The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 11, 1914, Page 28, Image 28

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Town, Ranches; Cannery,
Go Monday, and That Ends It
Timber Stands and '.Stock
Just One More Day The StoreSs Rented
Ranges Included,-
improvements: planned
" " vJtSU' i "111 i lilivVT." I lV -
. i- - - ------
As Vntore EUlenint warrants, Sys
tematic Scheme of Tpballdiag "Will
Be Carried Out.
( (Special to Tti Jonrnjl.t
Marshfleld, Or., Oct. 10. Down in
Curry county. In the beautiful valley
of the Rogue river, one c-f the moat at
tract I t localities on the Oregon coast,
ta a littl empire all by itself. Under
one ownership ara town, school, hotel,
fttore, f lulling rights, salmon cannery,
lumber mill, big herds of cattle and
Sheep, extensive at6ck ran Res, fertile
fields under cultivation and vast tim
ber resources. The property ia that of
the Wedderburn Trading company,
owned by the Macleay estate of Port
land of which Roderick Macleay of that
city Is the president.
ina wedderburn 'Trading company
at the present time la one of the most
important business institutions in
Curry county and promises in the Im
mediate future' to be one, of the moat
valuable factors in the settlement of
that richly resourceful but as y-t un
developed and thinly settled county of
While thoestate Is a property which
stands by Itself and could exist alone
and independent of the rent of the
county within the bounds of its own
fences and waterways, that ia not the
policy of the present owners. The
whole property was formerly owned by
the late R. I). Hume who was known as
"The King of Roxue Rlvar." The es
tate whs purchased by thmWacleay in
terests of Portland In March. 1910.
Mr. Hume devoted many years In add
ing to his holdings and acquiring addi
tional lands and rights. But the pres
ent owners ara developing and have
started to open the lands for settle
ment, i
The prbperty was purchased as an
Investment. Mr. Macleay hH faith In
the future of Curry county and realizes
that settlement by people who tan be
come prosperous Hnd bring about a
higher and more Intense development
of the land constitute the greatest need
not only of his property but of the
county. There are few people In Curry
county, fewer than 30ff0. while the re
sources are great. Mr. Macleay wants
to develop his land and the locality
nd wit : this end in view has done
much to help, and cooperate with all
the people of the Rogue river district
. of the county.
The holdings of the Wedderburn
Trading company are valuable from a
business standpoint. It is an unique
property aa it incorporates several dif
ferent llines of resources and IndUB-
tries, requiring different departments
of management. Thene are the salmon
fishing rights and the salmon cannery.
, me genera store wmcn is itselz a
large concern, the farming and stock
raising arid the lumber mill with be'
i hind it ian almost endless supply of
timber. !
Oeorge Johnson,, an experienced fish-
. ry and cannery man has charge of the
, cannery;' Will White is foreman of the
farms and stock ranges; Thomas Carey
Is manager of the store and Attorney
W. H. Mertdith, the district attorney
or curry county, is lawyer and geh
eral business manager ,'fpr the com
Mr. Macleay himself spends much- of
j his time during the summer months
1 and during the cannery season at Wed
derburn: He has for his residence
large bachelor hall, , equipped with
modern conveniences'!' In charge of
a Chinese servant TCeouse is lo
cated on a point overlooking the town.
the river and the ocean. Here Mr.
Macleay can entertain 12 of his friends
kin comfort and on many occasions ac
Iquaintances from Portland and other
places have visited the. place and en
joyed Mr. Macleay's hospitality.
16,000 Acres la Tract.
The property consists of about IS,
' 080 acres, about 6000 of which are
farming and gracing lands. It ex
tends from the ocean up Rogue river
: for about 12 miles, the' estate owning
.both sides of the river for practically
( the entire distances Along the river
f' there are fertile bottom lands backed
by rolling bills rich in grass and used
for (raising. Farther up the river are
timbered lands. On the estate there
are abonut 175.000.000 feet of standing
.; timber but in addition there is a large
amount of timber which is on adlonlng
lands ahd which must eventually find
ita way! through the Rogue river. The
:, saw mill In Wedderburn can cut 50,000
feet of Slumber a day. It has so far
only been used for furnishing lumber
for the jftatate and the local demand but k
whan the lumber market warrants It
could ba operated regularly. Mr. Mac
leay plans that he can build boats
which Can cross the bar of the river
and carry 200,000 feet of lumber eco
t nomlcaily.
Many claim for the lower Rogue
' river that It Is one of the most pictur
esque parts of Oreon. There is one
place on the Macleay property ', which
Mr. Macieay claims arrords as fine a
view aa cen be enjoyed in the state. On
the top of hill at an elevation of 800
feet one cah, without moving more
than turning the head, look in one di
rection over cultivated fields, over the
liver and town and grazing lands
dotted with sheep and cattle; in an
other direction at mountains 3500 feet
High; while In still. another direction
ii ii s - r, rL-" jr " ni i sj sif
-Va . u
: H u R
Every Piano must be moved tomorrow,
Monday night, by 12 o'Clocfc; I have been
' ordered to get out. We will deliver Pianos
all night if necessary.
one can view miles of the ocean beach
and expanse.
The farm management of the estate
is quite a big business. Many hundred
acres Of land have been plowed and
placed under cultivation, sheep by the
thousands are herded over the hills and
hundreds of cattle are grazed. It is tne
Intention of the owners to cut down
the number of sheep to perhaps 1000
or 2000 and go more Into the cattle
business to save the pastures from the
close foraging of the sheep which have
for years past been raised in curry
county.. There are several separate
ranches which are numbered but there
Is one main ranch about three miles
from the town which is the headquar
ters of the farming. Here are located
the foreman's house, quarters for the
farm employes, big . barns, harness
shop, blacksmith shop, chicken houses,
piggeries and every kind of building
needed on a farm, numbering 15 or 20
In all.
There is a first Class slaughter
house and a sheep shearing establish
ment. Every kind of machinery needed
for modern farming is to be found.
In addition to the sheep, wool and
cattle produced, nogs are raised on a
large scale. When ready for market
they can be shipped to any port on the
mall gasoline ocean going schooners
which regularly make the port. Grain
crops and general farming are im
portent factors. After Mr. Hume's
eath and before the property passed
into the hands of the present owners
the buildings were much run down. Mr,
Macleay has expended many thousands
of dollars repairing the buildings, put
ting up new ones where needed and
building fences. There are now 26
miles of fences on tne farms. More
land has been put under, cultivation
than ever before. As a farm the whole
place has been put in a workable con
dltlon and pending th time of settle
ment the property ia operated as on
big farm.
Improvements la Weadetbttm.
Improvements have likewise been
made in the town of Wedderburn,
which is opposite Gold Beach, . the
county Beat, afid connected by means
of a ferry across Rogue river. Mr.
Macleay had the hotel opened so there
would be accommodations for the flehf
ermen who wanted to board or for
travelers, and new houses for em-
Top A group of Curry county cattle. Bottom Rogue river Balmon
will extend through the Rogue river
country when he will be able to settle
the district as he believes its resources
deserve. He has offered to build a
cheese factory at Wedderburn to make
a matket for milk if those who go on
his land and others in the neighbor
hood will take up dairying. He like
wise will take up the canning of Lo
ganberries and blackberries if suffi
cient number of people will undertake
the growing of the fruit
Germany Prepares
For Over 40 Years
War of 1870 Tanffb-t That Another
Strug-gle With France Was Bound to
Berlin. Oct. 10. Ever sinca the
Franco-German war of 1870 the Gfer-
ployes and other needed buildings have man empire has been organized to re-
been erected. When conditions, of set- sist the attack which wa foroseeneas
tlement Warrant the expansion of the soon as the rapid recovery of defeated
town there is room On the level land France attested her exuberant vitality
Some of - the Pianos : in
this . sale : Chickering,
Knabe, Bchning, Weg
man, Lester, Steinway,
Steck, 'Weber, Emerson,
Schumann, Weber Pian
olas, Steck Pianolas, Vose
& Sons, Briggs, Estey,
Ludwig, Hobart M Cable,
- Hallet & Davis.
In fact, you will still
find almost any make,
either in an upright,
player or Grand piano.
New Pianos
$0750 FOR $250 VALUES.
Only two left; take them at
$75 or $80. New Of course
they are new. All others equal
ly low.
GRANDS Grand pianos now
for less than the same quality
uprights would cost at any oth
er time; $700 values now $337.
$800 values now $446 and $950
values now $518, all old. reliable,
established makes. Also many
other pianos not listed here, and
I want to say to you right now
that you can secure almost any
make of piano you desire.-
Seeress Once Predicted Ger
man Empire Would Be
Formed in 1 871.
There Are 850
Player Pianos for
Only $188
Late ,88-note. Of course
used, but you could hardly
tell itkany others new
ones, $700 to $850 values,
$287, $387, $437. - Upright
and grand pianos equally
low. Several $250 new up
right pianos, $90,
ttaiy?"' -3f ,tu !". ill - TVl
. . 44& mm r . . . ft i m fc z - - - t.
pa . vMjtt
i -
for quite a large place, a portion hav
ing been chosen to hold as an addi
tional townsite.
From a business standpoint the sal
mon fishing and packing: Is the most
important feature of the big estate. - In
fact it affords the only big payroll for
and patriotic desire to recover the lost
provinces of Alsace and Lorraine.
Moltke advised his government to pro
voke a fresh war with France In. 187a
to forestall the danger.
whether or not the German army
finally shows that it has retained its
(Br th InternttioMl Newt Service.)
London, Oct. 10. A remarkable
story 6f a gypsy prophecy, which may
have Influenced the course of history.
was related here today by a retired
diplomatist. In the summer of 18 9 9,
he said, he was sitting with the pres
ent Oermaa foreign secretary. Herr
von Jagow, who was then a secretary
of the German embassy at Roma. They
were on the balcony of the emhaaay.
Za the course of convrsatlon, Herr
von Jagow expressed the belief that
no general European war was uaeiy
that Part or the county and each year p jj ther exists no doubt but to occur before the end of VX. Me
does much in giving employment to the
people and circulating cash. As high
as 1100,000 1b paid out by the company
in a fishing season,
The Rogue rtver salmon are famous
for their quality and the Wedderburn
that the country was f ally prepared
for war. The military and civil gov
ernment has been organized with a
teal, thoroughness and Industry never
before surpassed. . Formidable as are
the Fatherland s enemies, they are j
Trading company has every facility for meettng with an organization In which
"u la" ll"n- no detail has been overlooked to make
nsnerinen ars paia ou cents eacn iorii. n,rfort
iitiiuutt ejeLiiixuii una lug Lumau y lur1
in.-5in;n iiBiims gear. in enor- i wrnu.M
mous warohotiBM art. kent .vPrthln Willbridge May Anne.
that may be needed In fishing. The niuunaie,..ur.. wi. iw. worn ib
romnnnv awim tthhut SKO Mr ttota fvio now nearly completed on the eleven
cannery has been equipped with the P111"8 stretch of the new Hillside drive
most modern machiherv. Bxnertti are aong vvmameue tieigius. 1 ne cost
in charwt of th rlPtSartmnt and P.Y1. to date is about $85,000.
namen are imnorted te Mnoh at th I The Salsman road is being rolled and
work in the cannery. The plant Is built Overhauled ff6m the Linnton road at
along big wharfs and consists Of avI"DrlQse ior aoout two nuies to us
junction wun ine miisiae arive. wi nis
gave as his reason the' influence of
a nroohecv made to the kaiser's grand
father. Prince "William of Prussia, at
Mainz in 1849
Prince William of Frussia, wno was
proclaimed German emperor at Ver
sailles on January is, isti, was in
1849 wandering incognito in the Rhine
provinces. ' attended only by an aide-
de-camp. Ha had Incurred great un
popularity by hi atutuae aunng tne
Berlin revolution of Marco, 1848, ana
had been obliged to spend some time
in England, when he returned, etiU
a semi-fugitive, to the Rhineland.
What the Gypsy Bald. .
At Mainz a rypsy woman offered to
tell him his fortune and addressed una
as "Imperial majesty
Not a little amuRea- ior at mm mo
ment his chance Of succeeding to the
number tlf hulldihfrn InMudthA' a Vnrtd,
em cold storage plant road was hardsUrfaCed wijth crushed I throne of Prussia seemed slight the
The nalmon is put Up in attractive rucK laHl la" Ior mre man a nine ana prince asked, imperial
J Fd0
shan. in nana anA lrt Im-an .Mmmf the Work Will HOW be XJOmDleted,
is mild cured and Decked In tierces All '. there is now nearly a mile of piles
throutth. the season fishermen r at driven' along the waterfront. Three
work on the river and receive money PHedrivers are at work on what will.
for the fish while the ranrtarv 1 . proDaoiy De tne iargest.aocK in tne
State. The channel on this side is to i
I be dredged and deepened.
At a citizens' meeting the Consensus1
of opinion as expressed by several
I speakers was In favor of annexing this j
district to Portland.
busy place taking care of the catch and
shipping out on schooners the fin-
ished product. Later on in October sll-
versides are caught and ; canned. On
account of the existing 'laws of the
state the Rogue river --salmon fishing
is conducted under disadvantages hot
suffered at other fishing places on the
coast. There are two closed days each
week on Rogue river while at the other
harbors of Oregon there is but one day
In the week when the fishermen can
hot catch the salmon. This of course.
limits the season. The season for
catching Chinook salmon on Rogue
river Is from April IS until August 6
Than thar I o r1tmA ...uih ,n.n
Beptember 1 when the fishing can I Zemo Stops ItcWftg and Burning in
X ft V
'1 2 i
Scr atching !
start agaln This. makes ft closed sea
son of 25 days while It Is claimed that
It should be only two weeks. After
Beptember 1 the fish are not as good
and do, not bring as good a price aa
earlier In the year. Until that time
only gill nets can be used. Seines can
only be used after September 1 When
the fish ara not so good.
Flafctaf MtrietioB Annoying.
a Jiffy Quickly Conquers
Kczema and Other
Skin Tortures.
Write tot irjae Trial Bettt.
Scratching stops as soon as the use
pi Zemo is be fun and all that awful
burning and itching stops too,
Sample treatment of Pyramid PU
Remedy mailed free for trial gives
quick relief, stops itching, bleeding or
protrodlng pile, hemorrhoids and all
rectal troubles, in the privacy of your
own home. Pyramid Pile Remedy ,1a
for sale at all druggists. 60o a box.
Mail this Coupon
61 Pyramid Bide Marshall. Mich
with your full name and address on
a slip of paper, and sample treat
ment of the great Pyramid Pile
Kerned r. will then he sent you at once
by mall. FRISK. In plain wrapper.
Dies, blackheads and ecaetna
. Thre are also restrictions regarding! eores begin to .fade away
Bieeiaeaas. xney cannot be caught
during the summer. This is feecausal It ?L "
the people of the upper Rogu rlvfef Sr nhiTOSS? nf UTen- "
wanted to protect the game fish. It is tic, non-greasy liquid,
held on the lower river that only the UetterB, by the thoU-
large fish would be caught and that sand, telling of Zemo
those Which go to the waters of the 5??,e' -p;ovS v V.,?
angler are only small fish, four pounds tUS'S? fort
at the roost, and are of a size passed by I yourself.
ior commercial purposes it Is claimed i s Mt ytt i;
that because of this law thousands of f from your druggist to
big fish go up the river and are lost;! day arid get immediate
majesty, -and
of what empire, vrayi"
Of the new uerman empire, was
the reblv.
And when is tms empir.e to oe
formed r ha inqniredu The woman
took a scrap of paper and wrote oa it
the year lt. .Then she placed tne
same figures in column beneath: 1349,
1, 8, 4, 9, and addding them together
obtained the total, 1871.
"And how long am I to rule ovet
this empire?" asked Prince William
again. The woman repeated the arith
metical operation, taking the number
1871. and adding the same figures in
column 1871, 1, s, t, 1( which gavatha
result 1888.
Astonished by her confidence, the
prince then asked: "And how long ia
this fine empire to last 7" rnen tne
Woman, taking the figures. 1888, and
repeating the same operation -1888, 1,
8, 8, 8, obtained the result, fill.
Story SOo BpreAO.
The story soon spread la Prussian
court circles. Princa William became
German emperor in 1871 and died in
1888. The effect of the double rui
f llment of the prophecy upon th
present German emperor's mind wa
great, ana it seems it enterea into
the calculation or. rruasian aipio-
malists aa long ago aa 1899.
fi ziE 3? 1?
That Truck or the Others, In
cluding Wagons of Many Kinds
and Descriptions, Must Move
58 Pianos Somewhere Tomor
row Night at 12 o'Clock.
VT4 have a lara somber Of these pianos
hava been holding On special sale for $14$ to $138.
Soma of them ara area more thaa $400 regular
rataaa. Td clean them out they go at 8116 aaoh.
A ao&be of special KHiaoa eaaas, aot ealy.
la nlaver sianoa. bat nnrUrht Ptaaoa as wau
oia reuaoie maxes.
any vnoa X oaa
naaold tomorrow alght.
tea. too. ra aasparata; yai taa
get. Ho a plaao matt left
fiCeta ara a lot of flayer piaaoa for which w
hava m aaklag tufa aad $500. fTBO aa $900
ralaa. Vow .w elft: then out at 325
ft vs r I
a r 4
Will Test New OirdlnAe.
Hood River, Or Oct. 10. Hood
River city and valley are having an
epidemic of robberies.' Following the
blowing up of the consolidated Mer
cantile company's safe, a number of
Japanese in the Pine Grove district
had all of their belongings stolen' last
night. Clothing, checks, money, curios
and food was carried away by the:
In order to test the poolroom ordi
nance recently passed by the city eoun-
Some particular 'values we have
left to offer at whatever they will
bring; $950 Weber Pianola Piano
$527. This is the finest and best
ever made by- the Aeolian Com
pany; also a $1500 combination! of
Lester Grand with Pianola, $666;
$500 Combination Burnieister
Pianola, $218- $600 to $700
Kingsbury Player Piano, 88-nQte,
now $335. Come Monday
What will you give. i
Kre U a Vitef MaaoU ana that regularly talis
for $1000. v Wa have beam asking 837. - ow eom t
Mi malm ma aa offer. Xfa eaejotty like ja aewert.
We hva also some Stack Staaolaa. Sarveaaat
Ma&olae and a lot of others. Boat laye pjaa for
eves $165 to $170. Of eoursa they ara 88-ftota. Wo
would waht te Hr a fts-mots puyert Bwmr,l aava
tome specially oonatraetad 65-aot player that eaa
easily ba ehaagad into 83-not.
tihRt. 15 l tits jyu 1 i paid
Dr. Brown his.rnt to Monday night
at 12 o'clock. No more. Even if I
$25, or less. . J: am going to , sell
nianos Mondav i (tomorrow) at ahv-
r m - '
- thing they will Ijring $48, $68, $87
and all the $20 new pianos, worth
that on any matf&t; now $90 each
yes $70 or $75; : ; All others equally
anos, Player PlaUbs and Baby Grand
Pianos at a price you won't belie v
" w probable thatat the next leg- I relief of send your address and e fforlu - .lrinr th IM tstt at aitv anma.
lblature an effort will be made to have actual postage) to E. Rose Co. Lab- j m7nt- or the first time in tha'bistory
case "will, be
are unfair for Rogue river fishing ?U"Jltl.. vri SPZ!, made for violations of the law that will
which means so much as an Industry I wm d6 " " .1 be made Sunday. The opera tora of
in you try umo ior arier snavuig. i oooirooms ana muunu muuneamum, it
you'll learn something to your advant-1 1 rPDorted. have Uhited their interests
"85 ' - . - V . I In the matter and have agreed to jteea
f-i-i.Si JlrZ SSSSi.ISIopeii Sunday In conformity with the
druggists everywhere, and In Portland I . , 't
by Huntley Bros. Drua.Co.. Fourth and I provisions of the ordinance. aijd;SBbmlt
Washineton streets. ., . I io an arrear jiouuajr.
in that part of the state,
The catch and pack of salmon this
year win be large and it will be a good
year Tor the people living In the local
ity. Mr: Macleay hopes that it will not
be ma ay years before a coast railroad
Bnt Remember, This Is the Last Call.
The Sale
of the
EvervlMns Hast Be Sold by 12 o'Giocli Tomorrow Night
ii er jxh. & uii. a irnitr -r in Lnurr - - -
Agent and Creditors Rep
resentative; 1388! Mbrricbn