u THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 14, 1914. 15 J Farmers May Build ' Spur to Holdman1 Movement How Under Way to Tap ' Hlch Grain Growing' Section at rs at Oat Off From KEa-kat. rendieion, or., ju a. " meat being promoted by the farmers . ,",,. . ,.i Orth of Pendleton 1 as successful as Indications augur, the Northern Pa- cifio company wlU soon build a 18 mil u-m-.. pnf from Myrick station to Holdmen, thus tapping a section of the county which at Dreaent has no railway con - Sections With the outside world. Un-! der the leadership of R. O. Earnhart, one of the leaders in the Farmers' union, the farmers along the proposed route are being Induced to grant right of way-and to assist In raising a cash bonus. It is said that Holdman Broth ers have already subscribed $4000, and that a number of other farmers have put up smaller amounts. The Holdman section of the county is a grain bearing section but it costs IS cents a sack to haul the wheat to Myrick. The railroad rate would be about one cent, thus making a saving of 14 enta a sack. The spur would also increase the. rental value erf the land considerably. POLITICAL NOTES Flag-el at Woodstock Tonight, Woodstock Good Government club win hold a meeting at the Woodstock M. E. church tonight at 8 o'clock, at which A. F. Flegel will deliver an ad dress upon the congressional situation, tion. riegel to Speak at Brooklyn. A Democratic meeting will be held at the Brooklyn school bouse tonight at 8 o'clock, at which A. F. Flegel. the candidate for congress; John Van Zante, J. H. Hogue, Dr. H. K.,HJggs and Tom Word, will be the speakers. Universal Eight-Hour Lav ZSsnace. The Heppner Gazette-Times offers . the following timely warning to the farmers of the states "The enact ment of the so-called universal eight hour law should be opposed by every farmer of the state. It is a direct injury to his business and the farmers should wake up to this and vote this law down good and hard. It is a bill to erect " For Sale" signs over the gates of the most of the farms of the state." riegel and Word to Speak, A, F. FlegeL Democratic candidate for congress. Sheriff Tom Word, candi date for reelection, and Lester Hum phreys, representing Senator George E. Chamberlain, will be the speakers at a meeting of the Woodstock Good Gov ernment club, to be held tonight at the Woodstock Methodist church. A genera llnvltation is extended to the public to hear the speakers. Republican Indorses Galloway. Judge William Galloway of Salem, Democratic candidate for the supreme court, is warmly indorsed by Judge Henry E. McGinn of Portland and Judge A. S. Bennett of The Dalles. Judge McGinn Bays: "I have known Hon. William Gallo way for a great many years. In fact, I cannot say when I did not know him. He has always been a man of the high est integrity and courtesy. He is a 1 candidate for the high office of su preme judge of the state of Oregon. If elected to tjliis office the state will be served in 'the best possible way. Judge Galloway has all the qualifica tions for a good Judge. Any one who may take him for what I have here said will never regret it." Judge A. S. Bennett, of The Dalles, says: "1 have known Judge Galloway for over 40 years, and heartily indorse the above sentiments expressed by the late Ex-Governor Lord and Judge Henry E. McGinn." -..Says Check Is Forgery. The Initial payment on a life insur ance policy was made with a forged check for $68 and $58 in cash was re turned to him by the agent for that company, according to the statement I of Clyde Cole, a resident of East Main! and Thirty-ninth streets, to City De tectives Royle and John Maloney. who , arrested hm yesterday. The checks are said to have been forged in his brother's name, W. S. Scott of the Northwestern Electric company. He was taken in custody at Third and Burnside streets. He will be given a preliminary hearing in the municipal court tomorrow. Miss Bart Is Dead. Roseburg, Or, Oct. 14. Miss So- phronia Burt, who settled in the Deer Creek vicinity east of Roseburg in J 853, and has lived there ever since, died Sunday at the age of 73 years. hne is survived by two sisters, Mrs. A. H. Brown of Deer Creek and Mrs. A. Nye of Derby, Jackson county. Chiropodist Arrested. W. H. Eddy, a chiropodist of 345 Fourteenth street, was arrested yester day on a warrant sworn out - by his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Eddy, for as sault and battery. He will have a hearing for wifebeating before Mu nicipal Judge Stevenson tomorrow. To Vote on Ixcal Option. Iyocal option elections were ordered held in the town of Gresham and in the two precincts which Include Ken ton, by the county commissioners yes terday morning. The elections will be held in conjunction with the general election November 3. Charles Tellier, the Frenchman who Invented the ammonia refrigeration , process and was known as the father or cold storage, died recently in Franca Jn effect Oct. 1, 1913 AM- ritKVIOUS HATES CAb3ET LED CBAROLU ADVERTISEMENTS Dsily or Sunday, 1'. rents per 'ord per Insertion. This rbsrgs Is for all classification, except ing -.or Heot la Private Family." Room sni oura in rrlvt rsmllr." "Situation Wanted" and Wanted to Rent" ads, wblch are 1)4 urnis per wora er insertion. No sd charced for less ihan IS rents. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS ltt cents per word (or all classifies Moss. excepting "For Rent in Prtvata Family." "Room and Board in Piirate Family." "Situa tion Wanted" and "Wanted to Rent" ads, which are IK cents per word. Consecutive loaertlon of rash wnnt ads.: S Insertions 'or the price of 2 7 Innertlons for the prioe of 5 MEETING NOTICE; MULTNOMAH COUNCIL. - '4 rwoyai Arcanum. meets X" second and fourth Wednea- i VJi days of each month at Ar- ; iff pie, w. fa.ru. and Yamhill r sts.. at 8 n. m. Visitors cordially welcomed. E. R. REED. Secy.. 86t Broadway, REGULAR meeting this (Wednesday) e v e- j ning, E. 6th and Alder sts. Visitors cordially j NXi7 mvnea. W. W. TERRY, Sec'y. WHIST party and dance given by Web foot company No. 65, W. O. W'., Fri day eve., Oct. 16, in W. O. W. Temple, 128 llth st. Le Vanway'8 orchestra. Admission 20c; dancing 10c. lite? Statistics marriages. Births. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES Hoy a I M. Sswtelle, Pendleton, Or., legal, and h'nj L. Hewatt, 344 Monroe stseet, legal. legsi, una Doris H, Uaiier. Stf ast biztB i tJ"eeti, leMl. . .., i ksrl Jone, 1638 Front street, legal, and t Kstbleen Mary Hloa, aul ttievenia street. lagai. . kx-nder nMKWicb4Jiaia "' ?? and Caroline I'otwora, 68. Wasco street, 17. John Arld St 'Sl Nortb N,uth .p., j legal, and Anna Ncia-n, 31 North Ninth street, 'legal. . B. Hamilton, Vale, Or., legal adHr- rlette M. Held, lt5S Portsmouth a-enue, legal. VV. 6. Smith & Co and cards. Third floor. Morgan bldg. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark St. BIRTHS YORK To Mr. and Mrs. John A. Xork, 1092 Center street October 10. son. INGWOOD To Mr. and Mrs. William A. Ing wooO, Tenth avenue, south, October 7, a son. KOBSON To Mr. and Mr- William Bobson, 741 Kenilworth avecne, October 4, a son. KILfcA To Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Kll bam, iUS East Twenty-fifth .treet, Septem ber 2,'i, a daughter. UXKUTEB-Td Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lliiklater, 25U; Kussell street, October 2, a daughter. KAI1. To Mr. and Mm. Charles R. Kad- "lyg, 644 Gautenbeln aTenue, October 1, a son. GORTAT To Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gortat, 736 Tacoma avenue, October 10, a son. JONES To Mr. and Mrs. J. R. E. J ones, 202 Eleventh street, October 6, a daughter. WHEELER To Mr. and Mrs. Frederick IX. Wheeler, 689 East Seventy-eecoad street. September 22, a son. - DEATHS ' AXll FJUKERALS 75 ALEXANDER The funeral services of the late George G. Alexauder will be held from Holman's Chanel at 2 p. in. this Wednesday afternoon. Interment in family plot. In Mount Scott fara cemetery. - COOPER la this city, October 14, Mrs. Sarah Ann Cooper, aged 87 years. Announce ment of funeral later. NEUBERGER Tresa Neuberger, Nineteenth and Ellsworth streets, October 8, 47 years; snicide. QL'IGLEY Joe Qulgley, city, October 9, 67 vears : valvular heart disease. EKICKSON Axel Erickaon, l&U Jordan street. October H. Aj years: neonrius. W Hi TE Thomas B. White, Good Samaritan hospital, October 10, 00 years; cerebral hemorrhage. RlCHARi? Jacob J. Richards, 811 Third street, October 10, 78 years; brooeho-pneu- moma. liKAOY Mabel Heady, S64 Twenty-fourth ftreet. North, October 11, 1 year; awaiiow lug lye. CAU1' ENTER Mattie D. Carpenter, Good Sa marl tan hospital, October 10, 40 years; perforation of Btomacb from nicer. lJiUNNF: Edward M. Dionne, St. Vincent's hospital, . October 10, 47 yeura; acute en trritis. M'UOWAN John R. McGowan. St. Vincent's hospital, October 7, G7 years; chronic nephr itis. MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists. 347 Wash. Main 269, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. Ci-AKKfc, cSKOti.. florists, tine flowers and floral designs. 87 Morr'sonil MAX Al. SA.1TH. florist, 141 V otb. st, In Selling bldg. Main 7Z10. CASKET sprays, as low as $1.50 Lubliner. florists. Portland holtl blk FUNERAL DIRECTORS A splendid residence undertaking s- taoiisnment, witn private driveway, a. P. FIN LEY & SON, Montgom"? at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leadln funeial director, 220 3d st. corner Salmon. Lady assistant. Phonen A 1511. Mala 607. F. S. Dunning, !nc. East Side Funeral Directors. F.ast Alder St. East 62. B-2525. 414 I Cunning & McEntee nSY5eS every dete 11. 7th and Pine. Main 430. A-45Ft8. L.y assistant. A D VaWar Pa 592 Williams av ni Mi unui v-"J'ast 1088. C-1088. Lady attendant. Day and nivht service. WALTER C. KENWORTHY. successor to A. B. Hemstock. 16S7 E. 13th Sellwood 71.: B-lii'2. Lady assistant. Chambers Co.SdUnfe"rbrw. ave. ood. lawn 330fi, C-1133. Automobile hearse. RT Rrnoc vVilliams and Knoct. i I i DyillcSEast 1115. C-1943. F PsllN KJiJSli--fxti UNO. " Ls, A-2235. 445 Mors. IRK F W FSF ?JtakAns Sft Main 415! r01 L VV LO A'2321- Cor- 3d and Clay san. Fu- allllllUH neral services. T: abor 4313. DCADQHM Undertakers. East 1080. rLAnoUlM 369-371 Russell St. P. L. LERCH. leading east side under, taker. E. llth & Clay. B-18S8, E. 781. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS. 264-266 4th st.. opp. city hall. M. 8564. A-1516. TO . iSASE 63 sV" roomapar "tmen't "sui table bouse keeping, to lease on shares. T-240, JournaL FOR SALE HOUSES 61 LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. On your lot or ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. I mutt iq Nnw rnNvmrrn ucn mitwttt? ivia ivr $t a ;m hifd I d d..jii w m. m. at a i v v vii f iiiwui a aa-i iiutii iTiruu iTk uoiti Pj' Uy JLUu alSIlCr f i - ' 1 : ' r- , m ' ai' i . ir - CTT.nz i rr . c i & i 1 O J.T SNr TO t r A f T raoA 0' . - k i 'r?W weu.Lt. TH AR. 00 VtfHOCAfVT I CAN'T T? I ') i ! X C0S 7 ICWTWWf 6ooPYoJ"J I iGrtT? ) ICANH-J I CAN'T X? - V PS-t I1 X ONxt I .I I if -1' ' tM n f '"I H""I""""""""TTT I X ,' U ! R nrmiMU-SS-2Pr n.IT- All I. 1- .. I ' 7 I - ' 3 ' " J r .", I . jol i . i urn. j .1 jmm i ,tEf-s. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 (Con tinned) $350 Cash Hawthorne District Two blocks from Hawthorne car, a new, modem bungalow, double con struction, reception ball and coat closet with fall sized mirror door; hardwood floors In living and dining rooms and reception hall; pressed brick fireplace, and bookcases: cove ceiling, veneer panel, elegant buffet, nice bathroom, screened back porch. tun cement basement and laundry trays; 4 rooms and bath on first floor; second floor will be finished in two or three full height rooms to suit pur- enaser; sleeping porcn, paved street and fine view. The owner of this house did the carpenter work him self. There is 110 better constructed house anywhere. 1084 Hawthorne ave. Fnones labor 2017, Tanor zaiz. SACRIFICE. NEW 7 ROOM HOME. Full cement basement, furnace, large living and dim tig rooms, plate win dows, hardwood floors, buffet, book cases, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, bed rooms have extra large clothes closets, sieetiuiK Dorcn. shadea. iixtures. lino leum, screens, range, gas heater, double constructed, extra large lot, aii im provements in and paid; close In oft west side. S carlines- cost me over J4S00: will sacrifice for $4250. Geo. G. Mair. 325 Ry. Exch. Mar. 2574. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. $25 PER MONTH $25 Beautiful new home, every modern convenience, buffet, bookcases, bev plate mirror and leaded glass, hard wood floors, Uutcn Kltcnen, ironing board, fine closets, linoleum in kitchen, bath and back porch: fixtures, Bbades; double constructed; very complete; hardsurface street; sewer and. an im provements in. 1180 Greeley st, on fSt, Johns carline. Take car to Greeley st walk half block north. A Dar- gain. Owner. East 535. WILL sacrifice swell, modern, S fam ily flat, 6 and 6 rooms, worth $S500, now $5900; $1000 down and $25 per mo. See owner. 171 E. 23d. Phone East 6948, H FOR SALE. BIG BARGAIN PRICTH. IRVLNGTON DISTRICT. Strictly modern 8 room house, folly equipped garage, fine lawn. etc. Might consider some trade. Ground Floor Henry Bldg. $1225 Buys 4 room cottage, lot 60x103, grad ed sts., cement wains, sewer, m hlnrks to rar. near Overlook. See own er at 785 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 686. Best buy in Woodlawn. 5 room mod ern house, with large attic, nice lawn, garage, corner lot 50x100 car pets and range; 2 blocks from Wood lawn car. 169 Magnolia st Woodlawn. Price $2500. ' - EAST FRAN KLIN -ST. SNAP Fine 7 room modern house, 4 bedrooms, fur nace; a big snap at $3000; $250 down, $15 month;, near 36th. Make an offer. ZADOW & ALEXANDER, 414 Corbett Bldg. A-1416. Marshall 92. 6 ROOMS and sleeping porch, E. 29th st modern in every respect: east front; will sacrifice; $500, if sold at . rr . 1 A once. Western uregon irusi vi, xvv N. W. Bank bldg. Wain .w. EAb'i' Lincoln st-, a room bungalow. cor. lot, 1 blk. to car; a big snap at $2200; $100 down and $15 per month. ZADOW & ALEXANDER, 414 Corbett Bldg. A-1416, Marshall 92. 5 ROOM bungalow Just off Hawthorne ave.; east iront, absolutely a bar gain at $2500: $500 cash. C. M. Derr, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg $850 cash takes this 5 room modern house, 1 block from car, if taken be fore Wednesday eve. Owner, Tabor 937. 3 ROOM bungalow, 16 minutes from center of city. Terms $50 down, $10 per month. Must be sold. Par- ticulars at 512 Piatt Bldg. $600 BUYS a 3 room bungalow, 80x110 corner lot, west side, 15 minutes' ride, 5c fare; $150 cash, balance $7.50 a month. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. HOUSES Some fine bargains, Irving ton, less than cost. For rent, fur nished and unfurnished. Also lots. Ka-n 273. W. H. Herdman. $25 CASH. $18.50 PER MO. 6 room bungalow, close to car. Own er. Sellwood 2204. FOR SAJLE LOTS 16 15.000 FEET. 100 feet on Killlngsworth ave. and 160 feet on 11th st. Price $1500, tur chaser to assume unpaid balance on street improvements. James D. Og den, 107 Shaver st, near Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 202. $1050 BUYS 4 room bungalow, lot 60x 100 on Humbolt st. near Patton ave. $600 Corner lot on 35th and Glad stone sts., plus st, and sewer assess ments. ALBERT HARALA, 7S5 Mississippi Ave. Phone Wd!n. 656. A HALF acre view tract, overlooking the east side, mountains and river, for $750; $20 cash, $10 a month; city water piped to the place; this is an ideal homesite with a big future. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. $10 CASH AND $8 PER MONTH. Buys 80x175 one block to car, only 30 minutes out, good school and fetores, fine place to raise chickens. Call 614 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 6765. LOOK up this snap: A beautiful large lot, facing east, 2 blocks Hawthorne ave.. at 84 th st., worth $1600, for sale at $1200, terms; paved street. T. K. 270 Graham ave. FINE view lot on the west slope of Mt. Tabor, 62xl60. fronting on 2 streets; will sell at one-third valne. Must sell. A. J. Farmer. 41S Stock Ex LOTS for sale very cheap. Willamette addition. A-2844. $260 i r tti i trv ' rszmf2xzcr. arm i UHiiiHUwm w kid u isii.i uuiui' jtmt i t-- ti rc i i "roi,iw, 'v . i 10 $350 tlO down and $5 a month, buys a quarter acre, west side, 6c fare; this is an ideal place for a home wher you can raise all your vege tables, berries, chickens, etc-, which is the greater portion of your living. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. WILL sell 2 lota at great sacrifice on E. Stark st near 83d st. C-939. Jour nal. Phone Marshall 6898. ACREAGE 57 Acreage 1, i. 6 and 10 acre tracts, SI minutes out on New, Big, Red, Steel Electric Cars IJe commuters fare: very bee of soil, water and community conveniences; $126 to $600 par Bcth on installments. The Shaw-Hear Co. Main 85. 102 4th st. A-S5M. Beaverdam i 6 acres, erenulna num hfjvrdLm this is not black swail, but the vry best and highest grade beaverdam land in the world 10 ft. deep; 2 acres of this la upland for building pur poses, adjoining land produced 400 sacks of onions to the acre last sea- son which brought in a return of $1160 per acre. Twice the entire prico of this place can be produced out of ine sou next season, L3 miles from the center of Portland on the best macadam road In the state, mile from electric station. Price S1500: cash, balance long term. This is sao- nnea to bc on the dollar. 413 unaxn. or Com, bldg. FINE MIXED FARM. 18 acres, with fine trout stream crossing it: 8 acres black loam, bot torn land; balance fine sandy loam soil; 4 acres under cultivation; vege tables: house, chicken run, etc.; 4 mil from station. Ideal for hog or dairy rancn; also good truck farm. Price $1600- $500 down,- balance easy terms. iuiuuziann & co, 918 Chamber of Commerce, BASE LINE auto road snap. 22 acres. 3 blocks from electric cars and fac ing south on auto road; 8 acres cleared, balance in good timber, run nine creek, worth $600 per acre; now $400 per acre; $1000 down and $25 per month; must selL ZADOW & ALEXANDER. 414 Corbett bldg. A-1416, Marshall 92. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land: Gresnam district, electric sta tion V mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts: best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per acre in small tracts: easy terras. Frank McFarland Realty Co., 309 Yeon bldg., Portland. Or, 2 ACRES NEAR SANDY BOULEVD. High . and sightly, beautiful trees, cedar, maple and dogwood; water piped to tract: adjoins my home- want good neighbor; $1000. S. P. Osburn. 601 McKay bldg. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, esy terms; will build to suit pur chaser, ir'none Marsnaii i&sa, or Ben wood 476. John ti. umson, owner. 2 ACRES IN FAIR VIEW. Hieh and sightly, fine view Colum bia and mountains, on car line and good Btreet; good soil, $1000; easy terms. S. P. Osborn, o03 McKay bldg FOR RALE 20 acres at Anoleton VIM, i UV V. .. , t-I o--W and church, good roads, 5 acres cleared. II A A r.r, . 1 n .l .V, 16 acres of timber, seiiwooq 14s. FOR SALE vli TliAUh: o acres, new house. Oregon City car, 8c fare. Write owner. Box 105. phone 4 W, Oak Grove, Or. , WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention ine journal. FOR SALE FARMS 40 ACRES. Amboy, Wash, 23 acres in high state of cultivation; all fine loam soil, some beaverdam, one acre family orchard, 5 room house, large barn full of hay and other buildings, 3 springs, running wa ter and fine well; place fronts on county road, i mile to school. 4 miles from town, good neighborhood; a fine DlaceL cheap at $4500: will accept a house in Portland up to $2500; $30 cash, balance long time. Jos. C Gibson, 306 Gerlinger bldg., Portland. A Genuine Real Snap 62 acres, 6 acres under cultivation, balance easily cleared; house, barn, chicken house, water piped to house; apple, peach, apricot, pear, cherry, quince, berries of all kinds; 60 full blood White Leghorns, implements, etc 1 mile from town. This is a rare bar gain, $40 acre. Might consider trade, Portland property. 310 Stock Exchange. PREPARE FOR HARD TIMES. 10 acres, 13 miles to Portland, 2Vt to Sherwood, to Tualatin river. About 2 in cultivation, baL easy cleared. Fine spring. On county road, best of soil. $110 per acre. $150 cash, bal. $100 per year, 6. W. H. SEITZ & CO.. 310 Spalding bldg. Main 65S4. YOU can make good from the start with our help; will furnish lumber and cattle and 10 acres of deep rich bottom land, cleared, in grass now, on easiest possible terms; close to good town, schools, churches, railroad, etc., no shipping necessary, home market for all products. Call 527 Corbett bid. 80 ACRES 6 miles R. R. and landing, improved; team and boat ma- chinerv. hav. 84500: clear. Will .c. cept $1500 equity in lots, house or grocery; little cash; balance long time. Owner. Box 97, Castlerock, Wash. 20 ACRES, splendid farm land, $1 fare from Portland, close school, station; $.00; $100 cash down. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade, 40 ACRES, 4 cleared, 12 slashed, near Kelso. Sacrifice for $800 cash. Owner, 201 First, photo studio. 160 ACRES, new buildings, close in, $75 acre. Wolfstein. 206 Allsky bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ada., mention The Journal. FOB SALE LOTS FOB SALE FARMS (Continued) Ideal Dairy Ranch 65 acres. 40 acres under thorough cultivation, balance willow pasture; fenced and cross fenced; 4 room cot tage; large dairy barn, with 60 ton silo, filed; outbuildings excellent spring and spring streams through place; 4 mile from 'school, 4 miles from country and river town, all rural advantages, in thickly settled locality; 16 fine dairy cows, registered Swiss bull. 12 head of younsr stock. 10 bogs. about 100 chickens,' 831 manner of farming machinery, good team, wagon, harness, etc, together with all crops, all for only $6500; $3800 cash, balance to sultpurchaser. Ihompson & bwan Strti and Main Bts., Vancouver, Wash. jnone it. FARM AND CROP. 107 ACRES eentlv alonin land. 97 in cultivation; main rock road, rural and milk routes and phone; good soil; 2 miles Willamette Valler Ry. town; frood 6 room house, well painted, has large porch from which is fine view .of district; orchard and shade trees at house: 2 barns. 6 horses. 3 cows, 19 hogs; all the hay and grain; complete farm machinery and cream separator; $89 an acre, terms, IX MoCheaney, Title & Trust bldg. FOR I. EXT FARMS 14 FOR RENT A large stock, cattle, hog and alfalfa ranch: one of the finest places in the state, for rent on very at tractive terms: stock for sale. II you are looking for a place to go into the stoctt business on a large scale, inis wui suit you. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT One of the finest valley places on the river: large orchard. very rich soil, to lease on shares; at tractive leaser rarty to buy stocK. ML E. Lee, 606 Corbett bldg. F ARSIS WANTED RENT OR BUY 38 WANTED To lease farm and buy stock, if reasonable. Understand farming. References furnished. Give particulars. E. P. Erickaon, general delivery, foruand, ur, A" 1.' .... . , ...... i t. -rirtl -V. , on reasonable terms. Write or call and see us. Chittenden & Neill, 310 UaJt st irMrtiana, ur. HOMESTEADS 47 GET the best homestead land in Ore gon; level, rich soil, no rock or stumps, good water, timber, free, near stocK range. it 4tn st. Main tin. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE J24 24 acres; 12 acres cleared; 200 young fruit trees, small building. mite north of North Bank depot, Washou gal. Wash. $3000 cash or trade for suitable house and lot near KUlings- wortn ave. Columbia le. IMPROVED farm, 120 acres, free of incumbrances, near good town. Will 6eil on easy terms or trade for im proved city property. Owner at 516 Comnionwealtn bldg., city. FOR TRADE 160 acres of timber, cruising about 6.500.000: also 80 acres cruising 2,500,000, for Portland property; no junk considered. 301 Gerlinger bldg. MODERN 9 room house in central Al bina, choice location; will take piano, victrola or good graronola as Ilrst pay meat, balance like rent. See owner, n!2 Piatt bldr. OWNERS ONLY. Will take one or two lots as part payment on my modern 7 room bun galow and take mortgage for balance at 7 per cent interest. H-957, journal COME and see new, modern 6 room house, oak floor, mantle, Dutch kitchen. Take 3 or 4 houses up to J I -00, balance monthly. Home 4 p. m. 1J67 hi. Lincoln. HAVE $1500 cash and $1500 equity in 6 room house and 200x136 ft. block will trade for first mortgage or im proved acreage, clear title. u-3, jour nal WILL sell or trade for coast land suit able for stock ranch, 112 acres of well improved irrigated land in Povs ell Butte. "Price cheap." Earl Saun ders, Powell Butte, Or. FOR EXCHANGE. IRVINGTON DISTRICT Strictly modern 8 room house, fully equipped garage, etc Price $6000. Equity $3500. v ?HgngoWEl Ground floor Henry bldg. IF your real estate has value and you want to make a good exchange for other property, see us. Bell Real Es tate Co.. 318 Railway Exchange bids. WILL take all or part railroad, muni cipal or school bonds for my 7 room bungalow on Rodney ave. near Al berta st. Y-62. Journal. TWO clear lots on west side, $3000; will exchange for modern 5 or 6 room bungalow on east side. A. J. Farmer, 416 Stock Exchange. 40 ACRES, some improvements, to ex change for grocery, cigars and con fectionery store, or rooming house. Call 150 llth sL, near Morrison. SIX LOTS, 1 blk. to Rose Ci.y car improvements paid, also house and lot; will trade for acreage. N-556, Journal. WILL take anything of value for my $350 equity in a $2000 home, 1 block to car; prefer a cheap auto. V-41, Journal. WHAT have vou to trade for good $1400 second mortgage, on valley farm. Call evenings. Sellwood 204L 794 Tacoma ave. TEN acres unimproved, Salem elec tric, sale or trade. Wolfstein, 205 AHsky bldg. FOR EXCHANGE or sale, modern 6 1 room bungalow, i acre BUDurDan, x- 81. Journal. FOR SALE or exchange at sacrifice 10 acre tract, 8 room house. 4 acre orch- ard, fine water. Main 9049. GROCERY, 3 building lots, exchange for farm. Owners only. Tabor. 1872 FOR excangea of all kinds. See GARLAND & LIND. 191 4th 6 ACRES, city limits, improved, sell or trade. Wolfstein, 205 Alisky bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 (Continued) BIO WHEAT FARMS. 1336 acres. 3 miles from station in eastern Oregon, all cultivated, near ly 600 acres summer fallow seeded now; good buildings, best well in country; 6 mules, i hordes, wagon and full farming equipment m;lud:d. trie ior everything, $27.50 per acre. win lAKe any dear property to $11,000: balance all Davabla one third of crop each year. 6 per cent interest. acres, same district, 1 mile from station, all cultivated, half ready for fall sowing, good buildings. line wen. frice 3t),0U0. Will taKe valley farm to full value, or for part and long time on balance. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 32 acres with 20 under cultivation. and balance easily cleared; good 7 room nouse, Darn and outDuildings; good fanily orchard, running water, on good county read. i miles from a country town- and 10 miles out from Vancouver, in good neighborhood; all rural advantages. This price is only $5000. with $1000 to 81500 cash, bal ance to suit purchaser, or will trade ror eity property. lUUllrSUN & SWAN. 612 MAIN ST, VANCOUVER, WASH. Trades Trades We have over 2000 properties In all parts of Oregon and Washington to trade. Bring in your trades, we can match you. Our specialty is trading. 22 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO, 618-619 Yeon bldg. Main 481. I WILL exchange $1000 or $2000 of my Interest In a 280 acre well developed coal property for equity In lots or bouse that will make me a home. This coal property Is clear, and is tributary to Fort-Land: solid No. 1 lignite coai; will be a money maker. The company nas no dents, x. K-, 270 uranam ave., Portland. WE CAN SELL OR TRADE If you wish to sell your real estate for cash or trad, for other property. It will pay you to see us for quick re sults. 19 years' successful business is our guarantee for a square deal. M'KENZIE & CO, 615 G-erllnger bldg. Main 2801. FOR EXCHANGE Fine 260 acre stock ranch, southern Oregon, good hog and cattle ranpe, abundance of springs, close to city, $26,000; clear, for good property, some rash. Clark Realty Co.. Medford. Or. 320 ACRES, fine black bottom land, all irrigated, close to town of Silver Lake, Or, one of the best small cattle ranches in Lake county; price $50 per acre; will trade for improved .Port land property. B-Siiz, journal. LOT 50x100 in Irvington, to trade for houBn and lot or acre tracts near Portland. 26 W. Simpson st. Take St. Johns car. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WANTED INCOME PROPERTY APARTMENT HOUSE OR STORE BUILDING. Have client with unincumbered close-in property and cash to ex change for good income property. What have you? Only properties sub mitted on cash valuations considered. iiuand Floor Henry Biug. WANTED 320 acres of cutover tim ber iand. Must b pood land, adapted for dairying, un east side of Cascade mountains. State price, ia:n fail and character of soil. Address BX-S20. Journal. roo.mim; houses 53 25 H K. rooms, rent $S0. Splendid cor ner on Broadway. Extra well fur nished and absolutely clean. Guaran teed to clear $su above every expense. Price $1150. Easy terms. Yates, 249 4th $375 BUYS the best 14 room house, fine location, electricity, gas, fur nace, all houseKeeping, rent $45, lease if .desired, no commission, see owner at 410 Jefferson; $150 down, balance to suit buyer. Y-80, lournal. 42 ROOMS. RENT $1S0 Thoroughly modern, private bath with each apartment. This is a class A place and will stand investigation. Price $1400 and mieht consider some trade. Call 61H Yeon bid. A SNAP, by owner: Must sell at once 15 rooms, furnished for housekeep ing, a good money maker, large yard, rent $30. Reason for Belling am not able to care for place. See me at 411 4th st- Phone A-3K59. Price J126. ROOMING HOUSE 16 ROOMS. Fine west side location rooms al ways rented; rent $45 mo. Clears $50 above all expenses; well furnished and clean. All housekeeping. Price $550. Call 191 4th st. 1 1 Rooms 1 1 In swell location. Rent cheap. Steam heat, neat and clean as a pin. A-l home. Every room rented. Price for all. $300. PETERS. 15 N. 5th st 38 ROOMS, RENT $15o Steam heat, hot and cold water, cen ter of business district. Always full, Only $101)0 cash required to handle. Call 618 Yeon bldg. SNAP 32 rooms, all making money; close in, modern, terms, cheap rent, good home. Call 150 llth sL. near Morrison. $25 CASH PAYMENT, PRICE $150. 7 rooms of fair furniture, 2 blocks of city hall, rent $20. Some income and free retrL Call 15 N. 6th st 64 ROOMS, part H. K. Fine corner In center of town. Very low rent. Clean and .well furnished. Big money maker. Price $190. . Will consider part trade. Yates, 249 4th st. FOR SALE 30 rooms, modern brick, steam heat, all outside rooms, cheap rent, rooms full; snap, $15oC cash. T 237. Journal. " 11 ROOMS, $350 Very nicely furnished, furnace, all fulL Clost in, west side location. 8ee this, it's a BARGAIN. Call 618 Yeon bldg. 42 ROOMS for clear lot and some cash. Owner, 382M. E. Clay. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. ROOMING HOUSES 63 -S-5lSS?-SSsa Best Buy in City 44 rooms, new brick bldg., bo sad cold water and call bell sJl room, rent only $75. Worth $3500. -First one comes gets this for $800 for all. This is cleanest place In City. PETERS, 16 N. 6th at. 17 Rooms, $600 Snap WORTH $1200, PRICE TODAY $600. Clean as can be; good furniture; al ways full, must be .Bold; you can't beat It Call 88 10th st, near Stark. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 A SUBSTANTIAL interest in oldest established niah class mercantile ln- stition on Puget sound can be secured by a capable business man -who can assume active part in management. This business has made several for tunes and is capable of making many more; at least $20,000 cash and not to exceed 835.UOO required. Address prtn clpala direct, care H. Erwln French, f. u. box imuz, Seattle, wasn. - Picture Shows Are you looking for one? If so, better see us, as we have all the best paying houses that are for sale, both In Portland and ail parts of the state; also the state of Washington. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT COw 618-619 Yeon bldg. Main 481. WANTED Partner in manufacturing business; large profit, no competi tion; no experience necessary; office man preferred: you handle ail money. Can guarantee $50 per week; few hun dred dollars will secure ft interest. Now installing agents all over the-- coast. Call at plant; full Interview. 245 llolladay ave. OLD established and good paying lannch business, running between Kelso. Wash and Rainier. Or con listing of launch Eadem, longtb 55 ft, beaon 11 ft, 46 h. p. Imperial engine, ano North Star, length 34 ft., beam 8 ft- 12 b. p. Standard engine, and Float, Will sell cheap it taken at once. Call or address F. J. Horbach. Kelso, Wash. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS? And sell it QUICKLY and PROFIT ABLY 7 If bo call or phone us and we win tell you now. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO, 618-619 Yeon bldg. Main 48L Drug Store $6000; half cash, balance n ttme or good real state; well located in tne city; does a very nice puaweaa. Address. U-196, Journal. . GOOD BUY. Tha only confectionery In town of 700. Ice cream, soft drink, cigars and tobacco, magazines and stationery Can give terms if desired. Address Box 118. Ridgefleld. Wash. PARTNER wanted for a good little pair shop, requires small Investment and will pay iuu to l& znonin. jau room 329 Morgan piag. MANUFACTURER wants state mana gers to establish office and manage salesmen; liberal pay. $300 to $700 necessary; you handle own money Secretary, 406 Fisher bldg., Chicago. Light Groceries, Cigars Nice clean little store, $300 stock, $200 fixtures; good location. First comes $290. 310 Stock Exchange. PICTURE THEATRE Owner will (five you a bargain: man ager wants to leave, clearing $46 oer week, 10c house, 70t cash win nandie. See my agent. 310 Lumber Exch. bldg. $300 takes $900 equity in $1330 let. restricted district. $550 cash or terms takes grocery valued abou $1000. Rent $3 per month. 602 Broad way bldg. WANTED Steady man to work partner in cash grocery, good and your money will be secured, room 329 Morgan bldg. pa.y Call 1000 Business Cards $1 Ryder Ptg. Co.. S. W. for.Sd ft Morrison CONFECTIONERY and light grocery store for sale. For particulars can Woodlawn 3769. ; 5 CHAIR barber shop, good location, price $175; must go back east. 27 N. 3d st ' 1000 Business Cards 90c Rose City Printery, Sd and Taylor. GOOD clean grocery, new stock, $1000; half cash; will take balance in trade. 5511 Foster road, Archer Place. Wllr-N you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. Money to loan heal estate Mortgage Loans L L. WHITE 701 Selling bldg. WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Conmeres. BUILDING LOANS on city and subur ban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck, 315 Fail ing bldg. Main 3407. $100,000 on mortgages, city and farm property, fire insurance, McKensie & Co.. Gcrlinsrer bldg.. 2d and -Alder. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on c'.ty property. A. 11. Bell. 201 Gerlinster bldn. MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgat, s bought and sold. John I Kar.ionp. Railway Exchange bldg. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage toans; reasonable rates. V. H. Lewis & Co-. 3 Lewis bldg. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate securt'y. Apply room 203 Stock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill. MORTGAGE loans C to 8 per cent. Fred C. King. 314 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. 813 Cham, of Com. n for city or farm loan, or C-655. Journal. Tabor 20. $40,000 OR LtCSS, FARRINGTON. 80 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. MONEY to loan. 6 to 6 per cent. W. H. seitx 6c co.. iu apaiaing oiog. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon & Co., 229 Stark st. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention The JournaL 17 -j : PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND TO !; ! LOAN. $J0.o$! at 7T: 7uoo at 7: 14006 at ?: $3f00 at 7; $1200 at 8; $80 at 85.IU, i M'KENZIE & CO, .6 IS Gerlinger. bldg. Main 280L LOAN 4; on improved city property or for twUdinx purposes: advance made as building progresses; liberal repay-, ment privileges; no commission. J. P. Lipscogine. Z4I Ktaric st Main U MONEY TO LOAN 67 01 ARTELS, SALAKIES S. IMMKDIATK. LOANS - ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY f AT EASTERN RATES W Ciave one of the finest retail Jeyelryf hstores in tne city. A loan de pariutjit is conducted in connection with 6ine, making business STRICT 1.1 wtgyi hjivin iiau AUboiuieiy n? Eigti designating loan business playedltn iront of our store. Ail mer chandi pledged is held for a periol of sevga months, whether or not in terest as : Paid when due. We are li censed and have been established since ?199. No connection witn any other ati establishments in this city, A. & SM. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS, f: 3o4 Washington st. WE M&&.E LOANS IN 6 HOURS' 11ME i A t o (to I Pita. ni tt,ui iiaiua We lean mone-r on diamonds, nlanoa. real estate, plain notes or furuitura jrortiand Loan Co. Llcensed.1 room 205. RntchLM Rid. Bet. 4h and 6th on Washington gt. 8' $iTATK SECURITY CO. $ $ $ SALA&Y LOAXw ON PLAIN NOTES ?.: TO ! 1 BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY Business Strictly Confidential. State security co. $ 8 -f 309 FAILING BLDG. $ $ $ PRlVjjTK PLACE to OBTAIN LOANS s Dinonds, watches, Jewelry, etc. BUSIfiESS : STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL. : ELBY CO. (Licensed). 820 Lumber Ex. Bldg.. 2d and Stark. MONEf on chattels, notes and mUa. Doutnt Columbia Joan Co it us Swe Jand. LOAN'S on r estate, diamond. Jew- elryjfWm. H611. R 6. Washi n gton bldg. to loan on diamonds, jewelry. m. W4 mng. a wa-jnington bldg. :. WHEA you answer these Want AO. mention The Journal. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, strictly confidential. 141 v id st, near Alder. LOANS WANTED 3U' WANTED ON A-l SECURITY. $500j at ; value $20,000. $35to at 8;; value $12,000 farm. $250 at ; value $ 7.000 farm. $ 70$ at S; value $ 4.000 farm. McKENZlE & CO., 614 Gerlinger bldg. Main 28C1. $1500Sj-8 per cent, modern residence, valv. $3800. $500 $ per cent, security worth $2000.--K. HILL. 419 Henry bldg. - WANt'ED from private party $3500 on progirty valued at $8000; will pay l per cght interest, but no brokerage! , time gy-ears. J-3C9, Journal $2500Sne year. $20.o66"approved eecuri ityiincome $6000 annually. H-354, Jourrr.ji. WANDED $1000 for 3 years at 8', frosj private party, on close in city propety: (.'all 414 Corbett bldg. WANTED $200 on lmj.roved 160 fargi. "Claude Cole, 917 Board Ti scr Trade. : WHlji you uii-wrr th.su vvuiu itiatglon The Journal. FINANCIAL 31 FIRSJf mtg. of 98"; also contracts' fofdif I'ertnt anits. for pale. Well securJd, Will give 20... discount. 2t)4 Fallijg bldg. Main 7141. FlKrS' u"11 aeuond nor images, alo so.- lers .'int. rest in contract- purchase. L Oregta and Washington. H. E. NobJ -.umrfnens oiog. gSlOlKS AM BONDS 5J4 FIRfcff mortgage realty bonds, secured by iflose-ui city realty, to net S'j'.., First .mortgage laitn laud bondii. to & Ti. Catt: or write for circulars describ ing tsiese issues. $ BOND DEPARTMKNT. HARfMAN A THOMPSON. Bankers, j; -.Chamber or commerce. Si. DO.VgT h'ol- for work. 'i'here is ti demand for automobile drivers and repaS . men. Our expert Inst rue tots qualify you In three to five weeks and assist n securing good positions. Bring tnls gd. for on tree lesson. PAClflC AUTO GAS ENGINE . f SCHOOL. 266g268 llth st (Near J ef f arson, V . MfT':. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPi'- Retard 'for year 1913: Calls ifor mei. ..26-5 Fo-ttfims lliled ...1942 All young men seeking employment : are ctjrdiaily .Invited to consult With the secretary of the Employment Da partmldfM. W A VISE I J Man to represent and fit the?'Wllson Truss." Made to meas-' ure, jjjfiJd on money-hat-k guarantee;' expeigt-nce not essential. Wilson, 66 6 LfL . WANTED A man who needs a dollar andis willing to work if given an opportunity to earn a ;jood salary; caab : weekfer. Address Capital City Nursery vj 1 1 , r. J , w ill, yr. CHEijSHeaiiqurteis and helpers Cal FIRSfeVCljASH shoemaker wanted. 269 Yaiahlll st. WHiiS -.you answer tha Want AOs,. megtion The Joufpel. fHELI WAN1E1 M1SO. 49 PACIFIC Chiropractic College, 407fto 418 Commonwealth bldg. Ins UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6.60 up. ;Taylor. the Tailor, 289 Burnalda. 4 Coptic ned on Wear Pare) MONEY TO LOAN I REAL ESTATE s ' -OoHttanedi "I ' 'J-:- '" : -r--f , .' '- -' L ' ' .1