4- 1 1S THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 12, 1914. v i SITUATIONS FKJlALB 4 ! ' . (Continued) ' MlDDLIJAUKl) woman, fine appear ance, much In need of work. Kxpe rlwri'd in rooking ami nerving. es pecially for evening. Would also clerk. Main 717. A-l 7. ' HOTTSEKEXPIWO SOOK3 WEST BIDE F KIT ATE T AMXX.T (Continued) 73 BTKNOOKAPHLK, yfr n.M pjii.n'.iH local . cs h Hiure.Dun- 1 . HOIJiSKKKKPING also Bleeping rooms suitable for plain working people; heat, lights, bath, both phones, first claps location, winter rates 91.25, z, j, $4, j wee, rates by montn. lxth. lie vnrli 'I'hiirrnieh v suable neat " 11 1 KO w y unng rainy wcainer and accurate I ?reZ I option' ten.- , when you can get comfortable houe- " ctu.r .'.'I",, viriVratP Kal. kcePin rooms right down town for ??v yv"7oP fr . Moderate nl- ,fM money. Call at 104 11th at. for ry- twin, Journ.il. , . information. wnu n'ai appearing, is in " "Msikt.i.m ,,,iti f,ni.h need of work chopping for altera- houkeet)lni, roAms. fieht. bath. lion room wont in f''D;"a"f' hat. 2 blocks off Washingt5n at. hop, or telephone operator In doctor a Kverett st. Main 3306. .n i li:r ffiMin ill, i i . NKAT 'middle aged lauy, good house keeper, wants position keeping house for elderly ' couple or elderly gentle msn: must he neat. Marwhall 2434. , llCAllONS r.-.tSTEH-MALK A Nil F KM ALE 123 594 j NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, phone, bath, all modern con veniences. Call 407 Columbia st. Mar shall 6042. MAN and wile want care of small apartment or rooming house; have had experience, and cam give g'Od ref erence. K-l 13,' Journal. MAN arid wife want work as cook and cook helper. Marshall 3502. 48 th )t. References. " MAN fcnd wife with child want janitor work. Will le glarl l make, reason able arrariKement.s. Main 717, A-1617. vVfAN alio wll'e want position on farm. liimali,,aJ?H- M'ln J'jj A -1 f, 1 7. SVANT WJMaTT and wife desire posl- I' tlon on farm. AX-H59, Journal. 31 TAYLOR, comfortable suites and single rooms, complete for house NltJLLY furnished H. K. rooms, $2 and up; gas, bath, phone, 15 minutes' walk from P. O. 614 4th st S. TWO or 3 clean, completely furnished housekeeping rooms. Very reason able. 149 13th. FURNISHED HOUSES (Continued) 30 FOR RENT FLATS t Continued) 13 HORSES, VEHICLKS, ETC. 18 (Continued) VANCOUVER Nicely furnished house with large grounds and garden around, for rent reasonable:' call be fore 10 a. m. or at store, 3110 K st.; on i modern lower flat. 400 25th, 912. Main car line. I 6353.' . - WEST SIDK 5 rooms and bath, up-1 per flat, 820 Vaughn, $14. U room lower flat. 820 Vaughn, 912. 3 room Auction. Sale NICELY furnished 9 room house, per- j 922 Modern 6 room upper,- furnace. feet condition; piano: walking dis- ! fireplace. Dutch kitchen, etc. Good tanee; reasonable to right parties objection to roomers. 355 14th st. FOR RENT 5. room bungalow, 1108 E. Market near 37th; large lawn, roses, etc. W. L. Nash (owner), 199 E. 50th. Phone Tabor 793. no J location, close in. Cor. li. 19th and Davis. Phone Tabor 252. JUST FINISHED MODERN 6 ROOM FLAT, 915. 728 Missouri ave. Take Mississippi car to Fremont st. FOR RENT 7 room furnished, house, with large yard; or will arrange housekeeping rooms for girls. Phone C-2865 Vrodlawn 916. NICELY furnished house, gas, bath, etc., medium family, adults. 72 E. Ankenr. RENT 97, furnished cottage. Myrtle Park. 5709 42nd Ave. S. E. Mt. Scott car; near car. 3 ROOM modern flat, In one of best districts In Sunnyside; fireplace, gas range, hot water heater, builtin Dutch kitchen, 918. Ptione Tabor 1811. - AT PrMtftn StaMnn VI 2.. , mo i- K room furnished cottage, $20. Phorfe 1 9,15 wooorawn 333U. 4 ROOM modern flat, t'urnisned or un furnished, rent reasonable to right party. Call 701 Vaughn St., 16th-st. car. SIX room modern lower flat, car one naif block, paved street, good neigh borhood, furnace fuel free. A snap at 1 l 45 ru. I'lSt St., JN. of horses, vehicles and harness at Co lumbia stables. 392 Front, every Thurs day at 2:30. We sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction, if you want to buy, attend this sale. FOR SALE 1 "brown horse, 1300 lbs, broke sin gle or double. 1 bay horse,: 1200 lbs, broke single or double. 1 team of sorrels, 2200 lbs, gentle and true to work. 241 Jefferson st.. cor. 2nd. AC TOMOB1LES-ACCESSORIES . (Continued) 41 IHE WESTERN TOP CO. Auto tops, hacks, cushions, dust hoods, curtains and seat covers. Auto trimming a specialty. We are sole manufacturers and distributors of Black Diamond Aut-O-Luster. a'water proof top and leather dressing.' 371 Hawthorne ave. East 1975. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 TEAM nice matched mares, weigh 2800 lbs.. younes. sound, weil broke. i Price 9325. Nice horse, 7 j eais old, I weighs 1430 lbs., good worker, also 8 ! head nice mares, eelding. weighing 1200 lbs to 1300 lbs. All sold with full guarantee. Stables foot of Main, west siae. DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKING in families or home. Experienced, reasonable. (.all room Main 349tf. MRS. BLACK. expert rlrese maker; work reasonable. Marshall 6725. 589 Vashlngton st. iRBHHMAKINO by the day. Satis faction guaranteed. MarKhall :;520. NURSES (JO U N D K K ( 1 it A 1 ( ' AT E, bro;id experience. capable, pleasing, wants permanent losttion; office for physician or day nursery preferred; small salary if pleased. Phone Woodlawn 1&2. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, 97 per month and up;" close in; fine location. 129 13th st. near Washington FOUR large rooms, whole downstairs, phODe, pianq, gas, nice yard, close in, rent reasonable. 375 14th. 2 LARGE, modern, light housekeeping rooms, first floor, $18per month. 392 Columbia st- 510 2 neat H. K. rooms; adults only. 513 Johnson st. CHKMP housekeeping Clay st. rooms at 266 1 LARGE, light, airy housekeeping room, 910 a month. 429 Main st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 48 EAST SIDE CLEAN, nicely furnished. 2 and 3 rooms, private bath, steam heat, lights furnished. Phono East 3192. 272 Williams ave. PRACTICAL Christian healing and nursing. 3S!t 11th st. Main 3324. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE tlly, ai tue . At. t :. the Association bldg. YOUNG men may consult, without charge, register of fur nished rooms listing several hundred in all parts of the A.; also those In THE ALBION HOTEL, 2124 3d and Salmon. Rooms 91.75 week up; steam heat, het and cold water, free bath, phone iNh.WLY 'renovated rooms, brick build ing, walking distance, free bath and phone. Steam heat Transient 50c and up. Per week, 91.75 and up. 283 18th st. ACKLi HOTEL Cor. 12th and Stark. 92.50 wk. up. Private bath, 94 up. Oleen outbid room. rnoOern brick bldg. BUCKINGHAM hotel, L'Oth and Wash ington; new. fireproof, brick, every . modern -convergence; $10 month up. HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th near Morrison. Transient and permanent,-rooms with II modern conveniences. 9l7.r0 mo. up. 228" 2d. KeriilworthTotel. Kcueonable rent. Excellent treatment Mmn 1182. THE KIN(iTT:0!i Jet fersonTiiicely lur. rooms, modern, central. $2 room up. $1.50 TO S2.76 week, furnished H. K. rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, batha. Thone East 6039. 406 Vancouver ave. WHEN you answer these Want Acis, APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED BRAND NEW COR. 19TH AND LCVEJOY. Just completed, 5 story fireproof brick bldg., 57 2. 3 and 4 room outside unfurnished apts., large, light ead airy, with all modern up-to-date conven iences, automatic elevator, marble bathrooms, private balconies. Refer ences required. PRICES MODERATE. FLAT somined, i-ast 6SS1 1045 E. 21st St., N. I -rz : ; , ,, . iML&T sell good pair ot mules, harness f5 rf?,tln1wly ?.ainteandl" and farm wagon. 1967 E. Stark St.; ined, 431 Larrabee. Main 7005, ' trial allowed. FOR B.ENT E. 2nd N. -Modern 4, room flat, 174 Phone East 3329. LIVESTOCK 35 WkibtS yo.i answer these mention The Journal. Want AOs, BUKMA VISTA, 12TH AND HARRISON. STRICTLY MODERN, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Finest apts. in the west, all outside rooms, 2 and 3. furnished or unfur nished, walking distance, beautiful view. A few apts. left for bachelors. Lounging room; references mention The Journal. HOUSE KEEPIWO BOOMS EAST SIDE PRIVATE PAMILY 74 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms very reasonable. Clean, light and sunny. Walking distance. Bath and phone. No' children. 466 E. Everett st. Phone East 1751. 97-911 Clean, light, 2 room suites, in modern home, including light, phone, water, bath and laundry; close in. 343 Tillamook st. . THREE nice rooms, 5 tioulile front, gas range, hot and cold water, bath, free phone, B-2405, 1 block to Haw thorne car; 319 Marguerite ave. FURNISHED housekeeping suite, fur nace heat, light, phone, hot and cold water, linen. 169 E. 14th. LIGHT, clean housekeping rooms and suites, cheap. Buckeye rooms. 362 st K. Morrison. ' 2 ROOMS for light housekeeping, rea sonaiblo to elderly people. 637 E. 67th st. N R. C. car. IN THE most magnificent view of Willamette boulevard, 5 room apart ment, richly furnished and sleeping porch, garage, summer kitchen, room for servant, fireproof room, rent rea sonable. Phone Woodlawn- 3320. ' . VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th aDd Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. ( FURNISHED FLATS SO A NICELY furnished upper flat of 5 rooms, bath, etc. West side. Walk ing distance. After Sunday. 5696 5th. Main 929. 5 ROOM furnished flat, tiled bath. hardwood floors, sleeping porch, fine location. 308 Glenn ave. Marshall 5366. 913.00 3 rooms, bath, pantry, sleeping porch, furnished complete. 150J Oneonta street, Woodlawn car. NEW modem 5 room beautifully fur nished flat, west side, walking dis tance. Main 8311. 30 HEAD of high 'grade dairy cows. fresh from one to four weeks or coming, fresh soon; 15 are high grade Jerseys giving from 4 to 5' gallons a day, 5 to 6 per cent: 15 are gray Dur ham, Guernsey, Holstein. giving 5 to 6 gallons a day, 4 to 5 per cent. Take Woodstock car to 60th ave., walk 3 blocks west and 1 block north. MUST have money; sell Edison phonograph cheap. Your own prico. 127 W, Wygant, between Denver ave. and Gay st. FOR SALE 50 double disc phono graph records, 30 cents each. New. J-361, Journal. 9J00 OAK cabinet Grafonolo, 960 cash. R-471. Journal. TYPEWRITERS FOR immediate sale. Royal typewriter No. 10, the latest and best product of the factory; every up to date at tachment and improvement; cost, f o. 1). factory $105 less than 3 months ago and hardly been used; big sacrifice for quick sale. N-8, Journal. WELL matched team, 5 and years old; weight about 2700; gentte and true ,to pull; will sell one or team; price 9275. Also 5 high grade Holsteio heifers, coming in next spring. A. Hess, 363 Foster road, 4 blocks cast of Lents. 4 ROOM furnished flat for rent. Phone Woodlawn 2879. 891 Albina ave. i-LKE bred polled Durham with calf, just from the state fair; a large, beautiful cow and a splendid milker, 9100; McClelland Co., 240 E. 8th. 4 ROOM furnished flat, 658 Ganten bein ave. Phone C-1736. FURNISHED flat for rent, reasonable. 468 E. Mill st. UP-TO-DATE, walking distance, 4 and 5-room flats, free phone. East 3737. WHEN you answer these mention The Journal. Want Aila, THE CODY 431 E. Taylor St., modern brick building; all outside rooms, steam, heat, phone, light, furnished; rents very reasonable; thoroughly clean and under the personal manage ment of Mrs. Cody. THE IRIS Apartments. 3"d and Mill sts., will be completed October 1; rents from 917 up; 2, 3, 4 room, all modern improvements; largest heating plant in city; furnished or unfurnished. No charge for cooking gas! THREE room modern apts., 914, 917 New brick building. Steam heat, pri vate telephone, private bath, gas range, disappearing bed. Waverly-Woodstock or Waverly-Richmond cars. Waverly Court. E. 26th and Clinton sts. SUITE furnished H. K. rooms, 92 week; running water; 267 Knott St., near William. THREE clean, furnished H. K. rooms, St 5 It;. 30th. Kast 5505. Adults. hOUJIS arid apartments in modern ho tel infill week arTHt.up. 4o Aldr. 32i SIXTH Large; I mifkj-ooni, now.-; tin-place ; use jut HOTEL. NORRIS 533V4 outnirie rooms; modal klder; clean VI to $4 wk. WHEN you answer th'ioo Want AOs, mention The Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES lv: ' FURNISHED BOOMS : WIST SrOEPB; VATE I rAMILT 70 NICELY furnished rooms in private i family, nil conveniences, walking ! : distance, board if desired. 470 Co ; lumbla. Jx t. 13th and 14th sts. ONE or two rooms in beautiful home; , hot water, heated, running water in I 'room; also shower. Mi 5 Everett st. jj.I WELL furnished front room, modern, ;' . suitable- for two; cheap; close In. 227 Mill st. ; l'UIiISHEI) NEW, modern, 6 room bungalow; hard wood floiirs. furnace and fireplace, near Hawthorne, 925. Modern 6 room house on Hawthorne; furnace; 918. Modern 7 room house. 1 blk. from Haw thorne; Just painted and tinted 922.50. Modern 5 room bungalow, J15. Mod ern cottages 912 to 915. 1084 Haw thorne ave. Phones Tabor 2017, Ta bor 2912. )3.i lor a line Irvington residence of 7 rooms, with fireplace ajid furnace, hardwood floors, fine lawn and best of surroundings. Blanchard & Clem son. 702-3 Selling bldg. SHEFFIELD apartments. 272 Broad way S., cor. Jefferson, easy walking distance; 3 or 4 rooms, with private baths, very rea&onable rent, best serv ice, splendid arrangements, all outside rooms, direct phones. STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse In South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co., Broadway and Y'amhill FOR RENT HALLS 59 LODGE hall with good dancing floor, steam heated. Ill Second st. Phone Main 183. HOTELS 54 THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, offers you a modern o or 6 room home in Nob Hill district with high class service, at moderate prices. Main 7516, A-2676. ILLIHEE apartments, 487 Taylor, near 14th., eight blocks from P. O- Apts. 915 to 922, also single room in land lady's apartment. Privilege of kitchen to lady. THE ORLANDO Cor. 20th and Wash ington sts., very desirable, elegantly furnished 3 room corner apartments, 942.50 and 940; every modern conven ience; references. Marshall 184. DUNDEE HOTEL. Renewed and newly furnished under new management, gas, electric lights; hot and coid water, some H. K. rooms, rates 25c day, 91.25 to 92 per week. 350 Hawthorne ave. Two blocks from Hawthorne bridge. THE BAR VIE W hotel, on Tillamook Beach, under new management, is open all the year. 211 Failing bldg Phone A- or M. 2029. W. A. Wise. prop. THREE large, fresh cows with calves, 16 to 22 quarts per day, rich milk; these are good ones. 1480 Macadam st. Fulton car foot of Idaho st. SEVERAL good cows, tubercular test ed, 940 to 960. Will take bankable notes as part payment. 720 E. 33U st. W. W. car. WANTED to buy 3 or 4 good fresh cows; must be good milkers at the right price. Arthur Tennant. Astoria, Or.. P. O. Box 48. COME and see us about all breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co.. 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. WANTED 3 or 4 good milch cows, reasonable, on terms. Address H. H. Neufeld, R. 3, Gresham. Or. TWO fresh cows for sale or exchange for beef cows. 1594 Division st. GOOD young Jersey cow for sale cheap. 1406 Burrage st. Arbor Lodge. FOR SALE Fresh cow cheap. 586 Leo ave.. Sellwood. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 33 16th AND Hall, nicely furnished tent with fly; comfortable; rent cheap; lovely view. WANTED TO RENT POULTRY 37 GILLS REBUILT TYPEWRITERS Underwoods, Remingtons. L. C. &mun. unver. smith Premier. Royal etc., 15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. IV oiti uo., atl ana Alder sts. TTTT , :- wn, save you rrorrr oO to 76 per cent on alt makes of typewriters. Send for our lilustrted folder: rerail de partment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRIT ER CO., 321 Washineton st. TYPEWRITERS for rent, a months for $ and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington 1 ypewnter Company, S6 Broad way. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 ; (Continued) STORE FIXTURES AND HOUSE HOLD GOODS. 2 counters. 2 shelvints. 2 standing desks, 2 filing cabinets, letter press. refrigerator, candy jars, small scales, ranges, 2 heaters. 2 dressers. 2 phonographs, 1 organ, 1 common bar ber chair, bath tub. iron beds, tables. chairs. 112 Union ave.. next Dust- office. LOST AXpt'i FOUND 4ContffP HESSIAN Grocery, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, tinware, school supplies. Orders taken and nronmtlv delivered to all parta city. Why pat ronise puonc maricets when you can buy for less from the retailer? Bar gains in land and city property. If not right we make it right. W. A. Hes sian, prop.. 1193 Hawthorne ave.. Ta bor 981 or B-2549. LOST 1 Jidy's putsglS handbag, con taining paper!-?!.$arinK aame of owner pf bag andf-VS'jTie money. 1121 E Gllsan. Tabor; ;4. LOST Small blacle ! chamois beaded wrist purse, containing $5 gold, key, handkerchief. TaborjT.iMo. PEi3SlJNAL GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Marine & stationary. Marine Hardware. Write for catalogue. GAS POWER & SUPPLY CO.. 168-172 Front st, Portland. Oregon. Electric Motors Electric motors bought, sold rented and repaired. Walker Electric Wks. 10 and Burnside. Main 5674. 1UR SALE Nb1"' uia BBCond Uai.vl carom ario. pocket .. Ulard tables and bowling alieys and cessorles, bar fixtures of lU iinds. easy payments. The Brunswicrt-Balke-Collender Co- 46 48 5th st. Mair. 769, A-1769. MEN and women. tbS-fee "Uttering froiij every curable ditve or habit, treat ed and cured by ihe latest natural healing methods, eluding radium, electricity, heat, ILyiL bath, manipu lation, adjustments nd massage: m operations, r.o meaf-eine, irw cumuiw Hon Dr. P. F- lswis. successor to Dr. W. E. MallorJCi Naturopath, Kothchlld hldg. i '11 .j 312 iADIE3:t Ask lor Antiko -JV . . . . ... -' , a MD.it., than 1U 1A V U4 SK . " pilis for JfeinaU Ills. A quick, safe unAfure regulator, easy to use, rorks like naic without mrm, pin or Inter ference t?ith work. Price J. Double rngth, 95-00. or sale bysfielfond Drug 22 Morrison. neajOflrst. . vN !HUHT on hign Hrr Caprices. Why pay li VJ'Wv M910 for a pair ot f' Kla-sses, when I can fit your eyes wllgstirsst quality lenses in a gold i:l!ed fiSVe as low as 91. 60T C W. Goodm?. ilSiMorrison st.. near bridge. Satisiact;$n guaranteed. YOU can rent visible typewriters 3 months for 94; convenient at home, delivered and all rent applied on pur S base. Main 6273. or A-4441. 244 Stark NEW. rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals, cuT rates. P. D. C Co . 231 Stark. M. 1407 EDISON mimeograph, dition. at a bargain. perfect con t:Hi, .Journal. WHLiN you answer thebo want mention The Journal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. VERY fine new stereopticon. with "latest improved acetylene attach ments, carrying leatherette case; cost $65; bargain to first comer. P-211, Journal. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for Sale OS 955 RANGE, dining table, 4 chairs, iron bed. springs, sewing machine, rocker, child's bed, springs, mattress, high chair, sro-cart. kitchen table, fruit cabinet, tools, chickens. All for 950. V oodlawn 579. FTTt N IT U HE Before buying secuuJ band goods, see what you can here on new goods, for cash. Get post ed. William Oadsbv. 1st and Wash. COAL heater, sewing machine, cen ter table. Columbia graphaphone, for horse, wagon or cow. Mrs. Red field, Beaverton. Or. R F. 1 3 WE buy, sell and exchange new and second hand furniture of all hinds. Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction & Com. Co.. 191 Second st. GOLDEN Silver .Chinese pheasants; Mallard ducks, Japanese silkies; Or egon' Bird & Pheasant Farm, Beaver ton. Or.. R. No. 1. FIVE pullets. 2 roosters, full bred An coiias, 4 months old, at a bargain. 1509 Oneonta st., Woodlawn car. 950 BUYS 60 early hatched pullets and 40 hens. J. Berry, Haydcn island. Take Vancouver car. THREE Ideal incubators, 120, 250 and 300 egg capacity, never used, will bo sold for storage. 235 Front. CHOICE White Leghorn cockerels, big kind, price reasonable. 1357 Burrage. $6 4 room cottage. 98, 5 room. 910 6 room with coal and wood range, bIso gas range and wood heater. Come quick. Key at 275 Hooker. room. tnents. high. M modern improve- fireiilaie. near Washington K. 12th st.. ,S. mod-ccti- irKI,V turnlsluil Ironl rmun, ern conveniences, reasonable, tral. 4'H 'May, nciir 1 nth. FI RNISHEI) room, Mfin r.OTS. Huh near Kearney. Ft RM SHED ROOMS 52 . AST li': HOTEL FARltEU Knott and .Missis slppl ave. (lean, steam heated rooms, new furniture, new manage ment, reaworiHble rents. Phone VVood lawn 112, Mrs. Thus. 1'arrell. JHJ&liISXEIt feCO.ua BAST BI1K ATE FAMILY 71 SIX rooms, modern, 2 lots, chicken house, fruit, full basement, car, 2 Mocks University Park. 915. Phone Ran. no Hotel. Room 420. EIGHT rooms and reception hall, strictly modern, close in; large lot; choice neighborhood. Apply 721 Haw thorne avenue. NH'lt; modern 6 room house, 867 E. Ash sL. corner 28th. Phone Tabor 187. WAIUKING distance, west side, 395 ilth. near Lincoln high school; rent rn.-wnahle Main 2556. FURNISHKI) room 1 block of car. Board if wanted. 648 Kcrby st. Wdodlawn 1935. - UNFURXISRKD jSOO.MS to 'TWO rooms, 9. room flat. $! id. Single. 93.50. ixs- Market. 6 ROOM house, newly tinted, gas, elec tricity, full basement; 915. 366 Ste- phens. and E. 3d. FOli RENT A room house, electric lights and gas. Inquire 74 E. Win- cheli st. 4 ROOM and a bath, neatly furnished: gais stove and wood range, 915, in cluding water. 800 K. 6th st. N. MODERN house. 653 Mississippi ave near O.-W. R. & N. car shops. Near scnool. Price 916. A-7931. Main 1353 AlopKRN room house for rent in Sunnyside; nice yard and fruit trees. Phone Tabor 5777. ROOMS AND ROARD 15 "ROOM and Imml: also table hoard. home cooking. 51111 Jefferson st. kilOtta AiI uOAKI; 1111 ATE fAMJU V 73 LARGE, well furnished, front room, suitable for 2 g ntlcmcn. In mod ern private home. Congenial adult family. Piano, excellent board. Very reasonable. Phon,. ;-JS17. LAUV on east side, nice home com forts, wants few boarders; young people preferred. Tabor 2;i. . . ItHfclNhD tallies to room and board home com- KOOM house, $l-2.5n. W. 31st st. Tabor 3586. Inquire 248 TWO houses. 621 - 623 E. Salmon, 912, 914, including water. Last 4b40. MORTON apts., cor. Washington and King sts.; 3 and 4 room furnished and unfurnished apts. Best and cheap est place in city, walking distance. Main 1082, A-1108. uhLLKfebEV COURT APTS.. East 15th and Belmont, half block south of Morrison st. Furnished and unfur nished 2 and 3 room apts., rents rea sonable. New 4 story brick building. REX ARMS APARTMENTS, 13T1I AND K. MORRISON STS. Modern 2 and 3 room furnished and unfurnished apts., 920 to 932.50 month; new iireprooiDiag witn oaiconies. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS 3d and Montgomery. New brick, all outside furnished 2 room apartments, private bath, phone, automatic eleva tor closeinI 920up!Maiji 946 8. WALDORF COURT, IRVINGTON. East 9th and Schuyler. Five rooms unfurnished with large sleeping porch; strictly modern. c 668. East 547. nished hotel in country towu. with CALL ducks. Orpington pullets. White option to buy: pay cash lease in ad-i Leghorns. Phone A-l 898. vance; would consider pool hall ana confectionery in connection; might buy if reasonable. E. P. Erickson, general delivery, Portland. WANTED 3 or 4-room modern cot tage, east side, not exceeding 98 or 910 per month. 386 K. 47th sL TWO acres close in for 1-3 crop; must be level Box 1049, Portland. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 ORPINGTONS, Euffs. Whites, .for sale. Sell. 2215. stock WANT E. pullets. February and March hatch Tabor 3926. ANCONA utilitv pullets for sale cheap, 752 E. YamhilL FOR SALE All kinds pullets, loth st.. near Pine st. :6 E. HEN you answer these Want Aus, mention The JournaL THE WASHINGTON, 689 Northrup, 6 room fur. or unfur. apts.. with bath and all modern conveniences; phone, steam heat, gas, electric lights, etc.; "W" car to 21st & Northrup. M. 4376. THE DEZENDORF . 208 16T1I ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. Elegant 5 room furnished and unfur nished apts., also 3 room fur, apt. GRACE apt., 24th and Northrup sts. 3 large rooms, bath, heat, phone, new and strictly modern, unfurnished. Call Marshall 1075. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4 room apts., 91s up; go.rd Janitor service; walking distance, eef. erences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. M. 7134. FIVE room modern house reasonable; inquire 919 Woodward ave. Sell. 1561. THB.EE nicely furnished outside rooms, bed. table linen, bath and phone, reasonable. B-1079 or 1293 Belmont st. SEVEN large rooms, 914; gas, etc.; 627 E. 9th. East 6115. bath. FIVE room modern, large yard, 914; 256 E. Multnomah: phone E. 3505. $15. nice clean 4 room cottage, and E. Ash; phone East 2409. 2 2d FOR RENT 5 room cottage, east side, close in. Phone Main 1755. MULES! Mules! We have for sale 2 carloads of good Missouri mules, i weight trom 1200 to 1500 lbs.; Just out of hard work; in fine shape. We be lieve they are the best two loads in Oregon. Will sell one span or all. Mc- ONE-ROOM H. K. apt., including heat, 1 CleUand Horse & Mule Co., 240 E. 8th bath, chone. etc. per mo.: easv st. East 6315. walking distance. 187 17th, near Yam- AUCTION SALE m. NEW YORK APTS. E. 7th and Bel mont, f urnisned rooms, modern brick bldg., all outside apts., steam heat. lights; personal management or owner. MODERN 7 room house, 391 Mill St., 'near West Park. Marshall 2016. In private family; piano. 'cMjTTTrf-T.-Kt-; ' :-, --. -t. . I l1er month, 5 room house, large lot, CHILDREN to rate for in the country. Mt. Scott district. Phone Tabor 2328. i-tione Damascus oi or write dux uo, 1 Clai'kamgH, Or. rKUWT room, first tloor, with board; prefer 2 young men; .'35 12th st., 5 minutes' walk trom heart of city. BOARD and room, $5,50 and up, young , 'people, music. 419 ,'d st. YtQO.NfS with or without bo. rd. use of piano, free hath and phone. E. 197 7. "' FIRST class board with room or sleep ing porch. 67 Trinity Place. iioo.vl lor two gentlemen with board, furnace heat.. 54 N. 16th, cor. Davis. KIND lady likes to take care of bchool children. 383 E.th. WHEN you answer these mention The Journal. Want Ads, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 FOR RENT Modern 6 room house. 344 Oregon Ft. Phone East 3329. MODERN 6 room house, 182 Mason st, cor. Kerby. $16. Woodlawn 1156. furniture: for salk houses for rent ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished in the Household Goods classi fication when house Is not tor rent. FURNITURE of 9 rooms, 4 house keeping suites, reasonable. 246 N, 17th st. FURNITURE of 6 rooms, cheap; house for rent. 97.50. 346 Benton, near Broadway bridge. ONE room with kllcnenette. complete ly furnished, steam heat, running lot and cold water, phone in every ro-m; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.; Sls.ftO and up, .91 Columbia St.. cor tier sth st. Steam faeat'd.npm LUpl FreeBatm Clean Rooms 13 Cl 1 1 MUlCrhone, Piano Nicely furnished and ho. "leeping room, "91 week; 15c dav up. 66h 1st st. TWO room suites and single rooms Complete for H. K., steam heat, hot, cold water; 98 to 912 month. 245 N. 17th nl.. cor. Marshall. Mrshl. 4943. SEVEN rooms, piano, by piece or all; 125 uraham ave. tj-issu. FURNISHED HOUSES ;$o $15 6 ROOM furnished cottage. 13th and Ainsworth, Call 290 Halsey or Phone fcjast (l.Jo. $20 5 room modern furnished house. piano, near scnool, or win snare Tabor 3484. FOUR room furnished cottage, water light, phone, 915; no children; East 1502. 27 6TH Large room, with kitchen ette, 4 windows; use piano; strictly r.iodern. Iti -12TH, comfortable single rooms, .complete for housekeeping, all con- yentencea. ; ' FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 91.25, . suites. 93 week up; 112 1st St., cor- ner Alder. , HEATED room with kitchenette, pleas ant, free cooking gas, 93.50 week; 402 Park. Cambridge bldg-, furnished H. K. rooms. ' central, cheap. 1654 art, con Morr"n. MODERN small rooming house, fur nished, or will sell furniture. 622 Delay st., cor. Morris: take L car. A REAL snap, new 7 rooms, com pletely furnished, fireplace, Mt. Ta bor view. Main 3267. w: ELL - FURNISHED ?hone East 3 270. 2-room house. $20 FURNISHED cottage, 4 rooms 382 Vancouver ave., near Broadway 117.50 6 room cottage, all modern con veniences. Close in. Phone B-loo3 OILMAN hotel, 1st and Alder. Fur ftiKhert W K rw. rbeao. 91. 5 wk. UP. VTKBT BIDS MVATjB yAMILT 73 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, all modern conveniences; everything fouBd.. ISO 18th U N. . .! 4 ROOM furnished house, 293 E. 35th, right off riawtnorne, $14. 3 ROOM furnished house, with gas will rent cheap. 1404 Delaware. 6 ROOM furnished house. 192 Morris st CLEAN, comfortably furnished 5 room cottage. 124 K. zeth. i;ast Z9ii. $18 6 ROOM house, furnished or tinfur- nished. 911. Main 9130. NICELY furnished 6 room cottage. Call 414 College st. MULES Pair of the blackest, slickest m ules with mealey noses, weight 2600 pounds; have no blemishes, are 6 ana 7 years 01a ana no oiaer; true 1 pullers under any or all conditions; ; have no tricks or vices in or out of j stable, gentle for any boy to feed or I handle or care for; set of handmade harness, all complete at low price of 9265; cost $600 two years ago aJid are worth as much today. If you have use for them; shipments attended to free of charge. Union Transfer Stables, 11th and Hoyt st- Mules Team of blue mules, 6 years old, weight 2400 pounds, and are gentle and kind in or out of stable; drive like pair of horses and will do more work than two teams of horses on less feed than one team will eat; set of breech ing harness, all complete at low price of 9275. Call Union Transfer Stables, 11th and Hoyt st. Mules A team of the biggest chunk mules in this city for sale today; will weigh as close to 3000 pounds as any team of mules in Oregon; are 6 and 7 years old and are not up 011 legs, but the real low, blocky wear-for-ever kind; can walk four miles per hour any time you asit them and pull five tons under any or all conditions, have no blemishes or bunches, but are a pair of the best big mules in this state; set of new harness, all complete at low price or Jto. Allowing triat- to test tnem. 11 you are in tne mar ket for good, sound mules at littfe 1 money, call and look these three teama over. Union Transfer Stables, llCii at Hoyt st. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 FOR SALE Lewcllen setter dog from Handsome. Dan and Madge Walker. Cheap. Phone East 1153. THOROUGHBRED Scotch collie, male, 1 year old. good ranch dog. 4929 61st St., S. k. MALE and female pit bull pups; very intelligent, sturdy, pedigreed. 167 W. Park. Marshall 818. BOSTON Terrior pupoies for sale. 267 Knott st.. near Williams ave. 1 PAIR yellow canaries, 9L50 Sandy Boulevard- WHEN 1784 you answer these Want AOs. mention The Journal. AUTOMOBI LES-ACCESSORIES 44 Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. . 1914 ( HE VIOLET roadster. 2 pas- nenuer. 25 h. p.. electric start er and lights, snap, only. 9677.00 1X13 tlA LuM tilts, i passenger, 6 cylinder, just overhauled and repaintcjd, for quick sale $1350.00 1311 coIaE. J. passenger. 3'i n. p., foredoor, just overhauled $475.00 1914 IJAlLK. b passenger, t cylin der, nearly new, liberal dis count. Several other good buys. Invesi gate before purchasing. Northwest 'Auto Co. BROADWAY AND COUCH. Main 8887. A-4959 09 NORTH EIGHTEENTH STREET: One. two and three room furnished apartments. $12 to $20; walking distance. PARKHURST, 20th. cor. Northrup, modern 3 -room furnished apartments. private balcony. Main 1178; W car; references. THE ALCO. E. Couch and Union ave.: walklnr distance, summer rates, new, modern. 2 room apts., tin to z per montn. 3 LARGE ROOMS, 922.50. Save 915 monthly, completely fur nished, bed and table linen, phone. bath. B-lo79 of horses, wagons. etc.. every TUESDAY' at 10:30: every transaction in these sales is and must be ABSOLUTELY ON THE SQUARE. Consignments of stock, etc., solicited. Old Star Stables. 308 Front st. Main 9103. NOTICE. At 185 Madison street, on approach of bridge, carload eastern Oregon horses, mares, 1100 to 1600. Well brok,e ana every norse guaranteea. CAMAS. 704 Lovejoy 2 and 3 room furnished ana unrurnisned apart ments. 915 to 925. Marshall 2915. FOUR room steam heated apartments furnished ana unrurnished, 920 un. Main 792. DRICKSTON. 448 11th. choice, low priced, 2 and 3 room apartments, all outside rooms. Marshall 57. WANTED 25 3 and 4-year-old geld ings, weighing from 850 to 1000 lbs., from 14-3 to 15-3 hands high, broke or unbroken; no grays. Frazier-Mc-Lean, 6th and Taylor. FOR SALE CHEAP Wagon, good as new, hand made, suitable for laundry or dye works. I have no use for it. Carl Peterson's shop. Grand ave. and Gleason st. BASE LINE GARAGE. 2043 East Stark St. Phone Tabor 652 One Moline car. f ive-pasenger, extra delivery body. This car is a 30-h. and a 40-h. v. rear end. One Reo truck, new engine, new tires mechanically good. $Jo0. One Flanders 20. new body. new parts; just overhauled;, new tires $275. One Jackson car, five-passenger; will trade. BATHS, toilets, basins, sinks, boilers, pipe and fittings. No. 4 Ruud heat er, bargain prices. Work installed. Jobbing promptly attended to. Main 6297. oil 1st. U nr.. you answer these Want AOs, mention The Journal. SWAP COLUMN 25 BEAUTIFUL $75 folding bed. Will sell for $20 cash or the equivalent in any good breed of laying hens. Other furniture cheap. Call Mar. 2503 or A-7051. HAVE ONE 4 room, one 6 room house, cheap. Wanfauto. motorcycle or good lots. Owner. E-41t. Journal. 1 NEED a new suit. Will exchange carpenter or any kind of work. X- 792. Journal. llOl E iiiid lot in .Nvwucrg cows. K-47.. Journal. lor milk FOR SALE All kinds of furniture good heating stove, at ICS Morrison street. 'OR SALE Good gas range, water! neater, springs and mattress cheap. S5 E. 61st st. N. Tabor 4:' 9S. FURNITURE for 4-rootn house: lcav- lng city. 1064 K. Morison. W A NT EI ) M I S( 'ELLA N EO US 5 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 15 MRS. STEVENS-4vJ years rortlanO-s renowned paltssP and clairvoyant. author of PalmigtrV Made Easy ; is. located 291 Morrison st. Aslted Oy Mrs. Dr. MUtfea, .spiritual n . end divine healer, jj EAfJJKl worK in ayem, r&fjoideling and restor lnjj ,KRluines. Moderate criaCScp atid prompt serv ice,?!?!, HE PLUME, 258 -1 PpPyP -l)11 8- Main 40. MMIi-iSafcEYFUS Who was for -, ria Portlands most gifted clairvoyant! is demonstrating and teaching lninTflhealing and mental suggestipn. 40filibodnougli building. opposite postoftlfesJ; ABOUT iimiR GOODS. Don't trust peiilera with combings; let us make theVif'Jup, 95c up. Wigs, toupes a specialf; J!0 yrs. est'd. Febvet & Hanebut, 147 fijjjgadway. nr Morris'n. ninRpr.Q consultat'n atty. U VUnLiL-'O wlii much experlenoe. Office hours 8 bHii to 10 p. m. Phone for appointment.-.Marshall 4368. DR. MARGUEHlfK CRAWFORD, chi ropodist, wiirjifejnleased to see her old patrons at lriw; location. 204 Mac leay bldg.. 2S6-'jffirthJngton L SPIRITUAL mjjlum. Rev. Vlrginit Rowe. ReadJj63i! healing daily; .cir cles Tuesday aJ!iFriday evenings, 3 o'clock. 231 6tftii?t. Phone A -7 116. Ml Will, t4 MD F. o. b. cars Oieuuti City. Particu. ars box 131. Oregon Citv. Or aAl-t-S All sizes at cosi: safes re paired. Mosicr Safe Co.. 4ua North. western Bank bldg. Main 7676. FOR SALE or trade. 3S-70 Winccstcr rifle, good condition. What have you? Phone Marshall 745. BU I your plumomg supplies, pipe and iuiincs at wnoiesaiv. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d st. M. 797. hand G-r- GENUINE Navajo Indian rug. made, nearly now. Call "112 linger bldg. FOR SALE Good as new. 1 eauire hammerless Parker, with solid leath er case. :!u.5 Jursber Exchange. WANTED The people of Portland to know that 1 pay highest cash prlc for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too laige or too tmull to consider. Prompt attention. N. Seater. 143 Russell st. East 6707. LE V'Tn iTaR DWA RE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front st. buys 2d hand fur. nlture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Main 9072. Our hover o.ills promptly. niVnRrF91UoErer f 25 years' ex UIVUIlOLOpnce. reliable, advice free. 404 Rothc bldg.. 287 JWasJrv. SPIRITUALISilrtev. M. A. Price. Cir cles. Tues.. 2:W'ed. and Sun., I p. m. Readlncs daly,;;1S1l3 5th st. Mar. 3960. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay all the cash it is worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchang East 636. the";lobe htoke wanted, second hand clothing And everything Highest prices paid. Main 20S0. 2S.", 1st. near Jefferson. CALL up E. 6520. M. R. Seater. to sell your furniture. Prompt attention, highest cash prices. 368-374 Hawthorne GRADUATE . wviirifpodist, manicurist, scientific ma&Sl?iuse. I -a dies only. 204 Madeay Mtfei 286 Washington St. HAVE your 4jatiftPerlna neatly waved. Guaranteed. VJ'yst. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 f;j!Uni. Marshall 170J. SPECIAL, 2 mnly, 18 Chiropractic treatments, '4(Vj 1-3 regular price. Dr. C. S. Tig&rSiV-lfi Allskv bldg. THhjKUR SHOP. New orders plnodeling, best lowest p rices. ."'jjjjty Swetland hldi work. DR. O. V. KEUHU Al Women's msl- adies and acigya. diseases men. Wash, bldg.. 4th and :Awh. Rna. 41. Ml. 448. SPIRITUAL JhWfiilfn, Emelfa Pearsin readings dal'ltffj circles Tuesday and Thursday eveftal.s. I.'.t Salmon. SAFKS gains. New and secona Hand, 101 1st st. Main 3566. ba.r- BK WISE Get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8951. DIAMOND paint, $1.65 gal. Port. Door winoow to.. Front. Mar. 100. GEVURTZ furniture store, 208 lstT Lowest cash pries in the city. $12.50 DROPHEAI) with attachments. Bewing machine 1 52 Grand ave. SEWING machines sold, rented, re paired. 382 Morrison. A-5110. Mar.721 FOUR ton ice making and refrigerat ing macnine. Washington. 444 Wash. WATCH, South Bend, valued at $30, for sale now at $15. Y-76, Journal. TWO suits. $60 and $40. at 95 each. Woodlawn 3613. FOR SALK 6 h. p. steajn engine. 20. Tabor price INVALID chair, self wheeler, adjusta ble back. Big bargain. 235 Front. WANTED To buy scrap rubber and metals. Highest cash prices paid. J. Leve. 16 Columbia st. Main 519S. HIGH EST price paid for rifles, shot cun i. i-flm-TJs. Hoenfelit, 44 N. Yv h k.'N you m nb we r t h eSo mention The Journal. Want AQs, I-XIR best prices on your household goods. ("all Sccord. East 4238. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Oct. 8 or 9. black folder purse with Moose receipt. $." bill, name of owner on receipt. Reward if returned. 73S Clatsop ave.. Sellwood. HOT BATH! AND MASSAGE. Magnetic heafcgK AI ;iri S527. A-7271. T - . . u .. .. , A JrJJ;. , .. f I ...i... . .. ''11 1 1 f USE Basset t sE matism; t.Q ll.vi-l.u Ini- rhu... . tplets 25c. A 11 drugglwts CHlROPRACTJiV 121 4th. Chronic cases: 18 trftfffnents $10. Others lrn LAWYER tUp'oT' Sei" I, ng fig? remedy for diseases I Davis st. Main 2393. BALM of F1 of women. ' "MiWasants prepared for jjbtH. 717 Swetland bldg. NOTICES JO STRAYED from 1H W. 11th st. N. roan ma"e, weighed H'50 lbs. Phone Information to Main .tnxT. LOST Small gold heart locket, en grave Marguerite on one wide, Char lie on other. Return to Journal office. W H KN yju answer these Want Ans, mention The Journal. Professional and Business Dir SKAI.KD propoi-i ill bo rreetTed nt lh office I the ilerslsnfd, 40 ounhou.e. ontll 12 m., Mcaspi October 10. 1914. for the improvement oitije cmuuds of I.lewrllyn nchool. 1'lHns taiecifleatoni tnny he tnlnorl it the &fjii of K. A. Naraiuoro. mi pr'rinteDrlPDt of joJertlrx. .tort oourthonne. A deponlt of T2 I ifitolrpil for pliinn and specifi cations. Crrtlf ftilhtieck for 1o prr cent of the amount of tig Sr"poal, p t.!r to R. It. lliorna. rhofd.;rj5lrTli. must acompanj raeh fru)oal. Hour if jSt Mlreotora reserTca the right o reject a.ny a Ij S 1 propocala. K. ITHOM AS, School Clerk. Pated Oetobeaj jj: 1fl14. I WILL nJt bt srrmihle f.,r any ileMa eontract'rt bJSi! iy wife. Pavld Mc( .rdj, Unnt'm. Or. ',' 1 . IfatS-j. 4 ?i -3.-. T diitory f: ACCORDION PLEATING MUSIC SCHOOLS ASD TEACHERS K. PTKPUA tleuititctiiug. accordion. ltle i nd aanburat plestinir; buttons eoTered; goods aponced. Scalloping. Alder. M-9:ii:i. ASSAYEBS WK buy old gold. sUtit, platinum, or ore samples. Pickering & Co.. Aw-ayira. 510 Northwest Mdc. 6th and Washington ata. BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A UOU1AN, Inc.. 19 M ft- Blann book manufacturers: amenta lor Jones 4 in proved Loot; Leaf Ledgers. See the sew Kurrka I-eaf. A-olS.1. Main 183. BUSINESS COLLEGES LINK'S BLSJNFS t OI.l.KliK. f.tb tlw-r. Til fird bldg.. Portland. Or. Phone Muln .ViKl. CARPET CLEANING. TIRES OREGON VULCANIZINOCO. The Tire Shop," 550 Wasfhington st, at 18th Marshall 379. We get your tires ready for THE WET STREETS. THE ALBEMARLE 2, 3 room fur. apts. Steam heat, phone, bath, $20 to $28. 383 Williams ave. East 4193. THE LAURETTE 1 furnished 3 roon- apartment, private Path; pnone, zZ'J 11th st, BEECH 2 r. fur. apts.; desirable, rea sonable. (83 Williams av, w. 1796. THE PAGE Two lovely apts., with prices to suit tenant. East 3566. THE ORMONDE, light front 5 rooms. 656 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251. PAIR good 1200 lb. farm horses, mare and gelding; a snap at $100; good drivers and pullers; not old; McClel land & Co., 240 E. 8th. - BIG work team for sale cheap or will take trade for a good 1100 lb. driv ing horse; come quick for bargain. 1029 E. Yamhill st. A REAL bargain; must sell my 1914 model 5 passenger Case car; is in first class condition; urgent need of ready cash; my only reason for this of fer. Chas. F. Goodale, East 6540; or call the Modern Confectionery Co. LATE. model 5-passenger Michigan car. fully equipped with demountable rims, good tires and extra tiresj car in good running condition; $42o, cash only. C-1201, owner. JOVCB BKUS. fciei trie Cleaning rk, nets cleaned aud laid, refitting our clalty. East 4-10. B-l!M:t. fc cr-ape- l!tb at. N. CAfU'KiS cleaned, .-cutting aud lai lug. Packer. 'labor 106. CARPET WEAVING. K. THIKLHOKN. i.jiin tfarber, pupil SeT-tk. 207 Flledner Mdg. A-416Q Mahall IKIS T. E. LAWSO.V. olau.j studio, -4J Main lil.M l.nn. MV. PA'rjljljp' COMPANIES land TUE BAKBKIfciUAL'l fAVINU CO., office. T,1it'tctrir bld for i, klorrlaou. POPXTLAH MTTSIC BAtiTIMK ou piiuo guariinred beglnnera tu 10 leasonH. i'le-rure plln. Free Uemoo 'trallna. Fro Pnwiklot. F.!tr hldK. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS. Mult i lis, generators, liougbi, old, r-iri and repaired. We do all kinds -if repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. VI. H. Electric r.. 31 N 1t at. I'hmw Main 2Hk Wli buy. eell. rem and exrhauge new and eeond hand motor, repair work a apeclaltr. Western Kler'rle Wnrk 2l:t Bth at Mar. 9. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. rHut.MX Irou Work. 1-ast .id aud Haw thorne tlenerHl machine an.1 f'niidry work. KODAK STTPPLIEB. NOKTUWESX Uta CO.. rug trom old car pets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. IKS Mb.. Work ct'.ied t-r. Kant :;SSQ. B-I2MO. 1'k.M.NSLLA llug Works Kag rug and car pet weaving. 1518 1'attoa ate. VVldn. 40 H. P. racy type roadster for sale cheap, also 16 H. P., water cooled, Cyclecar for sale or exchange for mo- torcycle. 532 Alder. SORREL mare, good, true puller, sin gle or double, to sell or trade 6or coW or chickens. Address R. 1, Box 234. Oswego, Or. DOWNTOWN apartments, newly ren- ovated, zt ana up. 350 Morrison. FOR . RENT FLATS 13 FIVE room upper corner fiat, clean and modern. West Side, corner 2d and Grant sts.; rent $20. 5 ROOM upper flat, paneled dining roam, phone, water, $12.50. 625 Mill st. Woodlawn 2177. MODERN 5 and 6 room lower and up- per flats, cor. Grand ave. and Halsey sts. Phone Marshall 620 or East 2676. NEW 5 room modern flat. 819 E. Ev erett. $10. ONE 4 room and one 5 room flat for rent. Woodlawn 2879. $10 4 ROOM flat. 301 E. 11th st; no children. East 963. BEAUTIFUL 3 and 4 room flats; view. $12. Water, garbage. 568 Market. WHEN you answer these Want Axis, mention xne journal. NICE 2 room flat, very reasonable, oodlawn 1353. 70S Vancouver av. FOR SALE Good horse, safe for a woman to drive; good harness and top buggy. J. Gaarde, Tigard. Or. FOR SALE Two spans good muiles. 939 Willamette blvd.. St. Johns. W. N. James. y V ruten guar- every spring. 26 N. 15th st IINITFD fainting Auto Top Co. ' Isinglass put In; prices reasonale; factory finished. 15th r.nd Wash. Mar. 945. Lowlt & Moss man. LARGE horse or mare wanted, good and cneap. ror trade in rurnlture. Address J. Lenta, Piedmont car barns. $125 TAKES 1000 lb. team, mare and horse, double harness and farm wagon. 1967 E. Stark; trial allowed. U. S. STABLES. All classes of horses for sate. 248 Front st. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call day or night. Tabor 4203. FOR trade for an automobile in good running order, harness and saddler tools worth $350. Send description of auto. AX-664). Journal. FEDERAL TRUCK Party leaving city will sell truck. in good oraer, on easy terms. Journal. CHIROPRACTORS DR. McilAHON. 121 4th. 3t Williams aTe., IS adjustments $10. parienn ret well. COAL AND WOOD. NEER FAHii LV .".."a-'l pt " COAL fACUlU SLABWOUU CO.. Main 37011. A-'tJ&O. Ureen short wood, block, lug lnaide. small Inside, dry slabwocd. xtwrt planer trlmndnga. Edlefsen Fuel Co. East 3o;t. t;-2:ui3. 2t,2 Stark. kriHAK nd supplies. Dev XKJUrMJ , rintlrg m.d enlarging. MAKKHAM CO.. :AT. WaaMoe'on. lopluc. MESSENGERS. alOToltClCLt--S and bicjclea. I'hone Main 6A. A-21.VI. HASTY MKSSKNOER CO. NATUROPATHIC PHT8ICTANS. DR. I'HILLIl'S -t'ariilyaia. nerToua and ehroo le disease. .Vi) Ilre?inin hide. M SI42. OSTRICH PLTTMES. Hartnefa 1'lume shop, cor. bill. Main 1.jO!. Ootrijb. feathers, remodeled, cleaned, ample. Work jruaranteed. I'ark and Yam paradise, fancy djed to match PAPERHANGINO. TINTING unarcoairooT ok tt-Kui stkkkt DRV alab and box wood, corawood aud coau Standard Wood Co.. East 23if. COLLECTIONS 1 BUV accounts, bllla. notes and Judgmeni of eer name and uature anywhere. vr o ui -k resulta answer M-5M. Journal, 0PK: accounts, notes. Judgment cou.-ir.i. Adopt sbort methods for quick results Fhort Adiuftment .. i2B N. W. Bank. M. 974 CONTRACTING AND BUILDING UTO SPRINGS5 MADE AND RE PAIRED. Frank Lange. 228 Salmon. Main 181. WANTED A 1914 Ford touring car for cash. Address R. J. L;tKugh, Albany, Or. ONE surrey for sal or trade for horse. 2008 E. Alder. Tabor 104. i FOR SALE New Is spring wagon 2 inch tire. 1446 Rodney avrv. Wdl. car: FOR RENT A good garage, $4 per montn. - izt jacasoia st. rnone Main 7095. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. TWO good spring . 1967 E. Stark st. wagons for : sale. FOR RENT $2 a head. -Stalls in Sanitary Barn, East 4839. t HORSE and farm wagon for sale. E 25th. N. 210 MY 1913 Cadillac, in perfect mechan ical condition, .extra equipment. $1300. Marshall 2140. Main 5136. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock In Portland, $3 to $15. Fine repair ing. Tire Supply Co.. 307 Madison. A BARGAIN $300 buys Ford. 8982. Main $1160 EQUITY in Irvington lot for good auto or electric car. TC. 4509. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The JournaL HORACE D. JOMW. I BUILD ANYTHING FROM KCRKKN DOORS TO A HOTEL. TABOK 1784 PAINTING. GET wii we rived rhe uouey and you need the work done . Taper hanging. 2.V a double roll (this Includes iiaier, and up. Spelal rutes f'tr ' riHims or more. I'hone Tabor 191;;, ask for pa perh anger. We 4o it right. ICHIILi; PAINTING CO.. U'ceswir to N. C Tw hie. painting, tint- PLL MKH clean et stylen an. r.. Ij. A enator L0ME8. li.vnl, curled and road. lat- lora; ripcrt blaek djrelng; WaMi. at.. Tel M-atn l.'.IZ. RUBBER. It Hi AMPS AND SEALS AL&O aieucllk, - fade rliex-ka, bras alcaa. PACIFIC!. CASf STAM1' WORKS 2jil Wahlhrn st Mjla 710. A CTIO. SEW 1 1 v mm 11 sr K ,lri MACHINES Jijirium. lalfl. n jj, jsf. Main 04::i. sSflanETAL WORKS. UEI'AlRINU SHEES ! tia!! and ERMISTS CUtAftbT nfili Seat work uu coaaU TRANSFKH AND STORAGE C o. rw. 'iitiiitvi 4l aiutmum u. orrua and coDinxi44i4 4 niory OrK-k waretiou.a loouia anu iircprooi Taius ciruer ia and rioe a la. furaiit'uro loored and packed. lor (tipping. SpsKil rates uiada on goods, I through cara. yJ! lU tlorncaitie Doiui. Mala S5$S A linw- OLik,ff-iiE with separate to for aluabie. iSij W. PUoo and furlt'uro BfeVik'i MAC1UNU ;'All uiakua, UtrW aud secoM aud. for sale or rent. All j-rlci-J. Sewing klachln Eoi- ijirium. rjo I aire, near Taj- gravel roots. Jaouk none Main 14Z4. aud furelgd 1 liA.Niil-tli CO. New llieuataas? wsrehouae with aeparata rooms. We paX & and paek bouaehold goods ajui piauoa (S.'tiilp at reduced rates. Auto tsus and euuil''' moving, l-orwarillug and dlfirihuting 4tt- r" trackage. Off be aa4 aarebiHiM. l.iili.' M") ii'i- Jiaiu ini. a leg. pKperhanging. 1 n rhall ftreetj. Main 4414. Shop. 049 HOOK paiutiug and repairing by an eiirr. SaUxfaetiiju guuracteed. 1'bouea East 2022. Re., Tabor 47H7. PAINTING. 1 a-ring. ill, ring. $2.u0 per room up. '. A. Hrne. -Main 421. Suteltffe A Blled. perlng. M. 18; iMrat work ta painting, pa 1. A -222.1. 128 11th at. PATENTS P. W. BENNETT, carpenter and general re pairer. Prices reasonable, woooiawn . JOHN F. KOBB, parent lawyer, if Washing ton, D. '-. 1 at the Imperial, wbere clients end inventors may consult him or arrange an apimliitmeut. OREGONIiTRANSFER CO. Transfer bllaned 1S70. iid forwarding agota. aiornai.'. tree trackue. Office krJj isturag 474 Ullsu St. nttr and ;Ua.itL Main 9, A-11W i m - v iSTUKAUk. MANNING WKHUISK TUANSrER CO, 13TH,.AB.D aVEUETT STU. r . ..-- ' sroodi aiiipmenta. 'Fbiigh car service. 4 MAIN 70T. A 2214. ttori 'park or ship jwu household RedtJ4if frjlght ra:s ea asters UM1K1) TraniYtr Co. Storage and general handling, jj-g Jeffermm. Mar. 2tt4. A-4H.',S. BAGUAGK Tm-aCer Service Co. S2 k"ia . Main 120,' yij-j20Z. EXPERT Main 0327. amjw iwuuau CLEANERS 12 Henr bldg. 1 ; A-47oi. MAKE your fireplae give good service; call I Wnn,ll.m'n -'-.-jU Manufacturers Jobbers- EYE. EAR. KOBE. THROAT LUNGS. 8vm lallat. Moderate prices. Glasses filled, lir. F. F. Case-dsT. 517 Peknm bldg.. 3d tc Wash. EDUCATIONAL DANCING PHuK. WAX, WILiiCN'S Waltii hesitation. one-step, two-step, scnottiscne: lessons -i c morning, afternoon, eve.; guarantee to teach anybody who walks bow to dance. b5Vs ttb St., bet. Stark and Oak. 4 private teasoua $2; 8 olae. I'hone Main 7637. BREWERS a BOTTLERS HKNKY WKINHAKO. l:iih and Burnable. DRY GOODS .WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS ft VEHICLES B. M. WADE A CO.. tfZJ uawvDoro Wholesa le AgrW-nltural Imnleraynta. Wholesalers TAlftT. OIL AND GLASS RAbMUbstrl. AtCO.. Utb standard ' paint. N. K. tetlif'Jltol and Taylor. M.-A-1771. PIUNEEK A'1' CO.. lati 1st su kUiii 14." POHTLANBKyOOD WOOD PIPE GRAIN MERCHANTS UK. and MRS. HEATH'S school: fancy, stage, social and all the latest dances taught; waits and two-step guaranteed in 4 private lessons; class Mori, and Fri. eve:, 7 to l; a sambly after. 231 H Morrison, cor. 2d. Mar. 313. WHITING-IRELAND Dancing Academy. Max txe. One-Step. Hesitation. Lessons dally. 01 Alisky bldg.. 34 and Uorrisoa, Mala 801a M. H. HOC-SKK. I. rd of Traler hi1g. Il lK I'll k mrrt. m nA of flee nealttb and York ats. Main 34S. PXITMBINPIPE TEAM SUPPLIES M. L. KLINE FRONT KTKERT. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAti. L. MASTltK to.. 74 Frout of every decrlptl'm: bindings. Lcatbet MEN'S ANP WOMEN'S NECKWEAR COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co., ta 6tA at, ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portjnd Cordage Co. ' WALL PAPER -5 ?.-.r MORGAN ttlit-L, PAPER CO. 330 2d . betveea BjtitoB aad Mala. ;v3: . - . - - -