SECTION TWO EDITORIAL AND REAL ESTATE , MARKETS AND FINANCE EIGHT PAGES , THE CHlilSTMAS SHIP ' . 30-FT. CHANNEL TO THE SEA; PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1914. ;V. x DEMOCRATIC LEADERS DISCUSS CAMPAIGN AT THE JACKSON CLUB Voters Urged to Support Chamberlain, Flegel and Dr, C, J, Smith in Race, MEETING IS ENTHUSIASTIC Kumb.r of Speaker Tak. Part la Bousing Gathering H.ld at the Commercial Club. Candidates on the Democratic ticket for county officers were the speakers at an enthusiastic meeting of the Jack son club at the Commercial club last night. Th'py urged their hearers to lend their support to the Wilson adminis tration by voting for Senator Chamber lain and A. F. Hejiel and in support of cood government In Oregon by voting for Dr. C. J. Smith. And they asked thf voters in the excitement of the campaign for the larger and more im portant offices at the head of the tick et not to forget thone at the foot. K. Whitten, president of the Jack con club, called on John Van Zante. candidate lor circuit judge department JNo. 6, for the first talk of the evening. Calling attention to the growth of prngressivelsm and the corresponding decrease of standpatism he said that It was the duty of the voter to select the bent man for the Job and that if the voter followed this principle in his voting a large share of the Demo cratic ticket would be elected. Word Paid Trtbut. "If there is one man on the -whole ticket that deserves election." said Mr. Van Zante, "it in Tom .Word. Portland used to be a hell hole; it was called the most ungodly city on the conti nent. Uambling dens ran unmolested controlled by a powerful syndicate. But when Tom Word was elected sheriff he closed them all. This is the type of a sheriff that Multnomah county needs." Mrs. Nellie C Hughes, -candidate for coroner, told of the progress of her campaign and predicted victory for herself at the forthcoming election. "1 am making a vigorous personal cam paign," she said, "and, getting results even though my opponent. Dr. Dam masch. is backed by all the undertaker in town save two." "I want people to vote for me if they are convinced I am the best man for the office," said Tom Word In a short talk. "I promise to do my duty and to strive the greatest possible efficiency In my department." The sheriff re ceived an ovation when he arose to speak. .Benjamin F. Brick, candidate for county commissioner, outlined his pol icy of a division of duties among the commissioners, each one to have a sep arate department for greater efficiency and better to fix the responsibility. B. Lee Paget, candidate for state treasurer on both the Democratic and Prohibition tickets, was introduced by George W. Allen as a man preeminently fitted for the treasurership because of his long experience in business and finance. Wilson la Honored. "I am proud to be associated on the ticket of a party that has at its head such a splendid man and statesman as Wood row Wilson," he said, "a man who was farseeing enough to keep this country out of such a catastrophe as is now visited upon Europe." Paying the highest praise to Gover nor West he urged that a man pledged to carry out the West policies should be elected in his place. Pointing out the need of having harmony on the state board of control he urged the election of a governor and a state treasurer who would cooperate. "Tom P.. Kay, the present state treasurer, ha hindered Governor West greatly. He has not cooperated in the board of con trol. If elected I oromise the fullest; cooperation in my power." Mr. Paget urged his hearers to vote for proportional representation and the abolishment of the state senate. Among the other speakers were T. A. Hague, legislative candidate who ad vocated making Portland the premier port of the Pacific; Roscoe P. Hurst, candidate for the state senate who hay been indorsed by the Republican party for the office; Dr. A. K. Higgs, candi date for the legislature who expressed confidence in the outcome of his cam paign, and J. A. Dunbar, candidate for county clerk on the Prohibition ticket. A Democratic meeting was held at the Davis school. Twenty-first and Ralei'gh streets, last night at which campaign issues were discussed, by sev eral Democratic candidates. George H. Watson, chairman of the county cen tral committee, presided. Among the speakers were Roscoe P. Hurst, candi date for, state senator; B. Lee Paget, candidate for state treasurer, and Dn A, K. Higgs, legislative candidate. Portland Boy Writes Norway Impressions That the boys of Norway seem to have much more leisure time than American boys is an observation that forcefully struck Thorsten Thorpe, a. Journal carrier, who now Is on a visit to Scandinavia and who writes from Aasgaardstrand, Norway, in part as follows: "This is such a small place, I haven't imjch to do; none of the boys has. Once In a while I go after a bunch of wood. It isn't like Amer ica, where there are always many things to do. "There are paper boys In Christ! ania, too. They deliver their papers from 3 o clock to 4 o'clock every morn ing. There are no evening papers, They only receive $5 month. "1 don't think we will stay here this winter for, if we do, I am sure we will freeze. For now (Sept. tTi .it Is so cold after the sun goes down that I have to put on a heavy eoat. The snow will come pretty soon. The fruit time is over in Norway. They have the same varieties we do in Or egon, except the apricot. "There are many boys rn Aasgaard strand. They all want to see how strong an American is, so they are always picking fights. When I told one of my cousins where I was from he said: "Portland, that's where the cement comes from. We Are Portland Agents for Gossard Front-Lace, Nemo and Btcn Jolie Corsets "Merode" and Carter's Knit Underwear for Women Monarch Kid G' Plan to Lnnch With Your Friends Tomorrow In Onr Tea Room on the Fourth Floor Complete Line ot Ice and Roller Skates, Hockey Sticks Etc., FonrUjTl Free Lessons In Knitting and Crocheting Beginning tomorrow we shall :htve an expert in our Art Needlework Department on the Second Floor to teach you anything you wish to know about Knitting and Crocheting. Ample provisions have been made for your comfort and convenience and you are cordially invited to at tend the free classes in Knitting and Crocheting with Fieistier Yarns We will have on exhibition a notable collection of garments showing the newest models in sweaters, shawls, afghans, blankets, etc See novel ties by all means. Classes Daily from 9 to 12, 1 to 5 Special Showing New Coatings Most Complete Line in the City DEPARTMENT, MAIN FLOOR All the most sought-for weaves and colors are here for your selection and at reasonable prices. Step in tomorrow and view these new arrivals, whether you intend buying or not. Plushes, Brocades, Corduroys, Chinchillas, Zibelines, Broadcloths, Tweeds, Mixtures, and numerous other fabrics, in all widths, all colors and all prices. AO Orders Received from Oat of Town Customers Are Pilled and Forwarded Promptly Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A-6231 Manleurin j;"'Hair VfDrwsinS , V, Parlor" -r; on Seconc . Floor Prompt; Ser Brocade Plnsh Coatings At $7.00 Yard Very desirable, for evening Coat and wraps. Shown in white, gold, ce rise, purple and apricot. 5o-m. width. 50-nch Black Mentex Coatings tjctra Heavy yard. 50cinch Pomoire Coatings Myrtle, Navy, Black yard New Fartex Coatings $6 to $10 Yard Complete line of popular Furtex Coatings in plain and fancy effects. Black and taupe. 50-in width. $7.00 $5.00 Richardson's Linens Main Floor The standard of qual ity the world over. Make up your mind to buy' Richardson's Linens this time: We are exclusive Port land agents for this celebrated line and show a beautiful collection of the Linen Sets, Cloths, Napkins, etc., etc Madeira Linens Words cannot describe these lovely new Madeira Linens we have just received. Dainty hand-embroidered designs in eyelet work. Finest linens: - Madeira DoDy Sets, $14 to $65 Madeira Tea Cloths, $18 to $75 Madeira Scarfs, $2.75 op to $15 Madeira Napkins, $7.50 ap to $25 Art Linens By the Yard Richardson's fine quality Irish Lin ens for embroidery work all widths all prices: 18-in. Linens at 35c to 40c Yard 20-in. Linens at 40c to 45c Yard 36-in. Linens at 35c to $1.50 Yard 45-in. Linens at 75c to $1.50 Yard 54-in. Linens at 85c to $1.75 Yard 7 2-in. Linens priced at $2.00 Yard 80-in. Linens priced at $2.25 Yard 90-in. Linens priced at $2.75 Yard Linen Pillow Tubing, $1.00 Yard Fancy Austrian Homespun for hand made Tea Sets, priced at 2.50 Yd. Is Your Christmas Shopping Lis! Ready? DO YOU realize that there are but 57 more shopping days till Christmas? Plan to do your shopping early this year. You'll be much better pleased as a result. BEGIN TOMORROW! Solid Gold Jewelry DEPT., MAIN FLOOR Our showing of solid gold Jewelry is now complete. Hundreds of ar ticles appropriate for gift-giving, remembrances, etc Cuff Links, Scarf Pins, Brooches, Neck Chains, Lavaineres, Rings, Lock ets, Watches, , Fobs and countless other articles. Reasonably priced. Me wesll Modefls in Seitts, Coatls, Dresses aSnd SEsiiK Distinctive In Style Beantlinlly TailoredModerately Priced Handsome Winter Coats $12.50 and $19.95 At $12.50 A wide range of style to select from, includ ing the very desirable Belted Balmacaan styles and Balkan effects. Mostly in the heavy woolen fabrics in plain col ors, plaids, stripes, etc Large storm col- Mo r lars and cuffs. Priced very special, at only $1UU At $19.95 Women's and misses' new Winter Coats of splendid imported materials. Styled with three-quarter flare skirts with yoke or plain backs. Latest English sleeves. 'Some have belt across the bade. 1Q QC Regular $25 garments for vlrtJ Women's and Misses' Coats $20.00 to $75.00 SECOND FLOOR Without a shadow of doubt the most varied and complete showing of new Coats in Portland at popular prices. Coats for street or dress wear, in the favored models, including the popular Balmacaan and Belt ed models, in wonderful variety. The materials include imported Scotch tweeds, zibelines, boucle, plush, velvets, caracul, Droaacioths, etc several very smart cape styles are also to be seen in this collection. Leading shades of brown, green, blue. $20.00 to $75.00 Silk Petticoats Special $4.39 Second Floor Made of good heavy quality silk messa line, crepe de chine and mess aline, with silk Jersey tops. Styled with fancy plaited flounces, QQ folds and ruffles. All colors. Special, at )x0f Smart New Winter Suits At $20 and $25 -34 At $20.00 Women's and misses' new Winter Suits, 1 a great many effective new models. In cheviots, sergel. poplins, broaddoths, etc Redingote or belted models c ry out the very latest fashion ideas. Hand- OA A somety trimmed with velvets, buttons, etc dbUtU At $25.00 At this price we display scores of smart nextl models for women and misses in long or Yt, Coats an 1 yoke or tunic skirts. Every wanted fabric and COC All color, including browns and greens. Special Women's and Misses Snit$ $27.50 to $98.50 Second Floor A superb collection of women and misse'; Suits in tailored or fancy models. Many are styled along: the "Redingote" lines, with plaited tunic Others ;n: smart short coat styles for dress wear. Shown in all t&ej wanted Fall and Winter fabrics and in every dsirable ccfj-j or. Beautituuy mmroea witn velvets, suss, outva. braids, fur, etc. Also combination trimmings of broad-! cloth and caracul. You are sure to find pleasing model. Prices range from $27.50 to S98.5p Wool Sweaters at S3.98 to S166 Second Floor Women's and misses' wool Sweater! in plain and fancy weaves, with roll and Byron collars! Also new hnes silk Sweaters and wool Sport Coats. All latest models. $338 to Sport $16.50 New Street Dresses $10 to $25 Second Floor Latest models in Basque, Redingote, Postillion, Surplice of Mandarin effects. Skirts in tunic or yoke styles. Great many handsome models for street wear. Serges, whipcords, poplins and cheviots in the latest colors. Excep- or Art tionalry attractive models at $10 to wOtUU Other Dresses $25 to $48.50 Two Specials in Dress Skirts 85.00 and 6.50 Second Floor An excellent range of styles to select from it these popular prices. Materials are serges, broadcloths, poplins and cheviots. Long tunics in plain, flare or plaited styles. Also several models in the yoke effect Trimmings of braids and buttons. These r are shown in serviceable dark colors. Priced at $5 and $UJU Other Lines From $6.75 Up to $38.50 1 - v Beantifnl Waists $6l5tto5 i-i ' . r. Second Floor Eiqjuisite flew Dres Walsti of t fc fons. Imported la?, silk crepes, nets, satin, pop! tnd damty combinations of various materials. V wide range of moiels. - Short or long sleeves. Beat tifulry trimmed fih drapes, gold lace, i A velvets, ribbons, irdles, etc. $6.75 to e 9t9U Sale Fancy Waists at 33.9 Ask for "S. & H. Stamps i mm noeiry In the Beantifnl New Sbades ot Green fpll; very smart Ms. wm. r Millinery Salop, Second Floor Tomorrow and Tuesday we win exhibit a wonderful col lection of beautiful new trimmed Hats in the new shades of green. From the small close-fitting Turbans to the large dress Hats. Prices range from H -Kc-:-.-.-x-:i:-. "v ,"7? ' v, -J ,?i $3.50 to $25 Make it a point to visit the Second Floor to morrow and see these stunning new Hats. Also splendid showing of new trimmed Shown in Black, White and AH the Wanted Color. . . .jSk&mmM& Hats in the popular brown shades. Apple Day Next Tuesday Order a box of Oregon Apples for "Apple Day," October 20. We are receiving large shipments every day. All are standard pack (4 tiers to box) not small sizes. For tomorrow we offer 500 boxes at the following prices-: Fancy Baldwin Apples $1.00 a Box Fancy Jonathan Apples $1.25 a Box Box of 24 Extra Fancy Hood River Apples for Mailing at 75c a Box S4.50 and SS Shoes yA Alt $3.48 Department, Main Floor Thrifty women win supply their Shoe needs at this store tomorrow and save! Hundreds of pairs of Shoes in this great special purchase. Complete showing of all the newest lasts in button or lace styles, hi patent colt, vici kid, suede, gmrmetaL etc Some with cloth or brocade quarters. Hand-turned or welt soles and every popular style m heels. Standard quality Footwear from America's best Shoe factories. Grades, sealing at Q A Q M.50 and $5.00 .0.O !5S? PIctnre Fratnlng To Order Fourth Floor Let us frame vonr Pictures now before the holiday season begins. Lowest prices. Splendid assortment of mouldings. Halloween Novelties Ghosts, Cats, kins. Devils, Festooning, Tab Decorations, Tally Cards, ? eti I Main and Fourth Floors. ; Witches, Vnraf Figures, Favor, able 'and Hort Great Sale ot Beaded Tunics At $3.50 and S6.75 Department, Main Floor A remarkable offering of beautiful Beaded Tunics at far under their real "worth. Long and short effects, in white, pink, blue, royal and black. Fine quality chiffons and nets. Very desirable for party . and evening wear. Two special lots. Lot 1 Beaded Tunics in long or short effects. Very special At $3.50 Lot 2 Beaded Tunics In many beautiful designs. Very special At $6.75 Special Underwear SaGc Special Cue Women' big h-f rade Underwear ChemUe. Combination and' Slip on spe cial tale tomorrow at nationlly low price. $9.00 Comblnatloits at $2.98 $20 Combinations at $1.49 Ocllotoer Sale Bedding Begiins Tomorrow Noteworthy Savings on Blankets, Comforters, Pillows Etc. Bedding Dept. Third Floor ; WOOL BLANKETS. Third Floor Special reduced prices on plain gray, tan and fancy plaid blankets. Note the following prices: Re. $4.25 Blanket, pair, at $2.98 Re. $6.00 Blankets, pair at $4.98 Reg. $6.50 Blanket, pair, at $4.98 Rej. $7.50 Blanket, pair, at $5.45 COTTON BLANKETS Hundreds of pairs Cotton Blankets enter the great October Sale at spe-. cial low prices: Regular $135 grades, pair, $1.19 Regular $1.50 grades, pair, $1.29 Regular $1.65 grade, pair, $1.48 Regular $2.00 grades, pair, $1.69 Regular $25 grades, pair, $1.98 Cotton Blankets 'are shown in gray and. -tan, with fancy borders. COMFORTERS Sanitary white cotton-filled Com forters. Covered with good qual ity materials and attractive new pat terns. Note prices: Regular $2.00 Comforter, at $1.69 Regular $2.50 Comforter, at $2.19 Regular $3.00 Comforter, sst $248 Regular $3.75 Comforter, at $2.98 Regular $4.00 Comforters, at $335 Regular $5.00 Comforters, at $4.27 Regular $6.00 Comforter, at $4.98 DOWN COMFORTERS Beautiful silk-covered Down Com forters at remarkably low prices: Regular $18.00 grade for $14.40 Regular $22.50 grade for. $17.95 Regular $26.50 grades for $20.95 PILLOWS Best quality Emmerich Feather Pillows- on sale at following prices: Regular $ 1.25 Pillows, pair, 98c Regular $ 2.00 Pillow, pair, $1.69 Regular $ 2.75 Pillow, pair, $2.48 Regular $ 3.50 Pillows, pair, $2.98 Regular $ 4.00 Pillows, pair, $3.59 Regular $ 5X0 Pillows, pair, $4.48 Regular $ 6.00 Pillow, pair, $539 Regular $ 7.00 Pillow, pair, $5.98 Regular $ 7J50 Pillow, pair, $6X8 Regular $ 8.50 Pillow, pair, $7.48 Regular $12.00 Pillow, pair, $9.98 Extraordinary low prices on Brass Beds, Springs and Mattresses. ;4S. & H." Trading Stamps sdven with Regular $2730 grades for $2.95Jcash purchases. Ask for them. Complete Line Ice Skates And Shoes FOURTH FLOOR We show a very complete stock of higi grade Ice Skates for Men and Women. Also standard makes in Men's and, Women's Skating Shoes. Better come in and select yours now. Ice Skates are priced at $1.25, $2, $2J0. $2.75. $150, $4 and $6 pair. Shoes priced at $30, $4, $5, $5.50 and $6 a pair. We also carry a complete line ot Hockey Sticks, Roller Skates, football and Athletic Goods of all kinds. Lowest prices, -v Ask for "S. St H." Green Stamps Second Floor Crepe de Chine China Silk and Shadow Lace Combina tions in pink, blue and white. Trimmed with fine picot edging and VaL laces. Also Princess Slips with deep lace flounce. Garments worth to $9.00, at $2.98. Second Floor Knicker bocker" Combinations, En velop Chemise and Cbentf-Pantaloons. Em broidery and lace trimmed made of fine nainsook. Garment d worth up to $2.50.; On special sale to-morrcrw:- at the low price of ony- each $1.49. mi) I Envelope Cbemiae and Pantalojon, $1.65 Grade, at $1 j Sanitary Goods! at Sale Prices; At the Bargain Circle, Main Floor ' Women' Te r ris" and H. W. I ; Waists. Broken lines and sizes, I 'wich must be closed A I jout. Worth to 12.00 1 17 C Cbildren' "Ferris" Waists i I ;xnese are the regular 50c quxl- Women' Sanitary Skirt Pro tectors Kinds usually selling at 50c, on special safe Q' tomorrow at only, each mtJC Women's Sanitary Aprons, Mysteria Knickers and Nurs ing Shields. Grades CQ worth up to $2. Special DUC i :ity. Good range of'Orti B Isiaes. Priced special 11 Z This S2.00 Ironitig Table S1.5C a ' in i . i. fDept. Main Floor - ! i ' Tba-d Floor Made of good clear stok, with sleeve board attachment. Stands firm under the hardest usage, Regular $2.00 Ironing 1 Cf tabe.; Special Monday at 1.3. Clobe Basket Extra - well ' made. witfk 'reinforced bottoms. Regular st.7 quality, on sale, rtf whtie they last, at only yLOv , 4 . - - Regular $130 Folding Clothe Racky on special sale Monday (or 98e Good grade of Wood Frame Clothy i Wringer, special each, $2XC Regular $1.25 Galvanixed Asb Can n special sal Monday, eacK, 89c Extra fine quality Parlor Brooms on Special sal Monday, at only 53. 50 "Yankee Cleaner" on special le Monday for only, can, 35-' If tl3 $