14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY 9 EVENING, OCTOBER . 18, 1914. - s v mm e II1VII TO HAVE PEOPLE E CHANG GREAT PRIZE CONTEST ;Smith & Wilson Department : Store of That Place Adds ':. Another Source for Votes, CAPTURE OF BLIND PIGGER REQUIRED NO LITTLE NERVE CHANCES FOR ALU EQUAL ; Allotment X Arranged So On District Will Consist of All Territory Outside of Portland. "M oMInnvtlle peor.lp should have a :rhre of those splendid contest prizes. believe In helping them win, no Just count the Smith Wilson deportment 'lore tn The Journnl's trade and eir .culfttlon contest," said F. S. Wilson, a .member of the M cMinnville firm. And as a reeult of hi action, Mc ;Mlnnville people who trade at the big merchandising ntor operated by them 'will enjoy an added source for votes. The Smith & Wilson store is the first outside of Portland firm to enter the , rontejttt. Mr. Wilson derided to do It bemuse he as he likes to help along ambitious people. Tie Is enthusiastic over the context arrnnpement whereby people resldiriR in Portland, in Oregon and the north went at lare are given n e'iiii'1 opportunity to share In the '5000 worth if prizes that will be '-.awarded wideawake people February 24 when the contest closes. Ho Favorites to Be Flayed. In McMlnnvllle, the Smith & Wilson utore will play no favorites. Each candidate will be encouraged in every Way possible but the store will not use its influence for one or against aonther. That's the only fair way," said Mr. Wilson. "All we want to see is that .'McMlnnvllle people draw down their -share of those prizes, and now that we have provided another means for -.them- to secure votes, we want to see our townsmen get busy." , The contttst Is so arranged that peo " fAn reKiriiiig outside of Portland are .absolutely certain of winning at least ne-fourth of all prizes offered. Port land is divided into three districts. No's. 1, 2 and 3. and District 4 com priwes all territory outside of Port- land. In addition to the two grand prizes that go to the persons having the first nd second highest votes of all dis tricts, there are six prizes set aside for each of the four districts. Pianos Are First Frizes. in each district the first prize Is a Jilijh grade piano, the second prize, a trip for two persons to the Panama Pacific exposition with all expenses paid for a week and 50 spendin? money, the third prize the same trip for one person, expenses paid and ?25 spending money. The fourth prize la 176 Columbia grafonola, the fifth a $50 grafonola and the sixth prize a ,425 grafonola. The first grand prise Is a $1280 . touring ear "Reo the Fifth" and the . second grand prize, a Maxwell 25, pcice $S50. . i The. rules and Instructions In con nection with the contest, along with a nomination blank were published in The Journal's advertising section yes terday and will appear In Sunday's Journal. Truth has always been stranger than fiction and the experiences of police men in the performance Of their duty in the underworld are no exception. The archives of the Portland police department contain no more stirring a tale than the story of the capture of "Cigarette Annie," a notorious blind pigger. by Patrolman H. U Griffith, who, in addition to his police duties, also plays first K flat melophone In the police band, which is to tour the east next spring to induce visitors to the Panama-Pacific exposition to come by way of Portland. A few years ago Griffith was as signed to the task of running down those who Illegally sold liquor in Port land, keepers of blind pigs. Of their number none was harder to catch than "Cigarette Annie," although it was well known that she was engaged in the business. One day the policeman was given positive orders that the woman had to be caught and so Griffith, after gain ing admittance to her rooms In a rook ery on a Sunday morning, was able to persuade her that he had a thirst that must be assuaged. "Cigarette Annie" brought him a glass of whiskey and another for her self. The officer was to pay for both. As he was about to pass her the money he "flashed" his star and told her that she was under arrest. Annie's reply was typical of the des perate "blind pigger." Like a flash she picked up one of the glasses and dashed the contents in the officer's face. While he was blinded by the fiery liquor she grasped him by the neck and pushed him through the door. Then running away she hid In a back roomr. Griffith had come to arrest the woman. Jt was his auty ana so ne wiped the stinging liquor from his face and went back into the house. After a long search he found her, took . - - Artef?w H. L have Senator Potndexter and I voted together." He reviewed achievements of the :"Wilson administration and dwelt upon the provision of the amendment to the Sherman anti-trust law which pro vides that the "labor of a human being Is not a commodity or an article of commerce. This provision was writ other Union, county Democrats., who came from Ia Grande and other points and who accompanied him In automo biles to La Grande. They came by way of Cove, where the senator spent an hour meeting the citizens. In La Grande during the afternoon Senator Chamberlain said one of his r k finf- of mercv and of ius- most pleasant experiences was a visit !j tice, and it is a provision that long ago with George W. Webb, former state should have been Imbedded in the law treasurer, who is now over 90 -years h M.ir decisions of this country. ' I old- Mr. Webb was ill. and Senator he said j Chamberlain visited him .at his home. The senator said the onlv men In In Baker the senator also looked up congress who voted against tins I some of his old friends who were ill measure, and most of the other mea-jfl unable to attend his meeUng He sures of President Wilson's construc tive legislative program, are "the re actionaries who don't think the com mon people have rights that ought to be respected." "Tou have asked for bread from the Democratic adminis tration, and it has been given you." he continued. "What do the opponents of the administration offer to you in its stead? Are they going to reverse the policies of Woodrow Wilson?" Senator Chamberlain came from Ba ker today. He stopped at Union this morning and spent several hours vis iting with old friends, many of whom met him at the train. took time to visit William Hindman, 94 years old. Mr. Hindman had expressed the hope that he might live long enough to cast one more vote for Senator Chamber lain, and the Senator said since return ing to the state he had learned of no expression of good will that pleased him more than this one. He also vis ited George W. Jett, another pioneer of Baker, who was unable to leave his home. Today Senator Chamberlain is cam paigning through Umatilla county, and will wind up with an address in Pen dleton tonight. Quite a number of his He was met later there by Judge friends came from Pendleton to meet Thomas H. Crawford, Turner Oliver, Fred J. Holmes, Charles Dunn and him at La Grande to accompany him on his trip through Umatilla county. Mrs. Neagle Sues For an Accounting Pendleton. Or.. Oct. 16. Charging that her brother-in-law, Frank Neagle. defrauded her by misrepresenting the value of the estate left by her hus band, James Neagle, and Induced her to sell the real property at less than half its value, Mrs. Rose Neagle. for merly of this city and now of Santa Rosa. ' Cal., has commenced suit in the district court for a cancellation of the deed, and to require her broth- cr-in-Iiw to make an accounting of the funds he has handled for her. Her complaint cites in detail the alleged misrepresentations ne made before she sold her share In real property to him for $3000. She also alleges that he has not turned over to her all of the interest accruing from the $10,000 trust fund be has been hand ling, and has not given her any part of th rental secured from farm lands. V Griffith. her to the station and the next day se cured a conviction and fine of $100. It was the first time "Cigarette Annie" had ever been convicted, al though she had been arrested again and again. And Griffith deserves all the credit. cents, and mere a dozen tor tnem un der a Democratic tariff. Tm Just calling your attention to these things to show you the absurdity of the campaign being made to elect a Republican senator and defeat the Democratic administration." Declares His Friendship. Senator Chamberlain was vigorously applauded when he declared his friend ship for Senator La Follette and Sen ator Miles Poindexter of Washington. He had told of their support of the Democratic tariff and other measures because they believed them to be tn the interests of Democratic tariff. and of still other measures, because they believed them to be in the Inter ests of the American people. "I am almost afraid to mention La Follette," he said. "I have been ac cused of being a La Follette Demo crat and a La Follette Republican. I want to say I am a I -a Follette man, ladies and gentlemen, in the sense that 99 times out of 100. he and I have voted together on measures in the in terests of the people. In the same way Maderite-i In America is a slogan that means much to the American Housewife. It means the protection of the U. S. pure food laws, which demand that all foods must conform to a fixed stand ar d of purity. CHAMBERLAIN IN ANSWER TO HIS ENEMIES ELY'S CREAM BALM OPENS CLOGGED NOSTRILS AND HEAD-CATARRH GOES Instantly Clears Air Passages; You'at an' drus store. This sweet, fra- . T . , grant bajm dissolves by the heat of LfVt AH Grocers One pound 25 cents PurePork Sausage l l If If TJ. 8. amsmmimt Inspected. J V J J Nothing But Pure Pork and Spices Jrt J I Packed in Sanitary Cartons I j L J LINK or MEAT L "The Saasage that has made If lit i Jt good because made lit Breathe Freely, Nasty Discharge Stops, Head Colds and Dull Head ache Vanish. Get a small bottle anyway, Just to try it Apply a little in the nostrils and instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get the small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" the nostrils; penetrates and heals the inflamed, swollen membrine which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes immediately, i Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nos trils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with its running nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat and raw dryness is distress ing but truly needless. j Put your faith just once in "Ely's Cream Balm' and your cold or ca tarrh will surely disappear. (Adv.) (Continued from Page One.) n in fine form and spoke with an ear .nestneps that carried the big crowd with him. H said he deplored the kind of a. campaign that was being waged and that no one could say that he hud ever assailed a man's char acter. "1 hope I will not have to enter Into that kind of a campaign." he declared, 'hut If it becomes necessary for me to defend my good name, and that of my wife and nix children, who were born, educated, and honorably reared in Ore gon, 1 A ant you to know there is one m.ui in the state who can and will fight back and teach his enemies that those who live in glass houses ought not to cast stones either personally or by their agents." Discusses the Tariff. - When discussing Ihe new tariff law, Senator Chamberlain cleverly and lorcibly drove home the point as to who was Retting the benefit from a tariff revised downward. He pointed out that nince wool is now bringing the highest price it has brought, with the exception of two times in the last S5 ears,' iind the prices of nearly all products or tn larm and field are good, that the Republican papers that wont to discredit the Wilson adminis tration are confining their harpings to Chinese eggs and butter from New Zealand. "Wll everyone In this audience who eats eggs plcaso stand up," he asked. The crowd laughed. "I really mean lt,"continued the senator. "I want to see how many of you eat eggs." . The, enttre audience arose to Its fet. "Thank you." said the senator. "Now let those who raise and sell eggs please stand." Three people arose. The crowd saw the point and shouted with laughter. "Why should , a tax be placed Upon H of you people for thP benefit of three men?" he asked. "But even so, the assertions that the lowering of the ; tcrlff on eggs has reduced the price of eggs is not true. A Republican wrote a letter to the Oregonian the other day saying he had bought eggs for eight rents a dozen . under a Republican tariff, and now you have to p&y 35 THIN FOR YEARS "GAINS 22 POUNDS IN 23 DAYS" While Qover Cartoii Emitter Made From Strictly "Graded and Pasteurized" Cream Remarkable Experience of T. Chig non. Builds TJp Weight Wonderfully. OPERATION every cell and fibre of the body demands pure blood. Drugs, extracts and alco holic mixtures are useless, j Nourishment and sunshine are nature's blood-makers and the rich medicinal oil-food in sootrs unuision enlivens the blood, aids the appetite,; gtrengtneiu tne nerves and fortifies the lungs and 0 enttre system. frets Alcsnel er Opiate. Refuse Sabtitt for SCOTTS "l was all run down to the very bottom," writes P. Gagnon. "I had to quit work, I was so weak. Now, thanks to Sargol, I -look like a new man. 1 gained ZZ pounds in 23 days. "Sargol has put 10 pounds on me in 14 days," states W. D. Roberta. "It has made me sleep 'well, enjoy what 1 ate and enabled me to work with inter est and pleasure." "I weighed 132 pounds when I com menced taking SargoL After taking 20 days I weighed 144 pounds. Sargol is the most wonderful preparation for flesh building I have ever seen," de clares D. Martin, and J. Meier adds: "For the past twenty years I have taken medicine every day for Indiges tion and got thinner every year. took Sargol for forty days and feel better than I have felt in twenty years. My weight has increased from 150 to 170 pounds." When hundreds of men and women and there are hundreds, with more coming every day living in every nook and comer of this broad land voluntarily testify to weight Increases ranging all the way from 10 to 35 pounds, given them by Sargol, you must admit, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Thin Reader, that there must be some thing In this Sargol method of flesh building after all. Hadn't you better look Into It. Just as thousands of others have done? Many thin, folks say: Td give most anything to put on a little extra weight,'' but when someone suggests way they exclaim, "Not a chance. Nothing will make me plump. I'm built to stay thin." Until you have tried Sargol. you do not and cannot know that this Is true. Sargol has put pounds of healthy stay there" flesh on hundreds who doubted and In spite of their doubts. lou don t have to believe in Sargol to grow plump from its use. You Just take It and watch weight pile up, hol lows vanish and your figure round out to pleasing and normal proportions. You weigh yourself when you begin and again when you finish and you let tne scales tell the story. Sargol is Just a tiny concentrated tablet. You take one with every meal. It mixes with the food you eat for the purpose of separating all of Its flesh producing ingredients. It Drenarea these fat making elements in an easily assimilated form, which the blood can readily absorb, and carry all over your body. Plump, well-developed persons don't neef. Sargol to produce this re sult. Their assimilative machinery performs Its functions without aid. But thin folks' assimilative organs do not This fatty portion of their food now goes to waste through their bodies like unburn ed coal through an open grate. A few days' test of Sargol In your case will surely prove whether or not this Is true of you. Isn't It worth trying? . - ,,...,.;- : Aw Mtm III -'.Ait - I Mil 7 - . 1 .A I- TWItr jJj Every Package bearing this brand and trade mark is of itself a guarantee of the standard of quality ap proved by our customers and backed by us. Right from the vines1 Perfect tomatoes, -red-ripe, juicy and delicious these are what we use m 1 Campbell's Tomato Soup Their natural flavor is cojrlipletely retained by the Campbell Imethod; and made even richer tempting by means of the exclusive Campbell blend-ing-formula. Order this perfect soup by the dozen and have it on hand. That is the most satisfactory way. 21 kinds 10c a can arr more -corns: 11 21 KINDS mm IAIUr rUK 1 nt KtU-ANU-WniTg. LABEL Specially Designed for Sanitary Production of "White Clover Products" Is Located at Our New Home East Seventh and Everett Streets SMrsssSBKssSfiSlttlBc!'l The angry husband says: "Why? donH you get some bread that I can eat Order Butternut'' The NEW SUTTER'NUT BREAD made with our new-idea mbdne process, is tie perfect bread. We couldn't improver the ingredients, so we japded m,ffa tne last toucn or exceuenco 10 mo mixing prutasif Tell yotir grocer today to send out a loaf it's jpents 10 cents for the larger size. 1 1 . But be sure to look for the Butter-Nut label. - f Order at Your Grocer ll rf sf UNITED STATES BAKERY Corner East Eleventh and Flanders , Plump, wen developed men and I women attract attention at thai beach, as well as in. the city. 50c BOX FREE To enable any thin reader ten pounds or I more underweight, to easily nuke this test I we will gite a 50c box of Sarjrol absolutely! free. Either Sargol wUl locream your weljtht I or It won't, and the only way to know It 1 Is to try it. Bend for ihis Free Test Paick- age today, enclosing 10c in surer or (tamps I to help pay postage, packing, etc., and a full size 50e package will be sent by retnm mall free of charge. Mall this coupon with! your letter to the Sargol Co., 02-Y Herald I Bldg.. BiDgbamton, N. Y. COME EAT WITH US AT OUR EXPENSE i FREE COUPON This coupon entitles any person to oinel 50c package of Sargol. the concentrated Flesh Buflder (provided yon have never I tried It) and that 10 cents is enclosed i to I cover postage, packing, etc Read oor advertisement printed above, and then putl 10c in silver In letter today with connon. I and the full 50c package will be sent to I you by return post. Address: Tea Sargol Company. 2-Y Herald Bldg.. Blnghamton. N. Y. Wrire your name and address! plainly and PIN THIS COUPON TOAOCUl I,KTI K K. Statewide Prohibition eans Bigger Taxes M They're Too Big Now Vote 333 X No Against ProlbiMtioo (Voting Qualifications: Six Months' Residence in the State, 30 Days in Precinct.) Defeat of the proposed prohibition amendment will have no effect on the ef ficient local option or home rule statutes now in force, and each community will continue to determine its individual stand on the matter of granting licenses .. - . T' '-'V ' . ' ! - CFaid At Taxpayers aad War Xaraers' league of Onsroa, SC. O. Allen, 807, atoryari Bldf, VortasAA, Or.) GOING EAST? On Your Next Trip Try ti ORIENTAL LIMITED Via the GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Leaves Portland Daily 7:25 lfM. Through standard and tourist sleeping cars tfjftt. Paul and Minne apolis in 59 hours, Chicago 72 hours. Comf;Jrtment Observation Car Unexcelled Dining Car Service Elective Lighted Vacuum Cleaned Afternoon Tea-Served Free No Miter service anywhere. H:- - - . Tickets and Sleeping Car Reservations at City Ticket Office. 348 Washington Street (Morgan Building) and at Depot, 11th and r Hoyt Sts. -It- H. DICKSON C. P. & T. A. Telephones Marshall 3071 A-22S6 r4tKfrtiTtfi'J COAST LINE SERVICE Portland to Tacoma, Seattle, Vancoufcr, B. C, and Intermediate Points. 1 5 .:sl 10 A. M. 5:00 P. M. 12130 Midnight 5:00 P. M. train carries through Stalidard Sleeper Portland to Vancouver, Bip. ' vfl or J w . 3 r U