' ' . J- J s THE OREGON' . SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11,' 1914- -t.3 a nil' in n 1 1 1 i ii it i i . i . , - - r r liifii .. " t 1 II llai Wl I I I I I II W I I W I I III THE SECOND WEEK OF OUR ANNUAL j TO n BATTLE Pacific Phone Women's and Children's f Home Phone Marshall 5080 Garments in the New Fall ! A-21 12 and Winter Styles May Quickly and Easily Be Fashioned With: the Assistance of the Ladies' Home Journal Pat terns All Sizes Are on Sale Here at Ten and Fifteen Cents Each The New Quarterly Book Is Prjced at 25c Store Opens Daily at 8:30 a. m., on Saturdays 9 a.m. Store Closes Daily at 5:30 p. m., Saturdays at 6 p. m. URGES RUSSIANS J ! v V; PRESS People, Relieve Present War - Is Just on Their Part, De clares English Writer, STIRRING SCENES BEHELD Crowd In BuBriaa Capital singing and Demanding Overthrow of Their Enemies in Ear ope. By A. M. retropral (St. Petersburg), Sept5Z5. - -The following account of how 'the Russian people, rank and file, AUew the war, was written today by an JnKliHhmati who was in the Russian ciffpital during the days when the great European war was getting under way. "I was here when the Japanese war wiih declared," (said a' little man, who was too excited to keep his thought: to himself; "but what a difference. Then it was the government who sent us to war. Now we go gladly, eh?" We were ntanditij; on a balcony over looking the Theatre square In Mos cow, Below us was passing an im mense crowd of men and boys, shout ing, singing and waving flags, while thtj inscription "Down with Austria!" jerked and swayed above the heads of Its bearers. From every street they debouched Into the square, some sing ing their national anthem, others a religious chant, while a few broke into the "Marseillaise," forgetting that they red learned it and sung it, perhaps only two or thfee years-ago In revolu tionary processions. Believe War 1m KJght, "Do you hear them; do you. hear them?" he gasped, clutching my arm. He spoke entirely in gasps knd sucked in his breath sbetween each sentence, giving the effect (somewhat modified) of an exhaust pipe. "T-hey are not wild, not at all, these people. They believe this war la right. They are fighting for the Slavs, for Holy Rus sia. Bravo Russia, bravo France, bravo England!" he shouted down, to the crowd directly below us, who for the moment had stopped singing. They caught up his cheers and passed on.; "No," he said, "this'' is not a war for the empire, or else they would be all drunk and wild. They are not wild. They are following their hearts now. It Is almost sacred. Come, come, they are all going to the Voskresenla Gate." A'e went down into the square and Immediately lost each other in the swirl of the people. The whole crowd went bareheaded. An old man, looking on, had his hat knocked off. He caught the offender a boy by the ear and dragged him to a policeman. "He knocked j my hat off," he splut tered. "It shpuld not have been on," said flha polUtemun. Patriotism Xa Shown, "Tty wi4 singing 'God save the Tsar.' 1 am no musician, but I know what is sacretl, thank God." There is a big shrine in front of the Holy Gatle, which is one of many I gates in theKrem,lin walls, and this! shrine was g earning with an array of candles by the time I arrived there. The read leading up to it forms a square immediately under the walls, anl tlTere, in the insufficient light of two lamps, f tood an enormous crowd waiting fori something to happen,! something mystic, the expression of that strange; feeling they possessed, i The night waa heavy with coming rain, and In the aim light the crowd of rough peasants, hushed by the ex pectation of divine blessing, some shock-headed, with legs cross-gartered like twelfth century villeins, seemed under the old gateway, lit by guttering candles, more likely to be praying for help from their mediaeval suzerain I than beseeching the blessing of 5od on modern warfare'. The bishop, too, coming out from the shrine, helped the illusion with the fantastic emblazonry of his robes. He bade some students fetch out the great Ikon of the blessed mother, and on the arrival of the gov ernor prosaic figure In the old time setting began a prayer for the safety of the Russian arms. On the hard, uneven cobbles thev all i Unfit tllri U'h ila nrata1- than olnnr I and quietly they began a chant, and, beginning it on their knees, slowly they rose, and on their rising the chant swelled and thundered out till the , walls around cast back the rich echoes, i There are times when that chant might easily sound colorless and monotonous it hangs for bars on one note, and, like all old chants, was solemn and re- j strained; but on that night it was the cry of a simple people, and in its . stark simplicity achieved an effect that no chorus In any opera could ever j hope to produce. There was an insist .erne in its very monotony, an appeal that was compelling by reason of its extreme humility, that knew none of the bombast and self laudations by which so many suppliants hope to ob- ' tain mer y. To the. Russians war is a very terrible thing, although they wel comed it with brave hurrahs. None have forgotten their last encounter. , W'lili-h is stilt" known simply as "The Disaster." Robbers Make Haul At Centralia Club , Centralia, Wash., jOct. 10. Un known men last night cracked the safe of the Olympic club, local saloon, and made a successful getaway with $612. The combination was knocked off the safe with a sledge hammer and chisel, an apron being used to deaden the sound. The local police assert that the rob bery was done by experts. It is be lieved that the robberg boarded the train for Vancouver, Wash., at 1:50 this morning. Ministers Will Hunt. Klamath Falls, Oct. 10. To hold the Southern Oregon Presbytery and to shoot Klamath ducks, Presbyterian ministers from Josephine, Jackson, Douglas, Klamath and Lake Counties will meet here next week.. The ses sions will begin Tuesday at the Pres byterian church, and J. "B. Mason of this city, who Is moderator of the Presbytery, will be5 in charge. Ses sions will be held here Tuesday and, V.ednebday. On Thursday, the minis- tern and other delegates will go to Merrfll to Install the pastor of the ; Merrill church. From there they will. gp to Tule lake, and spend some time ' i hunting: the mallard and teal in its ;" 'nativa haunt. - - - - . THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST IN QUALITY Ours Brings to You Splendid Economies in Trustworthy. Seasonable Merchandise Your Idea. We have done our level best to bring into pleasing prominence goods that come to the popular thought at this time of pie year. Effort has been centered on YOUR desires and ideas and how we could best meet them. All that money, skill, experience, energy j and serious en deavor could accomplish has brought the things most needed for the Fall and Winter season. The basis of this store's growth rests upon four logical-truths, namely gathering the best merchandise, giving best service,, pricing at a small margin above cost, an meeting YOUR IDEAS, not our own. Your critical judgment of the season s stocks is requested, may we have it? Buy tomorrow and aake big savings. Clever and Distinctive Styles in Women's Fall and Winter Sniits and Blesses Long-Coat RecEngote Suits in Serges and Cheviots; Also Beau tiful Dresses in Silk Messaline, French Serge or Crepes Priced for Tomorow's Sale at an Ex ceedingly Low Special Figure All Sizes in the Best Colors, iii Values Ranging Up to $19.50 At no time since the new season opened have we been so well pre pared with Women's ready-to-wear garments of such a high standard possessing so much individuality as well as character and advance ideas as at this sale of fine tailored Suits and charming silk, wool and crepe Dresses And at no time have we been able to offer better values Those who can arrange to be here tomorrow or the next day will have a decided price advantage over those who make decisions later on. THE TAILORED- SUITS are well made of fine serges and cheviots with best linings and are perfectly tailored They come in the popular Redingote and 38-inch coat models and with yoke, or Russian tunic skirt All sizes in th.e fashionable shades in browns, blues, navy and black They are sure to please you in every respect especially at the above price reductions. n Jo Hp THE DRESSES are shown in. charming styles for street or eve ning wear, especially attractive are those with tunic skirt and in basque effects They are well finished, neatly trimmed garments made of fine silk messalines, French serges and wool crepes- All sizes in black, navy, green, Copenhagen, etc. Garments whose worth and beauty will immediately appeal to you These price re ductions should oromot vou to make selections at tomorrow's sale Regular values up to $19.50 have been re duced to $13.95 Closing-Out Sale of Women's Linen t A A Waists Values to $4.50 on Sale at J) I tUU At this great reduction we place on sale our entire remaining stock of Women's Linen Shirt Waists They are exceedingly neat and durable and are of good styles with embroidered front Sizes 34, 36, 40 and 42 only, in values up to $4.50, priced r for this sale while they last at b 1 UU Sale of Guaranteed Shoes for Boys $2.50 Grade on sale now at $i.98 $3,00 Grade on sale now at f2.48 For the boys, a well made, solid leather shoe is a necessity during the wet fall weather. These are the only kind of shoes we sell, and we give our personal guarantee with every pair. We know that they are made with the best wearing leather uppers, first quality solid leather soles, insole and counter and to be extra well stitched throughout. They come in both button and lace and in neat styles. Regular $2.50 grade in sizes 9 to 13, at f 1.98 Regular $3.00 grade ui sizes 1 to 6, uus sale Girls' $1.75 Guaranteed Shoes in sizes 8 to 11, on ti-f yQ sale at p.fK. Girls' $2.00 Guaranteed Shoes in sizes 114 to 2, on Hf? sale at tpJ-.l O Girls' $2.50 in sizes 2 sale at Guaranteed Shoes to..6'..on.$1.98 A Showing of Women's Comfort Shoes at Popular Prices $1 60 I Washington" style, for $1.98 A One-Strap Style Toe Slippers, priced for this sale at "Nurses' Juliette" with plain toe, on ff sale at . pXUU "Nurses' Juliette" with patent tip, for I- ryff this sale at vl Lace Cushion Comfort Shoes, priced for this sale at. Lace Cushion Kid Dress Shoes, on sale fl0 iO tomorrow at tJJAUO Sale of All Sorts of Desirable Laces Prices that have never before been equaled for lowness. See our Morrison St Window Display. Our Lace Section has been gaining steadily in sales month after month; now that the time for onr Annual Fall Sale is here, we feel that you expect greater things than ever during its prog ress; we know you'll not be disappointed, as the values are pro portionally better than any offered heretofore, and the laces in cluded all the desirable styles and patterns for the trimming and making of afternoon, evening and dancing dresses The prices quoted here indicate the savings: Net Top Oriental Flouncings An extensive showing in white, cream and ecru comprising all the popular new light weight effects An assortment from which every taste may be suited Four widths, each under priced as follows; 3 to 6-inch Widths, val- Or 12Tinch Width, values OQn at dJ to 85c a vard. at ues to 49c a yard. 18-inch Width, values to $1.50 yard, at...... 75c to 85c a yard, at 27-inch Width, values to $2.50 yard, at 98c 19c FLOUNCINGS VALUES TO 50c A YARD PRICED FOR THIS SALE ONLY Both 18 and 27-inch "Lace Flouncings in a fine range of dainty patterns in shadow effects All fresh, clean goods Lirles IQp regularly sold up to 50c This Sale at A! FLOUNCINGS VALUES TO 95c A 2flr YARD PRICED FOR THIS SALE ONLY OVC Extra fine shadow Lace Flouncings, full 18 inches wide Innum erable patterns in white, cream and ecru The. kind regu- OQ larly sold up to 95c This Sale at O&K, Just In A Fine Line of Zion Laces, Both 59c Edges and Insertions Special Price C - for Tomorrow's Sale, the Yard Only Ot They are new, attractive and, at the above prices the best values we have ever offered in these popular Laces the assortment includes a wonderful variety of patterns in round and single thread mshes in both edges and" insertions and all go on sale tomorrow at. a vard..... tJU 27-IN. FLOUNCINGS, VALS. TO $1.75 A YARD, ON SALE A showing of the highest grade Shadow Flounc ings including a great number of beautiful silk patterns They come full 27 inches wide and in white, " cream and ecru t,aces regularly KQV sold up to $1.75 a yard This Sale at t7v The New Fur Trimmings Are Here in Generous Assortments at Most Moderate Prices An unusually attractive assortment of pretty fur trimmings in numerous styles and. colors Many are exclusive-a feature which adds much to their value with almost every, woman They come in to 3-inch widths in Coney, Fitch, Beaver, Moline, Sealine, Skunk, Marmot. Hare, Fox, Ermine, etc Also a fine lot of dainty fur Collars in various colors and styles See our Third street window and arrange to make selections as soon as possible. . - Showing1 and Sale Men's High -Grade Coat Style Shirts Made of Plain Blue Cham bray The Well-Known Ferguson & McKxnney Make Our Reg. Af $1.00 Kind, Only 4V C A special underpricing of one of the most desirable Shirts for men A Fergu son & McKinney guaranteed shirt of standard make, cut full to size and well finished. Comes lin coat style, with starched or soft cuffs and shown in plain blue cham bray. All sizes from 14 to ny2. A regular $1 ja Shirt. On sale at. . .C Men's Silk Four-in- Hand Ties Reduced Made With Wide Open Ends All Desirable Pat terns and Colorings -50c Grades at 3 for 'JC $1.00, or Each atUUW Replenish your supply of Neckwear at this sale and you'll save a worthy amount for other needs. Included in this offering are several hun dred fine silk Four-in-Hand Ties of regulation width and length, made with wide open ends. They come in many neat and attractive color ings and are the kind regu larly sold at 50c. Tomorrow you have choice from this wonderful . assortment at three for $1.00, or q each ..... ......... 3 4) A Sale of Whisk Brushes Regular 25c and J fn 35c Values, Only 1 7 L For tomorrow we place on sale ! a fine lot of whisk brushes. They are made with metal cap handles and are shown in three sizes. They arethe kind sold reg ularly at 555C andoac q Priced this sale at.. . 15C A Fine Showing of 32 and 36-Inh Wool Finished Dress Goods IN BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, WAFFLE CHECKS, STRIPES, SPECIAL AT, m YARD UC PLAIDS AND PLAIN COLORS ALL Over 50 different styles to select from especially desirable S I many more suitable for women's wear Included are all size black and white yhecks. waffle checks, plaids, stripes, novelties and plain color They are fine wool finished wash far?ncs in 32 and 36-inch widths, priced for this sale, a yard 25c Sale of Bleached Damask and Napluns 75c DAMASK ON SALE ONLY 48c 20 bolts of bleached Linen Finished Damask, full 70 inches wide and shown in pretty figured designs, spots, stripes and flowers Best 75c grade yf Q $1.50 NAPKINS QNlALE AT $1.19 100 dozen Mercerized Napkins, 23 by 22 inches Neatly hemmed and ready So use They come in many designs and are the kfetl regularly 1Q on sale at i wv sold at $1.50 a dozen on safk at Vlilw 25c AND 35c LINES OF CURTAIN tSOODS ON SALE i-OR 19c YARD 60 bolts of bright new Curtain materials Principally in Scrims both plain weaij& ; and with open-work border or colored border Also neat colored cretonnes for side drapes in manygtesigns Regu- IQp lar 25c, 30c and 35c lines This Sale Only at. yard fi. A 571 15c GRADE WHITE OUTING FLANNEL SPECIALLY PRICED 10c YARD A special purchase and sale of manufacturer's short lengths of White Outing if a-nnel An extra heavy weight of fine soft finished and full36 inches wide the quality sold from regtjar bolts at 15c 1 Ap a yard 12 to 8 yard lengths on sale at, a yard.. Ayi Seasonable Weight Knitwear and Hosiery for Women and Children Comfort and satisfaction are combined with low prices in these popular sections? of our store. Here you'll find unlimited assortment from the best mills. Garments of the best iaterials, in seasonable styles. They come in all sizes and at prices that are unapproachable for valuegiving. The following lines will be on special display tomorrow we invite your inspection. li j- At SO Garment Women's Heavy Fleeced Cotton Shirts and Drawers. All sizes. At $ 1 Suit Women's Heavy Fleeced Cotton Union Suits. All sizes. At 79 Garment Women's Fine Ribbed Wool Vests and Pants. All sizes. At ?1.5 -Women's Fine- KS Suit- Ribbed fjl Union Suits. AL sizes. At f 1 Gahjnent Women's Extra Heavy Wdol Vests and Pants. Ait c;..,'S S3' ! At $2 iSuit Women's Extra Heavy vbbl Union Suits. All sizes. 8 j Women's Hoe , At 1254 Medium-weight, Fast Black Cottop -Stockings, made with double heel, sole and toe. All sizes. g j At 25 The Burson Fashioned Fine WobVwckings with reinforced Silk Lisle Hose leel and toe. All sizes. f t At 35e or 3 Pairs for $1 Women's L-onWear made with six-thread heel and toe. H Children's Hqso At 12$f For children's medium heavy Fastglilack Cotton Stockings with reinforced heel and toe. All sizes. g ' At 19. or 3 Pairs for BO Boys' fine H'lt-finished, Fast Black Cotton Hose in-all sizes. ' At 25 For boys' and girls' fine mercerized nd extra heavy Lisle Stockings in all sizes. 1 Phoenix Silk Hose for Women A full-fashiotJed, high-grade Stocking .that is both durable and perfect fitting, showtf in all sizes and '7 colors including black, at, the pair J. . . I tlU Large Assortment Silks and Woolen Dregs Goods The Styles, Colorings, Finish and Wearing Qualities Are All Reliable See Our Morrison Street Window Display i : Women who appreciate the importance of early selections are finding most santerestine choosine in our unusually large assortments of Silks and Woolen Dress Goods Fall and Venter's newest styles in the most fashionable weaves and colorings are here in abundance Many are exclusive and cannot be duplicated later that fact, together with the low prices we are now quoting on the choicest fabrics should induce immediate selections. it BEAUTIFUL NEW PLAID FANCIES IN RICH COLOR fcOMBINATIONS PRICED AT 75c AND $1.00 A YARD f ! A notable display of smart plaid patterns and color combinations 40-inch ;all wool English plaid at 75c a yard and 42-inch genuine Scotch plaids in double warp weaves and madeof the finest d"! f( selected yarn Fabrics of unusual merit at, a' yard $Jj- vAUU EXTRA! A Bargain Lot of Plaid Fabrics, Regular $1.25, $fi35 andCJ 1 A A $1.50 Qualities, Specially Priced for This Sale at Low Price, tie YardtD 1 UU They are all wool, fine 54 inch plaid fabrics, which we were fortunate in secqrirat splendid price con cessions from an overstocked importer We now offer them to you at the, samf price reductions -They come in three good weights and in most every wanted color combination suiskple for both women' and children garments Come early and have the advantage of first choiceSfrom regular ?05, $1.35 and $1.50 qualities This Sale at New Novelty Dress and Trimming Silks Specially Priced $1.00 to $2.00 the Yard The new Roman Stripes Rich Plaids Bulgarian Novelties and Fancy Trimming Silks in serges, Ottomans, taffetas and messaline Strictly high grade silks, shown in most .any wanted color, or color combinations 22 to 27-inch widths that can not be equaled in quality elsewhere at ? l.OO to S2.00 a yard. Hi- $1.00 New Novelty Swiss tfaffeU-fl A A Silks Underpriced atf Yardd.UU Exquisite colorings in, tlpji extremely fashionable Swiss Taffeta silks in prinpd warp fancies on solid or changeable grounds 5ey come in rich effec tive over designs in a wonfierful assortment up-to-the-minute iilks in a quaSty sold everywhere at $2.50 a yard Priced lasM leader at PO fA .! tUaUVS This Sale at.. . r JUST OPENED A FINE LOT OF NEW COATINGS-i-iaATCH-e i CA LESS VALUES SPECIAL FOR THIS SALE AT LOW PRIpE, YD. J 1 .0 V The new, Scotch Novelty' Mixtures full 56 inches wide and strictly all-wool TMy come in an excellent weight and in a choice range of color combinations They are extremely durable, fashionable (?1 PA coatings of umnatcbable quality at, a yard... .....u......-..... i. .3 St. i. '.;V Aw V