The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 16, 1914, Page 19, Image 19

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Steamship Agencies Keceive
Word That S ide IS Not VimJr, winavBeid lut night cm
' , ing here, was confirmed this morn-
SftriOIJS. ln and sn will take 00,000 from the
. ... .
we cnanges w ue a D
8ene4ules of Reg-nlar Canal. onte
iimminrM that th Panama, canal)
would not be ctoeed longer than five I
days have been received by both the
American-Hawaiian Steamship com-
pany ana w. jt. urace v auom
sgenciee. The slide in Culebra cut la
i.d to be of no larger size than
ha. been expected at various times and
the canal force is able to handle it
very easily. But few steamers will be
The receipt of news that the canal
had been blocked by the slide is said
by the steamship men to have caused
intii h annoyance to shippers. One
shipper reported having bad five
transcontinental railroad men call him
within the course of an hour ester-
.day, Informing him that the canal
would be Out of commission indefi-
nitely and advising him to snip his
freight by railroad.
No change in schedule will be caused
by the slide on either of the three lines
operating into Portland through the
canal. The American steamer Mon-
tanan of the American-Hawaiian fleet
ilfuaf, nntiQ buo ... ,wmm , . ...
a-nto r"o tiiinn nf tVia Cram flfHt sails
from the Bay City this afternoon
bound for Portland.
Tnrougn trie oanais Deing open, iw,
tramps are. i-. inj uvD i
l.y. bTth to load grains The British
. i Am i
steamers South Pacific and Ventura de ditlons around which tbat company's
l.erringa are both due off the river newly established, service must work,
today and as. southeasterly and south He will be accompanied by Ralph T.
westerly winds have prevailed off this Johns, of Hind, Relpa & Co., Pa
coast continually since the . steamers cific coast agents of the line, and while
left the canal zone no delay is antic- in Portland will be the guest of Btat
1 pa ted, tr A Cot local agents.
The- Montanan is bringing 200 tona The American et earner Atlantic, the
of freight for this port and will load first of the new steamers of the line,
00 tons outward. The Santa Cata- is expected here Thursday of next
lina has about 140 tens for Portland
delivery and will load about that much
cargo outward.
Roanoke Sails for Portland From
naa rnuiuwu. I
San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 1. The
steamer Rosa City arrived at 1 p. m.
several hours late from Portland. The
steamer Frank H, Buck left Port San
land. Carrying fair passenger list and
moa mreo. steamer Roanoke sailed for
Portland 10:80 a. m.
The Dodge line steamer San Ra-
mone is due to leave for Portland at
( p. m. The American steamer Santa
Clara is scheduled to sail at S p. pi.
for New Tork via the canal with a
heavy cargo.
Four . steamship companies with
headquarters at San Francisco, are
considering a Plan to inaugurate a I
new line from this port to New Or
leans via the canal. It is predicted
that a big trade can be built Between
the Pacific coast and the West In
dies via New Orleans.
The combined cargoes of three trans
pacific liners which arrived yester
day. the Tenyo Maru. Sonoma and
Mongolia, are valued at $12,500,000,
the largest ever received In one day at
this port. The cargoes give evidence
of the inereased maritime trade be
tween the Pacific coast and the orient.
V, A. Ballin and E. IT. Dodge Se
cure Patents on Plans.
Financial conditions permitting, F.
A. BaJlln. marine architect, and E. H.
Dodge, lumber exporter, will under
take the building of a lumber carry
ing steamer within the next few
months which it is expected will revo-
imv,V KrrT ih-
ooHt Thev received natant wrtn
rhale I A so a vAifAPrlflw mrA o vai
J ' a .v .u.
The steamer as designed by Mr.
Rallin wUl earrv close to 5 000.000
feet" of uShST'tb. lumber 5wm be
laaded under deck by submerging the
hull of the vessel and floating 10
barges into position through gates In
the bow, much like a dry kiln in a
sawmllL Northbound, eement, asphalt
and such heavy cargoes will be haa.
41 ed.
If eenstracted on the lines planned.
the steamer would be 650 feet in length
Only Sure Corn
Cure Ever Known
"Cets-It" te NewWay,2 Drops Do It
Uj? CETSr for
Coras and You
i Won't "Hollar"
When You Put oa
Your Shoes,
To endure the pains and tortures
caused by a little thing like a corn is
ridiculous, simply because it is unnea-
essary. lqe new-plan corn cure,
"UKia-ir," is tne tirst one ever
known to remove corns without fail.
Without pajn and without trouble. This
is wny it is tne Diggest-8elling corn
cure In existence today. It is now used
K. M l t .. l . 1 m t.t.
U Ml li JUJIO, M.IUDD 1, UUtl W4y V, I L U
sticky tape, with plasters and cotton
r intra that hf t tVialP nnuitUn .vrl
tAaM A.r .Uk ..1
r,rcD" PWIl viifc- -.ff-o vvi n, wiLlf ptf y w9
kalvM. rotor, nnri flloa rlanrtn or,
pulling at a corn.
"OETS-IT" In 'arjnlied in two -.
onds. Two drops applied with the!
glass roa ao tpe wora. ap goes, jfje
corn shrivels, vanishes. Accept no
corn shrivels, vanishes. Accept: no
substitute. Try it on any corn, wart.
tallus' o bunion
"GETS-IT" is sold by druggists
everywhere, 26c a bottle, or sent di
rect by e
.The Owl Drug Ca.
and 80 feet beam. The barges will
eacn De joo reet In length and a feet
Christian Bora o4 Virmicra due to
Arrive Here Soon.
Lumber export received their sec
ond impetus in two days when the
announcement was made this morn
ing that the Norwegian steamer Chris
tian Bora working under time Char
ier r w. ruiu. 1. 1
wul w hew a cargo of lumber
California lumber shipments are
also expected to pick up in the next
few days. According to CaDtain Ror-
vlk, matter of the McCormick steam
er CelHo. considerable work is being
piannea m the south, all of which
wlu require Portland lumber. Cantain
i Borvik u of the opinion that a great
deal of lumber will move southward
this winter, despite the completion of
me can ranclato fair buildings.
Victoria at Seattle From Jfome and
Ht Michswl
Seattle ( VVwn OL lThe Alaslca
StSp mi,
,u.rjVe(J t U:i8 p stormy
voyage jd St . MlchaelTia
Akutan, Aleutian Islands, bringing
$500,000 in gold and iZQ passengers.
Aboard the Victoria were prominent
mining men pf the Seward peninsula
district, Yukon river steamboat crews,
whalers from Akutan, sjid J5. M. Mo-
conneii or the Stef ansson s Arctic ex-
Qn Wednesday the Victoria passed a
two roMted schooner, bound east,
aD0Ut 20o miles wast by northwest
from Cape Flattery, which looked like
codfisber Maid of Orleans. Off
Swifts ure lightship last night the
chooner William Nottingham signaled
to the victoria, asking to be reported,
T. IT. Randall Will Investigate
Port Conditions.
t. H. Randall, president ef the
n - . .
jiuorv jstoamsnjp oomnany. is ta te t
u . rUS 'ZTSZIuZu T con! i
week. Bbe is at San Franeisoa di
charging cargo and is to sail October
i lor Portland. The Pacific, the sec
ond of the new steamers, will reach
this coast early in November.
,.. ri i i t,
,,i lm riw .
. Prom Newport News,
Astoria, Or, Oct. 16. After a run of
25 days from Newport News, the Brit-
ieh steamer South Pasifin irHvut h
thls morning at 10:80. She Is under ;
charter to Kerr, Gifford & o and
wlu ieve op early this afternoon for
roruana wnere sue will take a cargo
or wheat for the United Kingdom.
The Port of Portland tugboat Qck-
lahama left up at f o'clock this morn-
ing with the Norwegian ship Marosa
and the Freneij ship Dessix on her
tow Unas, The Marosa is in ballast
ana tne uesalx nas 1200 tons of cargo
ior Portland,
Major Jay I. Morrow Is at Cein ca
nal on an inspection trip-today.
urydocking of the steamer Beaver
BCheYuleTfor S
prt,anI Zju '
for her annual cleaning and painting is
retain v.a T rt .w r a
xt . . r . ' - Paris report says German sneii ae
N. water Unes left yesterday for the ' u. ;
Dnn SnW rlo.r vkrA th. -,Do. . r
Spokane and Lowistoa are being made
rnady for service.
After 54 days' voyage from Callao.
the Norwegian ship Marosa arrived at
Astoria yesterday afternoon.
The government dredger moved this
morning from Tongue Point crossing
to Slauehter-s. and ttoa di-edee Wh.
kiakum from Morgans to Double-
The dredger Oregon reaehed Grays
Harbor in fine shape, despite choppy
weather encountered outside. The re-
Port. Captain Phoojc Of the dredger
States engineer corps yesterday,
gtrOPff head winds have delayed the
"JA fR
Port Townsend to Astoria. She should
Couch street dock tonight, how-
vA,t, w,,,h h-
Wakenl rSdsT Bounty es!
II" Lldtn. t llmwltll
ay' ft0 m aviee reotuved this
morp s" '
, . " Sl " , ,
Sad News Await Captain.
Aberdeen, Oct. IS.- When Captain
Anderson of the American schooner
uarner Dove Feaqnes ma. imilean port
ior wnicn ne sauea last mentn, ne will
receive first tidings of the loss of the
steamer Franois H. Lggett, of whloh
his wife and a married daughter were
victims. Mrs. Anderson anjj -daughter
came from San Franciseo tp visit Cap
tain Anderson before ha sailed. The
day the Legget left this port. Captain
Andersen departed on h Carrier
Arrived, October 16.
luaTerick. Am. str jBaoulxi Hiiumi Imik
ail, Munterey. Associated.
Marosa, ft or. ah.. Captain Eaichcetbsea, SI
days ua CaPaeTa, W, MeMejJ,
wauwma, uexooar JO.
Maverick. Am. 8tr CaDtain Sinm -wwtrr
Nllt Moatafey, Assoelated.
ieliowstone, Ah), etr Captain Fageratmn,
freight, San Francisco, Arrow Line.
Marine Almanac-
Weather at irera Month,
North Head, Wash., jet. 16. Conditio at
the month of the rlTet it 8. a, rough;
wlo4 outheat 35 wUasr weathar, raining.
Suaa and Iidaa, Qctohas 17.
San rises, 6:81 a. ya. Son sets, 52 a. m.
Tides at Astoria,
HIsrh water. Low water.
U:U . p,, L8 feefel B , 0.8 feet.
p. b, 8 feet. 15:47
S. BW 0.5 taet.
Daily River Readings.
li ,.l.4.mj
1 AlBaCV .....
I fi-1AIT
0,8 0.00
roruno ..---I 1?
()taiBg: fjyallipf,
River forecast.
slowly durini the Kit ' lL at.'
!!! A"SFI
.Oct, 36
3ee. T. EUtr.,., Buseka end wajF,...6et. 1?
greakwttsr ,,,, Pgm pay ,Opt,
...... o. xi. ana way OcL is
Congressman-Want a Job, eh? What
ean you do?
rnn. .,-, Krrhintri
PfturrMmrnn-jiAm thns hln-h
salaried -lobs are all taken Ionic ago!
You must wait for a vacanoy.
Happening of Hunan Interest Occurring Throughout the World
After Yesterday Issue Went to Press.
European War,
Prussian government will ask the
diet for a war credit of more than f 3,.
Government work on railroads and
highways will be undertaken to solve
the problem of unemployment, says an
Amsterdam report.
Additional transports carrying first
contingent of Canadian troops arrived
at Plymouth, Eng., and are waiting
order to disembark.
Spanish government attributes ap
peal for Spain to Join Portugal in war
on side of England to demands of the
radical party-
German ambassador saya British
denials of an Angle-Belgian agree
ment dating" from 1908 means nothing
and that Germany has documentary
evidence which will be published in
Israel ocnroeuei ,
steamsnip ucnei
. . . .
of selling tickets to Austrian reserv
ists and advising them to say that
they were Roumanians,
Belgian committee visited Antwerp
from Holland to arrange for plan of
return of refugees. More refugees
reached Holland and they bore evi
dences ef fight.
Ten shells fell into Swiss village of
LaFein durine artillery combat caus
ing slight damage, German casualties
r nlappd at 600 to 800. those of
French beiner unknown.
Switzerland reports that Red Cross
has names of 40,000 prisoners of war
ring countries and "will notify their
Swiss rovernment officially de
clared that Russia, Austria, Seryi
and Galacta are contaminated with
Crew of 11 of the Norwegian
steamer Heina, captured off Marti n-
ique by French cruiser Conde, charged
with carrying ooal to Gennna,
reaehed New York.
British and French governments or
dered 50,000 sheet metal tent , stoves
made by a firm in Mercer, Pa.
Belgian refugees are being trans
ported from Ostund, says Folks to no
Heavy firing could be heard at Dua
Irtrk throughout the night, but tt was
said that the Germans were a long
distance from the city.
Three thousand wounded Belgians
arrived at Folkstone, some of them
not having had their wounds dressed
for six days.
General Federation of Trades Un
ions of London renews declarations in
of SOYernment but urges better
provisions for wounded soldiers and
minimum pension oi a a weea.
u"' - -
President Wilson indorsed Governor
Glynn for re-election.
Government remains nrm tn its poj-
; against grautwg VK iw u xr-
I vb""..
Sir Lionel Gardner repudiates inter
view in which he is said to have at
tacked President Wilson's Mexican
Maximum limitation on capital stock
BeaTer . . , B- P. and Oct. 19
Paraiso .......... B. V. and way . .. Oct. 20
Koae City S. P. and way Oct. 24
Yucatan S. D. and wjr Oct. 86
Bear S. P. and way Oct. 2a
Montaaaa ........ N. V. ....... -...Oct. 17
bant oatauaa-...ftU x, .,,,M...,Oe:
ebraskaa , H. Y. Oct
cL 25
keatockiaa N. V. ..Oct. 25
Ttomaa U Wand. Alaska.
&k It
Vcllowsume . ,8. V. & wy,.,.,,Oct. $
iuojt uauony 0. X. . .. r...o,
Alvarado F. .............Nut.
Steamers Due ta Depart,
Name From. Pate.
Quinai)l( Alaska OcL IT
lieo. W. Elder..., Eureka and way. ..Oct. IS
Bear S. P. and way Oct. 18
Breakwater , Coos Bay Oct. 20
Celflo S. D. and way Oct. 21
Klamath , S. V, ,,, ,..,,Oet.21
Willamette S. D. and way Oct! IS
basBeka a. D, and way.,,,,,OeL kg
Bearer S. P. and way Oct. 23
Yoeemtte V Oct. 23
MultDomah , S. p. aud wa,,,,Oat, ju
Paraiso. Am S. ! . 4 way Oct. 24
lucaUu S. t. and wayt,.T.Oct, 28
Uose City S. F. and way. ....Out. kg
Daisy Gadsby ... C. B, & ?, Oct, 1
&i(U)iaqan ........ n. z, ,,Uct,
A I vera do ..
r. ......
Sfiraelmu .. ,N. 1. .Oct, 25
entuckian N. v. ..... net. il
QThoBiaa L. Vf and, Alaska ... ,T .Qct. 87
Uu;?y Putnai....,S. V, ,,,...,..Octv W
Yellowstone., ps. f. asd way.. ...Oct SI
6av gUa....a. y, ,,,,..,,,,,,,0,, j
Koaqtuto Fleet Sailings.
Uiwaneda ....... Newport Oct. 16
EtiterKise ,,,,,,, Wahjuoft ,,,Oet. IS
Mirena aewuort Toied..Oct. 1
Delia ............. Nestucca Oct. 18
llUauiook Bandoo Oct. 18
Sua U. Elmore... TUlauiook Oct. 20
I'atsy Siuslaw Oct. 21
Vessels In Port.
Kasje Berth.
ICirkeudbrightshire, Br. sh. Uoatgomery
uo up ouiuo, vr. uk, .............. uerseT
Iuea, Am. sen
Yellowstone. A
f i;t if ... ,,rrescott
lellowstone As. st..t...,,. ..,.. Albert
bk . : : ... - "f
........ ...u . llt.HU LtJli
LuU, Gadsby. 4i V " . Albers
Bear, Am. air. ........ Atnsworth
Solauo, Am. str. .Oregon Drydqck
Dasslx, Fr. sh. ..."..Astoria
CeUlo, Am. gtr,....,..;.; Couch
Marosa, Ao. sfr. Astoria
Vessels Disengaged.
Akutaa. Am. str Goble
Alliance. Am. str .......O. W. P.
Berlin. Am. bk . ttnhi.
2 I'h nnnV Tt H H-o
, .Asleria
wmu(m m-- u..............u. w. r.
Mable Gale. Am. seh....
t, Astoria
Virginia, Am. sen
BL Klcholas, Am. sh...
Besee, Am. sch....
Kuct. Ger. sh. ......... .
.......... as isna
....... ...Aatorla
......... .Astoria
A .fori a
lcanf. Am. sch . . .
LeTi G. Barsesa. As. ab. ... Qlaba
W. F. Jewett, Ana. aek.... .......... Astoria
King Cyrus. Am. sch.. ......... ....'.Astoria
Arnolduj Vlnagg. Qer. ,f t, Astoria
At Jfelghboring Porta.
an Francisco Oct. 16 Arrlred at 11 a,
n., str.' siase 6ftTl'wai Pottlaui at. Baav
er, from aa Ppdrft,
Bureka, Oct. lo. Sailed at 9 a. m., ate.
T, - - . .
A 0OO9
Gottit Hang the luck! TM like to
get rid of this car and there goes a
maQ who'd give anything to own it.
Seddit -Whv don't you sell it to
Oottit 'Cause he hasn't got any-
of corporations was voted into draft
of a uniform state incorporation aet
being prepared by a confeence of
commissioners of various states.
Representative Laffarty. on learning
that the rule docking members full
salary for time they were absent, left
for Portland in jterests of his cam
paign. Pacific Coast.
Ellensburg authorities kept 75 mem
bers of L W. W. from boarding train
for Paoifie coast.
Plan is being made to supply Uni
versity ef Washington law students
with free text books.
judgment for 346,025 was given tn
favo the Pexter-Horton bank and
$497,945 in favor of American Power
& Light company, against Hanford Ir
rigation" & Power company, -at North
Fire destroyed busincass part of
Irondale, Wash, causing loss of 1 75,
After testifying that while her bus.
band, Henry A. Scheideman, now pas
tor of a church in Pasadena, pursued
his theological studies, he "allowed
divine providence to take sole charge
of her support," Mrs. Alice Scheide
man was granted a divorce at San
Diego, CaL, by Judge Sloane.
The decomposed body of a well
dressed woman was found under a
tree at Ravenswood, CaL Bank books,
bearing the name of Mrs. Catherine
Dutton, showing deposits in San Jose
banks, were found lying beside the
Samuel Swearingen, commanded to
death for assaulting a fellow prison
er at Folsom, has been adjudged In
sane by the sfperior court at San
Rafael. CaL, and ordered to the Ukiah
state hospital.
Rain fell in New York city for the
first time In 46 days.
National Pan-Helenie society at
New York decrees that all American
high school students who belong to a
Greek letter sorority must resign be
fore November 46.
Nation wide plan of encouraging
consumption of American made goods,
has been started in New York.
Arthur Riek. aged S4. teacher In tn
Chicago Musical college, and his fi
ancee, Miss leather tne Seymour, were
found dead from gas poisoning and
suicide pact is suspected by police.
Governor Dunne has been asked U
send militia to WillisvtUe, 111, to
quell threatened race war as result of
killing pf an Italian.
Gold eoin on premium aggregating
about $5,000,000 was taken from sub
treasury at New York for shipment to
Canada. -
Princess Mary of Kngland appeals
for fund for giving Christmas prasent
to each soldier and. sailor,
Xlmperor Nicholas warns corn mis
sioned cadets to be more cautious as
result of heavy death list among of
ficers, who take great chances in
Great Britain Informs China she is
unabl to interfere with her ally.
Japan, in matter of eampaifn against
Kiao Chau.
Qeo. W. Elder and BrttlHh str. gtrthdea.
for Portland.
Monterey, Oct. 15. Sailed at 9 . m., str.
f. it, Buck, fo Portland.
Sydney, Oct. 15. Arrived, Br. atx, Hurst,
fram poiiunhia rivey.
Melaourne, Qot. 15. AwlTsd. Br. str. In
veran, froni Peftland.
Astoria, OcL 15. Art! red down at 11 rig
and sailed at 1:10 p. str. Georgian, for
New Via way ports, ArrlTed a(
p. a., Ker. sa. Maioaa. tiam Callao.
Coos Bay, Oct. iS-Axrived, str. Break;
water, from Posgand.
San Ftsc Cisco, Oct. IB. Sailed at 6 p. m.,
str. AlTarado; a( 10 a, m., str. Willametia,
n Portland,
an Pedro, Oct. lS.Arrired, str. jjm Bat
ler, front Colambia riTer.
San trancisco, Oct. 18. ArrTed, im. str.
Pasadena, from Albion, i a. m.i Am; t.
S. S. Higglng, Fort Bragg, 7 a. m.; Am. atr.
Washtenaw, Port Lais, 7 a. m. ; Am. ttr.
Yale, San Pedis, 8:30 a. au; Am. str. Qo.
ernor, Saa Diego, 11 I. . Sailed. Am. str.
Hoaoake, Portlaad, 10;30 a. aa. Am. str. Ad-
rainu s&rragui, oeaiue, p. m.; am. str.
Ya!, asd Agu V. Cengr, for fiaa Bsge.
4 p. m.; Am. str. Eureka. Ventura.
Seattle, Wash.. Oct. 15. Sailed. Am. str.
Worthwastera, Alaska, 4 B, m.i Jap. st,
Yokohama itfara, Tacoma, 6 p. m.; Am, atr.
Siome City, Everett, i.OQ p. m,
Uukiltird, Wash.. Oct. IS AniTed. Am.
str, Hornet, Tacoma. Will leave Saturday fee
naHiS paruara, wita tou.isjy iee mmnes.
rietoria, . u,, pgt, f-rriTeii, Am, tx,
Bochellea, Portland.
Vanmnnr P. Act IK SuflA T-
-piuiyuiua, coiHUi, o. u., 4U p. ra.
Tacoma, Wash, Ocfe 15. Arrived, Jap. atr.
Itxles-Maro, Orient, 8 p, a
Bellinaham. Wash.. Oct. IS. Sailed, str.
Mary f. Olsea, Sag Fraaclsoy Tia prerett, at
UO a. nT; str. Windber, oTt&e Pacific
American fisheries company, with 103,000
ea&es at aaoned salmon, fpr Jfew lork, fie
us riBimi sanai, at A p. sa. ,
seatue, wasn., uct- is. ArnTea, am. str.
City of Seattle, Alaska. 10:45 a. m.
str, Admiral Schley, San Francisco, 5:15 a.
in. ; Am. str. Admiral uvans, . Alaska, a a.
m.; Am. str. Mariposa, Alaska, 10:30 a. m.;
Am. str. JdornlBg gtar, VancouTer, 2 a. m.
victoria, i. ucu jo. o&iiea. tsr. str.
Thor, Nanaimo, B. C., for Saa Franciaeo, 6
a. m. '
Comox. B. C Oct. IS. Armed. Br. str.
Talthyblns, VaneouTer, B,. C
Boat Harbor, a. C, tiPW" ISvArrnea, Am.
stf. BAtcfasUe, Portland.
Mrt Towoaend. Oct. la., Pawed In. sta.
Amur, ere laden, for Taeama, 10:1S a. m.
ArriTed here. Am. sch. Mary E. "Foster, Eagle
eiSFbar, far HiUiXb,
Information abont the pert at Portlaad win
be furnished by the Portland Chamber ef
Main S3, Al?83,
Tessel Taken for Grain.
Cfeaj-ter o the British, ship Celtic
Glen for the delivery of whea to the
United Kingdom was taken by nf, H.
rjouser this mernlng, the yessel tp
come for November delivery. Ne rate
was given out for the fixture.
This charter, with the chartering of
lbs British, steamer Clayerdon by
Strauss & Co. for tfsTembar loading,
and the numerous vessels under way
toward this port, give prospects of $fa?
vember being a heavy shipping month.
October shipments will be heavy dur
ing the. latter two weefcs ajso, mt tt
record is expected by shipping pi en, to
se as BiucuwHt. HUB.
besxohxoto maw.
Husband I shall buy the neigh-
bor's kid a pocket knife for bis birth-
Wife Ills mother would confiscate
it directly.
Husband No doubt! But IT1 take
a chance on his cutting up the furnl-
ture first!
Today's Happenings Wtta the Dottders, Architects, Contractors nd
Realty. Brokers.
Warehouse Under Construction.
Work on the construction of the big
warehouse that will be used In connec
tion with municipal dock No, 1 is now
under way, 'and Anton Teller, the con
tractor, lias a large force of men en
gaged. Under his contract with the commis
sion of public docks, be must complete
the big structure within 45 days. The
warehouse is going up on Front street,
between Fifteenth and Seventeenth
streets. Immediately behind the dock.
It will be a six sided affair, of Slow
burning mill construction, with asbes
tos and metal protected sides, and will
enclose an area of 17,000 square feet.
It measures approximately 200 by 190
feet, and will cost J30.Q0Q.
Residence Will Cost $15,000.
W. D. Walker has taken out a build
ing permit, and is beginning work op
the $15,000 residence for O. B. StubDs
of the Stubbs Electrical company,
which is going up at Twenty-third and
Stephens streets. The building will be
two and one half stories high. A
garage costing $1000 will also be built
on the property, whicb occupies the
northeast corner of the square.
Bridge Bid Opened.
Albert Anderson of Grants Pass sub
mitted the lowest bid in competition
for the contract to build the proposed
bridge over Jump Off Joe creek In
Pouglas county. He bid $1500.
Repairs Are Under Way.
George Langford. who was awarded
the contract to make repairs in the
basement of the county courthouse,
has taken out a building permit and
started work yesterday.
The cost will be $123. Laagford
will tnsfftH a ventilating system for
the engine and boiler rooms in the
basement. A ventilating shaft will be
installed extending from the Fifth
street sidewalk to the court In the
building's center.
Independence Receives Bids.
B.' a Swops, city recorder Of Inde
pendence, is receiving bids for the im
provement t several streets by grad
ing, graveling and installing concrete
curbing. Bids win be received until
October IX.
To Build Blacksmith Shop.
Bids are now being received by Arch
itects Stokes & Zellar, Chamber of
Commerce building, for the construc
tion of a one story concrete building
that will go up at Vancouver avenue
and Ivy streeL Its dimensions will
be 80 by 100 feet, and will be used
for a blacksmith shop.
.SawmiH WUl Bo RetmOt.
The Stanley-Smith Lumber eempany
of Hood River will rebuild Its plant,
which was destroyed by fire. It is ex
pected that construction win be under
way In a short time. The fire caused
a loss of .65.000.
Building lfermlts.
School district No. 1. erect store room.
Fremont, between Thirty-ninth and Forty
second; builder, same; (200.
School district No. L erect one stery atere
room. Twenty-fifth, between PTrmeat and
Regents DriTe; builder same; saoo.
fcchool district. No. 1, erect schooL
fifth, between Fremont and Regent
hii411 anm: 550. -
itcKeata Drive;
B. ti, Johnson, erect ene story frame gar
are. East Thirty-seventh, between Tnompaaa
and Braxee; bnllder. same; $80.
Rose City Park ML S. church, erect see
story frame church, Alameda, between Fifty
eighth and Flitytalsthi builder, L. B. Bailey
Co. ; sauuu.
Sophia B. Selp, erect one story frame dwell-
between farrarat and Baldwin;
Maynaru; siauu.
rert one story frame dsfeHlas,
WVm avefiua. between Peefleae PUea u4
Imperial; builder, KJamt Miner; ajow.
W. P. Holman, repair IV, story frame
dwelling, East Fifteenth, between Mariaa.and
ClattopT' builder. rpallock Building Co.; ftSO.
E. II. W'emme, repair twe story brick or
dinary garage. Couch, between Broadway and
Park; builder, LJtherlaad & Abrey; S15Q.
F N Clark Co., erect signboard, Cumber,
land Head, WestoTer Terraces; builder, Port
land Sign Co.; $200.
Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., sepalr focr story
brick ordinary factory, Daria, between Eleft
ant a and Twelfth; builder, same: 1100.
Mr. Kinkada, tepals one atary frame bars,
gast Twenty-second, between Pacific and Ore-
v.r,nHV r. V Hnlit: 2S.
' Angust SperiUs, repair two Starr frame
lodging house. Fifth, betweea srrfU and
vi,nlM; hailder. same: S125,
G. L, Brown, erect ene story frame gar
age, TwentJ-Sth between nfasee ana nun.
miiiflai sa n iulb.
J. B. AppTeby, erect one story frame gar
age, East Foruetn, oeiwima oram yiu
bnilder, BUchnfi & Koehler; liiOv
John Figini, repair one story frame dwell
nn too u.rinn tvtvn East Serenteenth
and East Nineteenth; builder, W, A, Blaka-
Herbert H. Brown, repair twe story frama
rtwllln. East Forty-seTenth, between Bel
mont and East Aider; builder, T. J. 8tW'
art m .
Real Estate Transfers,
LilHe M. Beynolds and husband to Rntk
Park . . .'. I ,S 10
Title & Trust Co. to Isabel EL W aire as.
kta 3. 4. block 2S. tireennuia au
R. F. Rice and wife i Samuel J. G.
Young et al, lat 8, blocs la, lusa
Portland HelebU ....
rfharlM K Hht and wife to J. A.
Coon. Wt S, BIOCX Al. mamMmni...., tiw
Mr jmi f Jkwctt an
block 265, ooucn-s aspiuon .....
Francis James Freeman to Edythe K.
1.. k a KIwV ' R ' nh.
lots 2, , 7. ft, tract "D," Smith's
Laura Krans and husband to L.
Pohle. At 4t block 4, Fairmoont adr
Angust Ksptnr and wife to Edward
Mixea e$ ai, let if. sinsa i. muAV
nlFTTr ,.. ..................... ,
Hr.w a Wlm and arifa ita P. H Harth.
lot tt, blocs 10, ranuuse springs tract s,wuw
Swintoa Land Co. to Levi O. Wilkla-
anftii lots 7. A block 37. Swintoa TOO
The Metro poll tan Investment A Improve
ment 1 1 to jnnn i.iiiuwiT cl u. uu
19. 20. block 17. Berkeley
Caaella S. Brown and husband to Her-
Wt MVS ft aL lets if, S. block
MTunf Tabor Villa .7....... L9O0
Matthew Fianerty to u. u-uonoran, ioi
f, -block a, Peck'a additiea: - - w t i
B. Vt. Lombard and wire tt fl. U
rvmniia lot 16. block 7. Olmsted
Park 1.200
para W. rtr an kasb te Jaa f .
raia aaaiuusi
Uncle Tlmseed So you two grlls are
cousins and I am your common uncle.
The Fair Ones Dreadfully common
Abbs Q. Olmated, eitx to O. L. M
Kenna, lot 4, part lot 3, block 1,
North Atbina 1.800
Welle&ley Laud Go. to Thonut McGoire.
lota 7. 3ii, atoek Sil. Honclair 490
gam to St en Kricksen, lot U. 16,
Slack 12. Montclilr ., (BO
Cbarles P. UmguuiU and wife to Helen
Lsctsws et aU lot 8, stock 4 Wiring.
ton ........ ......... .... LOOO
John T. Pond and wife to Arthur O.
Osland, kit "C" block 61 Parkroae. LSO0
Beat City Park' assoeiatloa to City
Ohereh Bxtn. aocietx of Methodist
Episcopal church. weV kt L 3,
block bO. Boae City Park M
Same to nne. lou 17, IS, block 80.
Koee City Park 1,600
Susannah H. Btnford to Edward M. Bin
ford, lota 4. 6. bloisk 7, Junesmore. . .. 10
Peter Madison to Peujr Bloom, lot 21,
block 30, Berkeley M
Mrs- Bami Trulllaser and bnabaad te
Arnes s. watt, trues it ai isui
and UDShnr street M
Jainaa M. Myara asd wife to Julia K.
atercerean, aorta a leei iota ui, i-.
block a, XarmUiaa addlUoa to Albloa 10
H. g, noble and wtfa to U. A.wuiey,
Int 1. hlnrk a. tiiAla additioa
O. M. Jackson and wife to W. H. Shep
herd, lou 13, la, block . muey rvs.
Laura Howard to 0. W. Priest, south
A lota l, 2, block 3, Aronla
WUJ lam A aiacltae and wile to Her
man Johnson, lots 3, 4. block 4, Wall
street additioa
a U 8week to f . tt Lewta lots 10.
117 block 2. BiTeralda addition
Willamette Bealty Co, te Annie Lam-
precht. lot 8, woes s, sua ireni
Timoth i
Ah era and wile to J,
Murtuy et at.
g, 4, block ltf.
Howard f. Campbell and wife to Lydia
tfi-b-Ak 1.1 a 1 ruUiMndtoM llama
tracts 10
George L. Witherell sad wife to Har
u cr..k .1 wmi es fMt lot l.
block lao. Stephens' addition 10
W. U. Gericke and wife to 1. Aaron et
Int t hWk 13. Giencoa Park addi
tion ..7-
Mary IE. Ledyard to Kaipn u. iflyarfl,
ln, 17 hLtik K Orc-hurd Hddui ad
dition 1
Same to Sidney B. Ledyard. lot 19, block
a. Orchard Homes addition
Herman Hansen snd wife ta William
U.. -I at lota IS IS. block . Will-
lama' addition No. 2. 900
Daniel C Busby and wife to John Hoh
ataa et ai, lot 10. HO, block M, Col
lege Place, also lota 7. it. nk-ek 3.
geveranca additloo
w h Vnnn, and wife to O. B. Mee-
has. nsrtb 40 (eat lot 63, Warerly.. 1,100
X. O. Ainsworta and wUa te . V. U.
Freer, lota 6. 6. 7, ti, block 2S, Irr-
lngton Park
ana K. Ueid and hnsband to Parker
ut-.nlok nrtk Ui lota L 2. block 4.
Barrett's addition 14
Balem. Or Oct. 18 Governor West
announced today that be would not
make any appointment of county
ludse until after the election, when
he wui name wnoever is snccessrui
at the polls, There is a vacancy
due te the death of the county Judge,
The state railroad .commission has
issued an order permitting the P.
ii. si E. railway to establish li cross
lags In Lane county.
The Southern Pacific railroad hav
ing agreed to put a commodity rate
of la cents per nunarea on Deans
from Medford to lortiand. the rail
road commission has dlspxissed the
application of the Medford Warehouse
company. The warehouse company re
quested this rate and the railroad :
company refused until the ease same
up for hearing.
The railroad commission nas se
cured a morning train for Rogue Riv
er station, citisena had complained
that there was no morning train rrom
Q rants Pass.
In the case ef tne Trennoime Tel
ephone company against J. U Zlp-
perer, as bt Helena aeiepnone com-
any. tne rauroao. commission nas
igsued an order providing that In case
of non-subscriber calls calling for the
payment of 15 cents. It shall be di
vided so that the plaintiff shall get
30 per cent and the defendant t per
The board ef control yesterday aft
ernoon paroled Myra Grisson of the
industrial school for sir's to her par-
ents, who reside aj Eugene. Siewert
A: ringstrera were awarded the con -
tract for a barn at the
school to eost tl7p-
The state railroad eemmlaslea has
authorised discontinuance of the tel-
riusa uac xviouys ai once WHea
jtJack hurts or rs ladder bothers persuaded te try it, tnerezore x con
Meat forms xuic acid. ! Bider u my dut'r to others who may
tvauw iut au. suffer to tell what it has done for me.
No man or woman who eats meat
regularly pan make a mistake by flush
ing tne kidneys occasionally, says
well- known authority. Meat forms
uric acid whicn elogs tne kidney pores
so they sluggishly filter or strain onlv
part of the waste and poisons from
the blood, then you get siek. Nearly
all rheumatism, heajdacbes, liver trou
pie, nervousness, constipation, dizzi
nou- sierjiessns bladder hm-hf-
come from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel a duP ache in
the kidxteys or your bask hurts, or if
sediment, lrsegular of passage or at-
about foL- ounces of Jad baiu froaa
nnv rAiiaJMA nharmarr- a nrl talrak
tablespoopful In
' r
1 ., . 1
w.iOT we
fore breakfast for g few days and your
kidneys will then aet fine. This fa
kodus salts is made from the acid of
f grape a and lemon juice, combined with
lithia and. aaa been used far gapsrai
stimulate them te activity, also to
neutralize the acids in urine so It ne
longer causes irritation, thus ending
bladder disorders,
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and ean not
Injure; makes a delightful efferves
cent litnl&rwater drink which all reg?
ular meat eaters. should take now and
tbeo 9 keep he kidneys clean an4 the
blood pure, thereby avoiding serious
kidney complioatioaa. v. . (Adv.)
ephone office at Lowell. Lane ountT.
According to Fish Warden Clan tons
report at the meeting of the fish, and
game commission yesterday, he has
turned over to the government natnit
ery spring Chinook
eggs, having more than be could
veniently handle this year. Tbisy
it was explained, has been one of the I
best in the history for spring Chinook
salmon eggs and means a large in
erease in one of the best kinds of
ooTernor west today honored
requisition from the governor of Call
rornla for Francis R. Martin. wh ta
under arrest at Eugene, on a charge
of -robbing Lee Bingham of 15s ta a,
Montague lodging housa.
Albany Germans Respond.
Albany, Or- Oct. 1C The sum ef
1134-50 was forwarded to ISorep by
the First National bank yesterday for
the relief widows' and orphans fond.
The money was given by Germans
The Simplest and Quickest
Way Is to Dissolve It.
The only sura way to get rid 'ef
dandruff is to dissolve it, then you de
stroy it entirely. To do this, get about
four ounces of ordinary liquid anroa;
Apply tt at night, when retiring; use
enough to moisten the scalp sjid rub It
Is gently with the finger tips.
De this tonight, and by morning raeaL
if - not all, of your dandruff will be
gone: and three or four more applica
tions will completely dissolve and en
tirely destroy every single sign and
trace of it, no matter how much dand
ruff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the bcsJp will stop at
once, and your hair will be fluffy.
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and feel a hundred times better.
If you want to preserve your hair.
do, by all means, get rid of dandruff.
for nothing destroys the hair mere
quickly, It not only starves the hair,
and makes it fall out, but it makes tt
stringy, straggly, duH, dry, brittle and
lifeless, and every one notices it. Teu
ean get liquid arvon at any drug store.
It is inexpensive, and never fails to do
the work. Ad,)
In Great Pain. Kched Terrihh
Caused Disfigurement. UnabI
to Do Work. Used Culicura Soap
I n a a Ala f
ana uinuneni. no a ocar Lett
Pennington. CaL '"A few months age
I was poisoned. It came on my hands first
In a raah and In two daya it had spread a0
ever my hands and face. It gradually get
worse day by day asd I was In great palp.
My bands and face were a mass of running
sores and itched something terrible. I did
not dare to scratch as it pained gae as, J
could not aleop at night, The eruption
caused disfigurement. I was unable t de
my work at all, it pained me so.
"I Med medicine but It did not help pas.
I had been about four weeks since I got
poisoned when a Mend asked ma why I
didn't try Outieura Soap and Ointment. I
sept for some right away and began using
them following directions. Inside of twe
days I could see a great change and in seven
daya after I began to use the Cutieura Soap
and Ointment there was aet a sear left,1'
(Signed) Miss Edna Rogers, Apr, 80, 1914.
Samples Free by MaQ
"Why should I use Outieura Soap T There
Is nothing the matter with my akin sad I
thought Cutieura Soap was only for aka
troubles-'" True, tt is f or akin troubles, but
Its great mission is te prevent skin b-ouhles.
For more than a generation Its delicate,
emollient and prophylactic properties have
rendered it the standard for thia purpose,
while its extreme purity and refseahing fra
grance give to it all the advantages of the
pest of toilet soaps, Cutieura Soap and
Cutieura Ointment are sold everywhere.
Liberal sample of each mailed free, with
82-p. Sldn Book. Address pest card 'Cur
ticura. Dept. T. Boston.
WeU " IvnOWTl Se&ttle LAQV
1 as 1 Ca a . y .
ifi r rs i !
The following statement Is from a
well known Seattle lady who has tried
Plant Juice and found it te live up to
its reputation. Mrs. Marie Patterson,
who lives at TZ1 Cherry street In that
city, speaking ef this wonderful vege
table remedy, said:
"I very much dislike the publicity I
attached to a newspaper statement, yet
if I bad not read la the papers of the
nm). Via4 HttAn Vi.n.f 1 1 1 Vi tAu,
Plant Juice I would have never been
1 1 used it for nervous Indigestion that
' had troubled me for some time. The
- , results were very satisfactory and t
a seemed, to help me from the start- I
have ateo found it to be a good general
tonic and I pjn reeling better in every
Thousands of women have found 7
personal experience that Plant Julee is
- a great tonic and seems to be special-
- ly adapted to tnetr aeeas; ss a yw
izer and invigorant it has bo equal;
1 those who feel tired and dragged, eu
vom oerwrs, v ww
enf'er from indigestion, nervousness,
headaches, dizzy spells, falntaees, feel
tired and WOTn out the m.
Ln TaTl" 1
a . .
Mnaui tMimi nan rs-te aaa a
-J " -T , . ' r
l ullni V Irrlt&Mon will 1
eenaral feeling of irritation will find
that Plant Juia will ouicklr relieve
these disagreeable symptoms an4 re
store them to their usual goad heal tn.
r sal at tne trwi Vrn inrpaxiy-s
I ,toVea
m tar p. a. mi SatsaaAVMiX
. t
tiwm sa sama -
I -AsawsW-
M V . Vaa aW
aTalsarveaf as frfae.
J ooprriga w Wwttml. 3rre
Jum ear Sev&ktiiG
aauin la i.)W !. i i iip m
If :. '
if . '
' f
Hhm is im.ijiii.uji ux-isy'
- H