THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 12, 1914. - 2 TEARSCOME 10 EYES WHEN MEMBERS FIND OLD CHURCH BARRED Little Gathering Stands in Front of Old Taylor' Street Edifice, Holds Song Service BUILDING IS DISMANTLED Bolted Doors aad Wlndowi Prevent Satranoe ; Many scar Abandon tfetaodlem as Baeult. Smothered to Death Under Sawdust Pile . f Albert Stone Had Probably SmgHt belt at ' Baymond . Plant Kad Mbfim Slffaa of Mental Weakness. Raymond. Wash., .Oct. 12. Death by suffocation was the fate that over took Albert Stone, a recent arrival in this city from Black Diamond, Wash. ,f at the Slier Mill company's Plant soma Urn Sunday morning, where he was found beneath a pile of sawdust over one of the boilers, where he had evidently sought shel ter for the night. In a letter, pre sumably from his mother In Hoquiam, the young man was urged to continue his membership in the Knights of Columbus, which has started an In vestigation by local members of that order as to his antecedents. Stone had been a guest of the Washington hotel for a few days, V where it is said he displayed signs of mental unbalance. MRS. WHITE RETURNS AFTER VERY THRILLING EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE Portland Woman Says Am ericans in Switzerland Lost Heads When War Came. WILD RUSH FOR TRAINS Tho corner of Third and Taylor streets presented an unusual sight yesterday morning. Bareheadfd wltb. their faces lifted in tne rain nearlv 160 members or the congregation of the old Taylor t? treat Metfcodlst Episcopal church slood in the ttruet and united in' a service of song. Titey had come as they have done for years to worship In the old land mark which is trie seat of the oldest .Methodist church In Portland. But Nh-y found the building looked and burred, windows tightly closed, even the wood chute fastened from the In? Hide. Older members of the congro. gallon broke down completely and 'then spontaneously without pastor or leader bt'Xun tlu-ir devotion. A Quick ening tain storm :aumvl tliem to break up the Impromptu service but nearly 'all marched in a body to ths First Congregational church and at " tended the morning service there. The worshippers at Third and Tay lor streeta conxtii utetl a part of what termed the "insi:nprit" element of tho consolidated Taylor Htreet and Oruce Methodist Kplscopal churches. .Tin? 'regulars" worshipped yesterday ' morning sit the old Grate church, .Twelfth and Taylor streets, which, has been designated as the home of the united congregation as the First church. Dr. Frank U LoveUnd, pas tor, preached to a capacity congre gation. ' ' Methodism May Be Renounced. Members of the "Insurgent" faction j in tho dlpi:te which lias divided the congregations of the two churches for ' the pust1 three yeurs look upon the closing of their old edifice as the last straw. They feel keenly the action of- church authorities in ordering It closed and unless some, solution is reached it n probable that many of them will renounce Methodism. The old building at Third and Tay lor streets, they point out, has been used as a house of worship for the past 80 years. It la one Of the best .known churches in America. It Is the home of some of the most cher ished traditions of the church in this part of the country. It houses many tics of sentiment and lave. Consolidation Declared Told. For these, some 350 members of the congregation. Including many of the most influential Methodists In Portland, stand firmly for ths con tinuation of services in the old build ing. They state that they are not opposed to tho maintenance -of Church at Twelfth and Taylor streets but that they desire above everything else to retain the identity or the in stltuMon at Third street. In thla desire, they assert, they are opposed by Bishop Cooke, by District Superintendent McDougall and by other ecclesiastics, even though the articles of Incorporation of the old church state explicitly that it is the purpose of the corporation to maintain a Methodist Episcopal church perpet ually on the site at Third and Taylor streets They further state that the original consolidation of the two churches la void because of impossibility of ful flllment of conditions. Although their membership contains men who have constituted the back bone of Portland's Methodiam. they GOVERNMENT LAND OFFICE SHOWS GAIN IN BUSINESS TOTAL i Incidentally Commissioner General Finds Local Office in Excellent Condition, Mies Edith Wans, Traveling Com panion, Scorns 3uc& Vaunted Po liteness of the Trench. Her travels abroad cut ' short by the war, Mrs. Isam White, widow of learn White, the Portland pioneer, wno died about five years aso, has returned to this city, after an ab sence of a year and five months, dur ing which time she has visited noarly all of Europe and Morocco and Egypt. Mrs. White, with her traveling com panion. Miss Edith Nana, reached Portland yesterday and has taken apartments at the. Benspn hotel. In Switzerland, when war was declared, they were traveling alone, and had many trying experiences in reaching London from Geneva. "Passports once procured, we left Geneva on a trtdn for Paris," said Mrs. White. "It was horribly over field, stuck up his glove and dragged ! by Oldring which prevented It Irom Schang' a drive down from the osone- going for two bases. Connolly up: Tyler control was better and ths Connolly out, Collins to Mclnnes, on Braves were playing a tight game. 'the, first ball pitched. No runs. 1 hit. Boston Schmidt up. Ball J, striae , oo error. i ; say, the authorities or the cnurcn have pursued a relentless , opposition to their wishes aneffcought to force the consolidation and abandonment of the o!U ediflre upon them. "Victims of Mailed Fist." "We are the victims of a mailed fist," onr.-of their number said this morning. "It has been impossible for us to procure Justice. We submitted a petition to the annual conference hold In this city last month, pleading that the conference act upon the mat ter. But we were not even permitted a secret ballot. The bishop rode over us rough shod. Only a few pastors dared to raise their voices in our de fense. The rest were scared of their Jobs. .. . "To show how far this matter has gone, the minister's license of the edi tor of the Taclflc Advocate was re voked because he was fair minded enough to aive space in that publics.- ' tlon to hotli sides of the controversy. "Tn order effectually to prevent the holding of services Mn thf building workmen were taken into the church Immediately following the service Sun day, October 4, to dismantle the inter ior of the building. Pews, chairs and all other paraphernalia of worship were removed. , "Insurgents" Mais Statement. "TJicf ' notice of discontinuation of services was entirely insufficient. It was announced first that there would be r.o services at the First church Sunday evening and then between the verses of a hymn that services in the church itself were to cease.' One of the "insurgents" made the following .statement this morning: fAbout four years ago a few of the members of Grace and Taylor Street M. E. churches conceived a plan to build a fine church edifice anJ inj,order to do this, which could not be done by subscription, deter mined to obtain control of the Vay .tor street property, consisting of the church at Third and Taylor and parsonage at Klevanth and Taylor, sell the same, and with the proceeds erect a handsome temple of worahip. They were not successful in getting the consent of the Taylor street con gregation to this plan, and have since attempted, by prostituting the laws - of the church, to accomplish their ; ends. "Their plans have been cooperated In by tne Disnop, the district super- i ,intrident and the pastor, to such an ' extent as to prevent any Just or honorable conclusion." Members of the old Taylor street faction state that they re course under ' the present state of affairs, as they are without pastor or church, and that any minister 1. whom they procure would have his license revoked Immediately by the bishop. , V D'. Frank L. Loveland, pastor ' of the, consolidated congregation, refused to discuss the situatifj this morning. : MUwaukie Club to Meet. MUwaukie, Or.. Oct. 12. The board of governors of the MUwaukie Com mercial club will meet at 8 o'clock to night at 'the home of J. i. Johnson, on laurel avenue. ' The amount of business transacted by the government land office is on the increase, and a marked increase in the amount of patented lands for the last fiscal year is shown, accord ing to Clay Tallman. commissioner of the general land office, who is in Port land. Mr. Tallman leaves tonight for San Francisco and from there will work back to Washington, I. C, by slow stages. Incidentally he aid he found the lo cal land office in excellent condition. "The amount of business transacted by the land office for the last fiscal year is very satisfactory," he said. "The report for this last fiscal year shows that J4.300.000 acres of land were patented, an increase of 2,000,000 acres over the year previous. i here is much talk of increasing the rec lamation fund. The service will have spent a total of between $80,000,- OttO and 'J0,0OO,000 by the end of the year ind will have left available, in cash probsbly $10,000,000. After that Ts spent the money will come in slow ly. "To increase' the amount in the fu ture, some people are advocating the proposition that the government should receive more money through the sale of public lands. The 10,000,' 000 acres of land taken up by home steaders, for example, cost the people virtually nothing and the cost of han dling them was higher than the amount received in fees. 'To see what would result if more were charged, I had some fignrea made up which show that if we had got, a minimum of $31. -2 6 per acre for public lands disposed of in the last five jrears that we would have got $40,000,000 ad AttJanaJL which cnulri hv been iiKtuf Tfdr reclamation service. Of this? 10,000,000 were patented under the' homestead law. A total of 16,500,0-00 acres were entered and se lected under all laws, which is an in crease Of 6B0.000 acres over the year before In spite of the increased busl ness the receipts from public lands decreased $800,000. They totaled $6 148,000. This decrease is due to three reasons the three year homestead law which leads people to live out their time instead of commuting; th fact that reclamation homestead funds now go into the reclamation servic funds and the fact that we did not dispose of the usual amount of Indian lands. "The cost of the public land service was approximately S3,oou,ooo and the remainder of the reoeipts goes into th reclamation service fund for use 1 developing projects, etc. 'This would have gone into th reclamation work. In regard to conservation. Secre tary of the Interior Lane is an ardent believer in sane conservation. He believes in use but is violently against monopoly. "Lane is largely responsible for the Alaska coal leasing bill, the water power bill, and the general leasing bill for lands bearing coa., oil and prospects. He also championed the Alaska commission bill, which gives Alaska, a sort of home rule. "The general leasing bill wll not work any hardship on the west, as many suppose. The leasing bill pro vides that a'l the net profits from leasing land shall go first to the reclamation ; fund and be revolved once. Then one half of It goes to the state treasurer of the state wherein the lands are located, and the remaining half remains with the reclamation fund for use In develop ing iandes. This results ultimately in the states interested securing the full amount, either directly or indirectly. "The field service of the land office has been doing excellent work. Last year, through its efforts, 616,000 acres or land were restored to public do main. This included 292,000 acres se cured by fraudulent entries, nearly 200,000 acres held by unlawful en closures and 26,000 acres secured by fraudulent patents. "The Alaska Coal Land cases will all be completed within a couple of montns and the entire mess cleaned up. "Although It Is little known in the west, the land office is doing much business in the south, particularly In Florida, Louisiana and Arkansas. We have some hard propositions to solve in the way of deciding the real prop erty rights of people in some of those sections. rowded and there were seven of us a compartment built to hold six. Of course, there was no tuning car n the train, and we were compeliea o carry our own rooa. xne joumcj ordinaj-ilv takes 12 hours, but we were on the road 30 hours. "Americans" Iroge Heads. Americans in . Switaerland lost their heads completely when war was iteelared. and 'all tried to get out at once. The American diplomatic offi cials assisted the best they could, Dut in Paris we received absolutely no aid at all in getting out of the country. "After hours of waiting, we were able to get passports from the British ambassador that would permit us to land tn tr.neiand. This was on a sun- day, and the Germans were then within 12 miles or Fans; aurrng tne oy -- German aviators had dropped bombs on the city, although we. were noi aware of the fact at the time. It was announced that the last train was to leave for London the next morning. Hundreds desired to leave on mai train, and we procured tickets and mntilv rrnm Cook's only with the greatest difficulty, and literally fought to get on the train at me sianun. Miss Nanz, who made all the ar rangements for the two travelers in this connection, scorns the much vaunt ed politeness of the rrencn. "I had reserved and paid for a com partment for Mrs. White and myself." she said this morning,, "but when we .m. tn tret into It it was occupied by Frenchmen, who stubbornly rerusea give us our places. And at Dieppe! Both Mrs. White and Miss Nan, who is Swiss, agreed that the worst, experi ence' of the entire trip was at Dieppe. Many Complaints Aeara. w were, told the boat for Folke stone would leave the next morning at g o'clock and,, aixer- iwo: , w v scrambling around .were afcle t ijet a room in a hotel, leaving a call for 6. At 10 o clock tnat evening buuhwub knocked on our door and saio xnai mo boat- would leave at S in the morning and for us to get aboard at once as the vessel was aireaay nnea. "We immediately dressed . and re paired to ship. Mrs. WTiite found a hard seat on a bench. I sat on suit cases. People were sick and complain ing all around ua and in the middle of the night there was a furious alter cation between a wounded Belgian sol dier on deck and some French on the dock. "The Belgian tore the bandages off his wounded arm and cried out: 'See what I suffered for France and yet you dare to insult me.' That trip to Folkestone was horrible and we en countered many more difficulties get ting ashore in England." Mrs. White returned to the United States on the Adriatic landing in New York September 25. 1. called; ball 2, strike, called; foul. ball 8; Schmidt fanned. Bush got him self Into a hole by giving Schmidt three straight' ones, but settled down and finally made the big Dutchman swing on a high one outside. Deal up: Strike 1; Deal flied to Baker, who al most twisted himself into a knot be fore he finally got under the balL Maranville up: Ball 1, strike 1, called; ball 2. ball 3; Maranville walked. Bush was having trouble with both his fast j up ball and curves. He pitched low to the midget. Maranville make him go the limit. Gowdy up; Strike one. called; Maranville stole second. Schang's throw being low. Gowdy doubled into the left field, scoring Maranville. It was a great drive and would have been a home run on any field but Fenway nark. Evidently it had been agreed upon that drives into . the left field stand would be good for only two bases. Gowdy's hit fell among the Royal Rooters, and there was a great scramble to keep the ball as a souvenir. The man who got it is the proudest man in Boston. Tyler up: Ball 1, strike 1, called; strike z. called; ball 2; Tyler out, Barry to Mc lnnes. One run, one hit, no errors. Gowdy's double brought the im mense crowd up standing with terrifio. Sheering. The yelling lasted until j Tyler came to bat. Bush's control ! was bad. In the first two innings he had pitched 18 balls wide of the plate. Third Inning. Philadelphia Bush up; strike 1. swung; ball 1; strike 2. foul; ball 2; ball 3; Bush fouled to Schmidt Tyler got himself into a bad hole pitching to Bush, but with the count 3 and 3. shot one over which Bush was forced to hit at. Murphy up; ball 1: strike 1. swung; Murphy out, Evers to Schmidt Tvler keDt the ball in close to Murphy 'and Eddie hit it near the handle of his bat. Oldring up; strike 1, swung; ball l; Oldring out, Maranville to Schmidt No funs, no hits, no errors. Tyler pitched a high grade of ball this inning. He worked the Athletics by keeping the ball in close to the bat ter. All of the connections of the Ath letics batsmen were simple chances to fielders. Boston Moran up: Strike 1, foul; Moran out. Baker to Mclnnes. It was an easy chance, Moran not even run ning out the hit Evers up: Ball 1, ball 2, strike 1 called;, ball 3, strike 2 called; Elvers out. Bush to Mclnnes. Johnny hit the ball squarely on the nose, and It traveled directly to the pitcher, and he was easy. Connolly up: Strike 1 called; strike 2 called; foul; Connolly lined to Murphy hits, no errors. The crowd expected something from Connolly and gave him a hand when he came up after Evers' single. His offering was easy for Collins. Sixth Inning. Philadelphia Collins up: Strike 1, called; ball 1, strike 2; foul; Collins singled to third. Deal Just managed to knock down the ball with his gloved hand or it would have gone through for two bases or perhaps three; Biker Ball 1 ; ball 2. Baksr nit into a double play. Evers to Maranville to Schmidt Maranville made a remark able play. Collir. ran into him at second but the midget made the throw to first nevertheless. Mclnnes up: Mclnnes out on the firat pitched bdll. Deal to Schmidt. No runs, 1 hit, no errors. t Maianville's relay of Ever's assist was really a wonderful play. He fell I forward on his face after making the ' throw, his collision with Collins hav in thrown him from his feet Boston Whltted up: Strike 1. swung; strike 2 called; ball 1, ball 2 Whitted out, Busa to Mclnnes, on an easy tap which Bush fielded with his gloved hand, and got to Mclnnes far ahead of the runner. Schmidt up: Ball 1; Schmidt flied to Oldring. The ball soared high in the air, but it was an easy catch for JJie ruDe. ueai up Ball 1. strike 1, foul; Deal doubled Into the left field stand inside the foul line. The fans indulged in a mighty scramble for the ball. Maranville up: Ball 1; Maranville popped to Schang No runs, 1 hit, no errors. Bush seemed to be getting stronger as the game progressed. He was at his best wiien the sun was ob scured by the clouds, for it was then he would pse his fast ball most effectively. The genertn play was also becoming snappier as both teams were keyed to a high tension because of the tied score. Seventh Inning. Philadelphia Walsh up; strike 1, called; strike. 2, foul; ball 1. ball 2; Walih fouled to Deal. He hit a high one inside and it glanced off his bat high into the air for an easy out. Barry up: Strike 1. swung; ball 1. Barry, out. Tyler to Schmidt. It was the easiest kind of a chance. Schang up: Ball 1, ball 2, strike 1, called; ball 3. Schang out, Evers to Schmidt No runs, no hits, no errors. At the end of the Athletics' half of the seventh the fans took their stretch. I accompanied by tremendous cheering, and began puiung ror a iauy. Boston Gowdy up: Strike 1, called; strike foul; ball 1; ball 2; Gowdy out. Barrv to Mclnnes. Gowdy got No runs, no , int0 a hole by getting two strikes right i off the reel and Bush then induced CITY BEGINS WORK OF PUTTING GARBAGE IN MARQUAM GULCH System Will Be Extended ifj Plan Now Being Tried s Successful, SUPERINTENDENT ON JOB Satisfactory Bsnl May Cause Flan of Building- second Incinerator to Be Abandoned. Actual work in dumping rubbiah and refuse in Marquam's gulch, which may result in discarding the plan for a sec ond incinerator, began this morning under direction of William Helber, su perintendent of the garbage disposal System. Commissioners Daly and Bige low were present at the operations this morning. The dumping system is working well in other cities, and it is believed that it can be made a success here. If the experiment results successfully in Mar quam gulch, the work will be extended to other gulches. Once the project is well under way, Will H. Daly, commissioner of public utilities, plans to start work to estab lish a municipal garbage collection sys tem as authorized by the people. He hopes to establish this system by units, each unit using a gulch, and in this way minimize the operating expense, as it will be cheaper to haul to com munity gulches than to a central dump ing spot As the rubbish is dumped in the gulch it is being spread out and sprayed with a solution of carbolic acid, and over this a layer of earth will be placed. This process will continue un til the gulch is filled. Italy in Sad Way Despite Neutrality Thousands who Return Trom Belliger ent Countries Mast Depend oa Char ity as Only Means of Living. New York. Oct. 12. That hundreds ; of thousands of people in Italy have I given up eating meat because they cannot afford to buy it Is declared by Dr. Walling Clark of the Methodist Episcopal mission in Rome, who has Just reached the United States. "In spite of Italy's neutrality in the European war." says Dr. Clark, "com mercial and industrial activities throughout the land are paralyzed. Factories are closedt Printing houses have reduced their forces by one half. This means that vast numbers of men have been thrown out of employment For a few months these out-of-works can get along by relying upon their savings. But the outlook for the com ing winter la most distressing. "Moreover, many thousands of Ital ians are returning to their native land from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, France, England and South America. As yet comparatively few have come back from the United States. These men are absolutely without means of support and must look to charity for their daily bread." HORSE FRIpENED AT ! AN AUTOMOBILE GOES THROUi A WINDOW U 1 1 5tage Driver ; Also "Reports That He fan Into Rig and Caused ferriage, FUNERAL OF A PIONEER The funeral of J. P. Medemach, pio neer Pendleton resident who died at the home of his eon. Dr. II. A, Meder nach." 380 East Forty-fourth street north, was held from Holman's under taking parlors and the church of St Rosa's parish thia morning. Mr. Me dernach had been ill but a few days, being taken sick shortly after arriv ing here from Pendleton on a visit a week ago. He was TO years of age and had been in the moving picture business in Pendleton for a number of years. Vancouver, Tash.. Oct 12. The large plate glasgj window on the Sixth street side of :ine Jaggy store was broken last e&nlng when B. Mc Greavy's horse a)-ecame frightened at an automobile agd crashed through the glass. The a uV .mobile was driven by W. D. Burrowaiof Mill Plain and is said to have ruE into the horse, which caused him to become frightened. B. A. Howard driver of the Brush Prairie and Hofikinson stage, reported to the police afition that about 10:30 last night he rBiinto a rig driven by George Shutes, pausing damage to the extent of aboutg$50. The accident oc curred on the fourth Plain road just outside of the" citv limits. Howard claims that Sh2e and hla family were asleep and oni Ihei wrong side of the road and that I he did not see them until too lata -"to avoid running into them. i 1 It took about 46 minutes to play the' him to strike at a bad one. Tyler up: first three innings. Both pitchers were i strike 1, called; ball 1; strike 2. foul; taking their time about delivering the ! Tyler fanned, taking a look at the ball. The umpires hustled the batter third strike. Moran up: Moran out. along, but the pitchers glowed things down after the batter reached the plate. JPourth Inning. Philadelphia Collins up: Strike 1, called; ball 1; ball 2; Collins lined to Evers. Johnny got down on his knees and picked the ball from the breeze just an inch or two from above the ground. Baker up: Ball 1; strike 1. called; ball 2; ball 8; strike 2, foul; Baker fanned, for the second time. Tyler had some trouble controlling his slow ball. Mclnnes up: Ball 1; strike Barry to Mclnnes. No runs, no hits. no errors. Bush was pitching a much stronger game. Instead of letting the batsmen get him in a hole and then being forced to cut the plate with the ball, he got the sphere over on the jump and got the batsmen in the hole. Eighth Inning. Philadelphia Bush up: Bush out Schmidt to Tyler. The ball got past Schmidt but he ran back and made a pretty throw to Tj ier arter having knocked down the drive. Bush hit the 1. foul; ball 2. Mclnnes doubled into first ball pitched. Murphy up: Ball the left field stands. Connolly leaped h- strike 1, swung; strike 2, called; high into the air in an effort to catch the ball and fell over the low fence into the stands. It was feared that he Murphy filed to Whitted. It was an easy air-line drlv which Whitted plucked out of a ray of the sun. Old- ANSWEtt TO RECALL BY DIECK General Denial Made of Charges Against His Official Act. Robert O. Dieck, commissioner of public works, this morning filed with City Auditor Bar bur his reasons why he should not be recalled. These are in answer to the charges made that he was extravagant that his work had been marked by instability, ineffici ency and injudiciousness and that there had been many competent and worthy employes discharged without just cause and contrary to the spirit of civil serv ice. In reply to the first charge he says that from an appropriation of $530,000 the department has completed all work intended and he expects to return $50,000 to the general fund. His answer to the second charge is the same while in replying to the last charge he says that only four have been discharged and each one for a just cause. Commissioner Brewster has yet to file his answers while Mayor Albee filed his Saturday. SUBURBAN NOTES Ert Towniejid Meets With Pain ful Injury 1u Ills Left Hand. Injury lo Boy l&y 1 Santas at Hood River. Hood River. Or., Oct 12. Several of the Hood River societies are, planning to make contributions for The Journal Christmas ship that Is tn take the gifts from American children to Europe. The Mothers- ciuo or oaeu. or wnicn j jjr. s. P Mrs. Paul Hansen la president Is tak ing the Initiative In the matter of con tributions for the Christmas ship. Sev eral of the school districts have beer, considering the matter and it is ex pected that Hood River will furnish its quota. Ziose 71nger. Fairvlew, Ofi. Oct 12. Earl Town- send, son of My. and Mrs. J. W. Town send, prominent local residents, may lose the llttleflnger of his left hand as the res ul If for getting it caught in a feed cutterifhursday afternoon. The cutter, whichffs run by gasoline pow er, became egged and when Town send attempt to clear it the knives crushed the ttird and little fingers of his hand. Th wound was dressed by Bitter of Qresham. was injured but he climbed out imme- i rins: us: Ball 1; strike l, swung; Old Mo runs, no nits. diately and vnnaunceti "ntmself O. K. Walsh up Strike 1. Called; ball 1; Walsh singled to left scoring Mclnnes. Barry up: Strike 1; Barry out, Deal to Schmidt One run, 2 hits, no errors. At this time the sun had completely disappeared and clouds had gathered. It was comparatively dark and there was a feeling of rain In the air which ring flied to Moran no errors. Boston rooters arose as a man and Implored the Braves to put across the winning run In this Inning. The Royal Rooters' band in the left field stand tooted "Tessie" while the rooters waved their pennants and sang. Boston Evers up: Ball 1, strike 1, u,u "" . "-r" I ,t-U. hall 9 Boston Whitted out, coning to mc- i - 1 V,:," .IVl L,; innes. The ball shot past Bush like a I out, fcBush to- Mclnnes H. hit the bullet and was headed for safe terri- Jail hard but it bounded directly into tory but Collins ran over and made a ush f, han8 -onno1 V P; strike wonderful pick-up and throw, getting i ; called; ball 1: strUe 2. swung; his man easily. Schmidt up: Ball 1, I txmnoiiy u ' on a ball 2. strike 1. called, ball 3, strike 2. B""""' Z, '-. " . lsr,1 , enllori- Knhmlrtt Kinirl4 over uerond -"" J- "V BRAVES, 5; MACKMEN, 4; 12 INNINGS (Continued From page One.) Strike 1, with the count 2 and 3 on him. Bush swung; ball 1, Whitted out Barry to tviio Wil tn nnt th hair over th iMCinnea. -o rune, no mm, no errors. plate for the big Dutchman, and hea Bu8h w" ln 8Trid form. He had so snimrArt kvb v rim nit a. tremendous i .. crsciu xcai up; out i, sinne x, iuui Pipeline Nearly Repaired. Repairs to the old Bull Run pipe east of Oreshara are about completed and water will be turned into the con duit about the last of this week. Men are now working in the interior of the pipe to see if it is entirely free from pits which are supposed to have been caused by electrolysis and chemical action of the soli. Repairs were made to the pipe for a distance of a mile. Held at Hood River. Hood River, Or.. Oct 12. Blake Hat field ancV T. S. Kaston are under ar rest ln Hood River charged with com mitting burglary by entering a track walker's shack on the O.-W. R. & N. Co. railroad and taking a lantern and a number of torpedoes. The men were arrested at the Cascade Locks upon telegraphic advice from Hood River and were met there by .railroad de tective and returned to this city. 'It is rumored that a plan was being made to effect a holdup of one of the passenger trains. Using a special form of stoker and grate a German power plant Is making steam with cinders from locomotives. rair Directors to Meet. Oresham, Oct. 12. The board e' directors ofythe Multnomah Count. Fair association is holding a special meeting thisjafternoon and is laying plans to meeiethe deficit of this year'i fair. j i Portnjrtter Makes Keport Milwauklellor.. Oct. 12. The quar terly' report f Postmaster B. I.. Ilage mann for Os quarter ending October l. 1914. shewed an increase in postal business of: 9-& per cent over that pf the corresponding quarter of last year. There was a? marked increase in postal savings receipts. i S Old rationed Bar at Arista. Arleta. Gt.. Oct 12. An old fash ioned "singi" open to any resident m this district will be held tenlght at the Arletai, ichool under the auspice: of the Arljeja Parent-Teacher assocl;. tion, withf professor Chapman, direc tor of mutfc,' In c-harge. WILL ATTEND LAUNCHING Braves couldn't see the ball. He re- Alien Hunter Arrested. Charged with hunting without an alien's license, Philip Phillips was ar rested yesterday on an Oregon Electric train by Deputy State Game Warden Ervin and 8pecial Deputy Truesdell. runups nad a license allowing a clti sen of the United States to hunt in the state, but lacked the alien's license necessary under the new state law. i The same officers arrested T. Cooley of snverton. between Silverton and Mount Angel, for having female Chi nese pheasants in his possession. Road Contract Let. St. Helena, Or., Oct 12 The Mills K matrons company of Vernonia, with a bid of $21,815.5$ was awarded the con tract for the construction of the Pitts-burg-St Helens highway, when tne bids were opened by the county court Saturday '. afternoon. This road was provided for in the Columbia County bond issue. Under the terms of the contract, clearing for the road must be done by January 1. 1915, and the road must be completed by -August 1, 191&. ring sacrificed on the first ball pitched. Tyler1 to Schmidt . Tyler almost fum bled the ball but made a quick re covery and beat Oldring by two steps with his throw to rtrst coiling tip: Ball 1. strike 1, called. Collins was same and Murphy scored when Connoi lv drooped Collins' sacrifice fly. He had to move only a few feet for the ball and it was a pure muff. Baker up: Strike 1, swung; ball 1; ball 2; strike 2. called; Baker fanned, swing ing mightily at a high one outside the plate- Mclnnes up: Ball 1; ball 2; strike 1, called; ball 3. Collins stole second. Mclnnes walked. Collins had teased, several pitches out of Tyler when'he was on first and these gave Mclnnes a good start toward his base on balls. Walsh up: Ball 1. Collins out. He was caught napping at second. Tyler to Evers. Eddie was sound asleep. One run, 1 hit, 1 error. Collins' nap pulled the Braves out of a bad hole, the Boston outfit was pal pably nervous and Tyler was having trouble with his control, when Collins was-caught off second, . Boston Moran up. Ball 1, ball 2, ball S, strike called atrike Z called; foul: foul; Moran flied to Collins. who hacked far into right center to take the ball. Moran drew three straight balls and fouled off four before flying out Evers up: Strike 1 called; ball 1; Evers singled to left center. It was a whopping drive and the Boston fans roared their heads off as he galloped to first Connolly up: Strike 1 called; hall 1. strike 2. foul; ball 2, ball foul, foul; Connolly fouled to Baker, who ran almost to the Athletics bench to take the ball. Whitted up: Ball 1, strike 1 called; Evers stole second; atrike 8, foul, on Whitted; ball 2. foul. ball 3; Whjittea zannea. xno runs, hit. no errors. This was the slowest inning oi me ri tn date. Neither Tyler nor Bush aDDeared certain of his control. Bush especially, loiterea. waising arouna me box leisurely Between eacn oau pucneo. Becond Inning.. Philadelphia "Walsh up. Strike 1 Walsh out Tyler to Schmidt He topped a low ball and sent the easiest kind of a roller to the pitcher. Barry ud. Strike 1, swung; ball I; ball Barry fouled to Schmidt, who made a sterling catch, three feet back of first while running backward, schang up Strike 1, swung; ball 1; ball 2; strike 2. called; ball 8; Schang- rued to Evers, No runs, no hits, no errors. Evers robbed Schang of what looked like a Bure hit at tne conclusion of the inning. He - ran far back into right Deal out Collins to Mclnnes. It was a slow roller and Collins did not have time to relay the ball to Barry for a force out on Schmidt. Maranville up: Umpire called Maranvi lie's hit a foul; Maranville hit what looked to be a home run to the right field line but Umpire Hildebrand, who was a few feet from the play, said the ball was not fair. He held hia hand down to indicate where it struck, and it was out of the line by inches. The crowd went wild with Joy at first and then sank back dejected. Ball 2, Maranville singled to right center, scoring Schmidt -it was a beautifully placed hit The midget reached out after the ball and connected with the end of his bat. Walsh made a game try for it, making a headlong' dive when the ball was only aDout two reet Irom the ground. Gowdy up: Ball 1, strike 1, called; ball 2, Maranville stole second and went to third on Schang's low throw. It was a palpable error for the catcher as Collins didn't have a ghost ot a cnance to stop the ban. Kor Gow dy, ball 1, ball, ball 8, Gowdy walked. ' hardly a sound when Barry c i-ne up tired the side on 10 pitched balls, four of which were strikes that were invis ible to the batters. Ninth Inning. Philadelphia Collins up; strike 1. foul; ball 1; Collins out, Maranville to Schmidt The rabbit beat Eddie out of what looked like a sure hit by gath ering his hot grounder with one hand and making a perfect throw. Baker up; Baker doubled to right on the first ball pitched. The sphere caromed off the right-field fence into Moran's hands. Mclnnes up; ball 1; ball 2; strike 1, called; Mclnnes flied to Con nolly in deep left. Walsh up; ball 1; ball J; ball 8; Walsh walked. He was purposely passed, Stallings signaling from the bench for this play, fearing Walsh would have a chance to connect with a ball over the heart of. the pan. Barry up; strike 1. called; strike 2. foul; ball 1; Barry fouled to Gowdy. No runs, 1 hit, no errors. Brave fans were in the deepest sus pense during this inning. Ihere was Hurrying eastward so as to aivive In Philadelphia in time to participate In the ceremonies of launching the steam er Northern Pacific, President L. C. Gilman and Marine Superintendent C C. Lacey of the North Bank road are well on their way to Philadelphia to day. It was announced at North Bank headquarters today that the first of the two ships would be ready within 10 days of the contract time of comple tion. December 15. It is now planned to start the Great Northern throurh the Panama canal soon after January The Northern Pacific will start toward this coast 30 days later. 35c Coif fee s Manning's Coff Jones' Market :ourth and Alder Gowdy was purposely passed. Bush had too much respect for the lanky backstop's batting prowess. He was afraid the big fellow would smash an other into the left field bleachers. On an attempted double steal, Maranville was caught Off third base, Schang to Collins to Baker. One run, 2 hits, 1 error. - Maranville was off like a shot on his foul hit to right and had com pletely circled the bases before Hilde brand managed to show that the ball had not struck in fair territory. The play which caught Maranville off third was lighting fast yifth Inning-. Philadelphia Schang up: Ball 1: Schang filed to Moran. It was a high hit ball, but did not have the power to carry it along. Bush up: Strike 1. foul; Bush out. Deal to Schmidt Bush's drive to Deal in a fraction of a second. and he stopped running when he saw the third eacker field the ball. Mur phy up: Ball 1, ball 2, strike 1 called; strike 2. foul, bail S, foul; Murphy doubled to left center, hia second dou ble of the game. The hit looked good for only one base, but Murphy sprinted at top speed- ant made second with time to spare. Oldring up: Ball I, ball 2, strike 1, swung; strike 2, foul; Old ring fanned. No runs, 1 hit no errors. Oldring's punch out in -this, inning was hla fourth of the series. He swung hard, but was missing Tyler's shoots a foot. The crowd gave Tyler a great hand as he returned to the bench. Boston Tyler up: Ball 1. atrike 1. called; strike 3, swung; foul, ball 2, Tyler out Bush to Mclnnes. The south raw gave the ball a stinging crack but it proved to be a sharp grounder direct at .the pitcher. Moran up: Strike 1. foul; ball 1, Moran out Barry to Mclnnes. It was the simplest kind of a Chance, Barry being able to make a lazy play on the ball. Evers up; Ball 1, ball 2, atrike , called; Evers singled to left his second hit of the game. He gave the ball a vicious wallop and it I was only the .fastest lend of fielding with Baker and Walsh on base. But when Gowdy captured Barry's high foul his act was greeted with a mighty I roar. Boston Schmidt up: Strike 1; strike 2, swung; Schmidt out. Baker to Mc Innes. It was a nasty bounder and Baker had to play it fast. Deal up Deal out Baker to Mclnnes. Another great play. Baker fielding like light ning and Mclnnes makTr.g a great one handed stab at his assist. Maranville out Barry to Mclnnes, on the first ball pitched. No runs, no hits, no er rors. Bush pitched only five balls in this inninrf. showing that his control 1 steadily improving. All the fielding plays were fast, snappy and brilliant Tenth Inning Philadelphia Schans up; strike 1 called; ball 1; ball 2; ball 3; strike 2. called; foul; Schang singled to left Bush up; ball 1; strike 1, foul; strike 2. called; Bush fanned. Murphy up Murphy safe on a fielders' choice- Tyler tried for a force out of Schang at second, but Schange beat the throw Oldring out. Tyler to Evers to Schmidt Collins up. ball 1; ball 2; ball 3; strike 1, called; strike 2, foul; Collins walked, filling the bases. This brought 'Home Run" Baker up, and everybody looked for some thing to happen. Strike 1, foul; ball 1, ball 2; Baker singled, to Evere. scor ing Schang and Murphy. Murphy scored while Evers held the bait Mclnnes up; Strike 1, foul; ball 1; strike 2, foul; Mclnnes lined to Whitted." Two runs, two hit no errors. , . Boston Gowdy hit a home run to the stands in center field, hitting the first ball pitched. Devore batted for Tyler. Strike 1, called. Strike 2, swung; ball 1, ball 2, foul; Devore fanned- Moran up: Ball 1, ball 2, ball 3. strike 1, called; strike 2, called; Moran walked.1 Evers up: Strike 1, swung; strike 2. foul: ball 1 ball 2; foul;' Evers sin gled to right Moran going to third. Connolly up; Bail 1; ball 2; Con- Indians Want to Spear. Hood River, Or, Oct 12. O. W. Russell, special fish and game deputy warden, who has been working In the Hood River section for the last two weeks, was not kindly received by Hood River's aborigines In an attempt to stop the Indiana from spearing salmon in Hood river. Indian George, the leader of the local tribe, was as sured every assistance by members of; the local bar in having their rights fully protected in spearing fish for 1 their winter's food. At this season of the year Hood river is full of dog salmon that are used by the Indians for drying and salting. The Indians are experts with spears and very sel dom miss their mark when the large salmon attempt to make the rapids. AMUSEMENTS nolly sacrificed on a fly to Walsh, scoring Moran. The cheering was deafening when the Braves tied the score. Whitted up: Whitted flied to Baker. Two runs, 2 hits, no errors. Eleventh Innln?. Philadelphia James now pitching for Boston. Totals end tenth Philadel phia runs, 8 hits off Tyler in ten InnlngB. Walsh up: Walsh out James to Schmidt Barry up: Barry out. Schmidt unassisted on the first ball pitched. Schang up: Ball 1; strike 1, swung; ball 2; strike 2. ball S; ball 4, Schang walked. Bush up: Strike 1, toul; ball 1; strike 2. swung; ball 2; ball $; Bush fanned. No runs, no hits, no errors. Boston Schmidt up: Strike 1; Schmidt fouled to Schang. (Getting dark rapidly.) Deal filed to Mur- Dhv on the first ball pitched. Maranville up: -striae i, swung; pall 1: ball 2; strike 2. foul; Maranville out. Baker to Mclnnes. No runs, no ) hits, no errors. . Twelfth Umlag, Philadelphia, Murphy up: (Umpires are conferring as to whether to call game at end of twelfth inning) Mur phy, ball 1; ball 2, ball 3; strike 1. called; strike 2. called; Murphy walked. Oldring up: Ball X; strike X. foul; strike 2. swung; Oldring out James to Schmidt Collins up: Strike X, swung; ball l; strike 2, foul; ball 2; Collins fled to Deal. Baker up: Ball 1; ball 2; ball 3: Baker walked, passed purposely. Mclnnes up: Strike 1: Mclnnes forced! Baker, Evers to Maranville. No runs, no hits, no errors. Boston Gowdy up: Strike I, foul: ball l; strike 2. swung; Gowdy double to the left field bleachers. Mann runs for Gowdy. Gilbert - bats for Junm Gilbert up: Ball 1; ball 2; ball S; Gil bert walked, purposely passed. Moran up: Mann scored when Buahe threw past third trying for a force out -. I Program for Today. Special Feature FALSE GODS In Two Parts ' A Society and Political' Drama INTO THE DEPTHS Kalem Drama Comedy THE GILDED KID He Has So Much Money No body Takes Him Seriously fltew Program Daily, ADMISSION 5 CENTS Sundays 10 Cents. AMUSEMENTS HEILIG BROADWAY AZ TATLOfi kUla I, A.11M. Ati TVII WTO rfln price Hat Wee. in. A. Brady Fraaeata DE WOLF HOPPER GuJBERf-SULLIVAN Scoiod OFzaa co.. jj T01TX0XT. 1:10. WKiueiday Night tpvlal-prW Mt. Wed. Duobl Bill "teiax Br juarr ToSJorrnw and "Vl-lar Nlfbts j 0LAITH'. ! "HinrnOar Nlffht. "PIRATES or rzvzAjrcz" Sat MaHne and Night, 'TKX MEUDO" Etc. i SIS", fl. Tic. ftue. Wad. Mat , 1.50. fl.oo. 6r. one THEATBX suia a, A-usa. Oao. L. Baker, Xft, L.VIafsiiini t Mm t WH-KH.T. ZVEAT SOOT GOS I (iniUTX VAU1V1LUS lO-Big Features-lO COWTHrUOTTa Afteroooa. 1:30 t 5:80; slffet 6;U0 to Jt:O0: Snndaya, 1:00 to 11:00. PRICES Afternoon. 10c and lfte. Nights, l&c and 2&c. OAKS RINK Now epaa, aw' maaantt. ew a. ranrmnt, Dew popujAr pneaa, pw tm idea. larreat mad beat lellef akatinr riuk tn tbe Horthweat. Lasrs ta ikata free. Beat inatraetora, their aemoea free. 36 canta cavaxa adatiwias ead aaatea. Mo "exuaa." BAKER Tonight bargain Digbt all ata (except twi. 2.V. At . Mata. Wed., Eat. gugea v alter roui, i,i'w imamm nrtat, ' A11 IS JVLL" BpleiMll4l7 auged and acted. The play that ran two whole rear la New York. Thrill Ing climax: a atroog loaon to roaog mn. r.rt. prireei 25e. 3Se, rfv-, T6e: box. f. bat Mat.; 2.V,!COe: box. 7V. Wed. Mat., all aeau, 25e (except box). Next week "Brea4 war Joaee." rovara ajto. staax sts. TOinOfcT "xBCH-OA-aZMX.Z' XIOKT 10 1SoUA Tl and X B-Bo&ay lie Tfm aad Taa Xorrlo XC&aieal Com4 Co. , in fexTTieS saa wzax. Firat performance tonlgbt at 7:11. lSc iniltr. .TwriHEE DAICr 30 -. jiraao aay ai aiaar ateaew Week, October 13 The. J oven tie Oreheetra. direction of Prpfaaaor H. A. Webber. Hllrera Oaklee; Ktlber and North; The Bell Trio; William Schilling Co.. 4a "Deatlnr;" I'n Oetwaod A Uadarwosd War Serrice; Matoal Weekly. rkoaoa aUia 4M. A-S23. KIVKli STEAMERS aSajawl"wMl Journal Wants Bring Result, STEAMER GE0RGIANA ,Lave UMiilnsiiMi,li-ti 'lurk it I A. M. dally, except Monday, Sunday -at 7:86 A. ti. tor 4 Astoria and Way Landing? RaturrBnff, leaves Astoria it t F, k Faro 1140 eaca way. Main lit.