?Bf! EIGHT PACES VSWS'AKD GOSSIP FOB THE AUTOMOBIUST SECTION FOUR NEWS OF THE THEATRES MOTIOX PICTURES PORTLAND, OREGON, MORNING, OCTOBER n, 1914. S. BENSON IS A FINE T PAID RIBUTE CHARACTER SKETCH Wealthy and Philanthropic Citizen Has Never Been "On Carpet," ! ADVANCEMENT IS RAPID Wo Gumabo AfTMms&ts Xid at Door ot Man Wio Eu Klpd l&aX OTgoii History. i; Inaugurating "Sewing Week" to Be an Annual Lipman, Wolfe & Qi. Event The intensified efficiency of the Lipman, Wolfe & Co. organization assures the best possible merchandise at the fairest prices and service tfcat is always de pendable. In this great Sewing Week Sale the public will be given the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the power of this great, growing jtore. At the very 'height of the season with merchandise in greatest demandMerchandise of Merit Only this store announces its first Annual Sewing Week Sale in materials and accessories necessary for the making of wearing apparel. Dress goods, silks, cotton materials, millinery, notions, ribbons, laces and dress trimmings and incidentally offering such marked economies that we believe next week will surpass in volume any previous sale announced by this store, 1 j ' "He has never been called on the comet by the Interior department for gumshoe agreements and Questionable contracts with en try men. bis timber deals betas; simply cash purchases from bona-fide owners." is the tribute paid 8. Benson, tlmbennan, in an in teresting sketch of the Portland good roads advocate and philanthropist con tained In the, October Sunset. O. H. fearnhlll Is the author. Of Mr. Ben son the author writes: One daT a counls of laborers walk- Ink through the woods of western Ore gon met another lumberjack going in the opposite direction. When asked where he was going the latter replied "Benson's camp." & fNo use going there," warned one of: the first-named workmen. Ws haT just been there and they won't take on -any more men. Better beat It back to town, pardner." his way. He had never had any trou ble in getting a Job since he began working for bis board and clothes at irut age or iz. inac was in norwajr, lust So years aeo. Four years later he came to America, where he was so tmccemtttul in finding work and in cav ing and investing the proceeds thereof that when the above conversation oc curred he not only owned the camp to which he was going but also sev eral million dollars' worth or the but rooAdlnr timber. How did it happen that two of these log-punchers were out of a Job and the other a millionaire? It didn't ex actly happen, so far as the latter was concerned. It was the result of many years of the hardest kind of work, di rected by keen foresight and good judgment. Worked Kong and Bard, T never took anythlnK for granted.' said Mr. Benson, "but thoroughly and carefully Investigated every nrooosi- tlon before deciding upon a course of action, then went ahead and stuck to It, regardless of what others said. I ' generally got on the Job a little ahead of the other fellows and stayed a little longer than the rest," Simon Benson's wealth Is tainted with nothing worse than perspiration generated by pulling a cross-cut saw, skinning 'a yoke of oxen or rolling logs with a cant-hook. He has never been called , on the carpet by the in terior wtm"" BM"trtiJy-r,"-ments and questionable contracts with dummy entrymen, his timber deals being simply cash purchases from bona-fide owners. Like most of Amer ica's self-made men, he is a graduate of the University of Hard Knocks. having taken a seven-years' course in the woods of Wisconsin. At the age ot 18 he started a store at Lynivllle and married Miss Rather Searle. Los ing nearly everything by fire,' the young couple came west and the hus band took a post-graduate course in logging on the lower Columbia river. A few years later, for the benefit tf the wife's health, they moved to Col fax, Washington, where Benson aga!n lost all his property and also his dear ly beloved wife. Makes Bapld Blse. With nothing to. show for nearly 20 years of hard work, the plucky Scandinavian returned to Oregon with his three little children and started a small logging camp on the Colum bia, opposite Kalama, In lour years i " oumt was paia lor una .3000 saved. Transferring his operations to the other side of the river, a large camp was managed so successfully tiiat at the end of five yens a his cap ital block amounted to tu,uou. xne daily output was increased to 800,000 feet and about $3,000,000 earned in the next dozen years. All surplus capital was invested in timber land until over 70. miles of this sort of real estate had been acquired. There was enough saw-timber on the s-tract to mane 2,000,000,000 feet of lumber . 6000 tralnloads. A 9500.000' logging plant and railroad waa built in tnt timber and at Ban Diego a $400,000 sawmiu was constructed. People rid iculed the idea of building a sawmill 1000 miles from timber, but th Ven tura proved very successful. The cost oi logging was reduced $1.50 per thousand by substituting donkev engines for oxen, and by using ocean rafts the logs were transported to southern California $2.60 per thou sand cheaper than the railroad could haul them. This meant a saving of $10,000,000 in marketing the amount of timber on Mr. Benson's own land, due to bis constructive improvements -in me lumoer industry. . Sails for 35.000.000. The Iron constitution of the veteran maicerman at last gave : way under the strain of working all day with his men la the woods and part of - the night getting things ready for the next day's output, which be did for nearly a quarter of a century. In 1910 he soia ui nis Holdings for about $6,000 ooo tand has since devoted most of his time to regaining bis lost health, in which pursuit he has been quite successful. Although enjoying a princely Income Mr. Benson still lives simply and naturally and has never gotten out of touch with 6r sympathy for the common people.' being always on the lookout for a chance to cU something in their behalf. Believing that the salonn is th workingyian's greatest enemy, he has pledged $00.30$ more, if necessary i;wB?cure Passage of a bill pro hibiting the manufacture and sale of spirituous liquors, which was intro- uui-ea in congress ay Senator Works i iub xormers suggestion. Oood Koads Booster. ' Mr. Beugon is much interested in the good roads movement and contrib uted $10,000 to help build the Colum bia river highway. H end beautified Gordon Falls for the J.rce .KBO ana enjoyment of the pub lic. The Benson hotel, which he built in Portland at a cost of $1,260,000 and which is one of the finest hostelries in the northwest la hlu aumm,-. v,.. ,but the winters are spent in southern My adVlce to those who wish to prosper in life. ' savs Mr Rinmn to work hard and not object to 'long hours. Always do your work a little oetter man tne other fellow. Never .uui-n arm or speua your time aroun-i saloons. Be truthful, honest In all your dealings and prompt in keeping appointments. This will insure 'your uv.cas wiu uoia ini respect ana con fidence of your flnw-mn The following Incident wli tilna. trates OAS Sid Of Benann'a rhorart.. One hot summer day he noticed on the mki uuur woman witn several small children, vainlv looking fnr place to ret a drink of water. A score vi veautitui arinKing rountalns, eacn costing $500, now adorn the principal corners of the Hose City, the gift of Silk Service Hosiery for Fastidious Women $1.00 In Black and SO Fash ionable Colors 1st Fir. Agents for Innovation Wardrobe Trunks. t Trunk Section, Basement Annual "Sewing Week" Sale of Silks OTionberful eMfei -Both foreign and American. Silks that represent the finest art in weaving; silks that have inspired the present styles and have been , factors in molding the present fashions 50,000 yards of dress silks are involved in this sale. Crepe de Chine, taf feta, .chiffon, satins, imported velvets; black, white, printed, striped and embroid ered silks. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 79c 26-inch mess aline, in black, white and 30 different colors. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 89c Mescaline in 35-inch width, in black, white and all colors. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, $133 35-inch gar in etole, a pretty satin for dresses and waists. In black, white and a great variety of colors. 40-inch crepe de chine in evening shades, also in desirable weight for underwear. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, $1J59 38-inch chiffon taffeta, in a full color line for evening and afternoon wear. SEWING WEEK SALE, PRICE, $179 Crepe de chine, 40 inches wide, extra weight, fine fin- lsQ, in DiacK, wmie ana colors, w-incn canron crepe, m many beautiful colors and shades: v -.: a---vr SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, $1.98 . Safin Francois, in 36-inch width, a beautiful soft satin, very suitable for new basque dresses. Great variety of colors. J SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, $2.19 36-inch chiffon taffeta, in new flowered and striped ef fects, in pretty color combinations, including Roman stripes. 40-inch voil ninon, a thin, soft fabric with satin stripe in pretty plaid effect. 40-inch pussy willow taffeta, in ivory, wistaria, navy, ' peacock, golden brown and black. 40-inch crepe meteor, a soft satin finished crepe in black, ivory and many colors. 40-inch satin charmeuse, in 25 colors, in cluding black. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, $3.15 43-inch brocaded crepe de chine, charmeuse and crepe meteor, in a beautiful line of colors. Satin faille, 42 inch, a new silk, beautiful soft finish, heavy enough for tailored effects. Beautiful colors. 44-inch silk poplin, very serviceable and good-looking, in black and colors. Beoffnd Tloor Annual "Sewing Week" Sale of L aces and Exquisite Trimmings To tell the story fully would be impossible, even though we had the whole page to do it in. Trimmings and laces, after a long period of inactivity, have come into their own again,' for fashion has said that evening gowns shall sparkle with spangle and jet, that party gowns shall be draped with laces as filmy as cobwebs. Not in our entire career as merchants have we shown such an exclusive collection. Opalescent spangles and sequins, some dull, some glittering, fashioned in beautiful designs, sometimes combined with pearls. Net flbuncings embroidered in gold and silver thread, silver and gold nets and bands. Net top laces with craquele mesh, Breton net, filet net or Brussels net, often these backgrounds are cream or ecru and embroidered in tinsel and colors. -Jet trimmings, in immense variety. Sale price, $1.10, $1.59, $3 JS. New Oriental laces, 18 to 27 inches, $1.10, $1.35 to $9.95. Flowered Chiffons, in greatest variety, special, $1.98 to $15.00. L ' Opalescent flouncing, beautiful designs, $2.69, $3.15 to $5.85. .. Opalescent all-overs, ingreat variety, $3.15 to $8.05. Beaded all-overs, a large assortment, $5.39 to $1135. Novelty lace flouncing, 18 to 27 inches, $2.69 to $539. Oriental flotmcings, 27 inches wide, $133, $1.59, $1.79. Jet banding, m great variety, 1 to 5 inches, $1.10 to $3.15. Black spangled flouncing, varied assortment, $3Jf8 to $5.58. ' ' - Colored Embroidered edges, 4 inches wide, 29c. Colored Embroidery flouncing, 18 inches wide, 68c Black spangle all-overs, priced from $3S8 to $539, Tiimmmg Beetion, flrs floor cT4ci cTa Merit Oilhf Annual "Sewing Week" Sale of Dress Goods The Latest Autumn Styles Dress and Suit Fabrics Tremendous interest will be manifested in this sale. Piled high on counters, on tables and(.on shelves will be found the cream of the dress goods world. The most impressive exhibi tion yet made in this city. Foreign materials that are new, different and beautiful in texture and colorings. American dress fabrics that are very beautiful, too. : Unquestionably the most pretentious sale launched by this store. Remarkable in the face of the facts that many of the fabrics offered are no longer being made. Broad cloths, serges, gabardine, Ottoman cords, cheviots, Bara thea suitings, cloakings, b en g aline Roman stripes, plaids,' pin stripes and checks, French serges, poplins and other fabrics await your selection. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 44c 36-hxch black and white checks, albatross and veffiags. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 68c 44-inch serges, extra heavy grades in fall line of colors and black. 44-inch black and white checks. 42-inch Scotch plaids in all the clan patterns. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 79c 46 -inch all-wool serges in navy, brown, Copen, gray, wine, Russian green and black. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 89c 46-inch Melrose suiting in a complete line of shades. 50-inch storm serges, all colors. 50-inch black and white checks. 44 inch poplins, in blues, Copen, gray and green. 44-inch Roman stripes, good assortment of colorings, tf-44-inch Henrietta, cream, Copen, cardinal, brown, wine, mahogany and' black. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, $1J0 " 54-mch black and white checks. 54-inch French serges, In midnight blue, Copen, green, gray, brown and black. 48-inch cream French serge. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, $133 50-inch poplins, complete color line, navy, Copen, . nigger brown, taupe, wine, green, black, etc 52-inch Melrose suit ings, all plain colors, for one-piece dresses. 54-inch cheviots, in j browns, navy, Copen, nigger brown' and black. 54-inch serge, in the French weave, extra heavy weight, all colors. 44 inch silk and wool poplins, complete color line, over 50 shades to select from. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, $1.59 54-inch Barathea suitings, plain colors, for two-piece suits and separate skirts.' 54-inch cream serge. 54-inch black and white checks. 52-inch black and white and navy and white stripes. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, $1J79 56-inch novelty suitings, in plain colors, such as wine, nig ger brown, Russian green, taupe, navy and black, sponged and shrunk. 54-inch midnight blue French serge. 54-inch Bel lamaconna coatings, 54-inch black cheviots. 54-inch plaids, wonderful assortment. 54-inch diagonal Bedford cords, 'in black, navy, brown and green. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, $138 54-inch black and white block checks. 54-inch cream yacht ing serge. 50-inch wool charmeuse, fine color lrn, black, navy, taupe, Copen, nigger brown, wine, Russian green and gray. CTOOT Annual "Sewing Week" Sale of Wash Fabrics For Dresses and Waists SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 25c Printed voile, in white and colored grounds, daintily figured. , SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 15c imported English crepe, white grounds with colored stripes and checks, also plain colors. SEWING h WEEK SALE PRICE, S9c Eponge, of silk and cotton, 36 inches wide, in pretty colors. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 75c SUM striped flannel, silk and wool, white and mixed colored grounds with silk stripes, in colors. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 15c Textile cloth, in Fall and Winter weight, in dark colors. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 25c Striped white voUe, 38-inch, soft and pliable, with hairline stripes. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 35c White cotton crepe de chine, 36-inch, exact imitation of silk fabric. v ' SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 35c Novelty white crepe, 36-inch, butonne stripes and SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 50c White crepe voile, 42-inch, combination of two weaves. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 60c White seed voile, evenly woven, sheer, in an intricate seed weave. ,J SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 25c White ratine, nub and plain weaves, 36 and 28 ins. wide. : Basement Fleisher Yarns Demon strated by Miss Schaefer. Free Knitting and Crochet ing Lessons Every Day. Fifth Floor The Hoover Suction f Sweeper Cleans everything about the house J'ow being demon strated by Mr. Martin, direct from ttW'iHoover factory. . Annual "Sewing Week" Sale of ' Hat Tr imminefs The Newest Novelties for Untrimmed Hats If you would see the very newest novelty in millinery trimming the collection displayed in our millinery trimming section will more than satisfy you. An importation of novelties added to our already great stock makes this sale doubly important to the home milliner. However, if any customer desires, 'we will trim her hat free of . 1 . - 1 i 1 1 cuarge a tne trimmings ana snape are purcnascu m me ewixb SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 50c Single quills finished on base with flat button effects. Small light jet bows m black and white effects. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, 95c e velvet pansy effect of flowers, in cluster of two, back to back, in black, white and colors. Uncurled ostrich feather stick-ups, high stand effects in plain and combination of colors, very effective tnmrrrmg, SEWING WEEK SALE, 75c Small feather wings, hand-sewed, very much in use for iHrnminar tailored hats. In black and white. SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, $1J79 Ostrich feather, sunflower effect of pom pons, the very newest Mea, hi brack, white, pink and blue. Makes a very striking and pretty tnmnimg. . SEWING WEEK SALE PRICE, $2.45 Very stylish and correct trimming for velvet hats, high standing burnt ostrich feathers, good, broad effects and choice . quality, in black and white. ':;'Jo..liir--Not Shown Before $4.00 Untrimmed Hats $2.95 Very smart small aQ-ailk Lyon velvet shapes, copies of Preach models in close-fitting style with tnmed-op brims m high side and trioorne effects, in black only. $5.00 New Model Sailors $3.95 Velvet sailors in straight and side flare, made of excellent quality of Lyon velvet with French edges. Every hat a very smart model. In black only. Second Floor. Annual "Sewing Week' Sale -of Ribbons For Dress Trimming For Millinery Trimming Every news from France speaks of ribbons. Every new model of French creation is adorned with ribbons. The basque, the Redin gote, the military style, all call for ribbons. For collars and cuffs, for vestees, for girdles, for belts, for drapes, ribbons are used more and more. These ribbons on sale were bought before trade conditions had fully developed. Therefore we are able to show a larger and more varied stock than otherwise. Exquisite Roman stripes and plaid ribbons, jacquards, broche, tapestry, metal, gold and silver ribbons, Dres den and print warp ribbons, velvet, satin, moire and faille ribbons all in wonderful assortment. Roman stripe ribbons, special, 31c, 59c, 77c to $2.82 a yd. If lata, ribbons, 44c, 09c, 89c to $2.48 a yard. Broche ribbons, 89c, $1.12 to $2.02 a yard. Moire and faille, 7 inches wide, 77c a yard. taffeta and metre, 5 inches wide, 24c a yard. ana jacquara ribbon m great variety, 29c First Floor. Sewing Week Demonstration CORSETS Wit UfaU iHoMs When you choose your corset there are several things, that you must keep in mind. That it is comfortable, fits you properly and looks well. The expert personal service and individual attention given by our expert corset fitters has proven what we have always boasted of the best corps of corsetieres in the city to demonstrate the best corsets made in the world. Tomorrow we inaugurate a week of demonstration, Come see the new models. Fittings free on corsets from $2.00 up. j Miss Thomas will demonstrate Nemo and Smart Set. Miss McKittrick win demonstrate front laced Modarts. Miss Collins will demonstrate C B. and Etoile de France. Mrs. Lilienthal will demonstrate W. B. and La Vixia. Consider this a personal invitation to visit our corset parlors this week. Not a day passes but we convince women that they have been improperly fitted and wearing corsets unsuited to their figure and comfort. ARE YOU PROPERLY CORSETED? "Sewing Week" Sale N Hi' ohons it 10c Heminway silk thread, dozen 85c 100-yard? ;spool finest silk thread, made all f qolora, for machine or hand sewliptg. 5c Dress F.isteners 3c 10c silk-covered Collar Stays 5c Girdle Foundations, each ....10c 10c Macey fHooks and Eyes. .....8c O. N.'T. Snbol Cotton, dozen... . 51c 5c pkg. Crowley Needles 3c 15c bundle iTape. 10c 10c bundle I Tape... 5c 10c Insides Belting, V to 2r-in...5c 35c Dress Shields ..25c 15c Silko Sjjdrt Braid ...t2e 12c Angora! Skirt Braid ....9c 5c Finger' shields .....3c 15c Tape Measures .8c 35c Sterling Skirt Markers..MV.M23c 25c Grand Skirt Gauges.... ...lSe 10c Wilson.Dress Hooks, dozen.... 7c 20c Standarji Snap Tape, yard 10c 10c Doric fPooks and Eyes, card.. 7c 15c Buttonhole Tape, yard... 10c 10c Warren's Weight Tape, yard..8e 5c Collar Vire, 6 yards .....4c 35c lb. boklPuritan Pins, box 28c Sihrer-Cas Thimbles ....5c 5c Aluminum Thimbles ....3c 15c Hook and Eye Tape, yard 12c 5c Beeswax .....3c Cable Cor all sizes, yard lc 75c Dressmakers Scissors, pair... 39c AH size4 to 7-inch, forged steel. 50c Sewing Birds... 28c lOcTiewingj Emeries, large size 5c 'flf; FREE Packard I-! of Crowley's needles and 10c e$rd of Wilson's dress fas teners to cur first 500 notion bor ers Monday morning. Mam FL 11 First Floor. Oini jPage Three Imis Section wfll be found an " pLmportant Announcement 'CCil'niHwy NewjSuits Mew Coate , New Waists j m ( Sewmg Week" ale Bust 6rid DressForms The largest assortment ot fonisi fat Ptland--jpon but the latest. $2JH UUST FORMS, $1 A3 fflrcs frcm 32 to 44 inches, fhvla at long-b effect, covered with black Jersey cloth. Same forma on an md jostahto s&ad, mnyletr. $2JS. . AdpatahU Stand Form pLSD Dress jtm, with collapsible skirt and adjnHjable stand, made of papier niacbe, e&fcred with black doth, Hghs and durable. Adh le Forms on Stand : Four Sections $5J00, COMPLETE . The nek, bust, waist and hips of these forrss can be adjusted to size desired, t fade of papier marhar cov ered with Iack Jersey cloth. MODEL DRESS FORMS ' - Automatically adjusted to any de sired sizea No annoyance with screw, ing and Oijscrewing onta. Simply pnfl out to th desired size the automatic lock does? the rest. Neck, -jjwsist, shoulder, hip adjust ments in , 8, 12 and 16 sectiono. $10J0O 0ress Forms $ 8J50 $15.00 press Forms $120 $17J50 press Forms $15jOO $2XJ00 Wrest Forms S17J50 eo. PNEtPtFORM, $15.00 EACH This isihe form that is inflated with air. Casj be made any size. Pot the waist lining on the form and inflate. This forrs conforms to every figure, no matter! if slender, medinrn or stout. One can I be fitted as easily "'as the other. .S! h Basement, mi wiuutriuaui emeritus. t. 1 -1