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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1914)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, .1914. 11 1 - THE DARK CELL AND DISAPPEAR MEIER & FRANK'S Back PageS This Paper for Additional News MEIER & . FUNICS E rthy6 ale Toilet Goods and Drugs State ; Parold ; Officer Snod s How ' Prison grass Tel the Leadership of .Reform Is-Being Effected, ) . . ' HONOR SYSTEM HELPFUL ic Underpricing & Frank Store 1 he L cvrnor Wit'i Ennui rrisoa Vol ley la x.1b With Mort Appror4 and A4ramcd IKrtaoda. 8 paddle FROM PRISON REGIM S '). By F. I "Wg ara workingr away from theag lear Idea that a prison's sole function in to punish the convict." said JFrank Brwdarass, the parole officer at the Ornicon state penitentiary. "Society is beginning- - to realize that vindictive punishment breeds smoldering hatred In, the mind of the convict, and that Injustice breeds revenge. "I have Just returned from a trip of Investigation Into the methods of oth eif penitentiaries, and. while there has been a healthful change of sentiment during the past few years, yet we have only begun. One of the things most needing reform Is In helping the pris oner to help himself. Many of our prisoners are young men In their '20s. In a large number of cases they would become useful citizens if they were taught a useful trade while In the pen itentiary. A much larger percentage of the prison population is illiterate than Is the case outside the prison walls. We should'see that the almost half million convicts yearly commit ted to the prisons of the United States receive some education, so as to make them better able to support them selves when their terms of Imprison tncnt are up. Then, too, a prison school will enable the convicts to make more use of our splendid prison 11- orary. ' "-Another thing that should be done Is .to segregate the young man who comes for the first time, from the con. firmed criminal, who can and does prove an apt teacher In crime. We are beginning to realize that men are not sent to prison to be punished, but are punished by being sent to prison. The loss of liberty, the humiliation and the stigma of conviction are in themselves the punishment. How Parole Board Operates. "One of the plans for the reform of the prisoner that Is proving success ful is the parole system. "Colonel B. K. Lawaon. J. It. Linn and J. F. Ixgan constitute the parole Doara. when an application for a pa role or a pardon Is received the parole board secures a report from the war den as to the conduct of the prisoner, and also a report from the prison doc tor as to his physical condition. They then secure from the sheriff and dis trict attorney and the Judge before whom the prisoner appeared a report and recommendation as to the case. After investigation, the prisoner- Is no tified as to the findings and decision of the parole board. If the parole Is granted, a writ of release is prepared, and the convict la released. They re- j port to roe, ' f- I ."The governor, upon the recommen dation of the parole board, or of his own volition, may revoke the parole and require the prisoner to be returned to the penitentiary. The rule qf the parole board that causes most of the parolled prisoners to break their pa role and be returned to the prison to serve out their sentence -Is Rule 10, which requires the paroled prisoner to abstain from tbe use of intoxicating liquor, and never to enter, a saloon during the period, on which he is on parole, or any other placs In which In toxicating liquor is sold. Only 3 per cent of tbe parole violators come back through the commission of some new crime. Most of them fall through be ing unable to stay away from drink. Here are my monthly reports. Take any one of them -at random, and you will get an Idea of how tbe law is working." i happened to plcK up the report ; ior June, 1914. It showed that a to tal of 51 J prisoners had been parolled since the passage of the law in 1911. Almost one third, or 157 paroled pris oners had violated their parole. The earnings of the paroled men for June bad amounted to $5484.29. The report snowed mat on July 1 there were: On parole beginning of month, 287; paroled (luring month, 9; total on parole at end of month, 296: violated during month. 1: returned for violating, 1; missing violators during month, 0; pardoned during month, 2. Not only do the paroled prisoners earn money, but the prisoners who , work while in the prison are paid 25 cents a day. Here is the record of the prisoners' earnings tor July, 1914: They earned on the asylum farm, 17.75; on the asylum rad gang. $9S; at the Mute school, $7.75; on the Marlon county road gang, $1G0.45; at the brickyard, $294; and at the State Industrial School for Girls, $242.60. "A-prisoner or his friends may make application for, a parole, but whether this Is don or not, if his behavior la good, at the expiration of his minimum sentence his case Is brought to the at tention of the parole board. r Prison Kef orn Is General. "Governor west's humane prison policy, including the honor system, has ) attracted attention, both adverse, as J well as favorable, all over the United States. Advocates of the old order de- . clare It will not "work, and prisoners should be given no pleasures nor lib erties. As against this view the' Iowa warden has .organized a prison band. which plays ln t fie dining room while the prisoners are at meals. The Ohio ; prison has abolished the dark cell, and , liberties are allowed to first termers . in- which 'repeaters' are not allowed to participate. In Illinois the convicts . have oeen allowed to subscribe for ... daily papers and magazines, and over 80 per cent of the prisoners take some publication. Dead silence is no longer enforced. ;Motion pictures 'are' rru. larly shown each week In the Montana : penitentiary, admittance being regulat ed by; the earning of good conduct .. marks. THe' federal prison In Leaven worth has four baseball teams, and the ; ; withdrawing from the convict of the : privilege of participation or attending ice .baseball, games is more effective i man tne Old ume dark cell or the nad. - die. In the 'penitentiary ' at' Kansas t courses 'Of Instruction 'are given by the , - - eiate . Agricultural college. For a fee or ti.w. uie convicts are gives splen ica -.correspondence .-courses in agricul- J , ture ... engineering; stock ' breeding. ',, j DiacKsrniuiinc.r carpentry, , mechanical -drawing, snop.mecnanics, gasoline en T . ' gines, ana m other branches. 4 "Outdoor labor on 'the road-' , . the. state owned farms is -everywhere i - suDDlantlns the obsolete - and vli-!nn. V r t contract system. ..Today contract labor! a ( is prohibited by Jaw In Oregon, Wash , Ington, South Carolina and Nebraska." I TOMORROW, begins six days of rapid selling in ear Toilet. Goods mud Drag De partments, and the deeply cut prices printed in this foil page advertisement convey the marked economy possibilities of this event. ' We are never undersold, and the completeness of our vast stocks is the occasion for the popularity of these Departments in the. Meier & Frank Store. Men and women both participate in this sale, and a careful perusal of each item will bring to mind the many toilet and drac needs for self and home. Check the hems yoxfll require we suggest as a convenience that yon clip this page as a shopping memorandum. The savings you'll enjoy in the aggregate will Justify supplying your needs EberaQy. Thousands will take advantage of these cut-price offerings. Twill. pay you to do ' so, too. Buy tomorrow! We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities, That All Bona Fide Purchasers May Be Supplied Aubry Sisters' Beautifier Hundreds of Portland women proclaim Aubry Sisters' Beautifier most delightful and productive of splendid results. It's absolutely invisible and harmless to the most delicate skin. DOES NOT RUB OFF! Applied with a moist sponge it takes the place of powder and leaves the skin clear and lovely. Used by both men and women of refinement. Priced 35 and 50. Aubry Sisters Beautifier Tint is a harWess preparation that gives a natural glow, to the skin and its use jr cannot be detected. Price, the bottle -&uC We Want You to Try Sempre Giovine (Pronounced 'Sempray-Jo-ve-nay' -Meaning 'Always Young) AS A SKIN CLEANSER AND v COMPLEXION BEAUTIFIER You will find its use delightful and beneficial. Sempre Giovine clears the complexion, brings color to the cheeks and freshens the skin. SEMPRE GIOVINE IS THE ONLY FACE CREAM IN CAKE FORM It is different in every way, convenient and economical, saves wasteful dipping of fingers into a jar. The applica tion is so simple and its use, so beneficial that you will be pleased with it. ' Come in and Secure a Cake Tomorrow -Price 28. Protect and Beautify Your Complexion With -OROSE It's a perfect massage and toilet cream absolutely bland and soothing, and will not injure .the most delicate skin. It is composed of the purest and finest ingredients money can buv. Has a oleasanr J odor, and is exceptionally good for chapped . hands and lips rough, dry or irritated sKin, sunDurn, Diacxneads, r as ties or eruptions. In valuable for scalds, cuts, burns and other wounds. Put up in con venient Aluminum Jars reduced from 50c to 39. Melorose Face Powder is the perfection of Toilet Dainties. Has a dainty, delightful odor, suggestive of fresh flowers, and is tinted to suit the various complexions. Price, the box, 39. Tonic and Flesh Builder These are the original "Willard' White's Vaucaire Galega Tablets" composed of the genuine imported Galega. They-are perfectly harmless and the most satisfactory flesh developer and -tonic that can be used. .There is but one key to "Beauty and that is ,'Health.' This involves a good appetite, with perfect digestion ability to sleep soundly, .and strong, well-controlled nervous system all these requisites are obtained by. the use of the famous Vaucaire Galega Tablets. Put up in Tablet form, they are very convenient to carry with you-i-and a chocolate coating insures the retention of strength. 63 Tablets to a box regularly ; at $1 special for this sale 2 Boxes 1.SO Box 79. RUBBER GOODS 125 "Rival''. Combination Hot Water Bottle and Syringe .$1.29 Hot Water Bottle white rubber; 1 quart size . . Seamless Fountain Syringe, red rubber $2.00 Spray Syringe .-. 50c Maroon Rubber Bulb Syringe 5c Seamless Nipples, 2 for '. Household Rubber Gloves; pair.. . . All Rubber. Sponges,....,. ..... .. .. 894 59 69 ..01.29. ... 39 ...5 ....25 ONE-FOURTH OFF ALL RUBBER GOODS GUARANTEED MISCELLANEOUS 35c Black Rubber Dressing, Combs, each... ... Whisk" Brooms large - assortment--each . ...... Shaving Mirrors with nickel stand, each...... Hand Mirrors, each.'.'. . . .......... Stand Mirrorvj-wim easel 'back; -each . V.1. .w. Chamois Skins,. large size, each............... Wpol Powder Pads, j each ; . . Nickel Soap Boxes, ; each . VSi . ............ ... . . Celluloid Tooth . Brush Holders, each....... ;23h ...29 i 98 ............ ...... ..29 ...:59 ......;..........V.:23 ......................6 ........,, 19 - Rouges and Cosmetics Bourjois Theatre Rouge....... 16 Bourjois' Theatre Rouge ........... 7 Veda Rose Rouge .....2S Vinaigre Rouge . 12 Raisin Stick Rouge. 12 Lux us Rouge. J ...... ...... ... 39 Eyebrow Pencils.. . .....7 Tablet Indienne .... 43 Face Powders La Blache Face Powder, box-. 35 Java Rice Face Powder, box ......39 Pozzoni Face Powder, box...... ...26 Woodbury's Face Powder... i.. ....... 16 Satin Skin Face Powder, box ...16 Madeline Face Powder, box 39 Egyptian Face Powder, box.. 39 Eutaska Rice Powder, box 19 Tetlow's Gossamer Face Powder, box. 16 T chow's Swansdown Face Powder, bx 12 Soaps 25c Box Jergen's Assorted Toilet Soap, 8 cakes in box , 21 10c Jergen's Benzoin-Almond Soap, cake 6 10c Jergen's Dutch Sandal Soap, cake.. 6 10c Jergen's Peroxide Bath Soap, cake.. 6 10c Jergen's Geranium Bath Soap, cake.. 6 California Medicated Soap, cake 5 Mermen's Skin Soap, cake 19 Battle Creek Sanitary Soap, cake .6 Herpicide Shampoo Soap, cake. 16 Hayfs Harfina Soap, cake..... 19 British Square Soap Lilac, Rose or Carnation, " cake -. .21 Rainier- Mineral Soap, cake .....7 Packers Tar Shampoo Soap, cake.. ...13 Pears' Glycerine Soap, cake..... ..,..13 Woodbury's Facial Soap, cake.. .. .13 Tooth Pastes, Powders 50c Dr. Graves Tooth Powder 21 Sanitol Tooth Powder 15 Rubifoam . 13 Pasteurine Tooth Paste..,,: 16 Sheffield's Tooth Paste 16 Dr. Lyou's Tooth Powder.. 13 Pebeco Tooth Paste .28 50c Sanitol Liquid Dentifrice 36 Williams' Tooth Paste and Tooth Brush Holder.. 19 lennen's Dental Cream 19 Berset Tooth Paste 16 Arnica Tooth .Soap 13 Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream 20 1 lb. Merck's Sodium Phosphate 18 25c Bottle Charcoal Tablets (100 tab lets) ....18 10c Tube Liquid Court Plaster. 5 100 Calomel and Soda Tablets, 1-10, J4 ,or 54 grain.. 18 Vegetal Laxative . Crackers, pekg. 10-50 Malt Nutrine, ' the tonic malt, dozen bottles $2.25; each 19 Sterilized Gauze, 5 yard length 28 25c Menthol Inhaler, excellent for cold in the head. 15 Doubly Sterilized Cotton pound 33 $1 Bottle Scotfs Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil ......-.....6 $1 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets ..69 $1' Bottle Bell's Pine Tar and Honey Cough Syrup . ...... 69 t $1. Bottle Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin.. 69 $1 Keroline Inhaler Outfit . :.69 25c Bottle Liquid Veneer Fura. Polish 17 Senafig. a laocarjre,.bottle-.......v35 25c Laxative Bronw Quinine. 2 boxes. .25 100 Phenolax Wafers, (Upjohn's orig inal) 29 Vmol a tonic, bottle...... 1.00 Shampoos Sanitol Shampoo ' .19 Packer's Tar Shampoo liquid. ........ 43 Palmolive Shampoo .......... ..... . ..43 Wanous Shampoo Bags........ .'...7 Florentine Orris Shampoo Powder..... 21e Swedish Hair Powder. . ....... M . .-43 Synol Soap . ,...18 Soap Leaves r ...MM.....12 Hair Tonics Herpicide, bottle 33 Parker's Hair Balsam, bottle... .......33 Danderine. bottle 16 Pinaud'8 Eau de Quinine, bottle 69 Sanitol Hair Tonic, bottle 15 Wyeth's Sage & Sulphur, bottle 33 Goldman's Hair Restorer, bottle 75 Parisian Sage, bottle 33 Williams' Brilliantine, bottle........ .21 Schefflter's Colo rin e. bottle 59 Talcums Jergen's Eutaska Talcum Powder, box 19 Jergen's Rose or Violet Talcum Pow- , der, 1 lb. tin 19 Armour's Talcum Powder, box lO Williams' Carnation or Violet Talcum, 2 boxes 25 Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum, 2 boxes 25 Babcock's Cho Cho San Talcum, box..lO Massatta Talcum, box 11 Samurai Corylopsis Talcum Pwdr, bx 19 Lehn & Fink's Talcum, box ;21 Richsecker's Attar Tropical Talcum, bx 15 . Princess Talcum, rose or violet, 2 bxs 25 Face Creams Daggett & RamsdelTs Cream, jar 36 Rams Theatrical Cream, 1 lb. jar 39 Woodbury's Facial Cream, tube 16 Malvina Cream, jar , . .. ......33 Pompeiaa Massage Cream, jar.. ...... 29 Holmes' Frostilla, bottle ..14 Milkweed Cream, jar .... .29 Hazeline Snow, jar . . ....... ........ ..21 Viola Face Cream, jar .....29; Espey Cream, bottle . ..-.....17 Williams' Cold Cream, jar..... 19 Sanitol Cold Cream, jar....... ..16 Sempre Giovine, cake. ...... 28 Richsecker's Cold Cream,, jar.. 39 Jergen's Benzoin Lotion, bottle ..19 Laboratory Products 1 Quart Dickinson's Double-Distilled - Witch Hazel...... SO 1 Quart Pure California Olive Oil 89 Gallon f 3.25 5 lb. package Epsom Salts......... .22 1 lb. Moth Balls 5 25c Bottle Pure Bay Rum. ..16 15c Bottle Household Ammonia...... lO 25c Bottle Glycerine and Rose Water.. 15 4 ounces Squibb s Aromatic Cascara Sagrada .22 Try -New -Life" Electric Vibrators,. guaranteed to grve satisfaction ....f 19.95 and 13.95 25c and 35c Tooth Brushes, with pure bristles, each 19 Tokalon Tooth Brushes, 10 assorted styles, bristles guaranteed not to come out, each ..35 15c and 25c Tooth Brushes, each lO $1 Bath Brushes, with detachable han- ' dies, each ...........T9 $1.50 Bath Brushes, with detachable handles, each ............. ...... ....98 25c35c Hand and Nail Brushes, each.. 17 15c Hand and Nail Brushes, each..M.M10 LS0 and $2 MiUtazy Brashes, pure, . bristles, pair. .......... i .9 50c Ebooy and Sarin Wood bade Hair Brashes, each-....,. .......39 $LS0-$2 Hair Brushes, assorted styles and backs, each. .994 25e Wire Qoth Brushes, each.. 19 50c 7-ra. and 8-in. Ball Bearing Scissors, pair . ; ....37 50c Manicure Scissors, pair.... ........ 37 $1 J. A. Henckel's Twin Brand Scis sors, pair ...69 75c 3 and 4 b laded Knives, assorted patterns, each 29 Bath Powders Bathasweet, 2 boxes.. ..25 English Bath Salts, bottle... i... 36 Hebe Bath Powder, box 19 "Violet" Bath Powder, bottle. 25 Luxor Bath Powder, box.. ...39 I Mail Orders Filled At These Sale Prices. . ... , v toy TVOsJ 3bcUtTMrbrrtooivaaer Sta.r r U . . I.1JTJ1T - On oaiiM of PERFUME to very woman imaklnr a. pur P rTlll amouBtlns to JL00 or mors, In our Totiet Goods Soc w" tion. dmins this Pros' Bala. . , ; ; - . I .. -I 't . PD LL K ,0e Tooth Brush with every boil to f HIKER'S r l VjVj TOOTH POWDER, at lKdurtiDs- thl Diag and Toilet Good Sal. . " TTD 17T A Faoo CStamols with erry of FACE P JJJjm1j owrKR purchased hero .durinc this Drjis and Toilet Goods Sala. . i" j . ; ; PD 171 Iiatler Strap Kail Buffer with rrery purchase of P lA.llll NAIL. PREPARATION amounting to 25; or more dur x Ins this Drug and TolUt Goods Sale. "f j i. . :, j : i n . 17017TT A 2So Vardtr Mirror with vry " box ! at LA GRACE PJAXLPi PACK POWDER, at 59. purchased durlnr thU Drus and Toilet Goods Sale. . . $.' u 1 r H-i : 1 TTT A trial lxe cafce of Trontlnl Soap wltri rery purchase P P yf of 25 box TRENTIN1 TAIXTUM -during this Drug and Tcrfjftt CsooSji S ft lift L - - L L,'! ArtAd Tootb-Braah Rack with every box of Riker's p P,P, TOOTH-POWDER or PAJBTK. at 15. purchased during -f Creme Elcaya "Makes the Skin Like VeWet" Crane Elcaya a faTorite on the Arnerican .Woman's toilet table is de Iigfatfnl. to trse exquisite in fragrance individual in character and un eqttaled for preserving and beautifying the complexion. It is always snitable and sedceable at any time or place-7-and is an ideal "Dressing fCream" for the effective use of "powder ; s A boos to those motoring or traveling, rifnoving the rdust better than soap and water, leaving the skin in better condition more hygienic, and always ready, ! Nature's Best Beauty AidPrice, Jarf 39 THOUSANDS OF WOMEN USE Pompeian Massagf Cream and all are loyal in, their pfaiises. Pompeian Massage Cream offers the easiest wayio.f acquiring the tnoch desired skin perfection.. It 'cleanses, refreshes. Improves and invigorates the skin; exercises the mus tles of the face and thus creates a;: fine skin health. If osed faithfully for a short time, .tie result will be marvelous. j; J ; The almost total absence of oils in Pompeian rdakes it an ideal Cream to use before appearing in public, for it dpi? not make the skin shins like many Creams do. Don't envy a Good Complexion 1 1 Use Pompeian, and have one . Men and women alike will benefit from its use. Uijially 50c, 75c, $1. Special for our October Drag & Toilet Goods Sale, Jtf 29-49-69 !i t : A Perfect Milk Food IS "BORDEN'S MALTED MILK" prepared by the most improved process whereby all the imtiitivc elements of the richest cow's milk and strengthening . cer eals are sqcrtrifiralrj; combined. ' Not only to invalids, infants and 'mothers, b :. Borden's Malted Milk nourishing and sirengtheninff---btrt those desiring a whole- mm MI7K KAiNOLPUyJ some and rrfrrBhing drinkeither ' hot ct SSll cold- win find it a splendid snbstitnte for coffee and tea and fta mrtritive varoe is unequaled. Whefe preferred, it may be flavored by adding chocolate, or anypnre flavoring extract. . 'J7 Travelers, athletes and sportsmen find Bjbrden's Malted. Milk invigorating and sustaining and if. taken before re tiring, it will induce sound, refreshing sleep! Priced at, the jar, 39, 79, 2.98 If h Just Received f Complete Assortment of J. A.i Henckel's tTwin Brand" Scissors Former Prices in Force I Phones , Marshall 4600 rV610l Deodorants Manicure Specialties Mum, ;box ....... . 15c Eversweet, box ...... 15c Amolin; box ..... ... .15c Spiro, box .... . . . . . .15c Odorshun box 10c Imperial Naitjyolish . . 12 ' Rosaline :. . . i . . . . . . . , ; . 10 lAstrite Nailiaamel.. ...... .10 Zobright Nail Enamel '.16 Genuine Orange Sticks. ..... ..Tf ; Emery Board, i i.5 - Flexible Nail :Files and 'Rub- ' . ber Tipped Sticks, each.. M,; 10-