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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1914)
lit THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 16, 1914. rr WHATllABOR is doing First Labor Organization Was Formed in Albany Lst Snndaj. MARRIAGE LICENSES (Qontlnned) H. J. Hathawar 604 Albln rnim. Iwral. and N. B. Sater, Xnts, legaL r. J. Knftnnn, 1088 Broadway. Baa, legal. nil tmrrto r. Standlgy, MSS Leo aYnn, legal. Vrlatsrs Establish Local. Tne first labor organization la Al bany was formed last Sunday by the establishment of a Typographical union. Philo Howard, an organizer for the L T. U., and secretary of the Northwest Typographical conference, arranged the gathering and estab lished the union. The officers are D. J riiiKfrnlllo nr--1rln t H. K. Brown. ice president; A. L. Beeson, seerstary treasuxer; 1L M. Lehnert seargeant at arm a It is expected that the district of the union will Include a number of towns In Linn county and secure mem bership from the printing establish ments In each place. Labor Council Meets Tonlglit. This evening the Central Labor Council will take up the matter of the reduction of wages on the river boats and in the employ of the Port of Portland. Will Seek Employers, J. H. Ulre has been appointed by Commissioner Brewster to seek em ployers outside of Portland who will agree to send In orders for men to be furnished from the lists in the city free employment bureau. C. E. ChrU tensW, manager of the bureau. Is spending most of his tlnia new seek In employers for men out of work. and cards. W, G. Smith & Co& j.nirq iioor, aiorgan oiog. tREfiS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique . Tailoring Co.. 09 Stark st BIRTHS CUBTIN To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Curtin. oil nni street. October 2, a daagbter. LANE xo Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. Inline. 80S Monro afreet September 27, a son. THOMAS To Mr. and Mr. William P. Tbom- aa, 402S Kait Forty-second atrret October 5. a Bon. EAMEY To Mr. and Mrs. Boecoe F.' Barney, 88 Fremont atreet October 12, aon. W001WABI To Mr. and Mrs. Lueian A. Woodward. 1078 East Twenty-tour U atreet North, October 11, a son. BARNES To Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Barnes. 88 Eaat Twenty -eighth street North, Oc-. tbber 12. a aon. W I ICS B To Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Wlese. East Twenty-second lUKt, North, Oc tober 7, s aon. AUKIN3 To Mr. and Mra. Arthur C Adklus. 100 But Twenty-seventh atreet. North, September ?S, a aon. WASSCUF? To Mr. and Mrs. Basil Wasa clitf, 07 Eaat Thirteenth atreet. North, September 24. a daughter. BIDLUifc To Mr. and Mra. Lyle Sidle r, 179 Fourteenth atreet, October 13, a aon. THOMPSON To Mr. and Mra. Robert G. Thompson, Oak Point, Wash., October a daughter. FOB SALE BOUSES 61 (Continued) COUNTY fcOURT NEWS DEATHS ANI FUNERALS 75 Permission was given H. A. Lewis to take 160 yards of gravel' from the Reames gravel pic The county physicians were directed to examine F. R. Chase to determine whether he is physically able to travel to Oakland, Cat, or not. Should he be found able, transportation will be furnished him. The action was take" at the request of Scout Young Camp, Spanish-American "War Veterans. Clerk George Wllley, of the dis trict court, was authorized to employ a stenographer for two weeks during the vacation of the regular stenog rapher of his office. Petition of Emtl WahJ. of Falrvlew, for $26 indemnity for a cow slaught ered because of tuberculosis, was set for hearing October 23 at 10 o'clock. Whidden & Lewis, architects of the court house, reported that certified checks have been returned to unsuc cessful bidders for the contract for Improving ventilation of the engine and boiler rooms of the court house. County Motorcycle Officer White reported two arrests, a fine of $7.60 and a dismissal, for speeding. County Insurance Kxpert Clemens submitted a draft for $32.62 insurance on the Hawthorne bridge, due as the result of the fire of May 2ft, from the North British & Mercantile Insurance company. The matter was referred tr County Auditor Martin. BABBKK la thla city, October 13. Or. sV. J. Barber, husband of Mra. Ellen Barton Bar ber, and father of Mra. liewla U. Alderman. fanny L. Barber, Joseph u. Barber, Portland; Captain John B. Barber, U. . A- Fort Huachuea, Aria; Captain Alvia B. Barber, 0. 8. A., Ban Franclaco, Cal.. and Helen O. Barber, Providence, K. I. The funeral serv ice will b held Bata day, October 17, at 2:'M o'clock p. m., at tbe fcirst Baptitit church. Twelfth and Taylor atreet. Concluding serv lcea at tlip Portland ''ler-atorlum in charge of the A. K. A A. M. Friends tirvlted. BKNbON J. liermau Hkuou, Multnomah farm, October 10, CO yearn; general car cinoma. SMITH Robert E. Smith, Gilbert Road, Oc tober 9. 80 Tears: acuta Brlxht's dUeaae. HOFMANN John g. Hofruann, 550 Fifth atreet. October 8, 42 rears : aepUc neritoa- IHa. SMITH Jim Smith, Mornlngside hospital, Oc tober 14, Tl years: lobar pneumonia. DKAK.B William t. Drake, foot of Meade atreet. October 13, 31 rears; aortic aneurism. 81975.T 1020 E. 29th Stn North Just completed, new and strictly modern 6 room bungalow and bath, full 7 ft concrete basement, 28x36 ft, large sleeping porch, beamed ceiling, buffet, Dutch kitchen, wash trays, woodlift, full front porch with pretty pergoia, Duiit-in euects, rooms ro large and best plan yoo ever saw. Only block to car. Take Alberta car to 29th st. then hi block south. OWNER THKRK la Tf fi DA TXT. PHONE EAST 6465 EVENINGS FOB APPOINT MiSNTS. THE PRETTIEST TYPE OP BUNOA LOW TOO EVER SAW. ROOM BUNGALOW. 125 PER MONTH $26 Beautiful new home, every modern convenience, buffet bookcases, bevel slate mirror and leaded glass, bard wood floors, -Dutch kitchen, ironing board, fine closets, linoleum in kitchen, hath and back norch: fixtures, shades; double constructed; very complete; bardsurface street; sewer and all im provements in, 1180 Greeley st,- on St Johns carline. Take car to Greeley st- walk half block north. A bar gain. Owner, East 585. Trontlake Has Fair. Troutlake. Wash.. Oct 18. Trout lake valley held Its first fair Satur day and was a success in every par tlcular, excepting the weather, which was stormy. The vegetable, fruit and grain display was fine. Hay of ail sorts was seen and products of the local creamery displayed, occupying the entire end of the pavilion. The women's department was filled to over flowing with the product of their handiwork. The art department un der the cars of Mrs. J. M. FUioon and Miss Ada Alford, was exceptionally good, consisting of paintings In oil. watercolors and pastel as well aa pen cil drawings. The culinary depart ment was excellent The beat of the exhibits were taken to the White Salmon fair. The Troutlake display will be under the car a of B. C Ham ilton, Mra Augusta Cutting and Mrs. Beulah Clarke, MARTIN & FORBES CO, florists, $47 Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral designs. 287 Morrson st. MAX M. SMITH, florist 1UM eta st. In Selling bldg. Main 7216. CASKET sprays as low as $1.60. Lubliner. florists, Portland hotel blk. FUNERAL DIRECTORS MULTNOMAH on the Oregon Electric Ry., with Bull Run water, electric lights, city schools, telephones in fact all mnilurn rnnvpntpnps: offers to the rent payer a chance to get a home of his own by paying his rent money to himaolf Wa build houses from One room up, on easy terms, at prices mat will astound you. Take the Oregon Electric car and go out to Multnoman. Rm IsJ-erf Riirltn. thft aarent at the Sta tion, or call at our city office, 612 Piatt mag., tor run particulars. 3s W will build in any part or city HOMES costing from $2000 to $20,000. Also apart ments and flats. We have money to loan. Call and see plans. F. E, BOWMAN A CO- Commercial Club bldg. SWELL BUNGALOW. $100 CASH. New. modern 6 room bunralow. double floors, double walls, fireplace, oak floors, buffet book case. In fact nothing missina. extra large airy rooms, cement front porch and brick pinars. Va oioca to car ana ciose in on east side. Price a snap. $2800; $100 cash and lo per month. GRUSSI & BOLlDS. 226 Board of Trade Bldg. Main T452. $1225 Buys 4 room cottage, lot 60x103, grad ed sts., cement warns, sewer, i blocks to car. near Overlook. See own er at 786 Mississippi avo. Phone Woodlawn 686. $2650 ROSE City Park. Almost new. modem 6 room bungalow; fun ce ment basement furnace, nice lawn. rose bushes, on paved street About $200 bonded assessments to assume. Close price for quick sale. Part terms. Owner selling. Phone C-207J or call 101 10th st A splendid residence undertaking tabllshinent with private driveway. J. P. FINLEY & SON, Montgomwy at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAK, the leading funeral director, 220 Sd st. corner Salmon. Lady assistant Phones A 1611. Main 607. F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors. F-ast Alder st. East 52. B-2625. 1 May Regain Footing. Chehalis, Wash., Oct 16. F. R. May, head of the Baker-May Lumber com pany, wnose business at Mays was put into the hands of a receiver last week, has arranged for a meeting of the creditors to ba held Saturday, at which he hopes to arrange to have the receivership ended and again person ally' resume charge of his affairs. Welcome for Johnson. Aberdeen. Wash., Oct 18. Aberdeen and Iloqulam are to unite In a recep tion and banquet to Congressman Al bert Johnson of the Third district on his return to his home in Hoquiam next Wednesday night Ho will be met by a brass band and crowd of citizens. It is nearly two years since Johnson has been home. , Journal Want Ads bring results. Dunning (St McEntee Mnodernefn every detail. 7th and Pin. Main 430. A-45&8. Laiy assistant Best buy in Woodlawn. 6 room mod ern house, with large attic, nice lawn, garage, corner lot soxiou, ear- pets and range: 2 blocks from Wood lawn car. 169 Magnolia st, Woodlawn, rrice ztuu. 80x200 IN cultivation; 3 room house $5 monthly; $650. 160x200; 4 room house; $ 8 monthly; $1050. A. C. Marsters, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 8517. A-7340 Tabor 1770. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. on your lot or ours; v your own plans or ours; pay us Ukf rent THE OREGON HOM 5-BUILDERS. itiu rxortn western bmk oiag. A NICE little bungalow, 4 rooms. 1 block from car, $1200, $50 down, $10 per month. Lot 40x120 or 2 lots with bouse 81500. same terms. Phono Sell' wood bo. owner. FOR SALE LOTS 16 A R. 7pller Co. 692 wmums aW Mi 111 i-CIIOI VUiEast 1088. C-1088. Lady attendant. Day and night servlea WALTER a KENWORTHY. successor to A B. Hemstock. 1687 E. 13th Sellwood 71. B-1128. Lady assistant. Chambers Co.Sd.rty" Wood- lawn S306, C-1133. Automobile hearse. RT Pvrnoe Williams and Knott. 1 1 DyrnesEast ms, c-1943. FIPOHN RESIDENCE UND. Ls" C IL-OUIMm. 6133. A-22S5. 44S Mori sL'FAFQUnJertinR Co, Main 4152 OlL VVC.OA-2321. -Cor. 3d and Clay. Ms milt nn E- 8th nd Glisan. Fu I lailllllUIl neral services. Tabor 4313. PPA.PQHM Undertakera East 1080. rLMnOUIN 369-371 Russell St. P. L. LERCH, leading east side under. -taser. hi. litn Clay. B-1883, E. 781. MONUMENTS 4 PORTLAND MARBLE WKS. 264-266 4th st. opp. city hall. M. 8564, A-161. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 In effort Oct 1, IBIS ALL PRK VIOLS RATES CANSVT.UED CHAUQ&D ADVEKTISE14TLNTS Dally or Sunday, 1H eenta par -ord per lnaerttoa. Tbli cnarga la (or all claaairicatlon, except ing "For Rent in Private Family," "Room and Board in Private Tamlly," "Situation Wanted" and "Wanted to Rent" a da., which are 114 cents per word per lnaertloa. No ad ehanred for lesa than 15 eenta. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS i eenta per word for all elaaalflcitlona, exraptins "For Rant in Private family." "Room and Board in Private Family," "Situa tion Wanted" and "Wanted to Rent" ada.. which are 1 eenta per word. Consecutive Inavrrfcia of catb want ada.: B Inaartlona 'or the price of 9 T Inaertlona for the prlee of S MEETING NOTICES 41 M. WASHINGTON Lodge No. 46 A. F. & A. M. Special com munication tomorrow (Satur day) afternoon and eyenlng, beginning 2:30 o'clock. E. 8th and Burnslde. M. M. aegree. visitors welcome, order w, J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. ALBERT PUCE lodge. U. D., A. F. and A. N. M. M. de gree tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. E. R rVIE, Sec LOT 60x100. 1 block from Mississippi ave fine apartment house site. small 6 room house on back end of lot rented ror 810 ner month. 82300. terms. r'none eeiiwooa no. owner. $600 BUYS a 3 room bungalow, 80x110, corner lot west side, 16 minutes ride. 6c fare: $160 cash, balance $7.50 a month, ai. to. Lee, boo corbett bldg. 3 ROOM . bungalow, 15 minutes from center or city. Terms SoO down. $10 per month. Must be sold. Par ticulars at 612 Piatt Bids. FOR immediate sale, modern 8 room fixtures, hesitate. house, fireplace, furnace. etc, $3750; terms. Don't Phone owner. Main 4936. HO U SES Some fine bargains, Irving- ton, less than 'cost For rent fur nished and unfurnished. Also lots. East 273. W. H. Herflman. $&p DOWN, $16 per month, 6 room house, on block to car. $1460. Phone Sell. 1233. $25 CASH, $18.50 PER MO, 5 room bungalow, close to car. Own er. Sellwood 2204. 15,000 Feet Over 52,000 copies of the daily Journal and over 55,000 copies of the Sunday Journal go to subscribers and purchasers. If you figure that the average home contains four people this means that every issue of The Journal goes out to an audience of over 200,000. Among those thousands don't you think many would be interested in your proposition? Wouldn't it be profitable to you to know who the interested ones are? For a few cents you can tell them your propo sition in a Journal Want Ad Think it over. To secure proper classification in The Sunday Journal, have your Want Ad. in early. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE (Continued) 24 I WILL exehangs $1000 or $1000 of my Interest in a 380 acre well developed coal property for equity in lots or house that will make me a borne. This coal property la clear, and is tributary to Portland; solid No. 1 lignite 'coal; will be a money maker. The company nas no aeoia. t. i 370 Qranam ave Portland. WE CAN SELL OR TRADE. If VOU wish to sell vour raal estate for cash or trade for other nroDerty. It will pay you to se us for quick re sults. 18 years' successful business la our guarantee for a square) deal. 815 GerUnger bldg. Main 2881. FINE country home at Oswego, three acres in cultivation, all 'kinds of fruit anr berries, fine view; 30 min utes' auto drive; good 7 room bouse, bath, toilet hot and cold water, gar age. Want Portland bouse, good loca tion. H. Atwater. 403 Lewis bldg. Phone Mrrshall S7. 100 ACRE choice ranch, extra good Im provements, electric lights and tele- Fhone, capital highway. 35 minutes rom Portland postoffice. also a very choice 12S acre ranch, fins improve ments. 1 mils west of Liberal, 3 depots and electric line. H. Grebe, Tlgard, Or. FOR EXCHANGE or sale, nearly new bungalow, 4 rooms iinisned aown stairs, room for 3 above; small pay ment down, $20 or more per month; would take 5 passenger car $500 to $800, Ford preferred, as first pay ment Price $2350. T-247, Journal. READ It all (I have Just what X say) and then soma. 1 am anxious to show you this candy and confection ery store, joining a nine-grade school. wnere tiers are 700 enroilea Bcnoiars; also a splendid place to Siva meals; aa 8 room residence with stors and base ment 8 room house on same lot. for 3Z00, with invoice; clear; iraae iot farm. Ohio Investment Co 202 Qer- Unger bldg. - A SUBSTANTIAL Interest In oldest established high class mercantile In stltion on Puget sound can be secured oy a capable Dusiness man wno can assume active part in management. This business has made several for tunes and is capable of making many more; at least $20,000 cash and not to exceed $38,000 required. Address prin cipals direct care 11. Erwln French, f o. box lM, rieatue, wean. OLD established and good paying launch business, running between Kelso. Wash., and Rainier. Or., con sisting of launch Eadem, length 85 ft, beam 11 ft, 46 h. p.. Imperial engine, sua North Star, length a) ft- beam $ rt iz b. p. stanuara engine, ana eioei. WJU sell cheap it taken at once Call or addresi F. J. Horbaeh, Kelso, Wash. FOR EXCHANGE Fine 260 acre stock ranch, southern urtion. gooa hog and cattle range, abundance of snrina-a closa to city. $26,000: clear. xor good property, some caso. wwk weaity L.Q.. Meaiorq, w We have for exchange ' Houses Lots. Farms. Acreage, Roomie ir Housea Groceries, Hardware, Dairy and Wheat ranches. Timber land. jd any more gooa propositions. Garland & Llnd, 191 4th St. ACREAGE (Continued) 57 20 Acres Garden Land Only $1 750 $250 Cash Long Time This 20 acre tract of. rich, dark, loam soil lies close to store, school and railroad; low freight rate and ready market for everything produced; 70o fare to Portland; fenced with woven wire, fronting county road; Just right slope for drain age with spring on highest part making it Ideal for a gravity water system: in heart of a neighborhood of prosper ous farmers, where unimproved land is held at $100 an acre. We are offering the 20 acres for $1750; $260 cash and bal ance In five yearly payments. 6 ?er cent interest After the irst year the land will pay far Itself and make you a living for life. Dorr L Keasey & Co, 24 floor Chamber of Commerce bide. 8 ACRES FOR $260 $10 down and $5 per month bars 5 acres good logged-off land 1 mile from mam una ox rauroaa and town or looo between Portland and Astoria. Land from $35 to $60 per acre on these terms. Many 6 acre tracts to choose from. CET.T. T)ltt Tr-Of A TTJ" "" 318 Railway Exchange bet 3d and 4th sts. on Btark. 'I 100 feet on Killinxsworth are and 150 feet on 11th st Price $1500, pur chaser to assume unpaid balance on street improvements. James D. Og- den, 107 Shaver st. near Mississippi ave. wooaiawn soa. $350 $10 down and $5 a month, buys a quarter acre, west aiae, be rare; this is an ideal Place for a homi where you can raise all your vege tables, berries, chickens, etc., which is the greater portion of your living. M. E. Lee. 605 Corbett bldg. EIGHT room bungalow, 1 h acres im proved at Concord Heights. Modern conveniences, unlimited supply pure water; aiao i to 4va acres wiut iois of fruit at Jennings Lodge. Both on Oregon City line (bargains). See owner, L Wncox, Concord. Milwaukee JrC. U. A HALF acre view tract overlooking the east side, mountains and river, for $750;. $20 cash, $10 a month; city water piped to the place. This la an ideal homesite with a big future. M. m. iee, tuts uorpett oiag. $10 CASH AND 38 PER MONTH. Buys 80x175 one block to car, only 30 minutes out good school and stores, fine placs to raise chickens. Call 614 atone Kxcnange blflg. Main 6765. WILL sell 2 lots at great sacrifice on lu. fetaric St., near 83d st C-939, Jour- nal. Phone Marshall 8896. SNAP Near carline, 1 or 2 lots. ET 77th and Multnomah sts., $400 each, easy terms. Tabor 4627. BEAUTIFUL Westover Terrace view lot for sale at a bargain. T-246, Jour nal, CAPITOL Hill 50x100. $160 Owner Main 3603, room 34. cash. ACREAGE 57 CITT CHICKEN RANCH. 1 1-10 acre tract, 400 feet from Pow el valley road; easy walk from Gilbert station: good soil and level; price $540, terms oi casn. n mommy. LUEDDEMANN CO SIS Chamber of Commerce. Gibson Half Acres . Good oll, city water. clos to linn AO C u 4 AfWl a ' will Wti aaail axna chaser. Phone Marshall 1688, or Sell- wood ?6. jonn n. Gibson, owner. SACRIFICE Small 6 room house. clear, fruit $950, $200 cash, good lo cation. Tabor 1975. FOR SALE 10 acres, mile from city limits. 2-3 tillable; $1300: $200 cash, balance to suit; good spring, easy cleared, gooa ror cnicKen ranch. Jos. Neely. Oregon City, Or. FOR SALE 20 acres at APDleton Wash., for $600 cash; near school and church, gooa roads, 5 acres cleared 16 acres or timber, iseuwooa 14 8. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port. land; ureabam district electric sta tlon V mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil. free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per acre In small tracts: easv terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co.. 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE S acres cheap, by owner. JX-373, Journal. FOR SALE FARMS 17 (Continued) 24 acres; 12 acres cleared; 200 young fruit .trees, small building, mile north of North Bank depot, Washou eaL Wash. $3000 cash or trade for suitable nouse ana 101 near luiungv worth ave. Columbia 10! 279 Acres 200 under cultivation. balance la LN fertile Sacramento valley, Callfor nia, small rarm tor saie on easy terms, or exchange for property in or near Portlana, or acreage in central young oak timber: good pasture, fins Oregon. Address 49 E. 10th st N. SS&Sm1. Jg?1 1MPR6VED Arm. 130 acres, fro of r r".B.-' iv tt.uj 1 - , .,-.. ,1 tnr, will eni iuuxnuiQjr: new barn. 60x180. ee-1 iuvuiiv, " . V . " " ment floorg steel BtarchioniT up sell on easy terms or trade for im- dat in vtn fnf ko - 1 proved city property, uwner i ax. ary and outbuildings; spring watr 1 Commonwealth blJg city. through hog lots; dairy with snrlna OWNERS ONLY. water; place fenced and cross fenced. I Wffl take one or two lots as part part with woven wire; 28 head of fine I ramtnt on my modern 1 room bun- oo ws, part eligible to register, thor-1 galow and take mortgage for balance yufeuujcu uuii, t eiuKaiii mares. a I at 7 tier cent interest, n-aoi. journal. wneaO eV'.eed OTJO, 100 la tirade for S,l".5S?S?. 5.m u2d Ported. W.imSSmSt1 Take of tool ifnrT , V ' tt 8t- Johns ear - - su - w vu i i WW IV date farm; school and church adjoins 476 ACRE stock ranch near McMinn- lli miles from Willamette river R. It town; 4 miles from arood farm ana n. rt town; mues from good town and less than 20 miles from Port land and has all rural advantages; in come from place over $5000 last year; personal property worth at least $800t. Price $38,000, $18,000 cash, bal. 8 and 6 per cent int THOMPSON & SWAN, 6 th and Main sts., Vancouver. Wash. WE ville. Trade for a going business cat of city. Main 1189. GROCERY, for rarm. 8 building lots, exchange Owners only. Tabor. 1872 BUSINESS CHANCES COoBtmuea) awsja"BBSasssssSsj 20 IMMEDIATE LOANS ON pIAMONDS AND . J K WXLRY -AT EASTERN HATba Wa Ckava one ot the finest rstall lavalnr atoraa la Lh dir. A loan da- partwiat is ounducted in counaetioB witn same, mixiur business oirviui LY CONFIDENTIAL, Abaolutely aa signs ydeaignaiiaf loan business dis played? In front el our store. All mer chandise pledged Ls bald for periol of seven months, whether or tot in terest is paid wnen oue, we are u censed ; and have been estAbUshed since alls. No connection with any other Sojaa establishments In this oty. j M. DIiLOvaqe, JSWh.Ur-.rta. I 384 Wsshlsgton st WANTED from private party $8808 oa prvwsi; raiHia m,. uuv, win ymj per csnt Interest but no brokerage; lme , years. j-bs, journal. aooQs first mortgage, i ruji lots in- miAa rfr llmtta- 11O0A. 110 uru tlmberj Skamania county. Wash Box so, ryiwooo, ur.; sauwooa zaaa. Grocery Store Hare ls a dandy in best looatlesi In mty; rent only $18. with living room, brick building; stock and futures will invoice tto; pries tooay xor au N. 6 Peters, 15 Sth st. Drug Store $6000: halt cash, balance oa time or good real estate;-well located in the city: does a very nice business. Address, U-198, Journal. DOWN town location, cheap rent valu able lease, ouiit m fixtures, cost $1400: want partner with $800 cash to put in confectionery, fountain and ngnt lnncn; call evenings, Main ia.; address X-790. JournaL FOR SALE First class butcher shop. eauioment almost new. including wagon worth $125; on account of other business will aaeruice; city Jdeat jaai- set, Beaverton, Or. WAITED LAbY. To take hk Interest in business do- in ir lobbing and small manufacturing $2a0 required, you handle the mosey, U-57. Journal. MUST sell cleaning, preaslng; good business; nice place to ilvs: low rent Your own price. $08 E. Broad- way. MOVING PICTURE THEATRE, full half interest west aide theatre, $200. ytner snows ror simp. a y m FOR SALE Grocery stock and Ox turea. Invoices $870, for 187a. 603, journal. )2a00 pa year, $30,000 approved secur ity, income $8000 annually. H-864, Journil WANiES $6000. S yrs. at T per cent oa improved property, well located. No areata. E-413. Journal. WAN J" small loan, short time, on Al secnty. van 47 iumoer Kxcnange. WANTED $200 on improved 180 acre rartnt Claude Coie, u uoara rraoa WH 1000 Business Cards $1 Ryder Ptg. Co., 8. W. eor.3d A Morrison MONEY TO LOAN 27 REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED &20 acres of cutover Urn br land. Must be trood land have for sale several hunbred adapted for dalryinj;. on east sld of acrea of choice rich black lnam not. torn land, all cleared ready for plow, walking distance srood town, schools, churches, etc It R. station only few hundred feet from land. Oar settlers make aood. We help them by furnish ing lumber, cattle, etc. Reliable par ties can nam their own terms. See samples or soil. pnotogTaphs at otxlce. Peninsula Land & Improvement Co. State price, rain of soil. Address Cascade mountains. fail and character BX-830, Journal. WANTED Direct from owner, 5 or 8 room thoroughly modern bungalow In restricted district close to car. Paved street Not to exceed $3800, $1000 cash. Hose City prezerrea. S-256. JournaL ROOMING HOUSES S3 FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR BENT 80 acres in Klickitat Co- new bungalow, barn, is a under A Real Bargain ' 17 rooms close furniture: Just tn wast aide, good clean as can be cultivation. 10 A fall grain: close to fffE-TEh rented wonidecit $1000 to school; some furniture In house; can "TA Air., mn? ..n ph imq h hao HuennaM. fn. Hr..r xmr m r- I furnlah. Qwnw must seO. Frloei60u. Act quleldy. Call 88 lotn, near atarx. be had reasonable for winter. For par ticulars, write or see A, H. Olsen, KiocKnons. wash. NEAR Oswego. 64 miles Yamhill mar- ket 13 acres, fine early garden land: 5 room new house, small bam, chicken house and well; fine for chickens or cabbage;, rent $15 per month, or sell easy terms. Atwater, 403 Lewta bldg. 1375 BUYS th best 14 room house. rina location, electricity, tras. rur- nace. all housaaeeping. rent $45. leass if desired, no commission, see owner at 410 Jefferson; $150 down, balance to suit buyer. Y-8Q, lournai. LOANS on improved city property or for bulldlnaT purposes; advanoe made as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J. P. UPBcombe. 4 star au Main s, WE have money to loan on your reel estate; first mortgages enlr, HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPACT, 418 cnamper ai uiminerca Mortgage Loans L L. WHITE 701 Selling bldg. BUILDING LOANS on city and subur ban property; money advanced aa work progresses. W. Qu Beck, 315 Fail ing bldg. Main 4UV. 8100.000 on inortxaxes. eity and farm property, fire insurance. MoKsnsls A Co., Qerllnger bldg.. 2d and' Alder. MONEY to loan m amounts of 2100 to 35000 on city property. A, U, Belt 201 uerunger piag. MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgat, ;js bought and sold, Jeba L v u .11 .i. .i i. . v. u u. ku. xvnuoyyi Jilir, MONEY TO LOAN. $500, $750 and $1260. Smith-Wag' oner Co., stock Exchange, MONEY TO LOAN TTELS, SALARIES Oontmesd 1 Vj LOANS WANTED" St! you answer these Want Ala. tlon The Journal. t $i FINANCIAL sifcsBSssssSSsss" fit FIRST mtg. of $$7; also contracts . . i . . . . i , i . 1 1 (n uurai ausia. lur rub. ii on secured. Will rive 20 dlscojnt 204 raiuiig oiog. wain im. Fi Ha4! and second mortgages, also sei-, lerafVlnterest In contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. H. E. Nobis, L.umbsrmeya o'Qf bj lOCKS AND RON US 58 i FIRST mortgage realty bonds, secured bv caose-in city itaiiv. to net nvk'a. First mortgage tarm land bonds. to nets 7. . . i or writs xor circulars aescno- ing Lbse issues. f BOND DEPARTMENT. HARTMAN V THOMPSON. Banktrs, f Chamber of Commerce. rilEJLP WANTEIJ &IALE DONff look for work. There is bis defnand for automobile drivers and renanri men. Onr tintrt laatruataia aualffy you In three to flva weeks and assist in seeurlng good positions. Bring inissaa. xor one (res lesson. PACp'IC AUTO & OAS ENGINE 288 11th st (Near Jefferson. : I r A Li', '.V U L''l liL'ur Racerd for year lull: illr or men 218$ isltione filled 1843 A&lyoung men seeking employment are . oordialiy invited to consult with the Gacretaxy of the fcrnpioyrosnt De part rn?nt. WAli.tED $ thoroughly experienced taiiora ror women s custom tailoring. Appl$; superintendent's office, Satur. day bio rn log, 9 to 10. Lip man. Wolfs & CqTj WAtJTED Man to represent and fit thrwilaon Truss" Made te mess ure. ajold on money-back guarantee; expeience not essential. Wilson, 66 6th et - rAiv-iJi uciiich iiiur io instruct iui, immigration Inspector examination, U. 8. lvll servic e. U-4 6. Journal. MAN to do electric wiring In 14 rooms anjs furnish all material and take roorrg and board. 41 4' E. Yamhill at. WAITED at once, man to learp auto ' repairing and Hrlvlng. Call liaw thorHS Oaras. 44& Hawthorne ave. 160 ACRES east Oregon City, about hk in cultivation; well watered; orch ard; owner, 431 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE FARMS 17 DAIRY ranch. Best buy in Lincoln Co. 160 acres. 100 acres tillable, 40 acres best creek bottom land, bal ance bench, la acres meaaow. uia buildinars. county road, good stream, 2 miles to Toledo, county seat $4500; 8500 down, balance to salt 6. C u. North. Newport. Or. 120 ACRES, best of soO, all tillable. about 5 acres cleared, balance easy to clear; good springs and running wa ter and en county road, 3 hi miles from R. R.; price $30 per acre; one third cash, barance to suit 232 Vi Washing ton St., roomie 0 ACRES 5 miles R. landing, improved; R. and boat team and ma chinery, hay. $4600: clear. Will ac cept $1500 equity in lots, house or grocery; little cash- balance long time. Owner. Box 97, Castlerook. Wasn, BIG snap. 40 acres, 3 miles north of Toledo, county seat 2 acres crer.k bottom cleared, balance bench and side bill, half tillable, some timber, good road. 3750, terms. C G. North, Newport Or. 40 ACRES. 2 miles from R. R. and sta tion; small bouse, good well and sDrinar. 12 acres cleared, some fencing. best of soil, no rock or gravel, price $1500; $800 cash, balance terms. HOMESTEAD REALTY CO.. Room 16, 232 hj Washington st 30 ACRES. i cultivated, bal. pasture house, bam, orchard, team, wagon and all farm tools; near Vancouver. Price 3S200. Owner. UX-192. Journal. 20 ACRES, splendid farm land, $1 fare from Portland, ciose scnooi, station; $800; $100 cash down. Claude Cole. 917 Board of Trade 160 ACRES, new buildings, close In. $75 acre. Wolf stein, 205 AllsKy bldg. WHEN you answer these Want AusT mention xne journal. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 88 A FARM. 10 to 30 acres, with priv ilege to purchase if satisfactory. Must have bouse and barn and suit able for raising chickens. Address T-zoo, Journau HOMESTEADS 47 GET the best homestead land rn Ore gon: level, rich soil no rock or stumps; good water, timber, free, near railroad now building; unlimited free stock range. 191 4th st. Main 8774. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 S20 ACRES in N. D trade for Portr land property; price $7000; will dou ble in value in short time; all tillable, fine land. See owner, 449 3d St IF your real estate has value and you want to make a good exchange for other property, see us. Bell Real Es tate Co., 918 Railway Exchange bids. WILL take all or part railroad, muni cipal or school bonds for my 7 room bungalow on Rodney ave. near Al berta st. Y-62, Journal, TWO nice view lots, Toledo. Or.- loi feet from main street Pries $200 Will trade for team or Ford auto. C. G. North, Newport Or. 40 ACRES, some Improvements, to ex change tor grocery, cigars and con fectionary store, or rooming house Call 150 llth at, near Morrison. CTY liWB 1 VOlr sr improvements paid, also house and lot; will trade for acreage. N-686, Journal. WILL take anything of value for my $380 equity in a $2000 home, 1 block to ear; prefer a cheap auto.- V-41, journal. TRADE o room, furnished, Hawthorne bungalow, as nrst payment on ciose in suouroan nome or lot. . 3.M IS. 87th FLAVEL, Warrenton, Astoria, Port land. Property to trade J 599, Journal. HAVE" some Al rooming" houses "for sale or trade. 427 Lumber Exchange. . 42 Rooms 42 Brick bldg. cheap rent 44 H. K balance single: this ls a money maker; price for all 600. Peters, 15 N. 5th St ROOMING bouse. 22 rooms, fine looa- tlon. rent only 0 month; all light rooms, good moneymaker, well fur nished and clean; price, all complete. $550. Call 191 4th st 14 Rooms, $125, Terms Furnished housekeeping: rent $30: Income $100; must go; west side: close ln; double your money. 502 Couch bldg SNAP 32 rooms, all making money; dose in. modern, terms, cheap rant good home. Call 150 llth st, near Morrison. FOR SALE SO rooms, modern brick. steam neat an outsioe rooms, eneap rent rooms full; snap, $150 cash- T- 237. Journal. W. ANTED 20 to 40 room house for cash, close in, good furniture, cheap; no agents. T-248. Journal. FURNISHINGS of a 6 room flat must be sold; only $100. close in, west side; price Call 191 4 th st. 11 ROOMS, close In corner; rent $30. Here is a bargain. Price $250; hi cash. Call 88 10th near Stark. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The journal. BUSINESS CHANCES SO CIOAR. CONFECTIONERY AND NEWS STAND CHEAP. INQUIRE Z34 lAMHlLli. 1 HAVE the "best little stors. with liv- lng rooms, rurnisbed, ror tbe lea montiy in Portland. 608 Couch bldg. jfurt oALttu (jneap. cigar and news stand; low rent, inquire cigar stand Carlton hotel, 14th A Washington st. FOR SALE Grocery worth $950; will Invoice; side. H-95 good delivery s, journal. rig. West CONFECTIONERY and light grocery store for sale. For particular call woodiawn 37t5 1000 Business Cards 90c Rose City Printery. 3d and Taylor. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The JournaL CASH cald fur mortaasea, notes, con- tracts; mortgage toeas: reasonable ra tes. T. H. Lewis A Co., 1 Lewis bldg. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room 303 Stock Exchange, 8d and Yamhill. MORTGAGE loans C to 8 per eent Fred C Klnr. 814 Bpaldlng bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL Eat ATK A 11. MABUiwu, 818 CP am. et com. tlouo to $7000 for city or farm loan. WAtED Experltsnced man to haul wood; must have good team. 420 Morrison. CH EH Hesiiq ua r tei a and helper a Cal ifornia Wine Den. 188 Ysmhfll. Tabor 8520, or C-638, Journal $40,000 OR LESS. FARRLNGTON. so 4 in st. cotra ox iraae piag. MONEY to loan. 6 to $ per sent W. H, Seitx Co., 8io BpaiatBg oiag. iATlT1 lt t d A Vt C3 at'" -i Sf M' MORTGAGE LOANS, and T par cent. Louis Salomon a Cx. 338 Htars st WHEN you answer" these Want Aaa. mention The journal. 27 MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ttgglgS loan's- ffi 'Mhum-fiui At Legal Rates Ws loan money en diamonds, please, real estate, plain notes or furniture Portland Loan Co. (Licensed.) Room 306, Rotchild Bldg. Bet 4th and 6th on Washington 8t SALARY LOAN ON PtALN NOTES $10 TO I108 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACS XO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY Business btrlctly Confidential. STATE SECURITY CO $ $ $ $09 FAILING BLDG. $ $ MONEY AT ONCE. PRIVATE PLACE to OBTAIN LOANS Luamonas, watcnes, jewelry, ete. SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL. LBi CO. tLieensed). $20 Lumber Ex. Bldg., 2d and 8 tart. MONET on chattels, notes and alia bought Columbia Loan Co sot bwetiand. LOANS on real estate, diamonds, iew- eiry. v ro. nou. n s.wasnington niag. MONEY to loan on diamonds, Jewelry. s. v. King, 4 waonington bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry." strictly hi 3d st near Alder. confidential. 141 WH.N you anr these mention Trie journal. 9? Want Aw, HELP WANTED MISC. 4U MRSi) HINSDALE, former instructor tbJ! Young Women's Christian Asso ciation, ia now ready to take young men, ana women xor a thorough bust--neaal; trainlna in shorthand, bookkeep ing. penmanship, etc. 603 Empress bldgV Personal Instruction. r-n ; OREGON LAW SCHOOL A thorough psjetical course In. lea-; no time lost from j regular occupation; recitations vaniiigs. Samuel T. Richardson, dean; M. forehead, sec. 318-317 Common- wwsm oior.. r-ortiana. r. UK3i and women over 1 8 wanted. jto $1S0 per month; U. S. govern ment-life jobs, common education.- Wrifvet Immediately for list of positions open to you. Franklin Institute, Dept M-2f Rochester. N. Y. - USllFyour" spare time to build up maH order business of your own. We, help you start for a share In prottts; 27 opportunities Partlcllars free-j Dept A-ib, Opportunities Exch., Buffalo, N. T. - kofiiCR Barber College wants man and women to learn the trade, tn $ wetk. eleatf ? work, percentage paid whl'e Uernlng; tools free; scalp aid face massags a specialty; send for fr oat aler 48 3d st HUNDREDS government Jobs open to wsraen. tug pay; list tree. Frank- Hsu. "lAai(lviisi ria 7 t Z. a . . U MMMkUV! VVyta W0eDf aIV V 8r N. T THOUSANDS government jobs open to msd and women. $& to $186 month. Wrife; for list Franklin Institute, pibL s. Rochester. N. T. RAMJWAV mail clerks wanted. Cow mfaee $7$ month. Sample examine tlort questions free Franklin InsU tuts) fpt 348S. Rohestor. N. Y; ktVNJG PICtlJkE THEATRE, full iraarest west side theatre. $200. Oth- cr tyijjwn iur W8ir. too vjb k hi. PAir 9r ti Chirooraetla Culleaa. to i commonwealth bldg. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $$.$ uiiy rTaylor, the Tailor, itihj Bumstde. LKferlONS in English to foreigners, $a rrginth. Room 810, Byron hotwL WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. Vital Statistics tnarriages.Birtbs.Dtatbsi MARRIAGE LICENSES Philip Loula Conradl Jr.. Oakland, Cal. 26. and Marr Elizabeth Caaey. Lintiton. 19.' K. B. Brlttaln, H.U1 Arthur, 32. and UlUaa M. Orlaa, Trinity Place Apartment. 22. Riibert P. Thompson, 35 Ererett street, leifal, and Mary Mauxey, 304 Boaa atreet lejtal. Alfred : 0. Miahaod, 70S Divteina street legal, and Hattl JU Mlahaud, 793 Dlrialoo treet, leg-al. y. Q. Barmeater, 750 Tnnrman atreet leral and lira. B. Burmeater, TS0 Tbormaa street! legal. O. CeccblnL 201 Eaat Elshtb street legal, and Anmna Bacci, 407 Uaat Market street legat Jease L Hay Pickens, 422 Wsahbigton treet, lag a, and Bangnhild S. ralk. Malcolm Apartments, legal. Edward Story XMrrett. Albany, Or., C&, sad lCaode . Boaa, ISs Eaat Fifteenth atreet. 21. A, D. BlrkafoQae, 84S East Bnrrjalda atreet, 29, and Sylvia Harrl. 849 Bat Baraalda trwta 22- Robert Henry Thompson Jr., 1087 Cleveland yenue. legal, sad Harriett B. JUirig. WIS Cleveland aranua, legal. W. J. Dnnlap Jr.. 684 Eaat . Fifty-ninth treet North, leral, and Jungle VL Irrine, 704 East fifty -ninth street North, legal. BINGING UP FATHER Cbpyrhrht M, tatersarJoaal New. Berriea. Sy GeOIge McMaXlUS s ( Y j vLu-rou see- - - - S j s- X V X - waited j ( n 7wwiANf L srSJ b f atX rTTTTnl W XKC ME SSrI AND CAPTURED TH6 I FEEL BLOC- TH & ?? !. - r - . ' tt. Ci 80 ""