliver J. Olsen sailed for San Francisco and Seattle this af . ternoon, with passengers and a large portion of the cargo of the steamer Atlantic. Owing to the manner in which the Atlantic had been loaded in BoBton, northern cargo had to be tlten from the steamer here before the local cargo could be discharged. CAPTURE FEARED BY CAPTAIN French Ship Desalx Reaches Port land Safely. For 10 days before the French ship Denaix, Captain Flonet, reached San Diego harbor, her master and crew were In deadly fear of being captured by the German cruisers thought to be off the California coast at that time. Tho Desaix reached Portland yesterday morning to discharge the remainder of hei, cargo and Captain Plonefs story of his voyage was listened to with much interest by his several friends here,, who gathered on, the ship yes terday morning to welcome him. The Desaix, in making r for San Di ego, came north to a point almost due west of San Francisco, then to take advantage of wind and current which would carry Iter into San Diego har bor. A British steamer passing elose PEN 10 W FIRST FOREIGN CRAFT REACHES PORTLAND f-,,,,," ; -j" -,-.., , v A' J - t;.1TUfw ' ' ..-":,lv 'vA ' A . British Bearing tho distinction of being the first foreign vessel to reach this port fcy way of the Panama canal, the British steamer South Pacific .arrived by in the night discovered her identity and gave her her first information about the war. ' Every line of smoke spied on the horizon during the 10 days she was outside after receiving the news was watched with more than suspicion by all on board. The Desalx Is to load grain for Eu rope after discharging a cargo of potash, pig iron and coke at North Bank dock. BUOYS ARE FN' NEW POSITIONS Opening of New River Channel Is Cause of Change. Due to the opening of the new chan nel between Beacon No. 2 and Tongue Point In the lower Columbia river, a number of changes have been necessary in the aids to navigation. The tender Manzanita is making the changes which are recorded by the service as follows: Oregon Yaqaina rirer bnoyage. Vaquina rlTer buoy, .1, out of position. Yatraina rlTer buoy, 3, oat of position. Yaqulna river boo;, 4 miming. To be replaced as auon as prac ticable. Oregon and Washington Colombia river Tongue Point channel The following changes will be made at an early date: Tongue Point crossing gas bnoy 1. to be mored to lower end at ww dredged channel and the color changed from black to red and number from 1 to 2. Tohirue Point crossing gaa buoy, 8, to be mored to upper end of new dn-dged channel and color changed from black to re.l and num ber from 3 to 8. Tongue Point channel bnoy, 2, number to be changed to 4- Tongue Point channel booy, 4, number to be changed to & Channel buoy, 8, to be discontinued. Taylor Sands light to be discontinued. Tongue Point channel range rear light to be established, with beacon one light to form the front light. In the new dredged channel. Bearings will be pobli&hed later. Oregon and Washington Columbia river Hunters' shoal buoy, 2, first-class spar, oat o' position. Morgan shoal buoy. 2, second class spar, missing. To be replaced as soon as practicable. Charts 6151, 6153, 6154. Light list. Pacific coast, 1914. page 96, Nos. 194 195, 196, 197. Buoy list, seventeenth district, 1S14. pages 1. 17, 18, 20, 21. TO TAKE CARGO AT TACOMA i Steamer Talthybius Now Coaling in British Columbia. Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 17. The Blue Funnel liner Talthybius, now coaling at British Columbia ports, will come to Tacoma early next week. She will take rriore than half of her big out ward qargo from this port, including a heavy shipment of flour for the orient. The British steamer Queen Margaret now at the Tacoma smelter, will shift to Seattle to go on dry dock before she is ready to load lumber. Strengthening of the English-Aus tralian and oriental lumber markets is predicted by Tacoma lumber men and exporters. Many inquiries have been received the last few days and it is expected charters are increased, parcel shipments will follow. , Although there has been no mater ial revival in the oriental wheat and floar markets, "Nibbles' are being re ceived and small lots will move within a few days. MAY TAKE HORSES TO WAR Negotiations Are on for the Charter of the Minnesota. According to a rumor,- the American steamer Minnesota is being negotiated for by a syndicate or English capital ists .who plan using, her .as a. carrier for several large shipments of horses which are to be shipped at once from the northwest to England for use in the British army. The Minnesota is lying in Smith's cove near Seattle since GRAIN TONNAGE EN ROUTE AND PORTLAND. Name Flag. Rig. Barrington Court Br. str Belaud. Nor. bk Cambrian Princess. Nor. ship Cambuskenneth, Nor. ship .... Cate, Nor. ship , Cloverdon, Br. sh ......... Tons ..2S33 ..1744 . .2243 ..aiw 1789 2324 .......... 1506 2155 ... ... .318 . . l.HA.') CHmbusdoon, Nor. bk.... Cortes, Nor. ship Crosshil, Br. st Crown of India. Br. Ecciesla. Br. str..., bark iso Eidsvold, Nor. bk. Falkirk, Br. bark.... Falls of Afton, Nor, chip Gowanburn, Br. atr Hafrsfjord. Nor. ship Ha Vila. Dan. bk Hebe. Ger. bark... Helwlg Vtnnen, Ger. ship 1614 . .. . itn 1810 2723 1846 ....132ft 2364 2827 Hero. neig. snip Invercauld, Br. bark (DTercoe, Br. bark. ..... ...... ........ .lo0 -1303 .1322 .1990 .2974 .2168 .2192 Katanga, Belg. bark .... ... ....... Kelbergen, Dutch atr.-. . Kinross fhtrr. Br. bark....... Lasbek. Ger. ship. ....... Lowther Range, Br. str.. - 2465 MacMabon, Ft. bark... Slaipo, Ger. ship Ollvebank, Nor. bark.. Omega. Ger. bark..... .1951 2647 .- - 2360 - 2718 Ortstano, Br. str.......... Owenee, Br. bk..... ......... ..-.,- ......... .20BO Pierre Antonine, Ft. bark. Queen Elisabeth, Br. tblp , . 17O0 Tome Aug. 80 Ar. Tome Sent ll Queen Eugene, Br. str. . 2802 Ses Ar. Cardiff Sent 2TL Quito, Br. str 213 Balboa .Sept Relnbek. Ger. bark 2630 St Rosalia At St. Rosalia Aar aa Sierra Mirt-nda, Nor. ship 1748 Cape Town... Aug. 27 -g. so Songvand, Nor. sbip . . .2rj6 Rockhampton Aug. T StrathalUn, .Br. str 2830 Sydney Ar. NewmQe fWt a SowweU, Br. str 2432 Cape Breton Ar. London SeotlS Tellns. Ger. bark...... ; J:J3 Caflio lr Callao Aug 18. Thomaslna. Buss, ship J665 Valparaiso ...Aog. 28 ' " Vendee, FT. bark , 1765 N 'castle, A Sept 2i Venturade Larrlnoga. Br. str.... 2970 New York Ar. Ran FVan rvt a Walkure. Ger. bark 3043 St. Rosalia Ar. 8t Rosalia July 28. LUMBER TONNAGE EN ROUTE Name Flag. Rig. Tons. From Sailed Atomassan Mara, Jap. atr 2785 Miikl Oct Loaittnr Christian Bars. Nor. str. 2788 Shanghai Sept 22 Lompoe. Br. str ... Amsterdam Yla Puget Sound. steamer South Pacific here to load here yesterday and will commence loading cargo tomorrow. She is un der charter to Kerr, Gifford & Co. for delivery of grain to the United King being taken off the oriental run by the Great Northern Steamship com pany. It is said that JM00 horses have been contracted for and that the plan Is to carry 2000 head each trip. She will be able to accommodate also several thou sand tons of feed and other freight. No decision has been announced by the steamship company in answer to the proposal. WRECK IS IN DEEP WATER Revenue Cutter Tahoma Slipped Off Sharp Reef. (Special to The Journal ' Seattle, Wash, Oct. 17. Charles T. Lyons of the traffic department of the Alaska Steamship company and veteran of the Far North, returned to Seattle today from the scene of the wreck of the United States reevnue cutter Tahoma. Lyons says the wrecked vessel slipped from the Jag ged reef upon which she struck and sank in S00 fathoms of water. Two square-riggers, the American ships "William P. Prye and Edward Sewail will tow to sea next week with cargoes of grain for the United King dom. The Sewail completed her cargo today and will sign her crew Monday. The Frye began loading today. Both vessels are under charter to M. H. Houser. Bids for the Oak Harbor-Port Town send Bay canal project were opened at office of United States engineer today. Bids were: Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging company, $51,485; Tacoma Dredging company, $55,129.50; Erickson Construction company, $59, 018.80. The government engineers have planned a waterway with a depth of 15 feet connecting Oak Harbor and Port Townsend bay. It will be used by small craft. ATLANTIC IS DUE TO ARRIVE New American Steamer Will Load Lumber Here. On her first trip into Portland, the American steamer Atlantic is due in Portland Tuesday. She is to complete discharging here and commence at one loading a huge cargo of lumber for de livery at Boston. The Atlantic is on her maiden voyage, having been o"nly recently completed at Boston for the Emery Steamship company. She is commanded by Captain Meech, a vet eran' master of the Emery line. Sh has 1800 tons of cargo consigned to this port. SHIPPING DELAYED BY STORM Steamer Breakwater Only Vessel to Leave Coos Bay. (Special to The Journal.) Marshfield, Or, Oct, 17. Although several boats have crossed the bar to day there are six vessels waiting for a chance to go out. The bar has been rough all day, but it is quieter this evening and all will probably be able to get away tomorrow. The steamer Geo. W. Elder arrived this morning from Eureka, where she was detained both going in and com ing out of Humbolt bay. The steam er Alvarado arrived from San Fran Cisco and will sail for Portland. The steamer Adeline Smith with lumber for Oakland, the May fair with lumber for San Francisco, the A. M. Simpson and the Daisy Putnam are all in the lower bay waiting for a better bar to saiL The schooner Encore is loaded and may sail tomorrow if conditions are favorable and the Elder and Alvarado LISTED FOR From Sailed Mem. Galveston Sid. Oct 3 Antofagasta .-Aug. 21 Ar. Aug. 0. Pt. Nolloth At Rio Janiero Sept 1. v. pr- juwu...oepi. 10 MaUendo Ar. Callao Kept 7. Callao Sp. May 19, 2 s., 26 w Iqnique In port Sept 12 ValdiTia Sept 1 Brixham ... Ar. Swansea Sept 16. Valparaiso Ar. Valparaiso June S Liverpool... Ar. Manchester Sept 16. bocopilla.. Ar. Locopilla Auk. 6. i,uavauull Callao Colon Corral Peogua MoUendo St. Rosalia at. Guayaquil Aug. 6. r. -Callao Aug 3. Pd. Colon Oct. Ar. rrai Aug. 6. Ar. Aug. 18. Ar. Mollendo Aug. 6. Ar. St Roaalla Aug. 30 Pt Nolloth ..Aug. 21 Valparaiso Sid. Gee king July 2. Talcahuano Aug. 27 St Rosalia Al G say mas Sept 17 Rio Janiero ..Aug. 19 Honolulu Sp. May 13, 379 jj St Rota 11a Ar St. Rosalia Jimi1KW Port Ptrle Sid. Rockhampton Newcastle. Aus Ar. Sydney Julyh. Callao Ar. Callao July 24! Callao Sid. Newcastle Aug. t. Callao Ar. Aug. L Antwerp .....Aug. 13 Ar. San Fran. Oct. 1. vujnruaD...... Ar. J uly r Antwero Jnlv 3 fri st, tni o . BY WAY OF CANAL wheat. dom. The South Pacific had an un eventful trip, maicing the run from Newport News in 25 days. She came in ballast and will carry 7000 tons of wheat from this port. will probably also get out for Portland tomorrow. The only boat to leave today was the steamer Breakwater, with passen gers and freight for Portland. Fishing Schooners Report. Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 17. The New England Fishing company's steamers Kingfisher, New England and Celestial Empire and the schooner Knicker bocker reached here today from the halibut banks. The company has re ceived shipments from its northern bases by means of the British Colum bia, the Chelohsin and the Tees. The steamer Flamingo, which has been un dergoing overhauling at the Wallace ship yards. North Vancouver, has sailed" for the banks. ALONG T1IK WATERFRONT Fred D. Parr, manager of the Dodge Steamship company and Portland Steamship company, left yesterday for San Francisco after a short visit here in connection with business of tho two lines. The launch Mildred H. struck a snag in the river below the flouring mills and was beached on the east side of the river, where she settled on the mud flats half fun of water. She will be repaired at once. Bound for San Francisco and San Pedro the steamer Bear, Captain Nop ander, sails this afternoon from Ainsworth dock. The North Pacific steamer Roanoke is due late tonight from San Fran cisco with passengers and freight. The steamer Breakwater, Captaip Macgenn, bound in from Coos Bay, is due to arrive tonight. She is to go on the, municipal dry dock tomorrow. The steamer Beaver will be placed in the drydock. for painting and scrap ing Wednesday morning according" 19 present plans. NEWS OF THE PORT Arrivals, October t7. Qnlnaolt, Am. str.. CaDtata Wie. namt. gers and freight, Alaska, Portland Steamship company. Montanan, Am. str.. Captain Curtis, freight from New York ria San Francisco, Americin- iiawatlan Steamship company. gonth Pacific, . Br. str.. Captain Proetor, In ballast from Newport New for grain to the United Kingdom, Kerr. Gifford & Co. Depaxtnres, October 17, Palsy Gadby, .Am. str.. Captain Smith, freight for San Francisco, Arrow Line. Marine Almanac. Weather at River's Month. North Head, Oct 17. Condition of the bar at 5 p. m. "Weather, cloudy; sea, rough; wind, south, 34 miles. Buns and Tides, October 18. Son rises 6:C2 a. m. Son seta 5 --20 p. m. Tides at Astoria. High water. Ijcvt vrattr. 11:47 a. m., 9.4 feet B:4S p. m, 1-1 feet, I 6:33 p. m., 0.4 feet Dally Hirer Readings. o o ' STATIOHS. " - t Lewistoo 2.81 0I0.O4 Umatilla Albany ... Salem .... WTbwnvllle Portland . . 3.8J 0.1 0.40 1.6! .0210.76 0.7 0 0.94 4.3 D.8U,o7 () Rising. ( ) Falling. River Forecast. The Willamette river at Portlaud will rise lowly during the next two or three days. bteainships to Arrive. PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT. Breakwater coos Bay ..Oct 18 Roanoke S. D. and way Oct 18 Geo. W. Elder.... Eureka and way Oct 19 Keaver . f. ann way uct. 19 Paraiso S. F. and way... ...Oct 20 Rose City S. P. and way Oct 24 Yucatan S. D. and way.. ...Oct 25 Bear S. P. and way Oct 29 (juinauA ......... Alaska .......... ..Nor. 4 FREIGHT ONLY. Santa Catalina. N. Y Oct 19 Nebraskan N. Y Oct 21 Kentnckian N. Y. Oct. 25 Thomas L. Wand. Alaska .....Oct. 75 Daisy Putnam.... S. F. ...... ......Oct 23 lellowstone ...... S. F. A way. .....Oct 27 Daisy Uaosoy s. F. not. 1 Alvarado F. ............ Jiov. 3 Steamers Due to Depart. PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT. Name From. nte. ..Oct 18 ..Oct 19 ..Oct 19 ..Oct. 20 ..Oct. 21 ..Oct. 21 ..Oct 22 ..Oct 22 Bear ............ S. 1'. and way.. luiaanlt ..... Alaska ...L.... Geo. W. Rider.... Eureka and way Breakwater ...... Coos Bay Celilo ........ S. D. and way. Klamath S. F Willamette .. 8. D. and way. Roanoke ......... S. D. and'way.. Beaver H. P. and way.. Yosemite B. F ..Oct 23 I Oct 23 Multnomah S. D. and way... ..Oct 24 Paraiso, Am...... S. . It way Oct. 24 Kucatao ......... S. D. and war fw '4 Rose City S. F. and way Oct 28 FBEIGH-I ONLx. Alwrado" .""".'Us." f" ""I Set ?, Nebraskan" N. V.' ."l.".'.".'.'.Oct 25 ! Kentuckian N. Y Oct- 27 laVatn.mMd- S " 1 Yellowstone. . .7."." sl F.' and' war u-t '-ti Santa Cataliua N. Y. bov. i Mosquito Fleet B flings. Ihwaneda j Newport -Oct 20 .Oct 20 Enterprise Waldport Mireoe Delia . Newport Toledo. .Oct 20 mesiucca Oct 20 nUamook ....... Bamlon ...Oct 20 Soe 11. Elmore... Tillamook UCt ratay Niuslaw Oct. 21 Daisy Gsdsby .w. C B. A S, F...!.or. Q Vessels In Port. Kirkcudbrightshire, Br. ah..........- .Astoria Gen de Sonis, Ft. bk .Uersev Inca. Am. sch.. Prescott Semantha, Nor. bk ......Linoton Crania, Nor. bk ... .. ........ .LUmtoa ao 20 ( 37 - 1 15 STEAMER VICTORIA IS LAST LINER TO SAIL FOR NOME THIS YEAR Few Passengers Booked for Passage to the Frozen North, SENATOR IS NEAR NOME Blue Funnel Xine Announces Seduc tion zn Xiomber Freigtt Bate to Europe. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 1". The last Nome sailing of the season of 1914 is scheduled for tomorrow, when at 10 o'clock the Alaska Steamship Com pany's Victoria, Captain John A. O'Brien, will put to sea for the me tropolis of the Seward peninsula placer gold district. The Victoria will have only a few passengers, and all of whom will remain north through the winter. She is taking a 1500 ton car go, largely miners' supplies. Barring accident she will set out from Nome for Seattle on her final return voyage about November 1 and will be tho last passenger carrier to leave that port this year. The Pacific Coast Steamship Com pany"s Senator, Captain T. H. Cann, also on her last voyage of the year, is now nearing Nome and she will sail on her return south about a week in advance of the Victoria. These two vessels will bring south all of the Nome contingent desiring to come out this fall, a total of per haps 900. Steam schooner Nome City, with 28 passengers and laden with grain and lumber, sailed from Everett for San Francisco this afternon. After loading a consignment of grain in this port and taking a shipment of i&u.uoo feet of lumber from the Mu kilteo mills, the steam schooner Wasp sailed trom Mukilteo for San Pedro via Port Angeles today. The British Blue Funnel line an nounces a reduction effective Novem ber 1 of rates on lnmber from Puget sound ports to the United Kingdom to 20 shillings per one thousand feet, board measurement. With a full cargo of freight and a capacity passenger list, the steamer Admiral Schley will sail tomorrow aft ernoon for San Francisco, Approximately 4,000,000 feet of lum ber, consigned to Sydney and New Castle, Australia, will be loaded at Puget sound ports next week by the steamer Queen Margaret, of W. It. Grace & Co. The Queen Margaret is expected in Seattle Monday, to dis charge a general inward cargo, brought from European ports through the Pan ama canal. She will sail from Seattle October 28. The Grace steamer Santa Catalina Is expected to arrive next Thursday with a large general cargo. Bear, Am. str...... Solano, Am. str.... Desix, Ft. ah Celikj, Am. str . . . .Aim worth ..Oregon Drydock -.North Bjtrik Pacific Muro&a, .Nor. sh.. . West port houth Pacitic. Br. stx Montgomery No. 2 Qulnault, Am. str Coach Montanan, Am. atr .Altera Vessels Disengaaed. Akntan, Am. str Gobi Alliance. Am. str o. W. P. Ikrliu Am.- bk Gobi Chinook, U. S. dredge Astoria Darid Erans, Br. sen Astoria Dalbek, er. bk Victoria -Dolphins Golden Gate, Am. str.. ........ ..,.0. W P Sin Lie Gale. Am. sen.. ....... ...Astoria I B'a. Am. sen Astoria Et. Nicholas, Am. sb Alitor la Bence, Am. sen ...A to ria Kurt, Ger. sh '. ....Astoria lnene. Am. sen ....Astoria le G. Bargess. Am. h. . Glob w. r. jewett. Am. sen . - AJtorla lying ijyrui. Am. ach.. j Arnoldus VLnnen, Ger. sh i Information about th port of Portland win I be furimhed by the Portland Chamber of Commerce. Mala 9S3, A-llSi. At Nelgtiboring Ports. Astoria, Oct 17. Arrived at 9 and left rtp t 1O-J0 .. m. Steamer Montanan. from NcW York via San Francisco; arrived at 10 a. m. Steamer Qulnault, from Skagway and way ports; sailed at 9 a. m. Steamer YeUowstnoe, for San Francisco. Gaviota. Oct 16 SaDed Steamer W w. Herrin. for Portland. ! Port Lobos. Oct 17. Passed Steamer Geo. W. Fenwick, from Columbia river, for Balboa. ! Callao, Sept. 24. Sailed Norwegian ship raits or Alton, ror i orxiano. J?..- i Aberdeen, wast., steamers ChehaUs. Coronado, daremont and Tamalpala and schooner A. F. Coates are bar west storm nrevallii bound. Port Townsend, Wash., Oct 17. Arrived. 12:10 a. m.. Am. str. Queen, proceeded, 3 1 p. m.; p. m-. U. S. S. Areata, from Seattle: 3:30 Am. str. Comanche, from Victoria; NEW STEAMSHIP LINE ADOPTS TRADEMARK i " OK The Great Northern Pacific Steam- blp company, which is, to operate un- der North Bank auspices between the Columbia river and San Francisco soon after the first of the year, has se lected its official trade mark design WhlCD WU1 SPPear n a11 tn aPPUI tenances of the two ships of the fleet. irom ins great, riag at tne mastneaa to the letterheads and envelopes. The trade mark bears the words ; real iNonnern r"acitlc Steamship v-umuany witmn me rim oi a circle 'and inside this Inscription Is a red fl.. with Intaruu-tlnimlilla itini,1. across its field. A small blue circle at the intersection of the diagonals surrounds a white star. A variation of this design Is being woven into the ship's blankets, now being' made at a BL Johns woolen mill and will adorn the chinaware In the dining saloons. Shipping Notes From irst of four crack refrigerator chips to be placed In service by the Star line, the British steamer Brodmount, reached Puget sound last week. The ships are for service in handling food stuffs of a perishable nature and will carry in an 8000 tons of freight. Sixty foreign built ships of a com bined net register of 233,781 tons, have been admitted under the American flag under the recently enacted emerg ency shipping measure. Of that num ber 54 were British. 4 German and 2 Belgian carriers. Fifty-seven of the 60 are Atlantic carriers. The British ship Wray Castle, which had been idle on Puget sound for sev eral days, was taken for delivery of grain to Europe by Strauss & Co., last week. The Blue Funnel liner Cyclops, which has been to the north Pacific on numerous occasions, is one' of the troop ships which the British govern ment has requisitioned. The Germans lost another steamer recently when the Suimow was cap tured -by the Japanese. She waa at tempting to make a neutral port but ran short of provisions and was cap tured endeavoring to buy necessary stores from the natives off the coast of Kiushiu. Despite the heavy losses being suf fered monthly by the Hamburg-Ameri can and North German Lloyd compa nies, the officers and men of their steamers interned at different neutral ports are receiving their wages regu larly. The Emery Steamship company gained the distinction of making th first Panama canal payment to be made at the Boston sub-treasury when they deposited a cneck lor $.ooo in payment of the steamer Atlantic. The Atlantic is due here Wednesday. Despite the war 323 steamers, ; barks and 59 Bchoonera of foreign reg 4 p. m.. Am. schooner Wm. Nottingham, from Antofagasta. Called, 12;30 a. m.. Am. str. Dolphin, for Skagway; 1 a. m.. Am. str City of Seattle, for Skagwar; 10 a. m.. Am. str. Ol&en & Mahoney. for San Praurisco. San Pedro. Cal., Oct 17. Arrived C. S. S. Cheyenne, convoying submarines il 2 and II 3 from .San Francisco for target practice; Am. str. Yale, from Sun Francisco, 1:02 a. m.; Am. str. Congress, Seattle. 4:30 p. ni. 8ailel Am. str. Jim Butler, fot Kedondo. 11 a. m. ; Am. str. Yale, for San Diego, 3:.'i0 p. m.; Am. str. Olivpr J. 01'n. for St.-atlle, a p. m.; Am. str. General Hubbard, tor Ai erdeen, in ballast, at 5 p. in. StatUe, Wash., Oct 17. Sailed City f Seattic, 9 p. -, for southeastern Alaska. Everett, Oct 17. Sailed Steamer Nome City and Mary Olson at" 5 p. m.. for San fc'rancisco. V aides, Oct 17. Sailed Steamer Alameda, 7Uo a. m.. for Seattle. Wrangell, Oct 17. Sailed Steamer Jef ferson. 4 a. m., for Seattle. Ketchikan. Oct. 17. tilled Steamer Al Ki, 4:30 a. m., and Uumboldt, 11 o'clock last night for Seattle. Kedondo Beach, Cal.. Oct IT. Arrived Steamer Nehaiem, 8 a. m.. from San Diego, sailed at noon fW San Pedro; steamer Sag inaw arrived 5 a. m., from San Pedro, and sailed at 2 p. ra. for Portland. Steamer Jim Butler arrived S p. bl. from San Pedro; In port BeDingham. Wash., Oct 17. Sailed Am. str. J on an Pontoon, for Sa Pedro; tanker Argyll, for San Francisco. Vancouver, B. C-, Oct 17. SallexV'3 p. m. American Uarkentine 1 chains. Captain Carl, son, far D or baa; 10 p. m., British steamer Princess May, Captain MrLeod, for SXagway. Saa Diero. Cal., Oct 17. Arrived. 1 p. m.. Am. str. Shoshone, Portland, 3:10 p. m.; l". &. 8. Raleigh; HuSO p. m Tale. Tacoma, Wash, Oct 17. Arrived Am. atr. Queen, San Francisco, 7:30 p. m. Sailed Japanese steamer Yokshama Mam, Seattle, 4:15 p. m-; Am. str. Marlpuea, Se attle, 4 a. m.; Admiral Schley, Seattle, 5 Comor. B. C. Oct lS-Sailed ftr. str. Talthybius. Seattle. . , Port Angeles, Oct 17. Arrived Am. str. Wasp, Seattle via Mukilteo; Am. str. Olson li Mahoney, tovMag barge Diamond Head, San Francisco. Salted Am. str. Olson, k. Ma honey. San Francisco. Mukilteo, Oct 17. Sailed Am. str. Wasp, Port Angeles. . . Eagle Harbor, Oct 17. Sailed Am. str. William Chatham, San FrancUco, 2 p. m. Marabfleld, Oct 17 Arrived Am. stra. Elder, from Bureka, and Alvarado. from San Francisco, 9:44 a. m. Sailed Breakwater. 4:30 p. m. San Francisco, Oct IT. Arrived Am. str. Whitesboro, from Pigeon Point, 2:35 a. m.; Am itr. Aroline. from San Diego, 3:35 p. m.; ' Am. str. City of Topeka, from Eureka, 4. ; ; - . . iiii.h fmm San Pedro. 5 45 a. m.; Am. str. Richmond, from lrt Wells, 6:50 a. m.: Am. str. F. A. hUlburn, from Eureka, 6:50 a. m.; Am. str. Bruns wick, from Fort Bragg, 8:06 a.m.; Am. sir. National City, from Cleone. 9:05 a. m-; Am. str. Harvard, from Ban Pedro, 9:10 a. m; Am. str. Alcatra, from uonren ianomg, jy.t . m Am str. HanaleL from Eureka, l:4o I P- -: ur.iT'J; i-iTT wim uiimcii .7'' . . ' . Bailee Lightship Blunts Reef, for Blunts Reef 800 a- m; Am. str. Multnomaa. tor Portland, 10:05 a. m.; steam yacht Veuetla, for Saa Diego, 10:20 a. m; Am. str. Washte naw, for Port San Luia, 12 OO p. m.; Am. stT Governor for Victoria and Puget Sound. 12:40 p. m.; Am. str. Beaver, for Astoria and Port land 1:06 p. m.; Am. str. City of Topeka. fVu- pjirriu. 3:10 n. m.: Am. str. Daisy iree- .m-V,!.r1SptSIro345yioPp. muS: Ant tr- Svea. tor Grays Harbord, P- .m ! British steamer Tascalnsa, for Itosaki. l.KJ P- . m IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Scandinavian-American bank vs. UBlsa G. Reed, et al.; foreclosure decree. j Mary Butcher vs. K- Butcher; decree. A. Todd vs. J. Q. Armstrong; Judgment for plaintiff .aside. E. J. Ceiser vs. A. A. Lindsley et at; dis missed. Cells Deuerllng vs. Rose Braeken Johns et al.; order confirming sale. F. B. Rowell vs. American Life It Accident Insurance Co.; order appointing receiver, New ton W. Rountree. Susie Freeman vs. fob Freeman; decree. A. Whitney vs. R. W. Gilbert; diamtssed. Thomas Hurrla vs. St Helens Lumber Co.; dismissed. lieUa P.arr va. George F. Barr; decree. V. J. Wright et at. vs. Charles P. Scott et al.; Judgment for plaintiff. Wey li. Allen company vs. Edward . T. Root; Judgment for plaintiff. W. L. Van Abstyne vs. IL U. Keats et at; Judgment for plaintiff. 11. M. Tenney vs. Edith SC. Hill et at; Judgment for plaintiff. Peninsula Security cornfcany vs. Bertba Quinn et aL; Judgment for plaintiff. Sam Samakaeff vs. C U. Hansen; dismissed. Wellesley I -and company vs. A. D. NohUtt; foreclosure decree. Royal N. Shaw vs. Recreation Park aaao datioo; disagreement Hew Baits. T. E. Rowell vs. Americaa Life A Acci dent Insurance company., for appointment of receiver and , injunction. Dora Fuller vs. H. P. Fuller; divorce. Portland Mercantile Union vs. A. R. Mor gan, tu cullect accounts and a note and claim for service. Samuel Hoffman et al- vs. Albert A. Coon et al.; foreclosure. George O. Davis vs. Rose City Importing company et al.; suit on note and to collect account. . . S. P. S. By. Co. vs. W. F. Leisner; suit for damages. rin M Severs noe vs. Standard Milk Sugar company; suit for money advanced arid """ETCline vs. Globe Grain A Milling com pany et at. suit for personal injury damage. Jennie Pomeroy vs. gttnson D. Pomeroy; diEdna Debnhr vs. Martin R- Dcbuhr; divorce. William A. GUbert vs. Ltla M. Gilbert; di- TMartne Bofler A Machine Works vs. B. B. Jaynea et at; suit for material furnished. Henry Schroeder. administrator, vs. John Oeorge; damage for death. All Parts of the Globe istry eleared out of the Port of New York during September. German ship building yards con tinue to operate during the war in Europe as the 11.000 ton carrier Al ttnburg. built for tho North German Lloyd was launched at Bremerhaven recently. Tlie appearance of the Red Star liner Kroonland in London, flying the American flag, is declared by English marine experts to be the first time the American flag has ever appeared in English waters at the mast of a passenger carrying steamer. U"en vessels now comprise the Atlantic-Pacific flet of the Iucken back Stt-amshlp company. The latest nlditions are the S. V. and Harry Luckenback. An unconfirmed report has the British Mediterranean fleet capturlrog Uin Hamburg-American liner Sudmsrk. which was here last summer and which still had considerable Portland cargo in her. She is 6ald to be held at Alexandria. A life suit, constructed rrf a nfbhr lzed silk and lined heavily with wool to which Is fastened a life preserver. Intended to decrease the loss of life from exposure, has been invented by a New Vorkf-r. In Italian ship building yards are 45 heavy freighters under construction. They have a net tonnage totalling 63,- 000 tons. Bound for the north Pacific coast of the United States, the Danish motor ship Jutlandla is due to sail from Copenhagen .Wednesday, October 20. Steamship companies operating reg ular lines through the Panama canal have been granted the privilege of paving their- tolls by draft or check Foreign vessels or one trip . vessels must use gold. Two more German vessels have put into Honolulu for shelter from the British and Japanese north Tacific fleets. They were the Hamburg- i American liner Holsatla end the I ilansa line steamer O. J. D. Ahlers, TURKEY EOAST FOR GUN CLUB'S GUESTS NOV. 26 Large Number of Out Town Shooters Will Compete, of lr addition to staging the biggest Thanksgiving day shoot in the his tory of the trap shooting game in the northwest, the Portland Gun club is arranging to hold a big free turkey roast for the club members and their friends. President Henry "W. Metzger made this announcement yesterday. A good nunibex of out of town shooters ar expected te participate In the events, which win be fr tbe Imperial diamond medal, thre. geld watches, the club's high average fct't ton and 20 birds. This shoot will be second only to the Pacific coast handicap event, which was held on the club grounds last July. The club officials win held a meeting in the near future and perfect plana for the Thanks giving day program. Montana Held Down By Idaho Eleven Moscow. Idaho. Oct 17. In a field of sticlcv mud and herav-v rain. Idaho v. i V. v. r . . i i inxi i i li. 1 1. 1 uciu t " i oi v j juuuiana eleven to a no-score game here this afternoon. Nothing but straight football was used on account of the condition of the field. In the first three quarters, Idaho greatly outplayed Montana and came within 15 yards of Montana's goal twice. Superior weight of the visitors' line was no advantage. Punt ing on both sides averaged about 20 yards. Idaho's goal was In danger early in the fourth quarter, but Mon tana failed to break Idaho's defense, Ilegular Halfback Ross, and Fall back Brown were not in the game on account of injuries. This was the first game played on the new athletic field. SMITH VS. JOHNSON BOUT New York, Oct 17. Jim Buckley, manager of Gunboat Smith, announced this afternoon that he had received a telegmm from Promoter Co ff roth, of San Francisco, asking if Smith would be willing to meet Jack Johnson, New Year s day at Tla Juana, Mexico. Ruck ley immediately sent an affirmative answer. The gnnnerB manager declared that as Coffroth claims to have obtained Johnson's consent to the match, be be lieves Smith has beaten the other "white hopes" to it In endeavoring to get a fight with Johnson. Tia Juana is In northern Mexico, less than half an hoar's ride from' Ban Diego, California. No Meeting at Corvanta. Oregon AgTlcultnral College, Cor vallls. Or.. Oct. 17. It was decided late this afternoon not to bold a mass meeting to make an expression on th playing of the O. A. C-Oregon game at Corvallis or Oregon ra trier than in Portland until next week.- 1 Cornell Win Kasily Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. 17. Today's game between Cornell and Bucknell was Just one long procession and Cornell led all the way. The I tha. cans romped al over the visitors, plljng up touch down after touchdown. The fiDai score was 48 to 0. Gopher Win From S. D. Minneapolis, Minn Oct 17. Minne sota with tubstitute backs playing the entire game, defeated South Dakota today 23 to 7. The Gophers used a versatile; open field attack, 18 for ward passes b!in'g good for 190 yards. Of the 18 forward passes, ten were succissf u"L Quiet in Eureka Harbor. Eureka, Cal , Oct. 17. There was no movement either In or out todaf; yes terday having witnessed a cleanup in shipping circles. The Pacific Coast steamer City of Topeka Is due to Ball Monday morning on4h return trip to San Francisco. The steam ' schooners Vanguard and Phoenix will sail tomor row for San Francisco with lumber cargo and passengers. LSI IS IE BIG RAILROADS - Transcontinental Roads May Be? Forced Out of Business Urgler New Conditions, RATE ISSUES CONSIDERED Sail Carrisrs Dscida to Oat mat on Salmon to - Kelt th Frio Had by Steamship Ida. - Preterit aspects of the Panama canal competition involve situations most grave; from the standpoint of thai transcontinental railroads, which rosy I be forc4 to go out of the transconA tinent'al transportation business en I tlrely; -according to the view of R. n.f Miller; traffic manager of the O.-W. I. & N, company, who returned yester-l day from a long conference at Chi-J ru Crn V , (hi. , i ri f a r- ri i a r . t,,ff ta chiefs" Of practically all the transcon tinental; lines and tho questions of rate reductions recently put In force hy the Btt-amnhip lines and what could be done to meet them, occupied many studious days. The1 traffic men also attended the hearing before the Interstate torn tnerieSoomniiKsion of their petition to he alwed to reduce their transcon tinenthl; rates without affecting .their rates b interior points. ; Situation Is Serious. "Se'feral competing steamship com- paniet;ire operating through the Pan ama icahal." said Mr. Miller. -About lOO.oft itons per month In each dtrec tlon fafe now being handled by them to and from all Pacific ports. It may be thst: this competition will make It so thiSuthe rail carriers will be unable to ma the rates from th'east to the Paclfiij icoiist terminals lo f enough to meet fit is competition. It I iay be that they;viill find themselvel unable, to fuses ao give relief asked for. "Ir.yther words, tho sacrifice on in terloMnuelness may be too great and the transcontinental lines may have te go out -of the transcontinental business entirv4v. The volume of traffic by sea Ibr increasing all the time.' ri' . ,.X t l . . . tVt.. nnmmtlalAII vhif'hcwaa attended bv renresentail ves her '.tr 10. The carriers tietitioned Finn M! the Hnokann rate case so far i , hi . i t ; i in.iii.i... ...... ......... as it:-4nnlie to shipments to Interior LlcwerfJ'ti'j rdure their transcontinental . .... In sugh: a way that intermediate points) vjr.nTiPi Tint tahi rnA rrmnR. i 1 1 m ciiiii. mndit.fM Hnecified being those that are now Stoving 'In largest quantity br watei ; Terms Are Given. In 'ihe Snokiuie case, the commiA- slnn 'field that ratea from tha east t9 Snnksn must not exceed tne rate te ternilaal points by more than specified nrceritieea: 100 ner cent from the Mie- ruuiiuuTei , avi I'ci v -. 1 1 t j Lit ...i .n , 125 r! cent from Jsew iforit xnese percentages. If applied In connection with Mates from the isast to Paclflo rnju.Ti7irminjii i t rn i vea i 11111 un 1 1. tion. Mr. Miller exnlalned. would make the rate at interior noints lower then I the carriers could afford to establish. In otKer words, he said, it would cut ' . i. . . , r .. A . r. nAM. . m the rctes from eastern points as far Hum i r i v i nun in hiiitih j k vond. .' Therefore, he said, it Is the de- vi ra rrmi m a y rrminpiii on as t i sirm i a nai points, without being made to ap ply thii reductions to points where the mtSi competition does not exist. Portland was represented at- the hearing by J. II. Lothrop. manager cC the Chamber of Commerce transporta tion committee. uther cities repre sented ".'were San Francisco, Spokane. Sacra'rrento. Los Angeles. Fresno. Sett I-ake- i City. Omaha. Sioux City. St- PauL . iCansaa Citv. Chicago and New nric Ksvarui avTSLrsisa isn wpth m t clally, Vepresented. : aJ Views Axe XMxYsxent. All Hid not have the same view, Spo kane feeing agreeable to the plan only Insofar as it would not disturb the advantage secured by the recent de cision in Its favor. Sioux City opposed it hwauH it felt it wouia lose . ine benefit of the present balance it has In comtetltlon with Chicago. The rail carriera decided at their conference to cut the rate on Salmon from the Pacific coast to the east to met the water eomoetltion. but It was trtiiriTon r xna put inuiif wmiifi m i x m m rlallv affect the diversion of traffic Th new nublished rate is 60 cents nr 1 ft- nminrii. in carload sfaiDmenJ biv(wn Vortland and the Missouri mon Is now beinr shipped by sea for 20 coiitji tr the Atlantic seaboard. With a local ra.ll charge of 18 cents to Pitts- hnrc- hiaklnr the total lower than tne thro uich rail rate. "The' New Orleans situation ha snddenlv become a formidable factor f n in. ra t a Tarr-ir it r ki i 1 1 r en it tlnuedJ ! -"With vessels bound through th canal now stopping at New Or leans, jthe traffic from the Mississippi . X , .al live factor.' I Badgers After Title. Madiaon. wis.. Oct i7v Wisconsin la nut for Western football honors this vear. Rattlinar thm stronar Purdoe dob to a aauvsii i et ariarnnnn ins r-tsnj-i sr SB, Bl AJAA a i-A A lltt . v irv sM-wssy m won 14 to 7. Purdue made its best hnslitr In th first Quarter, when Ab- r.ll hain.nrk. ran 45 varda TOT Wk ence. 2 -rni 1 w.a lit. ,i n i v t i i r i in. nnijr maker.were close to a score. Tifer4Win rretty Content. -7 Princeton, N. J.. Oct 17. Prince ton .fhished a pretty open game her today ind had little trouble winnlnjr from t, Dafayette- Gltcks 6-yard run after receiving a kick-off was a feature. Ames went over for the last touchdown. -. 4 r v Tndiaiut Ijor Contest- . The. Dalles, Or., Oct. 17. Outclass' ing tbefr heavier opponents la. every departjrient of the game. The Dallen High school football team defeated Chemawa Indians by a score ox t't CA1 AN SERIOUS PROBLEM TO to . ij' i 'i i