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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1914)
"I. ' jf I': J 4' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 16, 1914. 0 OH WORK m VIM SECURING GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS SHIP Volunteers In Numbers Aiding 'Jri Making Portland's Con tribution Most Substantial, DONATIONS POURING IN Still Farther Heed Exists for Shoss, . Btooktora and Woolen Underwear Cash Contrlbntlona Spent. By Vella Winner. ay! Maybe you think that that Christina ShiD committee of WO omen that gathered In The Journal auditorium Wednesday wo? Just an or namental committee that feeld a rm-et- ,inK to fritter away time. I never saw women more earnest and more enthusiastic over anything. fin, fact, that is one of tne joys 01 i worklnK on the Chlrstmas Ship cargo. Yvu don't have to bo out buttonholing and ' cajoling virtually kidnaping ; helpers. Quite the contrary. They not only Volunteer in bewildering numbers and variety, from the mall boy who slvea 'his nickel out of his day s earnings 'to the big capitalist who signs his check for a generous amount. The principal of one of the jublic schools falter! up early 4his morning and aakwl what his lurils could do. Bmall) packages of piuiies wer . gcntedTatirl the sugKtutiori w teptetl. Mrs. C. J. Voung in.ide liar Inquiry aul then purchawed two toxea of Htoikings. Little Girl Brines Toys. T Little dimple faced I-aura Nickess tKl her mamma, Mrs. Albertine N'ick- s, were ' among the first contrib utors thla morning, Laura bringing a box of her beloved toys and Mrs. Nlck eg bringing clothes. A woman who did not care to give her name sent by messenger four big bundles of woolen Clothing. Mrs. H. A. Oatcher brought a bolt of flannelette, and Mrs. Rose T. IlugheH and her friends ar8 today busy making It into pajamas .tor boys between the ago of 6 and IS. Itoys of the Vernon, tne shattuck and the Shaver schools brought toys made ju their manual training departments. i- Miss Lillian Tingle sent a- bolt of touting flannel to a group of women already engaged in making It into gar- .rnents. Uundles of clofv,in were re- , reived dufing the day from A. K. Wel lington, Mrs. N. Holzapfel and a con tributor who did not care to leave .her name. Little Grace Ward. 3 years old. sent In a silver dollar and her fa . tvorite plaything, a big woolly dog fwhom she called Triple; with the dog was a note from the youthful contrib utor: "Please be kind to Triple." r; I C. Gilbert sent In a fine mechan ical toy, another contributor eent a ;.check for $5, another brought a wom an's woolen, coat and a dollar. t Heed for Woolens. " Jack, Gladys, Nellie, Robert . and Frances Pilkington put their pennies nd nickel together and purchased a Teally pretty pair of eardrops set with 'yellow opals, and they arrived on the Christmas Ship- editor's desk with thl .little note: "To make some lady hap- vr" r There la still further need for shoes And stockings and woolen underwear, also If anyone will contribute a quan tity of flanelette or flannel, there are plenty of women's societies which will ie glad to sew it. Such offers must -be made by Saturday, else there will not be time to make up the garments. ' Cash: contributions are always accept able, and the money will all be spent i . right here In Tortland for the things , which are found to be mo6t needed. " If you want to know anything more I about the Christmas Ship, call up The - .Journal, Main 7173 or A-6051, and ask Tor the Christmas .Ship editor. Tell From Bridge And Was Killed Kennewick, Wash., Oct. 1. Whfle crossing the Northern Pacific bridge' .on his return from Pasco Wednesdtiv J. L. Deaway, aged 55, lost his foot ling and fell, being crushed to death von the rocks 50 feet below. Mr n.. 'way was- forced to walk on the ex treme outer edge of the ties to give passageway ror an approaching apeed er, according to witnesses of the trag edy, and being poor of eyesight and of quite heavy build, he missed his foot Ing and fell. Ills body was taken to Pasco for an InqueBt. t air. jjeaway nas a son In Burling- ion, vt Foreign Trade of II. S. Is Improving President WUtoa Calls Attention to th Fact That the Demand for Cot ton Fabrics Za Increasing". Washington, Oct. 16. Steady im provement in -the foreign trade of the United States, said President Wilson. Is indicated by letters and personal talks with exporters. Although buy ing of raw cotton haa not been re sumed on a large scale, owing to the difficulty In getting quotations, there is a large call from the Scandinavian countrlos, Spain and South America for American-made1 cotton fabrics. In dication are strong that there will be an improvement in the cotton situa tion before the- picking of this year's crop. Imports for September, according; to preliminary figures given out by the department of commerce, show $9,. 436,777 increase In Imports and $45, 821,296 in exports. The report says further: Imports last month totaled $139,204, 287. compared with $171,084,848 in September. Iwl3, and $144,819,493 for September, 1912. Kxport figures are: September, 1914, SlfiH.188.90; 1913, $218,240,001; 1912. $199,670,062. Gold imports amounted to $2,761,590. as against $4,626,748 for September of liLHt year. Gold exports were $21,887, 202, compared with $496,037 for Sep tember, 1913. The balance of trade again shifted to the export side in September, ex ceeding imports by $16,984,523, as against an excess of imports amount ir:g to $19,400,356 in August. The imports into and the exports from the Port of New Tork for the weeks ending October 3 and 10, 1914, were as follows: Imports, October 3, $18,515,011; Oc tober 10. $18,346,168. Exports Octo ber 3. $13,270,885; October 10, $17,969,- 'J83. Kxports for the week eliding Oc tober 4, laia, 14,555,4&8, and tor tne week ending October 11, 113, 13, 121.933. Men's $25 Suits Overo? ats Go Now at $7.45-$ 10 English Slipon l $4.85 The Holtz Store Remains Open on Saturday Evenings Until 9:30 'Clock LT. May .Have to Ask ror state Sana The Holtz Store, Fifth and Washington The Holtz Store, Fifth and Washington The Holtz Store. Fifth and Washington in mm Star Hi ally Forced .5" ml The Buaildlirag Goes to Amotihieir Tenant Ndv Governor West Has Flan to Require Companies to Apply to a&d Board for Product of Slver. Salem, Or., Oct. 16. Persons and firms who have been taking gravel and sand belonging to the state from the bottom of navigable streams will have to apply to the state land board hereafter for permission. If plans of Governor West, announced, are carried out. This will affect the gravel and sand industry of Portland, Salem and other places in Oregon. It has been complained at various times that there has been a sand and gravel monopoly in Portland but the state has -never asserted its rights. According to the law, the property owner owns to the center of an un- navigable stream, while in the case of a navigable stream, he owns to high water mark, the stream itself belong ing to the state. Governor West will put the matter up to the state land board. As a Result the Entire Stock of Merchandise Now on Hand Must Be Closed Out Before That Date Thid! Means a , , i .1. . H Most Stupendous Sacrifice of Goods You Want Now and a Great Saving for You on Every Item You Buy Here During the Next Two Weeks Be on Hand Tomorrow to Share in the Bargains Named in This Advertisement Pendleton at Onts With Kailroad Boys' Suits $4 Vals. $1.89 One large lot of Boys' Suits in nice dark colors, full lined pants, sizes 8 to 16, reg. $4 vals. $1.89 $5 Suits $2.98 Every snit a splen- did value, nice line of colors and sizes, Boys' Pants, 39c One lot of Boys' Corduroy Knick erbockers, go in this sale at. the pair., 39c 1 000 Men's Regular - $1.50 Value Shirts Tomonrow89c We will dose out tomorrow iOOO Men's Golf Shirts, including all sizes and all colors. Well-made garments with attached caffs, neat stripes and figures. The kind yon see priced all around town $1.50 each. For forced-oat sale marked down to 89c Trimmed Mats $7.50 VakJfes at 300 Trimmetl Hats of real beauty and attractiveness the kind sold regularly at $7.50 each, 3 fC For this sale it. VO Pendleton, Oct. 16. The Pendtleton city government and Jhe Northern Pa- cinc Railway company are At war, me council formally declaring hostilities Wednesday aa the result oiWhe attitude of the company toward orders given for street Improvements. The first move of the city Is an ordinance re quiring: that a watchman be stationed t every crossing of the Northern Pa cific in the city, and that a warning bell be placed at East Court and Webb streets. Three months ago the councu rdered the company to build new concrete walks along Its property. The order has been Ignored. The council also claims that vitrified brick pave ment between the tracks which trrti company laid a short time ago is al ready going to pieces. Strubl at Spokane. Spokane. Wash.. Oct. 16. Tn an t. fort to raise $250,000 In Spokane and urrounding country to help build boat line on the Columbia river, W. R. Strunie or Astoria Is now here. M Struble is necrptarv of the ColumW and Snake IUver Waterways assocla tlon. He says if Sjiokane will raise $264,000, Astoria will raise a similar rum for a boat line to operate in con nection with the municipal docks at ''Astoria. $18.00 Switches Now $4.39 In this Forced-Ont Sale tomorrow, finest 36-inch German Natural Wavy Hair Switches, the quality always sold at $18.00, go at $4.39 A perfect match guaranteed or no sale. Real bargain. Flannel Shirts for 98c Men's splendid quality Flao nel Shirts, with military or flat collars in tan, gray, bine and dark brown. Reg- QOp nlar $1.50 values, at.. Ols Men's Sweaters at $1.39 Men's Rnffaeck Sweaters is brown, gray and maroon $2J0O valuea go to- 3t OQ morrow at ...... V--0 Men's Underwear, 39c Men's fleece - lined, derby ribbed Shirts and Drawers. Regular 75c values, QQs go now at JUs Men's 25c Sox, 6 for $1 Men's excellent quality Bale thread Hose, with reinforced heel and fine elastic ribbed top. Black, tan and cplors. Regular 25c values f f A at, 6 pain for vlWV 35c Suspenders for 19c Good quality elastic web with calf leather ends 3Sc Qg values, while they last -L7C Men's Union Suits, 89c Men's Derby-ribbed Union Suits white and gray. Reg alar $L2S values at, QQA the suit Oals 2Sc-35c 4-in-Hands 11c 1200 Fonr-in-Hand Neckties, 25c and 35c values, nice pat terns and colors, eo 11 A It JLJLV, Men's 10c Kerchiefs, 5c Large, wbita hemstitched ITandkei'cMrfs, tho kind a always sold at 10c, go at Shirts and Drawers, 89c Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers of good qual- QQ ity. Reg. $L25 values 07U Taffeta 75c Value Silks I 49c 1855 yards of extra good 75c quality Taffeta Silks, indnding all .colors, to fcre closed out on Saturday at this pricey khe yard 49c VELVETS AT 49c Every ygrd of Velvet in . i . . . i r 1 "l the store goes m this rorced-jput sale A c tomorrow at lot price, specialfpie yard HES D Italians in United States Liable. Washington, Oct. 16. There being no i La Han-American naturalization treaty, the state department held na tive Italians are liable to military Bervlce at home, even though natural ized in this country. A. W. TiATTEBTT inn ie Greatest Shoe JBargaiiiis hi ver Offeired Iini AM Portlaind. A forced clean-up of entire stock 5000 pairs of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, in all leathers, to go! Women's $3, $3.50 Women's$4,$5 Relieve the Kidneys if your kidney are not able to han dle the waste products of the body. It Is highly Important that they be put Into good working condition. Improper kidney action causes more sickness, Buffering and serious complications than any other disease, because the blood Is filtered and purified through the kidneys. If you are troubled with headache, dullness, aching joints, nau sea or other symptoms of kidney dis aae. you should begin at once the use of Warner'a Safe Kidney and Liver , Remedy. Aside from the soothing and healing action it exerts on these most delicate organs, it has a direct action on the circulation, the per spiratory glands become active, and icuiB viiiimiaie iuq waste products by way of the , akin. Warner's Safe Kid ney and .Liver Remedy is not oniy Denexicial in the atly stages of kidney. oisease, but it la a won- derful remedy for the ad vanced stages of urinary disorders. Bright disease, etc. it stimulates the en feebled v organs and heals at the same time. At all druggists in 60c and $1.00 sizes. Write for free sam ple. Warner'a Safe .Rem. ediea Co., Dept. 388. Rochester,. Is, y. l... - .- - . . a If reelected A. W. Lafferty will maintain a' permanent congressional office in the Pittock block, as well as his office in Washington. The local office here will be solely for the transaction of official business and no private business will be attended to. A secretary will be in charge at alll times to give information to the public as to pension laws, land laws. government publications, pending leg islation and all other official matters. BOOKS HOW OH KAJCD At the present time Mr. Lafferty3 secretary, in charge of his office here, has on hand a large number of gov ernment publications, to which the public Is welcome. These include Agricultural Year Books, Annual Re ports of the Departments, Weather Rie ports. Financial- Statistics, bulle tins relating to beautifying the home, bread making, preserving and can ning fruit and vegetables, some com mon bh-ds, the care of the baby, and many omer suDjects. These publications may b called for In person or ordered by postal cara or Dy leiepnone. (Paid Advertisement by R. L. Mer rick. Lafferty's Private Secretary, Oregon Humane Sbcicty f,Ot" Ave. Hw between Ooueb aa4 rnoau jsasc 1423. B-351S. opbb sat ajio xxaacr. Iieport U teases o cruelty to this office. Lethal chamber for small n' mala. Uoree ambulance for i aick ot disabled animals at a moment's aotlca. Shoes and Oxfords I "Red Cross' o In all styles and all sizes, to go for Shoes 59c Misses' Jockey Boots $3 Values j They are good wet-weather shoes; the pair $1.95 Men's High Tops n Logg Broken sizes, go now at only, pair $2.95 Women's Felt Slippers $1.50 and $1.75 values, all QfifT colors, go in this sale for O Children's Fancy Shoes in QQt $1.50 values, priced at, pr. OV Girls' Shoes for Boys' Shoes of tl 98c jg$ 1.49 Men's Honse Slippers WaterproofWork Shoes, all sizes in black and tan; go now at only, pair $2,95 Romeo style, regnlar $1.75 grade, go in this sale at, the pair, only 'little Gents" $3 High Topa and Loggers Offered in this forced -out sale $1.98 A Sale of Men's Fine Dress Shoes Button and lace, Tj?f00" all leath Jin ers,$3.00 JW vals., pair jSy1 J $2.45rrjJ Save on Your New Dress 91 Dresses up to $10.00 go in forced-oat saj for only $2.98 Dresses up to $15.00 priced in forced-oul jsale only $4.98 Dresses up to $ZL50 marked down for oils sale to $7.98 All Evening Dresses in the forced-out safe HALF PRICE (Hosiery and Un4rwear W. L. Douglas' Men's Shoes F" y $2.9$ $4 - $5 rTfl in this .Iffj vJJ0 sale. . h r At Marvelous Savings Every family in Portlan3 should benefit by these big savings tomorrow. ReaS; Women's 50c Fleeced Un derwear selling at, ea. 29c Women's 75c Fleeced Un derwear selling at, ea. 49c Women's Fleeced Union Suits now priced at 69c Women's Extra Heavy Umon Suits priced at 98c Children's Fleeced Under wear now selling for 29c Children's Wool Underwear now specially priced 49c Children's 25c Hose 12Uc Women's 25c Hose 12VzC 35c AD-Wool Hose for 19c 50c Lisle Hose at, pah 25c House Dresses and Kimoaos Extraordinary savings on all our remaining stock of House Dresses and Kimonos. House Dresses at only 69c Fleeced House Dresses 98c Short Kimonosnow at 49c Long Kimonos at only 98c 15c Outing Flannel, Qn heavy and fluffy, at V" BLANKET tftt and Coiiort Bargains ?4 $10 Comforts at only 98c $1.50 BlaHkeU at only 98c $3 WoolFap Blanket $1.98 $3.00 Comforters for $1.69 $2.50 SwLsaters now $1.49 $3.00 Swters now $1.98 $10 Auf Caps now at 49c Onyx nd Grani X Ware Thousands of pieces i of Best Quality lljnyx and Granite Pots and Pans, Tea Kettles, Bread Pans! Coffee Pots, Stew Kettles, etc., priced 12c, 13c, 15c, 20c, 024c, 25c, 33c, 45c 0 if . 4 l v.