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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1914)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY r EVENING, OCTOBER 12, 1911 11 More German Bombs j Dropped Upon Paris Those' Dropped Today Did ot j Ex plods, but Tnrse Civilians War Killed Yestsrday ad 14 Injured. Paris. Oct. 2. Several more bombs were dropped In Paris streets today from German Taube aeroplanes. Thy did not explode, however. Following Sunday's disastrous serial bombardment, they naturally caused much excitement." Two; of ' the Taubcs participated In the-! at tacks, both Sunday and today. Wheth er or not they were the same waai not known. The bombardment Sunday killed 3 persona and wounded 1. All were civilian. Home property damage was done, also, but It was not sorlous. About 20 bombs were thrown. The Taube were chased from Paris by French aviators but not, apparently, until they had exhausted their am munition. In effect Uct. I. 1018 ALL rRKVlOUB BATKs rA.CEItED CUARQRU ADVEHTISKMENTli Dallr or Sunday, JV4 cent per -ord per uuertlon. Tbl -brg ! for ail v'UwKlcattoD. eieept Ing vroe Kent la Private Family," "Boom and Board to Prirate Tamlly," -'Sltiwttoo Wanted" and "Wanted to Bent" ad.. which are IVi evnia per word iter Insertion. No ad rhrrd for leas iban IS renta. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS m rtnta tier word fr all clamiflcMon. earaptlog "For Rant In Prirate Family," Uoom and Board io Prlate Fainll." "Situa tUm. Wanted" and "Wauted to Rent" nils., which are 1 ceata per word. Consecutive inrrtlon nt reh wunt hd. : 3 , Inaertlona for the price of 2 7 Inaertlon for tfct price of R MEETING NOTICE- 41 Vital statistics marriages. Births. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES W, G. Smith & Co&7 and caxda. Third floor, Morgan Play. DRES8 suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 star at. BIRTHS DEATHS AXI FUNERALS 75 KICHAIUIS-At bia late residence, 311 Third street, tbia city, October 10, 1914, Jacob J. Klcharda, aged 7H year. 1 month and B data. Drreaaed la huttItkI by two niecea. Mr. Juanpb Wagner and Mrs, Karl AVacg row, of Portland. The funeral will leae the parlora of the KUewea Undertaking com puny, rvrner Third and Clay afreet, toroor row (Tueaday), at H.M a. ui.. thence to- St. Joaenh Catholic church, corner of Klfteeuth nd Couch atreeta, wheie mertlcea will tx held at I) u, tu. Frlenda and aiMiuaintances kindly Invited to attend. Interment Mt. CaJrary eemrtery. tirand Rapids and sangatark, V.l'-litKn, papera. pleme copy. UARI'KNTKU -lu thla city. October 10, Mat tie Bell CaruunUr. agad 40 years, W daya. funeral aervlcea will bo held tomorrow (Tueadaj). October 13, at 2:30 p. m.. at the hi. H. eburi'b et Fifteenth atreet and Tac-oma aTcnne. Uemalna are at the funeral parlor f Walter C. Kenworthy, 187 Kant Thirteenth atreet, Sellwood. Interment R1t erlew cemetery. Friends Inrited. BaHX, October 12. at 684 East Tenth atreet. ('barlaa J. O. Rare, aged 71 yeera, beloved bucbuud of Mrs. ftophia Bars, father of Mrs. Hfnry tttralb. The funeral aervlcea will be held at P. L. Kerch chapel, gasr Eleventh and Clay street.. Wednesday, October 14, at a p. m. Prlenda Invited. 'Hie funeral aervlcea of May Jo aepblne, beloved daoghter of Mr. and Mr a, -A.-fV. Hearle. will be held Tneaday, October at 't P in., at W. U. Hamiltcn'a funeral pnrlora, bunt Eightieth and OUaan streets. Interment in family plot In ML Scott Park cemetery. aLKXANDEU On October 12, at hi. borne, Kaat of Mllwaukle, Ueorge G. Alexander. Announcement of funeral later. MARTIN & FOHBES Co., florists. 847 Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE dUOS., florists, tine flowers and floral designs. 287 Morr'son at. .id A A. M. BiiiTH, in Hell tnt; bldg. :iorist, 141 H kth st.. Main 7218. CASKET npniya as low as $150. Luhliner. florists, Portland hotel blk. try 1 1 . , 1 i- FUNERAL. ERECTORS A Apiendid residence undertaking ea tabilibninent, with private driveway, J. P. FINLEY & RON, Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leading funeial director. 20 3d St.. corner Salmon. Lady apaiatant. Phonert A 1511. Main 507. F. S, Dunning, !nc. East Bide Funeral Director. Fa t Alder et. Eaat 62. B-2525. 414 0 u n n i ng Si M c E ntee every detti. vtn ana fine. Main 430. A-.45M Lq.y eselstant. A R. 7pller Co.,69a Willlam rti III .CUCI Uijaj 10gg C-1088. Lad-y attendant. Day and nirht service. WALTER C. KENWORTHY, su cceseor to A. B. Hematock. 1687 E. 18th Pellwood 71. B-1122. Lady assistant Chambers Uo.Sif K"rby"Voovde: lawn SJttm, i;-iiaa. Automobile hearse. R, T, ByrnesEluifil,i?tc KEN W0R THY jL&fi.Miif&ft r- '""If 'VON RESIDENCE UND. 'Ls, L. K'OUINm. 8133. A-2235. 445 Mots! Qt' U"APQ Undertaking Co, Main 4152 uit-ttLu-232i. cor. 3d and Clay. Ham' Itnn Suth and Ol fnailUUOil neral strvices. 1 isan. u- abor 4313 tAUvHM Undertaker. East 1080, 371 Russell St. tHker. B. llth ei Clay. B-188S, E. 781 MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKft Sai.i8 4 Bt-!L 0.PPLty. .najM;B 6 t.X:151 6. KOK SAKE- HOL'SES $000 BUYS a 3 room bungalow, 80x 110 corner lot. west side, 15 min utes' ride. 6c fare,. $160 cash, balance $i.60 a month. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett mag. $860 cash takes this 5 room modern house, 1 block from car, if taken b- -rorrt Wednesday eve. Owner, Tabor MODERN 7 room house fn Walnut Park, $3400, - terms. House alone cost $2500 to build. Lot worth $1800 tall Vance. Main 1189. ' HOUSES Some fine bargains, lrvlng- man iur l. ror rent, rur njshed and unfurnished. Also lots. EriMt 273. W. H. Herdman. r.OR SALE 5-room house, plastered. eiectric iignts, oatn. sisoo: part . naiance mortgage, o-s, journal. $J50 4 rixirn house and lot, near Pen insula ave. Inquire 1 E. 27th st. Hnnnywlde car. bEE the 5 room bungalow and make mm an oxier. pnone Tabor 6473. 61 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. $25 PER MONTH $25 Beautiful new home, every modern convenience, buffet, bookcases, bevel piate mirror ana leaded glass, hard wood floors, Dutch kitchen. Ironing board, fine closets, linoleum in kitchen, bath and back Dorch: fixtures, shades: double constructed; very complete; hardsurface street; sewer and all im provements -In. 1180 Greeley St., on St. Johns carline. . Take car to Greeley st., walk half block north. A bar gain. Owner. East 635. Hawthorne District Brand new 6 room bungalow. Just finished. 1323 East Madison stress, near 46th. House unlocked. It's mod ern fn every way. It will cost not h in j; to look. Go and see today. Prln 12750. Easy terms. Owner's address: 404 Marguerite ave. Phone Tabor 6483. FOR WALK. By owner. House, 2 lots suitable for cow. chickens !or garden. Small cash payment down, balance easy terms. Address 752 Marian ave., Sell wood, Oregon. BEST buy in Woodlawn, 0 room mod ern house, with "large attic, nice lawn, garage, corner lot 50x100. car pets and range. 2 blocks from Wood lawn car. 469 Magnolia St., Woodlawn. Price $25)Q. - lboxzuo- well improved, 3 room house, 110 monthly.$1050. 80x200 in cultivation, 3 room house, $650, $10 down; Oregon City line. A. C. M A R8TKRB. 202 W Hcox bldg. ' FOR SALE AT BARGAIN. acre, house and barn, chicken vard. Some fruit. No reasonable of fer refused. Call Tabor 2353 Saturday vnlng or Sunday. f'OKCilJ TO b,lu. New 6 "room modern home in Irv ington Heights, small cash payment, balance monthly; inquire 918 E. 18th Kt. N. : Trvtnpton or Alberta car. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. On your lot or ours; by your own plana, or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. NEW room modern bungalow, small payment down, bal. Uke rent; price 12000. H6T 2th W. Ainerta car. FOR SALE LOTS 10 $700 $20 down and $10 a month buys a half acre, fine soil, Ideal for a home where you can raise all vour vegetables, berries, fruit, chick ens, etc., which la the greater portion of your living. City water piped in front of the place. If you are looking lor a location with a Dig future it win pay you to see this. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. TO SAVE foreclosure, have 2 lots Hawthorne, carline and- Division St. fell both for $700; $250 down, balance 310 Der month. Lots are worth J1300. Act right away. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Cammeree bl'ig. Ask for Barr. . $350 $10 down and $5 a month, buys a quarter acre, west 1 side, 6c fare. This is an ideal place for a homo wher vou can raise all your veee tables, berries, chickens, etc., which is the greater portion of your living. M k. Lee. 50o lorpett Diag. till t'ABH AND $8 PER MONTH. Buys 80x175 one block to car, only 30 minutes out, good school and stores, fine place to raise chickens. Call 614 . - . . . . i , mi J , n i' BtocK mxenangc piug. iviain oioa. TWO best lots in Mt Scott district 40x140: 5 blocks from Firland sta tion, $220 each; some terms. Call up owner for particulars. Tabor 667. WILL all 2 lots at great sacrifice on E. Stark St., near 83d st. C-939, Jour nal. Phone Mars nail bt. LOT 50x100 feet in East Mount Tabor, near AJtameaa, at a nacru Easy terms. C-803, Journal. near AJtameaa, ai a Bacrmce. iuu. OVERLOOK corner lot, sacrifice, $100 down, balance easy terms. Marshall 3933. . A HALF acre view tract overlooking the 'east side mountains na river, for $750; $20 cash. $10 a month. City water piped to the place, xms is an idejil homesite with a big future. M E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. gjjAP Near carline. 1 or 2 lots. E. 77th and Multnomah eta., $400 cash, psy terms. Tabor 4627. CORNER. 100x100, restricted district, close to car; snap for cash. H-431, ournal. ,OTS for sale very cheap, addition. A-2844. Willamette BUSINESS is good, 50x110, only $250. 208 Abington Diag. ACRE AG F. 57 Acreage 1, a, B and 10 acre tracts, 19 . minutes out on New, Big, Red, Steel Electric Cars I2e commuters' fare: verr beet of aoil. water and community -conveniences; $12t to $500 per acr on installments. The Shaw-fear Co. Main 38. 10$ tb at A-8S09. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port- land; Gresham district, electric sta tion mile. New subdivision. Sun shin Valley orchard tracts; beat soil, free' wood; elegant location.' Prices only $75 to $150 per acre In small tracts: easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co.. 809 Yeon bldg.. Portland, Or. 16.68 ACRES. $2500. mil&s from New berg. email house. IV2 acre cleared, good creeK runs on the line. Will take a house up to $2500. M. Kasko, Linnton, ur., box 200. Gibson Half Acres .All t .)a . line, easy terms: will build to suit pur. cnaser. rnone Marsnaii issa. or Bell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. SACRIFICE Acreage, all cultivated choice land, Oregon electric, $140 per acre, for immediate sale. G-212, journal. No Use Talking, Jeff Is FOR SALE HOUSES (Contlnned j ' I ' r --V 1 THT Iff , ( V ( WE"-. aHfVT'i Vwhx HC r 4etUW4 V - 8l f- 1 N0T?J He SA.O I I THrVC n0T TO t)0 N j HIKSe.M- J 1 OW A 'fM . DUVCHfAAM" tOrC 55V ) S 3 ' , p(r,. , .J 3.; oi i tti Vv 7jfI C 0SU -hi ll at5K l I -f3rT i , rr. I - - ' - - ' - -. . - .. , . T,.r 57 ( Continued) Cranberry Land :. For all; the game that wins. J 12.60 per acre, 160 wheat larra. $15 per acre, 163 dairy land. 320 acres rellnouishment. house and barn, fenced, 9 miles to town. $1000.- noo 3 iota en line pavea street. $3000 100x100 and 7 room house. on west side. $2800 50x100 and 7 room house. Sellwood. W. A. HANSEN, 208 Abington bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Aas, mention tb journal. FOR SALE: FARMS Small Farm With Stock Only $400 Cash Required Ten acres garden land. mile railroad station, school and store; ready market for all your pro duce. One good, fresh cow, 4 pigs, 50 chickens, all lumber for house and barn. Everything in cluded for $1800, only $400 cash, balance easy yearly paymenta. The place will pay for Itaelf and make you a living besides. This is in a well-eettled 'community where work is ' plentiful. Call and see- the pictures of this 10 ' acre place. Dorr E. Keasey .& Co. Second Floor Chamber of Com. Bldg l'OR $15,000. part cash, you can buy highly Improved and most desirable 15 acre home, in best climate and home city on Pacific coast, free Irri gation, great variety trees and small truits. meadows and green pastures. grapes, lawn, flowers, perfect city water and sewage system, electric lights and every city convenience; home of "Cherrv Knoll Jerseys; ber rif s Kolri for S1120 oer acre this yar Ashland is extremely healthful, and is forthcoming mineral springs, health and tourist resort of the world. Am aged and want small home in Ashland. R. D. Sanrord, Asnianq, or. GOOD. LEVEL. OREGON LANDS. $12.50 per acre, 36 miles east of Portland and 165 miles south, on right of wajr of Natron cutoff of Southern Pacific. Good for alfalfa and clover, hogs, turkeys and stock farming; 40 KrM for- 1500: terms. $20 down. $10 per month, no interest, to first 50 pur chasers. We guarantee every acre tillable. The price Is right, the terms are framed to suit the landless man. Wo nncratn demonstration farms and well driller on the lands. Hunter Land Co., 602 Title & Trust Diag. GET 40 ACRES GOOD LAND. in y h;a km m tj fA x . This tract is not improved, but 25 acru can hs cleared at small coet. Has two springs, school Vi mile, and elec tric line building witnin two mueo. See owner at 608 Worcester purging. 138 ACRES." 4t miles Portland; dwell ing, barn, spring, creea, pun. cows, tcacue uubi iiovw;, 0.1 900; $2000 cash, balance easy. Sell ranch without stock if desired. Posi tively beat buy on the market. W-400 Journal SO ACRES 5 miles R. R. and boat landing, Improved; team and ma hinerv. hav. S450O: clear. Will ac cept $1500 equity In lots, house or grocery; little cash; balance long time. Owner, Box 97, Castlerock. W'ash FOR SALE Mountain tana, 120 acre, improvements $1000; some timber, fir and ceaar, mites rrorn xi. j oen ton eountv: S20 Der acre: V cash, bal ance to suit. Address Chas. Palmer, R. 3, box 135. Sherwood, Or. 52 ACRES. $12,000; good improve ments, all stock and farm imple ments, 7 miles from Portland; $5000 cash. 536 Williams ave. Phone East 1039. J FOR SALE Stock and poultry ranches, city 'property; also small homes near city, cheap for cash. a. Daugherty. Myrtle Creek, Or., Box 173, FOUR acits, all in bearing fruit; half nrice. Terms. See owner at Sewell station, or address Box 865. Hillsboro, Oregon A DAIRY ranch for sale, complete with stock and machinery, close to Astoria; for particulars, OX-249 Jour nal. LISTEN Forced to raise money, solid section land at $6.7o per acre; worth double; terms; owner. X-791, Journal. BARGAIN, 40 acres, unimproved farm land, your own terms. fc. A. ttenaruc, Mayger, Or. 40 ACRES, 4 cleared. 12 slashed, near Kelso. Sacrifice for $800 cash. Owner, 201 First, photo studio, 79 ACRES and house, Clarke county. sale or trade. 208 ADington Diag. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention The JournaL FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT A large stock, cattle, hog and alfalfa ranch: one of the finest places in the state, for rent on very at tractive terms; stock for sale. If you are looking for a place to go Into the stock business on a large scaie, mis win suit you. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT One of the finest valley places on the river; large orchard, verv rich soil, to lease on shares: at tractive lease. Party to buy stock. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. ' FARMS WANTED BENT OR BUY 38 WANTED To lease farm and buy stock, if reasonable. Understand farming. References furnished. Give particulars. E. P. Erick6on, general delivery. Portland, Or. HOMESTEADS 47 GET the best homestead land in Ore . gon; level, rich soil, no rock or e tumps, good water, timber, free, near railroad now building, unlimited free stock range. 191 4th st. Main 8774. SMALL homestead, 5 acres cleared, no rock, running water, good soil, part fenced, half mile to railroad town; nice home site; good roads; near Wil lamette valley: $150. E-114, Journal. Certainly Playful ACREAGE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 34 fContlmned) J Equity for Exchange . We have an ecmitv of 82200 in a fine little improved farm adjoinnig the town limits of Beaverton, which we will exchange for stock of groceries or other merchandise, of' equal value. In or near Portland. Stock must be worth the money, as we are giving vahie received. J. STROUD & SON. Beaverton. Or. HAVE first ' mortgage $3600 at 8 on &oo property; also so acres or land in Minnesota, $3000, as first pay ment on ranch, 80 to 160 acres. Like place stocked. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce Diag. Ask for Barr. FOR EXCHANGE. I have a 3 acre traot. about 3 blocks from car and school, fine home site, which I will trade for 40 acres cleared tarm land if soil and location are good. Address 528 West 2nd st Albany, Ore. Exchange Have a Portland business corner: will sell . reasonable or will consider any exchange. Address P. O. box 1122, t ortiand. OR EXCHANGE Fine 260 acre stock ranch, southern Oreeon. Brood hog and cattle range, abundance of springs, close to city, $2,000; clear. ior gooa property, some casn. Claris Realty Co., Medford, Or. OWNER wishes to deal with owner. I nave two stock, hay and grain ranches here that I would trade either or both for general store, clothing. shoes or groceries. Address. L A. Whiteley. Council, Idaho. HOUSE AND TWO LOTS. Five rooms, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, gas. electric litrhtx ..onrrptp rounaatlon, Dutch kitchen, fruit trees and berries, close to car. Want close in acre. Owner, Tabor 2430 IMPROVED farm. 12o aires, fre of incumbrances, near good town. Will sell on easy terms or trade for im proved city property. Owner at 616 Commonwealth bldg., city. INCOME PROPERTY. New, modern, double constructed Dunaing, stores, with rooms above. corner lot. Exchange for land. G. I weno, 4 14 r. StarK St. ".umii ana see new, modern 6 room - house, oak floor, mantle. Dutch kitchen. Take 3 or 4 houses up to $1800, balance monthly. Home 4 p, m. 1367 E. Lincoln. WILL sell or trade for coast land auit- well improved irrigated land in Pow- eu isutte. ".price cneap. Earl Saun ders, Powell Butte, Or. $i50o EQUITY in 5 room hous and 5 full lots, improved, fenced, fruit irees ana oerries, tncumorance $1500; exchange for anything value of equity, G-241, Journal. WANTED Improved town property, stocit rancnes ror p tat tea acreage and iand near Portland. Parker, 602 coroett oidg. IF your real estate has value and you want to make a good exchange for ether property, see ua. Bell Real Ea- tate Co., 318 rtallway Exchange bldg, $S,000 city property, small incum brance, for Willamette vallev im proved farm. Parties might assume some, hi Aitsity Diag, SIX LOTS. 1 blk. to Rose City car, improvements paid, also house and lot; will trade for acreage. N-S56, Journal. WILL take anything of value for my $350 equity in a $2000 home, 1 block to car: prefer a cheap auto. V-41, Journal. 120 acres, 5 miles Camas, Wash. $35 acre. Sell or trade for Portland property, owner, 1118 Yeon bldg. WILL trade large 8 room house on Mt. Scott line and $500 cash for house in another part of city. R-470, Journal. ACRE near 42d. N, Will trade equity for qlear lot or sell at a bargain. R. Lundburg, 925 Yeon bldg. K. EXCHANGE 2 flat buildings for small farm near railroad. - Wm. Johnson, 740 Minnesota ave. 135x200. 5 room cottage, all kinds of fruit, a beautiful place. Trade or sell. Sellwood 1230. EXCHANGE for city lot. Ford ear. or diamond, my cash business, makes $125 per month clear. D-183, Journal. BUSINESS calls me east, will exchange my home cheap at $2500 for a first mortgage. M-214, Journal. , EXCHANGE carpenter work for real estate, or what hava you? Tabor 3529. WEST SIDE house and other prop erty for house on east side. 311 AH sky bldgj 40 ACRES with stock, implements and feed, city residency wanted. 311 Alisky bldg. RESIDENCE and store with grocery stock, $6500, for a small farm with stock. 311 Alisky bldg. NlCEs business for family to handle for 'acreage, teams, cows or what have youi Marshall 3441. 32Q ACRES, cheap land, Clackamas county, will exchange. Owner, Room 20. 165 Third st. -. HAVE good clear city property to trade for rooming or apartment house. 224. Lumber Exchange. BY OWNER 160 acres Wasco Co. Want house and lot- Y-69, Journal. GROCERY, 3 building lots, exchange for farm. Owners only. Tabor. 1872 5 ACRES, city limits, Improved, sell or trade. Wolfstein. 205 Alisky bldg. S ROOM house, modern, for improved farm, will assume. 311 Alisky bldg. $460 CASH equity in lot for diamond or what have you? Main 8909. WANTED REAL- ESTATE 31 WANT bungalow; have 2 lots Penin sula addition, clear. Value $1500; ; first payment on bungalow up to $3000. Dorr E. Keasey & Co 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. Ask for Barr. HAVE $2000 cash and $2000 equity in 8 room Portland residence with which to buy $4000 farm mortgage. Elmer S. Shank, 303 Ry Exch. Main 2113, A-1735. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 ( Cotlnud) WANTED 320 acres of eutover tim ber iand. Must - be good land, adapted for dairying, oh east side of Cascade mountains. State price, rain fall and character of soil. Address BX-S20, Journal. . LOTS FOR SALE. Have hich erad 191S twin motor cycle, equipped, in first class condi tion as part payment on unimproved lot or acreage. S-245, Journal. CLEAR lot or acreage at first pay ment on nice home, alose in. M-89, Journal. ROOMING HOUSES 63 Best Buy in City 44 rooms, new brick bldg.. hot a d cold water and call bell all roojis. rent only $60. Worth $3500. First one comes gets this for $800 for all. lnis is cleanest place in cltv. PETERS. 15 N. 5th st 11 Rooms 11 Jn 8Well location. Rent ohean StejLm heat, neat and clean as a pin. A-l home. Every room rented. Price for all, $300. PETERS. 15 N. 5th st. Very Elegant, Big Snap 15 rooms, strictlv modern, furnishpd with mahogany and oak; central; rent $35; always full; cost $1200 to furnish. Price $500; terms. 502 Couch bldg. bNAP 32 rooms, in all, making money, close in. modern. Tprmi cheap rent, good house. Call 150 11 st. near Morrison. BAUS By owner, rooming nouse, li rooms, good location, close to school, good furniture. Marshall 1745. WANTED Rooming house for good lot or $750 equity in house. Owner, i-oi, journal. FOR SALE Booming house. 170 Chap- man; gooa riirmuiro. Price Ss. LOTS in Vancouver, Wash., for rooming house. 311 Aliekv bldg. WHEN you answer tneae Want Ada, mention The Journal. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 WANTED Partner immediately; lady or gentleman; big half Interest: i best feature moving pictures; -experience unnecessary; travel, take tickets at theatre door- must be neat, honest and invest $540, half cash, balance from profits; no curiosity seekers; write or phone room 512, Palace hotel, for appointment OLD established and good paying launch business, running between Kelso, Wash., and Rainier, Or., con sisting of launch Eadem, length 55 ft., beam 11 ft., 45 h. p., Imperial engine, ana North Star, length 34 ft., beam 8 ft, 12 h. p. Standard engine, and Float. Will sell cheap if taken at oni;e. Call or addreaw F. J. Hprbach, Kelso. Wash. MEAT market at county seat of east ern Oregon town; long established; owner has been lh business 20 years and wishes to retire: no competition: well equipped shop with own freezing piani in vonnection; Biaugmer nouse with hog and cattle corrals. For de tails phone Marshall 3506. CONFECTIONERY Dandy little store handling fntl line confections, cigars, tobacco, fruit, soda water, ice cream, stationery, maga zines. etc.; good trade. You can con vince yourself this is all right if you win laae tne trouDie to iook it up. uwner, lapor zju. EXCHANGE Bakery, restaurant, con fectionery in big hotel; steady trade; brick oven, for equity in lot or any kind of business up to $700 or $800; aU .Morrison st. WANTED Confectionery, light gro cery, restaurant, or small rooming nouse, nave 4Q acres oi good Umber to trade. Value $1000. Win give some one extra good trade. Y-53. Journal. VAUDEVILE and picture theater, how running witn comeay company; X50u total takes it; terms if wanted; lo cated at Pendleton. Phone today. Mam 4 282, weeK days alter a CIGAR stand for sale, clears $3 per day. Wii. sell at almost Invoice. Located in Hotel Hoyt, corner Cth and Hoyt. Reason for selling going east. GROCERY bargain, $3000 stock and fixtures for $1400; or invoice 10 per cent off. 354 E. 7th st Phone East 4805. WANTED A partner in 8 gold min ing claims, will sell half interest. Write for information. NX-555, Jour nal. WANTED A high class financier to promote an invention. For infor mation, write AX-880, Journal. TWO men wanted, steady Job, few dollars necessary. Call at Hotel Blrkeley, 3 Taylor St.. room ?7, POOL ball, 3 tables, for sale cheap; -must sell on account of other busi ness. 389 Alberta 1000 Business Cards $1 Ryder Ptg. Co.. S. W. cor.Sd A Morrison FOR SALE First class restaurant, fine location, reasonable price. Ki- mura. 33 N. Broadway, A-1193. FOR SALE or trade grocery. In good location; doing cash business, $s00. J-443, Journal. , FOR SALE Tailor and pressing shop in heart of city. Reasonable. V-43. .JournaL SNAP Grocery store for sale, doing a good business; $11,000 stock for $900. Phone East IBIS. WIDOW wants partner in legitimate business; investigate. G-207, Jour nal. WANTED Partner, cleaning, pressln ing rill : shop; small amount win handle teach business. Z3i 6tn st. . MUST sell three chair barber shop, ac count sickness. Take diamond or lewelry. W-252. Journal. FURNITURE store for sale or trade for clear property. M-o, Journal. I00) BUSINESS CARDS 90c Rose City Printery. 3d and Taylor sts. WANTED A location W-46. Journal. for grocery, WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. STOCKS of shoes bought for cash pro viding prices right. P-tOO. Journal CIGAR, confectionery and news stand cneap. inquire zj lamniu. 20 PARTNER wanted, leaving city: will sacrifice my half interest In one oi the best paying wholesale and retail manufacturing businesses in the city; small capital required. Call at 291 la Hawthorne ave., Room 8. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 LOANS on improved city property or for building purposes; advance made as building progresses: liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J. r. Llpacombe. 243 Stark st. Main 4420. WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE 701 Selling bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city and farm properties, lowist rates. Mortgagers ana sellers contracts bought. iu. J Cowllshaw, 607 Comercial block. TWENTY-SEVEN hundred dollars ST on farm: must have $7500 value. Elmer S. Shank. 302 Ry. Exchange, Slain 2113. A-li3o. BUILDING LOANS on city and subur ban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 315 Fail ing Diag. Mam J4Ui. 3100.00(3 on mortgages, city and farm property, fire Insurance. McKenzie & Co.. Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on c:ty property. A, H. Bell. zox uernnger oiag. . MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgat ? bought and sold. John L. Karnopp. rtauway jcxenange Diag. CASH nald for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage toans; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis & Co., a Lewis bldg. MORTGAGE luans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room 203 Stock Exchange. 3d and lamntii. MORTOAUE loans C to 8 per cent. Fred C King. 314 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. 313 Cham, of Com. $1000 to $7o00 for city or tartu loan. Tabor 2520. or c-bbb, journal. $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. 80 4th St. Board Of Trade bldg. MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent. W. IL seita ec Co.. 3io spaidtng mag. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 1 per oenu Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 Stark st. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention xne journal. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 07 1MMKDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES We have one of the finest retail jeyelry stores in the oaty. A loan de partment la conducted in conrtctiun with same, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no signs designating loan Business ais played in front of our Btore. Ail mer chandise pledged is held for a icrio of seven months, whether or iiot in' terest is Paid when due. We are 11 censed and have been efciablished since 1899. No connection with any other loan establishments in this city. A. ti M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS. 354 Washington st. WE MAisLE LOANS IN 6 HOURS' TIME At Legal Rates We loan money on diamonds, pianos. reai estate, plain notes or lurnitura Portland Loan Co, (Licensed.) Room . SOS. RotchiM Bide Bet. 4th and 6th on Washington St. $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ SALARY LOANo ON PLAIN NOTES $10 TO $100 JBORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECTJRITT. Business Strictly Confidential. STATE SECURITY CO.. , $ t $ 309 FAILING BLDG. $ $ $ MONEY AT ONCE. PRIVATE PLACE to OBTAIN LOANS mamonas. watches. Jewelry, eto. SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDEN- TIAL. ELBY CO. (Licensed). 320 Lumber Ex. Bldg.. 3d and Stark. LOANS made from $50 and jjp on ap proved security. Address giving full particulars in confidence. Box 364 Lents MONEY on chattels, notes and mtxa. bought. Columbia Loan Co 30 8 well and. LOANS on real estate, diamonds, Jew elry, vm. tiou, r , Washington bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry. s. w. mng, o waanmgton btqg. WHEN you answer these Want Ada! mention The Journal. LOANS on diamonds, jewelry, strictly confidential. 141 Vi 3d st, near Alder. LOAXS WASTED SO WANTED at once, $25,000, 8 to 4 years, 1, on $200,000 inside income Port land property. No commission. Phone Klepper, Marshall 547. WANTED $1000 loan from private party; good security. Swank. 601 Northwest bidg. $2300 ON good Eastern Oregon wheat land, 10 per cent, 2 or 3 yea ra. J-366, Journal. $350 FROM private party, t .years. 10 per cent interest; real estate aecur- lty. Y-74. Journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. FINANCIAL 51 FIRST and seconJ mortgages, also sel lers' interest in contracts purchased Oregon and Washington. H. E. Nob). Lumbermens bldg. STOCKS AND BONDS 58 FIRST mortgage realty bonds, seetrred by close-in city realty, to net 6V4. First mortgage farm land bonds, to net 77c. Call or write for circulars describ ing these Issues. BOND DEPARTMENT, HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Bankers, Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued) 58 (Continued) TO SELL your stocks or bonds you must write ;o O. W. Brokers . P. O. Box 265. Vancouver, Wash- Try us for anything you want. HELP WANTED MALE F YOU are a live wire spe cialty salesman and want o join a live wire organiza ion on a live wire proposition and have good record with eferences apply at once. Room 927 Imperial Hotel. DON'T look for work. There is bis demand for automobile drivers and repair men. Our expert instructors qualify you In three to five weeks and assist in securing rood positions. Bring luis au. iur vnr irei iwvu. PACIFIC . AUTO . & GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. 2S6-56S llth st. (N(r Jefferson. X. M. 1. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Record for year 1911: Calls for men , 3685 Positions filled 1942 All young men seeking employment are cordially invited to consult witn the secretary or the Employment De partment. WANTED Man to represent and fit tne Wilson Truss." Made to meas ure. sold on money-back guarantee: experience not essential. Wilson, 66 ntn st. WANTEDACTS FOR MOVING PIC TURE THEATRE. PERCENTAGE BASIS. 33.1 OAK ST. SOLtCi l OHS wanted tor big money making proposition. money re quired. Call 10'JS K. 19th St., N. CHEF Headquarters ana belpvrs. Cvl- Ifornla Wine Depp. 23$ Yamhill. WHEN you answer these Want Aua, mention the journal. HELP WANTED Ml SO. 49 HRS. HINSDALE, former Instructor the Young Women s C ristlan Asso ciation, is now reaay to tame young men ana women lor a thorough busi ness training in shorthand, bookkeep ing, penmanship, etc. 503 Empress Diag. rersonai instruction. OREGON LAW SCHOOL A thorouan practical course In law: no tims lost from regular occupation; recitations evenings, oamuei x. rticnaroson. aean; M. Morehead, sec. 316-317 CoSunon- wealth bldg., Portland. Or. USE your spare time to build up a mail order business or your own We help you start for a share in profits; 7 opportunities. Partlellars free. Dept. A-26, Opportunities Excfa liurraio, . MOLER Barber College wants men and women to learn the trade, in weeks. clean work, percentage paid whl'.e learning; toots irct; scaip sua isoe massage a specialty; sena tor ire cat alogue, is w. za st. Wanted party to BfiY half INTEREST IN A SPLENDID MOV ING PICTURE SHOW; ENTIRE MANAGEMENT; HANDLE MONEY 333 OAK ST. HUNDREDS government jobs open to women, tsxg pay; list tree. Frank lin Institute, Dept. 705-3, Rochester, is . I. IMPORTANT All former students are invited to attend a meeting at 29 Worcester oik., Monaay evening, 7 :30 sharp. Portlanq Uw Hehool. $10 FOR information leading to my securing DooKKeeping position, iso $100 mo. Phone Tabor 4873. B-417, Journal. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women. $65 to $150 month. Write for list.. Franklin Instituta, oept. 350 s. rtocnester, n. t. ka l uw a i man cieras -wanted. Com mence ip montn. bampie examina tion questions free. Franklin Ioati- tute. Uept. 348B. Konfiester, N. T, LEARN the Mauiine system of beauty culture. Positions open now. We help finance new shops in any town. The Maurlne, 514 Abington bldg. HUSTLER wanted to take ea re o? territory; must have wm capital and references; big- money maker; write R-474, Journal. SHORTHAND, typewriting, experi enced teacher; half usual charge. 711 E. 61st st. N. Tabor 6864. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $1.50 up. lay tor, tne i anor, zs aurnside. PACiiric cniropracuo couege, 407 to 418 Commonwealth bldg. CARPENTER work for dental work or tailored clothing. X-7Ka, JonmaX USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu. matlsm; 60 tablets 25c All druggists. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal. HELP W A NTED FEMALE 2 WANTe'D-'a girl" toJornixed work in small hotel. Riverside Hotel. SC Johns , Col. 124. WANTED A first class experienced cook for a restaurant; good wages. References required. J-444, Journal, HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE gO WANT man and wire for two fine bog, poultry, vegetable ranches, close to Portland; must be practical; mast have a little money. H. Grebe. Tigard- ville. Or. Oregon Barber College will teaoh you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tui tion reduced this term. $38 Madison. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. WANTED AGENTS FOUR lady agents; experience not ewsary. Call at 282 lth st. nec- SITUATIONS MALI5 WANTED Position as grocery clerk; not afraid of work; good, references. N-9. Journal. STOCKS AND BONDS u - M. yp. SITUATIONSMAI CContlnned) ' THE Associated Charities urgently del slrai to find work for several labor ing men who have families to suppof and 4 without the necessities of life Steady work desired but odd Jobs all kiftds thankfully accepted. Mail 717,141517. MAN fa bout 50 urgency needs work. pielc'and shovel, garden "work, Jan itor willing and steady. Has age motbVifc to support. Phone Main ?1" or etgtj 200 E. 8th st. YOLiG married man. exoerienced en- ' girder, wishes position In garage Can ;Jeive wagon. Will take anything muss, save worn lmmeaiateiy. a.i- EXrRlENCED. married man wanti wniwt' in grocery. Clerk, solicitor oi drtvr, or any steady work. J. F iKwei4 no lzm mu jrnone A-a Malh?lE5. - lS-XvAH-oi.D boy. large, neat ap-i want if .work as teamster or on farm; wDiUjifee wining to learn trade. Mala n.v-abi7. YOtJRU man, in urgent need. wUhtt posfUon as electrio and gas mete. readcV.l timekeeping and materia clerk 'tr hardware stock keeping; rat- erenc: Mam 4i. a-ioii, WANTED Position as an all-rount batTciy man; can do pipe work pluming, firing oil or wood; can d Jantt4-7 work; can give - references MUJjtME aged man. In. urgent need, witie.i nosition as Janitor, day work or nfih watchman; best of reference MilftsfJJ, A-1517. EX PkJi 1 ENCED mill hand and team- stei? is d-snerately In need of work; has a-bto worked in cleaning and press ingi twrUhment. A-89l. MANth tlirtio stiff fingers on rgb haiT desires work: h ramtiy; will carryf advertising banner, etc Main M I r.js5.E-AG ED man wants pofcltior as -3qok in camp, lb aiso expenencec gardmvl and will do teaming. Matt 111 4611. . - M A RS4ED man in desperate need oi wqek. Has reter-mces as teamster experncea tarmer. rnon . uj oi call 48 Vancouver ave. POSITION wanted by middle-aged mai liaiway with tools or win do any amc of wifjfk. Will work cheap. Perry. 6 E. 3d st. '- BRIO"XAYER and cement worker wh; car&do carpenter worn. ix. al, ii E. 3$a. -- MAMU.t 36. wants any kind of work UnwjM-stands minting. uooa ciu refertce. N-t, Journal. Bo trying to high school wishes posl tlesff after school hours, or will work for pm and board. M-313, Journal WASXETj Steady work on farm by a Udftinan, capable of doing any kind of wjrjk. R-453, JournaL to FSk a job elevator driving or dw rferences furnished. Y-'a CAKiySNTER. first class, wants work Dims?; job or contract. Phone Bell wootB'SS 4 1 . . - bTUlr-KNT wants work mornings ev-angs and Saturdays. W-.64 Joutt.1. PAIjaUN'G, tlutlng. paperhanging. $S4 lit-st. Main ZS62. Tanor 47-. YOUjEG man going lo business colleg WHIt work after school. Main .130 MANvrlth team and truck wants work ByjSjpn or day. E 414, Journal. TUATIONS FEMALE 1 EXPiaiENCED cook and i practical nurjte wishes position. Can give ref erencjM. Is also good laundreaa, Mais 717. j-1617. NEAs- middle aged lady, good houss keitvser, wants position keeping hou for 'ederly gentleman; must be neat W-8lj journal. EXHlfAlENCED woman wants post tide in private family, general house wo, or second help. Is good plait cook. :Maln 717. A-1517. REEtC'ABLE Swedish woman with bojf- 4 year old would like boOse keep&T or housework; good cook. MarUpfas. 412 Flint st. POSITION as housekeeper by widow wita; two gins, scnooi age; country prefirW can give refernces. Y-7?, Jourfai. CO"MKTENT and refined middle aged la&j; ideal res position as housekeeper In widower's home or small family ol aquitT. A-i rererences, woin. 9u. COMPETENT woman wants work car Ing.ifor children or invalid by day; wlli;tgke children to home. E. 6125. YOUpG lady desires to do housework whisre she will be able to .attend nighfrffltehool. Y-78, Journal. - ' LAD employed, desires to work for rodr! and board, west aide, refer ence6 jr'Y-76, Journal. . ' MlDtMlE aged woman wants day work! Hufnetiund sick and unable lo work; phopajKaat 4624. WAftED Housework a few hourt dall. by Swedish woman.- T-231, Jourait A GJD practical nurso wants a po- sitTvB or any sina; tase care or in--vallijBS'ibest reference; phone M. 2753. YOUJit experienced saleslady would ilk svork in a store or as cashier; will .gjve reference; phone Main 3763. WAND Situation as dresstnakar or searsstresn by day, or special rates by wei k. Tabor 2492. EXPF JRJ ENCED day worker wants work washing, ironing, cleaning. A 18f7. laln 717. EXPERIENCED waitress wishes po lUjji m restaurant, inoi airaia or work.1 rk.? s-i -267, Journal. ELDEi(IY "woman wants light house wOrfe 'ln small family. Will ronsld- er errll wages. Apply 988 E. Stark. EXPjUENCED cook wants position wbffl can go home at night. Main 717 WAN If,; work as cook or housekeeper. M 9203. PLAEH; sewing and fancy work. Rea- sonagje. 1137 k. Yamhill. FAM y sewing, mending .fancy iron lngfcare children, by hour. E. 6195. WANSBD Situation . as chambermaid ; firyg jjClasa experience. Tabor 2492. CinlMftEN cared for by tbs day, week or' nihth. Woodlawn 3238. NlCif'tibme for children. Tabor 47J8. By "Bud" Fisher ..3.,.V:-.'H::::'H;'&.: tJ' Vier'ey-: -:y--w - --- i . ii .