TOE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 16, 1914. 1.1 1 ' 1 . 11 '. ' ' V ' 1 ' 1 FOR the pleasure of Miss Hilda Smith of Concord, Mmi., who l visiting: her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Klrkham Smith, Mr. ani Mrs. Edward" Cooklngham were dinner Suita Wednesday evening at their home in Eleventh etret Later they took their gueata to their box at the Hellla- to see "Pinafore" and "Trial by Judy." Additional guests wer Mr. and Mrs. Klrkham Smith and Prescott W. Cookingham. Last evening Prescott. W, Cooking ham was host at a box party at the Hellig, when his guests included: Dr. and Mrs. George Marshall, Miss Ruth Teal and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cook ingham. Enjoying Kx tended Eastern Trip. Mrs. F. 8. Stanley, who left the lat ter part of September with her daugh ter. Miss Cornelia Stanley, to place her in school in New York, is enjoying an x tended visit east. She Is expected home October 25. w Home From Seattle. Mrs. Duncan W. Campbell haa re turned home after passing several weeks . In Seattle as the house guest of Mrs. George T. Myers at the Hotel Perry. Portlu 'Club Bridge Mr. and Mrti. Walter H. Evans were hosts Tuesday evening to the members of the Portia Club and their husbands. The rooms were redolent with Jovely clusters of pink roses. Card honors foil to Mrs. Frank Menefee and Geo. B. Caldwell. This organization, of wives of Portland attorneys will meet twice each month this year, once In the afternoon and once in the even ing, when the husbands are included. Those present Tuesday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Masters, Mr. and Mrs. John Manning, Mr, and Mrs. William H. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. t'ellr, Mrs. Walter McCredie, Mr. and Mrs. George Caldwell, M.r. and Mrs. Frank Menefee, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Voazie, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Huntington and their guewt, Mrs. Pease of The Dalles, and Mr. and, Mrs. Clyde Aitchlson. ' Ijarge Bridge and Tea, Fourteen tables were used for the bridge party given yesterday after- , noon In the Tyrolean room of the Ho tel Benson by Miss Rae Harris and Mr. I. eon Rosenblatt. The room was beautifully decorated In pink chrysan r themums and delicate foliage. Hand some prizes were awarded the winning plyfr, after which tea was served, evcral additional KUests eotning in for that. 4. To Visit in Chicago and New York. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Coleman and their little son. Hal,, left Wednesday evening fonfChlcago, III., where they will visit Mr. Coleman's mother, Mrs. Mary 1. Coleman. Later they will go on to New York and visit, also making many interesting stopa before return ing home. They plan to be away sev eral months. For Piano Fundo i This evening at the Laurelwood congregational church, a benent con cert will be given to raise 1 untie for ttto new piano recently purchased for the church. Airs. Ella B. Jones and C. W. Wells are presenting th pro gram which will be a splendid ar rangement of musical and literary numbers. For Mrs. Sutton of Aatoria. One of the most pleasant events of the past week was the "800" party -given Thursday afternoon by Mrs Harry Greene Knott, complimenting Mrs. E. Richmond Sutton of Astoria. The rooms were cleverly decorated lo autumn leaves and dahlias. The hon ors were won. by Mrs. F. W. Bay, Mrs. J. Penney and Mrs. Paul Sievers. Those present besides the honor guest were Mrs. Elza Nathan Howe, Mrs. F. W. Bay. Mrs. S. D. Penney, Mrs. A. G. Rushlight, Mrs. J. Penney, Mrs. A. R. Smith. Mrs. F. L. Benedict, Mrs. Paul Sievers, Mrs. Robert Craddock. Mrs. Maud Estes, Mr a. Bosseltnann and Mrs. Mercer. Church Dinner. The ladies of St Lawrence parish will serve a dinner next Sunday from noon until 4 p. ra. The officers of of Portland, who la visiting in that city. a Mrs. James Shannard Johns, of Pen dleton, was a Portland visitor the first uart of the week,, and is now attending the State Federation of women's clue meeting in Eugene. G. A. Benedict, of Portland, Is visit ing in Omaha, Neb. Arnold Rothwell has returned home i from New York, where be passed sev eral weeks. ... J Mrs. Charles A. Johnson and daugh ter and Mi 8 Myrtle Bensen Thoresen have Just returned from a three months' visit in the east, where they visited relatives and friends. Miss Thoresen is now visiting relatives and friends in Silverton. Mrs. Asahel Bush and Miss Aline Thompson were week-end visitors at Portland. Both women are members of the Garden Home Golf club and are enthusiasts at the game,, being frequent visitors at the links for the week-end. Mrs. Charles Hindman and Miss Eve lyn Carey are the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ayo (Grace Honey- man), at La Pine, Or. ; Mrs. Theo. Grants of 115 East Twenty-third street, north, is in St. Louis to see a brother who is very ill there. PERSONAL MENTION Malcolm Back From East, P. S. Malcolm, Inspector general and member from Oregon of the supreme council of Scottish Rite Masons, has returned from a hurried visit to a special session of that body held in Washington Oct. 7. Its chief busi ness was to choose a 'successor to Jamea D. Richardson, grand com mander, who died last June. George F. Moore, vice grand commander, was elected to fill the vacancy. He is well known in Masonic circles as the ed itor of the New Age magazine. . George H. Hlmes. George H. Hlmes, the well known Oregon antiquarian, Is in Union coun ty for a few days. It Is supposed he is hunting up treasure or records for the' Oregon Historical society. He elwavR has sometrophy to show when ie returns from trips of that sort. Dance Party. i Elmer A. Hanson and John Walton have succeeded the Terpischore Danc ing club at Christensen's hall and will give their first dance Saturday evening. The new club will be known as the Aloha club. New music will be provided. Nelson's orchestra will officiate. (Adv.) Piano and Player Piano Specials THIS ZTEW PIAKO , . 1 '.2 J:' "- p la (91K Ch Prtc' o- Monthly PIANO SPECIALS $ 450 Knabe, "old model" 400 HftUet & DavU 800 Collar at ColUrd upright $ 400 H. tc C. Fischer aoricht. S 400 H. c C. Fiicher upright . ! 0 itso . SUS I H K. t C. FUoher aeloalal ooricht. .160 9 MO Ererett, miwion upright SMS S 600 Hardman, Hungarian MS. 9BS0 9 425 Vote & Sons upright SSSS 1 9 650 Chickeriag Bros, upright ...S48S 9 850 Gaylord, toahofaajr upright 9190 ' 9 425 Smith tt Berat apright .9310 w uernara, maaogsay upright. . . mi . . . . .am 9 400 BchuWt & Co., roatwoed upright. ,9160 9 600 I vers b Pond nnricht 1311 the committee. Who have aucceasfully f 37 Cambridge, mahogany uprirht 1166 conducted similar affairs, are: Mr. 9 400 Zrard, full 7 octave upright 9 T ..!..-.- 1 I m If!.. Tlnlllf I W " 1 AA ... . JuilltrB xiyia.uu, buaiimau, a. . o s ..t j j ivnu, uua or 99 alo&uiiy ana upwudi. 1 Fleming, treasurer; Mrs. w. P. Li Hi a. secretary. Tne proceeds are to be given to the church fund and a cor- 2ii invitation is extended to ail to attend. A. O. IL Hall Dedicated. The new hall of the Ancient Order of Hibernians at 340 Russell street was formally- dedicated Wednesday evening. The hall was tastily deco rated for the occasion and an interest ing program was given, P. B. Sulli van was chairman, and the speakers were his grace. Moat Rv. Archbishop Christie, E. H. Deery, T. J. Murphy, Rev. J. M. O'Farrell, Mrs. W. A. Elv ers and Miss Marie Chambers. The soloists were Miss Dagraar Inez Kelly, Miss Mae Breslln, Frank D. Hennessy, A. B. Cain and Fred Bauer. Through out the evening music was provided by Weinberger's orchestra. AatorLa Girl to Wed Portland Man. Honoring Miss Gertrude Knapp, bride-elect, of Astoria, Mrs. J. Mc Cann of that city, assisted by Mrs. R. I. Endicott, entertained last week at her home with a shower, at which- af fair a score or more of her friends were present. The announcement of her engagement to Sylvester J. Dori nlsse of Portland was also made last week, which was a pleasant surprise to the many friends of Mr. Domnlsse in Portland. The wedding will take place In Astoria the latter part of this month. Rose City Park Club Bridge. ; The next regular auction bridge and 600" party of the woman's depart ment of the Rose City Park club will be Monday, October 19, at 2:30 v, rn. The hostesses for the afternoon 1 are Mrs. A. Laidlaw, Mrs. C. H. Leadbet ter, Mrs. W, A. Lovette, Mrs. J. W. McDonald and Mrs. F. A. Perry. Society otes. Recent arrivals" at the Hot Lake san atorium include: Q. R. Comstock, H. W. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mor rison. Mrs. M. A, Ormandy and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weeks. Mrs. Ida Louis Is taa guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dennis at their home In La Grande. She la en route to Port land after having enjoyed an extended visit east. Miss Mabel Cameron, of this city, is another Portlander vleltlng in . La Orande, the guest' of her sister, Mrs. Will Church. , I . Among the luncheon guests .of Mrs. JC E. Anderson and Miss Ruth Ancer- eon at their home in Tacbma at a re- . eant affair was Mrs. William liarrett. fURt VIAKOS 9 660 Leasing, 88-note, bungalow model maaonny ,..s sg 750 Smith 4 Barnes, rich mahogany 4St SM Leyiter. usrirht trend, miiif 144a 91000 Krenica ft Bach, Ute medal 97i 7ov iTrenar vrsi., tuts mahefasy. ,.,..93 M Vnlvenal. t-Bta. maheranr 1411 850 Anto-Player, iare, mahogany 44& , au nuiei itroa., ipienaia, manog... . as 660 Primatone, banealow, nuthog. . .. .9415 Terms, Ceah er 910 r Mere Monthly., ment for Flayer Pianos. Graves Music Co. Pioneer Itusid Eonse, 151 Fourth ttveet. Again Saturday A Timely Sale of Boys Wool Norfolk Suits With Extra Trousers $5 Well-tailorarJ, full-cot Suits, these, not SALB BOUGHT goods. Trousers are fuU lined; all, the new colorings, Bairnacaan Coats FOR GIRL OR BOY Just when you need them, our stock of water-proofed Bai rnacaan Coats Is now at its best. Sizes range from 214 to 16 Tears. Materials are tweeds.1 cheviots and fancy mixtures. Prices range $10, $8.50, (Ppr $7.50 and down to JteJ Votes given in Journal Contest Open Saturday 9 P. M. I Outfitterjy& Cnildrerv. f I 143 Sixth St. Near Alder Headqnarters for Ice Skates, Hockey Sticks, Sweaters and Sporting Needs ol AH Kinds, 4th FloorPicture Framln o jst Lowest Prices Take Luncheon Tomorrow In Onr Popular Tea Room on 4th Floor Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors 2d FloorPrompt Service ' Candy Day Tomorrow t the Bargain Circle, between the ele vators, on Main 'Floor. Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A-6231 r Portland Agents Goaoard ProatJLae Car ast Latent Fall MmUU 2 to $25 UDonilbfle Sttainmps Iomoffow 9 At M. Ho 1 ) With Cash Purchases Made on the Entire Second Floor Also With Cash Purchases Made In Shoe Dept. Main Floor Girls' Coats S5.98 SECOND FLOOR D oable Stamps with cash purchases made in the department to morrow. Girls' warm winter Coats of brown and blue baby lamb, trimmed with large but tons and plush collars. Also coats of Bedford Cord and Zibeline with belts and rag Ian sleeves. Ages 6 tb 14 yrs. Priced very special Wool Dresses S4.98 5ECONDFLOO R Girls' Woolen Dresses of fine grade serge in serviceable dark, col ors. Also many styles in the pretty new plaids trimmed with fancy buttons, silk sasbes, novelty collars and cuffs. Ages 6 to 14. Two lines priced $5.98 Q Dainty Wash Waists at 82.69 FLOOR GARMENT DEPT. SECOND DOUBLE STAMPS with all cash purchases made on the entire second floor tomorrow. New line of women's Wash Waists Just received made of excellent quality batiste and cotton voiles. Styled with new set-in sleeves and low necks. Some have collars and cuffs of pique others trimmed with embroidery, tucks and crocheted buttons. Several very effective mod els. All sizes. Priced special at the CO fQ low price of. .PieU V Special Groups Fancy Waists At 83.98 SECOND FLOOR Styles which have sold down to one or two of a kind. Models for evening and street wear, of chiffons, crepe de chine, laces, net, etc. Short or long sleeves. (Q no Priced Tery special at. jPvu Women's and Misses' Fall Suits At $15,00 to $22.50 ' SECOND FLOOR A very attractive group of models shown at the above prices. Many designed especially for misses and juniors. Ma terials are those most in demand and the tailoring is exceptionally smart. New Redingote and Belted Models in great variety. Beautiful rich shades of brown, blues and greens; also the latest COl CA mixed effects. Don't fail to see these new suits, $15 to VL.0J Women's and Misses' New Coats At $12.50 to $22,50 SECOND FLOOR Of special interest to mothers who have girls of high school age is the handsome line of serviceable and stylish Coats we display at 12.50. The materials are of dependable qualities and every coat is well tailored and correct in style. Balmacaans, Belted Models and plaited-back styles In splendid assortment Also handsome nw coats for women in the very latest fall styles, materials and colors All ages from 34 up to 42. Smart new Coats $12-Sa $13-00, $18-50 and $22.50 Children's Underwear Specials MAIN FLOOR An important sale of children's High Grade Un derwear. Mothers will do well to take advantage of these special low prices and supply the chil dren's needs. LOT NO. 1 One style in Carter's Under wear for children P ants and Vests broken lines but there are all sizes in the assortment Regular 50c Grade at 3Se Regular 65e Grades at 49c Raralar 75c Grade at 56c LOT NO. 2 Children's "Merode" Pants and Vests in medium weight Nearly all sizes in this special lot Regular 40c Grades at 30c Racnlar 50c Cradca at 38 Regular 60c Grades at 55c LOT NO. 3 Children's Swiss Ribbed Pants and Vests in splendid heavy qual ity. Shown in gray and white. Regular 50c Grade at 38c Regular 65c Grades at 49 Regular 75c Grade at 56c Many other special bargains ra children's Underwear are to be had here tomorrow. Don't forget we fire S & H." Green Trad ing Stamps Ask; for themi Free Souvenir All women and children visit ing our Underwear Depart ment tomorrow will be given a dainty "Carter" sotrvenU. will approve of these hand some new Suits we place on sale tomorrow. At S18.75 MAIN. PLOORStricrly hand-, tailored throughout with best grade Hninjrs, haircloth, canvas, etc Made by the famous house of Michaels, Stern & Co. Win ter weight Blue Serges, Fancy Cheviots, Tweeds and Cassi meres. Several attractive mod els in all sizes for men and I young men. Priced 0" Q rTfr special at .. tj)XOalfJ ew Balmacaans In Men of Good Judgment 1 it $9.95 to 25.00 MAIN FLOOR We show these popular Coats in a great variety of handsome new mate rials and patterns. Beautiful mixed effect in the latest Fall colorings. Full line of all sizes for men and young men. Priced f 9.05 to $25 500 Men's S hirts, Choice 95c Men's $1.50 Union vSuits $1.29 MAIN FLOOR Men'. Shirts at a bargain price 1 Don't fail to take advantage of this great offering. All stylet plain or plaited bosoms, with soft or stiff cuffs. Shown in a splendid assortment of neat stripe pat terns in various colorings, also some in plain white. All sizes from 14 up to 18. Your QCf choice at . uuv MAIM FLOOR Special line of MenVi vnon Suits underpriced for Saturday's selling. Good, heavyweight garments for Win ter wear. Lined with soft warm fleece2ind shown in both ecru and etWy. Standard $150 Union Suits,grell made and perfect fit- tine. n sale tomorrow at the specif- price of, a garm&t $1.29 Women's S5.00 Shoes S3.48 - Double Stamps from 9 A. M. to I DEPT. MAIN FLOOR Women's high rrade Fall Footwear in a complete show- lasts. Button or lace' wa- w - ' styles in patent colt, vict kid, suede, gun metal, etc. some with doth or brocade quarters. Hand-turned or welt soles, and every style beeL Complete range of aU widths and size. Standard $4.50 GO AQ and $5.00 Shoes, Saturday, a pair ptJe'U Men's $4 to S5 Shoes $3.85 MAIN FLO O R About 20 different styles to select from and all width and size. Black or tan calf and vie kid. Q QK Regular $4.50 and $5 Shoes, pair tpO.OU Women's SI. 50 Sillc Hose 95c Children's School Hose 15c Pair MAIN FLOOR A fortunate pur chase enables us to sell these splendid silk. Hose at a very low price. All-silk or silk with lisle tops. Shown in black, only. Hos iery usually selling at Ji.oo to 1.50 a pair, on sale, to morrow at, pair.-..-..-.. 95c MAIN FLOOR Special Una of Boys' and Girls' Ribbed Hose for school wear. Doable reinforced heels and toes and fast black. Guar antee ticket on every pair. See dis play in vmoow. The pair at 15c Men's 25c Silk Lisle Hose 19c Shown in blade, white and nearly all colors, and in sizea from 9 to V. Standard 25c quljty, on sale for Saturday at, the pair 6 pairs fl niir.. Boys Norfolk Suite for $8.75 ti a ...I MAIN FLOOR Exceptionally fine furies enter Into the making of tbise suits and the patterns are dtmcttvely new and pleas ing. tuny stores we know of wouldjft hesitate to ask $10 to 1 1 2. jaifor suits like these. Very latest p Norfolk models - some with f2 pairs Pants. JO 7f" Sizes K to 17. at 30-1 D ft I Boys! Overcoats $6.50 Boys' SI Blouses MAIN FLOOR WCough R Balmacaan styles with'ffah Rah Hats to match. Shown-lin pretty new mixtures and water-proof d. Ages 3 to 10 Tbeseqoats with hat to rn match! jPriced at 3U.JU fit now at eye of these exteWtnz D louses to last the dfy through, although to be on tne safe sid we Advise you to come in the morning. Finest quality materials and attrac uve pattern. StyledS fvith French cuffs. $uoo Bkwses for si 69c Saturday Specials In Drugs and Toilet Needs DRUG DEPARTMENT, MAIN FLOOR Standard lines of well known toilet preparations, toilet articles and drugs at cut prices for Sat urday's selling. All fresh new merchandise. "S. & H." Green Trad ing Stamps given with purchases. Extra Special Five Bars of Ivory Soap and One Bar Of Lurllne Soap for 18c Limit 6 bars , to a customer. No telephone orders filled for soap end no deliveries extent with other purchases made in the drug department Saturday. ; t5c Pear's Unscented Soap. .I2e toe 47tf White Rose Soap ... 8c toe Old Dutch CUsnser at...7e 25c English Bath Scp,1Qr British Squares for. . . .le7C 25c Packer's. Tar Soap 12c All Jergen's regular 10c Toilet Soap on sale Saturday 5 Jergen's 25c Rice Powder ;..10 25c Massatta Talc Powder 10c Lehn & Fink's 25c Toilet Pow der in glass jars, special. .. .19e Williams' t5c Talc Powder.. lie 25c size Denver Mud at.... 18c 50c size Denver Mud at. . , .35c $1.00 size Denver Mud at. . .80c Regular 25c Scissors n issprted styles, priced special It 18c Regular 50c size Peb co Tooth Paste for.!., ,28 c Dr. Lyons Tooth Powder, reg nUr 35c size, special.,,,,. .lie 35c Riekseekcr's Dental Cream, on sale for one day only.,..10 50c Daggett & Ramsdell's Face Cream, special the jar1. . . . . .33e Jergen's Benzoin and Almond Lo- SOc Mirrors 39c Hand Mirrors of fine French plate, assorted woods. 50c grades Saturday at.!. . . . .39c Special Free Oiler One Jar (Soe size) Heddens Cold Cream wilt be given free with every purchase of 75c or $1.40 size fn Hedden's Toilet Waters made on-Saturday. FREE! Full Treatment of Maurine Toilet Preparations to visitors to the rest rooms on the second floor. Take advantage of offer. Meurin Cream, 50c and. .$1.00 Beauty Lotion SOc and...$l.Q0 Maurin Rosebud Rouge at 50 Assorted Styles in 25c t g Tooth Brushes at.....lUv Special Sale Trimmed Hats at $5.00 E Millinery Salons on Second Floor VERY WOMAN who haa a hat to buy, wffl find in this special group or new moaeis toe vtrooat m style and quauty at a moderate price. A considerable nortioa of these are eooies of more ezcen- sire batsv Foundations f fine onality black silk velvets in a wonderful asaortment of shapes from the small, close-fitting turbans to large sail ora. Trimminge of ostrich aoreltiee, fancy feathers, flowers, flfl ribbons, stiekupa, etc Hats worth to 9J5. Saturday at-w. tPeJaUU $10.00 Ostrich Flames, Saturday $3,95 34.9S Velvet Hat Shapes for $1.75 SECOND FLOOR Beautiful new Ostrich Plumes first quality stock in good, full lengths and fiber. Shown in black, whita, light bine, pink, gray, lavender and other de sirable colors. Plumas ffO QC worth np to $10. Special ipQVtJ SECOND FLOOR ExceDect quality black silk velvet Hat Shapes fn all the smart new effects. Turbans, Sailors, roll-brims, soft crowns, etc. Shapea of thi quality sell elsewhere at 3$0 (J- FJK unto $4.95. Saturday aX DXI t 35c Tooth Brushes, special 10c 30e Dressing Combs for. . . .10c 25c Hand Scrub Brushes on sale' Saturday at, special I5e Regular 25 c Buffers with mova ble Chamois for . ..19a Sale Rubber i Goods DRUG. DEPT. - Fresh new stock just received. Note the following very special pricings for Saturday's sale, 1.50 and J3.00 Hot Water Bars and Syringes special . . . .$1,00 Sanitary Douche Spray Syringe. Saturday at .$1,28 50c Red Rubber Household Gloves, all sizes, the pair 39e 50C Rubber Cushion Hair Brushes on sale at, each. 39s Samples of Rubber Lined Travel ing Cases, worth to $1.50, SOc ; Borden's Mailed Mllh Pen on st ration MAIN FLOOR Borden's Malted Milk is a palatable, high ly nutritious milk food, which, by simply adding water (hot or cold)," makes a most delicious beverage, and when ooce appre ciated finds a place in every home. No stomach is too deli cate to digest it none so weak or strong but what will be greatly benefited by its use. Regular 50c alze now at 40c) Regular $1.00 size now at 804 $3.98 Hospital size now 93.08 V'"... I- Women's Suits, Special $10,95 BASEMENT Women's and priced for Saturday. Scores Misses' Suits sensationally under of handsome styles and good, de pendable fabrics. Suits worth from $15 up to $25. CIA QK Good range of size on sale Saturday at ipUaItl - ii Boys' Sample Shirts lor 33c BASEMENT BARGAIN CENTER Manufacturers' sample line of Boys' Shirts on sale in the Underpries Store tomorrow. These were bought especially for this sale and no doubt every one of them will go before the day Is over. Slses range from it tb 14. Not a garment in ths lot worth less than 50c mostly 75c to ft QO grides Choice , , . JJC sement Mllinery iff KjvC 1 A7v Trimmed Hnts BASEMEN T And now for a great Saturday Sale of trimmed Hats it j at will break all records in thBi popular department! 300 new, ll Hats have been chosen for tU event from our regular stoclfjf The assortment is made np osnjaxt new Scotch Turbans, WloU Roll-brims and many ohf ttyUi wUh trlmminp pf f I ofle r s, q u 1 1 is ana ribbon. Plushes and velvets in black and colors Hats worth up to $5.00, Saturday special at the 1 in low (Ac of 51.4o Seal Handbags at 52.50 MAIN FLOOR -Women's ge-n nine Seal Handbags n several' new styles and shapea. , Gilt, sil ver or gunmetal frames. Silk or leather lined, with inside fittings o mirror, puff, coin purse, etc Extra good quality Bags at this moderate price.- CO KA Your choice ........ vVV Alnmiviiim Cookloa iSicam- UI V VErXK HV1. rUlUlUl&IUlIl Utensils Tomorrow will " be the last day to btry Wear -Ever Alnms num at Special Re duced Prices. This 83e Cov ered Sauce Pan holds 4 pints. 69c This 85e Pre serve Kettle 5-pt. siee, now 57c This 80c Sauce P, Pan, 5-pt. sise. special now at 43c This 55e Lip'd Stew Pan, 2 . pint sue, now 25c I? it' v tp Sr -EVER MEASURE. FREE with purchase ef S2.69 er over or " w e r is v r -ntennls at regu lar prtcea. . ; s