'I ii THE ; OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 15, 1914. 1 r FAMINE IN CHINA DUE TO LOSS OF CROPS IS IIBLE BECOMING HORF European War Overshadows ' What Would Otherwise Prove Shock to Humanity. WOOD AND FILTH EATEN XUf Impossible Because of the War; . 1,000,000 Rtr 2lad Already; Two Third of District Boomed. l'nlfd frma Leui Wire.) ; Hong Kong, Oct. 15. The horrors of the famine situation in Quangtung and 'Quangnj provinces are beyond adequate 'description. i .- ,'' , The Chinese government, as usual, ' has been able to do practically noth c'ing for the Buf forers. Ordinarily the British at Hong Kong would have been active In relieving the most acute of "dtfctrtxn but the war has paralyzed re lief work. Missionaries have accom plished a little, but conditions are no frightful and Involve such enormous numbers that even a widespread and , financially powerful organization ; would be swamped. As a result the wretched C ninesn ha've been left almost wholly to their fate. As is Invariably the ca.se in China, 'even approximately correct figures re unobtainable, but it h, at any rate, safe to say that the famine stricken number millions. Perhaps 1,000. OOii have died. The total has certainly run already well into the: hundreds of thousands. White men who have traversed the famine sec tions of the two provinces estimate '.conservatively that well toward a third i of their population will succumb ulti mately. , -') Thf. foulest refuse, grass roots and 'leaves, bark.veveryLhing even sugges tive of edibility. Is greedily devoured. :;!ln places the people have pulled down Wooden portions of their houses, ' pounded the timber Into meal and tried to eat it. There' undoubtedly have been cases of ca nnibulism. The famine is due to th crop de struction - incident to the floods of last cummer. Capable engineers say they could be wholly prevented by a proper ; system of drainage and dyking, but the money for It is lacking. At inter vals there have been such visitations timmemorlally but the present is un precedented iii its severity. The prov inces are among the most thickly set- tied in China, which aggravates the ."I Situation's seriousness. Austrain Defeat Is " Claimed by Serbs Combined Servians and Montenegrins Overwhelm 15,000 Austrian Near ' Berajevo, Assert Consul. ( Iondon, Oct.' 15. After a two days" "battle in which both sines suffered enormous losses, the combined Ser vians and Monte.ngrins have over whelmingly defeated in, 000 Austrians Hear Serajevo, the Montenegrin consul areneral. here announced today. He t added that an Austrian battery and t hundreds of prisoners were captured. LING OUT ENTMR el We are forced to admit that our business this Fall has not been up to expectations. We are tremendously overstocked, and extreme methods are necessary. We are forced to throw ou entire stock on the market, and ail surplus stocks must positively go, let the loss be what it may. Every price is slashed. . $ $ Q iff ITf lef 1?oicor1 1 4- (fy fr Never before and never again will such an opportunity be given you to buy wearing apparel for man and boy JL 09kJJJ lVlVtoL DC ialSCU Cll H1HC from head to foot An opportune time for you. Just at the season when good, warm dothejl are needed most, this mammoth stock is to be forced on the market The managers of this big sale are now in charge of the stock and making every preparation possible for the handling of the crowds during this big sale, which starts tomorrow morning, Friday, October lbth, promptly at y o'clock. KhMiJVlbtJ I tit. UAlfc 'Si- Tomorrow Morm 16th, at 9 o'Clocfk HERE IS A REAL SALE, FOLKS IT IS CLEAN-CUT AND TRUE, BACKED BY A FIRM WITH AN ESTABLISHED REPUTATION GAINED THROUGH TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' HONEST DEALING WITH THE PUBLIC! II Ss"o2K!f MILLER CLOTHING COMPANY SSLSfeis 1. 1 EXTRA SPECIAL! Boys' Knee Pants rtXfT) QC Suits. $4.00 and WJ $5.00 Values for K Men's Gray Sweater Coats, $1.50 grade, while 7E? they last at, each. . . OC BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS ON SALE WHATLABOR IS DOING r, i Xtailding Operations "Are Picking Up Home in Eastern Washington. Betnrns From Spokane. Osrar W. Home, the district repre sentative for the northwest of the Bricklayers, recently returned from a Visit to Spokane and eastern Washing ton. He says conditions are fairly (rood, and building operations about the same as here. Union Is Strong. The river steamboat men have a Strong union in this city. It is much interested in the proposed reduction Of wages that employers are endeavor-fhg- to secure. Small Jobs Were round. George I... Boynton and W. H. Emer tck, two well known Portland electrical workers, have returned from Wasco, Sherman county, where they have been detained on one job after another for several weeks. I, ike other building trades workers, they have found that a short Job in a small town Is likely to be followed by others. 89c $1.95 '.95c $1.M) CiKKY JKLAN 1M12..U bniKib ,.uu rueiAV UNION SUITS SHlKlo 00J i.5U iKESS SHIKTS, UNION QKrt MADE VOKs W.00 PEG-TOP CORDU KUV PANTS A LOT OF MEN'S ODD COATS AND VESTS .. MEN'S LEATHER GLOVES IQ- FOR X.UK, $3.00 SWEATER COATS Qff FOR tPJLmUO ALL 75c RIBBED UNDER- A C n WEAR GOES AT firtll $2.00 JERSEY SWEATERS .89 $1.00 DRESS SHIRTS GO AT ...59 HEAVY BLUE FLANNEL SHIRTS GO AT MEN'S HIGH-CUT RAINPROOF SHOES, $5.00 VALUES FOR 95c 'ROOF $3.45 BRING THIS AD AND COMPARE PRICES OUT OF TOWN CUSTOMERS Mail us your orders. Your money back if not satisfactory. ALL SHOES REDUCED $2.50 MEN'S SHOES FOR... $3.00 MEN'S SHOES FOR... $5.00 MEN'S SHOES $1.65 $1.95 EXTA SPECIAL, Men's $6.00 Mack inaw Coats, on sale for only OUR ENTIRE STOCK which consists of ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE FALL and WINTER CLOTHING for MEN and BOYS will be OSED OUT MEN'S NEW FALL AND WINTER SUITS REDUCED $10.00 Men's Suits now. . . $12.50 Men's Suits now. . . $15.00 Men's Suits now. . . $18.00 Men's Suits now. $20.00 Men's Suits now., . $25.00 Men's Suits now . . . $30.00 Men's Suits now . . . $35.00 Men's Suits now . . . . ..$ 5.85 ...$ 6.85 .$ 8.85 ...$10.85 ...$12.85 . . . $14.85 . . .$16.85 .$18.85 ALL OVERCOATS REDUCED $10.00 Overcoats now $ 5.85 $12.50 Overcoats now.........$ 6.85 $15.00 Overcoats now. ... ..... .v. .$ 8.85 $20.00 Overcoats now. . . .... . . . .$12.85 EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED MEN'S SAMPLE PANTS At ALMOST HALF REGULAR PRICE PANTS95c $1.20 $1.45 REG. $1.50 now REGULAR $2.00 PANTS, NOW... REGULAR $2.50 PANTS, NOW... REGULAR $3.00 $1 OC PANTS, NOW.... P1.00 REGULAR $3.50 0 Off PANTS. NOW... REGULAR $4.00 PANTS, NOW... REGULAR $5.00 QQ OA PANTS. NOW... pO.U BEST KENTUCKY JEANS, PAIR $2.85 $3.20 95c $3.50 MEN'S fl0 OK SHOES FOR... OU $4.00 MEN'S (JO QET SHOES FOR... iDX.OO FOR ..$3.85 Sample Overcoats, Vals. up to $20 at $8. Closing Out All Trunks and Suitcases $2 50 Sample Suit Cases. Values up to $6.00, to close out at $2.95 All Trunks to be closed out at one-third off price. One lot special price to close out $7.45 TO In H r c i 300Men'sFmeSiamijle Suits, Your m'Q Choice WhiU Vrttf3v.OJ They Last . . . H II y Regular $18 and $20 BaJma caan Overcoats CiC on sale at $t03 BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS N SALE a tj !45c GENUINE BOSTON IGAR- fr TERS FOR 41 J-DC BLUE CHAMBRAY JIRTS AfX 2 EXTRA COLLARS .fj JtVC 25c FOUR-PLY .SOCKj-2 paiii j25 ALL 50c NECKWEJR ON SALE FOR 25c WOOL SOCKS AXiJ .H HEAVY WORK QijOVES FOR . . 24. BOYS SWEATER TCOATS FOR , $5100 SWEATER FOR 52 DOZEN MEN'S TORK QQ SHIRTS ON SALE ATj'i'. iOuC MEN'S RAIN - PROOK OIL Of PANTS n. ouC 118.00 SLIP-ON C(SATS FOR WOOL UNDERWEAf $3 SUIT AT, EACH 50c UNDERWEAR ..M... MEN'S RUBBER SHOES SALE AT.... .11.. ATS KQn ccMts e oc 15) ON'39c ...i EVERY ARTICLE JUST AS ADVERTISED Come Elarly Ayoid Rush tixtra oalesmen to Serve -3 STORE OPEN EVENINGS DURING SALE EXTRA SPECIAL Men's Top Coats Values" (f0 r-f to $i5,pyo All H ATSffledutfed $4.00 GRADE MEN'S ATS ?r FOR W.:..' p'VO $3.50 GRADE MEN'S & ATS CO 1A W.... CJ.IV FOR . $L0O GRADE MEN'S jjfATS gg $2J0 GRADE MEN'S ATS $2.00 GRADE MENKj FOR I HATj EXTRA! SLIPON RAINCOATS $3.85 YOUR MONEY BACK IF GOODS ARE NOT SATISFACTORY THESE PRICES ARE GUARANTEED. MHLLE REMEMBER THE PLACE IK. CLOTHING COMPANY 63-65 THIRD STREET, BET. OAK AND PINE LOOK FOR THE BIG SIGNS .00 Kattxral 2 .Gray Afool 1 1 Underwear I! 6c I - High quality plus moderation of price ac counts for the steadily increasing popularity of German American Coffee 30c---3 lbs. 85c Steel Cut, in Air Tight Tins t BEER IS NOT ALCOHOL Beer is the combined extract of malt-and hops malt builds up tissue; hops is an invigorating tonic. Beer contains natural carbonic acid gas, which gives , it sparkling effervescence. Beer contains 3H to 4 per cent of alcohol devel oped ; by natural fermentation just enough to . preserve it. Phones Main 72, A-1172 Henry Weinhard Brewery Portland, Oregon GO EAS1 VIA SPOKANE mm THE SCENIC LINE , Mountains, Rivers, Lakes and Forests The North Bank Road Limited Trains Leave Portland BzBB A. 7:25 P. M. Tbesc trams serve the great cities of the West Spokane, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, .Omaha, Kansas City and Sr. Lotris con necting with all Eastern lines. The route of the famous "Oriental Limited" yia Great Northern, and "North Coast Limited"' via Northern Pacific Observation cars, dining cars, parlor cars, standard, compart ment and tourist sleeping cats and first-class coaches. . Full details, sleeping-car accommodations, tickets, etc, at: CUT T1CXKT OmCB, ZtKb. sad 8txK gtnuf. 8XAXXOX, Tvath mmA Xrt trts. Special Round Trip Fares to the MANUFACTURERS' AND LAND PRODUCTS SHOW to be held in Portland, October 26 to November 14 These low round-trip fares will apply from all stations, Main Line and Branches. SALE DATES AND LIMIT From Bugea and all points north, In cluding C & EX. 8. F C. & W.. P.. EL & E. and P., R. A N. point. Octob-r 27-29-31. November 1-5-7-10-14. Final return limit two flays from date of sale. From all points south of Eurene. in cluding fOam&ta Falls, sale dates will be October 27 and SO, November S-6-10-12. Final return limit Monday- fol lowing date of sale. Full particulars as fo fares, train schedules, etc, can be obtained from nearest Agent of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. Jl TO ! PUGET SOUND and - -U . Grays Harbor Citing is afforded by thj j: Four 8plendid Trains of t ; I Oregon-Washington Railroad & Narigatjon Company Steel Flyer Leaves Union pepot 8:30 jA. M. '(Direct Connection for Grays Harbor -Cities) i I Puget Sound Express 1:4,I?P.'M.' SHASTA LIMITED Train de Luxe 3:0)P. M. The OWL (Sleepers open 9 JO P. M.) 11 .-Otflp. It (Thmerh Slninc-flar Service to Gravi? VWarKnr I : V o y . . y Similar Service Returning For schedules, tickets, reservations, etc ask our ; CIXY TICKET OFFICE 3d and Washington Streets Both Phones f lllIIIIIIillllilllliM ! 3UF Jt. JKl Jl O Jt iiipiiiiiiilliiiiiil SERVICE n ,", T i yr. : y- ,-), '. : . " Journal Want Ads Bring Results 4 1 ,1 - M I i 5 '