; e ' - fHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 17, 1914. ' 1 , , , mrwXGE. t . CAUSTIC " SOME STKANGB1W ' '.'WISE POP. REFUTATION. KRAZY KAT ! f MODEST. PEBSONAL LIBERTY. J REVENGE. . . 1 . v- : , , - lVlVrTtl AWTv A ' '"' esssss I ' ' ! Wbt l14. Jones "Sergeant, I think my daugri- I Silas The nsmng is very goou n. , , & TJTS ter intends to elope tonight with A bass was caught yesterday weigh-. j QfW2 .. T wan vnn to nalnt ma a life (fee picture of the 'muskie I caught Ion mv vacation. Jie was aooui iww lleet In length. Artist Uow longT It Mitn Retter make it five feet. I 'don't want to exaggerate too much. BRINGING UP FATHER Visitor Which of those hotels is the better? , t,, rsniin Wal. one of em has n with baths and the other First Lawyer I got even with that reptile, DeMudde! Siwnnrl Tjjwver How? wiT-st Tjiwver His wife came to see me about divorcing him, and I praised have a bath or not, just as you like. to him. Ethel Ferdy is losing his memory tu f Aro-ort 1 t cr ttlinETS. Edith How long has it been going on? TTtViol Twr months. Vjlith riear me! He must have for gotten all he ever knew by now, then. Mike Did you give Dolan th' black oye? Pat Oi did not. Mike Well, he has one. Pat Ah. that's the way it goes. As soon as a felly gits a car he shakes his old friends and makes new ones. Jones "Sergeant, I think my daugh ter intends to elope tonight with young Smith." Police Sergeant "Well?" Jones "Well, just lock me up till rooming, so I can't possibly interfere with them." cilia Th ftshinir is verv eood here. A bass was caught yesterday weigh ing nearly four pounds. Hank Who aught him Bill Yapp? Silas Heavens, no! If Hill had caught him he'd have weighed nearly eight. By George McManus if'"' ' V7 . V HURRIED HOME I POOR OINTX- ( ONE. OCLOCK WHISTLE SOfc,E V HT DO YOU KNOW- 1 tE-AHO ' ( JF! f FORGOT I TAKE HE'S bTANDIN' T LOVE, to Y m OVH fET- I'VE 0T $ UtV S TWTHE 0U5E AX)LDHT TZ !& CONUN BACK - V A INlN4 LESSON LIKE A TRUE. " i Q J I ) TO I T BACK TO ft Ylt Sr? "J FTt7m BE HEReWvT 7Sc'. K-H.DE.MTWE -TOMORROW SOLDIERS V ,SVfJ; L ' ( - I CAW'T -J A I AftCMITftO ) I WLTZ- EVER OMLX-AiilE I J 1 PIANO-HE MObTNT MUST 5TUDY! I ' L.OVE ! 1-; HEAI tT VflTH VGflfTCyj IM OUR HOUbC l lb OUT - SHE V SEE f OLtE ! J V? U C-i ARE ' 7" J 4J HELP" )TWENOIe r 7i t 1 I " (Sol I iM 'I JofeUtffeJ i. -------------- I - I HMfr ADrCr (A)0 Jl i I i. " . it v r . ' j"- f US BOYS this ts m owo PATENT UJAt OP 6eTTlf4, TO NY PRIVATE OFFICE WHfcN .I UIANNck. J FOOL. AW TOODTjr I -- .. .,-..,.1 . ..w . ; ii luuii hmJWWWMiaaWIMkMI 001: JiNeoES. Nodi. seRwos con r -n manx. K.psj T mmogsm ifflfsa II 11 iiv--r t I lilMli .-IIUJL LB-1 Uta. WWIl l-J. U r- r" rrr-r -rr " ' HlppVV ZK- - ...... i rr This Is a Secret Meeting, All Right Very Secret! MDCLL KNOlUN SAYING ILLUSTRATE BT ILL TELL VOL) MY NAME IF YOULLTFLL ME YOORS FIRST! Aoisun. To ttfiriiax IF 5HRIMP FLYAiN HAD A MILLfOAl OnLLARS AMD Ym ASkED HIM FOR- A 01 ME, HOVM MUCH VNOOLD HE Hve LEFT 7 (BET TOO GLASSED THE AMSluER.'; A MIU.IOAJ DOLLARS YOOO WAVE A SWELL CHANCE OP 6ETTM16 THE OWE .4 PROA) MARTIN ERNEST" THOMAS STEELE (SOME NAMEj HUH T) ClTT., U. S. A- umeM is a tooth like the ruler. OF ENCtLAND f ANSHJER. MONDAY I AT THERE GREW NAU9NAL BACHEBEAK SPRDOER HAS A10T VET" cTAorcn A(uvy iimoi rir CCD IPC PVPFRT JUNX. BUY MONDAYS PAPER. JDST FOR FUN. - i -, I 40fe J 1 ABIE THE AGENT Milton! MOton! Boys Like You End in Reform Schools f mii -mil im i"1Ufr UP MIME I . . u.ii a n mhia f I VIAHT VDO SHOULD OPEN THE JAWL EVERY MORNINGTHE cKuTi7ntnrR. TURfM IM THE WASTE BESKET. EDU ALLY YOU'LL LEARN Tnt IHTfcMUK. . OF THE COMPLEX BUSINESS: THIS OCT OPENIW VyIMDOWS AND DUSTUJQ- CHAIRS BEAT TO PIECES! A FlUE BOY THATM!lTII) &RDSSMAN TAJvlNcr IHfc VJASTE BESKETDONW TO TWE FURNACE HIMSELF J WE W CLEAN HEBIYS l ANT I LIKE "TO SEE" l 5.UCH A ROVJlNrUP-' I ewV A BALE OF COTTON TOR I ME TO BUY TiacETS MR. KABIBBlE T i sewr w a swell pair of yoRCHESirsft seats ANY Hr A SEAT NCT Tb THE TWO Tickets you sektme: THANKS VER MUCH, THE TICKETS YOU AVE Mr Son MlTON.' fpOKT MErCnON IT, LISTER tD5mAN. A iAnDAl Tl AVI I i X" "V ' . S 1 r t - ur nc sm .wn """ 1 I i 1 - . m 1 iv ill n l I -I f mt i te ' , 3i a i P H aTunely Ascension LORD LONGBOW . -, , . L; . , . X&S. v I j ' I Ai.v iurirwE-rvl OA THEA1 5ELVB-S EITHER.. "Whll calling on the treachetwai chief of the Slpux I worT me inflated eult, which I wear t times while avUtting. I noticed In the reflection of me monocle a tousle of men crawling up pebln me, "I merely dropped a couple of flatlrons that I had In. me pockets and ascended. Tou see, I had the precaution to fill the suit with lifting gas. tt j,, a i iinvn? Whv. a hailstorm came along and beat me to earth, old chap!" (Copyright, 1914. by W. Werner.) i .1 DVlAlK -5 i 7-