THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1914. KING GEORGE OF ENGLAND REVIEWING A COMPANY OF ARTKLLERYM A A' V 1 iifti 4 " a' in V ' V ' V x H4 HO i v v - , v. . 5t 'U t - I ",'u. ' ',2. '-4 - - ' (5x ' y a ir. "5 T T J . SIP "V Z6 j, is- ft , , . r y ! The honorable artillery company volnnteered for foreign service, and before leaving for the front, the king did its members the honor of reviewing them in person. Photograph, copyright 1914, by The International News Service. w it BRITISH SOLDIERS CHEERING KING GEORGE FOLLOWING A REVIEW!! , . i 11 II ''V - ; 1;'"" f AiaM'l,i-ia't' -...-.r. - .. ..- -r-Trtft-r - - - ,. , r-n i " Si .1 Vr if., 'Tuff q-ljf--f -T-- -T-i ii'fff.--niiw.ii W1 iit v " '4- i- ?g?"J' ' tr r- -jr.,-- ., - V i"iY-iy'i'y; - ''-ff fl'rt- gS"'"- - - " - - - - J- - : - .- S :? - 7 III ' ' Xh honorable artillery company, oi wMch Kin. Geocge i captain-general, cheering the ringai the coxiclusion of bis review of the men before their departure for the continent Photograph, copyright 1914, by The International News Service! .A t5