4 so THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 15, 1914. ! HELP WAXrO) ill SC. 4 (Continued) MRS. HINSDALE, former instructor ' the Young Women' Christian Asso ciation, is i.ow leady to taka young men ana. women for a thorough busi ness training In shorthand, bookkeep ing., penmanship, etc. 502 Empress bliiy. Pert-onal Instruction. . 4JREGON LAW SCHOOL A inurouna practical course in law; no time lost from regular occupation; recitations v-enlngs. Samuel T. Richardson, dean; M. Morehead. sec. $16-317 Comraaa- wealth i'ldy.. Portland, or. .V'SE your spare time to build up a mall order business of your own. '"W help you sturt for a share in ' profits: 7 opportunities. Particllars free. dept. A-.&, Opportunities Exch., tnffalo, N. Y. OLEK Barber College wants men and a women to Uai n the trade. in s weex. i , ' ; V f c " rle.u work, percentage Paid bi's housework Is a good cook. Al tefer learning; tools free; scalp ai.d face ences. Main 717. A-151.. massage-a specialty; Sena tor ires cat- WaloKue. 4 N 2d st. JiliNlJREUW government Jobs open to women. Big pay, list free, frank lin Institute, Dept. 703-S, Rochester, , N. Y. THOUSANDS goternment Jobs open to men and women. $t5 to $150 month. Write for lint. Franklin Institute, Dept. 350 H. Hoi hester. N. Y. RAil.vVAtf mail cefKs wanted. Cora - menre $75 month. Sample examina tion questlonx tree. Franklin Insti tute, lief.f :4HS. Roi hcBt'T. N. Y. MOVING 'l("li:UK THEATRE, lull Vi Interest west Hide tliesitre. $00. Oth er shows for pale. Oak st. PACIFIC Chiropractic College Inc. 407 to 418 Commonwealth bldg. Vllfc.N you answer tnei v aui Aus. Mention The Journal. . H E I. P V A -V T 'El ) FEMALE 'J. SICKLY young girl may have board urt fro.. ..liLi-iinrji'tln tru rmrtlit 111 . return for care of 2-vear-old bab. Y- i Ki, Journal. ' WANTED .Middle aged woman to help with Itouxcwork for good home. Room r.QH Journal bhlg. V A'NTKh - A fTi sf i iiLSh exi erienced cook for a ri staiira n I : good wages. Xeferenees required. J- Ml. Journal. RELIABLE .', oiinir ladv clerk with some knowledge of stenography. An drew Ka.n. :!4S Morrison. waxliing. $11'. Main 7 'J 1 !. after 7 p.m. HELP WANTED MALE AM) Oregon Barber College will teach you the trade in S weens, scalp and face massage specialty, tools free; position guaranteed, pay while iearn.ng. tui tlon reduced this term. 233 Madison. Av HiuN you aiiMwer the-e Want AJi, nientlo,v The Journal. SITUATIONS At ALE TWO men who have been sailors, one a blacksmith by trade, both well built, clean-cut und aide, want work of any kind. Arc lri.-t!i and Scutch. Main lif.Aii.5J 7. MIDDLE-AGED man, experienced con crete worker, good tcaiiisn i. on" who I knows the city well, al.vo a good mill! hand. Wants work at once. Main' 717, .-1517. I EX HKUI EN 'ED. energetic oung man desires steady position. Experienced in thing around mills and in driving tram. Hef. i n -es. Main 717. A-1517. jv fti I ui iji..-Ai if.i , experienced man. neat appearance, hadly in need of work. I ,x pel I. i:i ed in boarding houses or hotel. Marsha'! 35(12. 8IMLE 1 1 ml, iran, experienced black - I smith. Willi. , to di, mi.v kind of I Work, wants noMition or .odd ' lobs. Main I J.AI.il7. MlDDl K-AGK D Ccrmun wants steady Work in kitchen, washing d;shes. So vr Hnd studious. Wages no object. J-60O, Journal. FILIPINO boy wants housework or work of some kind around h Anything Phone M. 860- or N. 9th t. I CALL Main 5099. or address "f N 11th St., for a good all lound painter, 30 years' experience In all branches of the trade, by day or contract. MARRIED man with ldgfn7nlly Biust have v oi k at ojlc; understands handling mock. F. W. R.. 6105 3'.lth' ate. S. K. YOI'NG machinist wants to take tiiro t ;"r..HO, al:. "a,;;. HJ"V.1 'a": I w . ro.Vrri T ' YOUNG mn7 2 f"vea rold,""exl1erietr:ed ' In elevator seroce. strong and ablet" ," ......o. ....o. .. bodied, willing to do anv kind of work. ' . told water, steam heat, phone, close wuntK nostM.ir. ai m "vi-.i,, TT7 ! ,n. 43o Vamhill st. Vlloitoroil I.Y experienced in. at cut ter who can take full charge of shop ticsire.i position tnccf. Main 7li immediately. Rel'er- ANYTHING, clerical, salesman, solici tor or manual labor. 1 need the vork. H-H55. Journal. SOUT1IERN darkey, good tooYrwasher and froner. wants work where can go borne nights. Tabor 4275. TTOl'Nd m:m much in need of work wants position as carpenter, helper, . or genernl work. Main7J7, A-1517. EXPERIENCED pavntcr " and paper- hanger tlesiics woik at once, reason able terms. Woodlawn 337. MAN 'wants Janitor work or putting "in , and. chopping wood, refort-m es given. ' l.f'7LaJ21l! lljci oiSe 1 1 . 2060. WAN TED, hv elderly man, good-woi k- cr, care ..f rurnn. e. tt . Wages no obi oct. Mai. -hall 22 11. bill Aiio.s wnnt.-o by bookkeeper, any tlrrical, .ino.kst salary. 'i'abor 2492 BAKER wants j.d Tele. Main 5:126 Clay st. city or country. Wm. 'I'louX J35 LXPFRIENCI'D cook wanls work out of town, boarding house or hotel. Main 7728. C.Utl'fcN rl-.it, nrsl class. Day, -job or contract. wood 22 11. wan' , work. Phone Scll- Bit It K work ; SIM st. cenieat, plaster ity or country. nd ca'penter I II. M.. 4 19 E.I MOVING picture operator r.--.,.: nni. iiiin: nan experiiine. ltcasun able wages. Woodlawn 1332. YOUNG man who is able and willing, Wfcnts work as a carpenter helper or work ot" any kind. M. 717, A-1517. MIDDLE-AGED man of good apYiearl ance, much in n td of ' help, wants ghtwork as ianitor. Main 717. A-1517. WANTED Experienced """pr.Ti i teT a nTi paper hanger. Main 717. Afi.iuiM en oiiic- man wants work or any kind Ataln 717. PAINTING, tlnti ig. pa jieVhangfng. 384 lith st Main :'66 Tabor 4762. IX la.th . t- i '. "" T iV ;imis worn.; j n in m.i . i. lit .id r in SI r L'ATIONiS I KM.. ;E '.LACE curtains laundeied. 10 vparn' . v' 1 " ' 1 ti- ,T'79. Dill.. PI-UU. RELlA Bl.li woman for washing iron ing and cleaning, wants work hv the day- Hus rejeferues. East 6884. WjOMAN wants to take care of ehild - ren from 1 to 2 years old. 1 F. La roe. Call Main 1 485. GOt.D housekeeper wants position for elderly couple, city, or country. Call 270 Columbia. . ADY with.8 unsUirtn in hotel or taurant as cook ltl. Journal. long experience. U- I - - - - WRAPPER or private exchange. CT - B4. Journwl. .NORWEGIAN woman wants house- wtirk. cooking. Call Main 8l S 2 . PRACTICAL nurse wants work $15 a week, Tabor 1S82. A COLORED woman wants work by " y. ' sin 175. M rs. Perkins. EXPERIENCED woman waVts"day ' work. Tabor 4117. CHILDREN cared for by the day, week or month. Woodlawn 8238. AM good bread and pie make!-. Want cooking or housekeeping. .L K203. .SITUATIONS wanted as chambermaid"; ... first claps; experienced. Tabor 2492. SITUATION wanted by woman with UttVn, Child on ranch. Tabor 2492. NICE home tor children. Tabor 472. ! liADT wants work by day. Ea.tt 533$. situations female C Continued) DESERTED mother with 8 monhs old baby want work In a home where wNK rooro wltil uitcnenette. complete She can have a reasonable time tor ! , furnished, steam heat, runninar lot the care Marshall of her child. References. 1098. 575 Couch. t A YOUNG Russian girl who sp;aks Very little English wants a home to care for children and some house work. Small wages. Main 717, A 1517. LADY would like to care for chil dren, day or evenings. Referem-es given. 1040 Francis ave. Phone Seii wood 2060. I.ADY With el.ilrf 9 nar l I rl aith.. housekeeping In of out 'of , itv. i i'hone East 1229. or write 3 union ave. N. miuu-au woman, tine appear- iA.fElENCEL woman wants aay work, washing, ironing, or work of , any kind. 388Vi Burnside St. Phone Main 717. SITUATION as housekeeper or cook In country hotel where- can keep 2 children, S and 10 years. Mrs. L. Abbott, Llnnton, Or. YOUNG colored womwi, A-l cook. wants work at once. Can give ref- erences. Tabor 376s. EXPERIENCED, reliable womav wishes dav work, cleaning, etc. Phone Marshall 134X. Call room 1. AN experienced cook, middle-aged woman, wants work in private fam- lly. Phone Main 7671. EASTERN conservatory graduate wants piajio pupils. Phono Tabor 4144. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, washing, cookyig, or work of any kind. Main 6432. A WOMAN with 4 mos. old baby wants a home ana small wages wnere sne can aslst with the housework. East 123. A MIDDLE-AGED experienced woman wants position in boarding house do- ing general work. Mars h allj 502. WANTED Some kind of light work Phone East 2404. (SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 MAN and wife, thoroughly experi enced In hotel and apartment house, want work at once. References. Main "17. A-1517. DRESSMAKING 40 MRS. BLACK. expert dressmaker; work reasonabe. Marshall 5725. 5S3 i Washington st FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE YOUNG men may consult, without charge, register of fur nished rooms listing several hundred in all parts of the A.; also those In city, at tne V. M. C. thp Association bldg. G ARLAiD ROOMS. Modern brick, hot and cold water In each room, steam heat, baths, all out side rooms, $2 to $3 week. Cor. Wash ington st. and Trinity Place, bet. 19tb and 20th. Main 1135. THE ALBION HOTEL. 212 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat. i,, u,,j ,.,.. hath nhnnx ACKLY HOTEL. Cor. 12th and Stark. $2.60 wk. up. Private bath, $4 up. .,....,..,,... . : ., . -r BUCKINGHAM hotel, 20th and Wash- ington; new, fireproof, brick, every modern convenience; $10 month up. HOTEL ARTHUR, 11th near Morrison. Transient and permanent, rooms with all modern conveniences. $17.50 mo. up. Nicely furnished A D DriTT 25c day up 228 Vra-sh. St. MDDU I I $1.50 wk. op hotel or i irvri Ti-nnTu nnTP-f jVoix TvvS ; house; hardwood floors, Duiil-in con call 29K??nt furnace screens; rent $20. i iviiNO, su jenerson, niceiy iur. rooms. modem, central. S2 roomug. KOOMS and apartments in modern ho- tet. .50 week and up. 455 Alder. tiOltL INOKIO.& swvj Aiuer cieau ouisme rooms; mouein; j to i wit. , FURNISHED ROOMS i WEST SIDE PKIVATE FAMILY 70 I lir T . . ....... f . . 1,.1 . , . . clothes closet, furnace heat, hot ' ate.r- electricity. $2.50 week. 123 i v-',;?" v f.i.-v, ! ONE or two rooms in beautiful home; hot water, heated, running water in room; also shower. 655 Everett st. NICELY up. 54 furnished rooms, Yamhill st. $5 and FURNISHED room tor ladv. and 19th. Marshall 57Ss3. Kearney FURNISHED room, ney. Main 5078. 19th near Kear- FRONT room, home privileges, $9 per month Call mornings. 42 21st, N. FURNISHED ROOMS 52 EAST SIDE HOTEL FA RREL, Knott and Missis sippi ave. Clean, steam heated rooms, new furniture, new manage ment, reasonable rents. Phone Wood lawn 1128. Mrs. Thos. Farrell. CLEAN rooms only $1.25 and up. 382V. ,. Clay st. Delmonica hotel. r UK NISHED B003SS EAST SIDE PKIVATE FAMILY 71 FOR RENT 2 nicely furnished rooms. private family, no children. 303 E. 42d st.. one block from Hawthorne. ROOMS AMD DOARD 15 HOOJI and board; also table board, home cooking. ;S00 Jefferson st. ibOulla AND BOASI PRIVATE FAMIJ.Y 72 IF THERE is any one who want their children strong. and healthv. and i well taken care of, please call on Mrs. 1 fornsen, n,ii s-in Ave, s. k. ROOM and board very reasonable at i54 E. Madison and 13th st. Phone, bath electric lights, steam heat, mod- ern. tiawtnot ne car, e. ld.tn. st. NICELY furnished room with board for 1 or 2; every modern, conven ience; hot and cold water in room; use of piano. 341 Salmon st. Main 4504. FRONT room, first door, with board, 235 12th st. 5 minutes' walk from heart of citv. rrci o.E furnished sleeping room near Washington High; breakfast if de sired. East 4072. k'h'k'IVt.'li li.liac . i .1 I '" i i will rtlHl I'fillll ill pi lvaTp tamiiy; piano, homo com- forts. Tabor 3650. SLEEPING porch with board. 57 I rmity Place. Mam fiiSl. I HO A II I I -,,n.-t eoon-i r.n -...,1 in. .... ii77I?'l people, music. 4i.i .;u st. ROOM for two gentlemen with furnace heat. 54 N. lf.th, cor. board, Da vis GOOD room and board cheap. Marshall 2506. 166 N. mh. Widow. WHEN menti. rou answer these Want Ada, n The Journal. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 3 ELDERLY German wants board and , . on ranch near Cortland state i i r Tjk . . u t --. . n J-445, Jomnal. HOLSEKEEPlNti Ii0031S & WEST SIDE I A NICE comfortable home at your own I price. Large, light. 2 and 4 room apts. No objection to children. Near good school. Walking distance. Hum boldt apts.. 1st and Glbbs. TWO room suites ana single rooms complete for H. K., steam heat, hot, cold water; $8 to $12 month 245 N. 17th st.. cor. Marshall Mrshl. 4n43. NICELY furnished housekeeping i suites and sleeping rooms, reason able prices; children excepted. Main ?318. 405 First st. CHEERFULLY furnished front room, kitchenette, electric light and bath free, close in- 306 4th st. $3.50 per week. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent near public market 1S31,. 4th Et, cor. Yamhili, Low rent. 8 , ly furnished, steam heat, running snd cold water, phone la eve'y room; '. blocks from 5th end Morrison sts.; $:t;.5o and up. Columbia st., cot- per Rth Ht Cambridge bldg.. furnished H. K. rooms, central. rc. 165 '4 3d. cor. Morr'n. j 175 1 nth -Large suite and single house keeping rooms; all conveniences. Oll.MAA uoiel. lt.i ano Aitier. Fur nished H K. rm rheao. $1.6rt wk. UP. EOUSEKESHKO F-OOIH WEST SlOX PMTATE PA3UI.Y 73 Sol TAYLOR, basement suite and sin gle housekeeping rooms. Free light phone, bath, laundry, reasonable. Fi HAiSnUJ or keeping roms. ders. unfurnished house- i 105 30th, cor. Flan- HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 48 IVSTSIDE ; NICE, furnisned ana 4 room house I keeping suites at 244 Vz Killings worth ave.; low- rent. Phone Wood lawn ttSO. C-1387. I i.oU 'i'o 2.75 ween, furnished H. " K. j rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, baths. I Fhone East 03. 406 Vancouver ave. ! N E W y furnished j rooms. . Hot water. housekeeping 1144 'it Union ave.. jn. vJIkN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. HOUSE ICXEFIKG EOOMS EAST SIDE FBIViiT fAMIlY 74 TWO room suite, complete housekeep ing, $3.50 week, free light, phone anil bath. 192 Grand ave., corner Taylor. $10 Complete 4 rooms, range, ga.1 plate, sink, large yard. 346 Benton, near Broadway. 4 ROOMS. Sight, heat, phone, piano. private bath. 546 East Alder st. East I 5 if). THREE clean, furnished H. K. rooms, 95 i:. 30th. East 6505. Adults. Vvllt-.s yoi answer the.be mention 'i he Journal Want aus, FOR RENT HOUSES MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable list of all va cant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows in the city: make use of this service when vou desire; this does not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find us willing and ready at all times to help you in tocaU ing. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private prop erty are invited to list their unoccu pied apartments, i'.ats and houses at iieier i Frank's free rental bureau. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. We have some new houses in Pied mont to rent. They are very desirable, anrt we invite vour inauiries. This is IIOUSEKEEP&G' ROOMS WEST SIDE (Continued) one of the few opportunities to rent a , TiE WASHINGTON, 6S9 Northrup, 6 good house in this beautiful district. I room fur. or unfur. apts., with bath if you caji, come in and see us about j and all modern coin etuencc; phone, them. steam heat, gas, electric lights, etc.; Rental Department, "W tar to 2 1st & Northrup. M. 4376. F. N. CLARK & COMPANY. THE LiLZENDukK 2d floor Title & Trust bldg., 89 4th st. ! 20g 1(rffST. NliARATfLOR. 4 ROOM bungalow, modern plumbing, Elegant a room furnished and unfur gas, etc. louxloO lot, gas and wood, ' nished apts., also 3 room fur. apt. ranges both in, good cnicKen noiLse and wood shed. 309 Abington bldg. Main 484 ). 6 ROOM suburban cottage, electric -lights,, bath, convenient to car and school; large garden, fruit, chicken varU. Some furniture if desired. $10. Tabor 50S4, FOR RENT Modern, clean, 6 room : ,M.i otM nustr uiug. -v.-n nx; r- - - - tl furnished- fll XvSl C)Uding water. 800 E. 6th st. N. JTTJOm house 486 E. Grant, near f,th, walking distance; only $9. ! phone Tabor 261 ttn. MODERN 5 room house in Montavil partly furnished; rent $10 per mont i t'all 512 . latt bldg. FOR RENT - Well furnished house with Diano. reasonable to the right rarties. nice -.tm. ti-.., -omoc.. 8 ROOM modern house to rent for $lu per month. Rose City Ketchum. j 3...2 chamt-er Commerce. Mar. 53.0. , 8 ROOM house $18. 6 room bungalow $15. On Fulton carline; clean and modern. w din. 3210: IT? -5 ROOM house. ".34 Kearney st. Phone Main 4834 ! i 6 ROOM house. $12.50. Inuuire 248 E :'. 1st st. Tabor 3586. $9 4 room house, yard, near 6th. 524 Mill sU FIVE room, modern, large yard, $14. 256 E. Multnomah. East 3505. AiouEUN u room house, 182 Mason St., cor. Kerby. $16. AVoodlawn 1156. FOR RENT 5 room cottage, east side, close in. Phone Main 1755. CLEAN 4 St.. cor. room collage, it2 Sth. Phone East E. Grant 298. FIVE room, modern house reasonable. Inquire 919 Woodward ave. Sell. 1551. FURNITURE" FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 SNAP If taken at once. Furniture of 4 ruom house, neatly furnished, $125 cash. Very low rent. Call at West, 586 Broadway drive. ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished in the Household Goods classi fication when house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 3ti $12.50 Cozy yard, piano, bt-rta car. J room cottage, large 984 Emerson st., Al- MODERN 4 room lurnished cottage, E. 25th and Cora, $18. East 32o. Morning Or evening. $20 o room modern lurnished house, piano, near school, or will snare. Tabor 34H4 FURN1HSED 5 room house on East f DESK room for rent, elaborately fur-5-5. Marshall 4138 20b nished office. $15 per month. T- Taylor St.. $ Abington Bldg l'OUR room furnished cottage, water, light, phone, $i; no children; East 150 2. MODERN small rooming house, fur nished, or wiil sell furniture. 622 I Dehiy st.. tor. Morris; take L car. 'FURNISHED 5 room house, phone, water and garbage free, only J19 i 763 Williams a.ve. Woodlawn 410. 4 ROOM furnished house, tapitol Hill, 15 minutes out, west side. $12. Main n . t WELL-FURNISHED two-room house. Phone East 2370. v rir.N you answer these -. iMentitm The Journal. Want Aas, APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED FOUR room steam heated apartments furnished and unfurnished, $20 up. Main 792. DRICKSION, 44 8 11 tb. choice, low priced, 2 and 3 room apartments, all outside rooms. Marshall 57. THE ALBEMARLE 2. 3 room fur. apts. Steam heat, phone, bath, $20 to 2s. SSJ- wiuiams ave. f.ast 4i NEW, moaern, 2 room furnished apart- ment, gas range, disappearing bed: low rent. 861 E. Wash. East 3261. JULIAETTE APTS.. 2d and Montgom- and farm wagon. 19S7 E. Stark st; ery, modern 2 room apts., furnished trial allowed. or unfurnished, reasonable. ,125 TAKES 2000 lb. team, mare and NEW CLARK 2 rooms, furnished, horse, double harness and farm electricity, phone; $15 up. 616 Petty- wagon. lti7 E. SMrk: trial allowed.- grove, A SPAN of 4-year-old mules, well NEW. modern, 2 room unfurnished bred, 2200; set harness; guaranteed apartment, gas. range, disappearing city broke. 292 Union ave. and E. Clay bed: low rent. tfl E. Wash. East 321. 2200 LB. black team, farm wagon, BFECH 2 r. fur. apts.; desirable, rea- double harness, $135; small barn, soriable. 7834 Williams av. W. 1796. E. 11th and Belmont THE PAGE Two lovely apts.. wit- WHEN you answer these Want Ads, prices to suit tenant. East 356G. mention The Journal v THE ORMONDE, light front 5 rooms. TWO good spring wagons for sale. 656 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251. 1967 E. Stark St. i DOWNTOWN apartments, newly ren- FOR SALE Saddle mare, or will ovated. $20 and up. 350 Morrison. , trad, for buggy. Call Main 4764.. APARTMENTS 43 ! FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED j , . (Continued) j " ' BRAND NEW I ROYAL mm APTS. I COR ltfTH Aj.no LOVEJOY Just completed. 5 story fireproof brick bid. 57 2. 3 and 4 room outside unfurnished apts.. large. light and sfy. ; with all modern up-to-date conven- iences. automatic elevator. marble . A bathrooms, private balconies, ences requited. PRICES MODERATE. Refer- ; I BUENA VISTA, 12TH AND HARRISON. Strictly modern, under new manage- , ment Finest apts. in the west, all out j side rooms, 2 and 3, furnished or un j furnished walmug distance, beautiful ! view. A few ants, for erentlemen bacii- elors. Lounging room; references. - : VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely lurnished apts. Walking distance. References. THE CODY 4U E. Taylor t.i modern brick buildii g; all outside rooms, steam heat, pnone, light, lurnished; rents very reasonable; thoroughly clean and under, the personal masiitge roent of Mrs. Cody. THE IRIS Apartments. 3d and Mill sts., will be completed October 1; rents from $17 up; 2, 3. 4 room, all modern improvements; largest heating plant in city; furnished or unfurnished. No charge for cooking gas. SHEFFIELD apartments. 72 BroaO way S., cor. Jelferson, easy walking distance; 3 or 4 rooms, witn private baths, very reasonable rent, best serv ice, splendid arrangements, all outsids rooms, direct phones. THE MARLROKO UGH. 21st and t landers, ofiers you a modern 5 or 6 room home in Nob Hill district with high class service, at moderate prices. Main 7516. A-26.U. LUZERNE APARTMENTS 2 room furnished apis., private batli, phone, large Kitciien, all outside rooms, modern brick building. I orner ud ana Hall sts.. and $2o. . lars 1 1 6 7 . THE ORLANDO Cor. :th and Wash ington sts., very desirable, elegantly furnished 3 room corner apartments, $42. 5u aJid $40; every modern couven ience; references. Marshall 14. MoRToN apDi.. cor. Washington and King sts.; 3 and 4 room furnished and unfurnished apts. Best and cheap est place in city, walking distance. Main 10S2, A-1108. wKLLtSLil COURT ARTS.. East 15th and Belmont, half block south of Morrison st Furnished and unfur nished 2 and 3 room apts., rents rea sonable. New 4 stop- brick building. REX ARMS APARTMENTS. 13TH AND E- MORRISON STS. Modem 2 and 3 room furnished and unfurnished apts., $20 to $32.50 month; new fireproof bidg with balconies. idO.NTUOMn.RY APARTMENTS 3d and Montgomery. New brick, all outside furnished 2 room apartments, private bath, phone, automatic eleva tor, close in, $20 up. Main 9466. WALDORF COURT, 1RV1NGXON. East 9lh and Scnuyler. Five looms unfurnished with large sleeping porch; strictly modern. c 66S. East 547. SAN MARCO APTS., E. hth and Couch sts. 3 room, steam heated apts., private bath and phones, outside rooms, $16 to $22. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4 room apts., $ls up; ga.id janitor service; walking distance, '-ef-erences. 712 Wash., opp. 22a. M. 7134. NEW YORK APTS. E. 7th and Bel mont, f urnistied rooms, modern brick bldg., all outside apts.. steam heat. lights; personal management of owner, j LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 3 ROOM apartment east side, com-'191 C'HEVIOLET roadster, 2 pas pietely furnished; all outside rooms. senger, 2a h. p.. electric start Private bath and phone, $20. Phone ! er and lights, snap. only.... $67 1 B-lt)7y lu XsORTH EIGHTEENTH IK:'. One, two and three room furnished 4 f.fncemeDtS- 12 t0 Walkins dH- tancc. ) i t mwood Apts, lUth and Hall i BeauUful lobby, social hall, modern! room furnished apts.. reasonable. THE ALCO Couch and Union ave.; walking distance, summer rates, new. modern, 2 room apts., $1S to $2 4 rer month. 3 LARGE ROOMS. $22.50 Save $15 monthly, comuletelv fur- nished, bed and take linen, phone, bath. B-1079. ...,, . , -r r; t - Aiamo Aprs., ivi jiarKet at nicely furnished 3 room Apts.; rent l ectaoiiiioie. FOR RENT FLATS 13 VERY" sightly llat, five large rooms, very desirable location, easy walk ing distance, rent reasonable. 61S Main bl, near King- FIVE room upper corner flat, clean and modern. West Side, corner 2d and Grant sts.; rent $20. 5 ROOM upper flat, paneled dining room, phone, water, $12.50. 525 Mill St. Woodlawn 2177. 2 ROOM flat, partly furnished, very reasonable. 706 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 1053. WHEN yo.i aiio'vcr these Want A is, mention The Journal. FURNISHED FLATS 50 MODERN 5 room lower flat com- I pietety turnisneu; win De vacant Oct. lo; walking distance. Owners home. East 7 7 0. UP-TO-DATE, walking distance, 4 and 5-room flats, free phone. East 373V. WHEN you answer these mention The Journal. Want Au STORES AND OFi ICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal FumiFhiner Co., Broadway and Yamhill 245, Journal. FOR RENT HALLS 59 LODGE hall with good dancing floor, j steam heated. Ill Second st Phone Main 183. I HOTELS 54 ! THE BARVIEW hotel, on Tillamook Beach under new management, is open all the year. 211 Failing bldg Phone A- or M. 2029. W. A. W ise, prop W ANTED .TO RENT WANTKI) To leaso ?l to :n.mnm -fur- nished hotel in country town with option to buy; pay cash lease in ad- vance: would consider uool hail and i u,"e" ' "SZl " ""V delivery, Portland. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 1 Wt)lil.Tl like to tret hm-KO for tin. -a in ter to do light work for his f eed on that will work single. G. A. Co'.lins. jinwaiisie, Koute z, box iiz. ; BIG work team for sale cheap or will take trade for a good 1100 lb. dri i lnB horse; come quick lor bargain. I 1029 E. Yambill st. Mc-tiT sell good pair ot mules, liainess HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 (Continued) Auction Sale ffm1DbiV.?FhSSr uy ui s.su. v e sen on a commission basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both r ,T. wn 8e !!1.I7.nhSme.U,uCIi.0l PU ant to .buy,, attend this sale. MATCHED span of gray horses 6 years old. 3000. A matched span of black horses, S years old, 2200. Sev- eral other chunky horses, abbot 1200, cheap for cash. Wagons and har nesses. A span ol Shetland ponies, gentle for children. 292 Union ave. and East Clay st. !3 MULES Team, weignt iltSOO lbs., , $-'26; team, weight 3000 lb., $235; ! team, weight 2500 lbs., $225. This in ! eludes thejr harness; all good work ers; young and gentle; lor cash or time. 240 E. Sth. NOTICE. At 185 M Madison street, on approach of bridge, carload eastern Oregon horses, mares, llou to ItiuO. Well broke and every horse guaranteed. WANTED 25 3 and 4-year-old geld ings, weigning from S0 to 1000 lbs., from 14-3 to 16-3 hands hign, broke or unbroken; no grays. Fazier-Mc-Lean, 5th and Taylor. WANTED Good work horses or niuies in exchange for a good lot in. Port land free from incumbrances. Walk er & Mason, Albany, Or. U. S. STABLES. All classes of horses for. sate. Front st. MS DEAL horsos and cattle taken away free. Call day or night. Tabor 4203. LIVESTOCK 3Tt YOUR choice 9 big young cows, calves by side, or coming fresh; extra large milkers; will deliver. 3ath and St. Johns road. Phone 622-R, Vancouver, Wash. Take Sifton car to car barns, walk one block north. Cc-Ui and see us aoout al. breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co, 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. 6 FRESH dairy and family cows. Taconia. Seilwoul 2U4 1. 194 FOR SALE A fat dry cow. Call Kasl 6b7o. )st5 Rrazee st, city. POULTRY GOLDEN Silver Chinese pneasants; Mallard ducks, Japanese silkies; Or egon Bird & Pheasajit Farm, Beaver ton, Or., R. No. 1. CAATPINE chickens wanted. 1 cock erel and 1 doz. pullets. Address with price, J-368, Journal. WHEN you answer these mention The Journal. Want Aua, DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 4S CANARIES, guaranteed singers; birds cared for 25 cents per week. Thomp son's Bird Store, basement. 171 W. Park sc. near Morrison. Ht.N you answer u.exj Want Aan, mention The Journal. ALOM01illE-ACCESSORlES 44 ELECTRIC AND SELF STARTING AUTOMOBILES. NEW AND USED. LEARN TO DIUVE FREE. Motor to San Francisco. 1915. Call and see any of the following cars, all guaranteed; 1 "rices $2 00 upwards; terms to suit. 1 MAXWELL roadster. WARREN roadster. AMERICAN roadster. MOL1NE 5-passenger. BU1CK 5-piscenger. REGAL 5-passenger. BUCK loou-lo. trucks. PIERCE ARROW" 7-paasenger stage car. We sell the best cars for the money. new or used. Howard Auto 'Co. BL'ICK DISTRIBUTERS. 14th and Davis sts. Used Auto Snap Jio c ri -- li r.nn, i iiasseiigei , r cylinder, just overhauled and 1911' -i ,,aSsl ' h" ' n toredoor. jsTohatacd. .4 75 several other good buys. lnvcsti- repainted, for quick sale $1350 sale !LZrsAon r NOlthweSt AutO UO, BROADWAY AND COUCH. Main 8S7. A-4959, ' IN the matter of the .stale of Clar I er.ee Harrison, bankrupt I will re- j ceive sealed bids for two i-pas- i senger l ecness auiomoones, is 1 1 ana 1 1 ai-.models, up to o p. m. tnursaay. ! V'h 15h . lVAf , J'T,!8 nf'n? IccitUied check for 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each j amount offered must accompany each bid. Cars can be inspected at garage at 86 10th st., Portland. Or. Trustee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Sale made subject to confirma tion of court. It. D. Campbell, trustee in bankruptcy 903-14 Board of Trade bldg.. Portland. Or. THE WESTERN TOP CO. Auto tops, backs, cushions, dust hood.-?, curtains and seat covers. Auto trimming a specialty. We are sole manufacturers and distributors of Black Diamond Aut-O-Luster. a water proof top and leather dressing. 371 Hawthorne ave. Ea s t 1975. L 1 G 1 1 'FD EL I V E R White panel top delivery, newly painted, good tires and in No. 1 me chanical condition. Price $750; easy terms. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO., 690 Washington St. HIGH trrade 40 horsepower roadster. I self starter, electric lighted, extra tires, all in good condition, $i50, or will exchange for lot in good resi dence district, free of incumbrance. Call 101 10th st. OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "'The Tire Shop," 350 Wasfhington st, at 18th Marshall 379. We get vour tires readv for THE W ET STREETS. TIRES WILL exchange $600 interest in 9 acre tract, with running water, for a small automobile in good condition. N. VV. Mortified, 810 Washington St., Vancouver. Wash. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS Large stock. Prices $3oo to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. Studebaker bldg. Co rncr Chapman and Aldor. j Writ ten guar antee wun every spring. 26 N. 15th st. I1NITFD I'ninting Auto Top Co. u 1 1 1 i i l isinglass put in; prices reasonale; factory finished. 15th r.nd j Wash. Mar. 045. Lowit & Mossman. ONE cylinder Cadillac auto to trade; can easily be fixed up for wood saw. What have you? P. O. box 22, Chen v Grove. )r. WANTED An auto truck, 2 yds. ca- ' pacity I monthly b P- m- pref erred. Can make good payments. Tabor a'J14 after FEDERAL TRUCK. . Federal truck with express body ihd top, in first class condition, easy tei rr U-30 Journal. AUTO SPRINGSHlA1"5- ! Frank l ane" 28 Salmon. Main 181. j WANTED To buy scrap rubber and cash prices paid. 1 metals. Highest J. Leve. 1S6 Columbia St. Main 5198. - 1 Rl 7 ICK lmr.el ton delivery in nood me- chanical condition, including tires, price i3nQ; e isy terms. T-241. Journal. ! WANTED Automobile around $3U0; i months time, good security. T-238. Journal. SLIGHTLY' used tires largest stock in Portland. S3 to $15. Fine repair ing. Tire Supply Co.. 207 Madison. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. !USICAE INSTRUMENTS 34 $125 Splendid Piano--$125 High graded piano, beautiful tone .in good condition, cost $500; snap for $125. 310 Stock Exchange. KIMBALL baby gTand piano. In the best ot condition. Take a look at it 52 1st st TYPEWRITERS GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods. Remingtons, L. C. Smith, Oliver. Smith Promter. Royal, etc., $15 and up: terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. -Gill Co.. 3d and Alder sts. WE save, you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail de partment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRIT ER CO.. 321 Washington St. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months" rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Company. 86 Broadway. YOU can rent visible typewriter. 3 months for $4; convenient at home, delivered and all rent applied on pur chase. Main 6273. or A-4441. 244 Stark. NEW, rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals, cut rates, p. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. WHEN you answer tnesu mentior The Journal HOUSEHOLD GOOUs tor aaie k... FURNITURE Betore buying second hand goods, see what you can 'i here on new goods for cash. Get post ed. William Oadsbv, 1st snd Wash WE Duy, sell ana exchange new and second hand furniture of all kinds. Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction Com. Co.. 191 Second st. FOR SALE Cheap, iron beds, side board and other pieces of miscelia neous furniture, lgi Park st. EXTRA good bed springs, mattress, pair feather pillows. Tabor 1340. 10:;: Arnold. $37.50 Hoosier kitchen cabinet, almost new, $15. 751 Thurman, cor. 23d. FURNITURE for 4-room house; leav ing city. 1064 E. Morison. WHEN you answer tnese Want Aas, mention The Journal. SALE M1SUELLAN EOl 1$) FOR SALE Several hundred 12 gaus shotgun shells, loaded and empty, leather gun case, fine 2 cell medical battery, health and longevity doctor book, mandolin, crokinole board; trade, except shells, lor Huil.cr iuikci. y4 Margin. MUSICAL INSXKUM.E. i's," "Type writers" and "Household Goods " are Beparate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published tinder their respective classiiicaticns. Look them over. BEAUTIFUL solid oak, flat-lop, sani tary, 60-inch desk, disappearing typewriter bod. perfect condition. Have no room for it and must sell at onc. Bajgain. 751 Thurman, cor. 23d. Partitions and Glass Large- quantity of matched lumber partitions, leaded and cathedral glass. Call at the Holtz store, 5th and Wash- ingtoii. BATHS, toilets, basins, sinks, boilers. pipe and fittings. No. 4 Ruud heate", bargain prices. Work installed. Jobbing promptly attended to. Main 0 29 7. 32, st st. GARDENERS' outfit complete, includ ing Reo truck. Durham roller spray- '"B ""uu, iiiuwcis, eic, jcneap V ooa lawn 3484. SAFES All sizes al cost; safes re paired. Mosler Safe Co., 409 North western Bank hide Main 7676 FOR SALE or trade. 1 gold watch, 1 phonograph, old coins for diamonds, or will huy diamonds. 23 4 Columbia. Store Counters Dry goods counters, tables, arc lamps. Mazda lamp fixtures, etc. Call at ihe Holtz store, 5th and Washing ton. BAKER hainmerlcss shotgun, $15. Call 78 E. 6&th st, N. Montavilla car. After 6 p. m. l-OR SALbi land. Or.; Journal. 3 R. R. tickets to Ash good until Nov. 4. U-55, $35 buys a fine diamond ring. Big bargain. 320 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. DON'T buy any plumbing supplies till you get our wholesale prices. Stark Davis Co., 212 3d st. Main 797. FERTILIZER. Well rotted cow manure. 914. before x, alter 6 p. m. Tabor $22 buys lady's solid gold watch, set with small diamond. 320 Lumber Exchange bid . 2d and Stark sts. $35 buys up-to-date diamond brooch. 320 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. SAFES New and set-dim hand, bar gains. 101 1st st. Main 3565. DIAMOND paint. $1.65 gal. Port. loor & Window Co.. 230 Front Mar. 100. GEYURTJS furniture Lowest cash pries store. 208 1st. in the city. $12.50 DROPHKAD sewing machiue 152 Grand ave. with attachments. FOR SALE Hand sewing machine, best English make. $6.50. 595 4th. FOUR ton ice making and refrigerat ing machine. Washington. 444 Wasth. FOR SALE 6 h. p. steam engine, $20. Tabor 298. price Professional and Business ACCORDION PI.EATIMO . smit'li Ar. Ut-aisiiicbliiK. Ht-cordloii. Hide od saDbarat pleating; buttons corerM: k1 pooci- SoilWlinr. Alder. M-B3.J. ASSAYXK8 WE buy old poid. ullver. plotlnom. or sample. Pic-Wer.ng i Co. . Asyer ?:orthwwt bide. H?h nnrt V gBhingtoii t- or 610 BLANK BOOK MAKEH8 DAVIS & HOLM AN. luc. 10i 1' ? '? book uiauutaclur-.-n; xyciiU for Jooes lm- proe.l Loose Leaf Ledgers. hen the Dw Kurekii l-rt. A-:ilt3 Main 0 BUSINESS COLLEGES LINK'S BLS1NKSS lOLI.EUK, Mb """r. Tl -ford bldg.. PortUnd. or. flione Main -iH.l. CAB.PET CLE AN ISO. JOVCE BUOS. Electric Cleaning workn. nr- nol cleaned ana lain. irmi.u clalty. Bant 440. B-19H.V K. 10th at. N. CAlil'kTS flenned, retlliui nd lai lug Parker. Tlr 10T. 11. CARPET WEAVING. hOUTUWEST KLU IU rug, fruiu old c uets ra rugs, carpet cleauing lt8 t. Btt. vS?k 'called l-.r. Kust ;HU. B-lHQ. pli.MiNaLLA uug Wurks K pet weaTing. 151H fatton av tuie uod car. CHIROPRACTORS DK McMliHUN. 121 4th ii WUllatna . jit a.ljmdmetua ln. l'at'.i-M get well. COAL AND WOOD. MtrrD JP. UMk for A-l dry 4 foot fir nLUIl tit I rtllll ,BU oak c'ordvood COAL Also sawed to order. I'reu.pt livery. Main 45U6. A-454.. fAtlMt SLABWUOU to., iljiu I'.iOit, A-'.dM. Ureea abort wood, bk-fcs. tg iuslile, small lQMlde, dry lalw-ord. h.rt p'auer trlmndiiga. Ediefsen FueTCor1 i.tSrf" rU ,1. J. KVtllTs. MAIN 77 GnarcoalFooT of cikkv strew UH slab and box Slumlord W.mwI I wood, cord wood nd coau .... Kat 2:tl.". B-I88H. COLI ECTIONS 1 BUY ccouril. bill, uutes and Jjdgmenia of eery name aud nature aiifwberc. rot ...iek results answer M-.WS. Journal. Ul'EN accoTinta. nolef. judgu.eota conecira. 1.1,1 ha-t metLoda fur aulck realt. K-.ort Adlii'tment to. 2fl N W. Hank. M. 974 COHTKACTINO AND BUILDING IHtY cement building. Ioe your window ledges or walla soak water? We will Mr.i It cheap. Guarantee. J. Mack. Box 4H4. Portland. . UOHACK U. JON Ea. JU. I BUILD ANYTHING FUOM ACBKKN DOORS TO A HOTF.L, TABOR 1764 WAKE yoor firepiare gie good aerrlce; cU Vt'empe. Woodlawn 25Ti. EYE. EAR. HOSE. THROAT. LTTNOS. EneelaUat. Moderate priea. Ulaea flttd- Ur. F. V. Cdav. 517 Dekum bldg.. 3d A Waab. EDTJCATIOKAL DANCING PKOK. WAL WILSON'S Walta. hesitation. one-step, two-ate p. cbottlabe: lessons 2Se OrornlDg, afternoon, eve.; guarantee to teach anybody who walks bow to danee. 8o' r.th at., bet. fctark and Oak. 4 prlate lesaona $2; 8 ela-es. Phone Main 737. WHtTJNG-IRKLAND Daueiug Academj. Un ite. One-Step. Hecltatiou. Lcaaons daily. Jol Aliaky bide 34 and MorrUoa. kUla SOU. FOR SALjE MISCELLANEOUS 10 (Continued HESSIAN Grocery, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, tinware, school supplies. Orders taken and promptly delivered to all parts cltv. Why pat ronize public markets wherh you can buy for less from the retailer? Bar gains in ian and city property. If not right we make it right. W. A. Hes sian, prop., 1193 Hawthorne ave.. Ta bor 981 or B-2549. GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Marine & stationary. Marine Hardware. Write for catalogue. GAS POWER &. - SUPPLY CO.. 168-172 Front st.. Portland. Oregon Soda Fountain for Sale Beautiful up-to-date fountain, 30 feet long, German silver. Alaska mar ble and mahogany finish; used two years. Will , close out at out thir J actual cash cost. Address or .Ul at tiie Holtz store. 5th and W'q -h ;:igton Electric Motors Electric motors bought, sold rented and repaired. Walker Electric Wks, 10 and Burnside. Main 5674. Millinery Fixtures Three mahogany wall tases and two large display cases with mirrors; will close out at a bargain. Address or tall at the Holtz storr-, 5th and Wash ington. toft SALE Sc'- H.-it second tuna carom atio. pocket .. Iliard tu'bles and bcwling al.eys and cessories. bar fixtures of s.U kinds, easy payments. The BrunswicK-Balke-Collender Co.. 1 4 5th Kt. Main 769. A-1769. Office Fixtures Comptoin. t. r, filing caes, tyye writeis. ;iobe office register, small safe, tables, chairs, etc. Call at the Holtz store, 5th and Washington. SVi A (Oi.l WANTED Suit ano change for painting T-2;;;, .loiirnal. overcoat In ex and c10imir.iny TO TRADE Practically new Vietrola. cott $10, tor an thing in the horse line; U. 6315, J40 K. Mil St 4 on ,, KooAi lor brick, ceenint, plas ter and iyt.rpeiit.-i- work, city or country . H. -M . Journal MV holiSeboat I' tion. Main 220. r auto, A-l condi- yNTJL4) MISt ELiXEOLS WANTED The pec pie of Portland to" know that I nay highest cash urr:8 for second hand household goods. NC amount ot lurr.lture too iarue or too I tmall to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. East 6707. LEVIN HARDW ARE 6c M HMi UKK CO.. 221 Front st.. buys d har-d fur niture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or tools of any kind Call A-7174 or Main 907,'. Our t.u. r promptly. "Notice to movers?." We want to buy $lu00 worth ot sec ond hand furniture and ray all the cash it is worth. Williams Ave Fur niture Exchange.. East 626 THE GLOBE STTntE- wTx.VtedT SECOND HAND CLOTHING And everything Highest prices paid Main 20S0. J.s5 1st. near Jefferson. CALL up E. 61-20. Ai. R. Sealer, to sell your furniture. Prompt attention, highest cash prices. 368-374 Hawthorne BE WISE hand fu Get more fot Our second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co !11 1st Main 8951. WANTED Cabinet must be bargain; 193, Journal. makers' state pr;i bt-ncn ; e. U- W ANTED Shotgun, 12 a!.c cheap. G-210. J gauge, lunia 1 good, HIGHEST price paiu Eiin 3. cam-TMs H. .'.. for rifles, shot I'e'd 4 t - N". 3d. WHEN you answer these Want mentto.i The Journal. Aas. FOR best prices goods. Call Se on old vour household Hast 42-!S. WHEN you answer (h.se Want mention The Journal. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST October 14. laigr case containing pane is effects of M. M. W. L. Please notify Taggaid. of t onimeri e. Portland. brown s i i t -and p. rsona 1 I del . i f w ard, tlti Chamber LOh I'--i-ady s j ui pi.- -handbag, con taining papers luarmg n:me of owner of bai; and some mori.-v. 1J21 E. G lisan. Tabor 2 3 1 1 . LOST Rum h keys bearing M-ultno-mah hotel key rin;. viem'ty Wash ington st. Return 2 19 ,tl, in a ton .--t. LOST From Ri v erd.i ! e. Iris;. setter dog. Reward paid tor return to 2 31 Railway Exchan-- Phone Main 49 19. GRAY cattle driver, b ih-1 a i i I. miss.d since Thuisdav noon. Hillsdale. Or. -Max Gangum, WHEN y u answer l i-e mention The Journal. Want Aus. DANCING MR. and M ICS. HKAT1! '.S. Ht-h.mt; font-y. tr. octnj and all ibv latest ilan.e tauclit; wskx and two-tep .iihrmiiwl In 4 private leitaon; rhisa lien, uil 1 rl. nr.. 7 P U; u. finely after. Mnrriiai. i.r. 2.1. Mur. .in MUSIC SCHOOLS ASD l.-.ACHERS LACllLUnt pian..fia tn Ttip.'.r.i . ehur UlU-.r ..rf.T- i -t lld.-li I, lr.-p: iTill.. I- Pit, rin I-. Ica.li. .1 .urnu i. B. THIKLIIUUN. tlj.m ie. n. t. iuiui Se-ln. 207 Klledin-r M-l. A 4ii.i t-r.hll T. K. LAWSII.N, i,lu Main t.V.i !, ,n. 422 -- AJt. riou. POPULAR t"J5IC KAGTIME ou llano guui'aiHeed t.en,ntta hi 10 lesfcon. I'icttire playlns;. Ki?e deinuu- tratton. Kre ).Klf .'rfii KM.t- b.. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAJHOS Vlo 111 !.-. .-:ierjtora titxiiii, .,m, t. uird a ad repm.red. We do all Luxl- uf lepaiiiuj; r.nd rewinding, all ..ik ginunte-il. II. Ji, II. Klec trie t o. .11 , l-i at. I'l.oiv Main H2lu. buy. reil. rent and elcLutii,e uw and ae ond Emit ujci'.r-. n-i.alr v.i a rjeialir. etern Klee'ri.' V.nk 1 1 fiin -i r win. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP I'ilUr.NiA, Iron vur. u: Iboi ne (.enerl ii.i-.-ni.ie and in and lla .lr - FURNITURE REPAIRING 421 I1A WTilol; K, furnllnre rep.-, liei h ; ''It, in I 'i.i Ilaml. Kn-- delivery. -.a-t :10I. KODAK SUPPLIES. KODAKS ;tr:. Urcnivr. II Kit A- ti a i; k 1 1 '.i in.. :-.i.) w i Kt(JllJ.i. ME8SLNOEKS. Ju l Ultci C l.LS and til. v. l.-. l n.i A 2i::i. MASTV M 1 S1-.M; V. u NATUROPATHIC JH YSIClAl.o. UK. I'H1LLU-.S--I'an.: Ma. nei ou Ic .liaeasea. fiU- uir..iii ,n l,;.'. ml cbrme OSTRICH PLUME Hartuei" li'iUtue . 1,. eor. Pa. hill Main IJirj. tj-ir..'b. liar feathers, lelnodeled. flea.ie.l. ...i inle Votk riiaranle.d f.i nt lOalrt PAIKTING. PAPERHANGING TINTIVl jbtii i.k i' a i. n Vt ; :" Sueew,r to N. t. 'I'.K-ide. (.ai:i; i-,i,-.' -tiiit-inje . .at.erhiiiii(i. Slain 4411. S.-.. olU .MursLjtll Mreel. I AIN 1 INci, Pai rinji.tsl luti,.; up. O. A. li.-TUe. MhIt -21 V S " 1 Manufacturers1 Jobbers Wholesalers J BREWERS It B0TTLEK3 HKNKV WKI.NHAKIi. lllli ih l i.iii n-i-ie DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer Si Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS & VEKICIE3 K. M. WADE & CO. ill llaw.oorue Wholesale Acrl. nlnir :il I nTjeem-nn GRAIN M EE CHANTS M. H. HOCSEK. B-K-rd of Ira.te i.ms. LEATHER AWD FTSDIIIGS CIlAS. L. MAST1CK A l tl.. 74 Krnt. of every description: fiiidina. Lea diet MEWS AND WCMEHS NECKWEAR COLtkltiiA Nackwear ili. o.. tvi uta at. 21 POKTllAND,- of..ffpcX14 1 9 1 47 Th e LOST A&'D FOUND CCon-tlnaed) luuuviiiig uriiiaro were rouna an I the cars of the?;; Portland Railway, 8 Light & l'ower C$j an if owners there- . I oh umy ciaim fajjie ti me f irst and Alder streets 8taSon, Marsuall 5100. A-6J31: ',, October 13 Onstoll bedding, l bun dle sacks, S-tacfcSfces, 1 key. 1 coat. 6 umbrellas. 1 cSlk book. 1 suit. as. . 1 child's coat, sfl string of beads (white). 1 roll SI paper. 1 package clothing. 1 but ki.j clothing. 1 bucket of, bottles, 1 givpj 1 book. 1 spirit neei j gioves. tKey l pin; FOl'N D StnallKite English bulhb nanje Pat on" iiollar, owner pho I dog. loue Marshall 4600. M.k. for Mr. SiKoner. M.EN and womemnose suffering frotj every cuiable disease or habit, treat ed and cured br the later t natural healing methodgi including radium, electricity, htat.filght, baths, manipu lation, aOiustmeaeti. and message; no opera tiosa, no m?4icine, free consulta tion. Dr. P. F.: iLewis, successor to Dr. W. Malftry. Naturopath. 31J Kotnrmi.i rung, v 1 LI. the iauies !!? i a.nu geuvieiiien who witnessed th r man and woman struck by an ausrnoDue at Mini at iebfi. aiiout 3:15 . n )r i please send their u auSoniobile at (Sixth .i uu .Vorrlson stre Friday, Octobe d- dresses to the widersigned espccially those who i'-ssi6cd ar Uteiward. .lso the lady who dfiSt'e a i lapsing .ltt t lie and the motornfjrti whose iur stopped on the west sidlfof Sixth at that tune. I journal. LAUJgg Atk lor Am o Mixftjre No. s. "Better than pilis fi1?- female His. A quick, safe uU sure emulator, easy to usf.s works like magic. withofif harm, pain or inter -feren&gwlth work. Price $2. Doublf strength. $5.00. For sale Sf Helfond Drug Co. 22 - .urt'rlsun near First JifA MlirtT on h'gi; prices. Why pay o $10 lor a- pair oi classes, when I cm fit your eyes wQh firtt quality lenses in a gold rilledSJi ame as low a $1.50." C. W. Goodm?rgilal Morrison St.. uear bridge. Satisiftion uarantped. AIRS. STEVEJN&i 21 years r ortland s renowned pajinist and clairvoyant; luthor of "Pabulistry Made Easy"; Is located 291 aiorrUon st, AsUted oy Mrs. Dr. lme. Spiritual advl3r r.nd divine UeaD - . rKnl worK in dyeing. modeling and restor plumes. Moderate Arges and prompt serv- ldfcj THE PLUME. 25S M'irgan bldg. Main 4001). M.NrjS DREYFUS Who was forEgears Portland's most gifted clairvoyant is demonstrating and teaching rbind healing and mental suggestion. 4l3: Goodnough building, opposing post(j?ice. ABOU'4ilAlR GOODS. - Don't trust ddlers witn combines; let us make timn up, 95c up. Wigs, toupes a iieci;4.iy, 20 yrs. est'd. Febvet & Hanebut. 1 4 i road w ay. nr M-.rrf'n. SPIRITUAL Sodium, Rev. Virginia Rowe. ReaiJtss., healing daily; cir cles Tuesday nhd Friday evenings, 8 o'clock. 231 6i st. Phone A-7116. niHRf PQree consultation ally. U I V KJ I I Kj Li Jjfiih much experience. Office hours iffa. in. to 10 p. m. Phone ior Hppoinim.gt. Mnrsiiill 46S. DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD, chi ropodist. wClT be pleas, d to see her old patrons affew location. 204 Mac leay bldg.-, 2ftjWa8l)ingtPn st. SPIRITUAL gvdium. Emelia P.arsin. readings t3'ly: circles Tuesdat, Thursday cveyi 431 Salmon. SPiRirUALlg!. Rev. M. A. Price. Cir cles. Tui-b., i Wed. and Sun.. 8 p. m. Readings rta'ig-;! 6o:t 5th t. Mar 3 360. GRADUATE jli iropodisl, manicurist s-ientlfic' ffiigjsseuse. Lalies only. 2i.4 Macleav f lg., 2S6 Washington .st. niVnRrFH;-awyer of "Iwrei: Ul V Cl l.Uverience reliable, advice f re e. 404 Roftj-h il ldb 1 d g L, 2 S7.4j Was h. HAVE ycurlS-lr pernianeiniy wated. Guaranteed?, last. Sanitary Beauty I'arlors. 4 oi) -c ,)e um. Marshall Ij2 1 Ml 1 '-' I s , n ' " , ' n j i sl fcT77lT 2 roM i" trealmentsf I 0. ly, IS CinroDractio 1-3 regular price. Dr. C. S. Tifet,rd, 316 AUskv bidg FUR aliur. New ora i rjT t emtxlell ug. best work, 717 Swetland bldg. Inwipt pri DR G V. KgTtCHLi;.l W onieu a mal adies and ute dlsea-es men. Wash, bldg . 4tn r.ifiWash Km.- 41. Ml 448. HOT BAjaiS AND MASSAGE Magnetic he;er Main '527. A-7271. llil KoHIAti 1C, 121 4th. Ch.roino iasf ; 18 Si: atments $10. others AlWVf P"n,uila""n i tee. Main bldg .nil i i i i . ly93. 70S Selling j BALM of lilSix. leiiu-dy for diseases if women." ?f.04 Davis st. Main 23 9 J. U.-E Hassei(,0 Ngtlve Herbs lor rheu matism; i.'flabtets 25c. All druggist fllKASAN'i': glials. 717 S prepared fot wetland bid; - : vf Directory I PAINTING. 'afcAPERHAHOIMO. TIMT1NO Sclelltfp ntjftd. ot work in painting. m M. ;ij7.. A-1-J2... VJi I III) t. periins. P4VIXQ COMPANIES JMK llAKUtlffSt'llAl.l I'AV I.Vti o . ft land effi.-p tH- Kie.irlr ti'clg RUBUi,) jiAMl-b AND SEALS ALSO teucil; ln.de rUecka. tra. rACIHCtiASl BlAMf WOKK3 2-1 V.:h(i.m at Ot.l 710 A-L'IIO SfjING MACHINES All luak'a. lirw ttlui mvjait fautl, lor aaie or rent. Alt ; iirit-ua. Aeu-iuK Ma.liiur t ui. l..r;uui. 1U( ihlr... urat laj- i.t. atain iM.il. SHjST METAL WORKS. it Ik I ' A i u Lii. .t. tt. aii gr.it. i.m.i. jti.i .! Iviraji. I uhim- Jla.'ii I l4. -f AXIDLKjl'i.18 t- lb..) . )rfSlv, Cal. n Vie Ci .vyt i. Dtl coUiUjU.ivij iori tuck wareuoy lor uu. Dim,1 . W . itvc u miu 1 iu t, iuiouii t'ri Ut mu J-iint.c U4i fwrtslyi Dolu I M H I If .iH. J J it. it iiut. j 4i.;."M.Ai cu. New iiii-ai v iirt-iiuu! Hiti .pirit rjum. W v i' e dJ vvk LuU'!lM,ti ftj VttU uiiti ledi loi UviDU . 1 UfM mi viliitf ao Olsll lbUUDi irtia4rr. 17igh Ht .l M t. Mnin 647. A OREGON l'RANSFER CO. " ,&laohau;d litf. Trausfeg i.nd I"i ur.Jlng aul. storage; liee Uataut Otflie ajul iora U Uiiaan at. I':iti .n.d '-iiaii. Main m'j. a-I 149 fciOU AL.L. " 1IANNING VAMi.lliilKb 'tUAWVKU C Uiij-.ANi .vr.atr ma. Let ua U.ae. pai or aulu vjt buuaebald (,-oodK. KeiJuul'l (rigtit ra:ea uu carina tbhiuienta. Jun-u;:b ear rervie. titAIN 70.1. , A 2214. liAC.AUt- Xrauier Mi-tut Cu. Main 1JO. . A11U.;. hXI'LUT McIMMiW tl.KANI.K A UiiJ. iLtu ti:t27 12 Hrnrx ld P4UT. OIL AND GLASS I.AMHSM.'t co.. - lliiju ei .ndiu " (..int. N. K. ""-aet 2d and latlfi. .M. A 1771. I'ltlNKEK I'ilN 1 CO.. ii Ul t. Mala l-. A -7ma. j : TIPE WOOD PI p E euiULA.il) BWII VWY. to .let of T f flee nea 4th au.l Vork la. Main 34K PLUMBIWG PIPE STEAM liUPPLIES M. I . KLINE 4-n-S7-M FRONT TUKET. ' ROPI "AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co, r WALL PAPER klORGAN WALL PAPER . CO. between isfdjon and Vialo. -ZM Zi at, 1 s. Kv antt