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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1914)
W 18. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER I 18. 1914. HELP WANTED FKMAJLE 2 SITUATTOXS FEMALE C Continued ? WAVTKT) Mlrtdu seed woman to helo 5 with housework for good bom, j COLLEGE graduate will j noom 600 -Journal mag. tutor high HOTSEKEZrPXXTO BOOHS EAST SIDE PRIVATE rASULT C Continued) 74 HELP WANTED -31ALE AND FEMALE 29 Oregon Barber Colleee will teaoh you . the trad in S week; scalp and face niiun Dclalty; tools free; positions t guaranteed; pay whlls learning; tui tion reduced this term, at Maaison, I BOLICITORa can make big money sell- T . m ...,, r I i 11 A tn consumers. 273 Hawthorne ave. VHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. WANTED AGENTS 6 SITUATIONS -.WALE MIDDLK-AGED man, experienced con - crete worker, good teamster, one who knows the city well; also a good mill hand. VVants work at once. Main 717, A-1617. AlAKKIrJD man, thoroughly experi enced ii concrete mixer and finish er, can also assist In building, con trsrtlng, etc. Desires work at once. References. Main 717. A THOROUGHLY experienced man with Urge family wants work on farm where he tun earn money enough to support them. Good references. lila I n7 It. A-15 17. KXTKIU1CNC;KI, energetic yoyrig man delre uteaily position. Kxperienccd In firing around mills and in driving team. Re ff rences. Main 717. A-1517. MJDDCE-AGKI) German wants steady work in kitchen, wasliinsc dishes. So ber and studious. Wages no object. J-BOO, Journal, J , l'IL.1 1' I NO boy wants housewoYk or work of pome kind around hotel or anything Phone M. 860 or call -9Vi N. fch it. CAM- Main &39!. or address" 22 N. llh school dddII eveniniFB for room .-.nd PARTLY furnished 2 rooms. Plenty board; write Miss A.. 891 Caruthers storage-room. Free water and light. L. city., stating subjects. Fine view. Mce residence. $8 per U1TUATION8 WAITED -AIALE i 4763 Adults only. AND FEMALE 23 TWO nicely furnished H. K- rooms. ground floor, front and back en- MAN and wife, thoroughly experi- trance. Water, light, bath, phone free, enced In hotel and apartment house, : Walking distance. 344 E. 2d, N. K. 1326. want work at once.. References Main "17. A-1617. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Contlnned LrurunL -C-j BRAND NEW MAN and wife, good, industrious cook, wants position cooking or on farm. 131 Union ave. Phone East 433, room 1, Portland, Or. VvHuTiS yot answer th:se Want aus, mention "the Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 DRESSMAKING MRS. BLACK, expert work reasonable. Marshall 6725. 580 Washington st. 115 month. 6 .room cottaee. barn. ! chicken house and garden. Plenty of a( fruit. 1 block to car. 1-3 acre of ground. J. M. Remington. 5204 60th dressmaker; ! ave., S. E. Phone Sellwood 1233. ROOMS nice, clean, west side. $25. COR. 1DTH ANJ LfiVEJOf. Just completed, 5 story fireproof j DrlcK bldg., & z. 3 ana 4 room outsiao unfurnished apts., large, light and airy, with all modern up-to-date conven iences, automatic elevator, marbl bathrooms, private balconies. Refer ences required. PRICKS MODERATE. PLAIN sewing, repairing laces, FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE I2ti city, at tne Y. m the Association bldg. . YOUNG men may consult. wltnoui cnarge. Y reelster of fur nished rooms listing several hundred in all parts of the c. A.: also dose in HOTEL NAVARRE. 11TH AND ALDER STS. MAIN 4137. ("lean and exceptionally well fur nished rooms, with and without private baths, central location. Rates by week and month. GARLAND ROOMS. Modern brick, hot and cold water In each room, steam heat, baths, all out Hide rooms, $2 to $3 week. Cor. Wash ington st. and Trinity Place, bet. 19tb and- 20th. Main 1135. St., for a Krl a" lound painter. 30 : THE ALBION HOTEL, OIOI O a nI Col r-."-:.V,,VVran,hM l Rooms'Vl?5 wU ."steam heat. ii r-r r hot and cold water. Tree natn. pnone, MARRlliD man with hig family must HQTKL Cor 12th and Star" have work at on'e. understands ?i7 .VDCfJiA 5o?h ti iin ave. H. j. -lean outside rooms, modern brick bldg. I V0t,;NO ,na.-hjn,st wants to take care BUCKINGHAM ho tl . 3tn ana vvasn- t " of auto and riirnacc, s:nan " ; ', .,n ' ,CTZ can. his. do driving. Phone Cast 452, ' modern ppnvenlencey $10 montf up. ) W. rmin 1. 10 rooms. om floor. Slfi 5 rooms, modern, east side, J1S. jwfci, ail AlisKy bldg. BUNGALOW Fine grounds, 2 lots, chicken yard, 1 block to car. Reed College district, range furnished, $10 per month. Telephone East 4763. MODERN 7 room corner house, E. 20th and Taylor sta., rent reasonable. Phone East 4178. 4 ROOM and a bath, neatly furnished; gas stove and wood range, $15, In cluding water. 800 E. 6th 8t N. 4 ROOM house 4N6 E. Grant, near 9th; walking distance; only $9. Phone Tabor 2fil. MODERN 5 room house in Montavilla, partly furnished; rent $10 per month. Call 512 latt bldg. FOR RENT Well furnished house with piano, reasonable to the right parties; nice yard. H-959, Journal. BUENA VISTA, 12TH AND HARRISON. Strictly modern, under new manage ment. Finest apts. in the west, all out side rooms, 2 and 3, furnished or un turnisheu, walking distance, beautiful view. A few apts. for gentlemen bacn elors. Lounging room; references. VILLA ST. CLARA, , 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely iurmshed apts. Walking distance. References. NICELY furnished 2 room h. k. suites. sink, gas, bath, phone, free electric lights, walking distance, rents $-.25 per week, and up. 37z E. Clay, or. Union, Just off Hawthorne. The Dun ford. Phone B-1740. THE CODi 4il E. Taylor St., modern brick buildiig; all outside rooms, steam heat, pnone, light, furnished; rents very reasonable; thoroughly clean and under the personal manage ment of Mrs. Cody. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 -- . fContiPned WE are replacing with auto trucks and will close-out the following at a very low price. All wagons and buggies used in our business, also harness and saddles: Pafc- matched grays, 2800 lba. One pair bays, 3000 lbs. Pair chunky mares, 2550 lba Pair colts, well broken, 2600 lbs. Three single horses, 1200 to 145o lba Two brood mares at your own price. Two teams young mules, 2600 lbs. each team. Two farm wagons, 3 trucks, 2 single wagons and 2 buggies. All horses will be tried and tested and warranted in every way. Union Transfer Stables, 11th and Hoyt sts. TYPEWRITERS 77 GTLIS REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C. Smith. Oliver. Smith Pranier. Royal, etc- Jl15 and UJ: terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. GiU Co, 3d and Alder sts. Auction Sale of horses, vehicles and harness at Co lumbia stables. 392 Front, every Thurs day at 2:30. WTe sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction, if you want to buy, attend this sale. WANTED Good horses In exchange for a dandy suburban lot on car line. Call A-4822. U. S. STABLES, An classes of horses for sale. Front st. 248 WE save you from 60 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder: retail de partment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRIT ER CO. 321 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS tor rent. 3 montiis for $5 and Tip; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Company. 86 Broad way. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 (Continued) HESSIAN Grocery, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, tinware, school supplies. Orders taken and promptly delivered to all parts city. Why pat-; ronize public markets when you can) buy for less from the retailer? Bar-j gains in land and city property. If not right we make it right. W. A. Hes sian, prop., 1193 Hawthorne ave.. Ta bor 981 or B-2549. LOST AND (Continued iUND 21 1 OU can rent visible typewriters. 3 months for $4; convenient at home, delivered and all rent applied on pur chase. Main 6273. or A-4441 244 Stark NEW. rebuili, 2d, band, rentals, cut rates. P. 1. C Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. WHt,N you answer ineau Wain aus. mentlor The Journal. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for Sale 63 FURNITURE Before buying second hand goods, see what you can 'o here on new goods tor cash. Get post ed. ' William Gadsbv. 1st and VVash. SEVEN room house, 834 E. 8th st, N. Reasonable. See owner. Geo. W. Tabler, 48 N. 6th st. Main 1997. FOUR room house for rent. Living room, Dutch kitchen, bedroom, bath room, dining room. 4303 58th st-, S. E. 8 ROOM modern house to rent for $15 per month. Rose City. Ketchum, 332 Chamber Commerce, Mar. 5370. $17 5 ROOM house, 7 34 Kearney St. Phone Main 4834. 6 ROOM house, $12.50. Inquire 248 E. 31st st. Tabor 3586. ' YOUNG man, 21 years old. experienced ' in .-levator servlcv. strong and able bodied, willing to do any kind of work, :t wants position at oium-. Main in. i viifuinium i.V " xnerlenred meat cut- i, . ter who ran take full charge of shop, , j' desires position Immediately. iterei- !' enceH. Main 717. ! NEAT appearing, middle-aged man. ! willing to go out of town, wants po B Sitlorr as ilav or night clerk in hotel, or could take charg.- of hotel. M. lt)2u. HOI EL ARTHUR. 11th near Morrison. Transient and permanent, rooms with all modern conveniences. $17.50 mo. up. Nicely furnished A DDATT 5c da' UP 228 '4 Wash. St. MDDUI I $1.50 wk. up HONEST, 'industrious man of family kind, can fill i W 14 rilM (VIM K 111 a 1 V l' ihv t.oHition I'nion av Room 1 : Phor Kant 4X! It. I, Portland, Or , JtjALK attention to invalid by medical ' graduate and nur-. reasonable. Sal ary, room and board. J-373. Journal KENILWORTII HOTEL, 228 2d. Low rents, excellent treatment. Main 1182. MUuKHN ti room bouse, 1S2 Mason st, cor. Kerby. $1G. Woodlawn 1156. FOR RENT 5 room cottage, east side, close in. Phone Main 1755. CLEAN 4 room cottage, 4 5a E. Grant St., cor. 8th. Phone East 298. THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely fur. rooms, modern, central. $2 room up. ltduMH and apartments in modern ho tel. t2.firt week and up. 455 Aldr. NKKU work badly. Must have It. Worn of any kind. High school graduate. i -Tel. Woodlawn ."101. HOTEL NORRIS 533 Alder; clean outside rooms: modern; $2 to $4 wk. FURNISHED BOOMS WE S SJD EJPllIVATE r AMTLT 70 NICELY furnished rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat, phone, close in. 435 Yamhill st. . YOUNG man wants steady room mate Has 2 nice front rooms. Call 70 N. 14th st. TiTT" ! ONE or two rooms in beautiful home; room; also shower. 655 Everett st. AMYTI-tlNi:. clerical. Halesman. soli tor or manual labor. I need the ana iront-r. wuum nvin n unc vn tr i hom" riightn. Tabor 4275 YOUNG man much in need of work - wants position an carpenter, helper, cr general work. Main 717, A-15 17. KTriltTENCED paTnter and paper- lianyer deslies work at once, reason able fcrmn. Woodlawn 337. MAN wants janitor work or putting in and chopping wood; reteretices given. 1040 Francis ave Phone Sell. 2060. or country. Trout, 33a Job, -6. city Win. FURNISHED room lor lady, and 19th, Marshall 5789. Kearney FURNISHED room, 19th near Kear ney. Main 5078 FURNITURE FOR SALK HOUSES FOR RENT ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished in the Household Goods class! flcation when- house is not for rent. HKMSiHEll HOl'SES 30 $6 MONTH Two room cottage, nicely furnished, near carline. prefer couple with no children. Apply Hobson's Gro- cery. wooamere. Mount Scott car. $12.50 Cozy 3 room cottage, large yard, piano. 984 Emerson st. Al berta car. THE LK1S Apartments. 3d and Mill sts., will be completed October 1; rents from $17 up; 2, 3, 4 room, all modern improvements; largest heating plant in city; furnished or unfurnished. No charge for cooking gas. SHEFFIELD apartments, 272 Broad way S, cor. Jefferson, easy walking distance; 3 or 4 rooms, with private baths, very reasonable rent, best serv ice, splendid arrangements, all outside rooms, direct phones. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, offers you a modern 5 or 6 room home in Nob Hill district with high class service, at moderate prices. Main 7516, A-267 6. LIVESTOCK 35 WE buy, sell and exchange new and S4-:ond hand furniture of all kinds. Phone Marshall 4 7x"? Vita II A 11 ft irk ti A 30 HEAD of extra good milk cows. Com. Co.. 191 Second' st. dairy cows, heavy milkers. Will take n fat cows in firhanirp Tuif w..u- I $37.50 Hoosier kitchen cabinet, almost W alk about 4 blocks I XJ- 101 i nurman, cor, jjo. car to 59 th ave. west. FURNITURE for 4-roam house; leav ing city. 1064 k. Morlson, Vv rit.N you answer tnese Want Aas, mention 1 he Journal. CoME and see us about all breeds dairy cows. Geo, R. Mokel Cow Co.. 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. MOVING away, will sell 2 fin rvL "efresn. the other to freshen soon. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 15.8 Haven St.. St. Johns car. ZT77?Z7 - ' 1 "XfT 'OTP T IXTL'fHTiitfr-'nn n FIRST Class Jppspv enw fnr TU- "" nuis, 1 ype- St. John car t Jrhr i .;r k," rJle,B ana tiousehold Goods' are east nrt binciT h "we "v separate ciassillcatlons. All adver " -" Hi" iiww i u i i ar oi- GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Marine & stationary. Marine Hardware. Write for catalogue. GAS POWER SUPPLY CO.. 168-172 Front st, Portland. Oregon. Soda Fountain for Sale Beautiful up-to-date fountain, 30 feet long, German silver, Alaska mar ble and mahogany tlnish; used two years. Will close out at one third actual cash cost. Address or call at the Holtz store, 5th and Washington. Electric Motors Electric motors bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Wks. 10 and Burnside. Main 5674. Millinery Fixtures, Three mahogany wall cases and two large display cases with mirrors; will close out at a bargain. Address or .all at the Holtz store. 5th and Wash ington. THE following articles were found on the cars, of tie Portland Railway; Light & Power Gey and owners thereof may claim same- at the. 1st and Alder st. station, Mar.iWOO. A-131: Oct. 14 1 suitcase, 1 purse, 1 lunch box. 1 raincoat 1: scarf, 1 pr. gloves, 1 package, 1 mattock, 1 surveyor's rod, 1 empty -basket, t 1 Dr. overshoes. 1 child's sweater, i-pkg. cocoa, 1 pin. 1 purse, 1 lunchbi, 2 packages cloth ing, 4 packages.' 1 basnet, i giove, i overcoat. 1 sweater coat, 1 package, 1 a ui nai R3. r J: PERSONAL MEN and women, those suffering from every curable die r habit, treat ed and cured &jfi the latest natural healing method. Including radium, electricity, headlight, baths, manipu lation, adjustments and massage: nu operations, no medicine. fre consulta tion. Dr. P. E- Lewis, successor to Dr. W. E..MaBqry. Naturopath, 11 RothcMld bldg. Sir 2 THE ORLANDO Cor. 30th and Wash ington sts., very desirable, elegantly furnished 3 room corner apartments, $42.5u and $40; every modern conven ience: references. Marshall 184. MORTON apts cor. wasnington and King sts.; 3 and' 4 room turnished and unfurnished apts. Best and cheap est place In city, walking distance. Main 1082, A-1108. FOR RENT FLATS 13 VERY sightly Hat, five large rooms, very desirable location, easy walk ing distance, rent reasonable. 618 Main St., near King. -o o room modern furnisned house, piano, near school, or will share. Tabor 3484. FOLK 1 1502. UK room turnished cottage, water, ight, phone, $15; no children; East FURNISHED 5 room house, phone. A- ii-. UB. iree, only J1S. wooQiawn 410. 763 Williams ave. 4 ROOM furnished house. Capitol HilL 15 minutes out. west side, $12. Main 37 41. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE -o FURNISHED complete, new modern 7 loom nouse, 3 chambers, furnace. Hawthorne ave. Tabor 46 79. HOTEL FARREL, Knott and Missis sippi ave. Clean, steam heated rooms, new furniture, new manage ment, reasonable rents. Phone Wood lawn 112X. Mrs. Thos. FarrelL ROOMS AND BOARD 15 ROOM and board; also table board, home cooking. 300 Jefferson St. fcooxas AUO BOASIl FSIVATE FAMILY 72 11AKKK wants Tele. Main Clay hi. I E X 1 rE R I E N t ' F D cook wants work, out j of" town, boarding House or hotel. Main" 7728. , CA in r.iN'l Kit. llrst clut.s, waii'.j work. Day, job or contract. Phone Sell- wooit' ."-'41. M I DDLE-AG r;i). reliable man wants Janitor work he can have his wife viwlt him occasionally. Main T17. I KK iv -emeiit,. planter and carpenter work; city or cuunti v. II. M., 419 10. fist S. MOVING picture operator or assist ant. Have had exr-erlem e. Rcason- sble wages Woodla w n 1 3 " 2. YOUNG man who is aide and wlliine, wants work h a carpenter helper .or work of any kind. M. 717. A-15 1 7. MIlILK-AGKI man of good appear-i ONE furnished sleeping room near FURNISHED house, very low rent. good furniture. Call at 740 Minne sota ave. 6 ROOM upper flat, paneled dining room, phone, water, $12.60. 525 Mill st. Woodlawn 2177. FOUR room flat, $15 a month. Sep arate sink, toilet, bath, Dutch kitch en, elevator for wood. 251 Hooker st. 2 ROOM flat, partly furnished, very reasonable. .06 Vancouver ave Woodlawn 1953. WHEN yoa answer theso Want Ads, mention The Journal. FURNISHED FLATS 50 FURNISHED 6 room modern house. gas, furnace, electricity, piano, $30. fnone fciast 268. THREE rooms and bath. Beautiful private- home. Fine grounds and view. Water, light and telephone free. Cheap rent to right party. Adults only. Walking distance. Phone East 4763. FIVE room furnished flat, piano, electric lights, water. East end of Harriman (steel) bridge. 275 Pacific St., near Adams st. MODERN 5 room lower flat complete ly furnished. Wralking distance. Owner's home. 424 Tillamook. E. 160. WANTED 3 good Jersey cows. ooi, journal. tisements of these coods are cublished N- under their respective classil Rations. look inem over. 1?JR SALE Nf' 3d second hat.d carom affio. pocket .,'lllard tables and bowling alleys and . cessories. bar fixtures of ull kinds, tasy payments. The Rrun8wiclc-Balke-Collender Co 46 48 6th st. Main "69, A-1769. RAKER hammerless shotgun, $15. Call 78 E. 68th su, N. Montavilla car. After 6 p. m. SWA 2" COLUMN POULTRY S7 EXHIBITION Office Fixtures i i rti rvi m k rnritfrfi4 i nmriiomtof , 1 ; . Homers Xf,lt.0. P.;-., l5Vr :"''v cm, lype- Cjf j t , i&cyiia, i naiuB, .jiooe ortice register, small Pedigreed Belgian hares. Oreeon Car neaux Co, Box 279, Portland. Phone Tabor 4883. sale, tables, chairs, etc. Call at the noitz store, 5th and Washington. GOLDEN Silver Cninese pne&sants; Mallard ducks, Japanese silkies; Or egon Bird & Pheasant Farm. Beaver ton, Or., R. No. 1. CAMPINE chickens wanted. 1 cock erel and 1 doz. pullets. Address with price, J-368. Journal BEAUTIFUL solid oak, flat-top, sani tary, 60-inch desk, disappearing typewriter bed, perfect condition. Have no room for it and must sell at ( once. Bargain. 751 Thurman, cor. 23d. Partitions and Glass Y , e, Vvhite Orpington cockerels, partitions, leaded and cathedral glass. Z JTUUOC l--ilJO. Uall at ttl HGltJC Store fith anrl VV'.,h FOR SALE All kinds pullets. 26 E. tngton. "tn st.. near i-ine st. BATHS, toilets, basins, sinks, boilers WHEN you answer these Want Ada,! . P'Pe and fittings. No. 4 Ruud heater. mention i tie journal. I viicea. orK instaiiea. Jobbing promptly attended to. Main 629 7. 'ii"t DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 4tt 8t Kt- CANARIES, guaranteed singers; birds GARDENERS' outfit complete, includ- INCL'BATOR, brooders, feed cutter. Perfection oil stove. 1 dozen Imper ial self .heating flat irons, tor 2 horse gasoline engine, large rug, furniture. O-lu. J ourual. TO TRAD 1 Practically new Victrola, cost $180, for anything in the horse line; E. 631G, 40 E. Stli st- 4 Oct o HUUil lor bricn, ceemnt, plan ter and carpenter work, city or country. H. M. V"-5'6. Journal. WILL do painting and papering for furnished flat or house. H-960, Journal. WANT to trade for furniture, stove, give location and price. N-561. Journal. TRADE motorcycle for houseboat. A. A. Havill, Milwaukie. ROADSTER to trade for piano or mo torcycle. N.-bu, Journal. MY houseboat tion. Main ' for auto; 20. A-l condi- V ANTED M1SCE LLA N EOUS 3 1 n r Yi cs triicL- TnKn. n - V 1 f - . huv,n uui nam i in l r r Mra v- i cents per wees, lhomp- ing outfit, mowers. et(x. cheap Wood- fr second hand household goods. No WANTED The people of Portland to now that 1 pay highest cash prl sons Bird Store, basement. 171 W Park st., near Morrison. i! OU SALE Good watch doe. ilreat Dane, male. Address Box 38. Maple- wuuu, Oregon. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention ine journal. lawn 3484. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 696 Williams ave. MODERN 4 room furnished house, elec tricity, gas, good neighborhood, low rent. 351 E. 37th, Hawthorne car. FURNISHED houseboat for rent cheap. North of Bundy's Baths. Bert t-'owney. ROOM and board very reasonable at 551 E. Madison and 13th st. Phone, bath .electric lights, steam heat, mod ern. Hawthorne car, E. 13th. st. WIDOW lady wants single lady or married couple to board, cheap. Up-to-date. 3212 E. 52d st. Clarks sta., Mt Scott car. I NICELY furtushed room with board for 1 or 2; every modern conven ience; hot and cold water in. room; use of piano. 344 Salmon st. Main 4504. anee, much in ne.d or neip, wants light work as janitor. Main 717, A -1 51 T. XfAN, uKe 3l7'waMs Work of any kind, good education; understands horsed, gas and steam engines. N-l.', Journal. VlA R 111 hi man, badly in need, wishes work; Marshall :t 4 K 7 . VV'ashinkton High; breakfast If de sired. Fast 4072. RKK1NKD ladies to room and board in private famllv; piano, home com forts. Tabor 3650. $8 4 room house, furnished. St. Johns. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. COMPLETELY furnished 5 room bun galow to right party. Call M. 9394. Woodlaw 'ART of pleasant in 3621. modern home. FOUR room furnished cottage, 834 Montana ave.. close to 2 car lines. WELL-FURNISHED two-room house. Phone East 2370. Vv Ht.S you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. WANTK1 Kxp.riemed painter paper hunger. Main 717. Hid EXPKRIKNCKI) office man wants worjt of any k i ndJ Ma i n 7 1JT. PAINTING. tbitlng. papcrliangmg. 384 11th t Main J Tabor 47.J2. MAN with team and tiuck wants work. Pv ton or .lav. K III. Journal. SIT I AT SONS FEMA LE NKAT appearing, experiened woman in housework or nursery wants work where she can have a reason able length ol time for her 6-month-old child. Call before 7 o'clock in morning. Main 6771. ' ail for room 3V2. POM I t ION wanted by mother anil - daughter as cook and kitchen girl; ran take entire charge of kitchen in .mall hotel or lumber camp; best o references; phone Kast 1 . 7 4 . N-565, 'Journal.1' DKSKRTKU mother with S months old baby wants work in a homo where he can have a reasonable time, for - the care of her child. References. Marshall 103S. 57.V Couch. A YOUNG Russian girl who speaks very little Kngiish wants a home to care for children and some house work. Small wages. Main 717, A-1S17. bl.KEPlNG porch with board. Trinity Place. Main 6781. 57 ROARD and room, $5.50 and up, young people, music. 449 3d st. ROOM for two gentlemen with board, furnace heat. 54 N. 16th, cor. Davfci. GOOD room -and board cheap. Marshall 506. 166 N. 18th. Widqw WH h.N you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 OMS room with kitchenette, complete-. ly furnished, steam heat, running not and cold water, phone In evenr room: 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sta.; $16.50 and up. 291 Columbia at, cor ner 6th st. TWO room suites ana single rooms complete for 11. K.. steam heat, hot, cold water; $8 to $12 month. 245 N. 17th st. cor. Marshall. MrshL 4943. WOMAN with girl desires situation as housekeeper; widower's or bachelor's home; Main 4405; address 327 3d. st.. room 5. LADY' with daughter 1 1 years wished position. I am a good cook and housekeeper, cor. 6th and Main. Main 4336, LADY would like to care for chil dren, day or evenings. References given. 1040 Francis ave. Phone Sell wood 2060. "YOUNG lady wishes position in millin- N1CKLY furnished housekeeping suites and sleeping rooms, reason able prices", children excepted. Main 5313. 4 05 lirst st CHEERFULLY furnished front room, kitchenette, electric light and bath free close in. 306 4th st. $3.50 per week. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED FOR RENT 9 room modern flat, fur nished, or sell at a bargain. Call Main 8896 bet. 12 and 4 p. m. UP-TO-DATE, walking distance, 4 and 5 room flats, free pnone. East 3737. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. STORES AND OFT1CES 11 BRICK warehouse In South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co Broadway and Yamhill DESK room for rent, elaborately fur nished office, $15 per month. T 245, Journal. FOR RENT HALLS 59 LODGE hall with good dancing floor, steam heated. Ill Second st. Phone Main 183. ELECTRIC AND SELF STARTING AUTOMOBILES. NEW AND USED. LEARN TO DRIVE FREE. Motor to San Francisco. 1915. Call and see any of the following cars, all guaranteed: Prices $200 upwards; terms to suit. l maawkll roadster. 1 WARREN roadster. 1 AMERICAN roadster. 1 MOLINE 5-passenger. 2 BUICK 5-passenger. 1 REGAL 5-passenger. 2 BUICK 1500-lb. trucks. 1 PIERCE ARROW 7-passenger stage car. We sell the best cars for the money. new or used. Howard Auto Co. BUICK DISTRIBUTERS. 14th and Davis sts. SAFES All sizes at cost: safes re paired. Mosler Safe Co., 4 OS North- frstern Bank bldg. Main 776. FOR SALE or trade, 1 gold watch, 1 phonograph, old coins for diamonds, or will buy diamonds. 234 Columbia. Store Counters Dry goods counters. tahlen n. lamps. Mazda lamp fixtures, etc. Call at the lloift store, 6th and Washing- ion. $35 buys a fine diamond ring. Big bargain. 320 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. SIX new Charter Oak and Occidental steel ranges to be sold this week. One-third off. Call 430 E. Burnside. DON'T buy any plumbing supplies till you get our wholesale prices. Stark- Davis Co.. 212 3d st- Main 797. FERTILIZER. Well rotted cow manure. 5914. before X, after 6 p. m. Tabor HOTELS 54 VVELLESLEY COURT APTS.. East 15th and Belmont, half block south of Morrison st. Furnished and unfur nished 2 and 3 room apts., rents rea sonable. New 4 story brick building. THE BARVIEW hotel, on Tillamook Beaci, under new management, is open all the year. 211 Failing bldg Phone A- or M. 2029. W. A. Wise, prop. REX ARMS APARTMENTS, 13TH AND E. MORRISON STS. Modern 2 and 3 room furnished -and unfurnished apts., $20 to $32.50 month; new fireproof bldg with balconies. MOATiiOMERY APARTMENTS 3d and Montgomery. New brick, all outside furnished 2 rcom apartments, private bath, phone, automatic eleva tor, close in.$20 up. Main 9466. WALDORF COURT, 1RV1NGTON. East 9th and Schuyler. Five rooms unfurnished with large Bleeping porch; strictly modern. c 668. East 547. THE WASHINGTON. 689 Northrup, 6 room fur. or unfur. apts., with bath and all modern conveniences; phone, steam heat, gas, electric lights, etc.; "W ' car to 21st & Northrup. M- 4376. THE DLZENDORF , 208 16T11 ST., NEAR TAYLOR. Elegant 5 room furnished and unfur nished apts., also 3 room fur. apt. SAN MARCO APTS, E. 8th and Couch sts. 3 room, steam heated apta., private bath and phones, outside rooms, $16 to $22. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To lease 20 to 30-room fur nished hotel in country town, with option to buy; pay cash lease m ad vance; would consider pool hall and confectionery in connection; might buy if reasonable. E. P. Erickson. general delivery, Portland. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 1914 CHE VIOLET roadster, 2 pas senger, 25 h. p.. electric start er and lights, snap, only....$8T7 iis ufctAi ..VI kks, 7 passenger, 6 cylinder, just overhauled and repainted, for quick sale $1350 Ifll COLE, 2 passenger, 30 h. pu, foredoor, just overhauled. ... $4T5 Several other good buys. Investi gate before purchasing. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH. Main 887. A-4959. $22 buys lady's solid gold watch, set witn small diamond. .320 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. FOR SALE cheap, bath room outfit of 7 tubs. 300 gaL boiler, etc. Used 3 months. M. 7041. 244 1st st. amount of furniture too large or 100 email to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. East 6707. f prices. V VJ5fc-?ito $10 tor 'ftlglasses, wl LADIES Ask for Antlko MixtuVe No. 8. "Better thaa pills for female 111s. A quick, safe a?nl sure regulator, easy A . , .- i ...1.. TtlfA m.vllt fi. vkithoi harm, pain or Inter- lerence witn worn. r-ric . . . . 1 . ' . . .l. E n it t.-.. m k-kj uouuih seirenKiii, i.v. sale bsc Helfond Drug Cfc, 222 Morrison, haf First . Why Da a pair 01 Hn I CAR fit your ees wlin first quality lenses in a guld tilted Jtrame as low us $1.50? C. W. Goodm3r i,91 Morrison L, near bridge. Satisfaction guaranteea. EXPERT work in dyeing. Remodeling and restor ing;, plumes. Moderate jfai-gea and prompt serv ice;? THIS .PLUME. 25S -viofgan bldg. Main 4u. MM&i DREYFUS Who w as for jyeara Portland's most gifted clairvoyant, is demonstrating and teaching mjad healing and menial suggestion. 4$t? Uuodnough building. opposite pestogfgee. MRS. STEVENS, i'l years Portland7 renowned p?t$nist and clairvoyant, has her book yfalmistry Made Easy." on sale 291 sSUorrlson st, asst. by Airs, or. liume,-; ABOUllMAlR GOODS. Don't trust pfKidlers witn comblnzi; let us make tfem up, 95c up. Wigs, toupes a specially. 20 yrs. est'd, Febvet at naneoui, ir-t? t. 1 4 1 Broadway, nr M';rrl'n. SPIRITUAL thdum. Rev. Virginia Rowe. Reaagg, J healing daily; cir cles Tuesday aJid Friday evenings, 8 o'clock. 231 6tr St. Phone A-7116. niWHRPFQ T.ree consuluition atty. UlUriVCi.Wih much experience. Office hours Si a, m. to 10 p. m. Phone for appointment. Marshall 436X. DR. MARtiUKHlTE CRAWFORD, chl ropodist. wl. be pleased to see her old patrons at pew location. 204 Mac leay bldg., 2S(j ; Washington st. LFTIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front St.. buys 2d hand fur nlture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Main 9072. Our buver calls promptly. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay all the cash it is worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchange.. Fast 636. THE GLOBE SloRE WANTED. SECOND HAND CLOTHING And everything Highest prices paid. Main 2080. 285 1st. near Jefferson. TO BUY' or rent a tent 16x20 or larger. Must be reasonable and in good con dition. C25 Thurman st. CALL up E. 65i!0. M. R Seater. to sell your furniture. Prompt attention, highest cash prlres. 3K8-374 Hawthorne BE WISE Get more for your second hand furniture bv selling It to Ford Auction Co.. 211 1M Main 8951. FERTILIZER for sale. Gantenbein. C-1876. 4 7 4 $35 buys up-to-date diamond brooch. 320 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. SAFES New and second hand, bar gains. 101 1st st. Main 35K5. 12 Colonics of bees in excellent shape. Tabor 35 1 1. 6 to 8 p. m. DIAMOND paint. $1.65 gal. Port. Door & Window Co.. 230 Front. Mar. 100. GEVURTZ furniture store, 208 1st. Lowest cash prices in the city. $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing machlue with attachments. 162 Grand ave. LIGHT DELIVERY. White panel ton delivery, newly painted, good tires and in No. 1 me chanical condition. I'rice flov; easy terms. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO. 690 Washington St. FOUR ton ice making and refrigerat ing machine. Washington, 444 wash. HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shot eun. r ini.'rfl. Hoc'nfeld. 44 V, N. 3d. iJKil UALiSsil, Rev. M. A. Price. Cir cles. Tues.. it Wed. and Sun, 8 p. m. SPIRITUAL eusdium, Emella Pearsin; readings dily; circles Tuesday, 1 imipuay e5 Toi paimon. Renilincw daMyi - 603 5th st. Mar. 338 EASTERN tfuined electric operator, facial andniscalp treatments. 125 Sixth street. gftTiee 2. GRADUATE Chiropodist, manicurist, scientific Rjisseuse.- Ladies only. 204 Macleay fctdg.. 286 Washington st niVORrFHy" ot 25 years' ex- free. perlence. reliable, advics 404 RoOichlld bldg., 287 H Wash. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed JO last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400Sfekum. Marshall 170.'. SPECIAL. 2 foo. only, 18 Chiropractic treatments3.r$10- 1-3 regular price. Dr. C B. Tiyard. 316 Aliskv bldg WHEN you miswer theae Want Ais, mention Tho Journal. FOR best prices on your household goods. Call Seeord. East 4238. WHEN you answer ihes Want Aas, mention The Journal. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST? October 14, large brown suit case containing papers and personal effects of M. M. & W. L. Diel; reward. Please notify Taggard. 416 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. LOST Lady's amethyst pin, valued as a keepsake. Very liberal reward if returned to 32? 6th st. LOST $65 in bills. Return to 90-92 Broadway. Reward. WHEN y-iu answer these Want Aus, mention The Journal. TUK FUR SHOf. New order; remodeling, best work. lowest prWigr717 Swetlantt bldg. DR. G. V. K&h'CHUil Women a mal adlea and aute diseases men. Wash. bldg. 4th erMj Wnsb. Rm. 41. Ml. 448. HOT B.VIlS AND MASSAGE. Magnetic hejjer, Main. 8527. A-7271. CH 1 K01'KAi?i,IC. 121 4 th. Chrome cases; 18 fratment $10. Others m I AA VFR COnHUltaiion free. Main LMVV 1 Iin 433. 708 Selling bldg BALM of ivls, remedy Tor diseases of women.; 604 Davis st. Main 239S. USE Bassetifs Native Herbs for rheu matism ;5il tablets 25c. All druggist WHEASANTS prepared foifbats. 717 Swetland bldg. SiOTTCES QI'AKTKRMAifTKK'H office, rurtlmnd. Or.. September 1314. Sealed propnaala. In triplicate, witj; jbe rfweWed ber until 3 p. m.. sl'aciflc ttne. fK-ter lf. 191 4. and thee opened In prfnce of Iiltder. for fnm lin ing at ahlp Sackle. attlf. Wash., or t. o. b. Honolulu, . T.. H.oOo barrel of Port land cement. S ilnformntton furnUUM on ap plication. UiaJrtiarit Colonel Joan K. Baxter, qua rt er mas t er$ Professional and Business Dkjlctory 1912, 4 cylinder, 22 H P.. water cooled Metz with rumble and extra buggy seat for 4 passengers. Had the best of care. In fine running order. Leaving city. Will sell cheap witn terms. Also extra delivery bed. Address 307 Pearl ACCORDION PLEATrWO K. STKFHAr. Heuitltebin. accordion. ld and unburst pleating; buttons eoTered; goodw a ponged. Scalloping. 3K3 Alder. M-P373. A MATCHED span of gray horses 6 va ra aTklsri 3 Add A m atrh cno n n-P black horses, 8 years old, 2200. Sev- st-, or phone A-207, Oregon City. Or. eral other chunky horses, about 1200, cheap for cash. Wagons and har nesses. A span of Shetland ponies, gentle for children. 292 Union ave. and East Clay st. ASSAYEK3 TEAM 9 and 12 years old. good pull ers, free workers, sound wind and legs, a little thin from hard work, good breeching harness; all for $125. 147 8 E. 8th st. N in Woodlawn. Far-rell. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent near public market. 183 Va 4th st cor. Yamhill. Ixw rent- Cambridge bldg., turnished H. K rooms, central, cheap. 165!,i 3d, cor. Morr'n. ary store, experienced. bal. T-251. Jour- yOUNG colored woman. A-l cook, "wants work, at once. Can give ref erences. Tabur 376X. j EXPERIENCED,!- reliable womap - wisnes aay work, cleaning, etc. ; Phone Marshall 134. Call room 1. ; FOUR years' experienced law stenog- rapher must have work; best of ref- Tences; phone Marshall 2200. NEAT appearing young lady as cash , ler In picture show out of city-; J , 871. Journal. ' GIRL with experience wishes posi tlon with osteopath doctor; phone Main 2266. 175 12th Large suite and single house keeping rooms; all conveniences. SEE these nice 10 and 12 housekeeping suites. 490 Clay' st. G1LMAN hotel. 1st and Alder. Fur nished H. K. rms. cheap. $1.50 wk. up. HOUSEKEEPING XOOIL3 WEST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILY 73 WARM, neat rooms for plain working men, four beds, at $1.25 week each, arranged for housekeeping. 575 Couch, at 18th. V5MAN with one child wants posi tion as' housekeeper, or would cook for men; phone Main 2266. NEAT, reliable woman wants house cleaning, washing and ironing by the day. Main 717. A-l a 17. NICE front room, completely fur nished for light housekeeping, bath, heat and phone; no children. 266 12th. 361 TAYLOR, basement suite and sin- gle housekeeping rooms. Free light, phone, bath, laundry, reasonable. GRACE apt 24th and Northrup sts. 3 large rooms, bath, heat, phone, new and strictly modern, unfurnished. Call Marshall 1075. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4 room apts $18 up; good Janitor service; waiKing distance, ref erences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. M. 7134. NEW YORK. APTS. E. 7th and Bel mont, furnisned rooms, modern brick bldg., all outside apts steam heat, lights; personal management of owner. 3 ROOM apartment, east side, com pletely furnished; all outside rooms. Private bath and phone. $20. Phone B-1079. MULES A pair of the slickest mules in this great state of Oregon; they will weigh 2550 lbs. and are well brok en and gentle in or out of stable; can walk 5 miles per hour and can pull 5 tons any spot or place you ask them; they will do more work than four horses on less feed than two will eat; set of nearly new hand made harness, all complete, at low price of $265. Call Union Transfer Stables, at 11th and Hoyt sts. WK buy old gold, ailrer. platinum, oe re bmnM I'lrt prin? ft IO.. AsaajrrB, wv HIGH grade 40 horsepower roadster, ...t bids.. 6th and Washington t. tires, all in good condition, $750, or will exenango lor lot in good resi dence district, free of incumbrance. Call 101 10th st. BLANK BOOS MAKERS DAVIS HOLktA, Inc.. lo Sd t- manufacturer: aeenta lor jeoea TIRE OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tire ShoD. ' 550 Wasfhington st., at 18th Marshall 379. We get your tires ready for THE WET STREETS. hook nanufacturera: aeenta proved Looae Leaf Led sent See Eureka Leaf. A-31S3. Main 13- tne new DANCING UK- and MBS. HEATH S school; fancy, atage. octal and all toe lateM dances taasbt; lti and two-Ktep guaranteed In 4 private leasona; clans Mon. and KrL ere.. 7 to 9; aa serablj after. V, Morrison, cm-. 2d. Mar. 313. MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS LACHKLOli of music offers complete coarse pianoforte to srndeitts preparing to tecn Theory. chorcb organ. U-194, .Journal. - TUIEUlOll.N, vioiia leacner, pupil SerU. 2Q7 Klledntr bldg. A-416H Mahall 18V. BnSIMXSS COLLEGES LINK'S BUS1NKSS COLLJiliK. otu floor, Tll ford bldg.. Portland. Or. Phone Main 5QX3. CARPET CLEAMISO. 3 MULES Team, weight 2600 lbs.. $225; team, weight 3000 lbs $235; team, weight 2500 lbs, $225. This In cludes their harness; all good work ers; young and gentle; for cash or time. 240 E. 8th. 109 NORTH EIGHTEENTH STREET. One, two and three room furnished apartments. $12 to $20; walking dis tance. ' FURNISHED or unfurnished house keeping roms. 105 20th, cor. Flanders. HOL'SEKKEPIXG KOQMS 48 EAST SIDE $1.60 TO $2.76 weeK, furnished H. K. rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, baths. Fhone East 6039. 406 Vancouver ave. EASTERN conservatory graduate , wants piano pupils. Phone Tabor 4144. YOUNG woman wishes position in first class confectionery store, 5 years experience. N-563, Journal. RELIABLE woman for washing, iron Ing and cleaning, wants work by the day. Mas references. East 6884. .WOMAN wants to take care of child v ren from 1 to 2 years old. F. La ros Call Main 1485. W'KAPPKR or private exchange, 64. Journal, NEWLY' furnished housekeeping rooms. Hot water. 1144V& Union ave.. N. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The .journal. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS EAST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILY 4 THE ALCO. E. Couch and Union ave.; walking distance, summer rates, new, modern, 2 room apts.. $18 to $24 per month. 3 LARGE ROOMS, $22.60. Save $15 monthly, completely fur nished, bed and table linen, phone, bath. B-1079. PORTNOMAH apartments. unfur nished, hardwood floors, phone, etc. 4 rooms, $20. 200 E. 13th st. FOUR room steam heated apartments furnished and unfurnished, $20 up. Main 792. THE ALBEMARLE 2, 3 room fur. apts. Steam heat, phone, bath, $20 to $28. 383 Williams ave. .Jast n3. NEW. modern. T 2 room unfurnished apartment, gas range, disappearing Dea; low rent, ooi ru. asu. rast ooi TWKJfits neat, un turnished rooms. Wardrobe, hot and cold water, tele phone, shower bath. On paved street. $6 per month. 1066 E. Wrash st. THREE, well furnished housekeenine rooms, electric lights, gas etc. Bar- gain, fnone woodlawn 814 NEW, modern, 2 room unfurnished apartment, gas range, disappearing pea; low i i- ovx . . U.QI.. ioi ivx. $10 Complete 4 rooms, range, gas plate, sink, large yard. 34 6 Benton, near Broadway. EXPERIENCED woman wo-k.' Tabor 4117. wants day CHILDREN cared for by the day, - -week'or month. Woodlawn 2238. NICE borne for children. Tabor Hi 6, 4 ROOMS, light, heat, phone, piano, private bath. 646 East Alder st. East 1640. THREE clean, furnished H. K. rooms, 95 K. SOth. East 5505. Adults. TWO and 3 rooms, near Broadway bridge, $10 and $12. 382 E. 1st st N. jtti.I AETTE APTS.. 2d and Montgom ery,, modern 2 room apts., furnished or tmrurnisneo, reasonaoie. NEW . CLARK 2 rooms, furnished. electricity, pnone; io up. tit i-etty grove. BEECH 2 r. fur. apts.; desirable, rea- Son a Dl e. imnnio a. y . yv. i i ,b THE PAGE Two lovely apts., with prices to suit tenant- rast boss NOTICE. At 185 4 Madison street, on accroach of bridge, carload eastern Oregon horses, mares. 1100 to 1600. Well broke and every horse guaranteed. WANTED 26 3 and 4-year-old geld ings, weigning irom soo to 1000 lbs., from 14-3 to 15-3 bands high, broke or unbroken; no grays. Frazier-Mc-Lean, 5th and Taylor. i WANT horse for his keep this winter. Uood care, light worK. Farm 9 miles from city. Weight about 1400 or 1500 lbs. JN-609, journal. FOR SALE 2 young mares 3 years old, broken; wagon and harness; al so other broken horses and 3 year lings. 42d and Alnsworth. WANTED Good work horses or mules in exchange for a good lo in Port' land free from incumbrances. Walk er & Mason, Albany, Or. FOR SALE 1912 5 pass. Cadillac, in excellent condition; a good buy, $800. Ii. L. IvULfVITS A U TU CtX, Broadway and Burnside, Phone Main 5368. CAKl'fcTS cleaned, relittlnit and laying. facker. Tabor IOV BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS Large stock. Prices $300 to $75t. OREGON MOTOR CAB CO. Studebaker bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder. VN ritten guar antee with every Bpring. 26 N. 16th st. IINiTFD Fainting Aut Top Co. 1 Isinglass put In; prices reasonale; factory finished. 15th and Wash. Mar. 945. Lowit & Mossman. CHIROPODIST and fuot tpeclalUu Mesaanme floor, frormwesiern taut cms- ONE cylinder Cadillac auto to trade; can easily be fixed up for wood saw. What have you? P. O. box 22, Cherry Grove, Or. FOR SALE 5 pass. 1912 Cadillac in good condition, a good buy at $800. H. L. Keats Auto Co Broadway and Burnside. Phone Main 6368. WANTED An auto truck, 2 yds. ca pacity preferred. Can make good monthly payments. Tabor 6914 after 6 p. m. FEDERAL, TRUCK. Federal truck with express body and top, in first class condition; easy terms. U-50, Journal. BIG work team for sale cheap or 'will take trade for a good 1100 lb. driv ing horse; come quick for bargain. 1029 E. Yamhill st. MUST sell good pair of mules, harness and farm wagon. 1967 E. Stark st.; trial allowed. $125 TAKES 2000 lb. team, mare and horse, double harness and farm wagon. 1967 E. Stark; trial allowed. A SPAN of 4-year-old mules, well bred, 2200; set harness; guaranteed city brone. zyz union ave. ana ti. ciay. 2200 LB. black team, farm wagon, double harness, $135; small barn, E. 11th and Belmont.- Y HEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. THE ORMONDE, light front 5 rooms. , 656 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251. DOWNTOWN anartments. newly ren ovated. $20 and up. 350 Morrison. THE LAURETTE 1 unfurnished 3 room apartment; modern. 229 11th St. TWO gwod spring 1967 E. Stark st. wagons for sale. FOR SALE A nice saddle. Haven st.. St. Johns ear. 1678 AUTO SPRINGSA- Frank Lange, 228 Salmon. Main 181. WANTED To buy scrap rubber and metals. Highest cash prices paid. J. Leve, 186 Columbia st. Main 5198. BUICK panel top delivery in good me chanical condition, including tires, price $300; easy terms. T-241. Journal. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock in Portland, $3 to $15. Fine repair lng. Tire Supply Co.. 207 Madison. WANTED 1914 Ford touring body. N- 567, Journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal MOTORCYCIiES-BICYCLES 53 1914 THOR 9 h. p.. 2 speed, equipped Looks and runs use new. uuaran teed perfect condition. $225. Marshall 4025. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 JOYCE BEOS, lilectric Cleaning worka, ear- pets cleaned and laja, reiuim our K'T elalty. Kast 440. B-1WM. 2o4 K. 19tb at. N. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST Rb'U CO., ruxi Irom old eax- peta. rag rugs. crpet cleaning, ids Jk. ova. Work called tor. East 3.VQ. H-lgq. l-KALNSLLA Rug Works Rag tug ana car- pet wearing, lais faiton ave. n iua. CHIROPRACTORS DR. McMAUON. 121 4th. 37U Williams ., 18 sdiuftnients nuenis arei wen. COAL AND WOOD. NEER & FAKrt Also sawed to order. Prompt de- PHA! llery. Main 43ae. -v. w' ' T. K. LAW SON. piano studio. 4Za Morrison. Matn H15. Iwona. ooc. POPULAR JCTJS1C RAUTJMK on piano guaranteed begliaiers in 10 lessom. flcture playing. Free demon ttratlop. Free Booklet. .Sol Hllern bldg. PAINTIMSjp PAPERHANGIKO. TtMTCTO bktelifle A i alien. tet work In painting. M- pering. v-s72. A-222.1. 12 11th St. . PAVLNQ COMPANIES THK BAKbhat AMi'HALX I AVI.VU CO.. for Isnd rffl.-eU.' Klecirlc nldg. RUEBiR STAMPS ASD 8EALS tenctiJ!; ALSO inc IVv trade checks, brass slgBav I SLINS, MAMI' vyoKas 231 Wirnj:Jii n Mln T10. A-iT710. Jewing machines EXECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS. MO loKS, generators uougui. sukl. rvuie-l sod repaired. We do all kinds of tepaiiiag and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co.. 31 N. It St. t'hone Main 921U. W K bar, sell, rent sod exchange new sad second band motor-, repair work a speclajt. Western Klecfrlc Works. 213 th st. Mar. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. PilofcNiX iron Worka, i.t Ml and Haw. tborne. Central nj. hlne ao! tooudrr work. FTTR SJ T ITR E BXPAIRXNO 421 HAWTHORN K, furniture repalrera; 30 yrs. in Portland. tee dellTery. Eat 3044. KODAK SUPPLIES. PACla'IC SLABWOOll CO. Main a7UW, A-7350. Green short wood, blocks, big Inside, small Inside, dry a lab wood, short planer trimmings. Edlefsen Fuel Co. East 303. C-2J03. 262 Stark. rtL I K. J. KVtUTJ, MAIS B.OI. DRt slab and box wood, cor o wood Saindrd Wood Co- Eat 23a. H-IBW.t COLLECTIONS I BC accounts, bills, notes and Judgments of every nsme and nature any wh era. rue .mirk results answer M-6HS. Journal. Oi'KN accounts, notes, Judguienta collected. Adopt short methods for quick rffns. Fnort Adlnxment Co.. 825 N W. Bsnk. M. 974 CONTRACTING AND BtJU-DntQ DRI cement buildings. Does your window ldres or walla soalt water? We will stop It Cheap. uuaxauua:. Portia ml. J. Mack. Box 464, ! HORACE V. JO.NEA, JR. I BUILD ANYTHING FROM 14CBEEH DOORS , TO A HOTEL. TABOK 1764. MARK your fireplace glre good service; Wempe. Woodlawn a55S. call IEYZ. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. LUMPS. Soeclaliat. Moderate prices. Ii lasses fitted. Dr. F. V. Cawedsy. 517 Dekom bldg 8d Wssn. EDUCATIONAL DANCING fttnv. WAX. WTLBON S Walts, hesitation. one-atep. twe-atep, chottiscbe; lessons 25c morning, afternoon, fe.; guarantee to teach anybody who walks bow to dance. 85H 5th st-i bet. Stark and Oak. 4 private lessons $2; 8 clashes. Pbone Main 7637. KODAKS "nd U "PPllr- Devtoplng. ixuunnu printing and enlarging. A MARKHAM CO.. S4j Washington. MESSENGERS. MOlOHCiCLhS and bicycles. I'bone Mala &&. A-21.V1. HASTY Mtv.S8K.VGER O. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. Pit lLLU'S Paralysis, nervous and chrue. 1c dlnessea. .V)4-6 uregonlsn Mitt. M. U2. OSTRICH PLUMES. Uartues i'lume bhop. cor. 1'srk and Yam bill. Matn 15uw. O'trijh, paradise, fsncy festhers. remodeled, cleaned, djed to uatch aqjpK-. Work guarantevd. PAIS TING. PAPERHANGINO. TINTING TOCHLK PAINTINO CO., Successor to' N. C. Tocule, painting, tint ing, paperhanguig. Main 4414. Rbop. 649 Marshall street. PAINTlMi, Papering. Xmtli.g. x.uu per room up. C. A. Banie. MmIb 421. tLCVrLH U MACiLLHU All luaaes, new and band, tor sale or rent. Alt prices. Sewing Machine Raa- porlum. 1'JO JihlrC. near lay lor. Main 431. &ET METAL WORKS. ULI-Aliil.Nti. M" Losli. ul(J -rtral. auu gravel ruula. t utiiu- Mala 1424. ; TAXIDERMISTS CHb,APhi'l'sid t luley ootlur TRA,T6 bcjtt wuck ou cuas4 . Cal. '. h. FER AND STORAGE C o. i'KSfarultr at suage Co. Off ice end ceiuiAodious 4 story brick warehouse with separate? irin looms aud fireproof taelt for vaiuabie-i W. ourner 2i .aud Plaeata. Piano t.ud 9aruiturs inured aud backed foe shipping. Qicjl , rates .luade on gooda. la uuuugu cs, lu all doiuesilc and furelg is. hii ati. A-iKve. poluia OLft S'ew fir$reo ROt TRA-NttKluR CO. New firrfaof wareuouae with separata rooms. We fnore aud pack itouaeookl gsous and pianos a snip at reduced rates. Aute vans and teams lur moving, forwarding and distributing, agents, tree trsckage. OffKe aad warehouse, j.rtti and Hoyt. Main 647. A -24. GlRE&BN TRANSFER CO. ; sffr EsUbUsned 1S70. Tranarep sud Xorwsrdlug ag-nta. Jst(Orage, tree trackage. Office tid storage 474 Ollssa t I3tJ snd UUHsn. Main ). A-l II HTORAUit. MANNINri-iWARKHOUSK TUANSVXK CO. 13W AND Z VtRETT 8TSw Let as ire. pack' or ship your honaabula goods. R4aeed freight rates ea aas Lara shipments. 3 Through car service. MAIN TO.T. A-2214. BAUUAGK Jraufer Servk U. Msln 120v? j A-1 203. 1S2 Plaa su ' WINDOW CXEANINO EXPERT WINDOW CLEANER A-tl Main 63;.; iVt Henry bldg. Manufacturers Jobbers- Wholesalers BREWERS BOTTLERS liaiNRY WE1M1AKH. 13tb and Burnside. DRT POOPS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer &. Co. FARM tMPLEJCENTS aV VEHICLES B M. WADE A CO.. 1 Hawtbofne ave. Wholesale Agrt'-nlmral Implements. JPAINT. OIL AND GLASS "ABlib.pi at CO.. "Hlgn Rtaodard" paiaC . ... m. ujw o ana jsvior. Al.-a-l l 1 I'KlSEER&'Aa.M CO.leaVlst su Mala l4T A -704 a. .4 , GRAIN MERCHANTS I KTVR iT.T, hab enuid oiann. in thn DEAD horses and eattln taken away I best of eondltlQn. Take a look at I WIIITl N'G-IUELAN D Dancing Academy. Max lie, One-Step. Hesitation. Lessons dally. 3UI Ausky bldg-. Sd aad Morrison. Mala 801. M. H- UOCSER. Board of Trsde bidg. LEATHER ASD FINDINGS CHAR. L. MASTiC'K & Co.. 74 trout, of every description; findings. Leather MTN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR COLLMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Vo.. b4 Ota at. j PIPE WOOD PIPE PORTLAND, WOOD P1PB CO ractorr and office n?ja5r 24th and Vprk sta. Msla tint PLPMBNQ PIPE BTEAM SUPPLIES M, y; KLINE 4-s6-H7-r9 FRONT 8TKKBT. AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. WALL PAPER MORGAN!-) WALL PAPER CO 230 SA ii etwee Belmoa and Mala, - r 'W .trea. call day or nignt. xaior 420. . 52 1st st. -I - 4 i it-