The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 16, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    I -
Federal Office Says Facts
May Indicate Purpose to
Dominate Southern Oregon
Control of Vt Acrag of Valnabls
Timber BclUred to Exist Thronfli
Interlocked Companies.
Hints of Intimato business relatioh-
hip between Kobert A. Booth, Repub
lican candidate for United States
senator, and the Weyerhaeuser Inter
eats, with :oneequent ramtf icatlona
through almost all the great timber
holding of the northwest, are con
veyed In an official report made to
l'reflldrnt Wllaon by Joaeph K. Davles,
commissioner of the bureau of corpo
rations of the department of labor.
How tuls relationship has grown
and continues Is described In detail
by the report, which declares that
facts disclosed may "Indicate a pur
pose on the part of the Weyerhaeusers
and tbclr associates to becom doml-.
Tiant fii the pine region of "Southern
Oregon; for the Booth-Kelly Lumber
company (In which associates of Mr.
Weyerhaeuser are stockholders), also
has great timber holdings in this ter
ritory." "The likelihood of such 4 purpose,"
the report continues, "Is enhanced by
the fact that the new Oregon Trunk
railway (controlled Jointly by the
Northern Pacific and the Great North
ern, In both of which the HU1 interests
are important stockholders) Is pushing
from the Columbia river up the Des
chutes valley to tap the country lying
Immediately east of the Cascades."
Xands la Oregon Acquired.
The report had previously noted that
the Weyerhaeuser policy In western
Oregon had differed in a marked de
gree from its policy in other states,
'particularly In southwestern Wash
ington. "Instead of selling small accessible
tracts as it has done in Washington,"
the report says, "the company has
made practically no addition to its
holdings since Its early purchases from
the Northern Pacific; but In Klamath
and Iake counties its policy lias been
rapidly to infrease Its holdings by
bujlng up lands from small holders."
It Is apparently in connection with
th building of the Oregon Trunk, the
report continues, that the holding pre
viously owned by Charles Altschul,
trustee for hazard Kreres, was pur
chased In 1910 by the Oregon & West
ern Colonization company, the presi
dent of which Is Watson P. Davidson,
a director in one of the Hill banks.
Much Is Valuable Timber.
"This holding, comprising over 700,
Oftf) ith of the grant for the Willam
ette ViiHev and Cascade Mountain
wagSn road, stretches from Albany on
tl.e Willamette river to the eastern
boundary of the state," the report con
tinues. "West of the ("Hscudcs this
wngori road grant consists mainly of
heavily timbered fir lands and the 1
esstrn part, though mostly non
timhrAfl hns very considerable areas
of rilne lands.
"Tbee farts, toeether with the ap
parent harmony hptwwn the Hill in
terests and the Weverhauser Interests,
riosstbl indicate a plan to secure a
dnminatmg position In this timber re
gion. TrMs part of Oregon is one of
the last Valuable timber regions of the
country yet to be exploited In any ex
tended way, and on., "where, on account
of lark of railroads, the larsre timber
peculators bad scarcely been Invest
ing till the last seven or elsht years."
Interlocked Companies Described.
"The Booth-Kelly Lumber company
has two allied companies, the Cali
fornia Oregon Land company and
thr Oregon Land & Livestock com
pany. The timber holdings of these
interests are based primarily on the
federal grant for the Oregon Central
Military Kond. The grant was made
to the state of Oregon, which In turn
designated as its grantee the Oregon
Central Military Uoad company, now
succeeded by the California & Oregon
land company.
"The heavily timbered fir lands of
the grant west of the Cascades were
purchased and are now held by the
Hooth-Kelly Lumber company itself;
and the pine binds east of the Cas
cades In Klamath and part of Lake
counties by the Oregon Land & Live
stock company. Still farther to the
cast, the open lands were disposed of
to tne Hunter Land company, which
, 1
iff r-V, -v v-"' ' 'f-"v " i ' - - ' ?''- ' - ' $ Vi
111 I -V5W5i W
Cooperation With Govern
ment To Be Suggested at
Meeting of Assessors.
Now, Ladies and
Gentlemen, Your
Attention Please
State's Work Always Unsatisfactory
Because it Zs Impossible to Main
tain Kecesaary Plant.
Left to right Dr. Leonard W. Riley, president of McMInnville col
lege; Dr. Myron Haines, of the Northern Baptist convention.
To meet a pledge by James J. Hill,
McMInnville college has undertaken a
campaign for an endowment of $300,
000. Dr. Myron Haines, of the North
ern Baptist convention, who will con
duct the campaign, arrived In Port
land Wednesday and was met here by
Dr. Leonard W. Riley, president of
McMInnville college. They left yes
terday for McMInnville,
Although the campaign is for an en
dowment of $300,000. Dr. Haines will
have but J200.000 to raise. Hill's
pledge is for $50,000 if the endowment
is raised within two years. The
Northern Baptist convention has also
promised $50,000 under the sam conditions.
Dr. Riley told Dr. Haines that the
outlook is most optimistic. He had
just come from Olympia and other
points in Washington, where he said
the expression of interest and support
of the movement to endow the Baptist
college of the northwest was cordial.
"I have just come from Indiana and
an effort to secure endowment of $250,
000 for Franklin college," said Dr.
Haines. "This effort was successful
although Indiana people are much
-tighter when it comes to giving than
are the people of the northwest. I ex
pect to be successful, because McMInn
ville college as a center of high stand
ard education more than merits the endowment."
There's a tonic in
fluence in good
beer Beer that is
brewed and prop
erly aged.
is the standard of
beer excellence.
It's brewed for
your table. Phone
your grocer or
sold them to the Oregon Valley Land
"The California & Oregon Land com
pany now is, in effect, simply an in
termediary for the Booth-Kelly Lum
ber company, and the Oregon Land and
Livestock company to receive patents
from the government under this grant.
The two companies together have
about 15,000 acres of wagon-road lands.
Other Valuable Holdings.
."The Booth-Kelly Lumber company's
holding In western Oregon does not
consist solely of lands granted for the
military roads. It has been augmented
by purchase of between 65,000 and 70,
000 acres from the Oregon & Cali
fornia Railroad company, part of the
federal grant to the railroad. Some
17,000 or 18,000 acres of this land are
still under contract, deeds not having
passed. Besides military road land
and railroad land, the Booth-Kelly and
Oregon Land & Livestock companies
have some 90,000 acres, part of which,
presumably, was originally secured
from the government by individual
entrymen under the timber and stone
laws and the homestead laws."
"It should be noted," the report
continues, emphasizing the statement
by including it in an Independent par
agraph, "that a large proportion of
the stock of the Booth-Kelly Lumber
company is now owned by individuals
closely affiliated (through other com
panies) with the Weyerhaeusers."
Connected With Hammond Interests.
The report points out also that the
A. B. Hammond companies are con
nected with the Booth-Kelly interests
through an important stockholder. H.
K. Huntington, a director of the
Southern Pacific, is said In this con
nection to be a director also of one
of the Hammond companies.
Other relationships, either actual
or surmised by the government in
vestigator, are explained In the class
ification of timber holders under the
"second group," which consists 'of
532,116 acre? and 36,000,000,000 feet
.of standing Umber. The holders in
this group are:
The Oregon & Western Colonization
Co., associated with the Hill interests;
the Wheeler interests; the Southern
Oregon company; the Western Timber,
Kir Tree Lumber and Chapman Tim
ber companies; John K. DuBols inter
ests; Kribs and Villsbury Interests, In
which I? A. Kribs and C. S. and C J.
Pillsbury are the chief individuals;
Whitney company (Ltd.) (connected
with th Booth-Kelly Lumber com
pany through some of the individual
stockholders, but not closely enough
to identify the two concerns as a
single Interest).
Booth-Kelly Banks Third.
The timber land holdings of large
interests in Oregon, held in fee, are
in to hi o Inrrlurled in the ra-
J port. This shows that the Booth
i Kelly holdings are third In size. The
Southern Pacific is the largest holder,
with 2,079,000 acres; the Weyerhaeu
Bers second with 393,000 acres; the
Booth-Kelly company third with 324,
000 acres. R. A. Booth explained in
his speech at Albany that the hold
ings of his company amounted to
only 139,000 acres.
The report had previously stated the
connection between the Southern Pa
cific the Weyerhaeusers and the
Booth-Kelly interests. The table also
shows the Southern Pacific's total
land holdings in all the districts in
vestigated by the bureau to be
4,522,000 acres and the Weyerhaeusers'
total holdings, 1,936,000 acres.
Dr. Higgs Praised
For Helping Others
Personal Xiettar Tails of Good Work
of Democratic Candidate for County
Although he will have no vote for
Dr. A- K. Hlgg.s. Democratic candidate
for county representative with the in
dorsement of the Prohibition party,
D. Brooks Hogan of Suver, Or., has
written to the Higgs Booster .club con
veying the earnest hope of his elec
tion. "I wish you people to know," writes
Mr. Hogan, "that it was through his
instrumentality that it was possible
for me to finish my four year course
In agriculture at the O. A. C. I am
now in charge of a large diversified
dairy farm, where I have a chance
to use my training which he male
possible for 'me to attain."
It has come to light after the re
ceipt of this letter that Dr. Higgs
has assisted many young men to an
I education, the doctor being mindful
of his own struggles after virtual Im
poverishment in a flood " disaster.
A rally in behalf of Dr. Higgs will
be held at the -Higgs headquarters.
Grand avenue and East Morrison
street, next Tuesday night. Dr. Higgs
and two or three others will speak.
Arrangements have been made for
overflow meetings in case the night is
Minister Goes to Jail.
San Francisco, Oct. 16. The Rev. E.
E. Robblns, formerly of the Methodist
church at Salinas, was sentenced to
three years in the MxNeil's island fed
eral prison for writing an improper
letter to Miss Edna Rogers.
Germans Protest Prohibition.
.Los Angeles, Oct. 16. A resolution
protesting against statewide prohib
ition was adopted by the directors of
the Los Angeles Saenerfest, represent
ing 80,000 German-American citizens.
Cooperation between the United
States government and the state of
Oregon and its counties may be a
means of avoiding duplication of work
and saving of money. This coopera
tion will be suggested by the county
assessors of the state who meet in
Portland next month in their efforts
to abolish the census taking portion
of their work.
Taking of census by assessors began
in 1865 and each 10 years thereafter
all people In various classifications
and all products, livestock and the like
have been enumerated. Next year is
census year for the assessors and un
less . some arrangement is made by
which the taking of the census is
abolished or shifted, officials must
perform the work.
Several reasons are advanced why
the assessors should not be made to
do the work, the most important being
that the federal government is to
take an agricultural census of the
country next fall or a few months
after the local census would have to
be taken. This federal census. It is
pointed out, would be of far more
value than the local census because
It Is to be taken after crops are har
vested, while the local census could
be only estimates. The only items
lost by substituting the fedral for th
local by substituting the federal for
the local census would be the facts
about the people of the state, but it
is believed that the state and counties,
by paying a portion of the cost, could
Induce the federal government to tak
over that work In addition to its own
"Federal censuses are of real
value," - said Assessor Reed of this
county yesterday," but who would care
to use a state census when one pul
out by the federal government is
available? Our work has always been
unsatisfactory as it Is impossible to
maintain a proper census taking plant
and our men are not trained census
takers. With all parts of the state
growing, the cost is rapidly rising. In
1905 the census cost Multnomah
county $3694.65. It will cost much
more next year.
Merry del Val GiTen Place.
Rome, Oct. 16. The pope has ap
pointed Cardinal Merry del Val secre
tary of the congregation of the holy
Chehalia, Wash.. Oct 1.
Dr. E. i.C Truesdell, who Is
ranching near Silver Creek, In
eastern Lewis county, reports
what is probably the champion
high diving pig record of th
world. While driving a herd of
hogs across the Cowlitz river
bridge at Mayfield, one lively
fellow, three months old. either
waa pushed off the structure,
fell off, or jumped off purpose-
ly: At any rate, a splash of
the water 95 feet bejow re-
vealed the fact that the pig had
left his brothers and sisters
and was rapidly being carried
down Etr-am by the swift cur-
rent, which at that point passes
through a rocky gorge.
The animal was rescued next
morning from a rocky ledge
onto which it had landed, some
300 feet down stream from
where the plunge was made,
supplies. That is Insurance of a mar
ket, and of stable prices for now and
later. The export tonnage Is grow
ing weekly, and regardless of whether
England or Germany controls the
seas, the people of both nations must
eat England, France and Germany
are not poor In credit" .
That prices for horses and mules
and cattle will also reach the top
notch are also predicted.
The situation is sized up as fol
lows: Xeturas Are Generalized.
First A very large Increase in crop
returns from this year's product, due
to higher prices and sure demand.
Second A real need and safe Hi-
",trJ practically all the surplus
we can raise, tn grains as well as
In livestock.
Third Possible higher prices for
work animals on the farm.
Fourth Possible higher prices for
farm labor, due to greater manufac
turing activity in this country.
rum More profit for the farmer
Insuring himself against drouth, who
uses ample power to plow deep at
the right time, and who utilizes all
his feed to turn out more meat ani
mals at less cost
Sixth The best business tactics
are in pressing hardest for volume
where conditions are healthiest this
country can profitably use Its capital
at nome.
WIft Extend Senrlce.
Chehalis,;; Wash, Oct 16. At the
Che halls ;;ity commission meeting
Mayor CoVtman announced that it is
proposed i spend an additional 19,
000 in expending the gravity water
distributing; service to every part of
tne city. Tne voters originally voted
TTTL M!:? with which to build the
pipeline fp?fi the intake into the city
including ihe work at the Intake, and
to Install Hthe distributing system In.
town. Commissioner Brunswig took
exception o the attitude of Mayor
Coleman td insisted that the com
mission oi ght to stop when the $185,
000 Is spcit It is proposed to con
tinue the yrork with the monthly re
ceipts froi). the plant
War Situation Looks Good
So Far as Tiller of Soil Is
That the present European war has
Increased the total sum to be re
ceived for this year's crop by from
$300,000,000 to $500,000,000 Is a re
cent estimate made by experts for the
M. . Rumely company, manufacturers
of power farming machinery, of La
Porte, Ind, with a branch in Port
land. The American farmer, it Is pointed
out is the most fortunate financially
of all people on earth today, due to
the surplus of grain in this country
and the need for that surplus, due to
the war In Europe.
Although part of this export ad
vantage is offset by the lessened de
mand for cotton, say the Rumely
people, steps are under way to ut'Uia
the crop in manufacturing at home,
trade Sam on Top.
"More strongly are we coming to
believe," they assert "that business
depression is partly a state of mind,
and that in the world wide upheaval
th United States is on top, no'dlng
the pursestrings of the world. We
know that the sea commerce of th
world Is not going to be wiped out
and foodstuffs pile up at Bhipplng
ports of this country while people in
Europe starve for want of bread and
meat An army fights on Its stom
ach, and some of the European na
tions will see to it that they get
TOMORROW, buy the best school
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Norfolks With Extra Trousers $6 to $12.50
All Day, Saturday:
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