1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNSt, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 17, 1914. S t V 3 RKAL, UU agents and contractors, attention, a thoroughly competent and reliable man, who la experienced In contracting and building wants work. Best of references. Main 717. A-l SI 7. ' k.NKiUJETIC young man with family to support wants work at once. Is a cat-center by trade. First class plumber helper, or work of any kind. WIDDLK-AOKD man, experienced con crete worker, good teamster, one who knows the city well; also a good mill hand. Wants work at once. Main 717. A-1617. MARRIED man, thoroughly experi enced as concrete mixer and finish er, can also assint in building, con tracting, etc. Desires work at once. References. Main 717. A THOROUGHLY experienced man with large family wants work on farm whrre he can earn money enough to support them. Good references. Main 717, A-1617. NKAT appearing, middle-aged man, willing to go out of town, wants po sition b day or night clerk In hotel. or could take rim rge of hotel. M. 1625. MAN with-team and truck wants work. Uy ton or day. K 414, Journal. SlTUATIOysFKMALE 4 NKAT appearing, experienced woman in housework or nursery wants work where she can have a reason able length ot time for her 6-month-uld -child. Call before 7 o'clock in morning. Main 6771. Call for room 3. 1'OSl'l luN wanted by mother and daughter as cook and kitchen girl; ean take entire charge of kitchen in mall hotel or lumber camp; best o references; phone ICast 4574. N-565, Journal. NKAT' appearing, experienced woman in houucwork or nursery wants work where ehe can take her baby with her. fall before 7 o'clock in the evening. Main 677j. room 3Vj, A YOL'Ntl Russian girl who speaks very little English wants a home to care for children and some house work. Small wages. Main 717, A 1517. COLLEGE graduate Will tutor high school pupil evenings for room and board; write Miss A., S'Jl Caruthers St., city,, stating subjects. NEAT appearing young woman with 8 months old baby wants a home and small wugos where she can as sist with the housework. Main 717, A-1617. WOMAN with girl desires situation as housekeeper; widower's or bachelor's home; Main 4405; address 827 3d, St., Toom 6. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, washing, ironing and cleaning or work of any kind. Main 717, A-1517. LNMARRIED Irian woman wants chamber work In hotel or rooming house: would ge out of town. Can give reference. Main 717. YOUNG colored woman, A-l cook, wants work at once, erences. Tabor 376S. Can give ref- FOUR years experienced law stenog rapher must have work; best of ref erences; phone Marshall 2200. GIRL with experience wishes posi tion with osteopath doctor; phone Main 2266. V'UMAN with one child wants posi tion as housekeeper, or would cook for men; phone Main L'l'fifl. NEAT, reliable woman wants house cleaning, washing and ironing by the day. Main 717. A-U17. JlhLIARLE woman fur washing, iron ing and cleaning, wants work by the clay. lias references. Ea?t 68K4. WOMAN wants to take care of child ren from 1 to 2 years old. F. La rose. fidKMain 14S5. COMPETENT ste nograptier. office ex perience rather than salary, desired. A-S46, Journal. v k. ft'KH or 54. Journal. private exchange. KXI'ERIENCED woman wants day work. Tabor 41 IT. CHILDREN cared for bv the day, week or month. Woodiawn 32:18. A YOT'NG lndy wishes day work and . sewing. Main 7671. COLORED woman flnts work by the clay. Call Main f';f.0. 8ITLATIUXS TV A ST ED MALE AND FEMALE 23 MAN and wife, koocI. industrious cook, wants position coking or on farm. 131 Mj I'nion ave. Phone East 4:iJ, room 1. Portland. Or. DItESSMAKINO 40 MRU. BLACK. expert dressmaker; work reasonable. Marshall 5725. 69 Washington tit. INFANTS' layettes made to order by experienced hand. Mrs Meier, Tabor FASHIONABLE d rei-smaklng, sewing out or at home. Prices reasonable. rf? B. Kth st, apt. 1. Phone E. 2095. PLAIN sewing, repairing "laces. etc. Voodlawn 3621. FIKMSHED ilOOMS WEST SIDE 0 YOUNG men may consult, without charge, register of fur nished rooms listing several hundred in all narts of the city, at the V. M. c. A.; also rfhose in the Association hlcjg. HOTEL NAVARRE. 11TH AND ALDKK STS. MAIN 4187. Clean and exceptionally well fur nished rooms, with and without private baths, central location. Rates by week and month. GARLAND ROOMS. Mddern brick, hot an 1 cold water in each: room, steam heat, baths, all out plde rooms, $2 to $3 week..' Cor. Wash ington st. and Trinity Place, bet. 19tb nd 20th. Main 1135. THE ALBION HOTEL, 212 V4 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free bath, phone ROOMMATE Young man occupying large room in hotel at 14th and Wash., wants roommate, $12.50 each. U-61, Journal. ACKLY HOTEL Cor. 17th and Stark. $2.60 wk. up. Private bath. $4 up. Clean 4utHid rooms. mo lrn brick bld. BUCKINGHAM hotel. 20ch and Wash ington; new, fireproof, brick, every modern convenience: IIP month up. GOOD outside rooms, steam heat, brick building; free phone and bath. $10 per month. 283 13th St. THE Hi' LAND, 40 MORRISON Rooms, $8 and $10 per month; steAm heat, modern, one apt. $18. HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th near .Morrison. Transient and permanent, rooms with all modern conveniences. 117.60 mo. up. Nicely furnished A D DHTT 25c day up 228 4 Wash. St. ADDUI I $1.50 wk. up KENILWORTH HOTEL, 228 2d. Low rents. Miss Stewart, Main 1182. THE KING, S09 Jefferson, nicely fur. rooms, modern, central. $2 room up. ROOMS and apartments in modern ho tel. $2.60 week and un. 455 Alder HOTEL NORRIS 533 Alder; cleau outside rooms: modern: $2 to $4 wk. rUBHISHED SOOHS WEST SIDE PRIVATE PA MILT 70 ONE or two rooms in beautiful home: hot water, heated, running water in room; aiso snower. cas Kverett St. $2.26 WEEK Lovely. clean front room; private entrance; close in. 424 Jefferson. NICELY furnished rooms, up. 647 Yamhill st. $5 and FURNISHED room n-r !a iv. Kearney and 19th. Marshall 5789. FURNISH BD room 19th near Kear- ney. Main 5078. FURMSHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 52 WANTED To rent my two f-or.t rooms to a man and wife, the wife to care for the flat of E rooms; no children; R-479, Journal. SITUATIONS- alAJLE 52 1 ippl ave. Clean, steam heated rooms, new furniture, new manage- . ment, reasonable rents. Phone Wood- i lawn 1128. Mrs. Thos. Farrell. ! nmHisEEo booms EAST SIDE PKIVATE rA3IHT 71 NICELY furnished rooms. private family, home privilege, bath, phone. C-149S. 673 Union ave. north. UNFURNISHED ROOMS lO $4.50 WEEK Two front rooms, lights, phone, heat, included, close. 424 Jefferson. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 431 W. Park, Just opened. Beautiful rooms, newly furnished, home cook ing, sleeping porches. Terms moder ate. Walking distance. Facing park. ROOM and board; also table board, home cooking. 300 Jefferson St. KOOMtt A2D BOAJUs FBITATB FA-MILY 7a WIDOW lady wants single lady or married couple to board, cheap. Up-to-date. 3212 E. 62d st. Clarks sta., Mt. Scott car. PLEASANT room with board h pri vate home, on carline and within walking distance j reasonable; 657 E. Morrison. ONE furnished sleeping room near Washinkton High; breakfast If de sired. East 4072. 15.60 PER week Room and board with Scotch family; home privi ieges; phone. Ill North 17th et. BLEEPING porch with board. Trinity Place. Main 6781. 57 BOARD and room, $5.50 and up, young people, music 449 3d St. ROOM for two gentlemen with board, furnace heat. 64 N. 16th, cor. Davis. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 ONE room with kitcnenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts.; 116.60 and up. 31 Columbia St., cor ner 6th st TWO room suites ana single rooms complete for H- K., steam heat, hot, cold water; $8 to $12 month. 246 N. 17th St.. cor. Marshall. MrshL 4943. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites and sleeping rooms, reason able prices; children excepted. Main 313. 405 First st Cambridge bldg., furnished H. K. rooms, central, cheap. 165 Vi 3d. cor. Morr'n. SEE these nice 10 and 12 housekeeping suites. 490 Clay st. OILMAN hotel. 1st and Alder, Fur nished H. K. rmB. cheap. $1.50 wfc up. KOUSBKEEFZHGr ROOBX3 WEST SIDE PRIVATE rAMILT 73 WARM, neat rooms for plain working men, four beds, at $L26 week each, arranged for housekeeping. 575 Couch, at 18th. TWO large modern front H. K. rooms, first floor, $18; 2 others, $12; 392 Columbia. TWO suites H. K. rooms, $16 and $18; 2 single H. K. rooms, $10 and $12; gas, free phone, heat; 407 Columbia st. VERY REASONABLE. 3 Bleeping rooms and housekeeping rooms, 500 Jefferson. NICE front room, completely fur nished for light housekeeping, bath, heat and phone; no children. 2H6 12th. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SU)E 48 NICELY furnished 2 room h. k. suites. sink, gas, bath, phone, free electric lights, walking distance, rents $2.25 per week and up. 372 E. Clay, cor. Union, Just off Hawthorne. The Dun ford. Phone B-1740. $1.60 TO $2.75 week, furnished H. K. rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, baths. Fhone East 6039. 406 Vancouver ave. NEWLY" furnished rooms. Hot water, ave.. N. housekeeping 1144 Union WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. HOUSE KEEPING BOOMS FAST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILY 74 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, very reasonable, clean, light and sunny, walking distance, bath and phone, no children. 466 E. Everett St., Pone East 1751. PARTLY furnished 2 rooms.- Plenty storage room. Free water and light. Fine view. Nice residence. $8 per month. Walking distance. Phone East 4763. Adults only. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms, ground floor, front ana DacK en trance. Water, light, bath, phone free. Walking distance. 344 E. 2d, N. E. 13Zh. Vv HEN you answer these Want Ads, .mention l ne journal. ' THREE neat, unfurnished rooms. . Wardrobe, hot and cold water, tele phone, shower bath. On paved street. tb per month. lOfae K. wash st. THREE well furnished housekeeping rooms, electric lights, gas etc. Bar gain. Phone Woodiawn Si 4. 4 ROOMS, light, heat, phone, piano, private bath. 646 East Aider sC East 1540. THREE clean, furnished H. K. rooms, 95 B. 3QT h. Bast 6505. Adults. TWO and 3 rooms, near Broadway bridge, $10 and $12. 382 E. 1st St., N. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 8 ROOMS nice, clean, west side. $25. 10 rooms, one floor, $16. 5 rooms, modern, east side, $13. EWEN. 311 Alisky bldg. BUNGALOW Fine grounds. 2 lots. chicken yard. 1 block to car. Reed College district range furnished, $10 per month. Telephone East 4763. FOR RENT 6 room house with mod ern improvements, lot 100x100, good neighbor haad, in ML Scott district Inquire 6922 44th ave. Call Tabor 3692. MODERN 7 room corner house, E. 20th and Taylor sts., rent reasonable. Phone East 4178. 4 ROOM and a bath, neatly furnished; gas stove and wood range, $15, in cluding water. 800 E. 6th st. H. 4 ROOM house 486 E. Grant, near 9th; walking distance; only $9. Phone Tabor 261. MODERN house, 653 Mississippi ave., near O.-W. R. & N. car shops. Near school. Price $16. A-7931. Main 1359. SEVEN room house, 834 E. 8th St., N. Reasonable. See owner. Geo. W. Tabler, 48 N. 6th st. Main 1997. 8 ROOM modern house to rent for $15 per month. Rose City. ' Ketchum, 332 Chamber Commerce. Mar. 5370. ROOM house, $12.50. Inquire 248 E. 31st st. Tabor 3586. MOOERN 6 room house. 1 82 Mason St., cor. Kerby. $16. Woodiawn 1156. FOR RENT 5 room cottage, cast side, close in. Phone Main 1755. MODERN 5 room house, 22d and Al berta, only $18; East 1974. $7.60, pleasant 5 room house, Mt Scott car to 54th St.; see jeweler. $16, nice 5 room, house. 15 E. 20th, be- tween Wash, and Alder. E. 5356. MODERN 6 room bungalow, gas range and shades, $18. Woodiawn li99. FIVE room, modern, large yard, 256 E. 27th N. East 3505. $14. 15, nice clean 4 room cottage, 2d and E. Ash; phone East 2409. FURNiTurtr- jron sals at HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE, six rooms for sale, $150. House for rent. 168 E. 3d North. Phone E. 5648, ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished in the Household Goods classi fication when house is not for rent- FURNISHED HOUSES 36 FOUR room furnished cottage, 834 Montana ave.. close to 2 car lines. WELL-FURNISHED two-room house. Phone East 2370. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, . mention A ne journal. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST" SIDE Continued) FURNISHED HOUSES 30 (Contlatied) NEATLY furnished 5 room house with sleeping outing house, to neat party; ""'iLfh d r2S ckens ,f tney wisn' at 409 Gr nam fve. ; . MODKRN 5 room bungalow furnished. email family preferred; taae Ken ton car, get off at Denver ave., inquire at Brown's grocery, 1525 Denver ave. Phone Woodiawn 510. lX room modern house, furnished, with piano, 2 lots, garden, fruit, smalt modern house With N2 lots; 4603 4oth ave.; B-1899. 16 MONTH Two room cottage, nicely furnished, near carline. prefer couple with no children. Apply Hobson's Gro cery, Woodmere, Mount Scott car. JiO 5 room nioaern furnished house, piano, near school, or will share. Tabor 34S4, FURNISHED 5 room house, phone, water and garbage free, only $19. 763 Williams ave. Woodiawn 410. FURNISHED complete, new modern 7 room house, 3 chambers, furnace. Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4679. FURNISHED house, very low rent, good furniture. Call at 740 Minne sota ave. 112, modern 6 room house, completely furnished, furnace and nice yard, 1 block to car; Woodiawn 3229. FURNISHED houseboat for rent cheap. North of Bundy's Baths! Bert Downey. A REAL" snap, new 7 rooms, com pletely furnished, fireplace, ML Ta bor view. Main 3267. MODERN 5 room furnished cottage, 112 Alberta St. COM PLETELY furnismed 5 room bun galow to right party. Call. M. 9394. PART of pleasant Woodiawn 3621. moaern home. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED BRAND NEW MM. MRUS APTS.' COR. 1 3TH AND LOVEJOY. Just completed, 6 story , fireproof brick bldg., 57 2. 3 and 4 room outside unfurnished apts., large, light and airy, with all modern up-to-date conven iences, automatic elevator, marble bathrooms, private balconies. Refer ences required. PRICES MODERATE. BUENA VISTA, 12TH AND HARRISON. Strictly modern, under new manage ment. Finest apts. in the west, all out side rooms, 2 and 3, furnished or un furnished, walking distance, beautiful view. A few apts. for gentlemen bach elors. Lounging room; references. THE ALTAMONT 6th and College Clean, cozy, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, very cheap. Also bachelor s apartments. Heat, water, phone and janitor ser vice included. LUZERNE APARTMENTS. 2 room furnished apts., private bath, phone, large kitchen, all outside rooms, modern brick building. Corner 3d and Hall sts $20 and $25. Marsh. 4637. VILLA ST, CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. THE CODY 4S1 E. Taylor su, modern brick buildii g; all outside rooms, 6team heat, pnone, light, furnished; rents very reasonable; thoroughly clean and under the personal manage ment of Mrs. Cody. THE IRIS Apartments. 3d and Mill sts.. will be completed October 1; rents from $17 up; 2, 3, 4 room, all modern improvements; largest heating plant in city; furnished or uniurnished. iso charge for cooking gas. bHEFFIELD apartments. 272 Broad way S., cor. Jefferson, easy walking distance; 3 or 4 rooms, with private baths, very reasonable rent, best serv ice, splendid arrangements, all outslda rooms, direct pnone. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, offers yon a modern o or 6 room home in Nob Hill district with high class service. at moderate prices. Main idId. A-Z6 76. THE ORLANDO Cor. 20th and Wash 'ington sts., very desirable, elegantly furnished 3 room corner apartments. $42.60 and $40; every modern conven ience; reterences. Marshall 184. MORTON apts., cor. Washington ami King sts.; 3 and 4 room furnished and unfurnished apts. Best and cheap est place in city, walking distance. Main 10S2, A-1108. vv ix.iLb.&lj&'L COURT APTS, East 15th and Belmont, half block south of Morrison st. Furnished and unfur nished 2 and 3 room apts., rents rea- sonable. Iew 4 story brick building. MONTGOMERY APA-RTMENTS 3d anil Montgomery. New brick, all outside furnished 2 rcom aoartmenta private bath, phone, automatic eleva tor, close m.JJil up. Main 9466. WALDORF COURT, IRVINGTON. East 9th and Schuyler. Five rooms unfurnished with large sleeping porch; strictly modern. C- 668. Bast 547. THE WASHINGTON. 689 NorthruD. 6 room fur. or unfur. apts., with bath ana ail modern conveniences: nhone. steam heat, gas, electric lights, etc.; vv car to zjst & rsorthrup. m. 4378. THE DEZENDORF , 208 16T11 ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. . Elegant 6. room furnished and unfur nished apts.. also 3 room fur. apt. SAN MARCO APTd., E. 8th and Couch sts. 3 room, steam heated apts., private bath and phones, outside rooms, $16 to $22. 109 NORTH EIGHTEENTH STREET One. two and three room furnished apartments, $12 to $20, walking dis tance. GRACE anL. 24th and NorthruD sts. 3 large rooms, bath, heat, phone, new and strictly modern, unfurnished. Call Marshall 1075. it MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4 room apts., $13 up; go. id janitor service: walking distance, ref erences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. M. 7134. NEW YORK APTS. E. 7th and Bel mont, furnished rooms, modern brick bldg., all dutside apts., steam heat, ligiits; personal management of owner. TWO room apartments, furnished or unfurnished, large outside rooms, bay windows, close in, $10 and $12 per month; 89 E. 12th st; East 5279. 3 ROOM apartment, east side, com pletely furnished; all outside rooms. Private bath and phone. $20.. Phone B-1079. THE ALCO. E. Couch and Union ave.; walking distance, summer rates, new, modern. 2 room apts.. $18 to $24 per month. PORTNOMAH apartments, unfur nished, hardwood floors, phone, etc 4 rooms; $20. 200 E. 13th st. THE ALBEMARLE 2, 3 room fur. apts. Steam heat, phone, bath, $20 to $28. 383 Williams ave. East 4193. DR1CKSTON, 448 11th choice 2 and 3-room apartments, pleasant outside rooms. Marshall 57. NEW, modern. 2 room unfurnished apartment, gas range, disappearing bed; low rent. 861 E. Wash. East 3261. JULIAETTE APTS., 2d and Montgom ery, modern 2 room apts., furnished or unfurnished, reasonable. NEW CLARK 2 rooms, furnished, electricity, phone; $15 up. 616 Petty grove L BEECH 2 r. fur. apts.; desirable, rea sonable. 783 Williams av. W. 1796. THE PAGE Two lovely apts., with prices to suit tenant. East 3566. THE ORMONDE, light front 5 rooms. 656 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251. DOWNTOWN apartments, newly ren ovated, $20 and up. 3504 Morrison. THE LAURETTE 1 unfurnished 3 room apartment; modern. 229 11th st. MODERN steam heated apts., $16 up. Harrison Court, 394 5th st. FOR RENT FLATS 13 598 SALMON st, fine modern flats of 5 and 8 rooms, each, furnace, etc. Reasonable rent; Woodward, agent, 104 Second st. 5 ROOM upper flat, paneled dining room, pbone, water, S12.50. 625 Mill St. woodiawn ziyi. If your name appears in either telephone directory, call Main 7173 or A-6051 and have your Want Ad charged. To secure proper classification in The Sunday Journal, have your Want Ad in early. FOR RENT FLATS 13 (Continued) 2 ROOM flat, partly furnished, very reasonable. 706 Vancouver ave. Woodiawn 1953. . WHfcrt yoj njuswer these mention The Journal. Want Adit, FURNISHED FLATS 50 THREE rooms and bath. Beautiful private home. Fine grounds and view. Water, light and telephone free. Cheap rent to right party. Adults only. Walking distance. Phone East 4763. FOR RENT 3 beautifully furnished rooms, sleeping porch private bath, wash trays, piano; walking distance; 367 Vancouver ave. FIVE room furnished flat, piano, electric lights, water. East end of Harriman (steel) bridge. 275 Pacific St., near Adams st MODERN 5 room lower flat complete ly furnished. Walking distance. Owner's home. 424 Tillamook. E. 160. FOR RENT 9 room modern flat, fur nished, or sell at a bargain, can Main 8896 bet 12 and 4 p. m. ; UP-TO-DATE, walking distance, 4 and 5 room flats, free phone. East slii. NEW modern 4 room furnished flat. 891 Albina ave. Woodiawn 2879. WHt.'N you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. STORES AXD OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Kuhlisning Co.. uroattway ana ramnui DESK room for rent, elaborately fur nished office, $15 per month. T- 245, Journal. FOR RENT HALLS 59 LODGE hall with good dancing floor. steam heated, ill second st -non Main 183. HOTELS 34 THE BARV1EW hotel, on Tillamook Beach, under new management, is open all the year. 211 Failing bldg Phone A- or M. 2029. vv. A wise, prop. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To lease 20 to 80-room fur nished hotel in country town, with option to buy' pay cash lease in ad vance; would consider pool hall and confectionery in connection; might buy if reasonable. E. P. Erickson, general delivery, Portland. WANTED, H- K. rooms suitable for dressmaking snop, wnere can ao sewing to pay rent. E-422, Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 TEAM chestnut sorrels, mare and horse. In good order, sound; weight 2300 lbs., $120.. Team mulesr, mares, weight 2200 lbs.; good life, drive like horses, $105. . These teams have just finished a job of work, and have no further use tor them. Take Oregon City ear to Gladstone, walk up to wagon bridge, cross, turn to left, first house. Auction Sale of horses, vehicles and harness at Co lumbia stables, 392 Front, every Thurs day at 2:30. We sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sell, bring your horses to our auotion. If you want to buy, attend this sale. TEAM 9 and 12 years old, good pull ers, free workers.- sound wind and legs, a little thin from hard work, good breeching harness; all for $125. 1478 E. 8th st. N., in Woodiawn. Far rell. 3 MULES Team, weight 2600 lbs, $226; team, weight 8000 lbs., $235; team, weight 2500 lbs, $226. This in cludes their harness; all good work ers; young and gentle; for cash or time. 240 E. 8th. WANT horse for his keep this winter. Good care, light work. Farm 9 miles from city. Weight about 1400 or 1500 lbs. N-559, Journal. FOR SALE 2 young mares 3 years old, broken; wagon and harness; al so other broken horses and 3 year- lings. 42d and Ainsworth. WHOLESALE cash prices New two seated hack, new runabout buggy, also 1909 Ford runabout, $125. Call Tabor 3671. BIG work team for sale cheap or will take trade for a good 1100 lb. driv ing horse; come quick for bargain. 1029 E. Yamhill st 2.200 LET black team, farm wagon, double harness, $135; small barn, E. 11th and Belmont. WANTED Good horses in exchange for a dandy suburban lot on car line. Call A-4822. U. S. STABLES. All classes of horses for sale, 248 Front st. WHEN you answer these Want. Ads, mention The Journal. FOR SALE A nice saddle. 1578 Haven st., St. Johns car. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call day or night. Tabor 4203. LIVESTOCK 3? 10 HEAD high grade" dairy cows. 4 Jerseys, 3 Holstein, 1 Guernsey. 2 Durham; 3 to 7 years old, fresh and coming iresn; xbo per head. 1 reg istered Holstein Freishen bulL Take Woodstock car to 69 th ave., walk 4 blocks west. BEFORE you buy, come and see 13 extra fine large milch cows; fresh or coming rresn soon; price very rea sonable: J. Schmauder. 35th and St. Johns road; phone 622-R, Vancouver, Wash. 4- 12 HEAD of fresh dairy cows giving from 4 to 6 gallons per day. all big. fine cows, 5 and 6 years old. Durham, ouernsey ana Holstein. Take Woed stock car to 60th ave., walk 3 blocks west and 1 north. FOR SALE: Registered Holstein bull, 4 years old, a fine animal and in good condition. Price right. Address J. O. Farr, Jefferson, Or., or phone .marsnaii nil. CuME and see us about all breed i dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co 607 Commercial block. Main (120. MOVING away, will sell 2 fine cows. one fresh, the other to freshen soon. 1578 Haven St., St. Johns car. SEVERAL good cows, $40 to $60; tu bercular tested: 720 E. 33d st: W W. car. FIRST class Jersey cow for sale. Take St. Johns car to Arbor Lodge, block east ana diock nortn. 1406 hiurrage st WANTED 3 good 662, Journal. Jersey cows. N- FRESH Jersey with heifer calf for sale. 2044 Hawthorne, 82d. POULTRT 37 FOR SALE 50 Barred Rocks and 17 Speckled Hamburg pullets; Tabor 489Z. FEW fine White Orpington cockerels. 1 to 3. mone C-Ziilb. 37 EXHIBITION Barred Rock cockerels. Homers, Maltese, Carneaux Pigeons, Pedigreed Belgian hares. Oregon Car neaux Co., Box 279, Portland. Phone Tabor 4883. GOLLEN Silver Chinese pneasants; Mallard ducks, Japanese silkies; Or egon Bird & Pheasant Farm, Beaver ton. Or.. R. No 1. COLUMBIA YARDS. Dark Cornish for sale; call or write what you want. L. W. Weisenborn, 508 Columbia blvd.. East Portland. Or. FOR SALE All kinds pullets. 15th St., near Pine st. 26 E. whbm you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. DOGS AXD HOUSEHOLD PKTS - CANARIES, guaranteed singers; birds cared for 26 cents per week. Thomp son's Bird Store, basement, 171 .W. 3i... near Morrison. FOR SALE If you want a good watch dog, I will sell you my 9-mo.-old English bull. Pedigree stock. T-252. Journal. FOR SALE Good watch dog. Great Dane, male. Address Box 3 8 Maple wood. Oregon. PEDIGREED Boston Bull for sale or trade ror diamond. Woodiawn 2513 n klhj? you answer these mention The Journal. vv u.uL Aa, AUTOMORILES-ACCESSORIE8 44 Used Auto Snap ... , LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 114 CHE VIOLET roaaster, 2 pas senger, 25 h. p electric start- .... er and lights, snap, only $677 1913 CHALMERS. 7 DanKeni? cylinder, just overhauled and repainted, for quick sale $1350 1911 COLE, 2 passenger, 80 h. p., f oredoor, just overhauled. .. .$475 Several other good buys. Investi gate before purchasing. Northwest Auto Co. BROADWAY AND COUCH. Main 887. A-4959. LIGHT DELIVERY. White panel top delivery, newly painted, good tires and in No. 1 me chanical condition. Price $760; easy terms. GERLTNGER MOTOR CAR CO- 6-90 Washington St. OREGON VULCANIZING CO. The Tire Shop," 550 Washington st., at 18th Marshall 379. We get your tires ready for THE WET STREETS. TIRES BIGGEST bargain in the state, sacri ficing my 5 passenger auto for $250 cash, in good shape, come and see it Address box 36, Fifth and Main, Gresham, Or. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS Large stock. Prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. Studebaker bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder. I Writ ten guar antee with every spring. 26 N. i ft th st IINITFD Painting Auto Top Co. lu Isinglass put In; prices reasonale: factory finished. 16th and Wash. Mar. 945. Lowit & Moss man. ONE cylinder Cadillac auto to trade; can easuy oe nxea up ror wood- saw. What have you? P. O. box 22, Cherry Grove, Or. FOR SALE 5 pass. 1912 Cadillac in good condition, a good buy at S800. H. L. Keats Auto Co., Broadway and Burnside. Phone Main 6368. FEDERAL TRUCK. Federal truck with express bodr and top, in first class condition; easy terms, u-oo, journal. AUTO SPRINGSmadpeaand re- Frank Lanee. 228 Salmon. Main 181. WANTED To buy scrap rubber and metals. Highest cash prices paid. J. Leve, 186 Columbia st Main 5198. WANT foredoor body with top 2 or 4 passenger, for light car. 632 Alder. Main 6269. BUICK panel top delivery in good me chanical condition, including tires. price ?3iu; easy terms. T-Z41, Journal SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock in Portland, $3 to jit. Fine repair lng. Tire Supply Co.. 207 Madison. WANTED 1914 Ford touring body. N- 567, journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 MARINE engine, 18 h. p., reverse gear. rirst-ciass. u-59, journal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 FOR SALE, cheap, Wurlitzer band or ean. style 149; also 25 rolls of mu sic. E. Ausin, 8211 Meridian ave., Se attle, wasn. KIMBALL baby grand piano, in the best of condition. Take a look at it. 62 1st st. TYPEWRITERS 77 .OTI.T.'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods. Remingtons. L. C. Smith, Oliver, Smith Premier, Royal, etc, $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona' folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co.. 3d and Alder sts. WE sava you from SO to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder: retail de partment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRIT ER CO. 321 Washington st. - TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for S5 and vd: 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Company, 86 Broadway. YOU can rent visible typewriters S months for $4; convenient at home. delivered and all rent applied on pur chase. Main 6273. or A-4441. 244 Stark. NEW, rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407 WHEN you answer these mention The Journal. Want Ads, HOUSEHOLD GOODS for Sale 63 FURNITURE Before buying second hand goods, see what you can here on new goods, for cash. Get post ed. William Gadsby. 1st and wasn. WE buy, sell and exchange new and second hand furniture of all kinds. Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction & Com. Co.. 191 Second st. $37.50 Hoosier kitchen cabinet, almost new, $15. 751 Thurman. cor. 23d. FURNITURE for 4-room house; leaT' lng city. 1064 E. Morlson WHEN you answer tnese Want Ads, mention The journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 GEVURTZ furniture store, 208 1st. Lowest cash prices n the city. (12.50 DROPHEAD with attachments. e wing machine 1 62 Grand ave. FOUR ton ice making and refrigerat ing machine. Washington, 444 Wah. POULTRY (Continued) 0 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 HESSIAN Grocery, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, tinware, school supplies. Orders taken and promptly delivered to all parts city, why pat ronize public markets when you can buy for leas from the retailer? Bar gains in land and city property. If not right we make it right. W. A. Hes sian, prop.. 1193 Hawthorne ave Ta bor 981 or B-2549. GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Marine & (Stationary Marine Hardware. Write for catalogue. GAS POWER ft SUPPLT CO, 168-172 Front st, Portland. Oreiron. Soda Fountain for Sale R.n II tt f ill 1 1 rH at. fnDnfaln 9 A feet long, German silver, Alaska mar ble and mahogany finish; used two years. Will close out at one third actual cash cost. Address or call at Electric Motors Electric motors bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Wks. 10 and Burnside. Main 6674. ' Millinery Fixtures Three mahogany wall cases and two large display cases with mirrors; will close out at a bargain. Address or call at the Holtz store, 5th and Wash ington. i OR SALE: Ne-" aa second hand carom an6 pocket .. lllurd tablea'and bowling alleys and cessories, bar fixtures of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 46 48 6th st. Main 769, A-1769. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Tyne writers and "Household Goods are ! separate ctassmcauons. ABMver tisements of these goods are puatfsned under their respective classifications. Look them over. Office Fixtures Comptometer, filing cases, type writers. Globe office register, small safe, -tables, chairs, etc. Call at the Holts store. 5th and Washington. BEAUTIFUL solid oak, flat-top. sani tary, 60-inch desk, disappearing typewriter bed, perfect condition. Have no room for it and must sell at once. Bargain. 751 Thurman, cor. 2 3d. Partitions and Glass Large quantity of matched lumbar partitions, leaded and cathedral glass. Call at the Holtz store. 6th and Wash ington. SAFES All sizes at cost; safes re paired. Mosler Safe Co., 409 North western Bank bldg. Main 7676. FOR SALE or trade, 1 gold watch, 1 phonograph, old coins for diamonds, or will buy diamonds. 234 Columbia. Store Counters Dry goods counters, tables, arc lamps, Mazda lamp fixtures, etc. Call at the Holtz store, 6th and Washing ton. SIX new Charter Oak and Occidental steel ranges to be sold this week. One-third off. Call 430 E. Burnside. DON'T buy any plumbing supplies till you get our wnoiesaie prices. sstarK Davis Co 212 3d st. Main 797. FERTILIZER. Well rotted cow manure. Tabor 5914, before 8, after 6 p. m. Sewing Machines ir ted asy terms. 382 Morrison. A-6110. Mar, 721. $22 buys lady's solid gold watch, set with small diamond. 820 Lumber Ex c h an ge bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. SLIGHTLY used Wheeler & Wilson hand sewing machine. A bargain. Phone Sellwood 2236. FOR SALE cheap, bath room outfit of 7 tubs. 300 gaL boiler, etc. used 3 months. M. 7041. 244 1st st FERTILIZER for sale. C-1876. 4i Gantenbein. SAFES New and second hand, bar- gai n s. 101 1st st. Main 366S. 12 Colonies of bees in excellent shape. Tabor 3571. 6 to 8 p. m. DIAMOND paint, $1.65 gal. Port. Door & Window Co.. 230 Front. Mar. m. SWAP COLUMN 23 SWAP $38 man's fur coat for sale cheap or trade lor gooo rum post card size camera. 90 E. 8th st-, apt. 1. Phone East 2095, TO TRADE Practically new Victroln. cost $180. for anything in tne horse line; E. 6815. 240 E. 8th. st. OR 5 ROOM for brick, ceemnt, plas- ter and carpenter worn, city country.' H M. U-56. Journal. WANT 'to trade for furniture store. give location and price, w-ooi, jour nal. WILL do painting and papering for furnished flat or nouse. u-vov, jour- DaL Professional and Business AOCOBDION PtBATCTO K. STKFllAPi Hemstitching, aceorcuo"."""- and sonlorst pleating; ouiin goods sponged. Bcslloptng. 383 Alder. AS8AYXB.3 WK buy old gold, sUyer, platinum, or aamnlee. ficsering c i-o.. "-' " - 510 Northwest bldg.. 6tb and Washington sis. BLAJTK BOOK MAKERS nivia jl uniAIANV Inc. 109 2d st. Blank book manufacturers: agents lor vu- -i i .f tdirera. See the new nes' the :areka Leaf. A-S183. Msln 183. BPsnresa colleges Link s business colleue, stn floor, tii- ford bldg.. fortianq. vi. rnom CARPET CIJAIH1IO, JOYCB BROS. Electric Cleaning works, car- nets cleaned and uua, reimmg our eialty. East 440. B-193. ZQ4 K. ltn si. w- CARPETS cleaned, refitting and laying. Pscker. Tabor lua. ' CARPET WXAVIHO. MOUTH WEST RUG CO.. rug; from old car nets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 18S B. StB. Work called for. Eat 3fiSO. B-1280. PEMN8ULA Rug 'w pet weslng. 1518 Patton av. Ida. 2685. CHIROPRACTORS DR MeUAHON, 121 4th. 37B w imams are.. 18 adjustments a 10. Patients get welL COAL US WOOD. NEER & FARR a ian mmm red to order. tor A-l dry foot fit end oak cord wood Prompt de- fllA! lirery. Main 4596. A -4647 PACIFIC 8 LAB WOOD CO, Mills 8709, A-73M. Green abort wood, blocks, big inside, smsll Inside, dry slabwood. short planer trimmings. Edlefsen Fuel Co. East 803. C-2303. 262 Stark. EVERTS, MAIN 8767. oiiai ivucu FOOT OP CURRY STREET DRY eUb and box wood, eordwoodand eoaL Standard Wood Co.. Eaat 2315. B-1695. COIXECTIOHS 1 BUY acconnu, bills, notes and Judgments ef every name and nature anywhere. Por quick resulta anawer M-588. fonrnal. OPEN accounts, notes. Judgments collected. Adopt abort methods for quick re-alts. Bbort Adjnatment Co.. 828 N W. Bank. M. 974 COKTR ACTTJf O AKD BtTTLDrRO HORACE D. iOEd, iR. I BUILD ANYTHING FROM SCREEN DOORS TO A HOTEL. TABOR 1784. 1IAKE your fireplace gle good service; call Wempe. Wdbdlawn 2559. ETX, EAR. atQgg. THROAT. ttntGg. SpecUlUt. Moderate prices. Glasses fitted. Dr. r. V. Caeaedsy. 517 Deknm bldg.. Sd A Wash. ED1TCATI0AX DAHOTeTG PROF. WAL WILSON'S Walts, hesitation. one-step, two-step, schottische; leaeoos 25c morning, afternoon, eve.; guarantee to teach anybody who walks how to dance. 86 5th sC, bet. Stark and Oak. 4 private lessons 2; S clastea. Pnone Main 7837. MR. and MRS. HEATH'S achool; fancy, stage, social and all tbe latest dances tangbt; walta and two-step gnara steed an 4 private lessons; class Mod. sod FrL eve., T te ; as sembly after. 2U1 Morrison, cor. 2d, Mar, 813. SWAP COLLSi.Y INCUBATOR, brooders, feed - cutter. reiiwuun on stove. I uuieu iiujw ial self heating flat irons, for 2 horse K&soliriA ntrin lartr. 1-11 tr furniture. O-10. Journal. " FOR SALE Fine Haxleton Bros..' pi ano. Will trade for an auto truck or passenger car. Tabor 4918 or D 819. Journal. WANTED 4 passenger auto in ex change for painting, carpenter work an4 cash. Give full particulars. M-92, Journal. WANT to trade for furniture, stove, give location and price. N-581. Jour nal. MY houseboat for auto; A-l condi tion. Main 220. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WANTED The people of Portland to know that I pay highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too email to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Beater, 143 Russell st. East 6707. LEVIN HARDWARE 4k FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front et.. buys 2d hand fur niture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay all the cash it is worth. Williams Ave. Fur- niture Exchange.. East 636. THE GLOBE STORE WANTED. SECOND HAND CLOTHING And everything Highest prices paid. Main 2080. 285 1st. near Jefferson. TO BUY or rent a tent 16x20 or larger. Must be reasonable and in good con dition. 625 Thurman st. ' CALL up E. 6520. M. R. Seater, to sell your furniture. Prompt attention, highest cash prices. 368-374 Hawthorne ORIOL1- baby basket with ; springs. Give fine collapsible or cash. 2094 E. Glisan. or U-60, Journal. ; BE WISE Get more for yoiir second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8951. HIGHEST puce paid for rifles, shot guns, cameras. Hoc'nfeld. 44A N. 3d. WHEN you answer these mention The Journal. Want Aas, FOR best prices on your household goods. Call Seoord. East 4238.- LOST AND FOU.ND 21 THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, and owners thereof may claim same at the 1st and Aider st. station. Mar. 6100, A-6131: Oct. 15 1 pc. iron, 1 pin, 3 packages 1 purse, 6 umbrellas, 2 suitcases, 1 raincoat, 1 suitcase. 1 music roil. 2 packages, 1 book school tickets, 1 book, 1 purse. 1 box, 1 Ordination, 1 lunch box, 1 flower basket, 1 pr. overshoes, 1 saw, zprs. gloves. LOST October 14, large brown suit case containing papers and personal effects of M. 31. & W. L. DielJ reward Please notify Taggard. 416 Chamber or commerce, Portland. LOST South Portland, white Fox ter rier puppy, black spots on head and ears. Return to 684 3d st. Reward. LOSTIady's amethyst pin, valued as a keepsake. Very liberal reward if returned to 328 6th st. LOST Bracelet, between Mt. Tabor reservoir and Powell Valley road; Tabor 4086. LOST A week ago last Sunday, Bos ton bulldog. Answers to name of "Terry." Return to 577 E. 7th st., N. LOST Agate pin, Thursday night. Re- ward. East 2162. LOST $65 In bills. Return to S0-92 Broadway. Reward. WHEN yju answer these Want Aua. mention The Journal. . PERSONAL 22 EASTERN trained ele.ctrio operator facial and scalp treatments. 125 Sixth street, office 2. GRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist. scientific masseuse. Ladies only 204 Macleay bldg.. 286 Washinrton II nDP CO Lawyer of 25 vurs' UlVUIlULOperlenc. reliable, advice free. 404 Rotlichlld bldg.. 287 Wash HAVE ycur hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 DeTtum. Marshall 170 SPECIAL. 2 mo. only, 18 Chiropractic - treatments. $10. 1-3 regular price. XJT. cj. a. i igara. 31ft AIIHkv b!Ig. THE FUR sSHOP. New orders, remodeling, best work lowest prices. 717 Swetland bldg. DR. Q. V. KETCHUM Women e malT adies and acute diseases men. Wash bldg.. 4tflfand Wash. Rm, 41. Ml. 448. HOT BATHS AND MASKAUK" Magnetic healer. Main 8527. A-7271. CHIROPRACTIC, 121 ittT Chronic cases; 18 treatments tip, others I A WYFR 9P.?ultauon re- ia" iAV I LU 4993. 708 Selling bldg BALM Of Figs remedy for dia of women. 604 Davis st. Main 2393. DANCIKG WHIT1NQ-II1EI.AND Dancing Academy. Uai . One-8tep. Hesitation. lesson dslly. l Allafcy blda.. ad and llorrlaon. Mala sntn. MPBIO SCHOOLS AITP TEACHERS tACH.L4JK of music offem complete course pianoforte to students preparing to teach. Theory, church organ. L"-l!4. Journal. ' inii.uiuu., Tljiln teacher, pupil Ser-lW 9IY7 Lli4. v.i.i . ...... . . . .. niroiirr o?iK. A-tioo Ma'nan l. ..1 LASON, plauo studio. 422 alorrlava. Msln 6 159. I.,n. 5r. ' POPTJLAR MTTSIC ' OTIME on plauu guaranteed lieglnners la 10 iessona. Picture pluylng. sree iletuos strstlon. Free Booklet. ftoi Kilera bldg. ELECTRIC MOTORS AID DTWAMOB. MOiOUS. gtfiieiatora tiuugtit, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kluda uf repairing aiul rewinding, ail work guaranteed. U W. H. Electric Co.. at N. itt St. Phort Main 21c. n b bny, sell, reut and exchunge new and second hand nwtort, repair work a specialty. Western Electric Work a. 213 th st. Mar. SU8. rOTTKDRT AJTp MACHIME SHOP. PHOEMX Iron- Works, ian: ad and Uiw IBome. General niacblae and tunudry work. FURSITURE REPAIilHO 421 .HAWTHORNE, furniture repairers: 20 yrs. la Portland. Free delivery. East 3044. KODAK SUPPLIES. KODAKS and all supplies. I a.lni.l ,. .. printing sod enlarging. inc. Plkit tc mam Ml am cu.. K45 Washington, KESBEWGERS. aiOTOKCYCLES and bicycles. Phone alaia 6. A-2153. HAHTY MESSENGER CO. MATPROPATHIO PHTSICIAHg. DR. PHILLIPS Paralysis, nervous and chron. lc dlsesses. 504-5 oregonlan bldg. M. 3142. OSTRICH PLTTMEB, Hartneas Plume bbvp, cor Park and Yam Daradlse. fane ELM. uain ioo. vrtru-b feathers, remodeled, clesned. dyed to match sample. Work gusrauteed. patuttko, pAPERHABonro. TnrrniG TOCULE PAINTING CO.. Suceeasor to N. C. Toehle, painting, tint ing, paperhangiug. Main 4414. Shop. -649 ftlarshail rtreet. PAINTING. Papering, Thittag. 12.00 per room np. C. A. Barnes, Main 421. Manufacturers Jobbers- -Wholesalers BREWERS BOTTLERS HENRY WEINHAUD. 13th snd Buroolde. DRT GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer k FARM nfPLEMElfTS A VEHICLES R. M. WADE A CO.. at22 Hawthoroe sra. Wbolessle AgHcnltorsI Implements. SBjsJBT MERCHANTS M. H. HOPMER, Board of Trade bldg. LEATHER AJfD FTNDIVGB CHAR. L. MAKT1CK A CO.. -i Front. Leather of every description ; f Iodines. KEN'S AMD WOMEN'S NECKWEAR COLlMiilA Neckwear Mtg. Co., aj fits st 5 MENand women, thos suffering from every curame disease or naoii. Treat ed a3d cured by the latest natural be&lisg methods. Including radium, electSclty, heat, light, baths.' manipu lation adjustment; and massage; nw operations, no medicine, free consulta tion. J Dr P. E. Lewis, successor to Dr. ty. 35. Mailory. Naturopath, tit nvcnrnim man. - LADIES Ask ror Antiko Mixture No. 8. "Better than pills for female Ills. A quick, safe and sure regulator, eay to use, works like sgi, without barm, psla or later ference with work. Prloa tl. TwitihlA atrenrth. tt.flD Far v: sals by Helfond DrutKU, zzl Igorrison. near First. A FIGHT On high prices. Why pay Si to $10 for a pair of classes, when I can fit yfur eyes with first quality Unses in a Sold filled frame as low as I1.69T C Wl Uoodmim. 191 Morrison st, asar bridgft. Satisfaction guarsnteoo. 5 EXPERT work in dyeing. remodeling and restor ing plumes. Moderate. charges and prompt asrv ice. THE PLUME, lit 'y. Morgan bldg. Main 4809 L ' JLf Vf V llDI'VL-tr J ... ... Lfc viiui x- jss W ho Swas for years Portland's most gifte; clairvoyant, la demonstrating and aching mrnd healing and mental suggestion. 406 Goodnough building. ppiB postorrice. about hair ciooniL Dofft trust peddlers with comblnatsj i ug, mane mem up, o up, wigs, toupefl a specialty, 20 yrs. est'd. Febvst & Hagebut. J 47 Broadway, nr. M orris' n. SPIRITUAL medium, Rev. Virginia Rotset Readine hulinr datlv: elr. cles Tuesday and' Friday evenings, ociofjti 23i 6th st. t-none A-7H6. DIVlRCESwI ree consultation attl lth murh ainrtn4M Offlcg hours 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Phono ' aypwnimnn, Marshall 4iag. DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD, rhl ropfidist. will be pleased to see her old pgtrons at new location. 204 Mac- leay giag.. z?ni Washington st MRS.?STEVENS. 21 yuan Pnrfl.nH renowned palmist and clairvoyant, I has h&r book "Palmistry Made Easy.'V SPIRITUAL medium. Emella Pears in; ni:.rr5i"5 'e AuedA'. SPIRiTUAHbM, Rev. M. A. Price, Clr cleSvTuea. S: Wed. and Bun.. p. m. Rearlgigi. da?ly. Q3 6th St. Mar. 3X0. USE 'iassett's Native Herbs for rheu maflam; 60 tablets 26c. All druggiate PHEASANTS prepared for hats. 717 Swetland bldg. " ' ' . i a NOTICES 28 NOTI(S Or LKASK Olf SLMNKH LAKE. Notiefc U hereby given that til state laad board v will receive sealed bids up to Dt. cembef;--J4, 1BU. for the lalnr 0f the beds nS.?rtr" of SamDCT ! in Lake eeooty, or. Bids ..mut be accompanied by a certified check for $5.0oO. payable te the state land board, sme to be forfeited to the state la tlie erjat of ttae failure of tbt bidder to ca ter lnr the lease within 10 days attar ae- 1' l i -. ujB oiitrr oy , IDf DOaro, A ccfpy of form of lease will be famished proaprejlTe bidders upon application. ioc omm reserTes ue right to reject say Dd all bids. Ail bids should be addressed tn C, n Dmm clerk state land board, salera. Or., and marked -ma ror leasing- Bumner Lake." C. C. BROWN, . Clerk 8Ute Land Board. fatea-October 14. 1914. KOTiCK OK I.KASK OV ABERT LA K. Notice la hereby glTen that tho state land board .will rwelye sealed bids op to De cember 94, 114. for tho leasing of tbe beds and waters of Abert lak In T.v. mn.t, rt Bids? mast be accompanied by a certified check ,or $5,000 payable to the state hud lMiard,same to be forfeited to the state is the etfat of the failure of the bidder to en ter lifo the lfnsp nithln 10 days after ac ceptance, of the ' - Uy the board. A eajpr of f'-rn Iwe will be furnished protipetftvVe bldiliii- ;.i.n application. The ipoard reservt s the rlifht to reject say and su bids. All Man should be addreased to C. 0. Brown, clerk state land board, Halera. Or., and marked "Bid r leasing Abert Lake." : C. C. BROWN. . i f Clerk Bute Land Board. Pstcd' October 14. 1914. r NOTICE TO BONO BCYKR&i. Sealed bills will be received br tbe eomnoa roundj. of the city of Dayton, Or., until Mon day, IgoTi-mber 2, 1K14, at the hoar of. 7:30 p. m.fV)r all or parts of an Issoe of $S589.23 street .laiproYement bonds to be Issued under nertlonjH 3245 to 3253 Lord's Orr(un t-law. Ii;terel'6 per cent per annum, payable seml sr.nu&Lrj at Fiscal tutor j of Oregoa at Mew York. 'rtlf led check of 8 per cent as guar antee M trood faith. Tbe right to reject any and alV jblil reserved. AildrSss W. T. II. Tucker, Beeorder of the city ofl; Dayton. Dayton. Or.,- October 14, 114. QL AKl-fckMAHTKH 8 orflce. Portland, oTl September 80, 1914 Healed proposals, la trlpllccip, will- be received here antil S p. m.. PCrirle time, October 19, 1914, ami thee opened?, In presence of bidders, for furnish lng atSiihlp's tackle. eatlle, Waah., or f. e. b. Homdulu, II. T.. 14,000 barrels of Port In nil netnent. Information furnished on ap plication Lieatenant Colonel John X. Barter, quarieajmuier. Tfirectory FAI; 'jTIKO, PAPERHAWOtWO. TIirTnfO bntelif m A Blled best work la painting, pa. perltg. M. 18737 A-222S. 129 11th at. PAYnto coxpAinxs THE sURBEU ASPHALT i'AViNU Cu Pbrt' land stflre. COS Electric bldg. -- PRBER STAMPS AMD SRAM ALSO ! jieneils, trade checks, brass sUusv 'ACItIC COAST STAMP WORKS H Washington st. Mala TI0. A-27H). SEWIMO MACHIMES AU auak, new and second band, for sale or rent. All prtcus. tie ar log aaachlaw Kaa porlum, 190 Third, near Tay lor. Main 943L V'". SHEET METAL WORKS. Ukl'All -lMi. Un aca gravel roula. . lxmllf BIQ First. Phone Msln 1424. aouh TAXIDERMISTS CUlkApaUiT and beat work wu uwt. Fluleyfc. OroTlile. CaL . at. TRANSFER AND STORASX v. u. rtk iranster as storage C. iilflce and commodious 4 alorr brack euouau. With separate iron looms aad fireproof vault for valuable. N. W. eurner 2d and Pise sta. Piano gnnd furniture moved aad packed tut sUpplng, Spavial rates made a goucu. la tn rough, r ears, to all domestie and tWslsa polnls,..V 'Main 598. A-1998. OUMb-mj TRANS JUt CO. New T; fireproof wareatoaae with separata -rooma.i'iW move and pack household goods and vnoe and ship at redaced rate. Auto van and teams for moving. Forwardlne ...d distributing s gents. Free trackage. Offfe-e and viietHBiVMitita loq D9f l. irebBe. , 15th and Hoy t.. Mala 647. A-224. Ofti-GON TRANSFER CO. v'i BaUbUsned '187a Transfer and forwarding agBts Storage, tree trackage. Ovflcs and aUarage 474 Uilsan et. 13th ad GUsan. Main 89. A-U89 KTCltlAlin MANNING WAREHOUSE TRANSFER CO. 13TH AMD JtVEKETT STR. Let (u move, park or akin reus hoasefanld gooas. j tucauceo ireignt rates ea aaaiern sblpmejstn. Through car aervlcs. a - nAin iw. A-IS. BAOciiGK Tranfer Service VBt PUas s7 MsIk 120. A-1203. WHTDOW CLEANING EXPKfiT WINDOW CLEAN KRS A-47uiT Mais; 8327. 212 Henry bldg. PAINT. OIL AMD 6 LABS , RAHUSdEN A CO., "High Standard" ialat, N. , corner 2d and Taylor. M.--l7l. PIO.NtJ-JR PAINT CO.. 188 1st st. Mala 14. A-7IH3, . .'- PIPE WOOD PTPK - IOKTLjANU WOOD PIPE CO Factory aad effic near S4th and York sta. Msln StM PLtrSf BLWO PIPE STEAK STTPPLIES ElL. KLINE FH ON Tltr RE ET. ROPE AKD BIRDER TwTXX Portland Cordage Co. WALL PAPER MORGAN WALL PAPER CO. 230 Sd st, betsifeo Salnjua and Main. PERSONAL (Cqatlnqed) -t.j 1 V