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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1914)
ri 16 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 14, 1914. fi ll 11 WANTED MISC. (Continued 40 HJio. HI.VtiUALE, rormer Instructor ' the Young Women's Christian Aaso- ciation, ih iiow icady to tatte yuuiitf meif afuct women for a thorough busi . Titut training in shorthand,- bootckeep- lng, in-nnian.slnp. etc. 50J Eaipreutf ' bloif. lerotial instruction. tnoruiifcii I UKUiOit LAW (iCUUUi i practical courte In law: no time lose 5 from regular occupation; recitations i evenings. .Samuel T. 1 tlchardson. dean; M. Moreheau. nee. 6 lb-ill coiniuon Health blog.. I'ortland, Or. SITUATIONS FEMALE ' (Continued) HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48; APARTMENTS 431 DEi6,RTED mother with 8 months old. j CLKAN. nicely furnished. 2 and 3 baby wants work In a home where rooms, private bath, steam heat, ne can have a reasonable time for s lights furnished. Fhone Bast 3192. the care of her child. References. 272 'A Williams ave. MarPhsll 1098- 575 Couch. ! ,1,60 TO Si.lf, wee, furnished H. K. ,ADY would like to care for chil- rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, baths, dren. day or eveninars. References , ffllan 1.'.-.. nrlu ...... C!AI 1 ! ' wood 2060. POSITION as housekeeper by widow with two Klrla, school age; country preferred; can give refernces. Y7, Journal. 1 ' (J ... - t .... r . Hmia l.iiil,l lift u mail order business of your own. . KASTERN conservatory graduate We help you Mart for a share in s piano pupils. Phone, Tabor Profits: J7 opportunities. 1'a.rticllars , free. Dept. A-.'j, opportunities Exeh., Wufflo. N. Y EoLfcH Barber College want men ana won. en to learn the trade. In we.. Clean work, percentage paid wht'e learning; tools free; scalp ai.d face J alogue, 4K N iid at. J aililNKUr.U'h novel rui:ent johs open N E W U Y furnished room a. Hot water, ave., N. housekeeping 1144 & Union W iiKN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal BOTTSEKEEPXKO BOOMS EAST8IDB PRIVATE fAMLT 74 TWO room suite, complete housekeep ing, $3.00 week, free light, phone and bath. Grand ave., corner laylor. SITUATIONS WANTED MALK AND FEMALE 23 MAN and wife, thoroughly expert, j 1iI0nktar4lreva?d8, enced 1n hotel and apartment house, JM.P., Want work at on- nefomnr-ni. Main I DI"ttU,. (Continued) BRAND NEW RIB COR. 1TH AJO 1XJVEJOY. Just completed, & story fireproof brick bldg.. 57 2. 3 and 4 room outside unfurnished apts., large, light and airy. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. 18 (Continued) MUST sell good pair of mules, harness and farm wagon. 1967 E. Stark St.; trial allowed. LIVESTOCK 33 YOUR choice 9 big young cows, calves by side, or coming fresh; extra large milkers: will deliver. 35th and St. with all modern up-to-date conven-! Johns road. Phone 22tR. Vancouver, 1 . .T- ., . . ..K1 H'nch 1, 1"IC... y Homo iences, automatic elevator, marble bathrooms, private balconies. Refer ences required. PRICES MODERATE. range, gas 346 Benton, 717. T7, I women. Um pay; list tree. ffanK- lln Institute, Dept. 7oi-, Kocheter, N. Y. lUOVKKftMKM positions are easy to i get. My free booklet x-jib tens now. li.arl itopKins, 1 write today -NOW I Washington, I . C. DRESSMAKING 40 MRS. BLACK. expert dressmaker: work reasonable. Marshall 6725. 689 "Washington Bt. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE THoi:HAM'S kovci ninerit jobs "t) to J ' men and women $.". to 1150 month. 'Write for 1 1 t . I'tMiiklin .Inetitute, j lept 3Mt H. Hoehesler. N. Y. 'ItjMi.tvAt mail t""rKs wante.l. toni f menoe $7a month. Sam pi'- examinn : tlon questions fre. Franklin Insti J lute. lnnt. 3 US. Hochrpt-r. N. Y. KIlOKTHANlJ. typewriting. experi-! f'ty. at the Y I enred twhtr; half usual charge Tit t.- Ml N- Tahur RH4. i Wlii.N you aliver iiittj mention Th" Journal. YOUNG men may consult, without rh:i rrp 7", register of fur nished rooms listing several hundred in all parts of the O. A.; albo 'iiose in i 1 1 K I A' V A N'T E 1 I KM A LEJi BICK1.T youns girl may have board and frer ch iropra tit- treatment In j return for care of -year-old baby. V- j tl, Journal. )o6)I room and hoard for girl or el i dsrly lad) jut for her company. J I 44, Join na I. Association bldg. 'J'HKEK clean, furnished H. K. rooms, !5 30th. East 6505. Adults. VVHKN you .uiswer the Want AOS, mention 'iie .lournaL FOIt RENT HOUSES 12 (JAR LAND ROOMS. Modern brick, hot and cold water In each room, steam heat, baths, all out side rooms, ti to $3 week. Cor. Wash ington st. and Trinity Place, bet- 19tb and -th. Main 11.",f. VOH RENT Modern, clean. 6 room house; hardwood floors, built-in con veniences, furnace, screens; rent $20. 3 01 Gerlingerbld g. 4 ROOM and a bath, neatly furnished; gas stove and wood range, $15, in- cludtng water. 800 K. 6th st. N. 4 ROOM house 4J6 K. Grant, near 9th, walking distance; only $9. Phone Tabor 2 MODERN 5 room house in Montavilla, partly furnished: rent $10 per month. Call 512 ..latt bldg. j EIGHT room house, $18. 6 room bun I galow. $15. On Fulton carline. Clean ana modern. nooaiawn -.u. BUENA VISTA, 12TH AND HARRISON. Strictly modern, under new manage ment. Finest apts. in the west, all out side rooms, 2 and 3, furnished or un lurnishea. wal-ing distance, beautiful view. A few apts. for gentlemen baca elors. .Lounging room; references. Wash, Take Sifton car to car barns. walk one block north. FRESH cows, Durham., Guernseys, Jerseys, heavy and very rich milkers. Come and milk them- yourself and, be convinced; verv reasonable. 2061 E. Washington st., Mt. Tabor car to 82d, 2 blocks north. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apt. Walking distance. References. THE COD1 431 E. Taylor s. modern brick bulldii g; all outside rooms, steam heat, phone, light, furnished; rents very reasonable; thoroughly clean and under the personal mange ment of Mrs. Cody. THREE large, fresh cows with calves, 16 to 22 quarts- per day, rich milk; these are good ones. 1480 Macadam bl. Fulton car foot of Idaho st. CoME and see us about all breeds dairy cows. Geo. R- Mokel Cow Co.. 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. ONE Guernsey cow, 4 years old. be fresh in 30 days; will give 6 gallons milk daily. 505 Alder st. O.SE line milk cow. be fresh in 60 davv. 505 Alder. Cheap for cash. 6 FRESH dairy and family cows. 794 Tacoma. Sellwood 2041. TYPEWRITERS (Continued) GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C. Smith. Oliver. Smith Pr.nier. Royal, etc., $15 and up; terms. "Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K.. Gill Co., 3d and Alder sts. ONE Underwood typewriter, good con dition. , cbeap. Phone at once. Ta bor 280. 1 NEW, rebuilt, 2d band, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co . 231 Stark. M. 1407. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for Sale Go FOR SALE: MISCELLANEOUS 19 . CCqntinna) r 11 GASOLINE ANrPoiL ENGINES. Marine & stationary. Marine Hardware. Write for catalogue. GA8 POWER & SUPPLY CO.. 168-172 Front sU, Portland, Oregon. SWAP COLUMN PE-JjSONAL -23 ,-P;?.,4, llKNalidwomealiose suflering frooa every curable disease or habit, treat- -ed and cured byf the Ltteet natural healing iethodj Including radium, electricity heat. 3ght. baths, manipu lation, auiustmerftt knd massage; nu operations, nj medicine, free consulta tion. Dr. P. E. rL'ewis, successor to Dr. W. F.. Mali-. Naturopath, S1J Rothchlld bldsr. -; BEAUTIFUL solid oak, flat-top. tani tary, 60-inch desk, disappearing typewriter! bed. perfect condition. Have no room for it and must sell at once. Bargain. 751 Thurman, cor. lvjJ. FUKNliUKK Before luin arcoi.u hand goods, see what you can t here on new goods, for cash. Get post ed. William Gadshv. 1st and Wash. WE buy, sell and exenange new and 6eeond hand furniture of all kinds. Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction & Com. Co.. 191 Second st. FOR SALE Cheap, iron beds, side board and other pieo( s of r.iiscella neous furniture. 189 Park st. j THE . IRIS Apartments. 3d and Mill I sts., will be completed October 1; 1 rents frnm 117 no- 'A 4 rnnm M.1 1 modern improvements; largest heating plant in city; furnished or unfurnished. No charge for cooking gas. SHEFFIELD apartments. 272 Broad way S., cor. Jefferson, easy walking distance; 3 or 4 rooms, with private baths, very reasonable rent, best eerv- ice, splendid arrangements, all outside rooms, qirect pnones. WASTEIi- Neat woman cook to run boarding house, ev ery thing furnished. f Main 8898. WANTHIi A first class experienced cook fo"r a restaurant; good wages. Jlf frronifs req.uirei. .1-4 4 1, ) ournal. AN elderly lady to7Tl'oii"lit housework j for board and room, A'h riwtian cci- en'f preletreif. I'hone Woodlawn26l9. LJCPKUIKNCKD and competent sales lad y Andrew Kati, 34S Morrison. WANTED Girl to do housework, no WMMhina. 112. Main 7919, after 7 p.m. THE ALBION HOTEU 212 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free bath, phone A KLY HOTEL Cor. 12lh and Startc. $2.60 wk. up. Private bath. $4 up. Clean outside rooms, mo Jprn brick bldtr. BUCKINGHAM hotel, Oth and Wash ington;, new. fireproof, brick, every modern convenience; $1" month up HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th near Morrison. Transient and permanent, rooms with all modern conveniences. JIT.F.n mo. up. AND 3 HELP WANTED 5LVLE FEMALE Oregon Barber College will teaoh you tbe trade in 8 weetcs. scalp and face nt-tinaKo specialty; tools tree; positions guaranteed; pay while tui tion reduced thiF term. 233 Madison- v ii K, you an. wer these v am mention The Journal. Ads, WANTED Af i EN'i S KENILWORTH HOTEL, 228 2d. I)W rents, excellent treatment. Alain 1182. M iss Stewart. THE KING. 309 Jefferson, nicely fur. rooms, modern, central. $2 room up. 17 5 ROOM, house. Phone Main 4834. 73 4 Kearney St. ti KOOAt house, $12.50. Inquire 248 V. :?lst s. Tabor 3586. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders, offers you a modern 5 or 6 room home in Nob Hill district with high clas.s service, at moderate prices. Main 7516, A-2676. THE ORLANDO Cor. 20th and Wash ington sts., very desirable, elegantly furnished 1 t-f-,m .'rnir anu rlmpnts j 4 room house, yara. o- .mil st.. j $42.50 and $4o; every modern conven- FOR SALE A fat dry cow. Call East 6675. 865 Brazee St., city. POULTRY 37 GOLDEN Silver Chinese pheasants; Mallard ducks, Japanese silkies: Or egon Bird & Pheasant -'arm. Beaver ton, Or., R. No. 1. CAMPINE chickens wanted. 1 cock erel and 1 doz. pullets. Address with price, J-368, Journal. THREE Ideal incubators, 120. 250 and 300 egg capacity.-never used, will be sold for storage. 235 Front. WHEN you answer the-e Want Ada, mention The JournaL $8 per mouth, a room house, large lot, Mt. Scott district. Phone Tabor 2328. near 16th. FIVE room, modern, 256 E. Multnomah. large yard, $14. East 3505. MODERN 6 room house, 182 Mason St., cor. Kerby. $16. Woodlawn 1156. FOR RENT 5 room cottage, east side, close in. Phone Main 1755. CLEAN 4 room cottage, 452 E. Grant st.. cor. 8th. Phone East 298. ROOMS and apartments in modern ho tel. $2.50 week and "P. 455 Aldr. HOTEL NORRIS 533 Alder; clean outside rooms; modern: $2 to $4 wk. FURNISHED BOOMS WEST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILT 70 WARM, cozy, furnished room, larga clothes closet, furnace heat, hot water, electricity. $2.50 week- 123 N. 23d. NICELY furnished rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat, phone, close In. 435 Yamhill st. FIVE room modern house reasonable: Inquire 919 Woodward ave. Sell. 155L ience; references. . Marshall 184. 3 LARGE ROOMS. $22.60. Save $15 monthly, completely fur nished, bed and table linen, phone, bath. B-1079. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PET'S 4 CANARIES, guaranteed aingers; birds cared for 25 cents per week. Thomp son's Bird Store, basement, 171 W. Park st, near Morrison. 1 PAIR yellow canaries, $1.50. Sandy Boulevard. 1784 FOR RENT FLATS 13 F URN ITU ICC FOR SALU! HOUSES FOR RENT - CHEAPEST FLATS IN CITY. Well arranged, unfurnished flat, 4 rooms and bath. $11 per month. Also similar flat, completely furnished, for $15. Call at. 539 Commercial Court, near Russell: 'U"' or "RS" cars. SNAP If taken at once. Furniture of 4 room house, neatly furnished, $125 cash. Very low rent. Call at West, 586 Broadway drive. . ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished in the Household Goods classi fication when house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 3d $12.50 Cozy yard, piano. berta car. a room cottage, large 984 Emerson eL Al- l-'OUl; lady agents, ex perieiu .. not nec esuai'v. 'all a I 22 lth st. ON?: or two rooms in beautiful home; , MOUjiKN 4 room turnished cottage. S1TF ATJONS 1 A LE 3 TWO men who have been sailors, one a blacksmith by trade, both well built, clean-cut and able, wain work of any kind. Arc Irish and Scotch. Main 717, A-l 517. A M I DHLE-AG El , experienced man. nest appeuranee. badly in need of work. Experienced in boarding houses or hotels. .Marshall II502. BI.NGLK Irishman, experienced black smith, willing to do any kind of work, wants position or odd jobs. Main 7J7, A;I517. 'FlfTlPtNO boy wants housework or work of some kind around hotel or anything. I'hone M. 860 or call 29 N. 9th st. . WANTED Garden "work; tools for pruning, trimming trees, cutting. Waking lawns. East 4381. B-2168. ! Phone Kttibbs' grocery. I CALL Main 5999, or" address 22 N. 11th i St.. for a (rood all round painter. 30 i years' experience In all branches of the trade, by-day or. contract. hot water, heated, running water in room; also shower. 6o5 Everett st. $5 and NICELY up. 54' furnished rooms, Yamhill st. FURNISHED room for lady, Kearney and 19th. Marshall 57 89. FURNISHED room, ney. Main 5078. 19 th near Kear- FRONT room, home privileges, $9 per month. Call mornings. 42 21st, N. FURNISHED ROOMS 52 EASTIDE HOTEL FARREL, Knott and Missis sippi ave. Clean, steam heated rooms, new furniture, new manage ment, reasonable rents. Phone Wood la wnnj28:JVtj-s:jrjio CLEAN rooms only $1.25 and up. 3 82 E. Clay st. Delmo n ica hotel. E. 25th and Cora, $18. Morning or evening. East 3 2 -a. o room modern furnished house, piano near school, or will share. Tahor 3484. JUST FINISHED MODERN 5 ROOM FLAT, $15. 728 Missouri ave. Take Mississippi car to Fremont st. VERY sightly Hat, five large rooms, very desirable location, easy walk ing distance, rent reasonable. 618 Main St., near King. $18 New, Modern, 5 room, furnace, fireplace, linoleum in Dutch kitch en, gas range, heater. E. 29th and Everett sts., Ankeny cai WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The JournaL AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 CLEAN 5 room upper flat, key below, at 469 6th st. Phone B-2032, Sell wood 1551. FIVE room upper corner flat, clean and modern. West Side, corner 2d and Grant sts.; rent $20. FURNIHSED 5 room house on East Taylor St.. $25. Marshall 4138 20S Abington Bldg. FOUR room turnished cottage, water, light, phone, $15; no children; Eat 5502. FURNISHED modern 6 room house; I gas, electricity. ' furnace and piano. ! $"0. 303 Fargo at. Phone Tabor 3381. FURNISHED SOOilS EAST SIDE PRIVATE PAMII.T 71 FOR RENT- 2 nicely furnished rooms. private family, no children. 303 E. 42d St.. one block from Hawthorne. lO UNFURNISHED ROOMS MAKKH'.D man with big family must , TWO unfurnished rooms, light, water have work at once,, understands J . and use of telephone, $6 to woman ii-nuimK Hiov. r. .. n... mvo Minl0r girls employed. Tabor 1001. i.e. r? . i p YOn.NG machinist wants to take cara of auto and furnace, small wages; Can also do driving. I'hone East 4529, A. W., room 1. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 YOUNG man, 21 years old, experienced in elevator ser ice, strong and able bodied, wilting to do any kind of work, i wanti position at once. Main 717. i THOROUGH LY T xi erieiK ed meat cut- j ter who can take full charge of shop, desires position immediately. Refer ences. JVlaln 717. ANYTHING, clerical, salesman, solici tor or manual labor. I need the Work. H-955. Journal. SOUTHERN darkey, Rood cook, washer and Ironer, wants work where can go home nights. Tabor 4275. YOUNG man much In need of work warns position as carpenter, helper, or general work. Main 717, A-1517. tXPEIll ENl'KD pa.ntcr ntid paper- hanger desires work at once, reason-I Me terms. Woodlawn J J 7. j MAN wants Janitor woik or putting in and chopping wood: references given. 1040 Kianeis ave. I'hone Sell. "2060. WANTED, by elderly man, good work er, care f furnace, etc Wages no "Object. Marshall 2211. l 1 i A i h .n wanud rjy dooix keeper, any clerical, modest salary. Tabor 42. 431 W. Park, just opened. Beautiful rooms, newly furnished, home cook ing, sleeping porches. Terms moder ate. W a 1 k ing dis t a nee. Fa cing park. ROOM and board; also table board, io-n cookirfT. jO() Jefferson st. PRIVATE FAMILY 73 IF THERE is any one who want their children strong. and healthy, and well taken care of, please call on Mis. Sornsen KP37 39th Ave. S. E. ROOM and , board very reasonable at 554 E. Ma-dison and 13th st. Phone, bath electric : ligjits, steam heat, mod ern, tiawtnorne car, r,. lain, si, NICELY furnished room with board for 1 or 2; every modern conven ience; hot and cold water in room; use of piano. 344 Salmon st. Main 4504. or country. Trout, 3j5 BAKER wants job, city Tele. Main 0326. Win. Clav st. $5 FOU a job . levator driving or de livery; references furnished. Y-79, Journal. JX PER I EN i 'ED cook wants work out of town, boarding house or hotel. Haln 7728. CAKI'EN'IER. lirsl class. want.s work. Day. Job or contract. i'hone Sell- WOQil 2241. . 'PAINTING, tinting, paperhanging. 384 11th st. Main 2662 Tabor 472. FRONT room, 2.'! 5 12 th st. hearf of city. first floor, with board, 5 minutes' walk from MODERN small rooming house, fur nished, or will sell furniture. 622 Delay st., cor. Morris; take L car. A REAL snap, new rooms, com pletely furnished, fireplace, Mt. Ta bor view. Main 2267. 4 ROOM furnished house, Capitol Hill, 15 minutes out, west side. $12. Main 3741. 6 ROOM upper flat, paneled room, phone, water, $12. 00. Bt. Woodlawn 2177. dining ELECTRIC AND SELF STARTING AUTOMOBILES. NEW AND USED. LEARN TO DRIVE FREE. . Motor to San Francisco. 1915. Call and see any of the .following cars, all guaranteed: Prices $200 upwards; terma to suit. 1 MAXWELL, roadster. 1 WARREN roadster. 1 AMERICAN roadster. 1 MOLINE 5-passenger. 2 BU1CK 5-passenger. 1 REGAL 5-paseiiger. 2 BUICK 1500-lb. trucks. 1 PIERCE ARROW 7-passenger stage car. W e seli the best cars for the money new or used. Howard Auto Co, BUICK DISTRIBUTERS. 14 th and Davis sts. I Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. $10 4 ROOM flat, 301 E. 11th eu: no children. East 963. " i 1914 c HKV 1 ,KT T-rva.-l.ster ru- senger, 25 n. p., electric start SVvell 5 room modern lower flat, nice yard. 789 E. Yamhill. East 5948. BEAUTIFUL 3 and 4 room flats; view. $12. Water, garbage. 568 Market. Wii.iN you answer these mention The JournaL Waul Aid, FURNISHED FLATS . 50 MODERN 5 room lower flat com pletely furnished; will be vacant Oct. 15; walking distance. Owner's home. East 7 70. er and lights, snap, only. $677.00 lvii t,riA.Mi, i passenger, o cylinder, just overhauled and repainted, for quick sale $1350.00 1911 COLE, 2 passenger, 30 h. p., foredoor, just overhauled $475.00 1914 LO1ER. 5 passenger, 6 cylin der, nearly new, liberal dis count. Several other good buys. Investi gate before purchasing. Northwest Auto Co. FURNITURE for 4-room house; leav- ing city. 1064 E. Morison. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 HESSIAN Grocery, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, tinware, school supplies. Orders taken and r.iomnfiv delivered to all parts city. Wn v pat ronize public markets when you can buy for less from the retailer? Bar gains in land and cilv nrouertv. If not right we make it right. W. A. Hes sian, prop., liys Hawthorne ave Ta- bor 9S1 or B-2549. WHAT have you to swap for state or county patent right running 15 yrs., for a. necessary household article? Agents making $20 to $30 per day. Ad dress W. F. Lewis, 2017 E. Everett st., Portland, Or. TO EXCHANGE. One $15 steamer trunk for oak buf fet or oak rocker or library table. Tabor 1337. HAMPDEN, 17 jewels. 20 year case, chain, K. P. charm, exchange good disc talking and records. R. Roper, Yenersborg, Wash. A-l TYPEWRITER in good condition, for 2 cylinder magneto. Answer 7563 Kerby st. WANTED Suit and overcoat in ex change for painting and calcimiiiing. T-2:!, Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WANTED The people of Portland to know that I pay highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or ioo small to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. East 6707. W ILL the ladiesHiand gentlemen who witnessed the2 man and woman struck by an automobile at Sixth and Morrison street , I about 3:15 p. m., Friday, October SHrdease send their ad dresses to the undersigned; especially those who assisted alterward. Also the lady who druv a passing elec'tri-j and the motormlB whose car stopped on the west side jf Sixth at that lime. T-243. Journal.' ft, OOI LEV IN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front St.. buys 2d hand fur -riiture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Main fi072. Our buver calls promptly. lectric Motors Electric motors bought, sold, rented and r- paired' Walker Electric Wks. '0 and Burnside, Main 5674. OR. SALE Nf- inn stconu iiai.d carom aii pocket ..Mliaid tables ana bo-wling alley s and . cessories. bar iixtures of ul kinds, tasy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 16 48 6th st. Main 769, A-1769. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers' and "Household Goods'' are separate classifications. All dver- jtisements of these goods are published ui.uer wieir respective classUicaUons. Look them ever. "BATHS, toilets, basins, sinks, boilers. Pipe ana iitungs. No. 4 Kuud heater, bargain prices. Work installed. Jobbing promptly attended to. .Main 6297. 32? st sL wm mm, m mm F. o. i. cars Oieu:i Cily. i'urticu lars box 13 1. Oregon city. Or. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand luruiture and pay ail the cash it is worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchange.. Fast 636. THE GLOBE STORE WANTED. SECOND HAND CLOTHING And everything Highest prices paid. Main 20S. 25 1st. near Jefferson. CALL up E. 6520. M. R. Sealer, to sen your furniture. Prompt attention, highest cash prices. 268-374 Hawthorne BE WISE Get more for your second hand furniture bv selling it to Ford Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8951. HIGHEST puce paid fur rifles, shot cun cameras. Ho nfeld. 44U N. 3d. WHEN you answer tnese Want Axis, mention The Journal. FOR best prices on your household good. Call Secord. East 4238. LOST AND FOUND 21 LADiF.3 Ask lor Antmo Mixture No. 8. "Better than pliis fof female ills. A quick, safe orl sure regulator, easy to use worki like magic, wilhouj; harm, pln or inter ferencTwitn work. Price $2. V?1 sale tf Helfond Drug Co.. 222 Morrison, r.tfir Flrat. A MUrll on nign prices. Why Day ti :Xo $lu for a pair of when I can fit your eyes wji first quality lensea in a gi-ld filled grume as low as $1.50? C. W. Goodm.-rt.-"91 Morriaon St.. near bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. NOT I CE I a m JS& iscon n ec t -d with the Western Top-! Co.. 371 Hawthorne ave. I will nr be responsible for a.nv debts contrtsbted by sid firm. Dated Oct. ltt If 14. tf ; L. M. KI'VPKR. 'MRS. STEVENiJ ? 1 yeara i-ortlaiid-renowned palinisl and clairvoyant: Author ot "I'alimtry Made Easy"; is located X91H Morrison sr. Assisted by Mis'. Dr. liiii. Spiritual advt3r ehd divine hea'.fct. . EiipEKT work in dyeing, yernodeling and restor ing,:; plume-. Moderate 'Ifcirges and prompt serv ice THE PLUME. 258 Mrgan hldg. Main 4009. MM IS: DREYFUS Who was for fye.ais Portland's most gifted clairvoyant, ia demonstrating and teaching rrtfnd healing and mental suggestion. 403 Goodnough building, opposite postof Fice. POOL BALLS. Have 200 cue balls, iree from dents as good as new. 5io apiece, 114 N b t h ft. GAROEXERS' outfit complete, includ i-.v-j o nun. urnam roller sprav uK OUL1II. mowers, etx. cheap. Woo i ii SAFES All sizes at cost; safes re paired. Mosler Safe Co., 409 North tstern Bank bide. Main 7H76 THE following articles were found on the cars of the I'ortland Railway. Lit;ht iV- Tower Co, arid owners there of may claim same at the 1st and Al der st. station. .Mar. 51U0, A-6131: Oct. 12 18 umbrellas, 2 buckets, 1 pktz. collars, 1 pr. overshoes, 1 lantern, 1 Ijreastpin, 1 rubber cape, 1 gun, 1 fishpole, 1 tablet, 1 bankbook, 2 suit cases. 1 jar pickles, 1 pkn. fish, 1 bag . i slioiinmjr . 1 rikir trmves 1 ovep- Wood- j coat. 1 Dackace. :! lunch baskets. 4 riackaees. 1 nr. earrinsrs. 1 nhoto. F book, 1 pr. rubbers. 1 milk can. h.i lidti.l BAKER hammciless shotgun, $15 Call 78 E. 68th st., N. Montavilla car. After 6 p. in. $35 buys a fine diamond ring. Big bargain. 320 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. BROADWAY Main 88X7. ' AND COUCH. A-4959. WELL - FL" R-N I SHED Phone East 3270. 2-room house. UP-TO-DATE, walking distance, 4 and 5-room flats, free phone. East 3737. Wri.N you answer theso mention The Journal. Want Ads, NICELY furnished 5 Call 414 College st. room cottage. WheN you answer these Want Aus, mention The Journal. 5 ROOM furnished house, 192 Morris st. STORES AND OFFICES II APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED BRICK warehouse in douth Portland for rent, tracKage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill MORTON apts., cor. Washington and King sts.; 3 and 4 room furnished and unfurnished apts. Best and cheap est place in city, walking distance. Mrin 1082, A-1108. WELLEteLEYf COURT APTS., East 15th and Belmont, half block south of Morrison st. Furnished and unfur nished 2 and 3 room apts., rents rea sonable. New 4 story brick building. REX ARMS APARTMENTS, 13TH AND E. MORRISON STa Modern 2 and 3 room furnished and unfurnished apts., $20 to $32.50 month; new fireproof bldg with balconies. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS 3d and Montgomery. New brick, all outside furnished 2 rcora apartments, private bath, phone, automatic eleva tor, close in. $20 up. Main 9466. KEFLs ED ladies to room and board in private family; piano, home com forts. Tabor 3650. SLEEPING pol Trinity Plae h with board. Main 6781. BOARD and room, $5.50 and up, young people, music. 4 4 '.I 3d st. gentlemen with board, 54 N. 16th, cor. Davis. RooM tor two furnace he;i,t. GOOD room and board cheap. Marshall 2506. 166 N. ISth. Widow. WHEN you answer these Want, Ads. mention The Journal, WANTED ROOM AND ROARD 3 ELDERLY German wants board n.nd room on ranch near Portland; state lowest rate. J-445, Journal. WALDORF COURT, 1RVINGTON. East 9th and Schuyler. Five rooms unfurnished with large sleeping porch; strictly modern. C j6s. East 547. DESK room for rent elaborately fur nished office, $15 per month. T 245, Journal. FOR RENT HALLS 59 IN the matter of the estate of Clar ence Harrison, bankrupt I will re ceive sealed bids for two 7-passenger Peerless automobiles, 1911 and 1912 models, up to 5 p. m. Thursday, October 15. 1914. Terms cash, and a certified check for 10 per cent of amount-offered must accompany each bid. Cars can be inspected at garage at 86 10th St.. Portland, Or. Trustee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Sale made subject to confirma tion of court. It. D. Campbell, trustee in bankruptcy. 909-14 Board of Trade bids.. Portland. Or. DON'T buy any plumbing supplies till you get our wholesale prices. Stark Davis tX 212 3d st. Main 797. FERTILIZER. Well rotled cow manure. 7914. before S, utter 6 p. m. Tabor $22 buys lady's solid gold watch, s,-t with small diamond. 32u Lumber Exehangebld.. 2dandStark sts. $37.50 Hoosier kitchen cabinet, almost new, $15. 751 Thurman. cor. 2:id. $35 buys up-to-date diamond brooch. 320 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. SAFES gains. -New and second hand, bar 101 1st st. Main 3565. DIAMOND paint, $1.G5 gal. Port. Door & Window Co.. 230 Front. Mar. loO. LO. 1 Lady & purple handbag, con taining papers bearing mine of owner ot bag and some money. 1121 K. Gllsan. Tahor 2314. LOST Lunch keys bearing Multno mah hotel key ring, vicinity Wah incton st. Return 240 Washington M. ABOUThHaIR GOODS. Don't trust pjitddlers with combinza; let us make trfein up, 95c up. Wigs, loupes a specially; 20 yrs. est'd. FebveC & Hanebut, 147fBroad way. nr Mirria'n. (l VflRPrQ ff r consultation atty. U V UnOUo":Uh much experience. Office hours S rn. to 10 p. m. Phono for appointment, Marshall 43ti8. DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD, chi ropodist, wilf bo pleased to see her old patrons at Sew location. 204 Mac leay bldg.. 26f Washington st. SRIRITUALIS!, Rev. M. A. Price. Cir cles. Tues.. :V'ed. and Sun.. 8- p. m. Readings d 'l 603 6th st. Mar. 3960. GRAY cattle driver, bob-tailed, missed since Thursday noon. Max Gauguin, Hi llsihilo. Or. LoS'T--Keys, large keyring. 15 keys, $1 reward. Eider, New Greene ho- tel. Main S8. FOUND Engraved watchfob on Rose City car. SC2 E. 73d. N. C-1881.- WHEN yju answer these mention The Journal. Want Aus, PERSONAL 1 ( IKf 't-s2. sawyer or i years' ex 1I I Ull JVJ free. perience. reliable, advice 404 Rothchild bldg., 287V4 Wash. CEVUKTJS furniture store, 208 1st. Lowest cash prices in the city. $12.50 DROPHEAD with attachments. sewing machine 152 Grand ave. THE WESTERN TOP CO. Auto tops, backs, cushions, dust hoods, curtains and seat covers. Auto LODGE h&ll with nnd dancinir floor i trimming a specialty. w e are sole 6 team heated. Ill Second st. Phone Main 183. HOTELS 51 THE BARVIEW hotel, on Tillamook Beach, under new' management, is open all the year. 211 Failing bldg Phone A- or M. 2029. W. A. Wise, prop. FOR RENT4 MISCELLANEOUS 33 16th AND Hall, nicely furnished tent with fly; comfortable; rent cheap; lovely view. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To lease 20 to 30-room fur nished hotel in country town, with option to buy; pay cash lease in ad vance; would consider pool hall and confectionery in connection; might buy manufacturers and distributors of Black Diamond Aut-O-Luster, a water proof top and leather dressing;. S71 Hawthorne ave. East 1975. LIGHT DELIVERY. White panel top delivery, newly painted, good tires and in No. 1 me chanical condition. Price $75r; easy terms. GER LINGER MOTOR CAR CO, 690 Washington St. TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tir Shop," 550 Washington st, at ltth Marshall 379. We get your tires ready for THE WET STREETS. BIGGEST bargain in the state, sacri ficing my 5 passenger auto for $250 cash, in good shape, come and see it. Address box 35, Fifth and Main, Gresham, or. u........, uo vuiuy, ii reasonaoie. ,. r. jricson, general 7tt t e -rehane ffioo interest u 5 loom lur. or unfur. apts., with bath delivery I'ortland WILL exchange ftuu interest in and all modern convenience,; phone. i v, vt1',!!t ? I acre tract, with running water, for steam heat sas electric llehtsT etc : W AN 1 ED Two unfurnished room la small automobile in good condition. W" car to 21st & Northrup. M. 4376 r n,?Ju,Sf;, fc?PinS. west side, reason- N. w. Merrmed, 810 washing ton sc. i flhlP V i ! Via n t I-lirn. f iiin F 1 1 I V inr-Aiivor W uuh - MAN with team and tiu-k wants wot k. By ton or da v. E 4 14, Journal. SirUATJOS FKMALK 4 MIDDLE-AGED woman, fine appear ance, wants position for ueiieial houdwwork. Is a good cook. Ai lefer ences. Main ,717. A-1517. Experienced woman wants day 5 work, washing, Ironing, or work of any kind. 388W Burnside St. Phone Main 717. Experienced, reliable woma? i wishes "dav work, cleaning, etc. j Phone Marshall 134.S. Call room 1. f . AN experienced , cook, middle-aged woman, wants work in private 1am 11 y. Phone M a In 7671. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE THE ROSEN FELD (NEW). COR. EAST 14TH AND EAST STARK. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished and unfur nished, new, modern and quiet; refer- ericvs. THE DEZENDORF . 208 16Ti ST NEAR TAYLOR. Elegant 5 room furnished and unfur nished apts.. also 3 room fur, apt. HORSES, VKUICLKS, ETC. 18 SAN MARCO APTS., E. 8th and Couch sts. 3 room, steam heated apts., private bath and phones, outside rooms, $16 to $22. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4 room apts., $ls up; Janitor service; walking distance, ref erences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. M. 7134. NEW YORK APTS. E. 7th and Bel mont, f urnisned rooms, modern brick bldg., all outside apts., steam heat, lights; personal management of owner. ONE room witrt kitcnenette, complete ly furnished; steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 6th end Morrison sts.; Kil A ,,n V ' 1 CnlninKia tat ..r.r ner sth st ' 3 ROOM apartment, east side", com - j ; TT ; Z pieteiy iurmsneo aii outsiue rooms. A NICE comfortable home at your own , Private bath and phone. $20. Phone price. Large, light, 2 and 4 room . b-1079 iip la. .1 V uujci mm lu (.iiiiui trit. .Near good schooL Walking distance. Hum boldt apts., 1st and Gibbs. Auction Sale of horses, vehicles and harness at Co lumbia stables. 392 Front, every Thurs day at 2:30. We sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to, sell. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS Large stock. Prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. Studebaker bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder. j Written guar antee Willi every aprine. 26 N. 15th st. brine your horses to our auction. If I M I I I- I Painting Auto Top nd this sale. w... . isinglass put in; prices Co you want to buy, attend A maivhu span or gray norses ti years old, 3000. A matched span of black horses, 8 years old, 2200. Sev eral other chunky horses, about 1200, cheap for cash. Wagons and har nesses. A span of Shetland ponies, gentle for children. 292 Union ave. and East Clay st. ; reasonale; factory finished. 15th and Wash. Mar. 945. Lowlt & Mossman, TWO room suites ana single rooms complete for H. K., steam heat, hot, cold water; $8 to $12 month. 245 N. 17th St.. cor. Marshall. Mrshl. 4943. luy NORTH EIGHTEENTH STREET. One, two and three room furnished apartments. $12 to $20; walking distance. 3 MULES Team, weight 2600 lbs., $225; team, weight 3000 lbs.. $35; team, weight 2500 lbs., $225. This in cludes their harness; all good work ers; young and gentle; for cash or time. 240 E. 8th. day Free Bathsft -m U Steam heat'd Phone, Piano v3CI 1 1 n U LCI Clean Rooms Nicely furnished and housekeeping room. $1 week; 15c day up. 665 1st st. EXPERIENCED woman wants work, washing, cooking, or work of cheek illy turnished front room. ny kind. Main 643 2 . A WOMAN with 4 mos. old baby wants a home and small wages where she Can uslat with the housework. East 123. A MIDDLE-AGED experienced woman wants position in boarding house do Ing general work. Marshall 3502. LADY, employed, desires to work tor room and board, west side, refer : ences. Y-75, Journal. kitchenette, electric lieht and hath free, close in. 306 4th st. $3.50 per week. .LACE curtains laundered. 10 years' experience. 15c up. Tabor 5933, B 1095. Mrs. Scott. WANTED Little girls to care for be tween 3 and 5 years. Catholic pre "ferred. $10 month. Tahor 1001. A- COLORED woman wants work by ' 4 day. Ma''!. 6175. Mrs. Perkins. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent near public market. 183 4th St., cor. Yamhill. Low rent. Cambridge bldg., turnished H. K. rooms, , central, cheap, 1651 3d. cor. Morr'n, 175 12th Large suite and single house keeping rooms; all conveniences. GILMAN hotel. 1st and Alder. Fur nished H K. rms. rheao. $1.50 wk. up. HOUSEKEEPING HOOM.3 WEST BIDE PRIVATE FAMILY NOTICE. At 185 Madison street, on approach of bridge, carload eastern Oregon F!mw6"0d AntS. 10th and Hall and every horse guaranteed. ...... WANTED FOR trade for an automobile in good running order, harness and saddler tools worth $350. Send description of auto. AX-660. Journal. SEWING machines sold rented, re- paired. 382 Morrison. A-5110. Mar.721 FOR SALE Hand sewing machine. best English make, $6.50. 595 4th. FOUR ton ice making and refrigerat ing macnine. wasnington. 444 Wash. WATCH, South Bend, valued at $30, lor sale now at 15. Y-76. Journal. FOR SALE 6 h. p. steam engine, price 2U. IBDOf INVALID chair, self wheeler, adjusta ble bactc ttig bargain. 23o Front. ONE karat diamond, perfect, steel white. E. 5940 bet. 6 and 7. Jones. WHEN you answer these Want AOs, mention The Journal. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 IrtKum. .Marshall - 1,02 SPECIAL, 2 mo. only, IS Cmropractlc treatments, $10. 1-3 regular price. Dr. C S. Tiard. .".If. Aliskv bldg. THE FUR sliur. New orders, remodeling, best work, lowest prices. 717 Swetland bldg. Dlt. G. V. KKTCHU.U Women a mal adies and acute diseases men. Wash, bide.. 4th and Wash. Km. 41. Ml. 448. SPIRITUAL medium. Enp lia Pearsin, readings daily; circles Tuesday and Thursday evenings. 431 Salmon. HOT BATHS AND MASSAGE. Magnetic healer. Main 527, A-7371. GRADUATE 3'iropodist. manicurist, scientific nflsseuse. Ladies orilv. 2fi4 Macleay Igdg.. 286 Washington St. USE ilassetraCuNatlve Herbs for rheu matism ; 50 ftjblets 25c. All druggist PfaEASANTS prepared for bats. 717 Swetland bldg. ivOTici:s - u NUTICK OF ISiASE OK AlfKRT. LAKE." " Notice, la licrrfr jlien that the slate land board will recede geided bldn op to eember 14. 1314f(r- tha leasing of th beda nil wateni of AMirt lWe tn Ike countT, Or. Rlda most bpj areompnnied by a cw-tlfied check fevr $3.0og: pa.Tat.le to the Uti lnnd board, wmp li2ie fnrfeltri to the atate la the eTent of UiSrailure of the bldd'r to en ter Into Uie li-Ste . wlihin In iIhv after a ceptaiiee of- thiMQdor b ( lnr. A copy of fogiij of l.:.e will , farnlntwd propertiv bh.&r" np..n uppll'-ation. The board rewrvt-- the riyht to reject any and all bids. j. All bids Htxvil'be adiln-ssed to '. C... Bmwn. clerk state land Sjoanl.; halem. dr., aud marked 'Hid fur leaslnw Abert Lake" T: :- C. BROWN. Clerk SLate Liul Hoard. Da tod Oefbtm ; 14. liH. xtmcE uFl 1-iASi; of scmnkh aki .Notice l hetfJjy givn that the ttate hili4 Ixiard will re waled bill up to De cember 14. ) for tlie leimiriK of thr beda aijd wati-ra of jmuer lake in bake couuty. Or. Bids miiH d by a certified check for t.Yduo, pnyable tu the atate land boird. aame t Be p.rfcifd to ihe aLat la the eTent il the laiturp of the bbldr to en ter Into the lease ulitdu 10 day after ac ccptauie of tljie Voffrr by the board. A copy of fnriu of lease 1U be famLahed pros(,erUe bidilra up',n application. The board reaerrea the rlsht lo reject any and all bMs. ' : All bid shoCJd be addremAd to C C Brown, clerk atate lan4.txard. Salem. Or., and marked "Bid for leaail; Sumner Lake." C. C. B1IOWN, v Clerk SUte LnU Board. Dnted Oct-r 14. PM4. LHlKUfKACi 1C, 121 4th. Chronic cases; 18 treatments Jin others less I A AV C D Consultation lnVV I L-ll 4993. 708 I ree. Selling Main bldg BALM of Pigs, remedy for diseases of -women. 504 Davis st. Main 2593. NdlKK: Ttt S. M. Wenaale ts not ao thorlred to Mke order or depo'1 on aulta for Werner I Ucr-"n ( Tailors. Sample wanted rerun itt ont. I WILL not . be responsible for any detta cjnvacted jfrj my wife. David McOordy, Linnton. Or. Professional and Business Directory ACCORDION PLEATING . ST-HUAN UemfUtchluK, accordion. ld and tuDturat plesting; buttons coTered; cvod a aponirecl. Sealloptnar. t-'t Alder. M-9373. ASSAYESS WK buy old gold, iiver, platinum, or ore umples. Picketing Co., Assayera, 610 Northwest blilu.. Hth and Washington ata. BLANK BOOK HAXR3 DAVIS IIOL-IA.S, lac. ioa 2d U Blank book manuf acturer; nifenia foe Jonea' Im proved Loose Leaf Ledgers. Se new Eureka Leaf. A-.'513. Main 183. DANCING UK. and MRS. HEATH'S s-bix;l; fnncy. atage. aortal and all the latent danrea taogui; waltz and two-step punrnteed in 4 tfrlyate lessons; clasa Mon. and Fri. eve.. 7 to 9; aa embly after. 1' :1 1. Morriaon. -or. 'd. Mar. 313. MUSIC SCHOOLS AND Tc. ACKERS uupil .ela,i E. TiiltLlloK.S. vi 207 Kliedm-r til-ltf. ;iu (frf-tii- A -4 iHl Marshall 1AJU. T. K. LAW SON. Main olMl. a Kid to, -il"-a llorrlaou. POPULAR MUSIC BTJSINSS COLLEGE3 LINK'S BI1NKSS lOLLlioE. oth floor, Tii ford bldg.. Forlland. Or, -i'lione Main 5Ql. CARPET CLEANING. JOYCB BKua. Electric Cleaning works, car pets cleaned and laid, relit ling our spe cialty. East 440. B-1'.wi.i. H E. 19th at. N. CAKl'ETS cleaned, refuting and lajruig. Packer. Tabor 105. CARPET WEAVING. KOKTUWEST KlU CO.. rug, Iroui old car peta, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 1S8 . 6t, Work called for. East :oSO. B-liO. WANTED An auto truck, 2 yds. ca pacity preferred. Can make good monthly payment. Tabor &914 after 6 p. m. PEM.SSLLA Kug Worka Uag rug and car pet weaving. 1518 Tatton ave. Wlda. 21.V FEDERAL TRUCK. Federal truck with express body and top, in first clas condition; easy terms. U-50, Journal. Beautiful lobby, social hall, modern 3 room furnished apts.. reasonable THE ALCO. E. Couch and Union ave.; walking distance, summer rates, new, modern. 2 room apts.. t!8 to $24 per month. FOUR room steam heated apartments furnished and unfurnished. 120 ud. Main 792. CAMAS, 704 Lovejoy 2 and 2 room furnished, and unfurnished apart ments. 815 to $25. Marshall 2915. THE Alamo Apts., 494 Market St. nicely furnished 3 room Apts.; rent reasonable. ED Zb 3 and 4 -year-old eeld- lngs, weigning irom &u to louo lbs., from 14-3 to 15-3 hands high, broke or unbroken; no grays. Frazier-Mc-Lean, &th and Taylor. "WANTED Good work horses or mules in exchange for a good lot in Port land free from incumbrances. Walk er Mason, Albany, Or. BIG work team for sale cheap or will take trade for a good 1100 lb. driv ing horse; come quick for bargain. 1029 E. Yamhill st. DRICKSTON, 448 ? 11th. choice, low priced, 2 and 3 room apartments, all outside rooms. Marshall 57. 73 AM good bread and pie maker. Want vooking or Jiousekeeping. M. 9203. SITUATIONS wanted as chambermaid"; f irwt olaww: experienced. Tabor 2492. SITUATION wanted by woman with little child on ranch. .Tabor 2492. ...WANTED Some kind of light work. I'hone Kast- 404. CHILDREN cared for by the day. week or rrtonth Woodlawn 3i38. NICK hour ror-chtldrwi. Tabor 472x. IADT. wants work by day. East 533. ) AW wants work by day. East. 5336. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, phone, bath, all modern con Call 407 Columbia st. Mar shall 6042. THE ALBEMARLE 2. 3 room fur. I apts. Steam heat, phone, bath, $20 to ! $28. 3S3 Williams ave. East 4193. DESIRABLE ground floor 2 room suite. Running water gas and electric. Pii vate entrance. 24 9 4 th st. near city hall 361 TAYLOR, basement suite and sin gle housekeeping rooms. Free light, phone, .bath, laundry, reasonable. NEW, modern, 2 room furnished apart ment, gas range, disappearing bed; low rent 861 E. Wash. East 3261. JUL1AKTTE APTS., 2d and Montgom ery, modern 2 room apts- furnished or unfurnished, reasonable. NEW CIARK 2 rooms, furnished, electricity, phone; $15 up. 616 Petty-grove. FURNISHED ousekeepine room $1.50 BEECH 2 r. fur. apts.; desirable, rea per week up; 3 blocks from P. O. sonable. 783' Williams av. W. 1796. an xviam st., near btn. FURNISHED or unfurnished house- keeping roms. 105 20th, cor. Flan ders. 2 NEAT, clean rooms, gas, bath, phone, $11 per month. 313 Columbia.. THE PAGE Two lovely apts- with prices to suit tenant. East 3566. THE ORMONDE, light front 5 rooms. 656 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251. DOWNTOWN apartments, newly ren ovated. $20 and up. 3504. Morrison. .... ..'' ONE of the blockiest pairs of mares in town, an iron gray and dapple brown, heavily with fold, 7 and years old; weight 2600 lbs. 505 Alderf $U5 TAKES 2000 lb. team, mare and horse, double harness and farm wagon. 1967 E. Stark: trial allowed. AUTO SPRINGS"1- Frank Lanfre. 228 Salmon. Main 181. WANTED To buy scrap rubber and metals. Highest cash prices paid. J. Leve, 186 Columbia st. Main 5198. BUICK panel top delivery in good me chanical condition, inoluding tires, price $300: easy terms. T-241. Journal. WANTED Automobile around $:!00; 6 months time, good security. T-238, Journal. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock In Portland, $3 to $15. Fine repair ing. Tire Supply Co.. 207 Madison. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS 34 A SPAN Of 4-year-old mules, well bred, 2200; set harness; guaranteed city br'oke. 292 Union ave. and E. Clay. U. S. STABLES. All classes of horses for sale, 248 Front st. , "SEVERAL good saddle ponies and stock saddles for sale. No reasonable of fers refused. 505 Alder. TWO spring wagons, lots of single and double harness. 505 Alder. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call day or night. Tabor 4203. $125 Splendid Piano $125 High graded piano, beautiful tone .in good condition, cost $500; .snap for $125. 310 Stock Exchange. WANTED Good piano cheap for cash. T-Z44. journal. TYPEWRITERS 77 WE sav you from SO to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail de partment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRIT ER CO.. 321 Washington st. WHEN you answer these Want Axis, mention The Journal. TWO good spring wagons foi sale, 1967 E. Stark st. ; FOR sat Ji Saddle mare, or will trade for buggy. Call Main 4764. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for $5 and up: 6 months rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter company. 8tt uroaawgy. Dtt. Ideal A HON 18 adjustment io. CHIB 0PRACT0R8 121 4tU 37l William a ave.. 1'atlenta get well. COAX. AND WOOD. NEER & FAKrt foot fir cordvood Alo aawed to order. Prompt de- PMH liwy. Main 45!Ki. A-4. n UAGTIMK on 1 iau. guaranteed bcglnnera l lO iesaoDS. 1'lcture I'lujni,;. I ree demon stration. Kre- H..WIet. F1W bMir. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS. MOiOMs, generators bougDt. sold. rLleil and YN e do all kinds uf repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. Ii. M. U. Electric Co.. :il N. lot ft. I'ltone Main 02 1 la. PAIMTnrrvrAPERHANOiyo. TTNTTWa b.teltffe lilted, beat wurk tu painting, p pering. U ;'172. A 12 1 J t at. PAVINO COMPANIES THK HAKBKK Abl'HAl.T I A VINO CO.. Pr land cffle f;6 f:ie-trlr hM( RUBBER STAMP. AMD SEALS ALO ateucd, trade cbeck. braaa alas PACIKlfti COAST STAMP WOUK8 2J1 Waxlalagton at Mln 710. A-2710. WK buj, aell. rent and exc-auge new aud aeiiU hand mvtor-, repair work a apeciaity. Weetern Kler-tric Works i:t 6ih at. Mar. tSH. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. I'llOtMA. Iron Mulls, i.ul .id and Umw ttaurne. General um-bine and t'tniidry work. FTJHNITUEE REPAIRING 421 HAWTHDltNE, furniture repairerm; 20 yn. In P-rtland. l"rie delltery. Eaat 304. KODAK SUPPLIES. KODAKS ,nd 811 UPI'U'- IXvloptn. IT-tli printing and enUra;lii. PliiK A MARKHAM CO.. W aablng'oo. MESSENGERS. BOTOllC XCl.ES and blcyclea. l'nuue Mala fci A MM. HASTY Mt-iSKNGEK CO. PACIKIC SLABWOOl) CO., Main S704. A-7S5tt. lireen abort wood, blocks, nig inside, small lnaide, dry alabwwd. snort planer trimiringa. Edlefsen Fuel Co, at 303. O -2J03. 202 Stark. Charcoal FOOT OF CL'KEl' S747. STUl.bT DRY slab and box wood, cor a wood and coaL Standard Wood Co.. Kast -115. B-HttS. COLLECTIO KB I BCY accounts, bills, notes and Judgarenta Of eTerj name and nature anywhere. For "trick results answer M-WW. JonrnaJ. OPEN accounts, notes, Judgments collected. Adopt short methods for quick results. Focrt Adinatitient Co.. W28 N. W. Bank. M. 874 CONTRACT ING AND RuTLDrNg DKT cement buildings. Does your window ledges or walls so wster? We will stop It cheap. Gusraxee. J. 2cl Box -sW. PortUind. HORACE D. JONE. Jit. I BUILD ANYTHING FKOM HCBEEJf DOORS TO A HOTEL. TABOK 1764. MAKE your fireplace rWe gooti service; call Wempe. Woodlawn EYE, EAR. HOSE. THROAT. -OTTOS. Epeclallst. Moderate price. Glasses fitted. Dr. r. V. Csimeday. 517 Deknm bldg.. 3d Waah. EDUCATIONAL DANCING YOU can rent visible typewriters 3 months for $4; convenient at ho ree. delivered and all rent applied oa pur. chase. Main 6273, or A-4441. 244 Stark. WHEN you answer these Want A'ia. mention The JournaL PROF. WAL. WILSON'S -Walts, neaftation , oue-stCD. two-sten. scbottlsi e; lessons c ntornlng. afternoon, eve.; guarantee to teaco anybody woo walks bow to danee. 85 H otn St.. bet. Stark and OaJ 4 prlrate lessons $2; 8 elawea. Phone Main 7837. WHITING-IRELAND Dancing Academy. Max Ixe, One-Step, Hesitation. Lessons daily. 201 AlUky bldg., vd. aau Alorrisoo. Aiaia buxs. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS l'ariilysia, nervoas and enroo- le diocases. 5O4-0 Oreenii.n t.'.dc. M . 3142. OSTRICH PLUMES. Hsrteos 1'luui cnop, cor. l'ara and Y am blil. Main l.'Krt. Oatnjb. paradUe. fancy featbera, remodeled, cleaned. ded to matcti aamplea. Work guaranteed. PAINTING, PAPERH ANGING. TINTING GET wise we need the money anl you need Uie work done. PauernaDglng, 2c a douhie roll (thls Includes paper;, and up. Special rates for 6 rooms or more. Pbone Tabor 1SU3, ask for psperhanger. We do .It rigiit. TOCHLB PAINTING Co.. 8accesaor to N. C. To-hle. painting, tlnt- 1r. DaDerhanzlnc. ktaln 441 .bop, G4S Marshall atreet. PAINTING. Papering, Tinting. $2 00 per room up. C A- Barnes. Halo 421. tWUfO MACHINES ktWla'i ioAC J AU makea, new and acoo4 band, lur aale or rent. Ail pricL-a. tSeaiug Macblas la porluoi, l'JO Third, sear Tay lor. Main U431. SHjET METAX WORKS. Ll'Allil.Nij ; llu au grarel ruufa. Jacv Loail. S10 rirt. Piioiie Main H2L ; XAJUDERMISTS CB-Ai LSi iiU ut work wo cvaaL V. tiniey, OaVU)e, Cal. T-jraspta rrri AND STORAGE C o. 1 lv.lri ter &u-sk Co. olllce and co lqjMliuu 4 alory brick wareouuae wltlj scparuta,' uvu i outua and lirepruof vault fur Talu but.,i N. W. comer 2U and flu a La. Pin no r.ud furuilure uiuti d and packed tut sLipplng. Ewcil rates ui-de wn (uuda. Is Uiruugn car. to ail d'ueailc aiul luratfa poiui. ;afa-V.M. A - lrfiwj. OL)N-UO- ItiANol tU CO. New tireJeool -nftuue Ub separata rooina. We-tuore ai.d iack bouae old good aud planoa.xipd mp at reduced rales. Auis tuna aud leSfba fur .oving. 1 orwanllug and distributing Mceut. i rt-e trackage. OtlUa and wareouuae. fjb "l Uo U Mala 547. A 224. OREGON TRANSFER CO. f ?! K-xtabusned ls70. Transfer and forwarding agnta. storage, tiee trackage. Office lnd aturags 474 Oilaan st. JStb and Main -. A-l lea STORAGK. MANNING? SVAUtUoUSK TitANRFEB CO. 1W ANK VUKETT STS. Let as (Atc pa'k or snip your booaebota goods. HeSoi'ed frgbt rates no aaaiara sblpoient. j Tbrongb car service. . iJ;MAIN 70S. A 221 4. BAGWAGE .'Jiaufer bervlcs Cut. Main 120-v A-1203. i-yiKPQW CLEAN INQ EXl'EKT WINDOW CLEANERS Main 6.1-); 212 Henry bldg. 2S Pin su A-47tM. Manufacturers Jobbers-rtr Wholesalers HBN'UY BEW1 WEINH WERS BOTTLERS ARD, latb and Burnaide. DRT GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer k Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS tc VEHICLES B. M WADE & CO.. S22 Hawtburne ava. Wno'lesale Agrl'tiltural lmp'emenia. i'AINT. OIL AND GLASS ASMLSSiN CO.. -High Standard 'i paint. .. . w ar 2d and laylor. M.-A-177I. PlONEEKLPAiNX CO.. loo Jat sc Main l4. A-74 S v- PIPE WOOD PIPE i'ORTLAN -WOOD PIPE CO Factory sad office near 24tb and York sts. Mala ZM. GRAIN MERCHANTS M. H. HOCStK. Board of Trade oiilg. LEATHER AND FIN PINO 3 CHAS. L. MAST1CK A CO.. 74 FiohU of every deacrlptlon; binding. Leather MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR L'OLLAl-lA Nwkweax Llg. -., W uta St. PHTMBING PIPE STEAM SUPPLIES M, tj.. KLINE ruSffg f7J EKT. RCtFE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. WALL PAPER MORGAN ; WALL PAPER CO. 330 24 S4 btwen'Slion and Mala. i ;-. . . . Y V A