H - I.jswwe'ls . : , ej L5 V. 1' I". THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1914. A U f OAiQlULta-ACCE8SOlKS 44 """""ORWION " MOTOR CAB COM i PANY USED CAB DE PARTMENT. WE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. OPEN SUNDAY. FTUDKBAKEB "2S" touring oar, 3 913 model, in excellent condi tion $575.00 STUDEBAKER "20" touring car. .Just overhauled ' and re fainted .. $46.1.00 'CADILLAC tourlnK tar, In f condition ..: $400.00 CHALMERS "30," 1911 model, 5 passenger touring car. overhauled and repainted $525.00 STUDEBAKER "Six," 7 passen ger, like new $96000 PARR1T live passenger touring car. la good running order. . .$250.00 Oregon Motor Car Co, , BTUDEBAKKR BLDG., Corner Chapman nnd Alder Sts. Phones MaUw 9402. A-7656. ELECTRIC AND 8 ELK START1NO AUTOMOBILES. , NEW AND USED. LEARN TO DRIVE FREE. Motor to San Francisco. 1915. Call and sea anv of the following cars, all jmnrantbed: ,. 1'rl.en iSoo unwards: terms to suit. U 1 MAXWELL roadster. WARREN roadster, i 1 AMERICAN roadster, j ' 1 MOLINE 6-paasenger. ' 2 BL'ICK &-paseiiger. !;" 1 REGAL 5-passeriger. ( "! mtfCV 1F.fHI-lh trucks.-. X PIERCE ARROW 7-passenger Inge car. V sell the best cars for the money, Pew or used. Howard Auto Co. BU1CK DISTRIBUTERS. 1 4th and Davis hU. ' . "'IN t,. rr,:.tt. r nf the eHtate Of Olar rnce Harrison, bankrupt i wui re- celv sealed bids for two 7-pas- enger Peerless automobiles, 1911 and ...101 2 mrwiolii im in 5 n. m. Thursday, tlctotier lo. ln. terms chmii, -rtmri chpfk for 10 tier, cent of "amount offered must accompany each " bid. Cars can be inspected at garage SS 1A.W u fir TrilHtfifi reserves the right to rejert any or all .WIm Slule, murin kii Dict't to connrma- tlon of court. R. I). Campbell, trustee in bankruptcy. 909-14 itourd of Trade niflg.. i'ortiani, r. JURK'l.lTijR P.ARARE. ?2042 East Stark St. Phone Tabor 652 ' I I K jUUIIIIO l U II .V ,'"V.'D I v- .delivery body. l nm car is a ju-n. j unH u n rPHT end. ' One' Reo truck, new engine, new tires, mechanically good. $350. One Klanuers ao. new noay, new .narrtr. lust overhauled new tires One Jackson car, five-passenger 'will trade. WANTED AUTOMOBILE. ' Have 8 acreage tracts, one 5 and A Sne 7 acres, under cultivation; one or ALnth In. evrhanirn. Columbia Realty , Investment Ci.. formerly Columbia Trust-Co., 617 Board of Trade Dins. ACME AUTO CO.. 531 ALDER. tTSRIl AUTOS. kl 1912 AMERICAN roadster $450 l ion? MAXWKI.I, roadster. 2 cylinder $150 Si 1911 MAXWELL, light delivery $35 lAnd others. These cars in A-lshag APTOMOB1L.ES-ACCESSOKIES 44 C Continued) USE M BARGAINS'. WHITE 40 5 pass., 1912 model. new tlrea, repainted, tnorougn ly overhauled. Will sell for less than 1-3 original cost. MAXWEIX 1910. 30 H. P., 5 I pass.. Just overhauled, car ; speaks for itself, at price we ask. STODDARD DAYTON 1912, 7 pass., 60 H. P, fully equipped, newly painted. Ideal rent or stage car. ' THOMAS 6 cyL, 72 H. P.. fully equipped. cost- ?6auu new. make you a price on this car that will surprise you. OVERLAND "30" 5 pass. Just repainted and overhauled, ruiiy equipped. A fine bargain. W1NTON LIMOUSINE 1913 Ber lin body, elegantly upholstered, self starter, electric lights, fully equipped, guamnteed. Has run but 700 miles. Will sell for little more than half price. Investigate before this bargain is snapped up. WIN TON SIXES All models thor oughly rebuilt and guaran teed, fully equipped, including new tires In 4, 5 and 7 pass, bodies. Let us demonstrate that these cars are bargains at the prices we ask for them. If yon are in the market for real bargains in any kind of an automo bile, we will De pleased to nave you come in and get acquainted with us, and let us Drove to you that every car listed here is the best bargain at the price orrered in Portland. , All cars on very reasonable terms. Open Sundays. Open evenings. THE WI36TO0S MOTOR GAR AUTOMOBILKS-ACTO3SSORIES 44 (Continued) SOLD FACTORY BRANCH. 23d and Washington sts, Portland, Or. USED CARS GUARANTEED. ON 1'iA X TKK41S, . FORD. . New 115, & pass., nicKei plated ora. Run only 300 miles. Traded in on 1915 Overland. - $200 cash and $50 per month.... $530 OVERLAND; Touring car, Tore-door, electric neafl, side and tail lamps; fully equipped and 4n Arl condi tion . ........ $550 OVERLAND: One of the -late 19 13 o pass. cars, newly painted; in perfect shape, electric side and tail lights; presto tank, top and top cover, speedometer, horn ana good tires; a beautiful car $650 DELIVERY : Overland panel top, 1000 lbs. de livery. iRepainted and guaran teed in ; perfect condition. A snap for you, Mr. -Merchant, if you want a dependable deliv ery; easy terms $700 8TTJDEBAKER: 4 pass, touring, in good shape; tires almost new"; completely equip ped and ready to go $4o0 MAXWELL SPECIAL: 1912, 5 pass., 36 horse power. Good condition: electric side and tail lamps; electric horn, speed ometer, bumper, shock absorb ers; number plate holders, top with cover, 1 extra tube, ftires in fine haje $100 ; J. W. LEAWFT & GO. 527 Washington St. OPEN SUNDAY MORNING. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 (Continued) FOR SALE 25 foot launch, electric lighted, complete equipment; price reasonable. Call or address chief en gineer National Cold Storage & Ice Co., E. Washington and EL Water sts., be tween 4 and 6 p. m. HOUSEBOAT, 5 rooms furnished, $350 cash; $375 terms; (worth $750); very desirably located. Electricity, phones. Bull Run, free fuel. A-83 5, Journal. . RNliSHED eheap. ) houseboat for Phone Sellwood 873. sale. FOB SAIBr anSCElAANEOCS 19 (Continued) Sewing, Macrjine! Sale IP DESIRED. ..........$14.00 5.00 12.00 27.00 12.00 11.50 MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS 34 TEACHER of music is compelled to sacrifice finest selected $525 piano ever owned in Portland. Will accept balance due us on it and $78 accum ulated studio rent; making a total to be paid, of $217.40. Anyone wanting a very fine upright piano, good as new. should call . quickly. ' Will take $37.40 cash, balance $6 per month. Ask for Mr. Palmer,- Supt. Eilers bldg., Broadway at Alder. SMIM, FINE Edison Triumph phonograph; plays 2 and 4 minute records; and cabinet and 30 first class records; cost $103. Price $37.50; $10 down, $2.50 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder st. (Exchange Dept.) EASY PAYMENTS Drop Head Singer Box Top Singer Drop Head New Home. ....... Drop Head Wilcox & Gibbs.. Box Top WSlcox & Gibbs.'. ... Drop Head Davis , . - Drop Head - Domestic. ... . . . . Drop Head . Melville .......... Drop Head -White. .......... . Drop Head Wheeler & Wilson Drop Head New-., Home. ... .... Drop Head Singer Box Top New Home.......... Box Top Singer Drop Head Singer Drop. Head Minnesota........ Standard Tailor Machine. . . . . Singer Tailor Machine....;... These machines complete with all attachments. Guaranteed five years. Free delivery. 382 Morrison Street Phones Mar. 721. A-6110. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 (Continued) PLTTMBING SUPPLIES, PIPE, CARLOAD OF BATHTUBS, SLIGHT LY DAMAGED. AT $6 TO $16. Special prices on plumbing supplies. Jf you want to save money, now is the time. See us before buying. Extra special price for low-down toilets. a ha i t- imrgam m sinics $2.75. inn.il ,1?nS boHers, $4.50. Look over our IS .i 17.50 18.75 27.50 3.00 10.00 7.00 9.00 19.5J YOUNG lady, leaving city, will Hsell - for nearly half cost splendid $920 payer piano in excellent condition and with farire number of music rolls; cash preferred. Address B-320, Jour nal. k $400 GRAND piano, in splendid shape, specially., constructed for high class work. If you want a bargain, buy this, $125. 516 Stock Exchange. HAVE Edison No. 5 Amerolla and 32 blue amberol Records for sale very cheap. Apply at 44 E. 7th st. G. W. Mapes. Phone East 5823. MUST have money; sell Edison phonograph cheap. Your own price. 127 W. Wygant, between Denver ave. and Gay st $500 HIGH, class piano, with combina tion bench and music cabinet; $250 cash; $300 on terms. Call Marsh. 135S. $18 BUYS Edison phonograph, includ ing. 40 4-minute records. 326 Lum ber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark sts. Used Auto Snap LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 1914 CHEVIOLET roadster, 2 pas senger. 25 h n electric starter and lights, snap, only $677.00! 1913 CHALMERS, 7 passenger. 6 cyl - inder, just overhauled and re painted, for quick sale. . .$1350.00 1912 STUDEBAKER, 5 passenger, 30 ELECTRIC HORNS. .... .$3.50 EACH MAGNETOS $20.00 EACH SPARK PLUGS 50c EACH iei m MJMST PARTS FOR DIFFERENT MAKES OF CARS LESS TO! IMJF PRICE 1000 OTHER BARGAINS IN UlTiiliilLE SUPPLIES 6-cylinder high speed engine, suit- ; PiME FOR SALE 50 double disc phono graph records, 30 cents each. New. J-361, Journal. . ONE Kimball piano for sale cheap. win taKe part trade, mone b-ikt $100 OAK cabinet Grafonolo, $60 cash. K-4YJ, journal. TYPEWRITERS 77 h. p, only $575.00 I able for auto or motor boat, $250 1911 COLE, 2 passenger, 30 h. p. fore-door, Just overhauled .$475.00 1911 flABCOCK ELECTRIC, seats 4, first class condition, cost new. $2850; sacrifice for $550.00 1914 LOZTER, 5 passenger, 6 cylin der,, nearly new. liberal discount. Several other rood buys. Investi- Z NEW MOTOR TRUCKS. , .r from tn fi tnr9 ffou cmi tiav fof it on monthly install- wmentm will sell without any payment L.i. k.f S adown. proy ding you can give suDstan- MnL,,mM A,. Pr, Z tlul security; let tne uuck eari no MUI III VYCOl rVULO Wi -tuvmpntu anu earn you KUua ni DCPlUrS. journal. re i yppu go. 325-327 Burnslde, near Sixth street. PAG ALL Makes Factory Rebuilt i LARGEST STOCK LOWEST PRICES EASIEST TERMS SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington St Portland, Or. STORES IN ALL PACIFIC COAST CITIES. MAHOGANY OFFICE FURNITURE Genuine mahogany 60 inch roll top desk, swivel chair and three solid mahogany office chairs to match. Also large mahogany table and 9x12 Bige low body brussels rug. These are all of the best quality. Owner must have cash and will sell cheap. Can be seen at 208 First -t, Monday and Tuesday. stock and see how easy it is to save money on lilting out your house. Special Prices on Pipe. H-in. pipe. $2.00 per 100 feet -n. pipe 2.50 per 100 feet ,Jn PPf 3.35 per 100 feet 1-in. pipe 4.25 per 100 feet 1-in. pipe 5.25 per 100 fet 2-in. pipe 6.90 per 100 feet Up to 10-inch at corresponding prices. All guaranteed first class con dition, with new threads and new couplings. We give estimates on contract work for plumbing. If you want to do your own work, we can furnish all the Ilumbing supplied. Also second-hand doors and windows. A big stock of now and secon-l-hand pipe, black and galvanized, fHim U to 8 inches. NORTHWESTERN tmtr rn 203-205 Fr,ont st, bet Salmon & Taylor STORE FIXTURES. AND HOUSE HOLD GOODS. 2 counters. 2 shelvinars. 2 standing desks, 2 filing cabinets, letter press, reirigerator, candy jars, email scales, ranges, 2 heaters, 2 dressers, 2 phonographs, 1 organ, 1 common bar ber cbair, bath tub, iron beds, tables, chairs. 112 Union ave.. next Dost- offlce. PIPE PIPE PIPE. Iew and second hand, galvanized and black. to 6 inch. All kinds of piumoing supplies at bargain prices thumping contracting. 8ee us before you Duy. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP, 269 Front. Main 6325. SWAP COLUMN "AN! fcl Automobile. 5 or 7 pass or small truck; will trade a good paying business In Portland; will ftand the closest investigation. J-360 Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 (Contutnd) WANTED The people of Portland to know that I pay bigaest cash pri- for second band household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too Email 10 consider, t'rompt attention. N. M. Seater, 143 Russell et East 6707. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO- 221 Front st buys 2d hand fut nlture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or tooia ot any kind, call A-717 er Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay all the cash it is worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchange,. East 63. WANTED 100 second hand bicycles. Jefferson Cycle Co, 287 8d St. THE GLOBE STURE WANTED. SECOND HAND CLOTHING And everything Highest prices paid. Main 2080. 285 1st. near Jefferson. CALL up E. 6520. M. R. Seater. to sU your furniture. Prompt attention, highest cash prices. 368-S74 Hawthorne BE WISE Get more for your seeoad hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8951. WANTED To buy scrap rubber and metals. Highest cash prices paid J. Leve, 186 Columbia st Main 51 98. I WANT diamond, have 4 acres of good rich land and some cash to trade for same. 519 Worcester bldg FEftSONAL ioiiiiBigi 22 JlZKN and womea,! those suffering from every curable disease or habit, treat- . ed and cared by the latest natural healing methocO, including radium, electricity, headlight, baths, manipu lation, lQUBUnlU UB operations, nu nfctdiclne, "f ree consulta tion. Dr. P. -EJi Lewia, successor to Dr. W. E. Malfiory, Naturopath. 113 Rothchlld bldg. lAUIfS Aalc for Antiko Mix fare No, 8. "Better than pills f&r female His. A quick, safe a3d aura regulator, easy to usS "works like magic, without harm, pain or inter ferencF with work. Price $ i. Double atrength. $6.00. For iCf &letfv Helfond Drug v... 222 Morrison, near Firat re Mi A- FIGHT on nign m- ..-J tt'hv nav ti ra to $10 for a pair f I rlisiM. when I can fit your eyes wftb first quality lenses in a gold x:ltcd Same aa low as $1.6r C. W. aoodm?n.191 Morrlaon at, near bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. WANTED Bicycle, rowboat N. W. Miles pt. low frame; also Lawlor, foot of MRS. STEVENS 4 yeara Portland renowned paenieff and clairvoyant: author of "Paliiriatfy Made iiasy"; i located 291 V4 Morrison at. Aal5ted by Mrs. Dr. HsSoie. Bpirltuai adviser end divine heal-. ; - EXPERT work in .leing. gemuuciiug A11U itoivi- rses and prompt serv ice THE PLUMiiL 258 IS? WANT baby carriage, collapsible, in i- good order; give price and descrip- tion in answer. A-xza, JournaL HESSIAN Grocery, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, tinware, school supplies. Orders taken and promptly delivered to all parts city, why pat ronize public markets when you can buy for less from the retailer? Bar gains in land and city property. If not right we make it right W, A. Hes sian, prop., 1193 Hawthorne ave.. Ta bor 981 or B-2549. SEWING MACHINES Singer. $15: White, $17.50; Domestic, $14; New" Royal, $20; Queen. $15; Unique, $15.50; Davis, $17; Wheeler & Wilson, $18; Imp.-Madison, $10; Climax, $9; Tri umph Cabinet, $14; Domestic. $7; Standard, $8. Guaranteed and terms. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d st, near Taylor. Main 9431. BEAUTIFUL $75 folding bed. Will sell for $20 cash or the equivalent in any good brfed of laving hens. Other furniture cheap. Call Mar. 2503 or A-7051, WANTED Second hand 2 h. p. mo tor. Call Marshall 4500. Ask for carpenter shop. WILL exchange talking machine for carpenter work. Hvatt Talking Ma chine Co., 850 Alder st. WILL give your furnished house best of care, for rent and fuel for win ter; expert finisher, painter, etc.; re lerences. G-208, Journal. GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Marine & stationary. Marine Hardware. Write for catalogue. GAS POWER & SUPPLY CO, 168-172 Front st, Portland. Oregon. THE IMPROVED aoney t I REO. TWO TON BROADWAY AND COUCH, OPEN TODAY FROM 10 TO 1 P. M. Main 8887 A-4959 SHIM 2. TrUck In good condition rbjeap.::4V7, Journal. "5b it. '., a pans, touring car Z able tonneau for sale detach- cmiultelv equipped: jwortn terms. CO.. 606-607 Veon Bldg. 'IRES 88- TO! Come and take them away. MECHANICAL STARTER. "START YOUR CAR IN THE LOG ICAL WAY." Turns the crank a complete revolu tion. The most reliable and best cold weather starter dn the market FOR immediate sale, Royal typewriter No. 10, the latest and best product of the factory; every up to date at tachment and improvement; cost, f. o. b. factory $105 less than 3 months ago and hardly been used; big, sacrifice for quick sale. N-8, Journal. man silver, mahogany and Alaska mar- ! kebgardr 1 S' GeX, bid g ble finish, 30 feet long; can easily be j keyboard. GerlTnger bldg. convertea into 2 fountains, see it to- imue oinger sewing macnine lor day at the Holtz store, 6ta and Wash- plumbing. Sellwood 795. 382 Mor- meton. on m. GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. ' Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C. Smith. Oliver. Smith Premier. Royal, etc $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co.. 3d and Alder sts. 'moke fine combination truck; ! $1000; sell for $500, cash or ter - s J U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. C UT1KE OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tire Shop," 550 Wasfhlngton st, at 18th jviarBiiuii I Dn Goodrich Tlr We get your tires ready for I ? Rmtu nl- them all. harrlne none. Positive re- most new; some slightlv used; all good lease In case of backfire and absolute- tires. Some tubes at i.o a tupe. a ly iooi prooi. snap. Three Firestone Tires One Michelin Tire One M. & W. Tire. One M. & W. Tire. . . . . Two Michelin Tires.... WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder: retail de partment WHOLESALE TYPEWRIT ER CO.. 321 Washineton st Lightest quickest and simples of TYPEWRITERS for rent 3 months THE WET STREETS. One Diamoifd Tire . One Firestone Tire, i, VvE have a llJ12 Cadillac passenger Non-Skid, Q. D ; S tar for sale at $850. This is in good one United States Tire , . .Size 32x4 . .Size 36x4 , . .Size 32x3 ..Size 36x4 , . .Size 36x5 ...Size 36x4 , ..Size 36x5 ., ...Size 32x4 ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR FORD CAJRS. You pay for a SANDBO but once. To see a SANDBO is to get one. Oregon Auto Exchange 129 Lownesdale. for $5 and 'up; 6 months' rental ap plied on- purchase price. Remington typewriter company, so Broadway. YOU can rent visible typewriters 3 months for $4; convenient at home, delivered and all rent applied on pur chase. Main 6273. or A-4441. 244 Stark FINE, like new, Oliver Visible Type writer; very latest; cost $100. Price $50; $5 down, $2.50 monthly. 350 Alder NEW, rebuilt, 2d band, rentals, cut rates, f. u. u lo.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. Jmechanlcal condition, and H L. KEATS AUTO CO. Broadway and Burnslde. good THE WESTERN TOP CO. Anto tops, hacks, cushions, dust V. rtr a nrt-l S T. e, onrl Keft.t fiOVerS- AUtO trimming a specialty. We are sole 1 EDISON mimeograph, in perfect con manufacturers and distributors of I dition. at a bargain. H-430, Journal Black Diamond Aut-O-Luster, a water proof top and leather dressing. 371 Hawthorne ave. East 1975. , TON .KEO. 8 This truck Is in good condition and "f tires are excellent. Will sell cheap. 2D-815, 'Journal. EDOOR. 5 passenger Overland ' repainted and overhauled, like I1W, IU1IV eauippea. gooa oversueu ttlres: .will sell at a bargain and give iljterms. If vou want a first class light J "car look me up. C-485. Journal. I iwUO has a 1912 or 1913 model, 6 X pass, automobile tiirty wish to dls- AX- MOTORCYCIiES-BlCYCLES 55 JfTTiTed "30." MOTORCYCU VJTobo of; must be a good machine and I model( perfect condition. f l 63, Journal. 9V11! n- 1 Uil XXV v J V IV, v V i a M a. m.a- . a. a. . BED, TOP AND CURTAINS, NEW 3LY PAINTED AND OVERHAULED. i $750. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS, 209 FRON T -t-1 ji-E0 saved. 3 If yon buy this 1914 Overland, run 2S200 miles, electric starter and lights, 'cost $1200 for 1915, car guaranted j. good as new. 1120 Mien i gan ave. PHONE ME DO IT NOW! I. Not belns able to keep my 1912 Reo. I lvill refuse no reasonable offer. Just overhauled. Phone Tabor 8206; or call f i329 East 32d st. ' . i$l10 CHALMERS 40, forVdoor, presto i' J ilghta, speedometer, etc.; the ideal family car; price $450; $85 down, $20 f Zn. month. 309 Stark. i V ritten guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 15th st (plain) Slase 32x3 One M. & W. Tire. , ,w Q. D. Climber (plain) ... .Size 34x3 One Michelin Tire Size 36x4 I CALL STOCK ROOM DEPARTMENT, GERUNGER MOT!! CAR CO. 694 wasnington pi- .n, . TtrTTmr r .. T,,fs.lr IQli model 25 new oversize nonskid Uni ted tires; Delco starter, clock, etc.; not even scratched: big snap, some terms. 1914 Oakland, 1914 5 pass, in both four and six cylinder types, brand new Delco starter, fully equippea, attrac tively nriced. Jackrabbit Apperson, & pass, taie Studebaker nickel trimmed roadster. Below is a partial list of some ex- handsome design, low price. ceptional bargains in used macmnes. 19 J 4 Ford touring; generous reduc- ...t, t tion. 1914 two-speed twin Harley-Davjd- Studebaker "20" toorlng: a gift son, just like new; tne macnine is in Foredoor Hudson roadster; Fire-1 A-l condition. A big bargain at ctnn. rt0mAnntshA fi Mrl 1913 self starter Overland, good 1914 two-speed 9 h. p. Dayton, fully shape. equipped; has been run only a little, 1912 Wlnton 6, 7 pass, nobby tires; will guarantee same as new machine. greatly reduced. Cost $360, a bargain for $265. Stutz touring! 1914 model, pigskin ' upholstery; hurried sale. 1913 Twin Harley-Daviason, tnor- Honest representations, lowest prices, pnghly overhauled and in first class r.PNFRAT, A TITOS COMPANT. 1 condition. eauioned with tandem. Main 2481. Open always, lamps, presto, whistle and etc. Special 523 Alder at 16th st pnee ior quicn sate ELEGANT 1913 & pass. Cadillac, & 8 h. p. R. S. Twin, thoroughly over atrictly first-class tires, demountable hauled; guaranteed to be first class in rims new Rt vlp 150 sir An horn Kellni' 1 L . , o r T - z 7-, a. U , " i every respetu tios, pump, seat covers. Car Just being re- I painted, guaranteed rine mechanical We have a number of good used S?ditlonKnAJJi" i T,"1,,0 J motorcycles which we are offering at $1325. $500 down, balance monthly, ereatlv reduced nrices Call and in- i i . a.. xAjatt, wwv . WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention -rne journal. HOUSEHOIiD GOODS for Sale 65 EXECUTRIX SALE. vievunz furniture Co. has pur chased the entire stock of furniture of M. Ostrow & Co. at 47 c on the aoiiar. we have only ten days to get out of the building. Everything must be closed out Ranges, heaters, cook stoves, rugs, furniture of every de ecription. Every article sacrificed. second-hand goods almost given away. All fixtures, safe, desks, etc., go. All hardware and tinware stock sold in bulk if wanted by dealers. "64-66 NORTH THIRD ST. Between Everett and Davis. t SODA FOUNTAIN FOR SALE. Strictly modern fountain, with Ger- SINGER sewing machine and other furniture for typewriter, camera or diamond; would sell cheap. L-264, Journal. 1 WANTED To get a horse for keep tlits winter or exchange plumbing work for horse and wagon. Tabor FINE cordwood timber, near city, for removing only logs and brush from land. East 2820. GOOD library of books to trade for .22 rifle or anything I can use Phone Marshall 2211. TO TRADE Lady's watch for a viola. Gold filled case, 15 jewel movement. T-182, Journal. GOOD exchanges for furniture for 6- W1LL exchange first class talking ma chine for inside painting. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder St. WANTED st. -House tent. Phono Main 3628. 408 Jefferson FOR best prices on your household goods. Call Kecord. East 4238. LOST AND FOUND 21 THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Rail way, Light & Power company, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder st. station: October 9th. Marshall 5100, A-6131 2 gloves, 2 books-, 1 pail, 8 umbrel las. 1 pr. gloves, 1 book car tickets school), 1 pearl cross, 1 purse, 1 package, 1 hand saw, 1 hammer. 1 pr. overalls, 1 package, suit case, 1 bas ket 1 purse, 1 key, l valise, 1 sack laundry, 1 umbrella, 1 pkg. boxes, 1 music rack, I iron chain, 1 pr. gioves, 2 small packages. IF THE person who found on Oct. 9, 1914. in Henry Dldg.. 21 jewel Ham ilton watch with black leather fob bearing name plate with initial "C tnereon, win return same to 50b Lewis room house. See Ketcham, 332 Cham- bl(,K a' reward will be paid ber of Commerce. I . TYPEWRITER I will trade diamond. Electric Motors Electric motors bousht sold, rented and repaired. waiKer Jilectrtc Wits, 10 and Burriside. Main 5674. WILL save you $100 or more on a zz-toot lioodyear shoe repairing out- HAVE ONE 4 room, one 6 room house, cheap. Want auto, motorcycle or good lots. Owner. E-4I6, Journal. WANT to exchange Victor records for others of different tones. Phona East 6252. WILL trade lver Johnson revolver for phonograph or musical instrument fit; also bargain in 3-h. d. induction i R-459. Journal motor, 20 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycles. 1600 j TO EXCHANGE carpenter work for rev.; all in fine condition. Harrisburg, Or. Box 176, FOR SALE Ne" ana second hand carom ana Docket .iUliiird tables and bcwling alleys and cesaoriea, bar fixtures of ull kinds, easy payments. The Brur.dwicic-Balke-Collender Co 46- 4 5th St. Main 769. A-1769. TO MAKE room we will sell 1 lot of sewing machines. Drophead New Home, $12.60. Drophead White, $10. Drophead Singers, $12.50. Attach ments complete and guaranteed. (One week only). 349 Morrison st "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers'' and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these gooda are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. SEWING MACHINES Will close out 100 slightly used machines; all leading makes. Dropbeads, $10 and up, or will sell the whole lot at whole sale. S. S. Sigel, 231 Alder. Phone Main 2978. good horse and buKsy. Call 252 E. 8za st. I NEED a new suit. Will exchange carpenter or any kind of work. X- i92, Journal. WILL exchange first class talking ma. chine for plastering. Hyatt Talkins Machine Co.. 350 Alder st CHARTER OAK stove, wood or coal, to traae ior laying nens. wain. zbz. LOST Between Morrison ajid Alder on Broadway a mesh purse contain ing $6 and ticket from Portland to Gresham, other articles. Reward. Leave at 'Journal office. Morgan bldg. 17 Main 4009. WiiES 1 wila? Pend a $25 prescrip tion for an ftquisite liquid powder fan the completion that is par excel lence, for only boc'in silver or postof fice order. Blorence Kirkpatrick, Beech Creek. (Z MMit nrtEYwiTM Who was for jvears Portlands most gifted clairvoyit, is demonstrating and teaching rrtSnd healing and mental suggestion. 4G Goodnough building. opposite poetoijyce. ci(A;tii!.wiaia ine last word in tne science treating disease: lea- sons for sale; SJooklet for stump. Dr. Geo. W. CaxeyJiBox 293, Los Angeles, Cal, . ; , ABOUTaHAlR GOODS Don't trust pSddlers witn combings: t us make tbaim up. 95c up, Wiaa. toupes a speciany, 20 yrs. est d. Febvet & Hanebut, 147jproadway, nr. Morris'n. niDRPFQ 8r8 consultation atty. UIVUnOLOfitli much experience. Office hours 8 f. m. to 10 p. m. Phono for appointment Marshall 4368. AN ONE knowing the address of W. G. Foster wUl please advise Walter Roswurm of Forest Grove, Or., and oblige. MASSAGE Ladles and genta treated ai tne Auaitanum, 3rd and salmon. Phone Main 8fe7. A-l 211 assistant. Gentleman SPIRITUAL 0 odium. Rev! Virgin! x Rowe. ReacQng, healing daily; cir cles Tuesday nd Friday evenings, S ociocK. 231 fih Et Phone A-7116. HAT'S Ladies? and men's hats cleaned, blocked, remfideled and trimmed lat est styles. Pwtland Cleaning & Hat Works, 486 Washington st WATCHES cleaned, 75c; mainspring. me. worn sguaranteeo. 216 Com monwealth bldg, 6th and Ankeny ata. LOST Oct 1. on Scholls road ladies' handbag containing money and val uable papers, addressed to Milo Gra ham. Please notify me. 810 3d st, Ore gon City. Or. Reward. LOST Lady's purple handbag, con taining papers bearing name of owner of bag and some money. 1121 E. Gliifan. Tabor 2314. LOST Saturday evening in Meier & Frank's basement small purse. Change given if purse, contents, left at head office Meier & Frank's. LOST Yellow Persian Angora cat 1396 E. 9th st. S. Reward of $5 will be paid to anyone telling where cat can be found. Sellwood 1881. FOUND Sunday on Missouri ave. small camera. Party can have same by paying for this ad. 809 Mis sissippi ave. j,. A GOOD view lens to exchange for a portrait camera. 201 1st studio. HOUSE and lot in Newberg for. milk cows. R-473. Journal. .38 COLTS revolver to trade for rifle. A-833, Journal. FOR SALE Automatic Telephone horn, blows when your phone rings. Can be heard over all , kinds of noise East Side Boiler Works, 31st and Nicolai. WILL sell at factory cost a 30 H. P. medium duty marine engine, 1914 model, used 3 months as demonstrating engine by factory agent. H-429, Journal. GUITAR and case for leather suit case. N-557, Journal. LOST Black and white male English pointer. Kindly notify Tabor 3345; reward. DIVORCES! wyer of 25 vears' i- erience. reliable, advice free. 404 Rottfchjld bldg.. 287 Wash. SPIRITUALltBd, Rev. M. A. Price, Cir cles, lues., gs w eo. ana un a p. m. Readinrs ri:M$i 603 Eth st. Mar. 3960. HAVE your Guaranteed Parlors. 400 ilr, permanently waved. to last. Sanitary Beauty iMum. Marshall 170-'. SPECIAL, 2 o. only, 18 Chiropractic treatments, S$ 10. 1-3 regular price. Dr. C. S. Tiggrd. 316 Alisky bldg thj FUR SHOP. " New orders! remodeling, best work. lowest prices.g 717 Swetland bldg. SPIRITUAL ifeedium. Emelia Pearsin, readings dally; public circles Tues day. 'Friday en in g. 431 Salmon. STRAYED from 101 W. nth st. N. roan mare, weiehed 1050 lbs. Phone Information to Main 3087. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 ORDERS taken for lathing , at very low prices. B-3369. Plain and fancy dress work. Good work and low prices. B-3369. WANTED A 2d hand gas range. Must be in good condition. Price reasonable, ynone Woodlawn 613. HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shot- gun i. cameras. Hocnieia, 44Vj N. 3a. VERY fine new stereopticon, with . latest improved acetylene attach ments, carrying leatherette case; cost $65; bargain to first comer. P-211, journal. WANTED A 12 inch fan; must be in good condition. Tabor 441. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. CASH paid for diamonds. Elby Co., 320 Lumber Ex. bldg 2d and Stark. LOST Small gold heart locket en graved Marguerite on one side, Char lle on other. Return to Journal office. $5 REWARD tor return of solid gold glasses in Dr. Dayton case; return to F.09 Swetland bide. DR. O. V. KipTCUUU Women's -maladies and ague diseases men. Wash. bldg.. 4th andgWanh. Hm 41. Ml. 44. USE Bassett'S Native Herbs for rheu matism; 50 Tablets 25c. All drugglstH CHIROPRACTIC, 121 4th. Ch ronlc cases; is treatment !l v. other less nsultaiion free. Main 93. 708 Selling bl.lg LAWYER LOST Irish setter dog, 7 months old. Return to 12.fi Kelly at Reward WHEN yju answer these Want Aus, mention The Journal. LOST Young Scotch collie dog. Phone Sellwood 2155. - LOST Dealer's license. No. D-144. 532 Alder st - PERSONAL GRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist, scientific masseuse. Ladies only. 204 Macleay bldg.. 286 Washington st. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 504 Davis st Main 2393. DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD, chi ropodist wpl be pleased to see her old patrons afinew location. 204 Mac lpay bldg.. 2i Washington st. prepared for' EASANTS ats. ill Swetland bldg. gxOTTCES SO BEAUTIFUL mahogany parlor set and lib. table; also dining room set and small rugs. 692 E. 69th st . N, nea Sandy blvd. I.UNITED I'aintine 'Auto tod co. i a cvid t ,11 II I LU .. , , , I m-h. rnJA.- . . - isinglass put in; prices reasonale; factory finished. ltth end t ; wasn. Mar. & uwn & Mossman. 3ton white truck with canopy top. THE PASSENGER White 4o at a bar-Motor and tires in good condition. S- PiU V jucjv ainv, , V- t .T wu j I J-A1 lltXl. vestigate before you buy. DAVTOW miE CSD. 210 Broadway. I . 2 terms. Investigate if you want a good f 2'ar- No real estate. X-23. Journal. f l'OK trade for ail automobile in good ft ' running order, harness and Handler 1 t tools worth $360. Send description of :auto. AX-660. Journal. clahssx iiz iuueoaKer roadster. fine condition, . economical as Ford; I1AA Iniiln t-'A nimilVi (nlt,in FEDERAL THICK m HI 1 BARGAINS in used cars. One 5 pass. so . f. stearns, new tires, top ana windshield, in good running order, J550. l 7. pass. 48 H. p. Pierce Ar row, good running order, $550. Fred Dundee, 675 Jefferson. SECOND HAND MOTORCYCLES A - 1913 Excelsior 7. fully equipped. .$150 1913 Excelsior 7 ' 115 A REAL bargain; must sell my 1914 1 Thor, 4 n. p -. 60 model 5 passenger Case car; is in 1 Indian, single 65 first class condition; urgent need of Thor, 4 n. p. 115 ready cash; my only reason for this of- 1914 Excelsior 7 h. p, fully equipped, tor f-Vina TP r.nnrialc Cnat fiKjn- or ticn t. Pa1-? leaving' city will sell truck, fall the Modem Confectionery Co. ' Second hand bicycles from $10 np. :1TaY 0der n e8Sy t,rniS ' 1 BIGGEST BARGAINYET OFFERED APEX BICYCLE CO., 124-126 12th st FURNITURE Before buying second hand goods, see what you can here on new goods, for cash. Get post ed. William Gadsbv. 1st and Wash. BATHS, toilets, basins, sinks, boilers, pipe and fittings. No. 4 Ruud heat er, bargain prices. Work installed. Jobbing promptly attended to. Main 6297, 327 1st ONE $45 steel range, like new, $19.50; One large $30 Buck's hot blast heater, $12.50; air tight heaters, $1 each. Peterson's, 430 E. Burnside. $250 CASH will buy thrae shares steel, this is preferred stock paying 1 half-yearly dividends on $300; nets 8 2-3. E-411, Journal. ROLL-TOP desk, quar. sawed oak. Rem typewriter with desk, lib. table and chairs, cheap. Also fine cork carpet 514 Cham, of Com. SKA LED propr3) will be rei elred at the office of theunderstgoed. 401 courthouse, nntll 12 m., Mrhlajr, October 19, J314. for tbe lmproTement of the ground of Llewellyn school. Plans hl specifications may be ob tained at tbe oariee of F. A. Narsmore, su perintendent of properties. 303 courthouse. A deposit of t'l isgequlred for plans and specifi cations. Certif Ed . chei k for 10 per cent of the amount of taa firopoxal, payable to B. H. Thomas, sctiooif 4-lerk. most arompan each proposal. Board JJ( directors reseryea the right to rejeot any ati all froposals. K. K- THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated October 8. 1914. IT- Ptofessional and Business Directory 1 ACCORDIOM PLEATING K. BTKHUaN Uenwtilcbiug, accordion, Hide and sunburst pleating; buttons covered; goods sponged. Scalloping. 3K3 Alder. M-8373. ASSAYEBS WE bay old gold, silver, platinum, or or samples. Pickering & Co., Assayers, 610 Northwest bldg., Cth and Wsshlngton sts. MtJSIC SCHOOLS AITS TEACHERS Si PLTTMES. B. THJKI.UOKN, ?Ulln teacher, pupil .-e-ll(. 207 Kliedner bl'lg. A-416II Mn.hall 1629. T. fi. LAW SON. piauo studio. 4mVh, alorrlsoa. Msln 6159. Lessons. 5th.-. POPtTLAS MUSIC ATT0R.HEY8 EELIABLK Uwyer, divorces, collection, bank. ruptcy ; free advise, reaaonaUle fees, easy terms. 612 Swetland bldg.. Marshall 5766. BLAKK BOOS MAJLER8 FOR SAIjE Garland gas range and attachments; wood and coal heaters; odd furniture and Rugs. 1181 Haight ave. COAL heater, sewing machine, - cen ter table, Columbia graphaphone, for horse, wagon or cow. Mrs. Red field, Beaverton, Or. R. F. D. 3. WE buy, sell and exchange new and second hand furniture of all kinds. Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction & Com. Co.. 191 Second st . FOR SALE-Metai hood for restaur- ZJlJ ,".2 ant: kitchen range, also exhaust fan and motor. The Holtz store, 6th and Washington. CORD Wii, 114 CORD" F. o. b. cars Oregon City. Partlcn lars box 131. Oregon City,-Or. Fertilizer FOR SALE 1 cook 'stove, like new; 1 folding bed; 1 rocker; real bar gains. Call 5 E. 60th st. FOR SALE All kinds of furniture and good heating stove, at 188 Morrison street. ELECTRIC COFFEE MILL. Coffee roaster and grocery scales for sale. The Holta store, 5th and Wasb- Ington. t FOR SALE New cook stove, $6. Ta- Dor aozo FOR SALE Studebaker roadster, 1912 Phone me today. Any reasonable S model. Price $3a0. Will not con- fer wm get my car. Phone Mars rslder trade. Chanslor & Lyon Co., 627 sin Il-t,- 1. I . . . , , L Must sacniice my touring car. ofv Marshall Phones: Main 2956, A-3306. Washington st "FOUR cylinder 4 paMbenger, Maxwell A 1 condition. $250. 45 11. P. racer, C'A ,1 condition, $260. Must be sold at Sonc.' AX-84U. Jouinal. X RESPONSIBLE business man wants 3 a second-hand 'Ford car; part cash. .Dalance terms. Main &uo. 1571 Mac- ,dam st A-5491 49fl. -TON K 3 Tw'rton truck in good mechanical 40. H. P. racy type roadster for sale cheap, also is h. r.. water cooled. I Cyclecar for sale or exchange for mo torcycle. 082 Alder. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock In Portland, $3 to $15. Fine repair- lng. Tire Supply Co.. 207 Madison. PROPERTY in Laurelhurst or Arling ton Heights for good auto. R-476, journal. FALL CLEAN UP OF USED MOTORCYCLES. DIFERENT MAKES HALF PRICE. 1914 models included, trades consid ered. , . TERMS TO SUIT. . Jefferson Cycle Co. 287 '3d st FURNITURE for 4-room house'; leav ing city. 1064 E. Morison. TWO large rugs in good condition, for $20. Tabor 4912. FOR 8ALEMISCELly KOU8 19 GENuTNENavajInd ru g, hand made nearly new. Call 202 Ger llnger bldg. $20 TAKES my. $75 White machine, leaving city on account of poor health. Call Sunday. 705 EI Mills. 1913 7 H. P. Twin Excelsior; looks and runs like new; $100, $50 down, $25 per mo. Multnomah Repair Co 190 Chapman. PERB'ECT holly trees, $ to 4 feet, $1. 862 Michigan ave. SAFES New and second hand, bar gains. 101 1st st. Main 3566. -condition, new tires stake body alfd 350 WILL buT a 1913 Reo 1500 lb! FOR S ALE 1 9 13Indian twdn, equipped terms. W-233 Journal? truck: ls nearly new. 40 2d st Phone I Perfect condition-. $140. 1030 E. Ca- I UiltCD K V u . w -r - ' Jf- h SW...-' .null 1 I1AUT0 SPRINGS.- ! f ynk lar.gff. 22S Salmon Main 181. 1 ! t iYE want io trad 6 pass, auto fur light J j 't- I Metal Works. 1862 Hawthorn e ave. f i 5 WANTED A 1914 Ford toun.ig car iT' for cash. Address R. J. L-bough, ! j e'AThany, Or. t Ci'OR RENT A good garage. $4 per t ; month. 324 Jackson st Phonel WHEN -Main 7095. Main 5121. WANTED Delivery auto in fifstT SPLENDID twin, chain Merkel motor- ciass conaition. hTtennnre rnr clear i cycib,. v " - - - lot or acreaee. 403 Lumber Hxchansre. i monthly. 860 Alder st A BARGAIN $300 buys Ford. Man BICYCLE for sale, reasonable. Wood- Ad rf 11 W Id W, 8S82. $1150 EQUITY in Irvington lot for good auto or electric car. E. 4509. SWELL little roadster, will sell cheap or traae ior tot. 4zs noyt st. vou answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal. S 1.; ., Va, r.Jiu.n i m -.'., . , ' I ATITflMORTT.V. f, JJS X " v.WMJ"V, ill 1CV1 ItlQVUBU. I 7-" ------------ . . ' I , leal i : coxiainon, eiira euuinmeni. i : -""p. j.-j.oo i. SINGLE Harley-Davidson, snap; will trade. WThat nave your r.ast xucs. 1300. Marshall '214. Main S91i FORD car. good condition, $250. ' HALE OR TRADE Maxwell car. eood I Lli4S Hawthorne ave. East 163. rnnair. new top. aide curtains and I FORD S rar.lt nA driver for IMm to 'tires. Call' B-1590. . ( reliaa party. J-435, Journal. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 " FOR SALE CHEAP. 4 room furnished houseboat walJrs, storehouse and 6 cords of woou. Huth. 130 Macadam road. . FOR SALE Houseboat furnished or , .t, furnished: 2 rooms, large porch and batH. t Sellwood zzvn. DIAMOND paint, $1.66 gat. Port Door & Window Co 230 Front Mar. 100. GEVURTZ furniture store, 208 1st Lowest cash pricas' in the cl t. $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing machine witn attaenments. ibz urana ave. SEWING machines sold, rented, re- p aired. 382 Jdornson. A-oliO. Mar.721 FOUR ton ice making and refrigerat- lng machine. Washington. 444 Wash. TWO suits, $60 and $40. at $5 each, Woodlawn 3619. - . McCASKEY account register electric coffee mill; no reasonable offer re fused. Call Monday. 93 lst FOR SALE- Good Winchester, 30-30; good order; cneap. ta union ave. in. 4 ROOM modern houseboat. ? SelL 2228. A $40 Majestic range for $16. - st. near Stark. . - 88 10th ONE Cole hot blast heater with watei . coils: cheap. x-o. journal. FOR SALE Cabbage for kraut Call Tabor 4606. .-n. - Rotted horse and cow manure. Ta bor 5914 before 8 a. m., after 6 p. m. book -uanufacturers: agents for Jones Im. proved Loose Leaf Ledgers. See the new Eureka Leaf. A-M1S3. Main 183. BTJSIHES8 COLLEGES , LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, uth floor, Tll ford bldg., Portland. Or. I'bone Main SOlvl. CARPET CLEA-NI.G. JOYCE BBOS. Elettrtc Cleaning works, car pets cleaned and laid, i-etltting our spe cialty. East 440. B-m:i. )4 E. 10th st N. CAB-1TS cleaned, reliiuu and laying, backer, 'labor 105 . CARPET WEAVING. FOR SALE Diamond ring, 2-K. stone. Cost $450; will sell $z:u cash, u- 182, Journal. ' ' ' KOKl'llWUS'I ttUU CO., rug. from old car neUr, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 1S8 H. 15th. Work eslied t-jr. Knst 3.'.w. B-I280. l-EMiNStiLA Uog Works Hag tng and car pet weaTlng. 151S Pstton are, tvldn. 2S.V5. CHIROPRACTORS RAGTIMK on plauo guaranteed beginners ia 10 leBsons. Picture playing- Free demoae tratlon. Free Booklet. .VH Eilers bldg. ELECTRIC MOTORS AWP DYNAMOS. siOTOKS, generators bought, olU. nnted and repaired. We do all kinds of repaitlng and rewinding; all work guaranteed. II. M. H. Electric Co.. 3! N. 1ft t. Pliotie Mln 2la WE buy, sell, rent snd exchange new and second band motor, repslr work a specialty. "Western Electric Work". iil3 6th st. Mjr. tS. EYE, EAR. HOSE. THROAT. LUNG 8. Specialist. Moderate triee. Glasses fitted. Dr. V. r. Caswdar. Ml Dcknra bids;.. 8d Wssh. FOITNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. PHOENIX Iron Works, Uast Sd and Haw. thorive. General machine snd fooudry work. KODAK SUPPLIES. LTinAl and all supplies. DeTvkyptu. 'iwuniiu jirinting tr.d enlarging. PIKK A M A KKTi AM CO.. K4:j wasniogTon. MESSENGERS. MOTORCYCLES and bicycles. I'hone Msln ii, A-215M. HASTY Ml-SSENGER CO. 16th AND HalL nicely furnished tent . with fly; comfortable;, rent cheap: i dh. licUAUON, 121 4tn. sj wihiuh lovely view. FOR RENT Player piano, cheap. Main S473, room 326; call irom z p. m. to 5 p. m. FLOOR showcases, lift tops, candy showcases, candy lars; scales, oil tank, soda fountain. Phone East 1610. HEATING stove, cost $22, for $9. Good condition. 1035 tjarrutners. Ta bor 3744. WILL sell .cheap new fall blue silk crepe de chine dress. Color not be c anting to party. Never worn. 806 5t'h. is djustmenf $10. Patients get well. COAL AND WOOD. NEER & FAHil rrr.-.n-Ar d- COAL PACIFIC SLABWOOl CO., Main .7iM, A-7b6t. Green short wood, blocks, big inside, small Inside, dry slabwood. snort planer trimmings. Edlefsen Fuel Co. East 803. C-2303. 262 Stark. AFES All sizes at cost; safea re paired. Mosler Safe Co., 409 North western Bank bldg. Main 7676; FOR SALE or trade, 38-70 WIncester rifle, good condition. .What have you? Phone Marshall 745. BUY your plumbing supplies, pipe and fittings at wholesale. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d st M. 797. SHOTGUN for $5. Single barreled Parker shotgun, case and two boxes of. shells. Call Tabor 4912. TABLES, counters, shelving office furniture ior saie. , im aioiu Biore, 6th and Washington. $55 BUYS 3 stone ring diamond and two sapphires. 320 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark sts. ' ' $90 BUYS lady's ring, 36 diamonds set in platinum; big bargain. 320 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark sts. MERCHANDISE order, $34. Marx & - Block. J-442, Journal. - -i I F. J. EVKBTi, MAIN 767. CharCOal rooi or cukrx street DRY n-lab ud box wood, corawood and coal. Xtsndard Wood Co Eat 23t- B-ltoWt COIXZCT10N8 J BOX accounts, bills, note i Jadgiuests f every name sad nature anywbera. Vc qnlck reroif answer ji-oon. -w OPEN accoonta. notes, Jadginents collected. Adopt snort metnous iki . "- Khort Ad)utmer,t Co.. 828 N. Vf. Bank. M. 74 CONTRA CTINO AND BTTTLDLNQ (See Real Katate Segtlon. EDUCATIONAX DANCING iirc- U7K. wltJinN'R-Wslti. hesitation. eoe-step, .two-step, schottisefce; lessona 25c Bwrning, afternoon, eve.; guarantee to teach anybody who walks bow to dance. 85V4 st bet Stark and Oak. 4 frivte leasona $2; o Clashes. rpnag main iwi. . GENT'S bicycle, good condition, $8 buvs it ' Phone Marshall 2715. WHEN you unswer these Want Aa. mention The journal. , MR. snd MRS. HEATH'S srbool; fancy, stage, . anrlai and U the latest dances taught; waits and two-st gnaranteed In 4 prlrate lesaoiis; class Mob. and Fri. ee.. 1 to n; as sembly after. 2X1 Morrison, ear. Zd. Mar, an, W11JTINO-IRKLAND Dasciac Aeaflemy. Max be.- One-Step. lies'. tattoo. Les dafly. 2Ui ausky.Diag.. aa ana mtisob. g sua wt. HATTJROPATHIC PHT8ICIAN8. DR. PHILLIPS Paralysis, nerrimi and chron ic diseases. W4-S trregontsn blog. si. ana. 5ETRICH PLUMES. Hkrtuess i'lum blmp, cor. Psrfc sod Ysiu nlll. Main 15o. Oi-trtA, paradise, fancy feathers, remodeled, cleaned, djed to mate ss mnles. Work guaranteed. . I'LliMKtS ck-am-S. ded. curled aud made, lat est styles antfl colors; expert black dyeing: C. Q. Venator, 46', Wah. st.. Tel. Main 1512. RUBBERS STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO stenclU,ffl trade checks, brass signs. PACIFIC gO AST Bi AM I1 WORKS 221 Washington st. Mala T10. A-Z710. BEgTNQ MACHINES" Sf-WLNU MACHINES - All wakvs, new and second band, for sale or rent. Alt urious. Sewing Machine Km j iMirlum, WO Third, near Tay g lor. Main fiil. HESiT METAL WCKS (Se Besl Estate tiectioa. Taxidermists CIllCAl'lJjT arija best work ua cuasu Ftnley. OeaTgle. Cal. TRAN8'ER AND STORAGE C O. Pick 'Itiuster aiutags uttlce and commotion 4 story brick warehouse with separate iu looms aud fireproot Taalt for raiuabiea. A. W. corner 'MX and Plus sts. Piano and turHtura moved and packed for shipping. SpetSsl rates made on goods, in through cars. So all domestic aud (urelgj potntr,. Main fig. A-llrat). OLSKNaiOli TUANSt EH CO. New fireprodgi wsrehoaK with separatt rooms. We luufe i P"k household guuO and plauos audihip at reduced rates. Auto vana and teainsfjlor inoring. corwardlug and distributing agefM. Free trackage. Office uiut warehouse. 15ihJod lioyt. Main 647. A-2i4. PAINTING. PAPERHANGINO. T1NTTNQ (See Real Kutste Section.) PATENTS JOUN F. KOBE, patent Uwjer, of Washing ton, D. C is st tbe Imperial, wuere -cimtiis and inventors may consult him or arrange an appointment. ; ,, PAVING COMPANIES THE BARBER AiPUALT PAVIMU CO., Port land affic. 606 Electrle bldg. ' OREGOtt TRANSFER CO, Xitabllsaed IS 70. Transfer Sid wurdlng sg-Qts. tttorifge, tree trsekage. , Office and storage. 474 llUao at.' ISth and Glian; Main tSS). A-1HM H STORAGE. MANNING WA4CKUOUSK TUAN5FER CO. 13TH jbpo EVERETT STS. Let ns move. Asck or ahip yW bensehold goods. Reduce, frzlgbt rates oa eastern shipments. Thcrneb car service. MAIN 7S. A-2214. UNITED Trsnsfj-r Co. Storage and general hnndlhig. SolSlef ferson. Mjr. 2M)1 A-4H.VI BAUJAOK Trs Main 120. A er Service Cut Pine St. - wTJgDOW CLEANING (See Bjial tatste becOon.)"" Manufacturers Jobbers Wholesalers BREWERS BOTTLERS HENRY WEI.NHAKK. IHth snd Burnslde. DRY POOPS WHOLESALE "Fleischner, Mayer St Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS It TEHICXES B. M WADK 4c CO.. i22 Hawtboma are. Wholesale Agrlenltaral Implements. GRAIN MERCHANTS M. H. HOP8ER. Bosrd of Trs.ie bldg. LEATHER AND FIND IN OS CHA8. L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 FrowU - ef eeery description; findlnas. Leather MEN'S AMP WOMEN'S NECRWEAR CoLCMttIA Neckwear Aug. .Co S3 Sua . tt. VAISi OIL AKB CLASS (See l-l Estste Section.)" PIPE WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WUh PIPS' CO Factory end office near .2-jgb snd Fork sts. Msln S4t PX-JMBTNO-rTPE STEAM SlTPPLJEg M Li l4t.lME rRONTSTUKET. BOPS Portiayd Cordage Co, D BINDER TWINE "WALL PAPER iSea bAal . Lstata becliuu.i hi 3