r fit THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 11. 1914. 6 PEOPLE OF ANTWERP FLEE IN TERROR AS : SHELLS FALL IN CITY German Bombardment Begins With Dramatic Suddenness i As Midnight Hour Strikes. BUILDINGS ARE WRECKED STREET SCENE IN ANTWERP, THE DEFENSE OF WHICH WAS VALIANTLY CONDUCTED BY THE BELGIANS Cripples and Xnvallaa Hobftle to Safety as Bart They Cm Plight Is Tragic. FtoUerflaro, Oct. 10. The bombard ment of Antwerp opened wtth dra matic wid(Jnni. Midnight had just truck when the first Shell loomed into the town. The dark, empty .streets nuddonly became alive with people, the J rrie of children mingling with tne hrili and terribly screams of women. The people flocked panic stricken in every direction. They had no fixed destination and their blind fear was pitiable. There r.s it lull after the explosion of the first shell, but a quarter of an liour later the booming of the big guntt began on a tremendous scale. Each iihot was followed by the weird, long-drawn-out din of the flying projectile. Then came the final explosion which was the most fearnome of all. iv'umer ous fires broke out and the air around them was vividly illuminated. Inten sifying the inky darkness in other (spots. Tea-Hoar Bespit Given. The bombardment continued until o o'clock In the laorntng when there was a respite in the shelling for two hours. At 1 o'clock, however, the firing com- menced more fiercely than ever, the shells exploding continuously, chiefly around the plain D Justice, the pon toon bridge and the farrtous railway station; ! liulldings were crashing to pieces on every hand. Cripples and invalldn were carried or hobbled a best they ; might to places -of comparative safety.: At midnight a procession of thousands ; of weeping women and children fled, ' v V pj! a, m' .J7vi"-i, ' Garranza Is Asked To Declare Himself Inquiry Addressed to SOm by Amszi oam Government Asking Him to '8tate Definitely Wnat Bis Plans Are. Washington. Oct 10. An Inquiry, amounting almost to an ultimatum, ha been addressed to "General Car r&nza requesting him to state defi nitely what he will do in various problems now muddling the Mexican situation. The United States tonight asked specifically of Carransa what he is going to do about these three things: 1. Guaranteeing complete protection to refugees and foreigners in Vera Cruz. 2. Assuring religious tolerance throughout the republic. 3. Whether if the customs duties collected by the American authorities at Vera Crux are turned over to him, he will reassess the persons from whom they are collected. kala. a Greek, charged with the murder and robbery of two Americans in a lumber camp near Independence, Cal., last May. Thonkales was arrested at Moline, 111., and the Chicago police say he confessed. Sheriff Collins said the victims were robbed of J1.000 and sev eral railroad tickets. Thonkales, ac cording to the epolice, . said he shot the Americans because they teased him and that robbery was an after thought. it Bullett Joe" Bush Will Sign for Life Athletics' Orsxk Pitcher Takes Oat Li cense to Wed Sylvia McMann When World's Series Zs Orer. Philadelphia, Oct. 10. "Bullet Joe" Bush, crack pitcher for the Athletics, is about to sign a life contract, it was learned today. A marriage license was procured by the slab artist before Bos ton trimmed his team mates today. His fiancee is Sylvia PI McMann, an 18-year-old fannette, of this city. The date for the wedding has not been set, but it is expected to be shortly after the world's series. Photograph copyrighted 1914 by the International News Service. IE ANTWERP EOF RECALLS BATTLE OF THE DISTANT PAST some pushing barrows laden with . r r i i whatever they had been able to get to- ODaniarUS KjUCd neClUCeCl KjWW Hither: moHt. however were flenine mt rely with the clothes they wore nd ' many were only half dressed. i Little groups of women, tragically i adorned with lacy morning caps, halted to look buck upon the scene where ttiey 1 had left their husbands, sons or sweet- ' heart in the trenches. Crowds Become Impassable. After Long Fight; Historic Places Mentioned, (By the International News Servlee.) London, Oct. 10. The great war in Eurore ' has. amone othr thine-s. Swift progress soon became impos- , brought into prominence the ancient siblr, the crowds becoming so dense city of Antwerp, which Germans bom that they moved in some streets as barded from the sky with deadly slowly us the queue before a theatre bombs dropped from a Zeppelin airship lionet winnow, sewing macnines ana several weeks ago and which thev now babies were piled un on bicycles and vo trundled again. Fainting women were Since the beginning of its history inrrled out of the roads until they had , )n the seventh century, Antwerp has revived sufficiently to go on. ) had its full share of warfare due Every timV; the shells whistled over ; chiefly to the geographical importance jf-nU n ciiuuuriini iicmur fliomu I qt Its Situation The dnnirop oB threatening the city turns one's mind hack to the time when the Spaniards reduced it after 14 months of stren- throuirh the crowd. Women nressed 1 th-ir babes tighter to their breasts and Increased the speed of their flight from -, the city, of death. All day long the people tramped out, and the sun poured down, but so great was the dust that ' the army of fugitives were hardly vis- ' iious siege. "The carillon that from the great cathedral towers "so sweet ly mocked the cannoades of Spain," sends its music floating through the ible When night fell they hd not alr now as then, in the hearing of reached the Dutch frontier, and behind them In the darkness their burning homes cast a glare like Bome great fire works, while overhead the bursting shells continued to spread thousands of shooting stars. Eoland Harriman Is j Thrown From Horse! the enemy at Us gates. The bravery of the people has endured with the music of the chimes. Charms tUl Kemalm. Most of us know the Antwerp of today, though we may not fully ap preciate the honorable record of the part it has played in the artistic and commercial history of the past. We know at least its widely thrown de fenses, the laay Scheldt with the endless quays, its beautiful churches, its quaint market places, its museums and renowned picture gallery, its bourse, and the Place Verte, where, in spite of the noisy tram cars, the burghers love to sit and consume tlieir bocks and cheap cigars. Here and there one still comes upon the old houses with iron barred win dows, frowning upon the narrow lanes, grim as ever, the old Steen, With its miscellaneous museum above and its dungeons below, a ghastly testimony to the methods of the Inquisition. Most of all, perhaps, everyone is familiar with the cathedral dedicated to "Onze iieve Vreuwe," .any time between 1352 and 1616. which dates mark tho begin ning and final completion of the building. Suffered From fire. In its ling life it has suffered from fire and the haaards of war, of tem pest and time, and it remains today the largest and noblest Gothic church in the how Countries. Not far from it is the famous sixteenth century printing1 house of the Plantin-Moretus family, whose prosperity was built upon an exclusive license to print mis sals granted by Philip II. In this stately building the presses remain undisturbed,, and look as if they were waiting for , ghostly-printers from the shades to set them in movement. Antwerp's great commercial' pros perity under Charles V surpassed that of Venice and made it one of the wealthiest cities of the period. This importance has of late years, under different conditions, been repeated in a remarkable way. This is due in a great measure to its enhanced trade as a seaport. It has become the most important center on the continent for produce from all parts of the world. The great industrial development of the natutai and manufactured re sources of Belgium has also helped largely in this commercial renaissance. We miss the artistic note which made the sturdy old Flemings so re nowned oyer the civilized world. We no longer look for masterpieces of of the goldsmith and the silversmith, nor for the carpets, fine cloth and rich embroidery which helped to make Ant werp famous. And centuries ago the tsilk weavers fled to England to carry on their trade. Stained glass, forged iron work and the work of painters. whose canvases today are priceless, no longer are produced in Antwerp, but the value of the trade passing through the city is enormously abort the value of the goods as when they were produced in the days long de parted. Times change but prosperity knows no age. It comes and goes with its golden harvest. Woman Drives Auto Over Embankment BJUnelamder, Wis., Party does Over 15 Foot Bank; Wife of Banker Killed, Three Others Injured. Chippewa Falls. -Wis.. Oct. 10. One woman was killed and tnree injured today when an automobile driven by Mrs. Anna Walker, wlodw of the late Judge Walker, plunged over a 15 foot embankment. All were from Rhine lander, Wis., and were en route from St. Poul to Rhinelander. The deaB: Mrs. W. E. Ashton. wife of the cash ier of the First National bank, pinned under the car. The injured:1 Mrs. Anna Walker. ? Miss Hilgorman. Mrs. E. H. Keith. Lorimer's Bonds Are Placed at $100,000 Greek Accused of Murdering Loggers He Zs Arrested in Moline, 111., for Kill ing Two Americans in X, amber Camp Hear Independence, CaL Chicago, Ills., Oct 10. Sheriff Chas. A. Collins of Inyo county. California, will leave tomorrow night for the coast with L. Thonkales, alias Ij. Ohu- Conxt Approves Ex-Senator's Security and Property Scheduled y Former Political Associates Zs Takes. Chicago. Oct. 10. Bonds offered by William Lorimer, president of the de funct La Salle Street Trust and Sav ings bank, to secure his appearance for trial on an indictment charging misapplication of funds, were approved by the federal court today. Property valued at $100,000 was scheduled by former political associate of Lorlmer. Turn Up Pure Stalagmite. Lewistown. Pa.. Oct. 10. Street la borers excavating for a sewer inlet blasted a huge boulder, weighing more than two tons, which they found to be pure stalagmite. Pawn Bfpkers Must Pay f Higher Tax In That Particular Only Zoes Present War Tax tjte& That of Spanish War, Says filiate Simmon. Washingtortf? -Oct 10. In 'defending the war tax !5ill thla afternoon Sen ator Shnmonajdeclared that the taxes imposed were'blgher than those im- posed during the Spanish war in otie . particular, thtUax on pawn brokers which was.ftfiy dollars, while the Spanish war ix on pawn brokers was . only J0, anS f that only two nev articles wereiaxed wines and recti fied spirits. S i "While it hqsi been virtually agreeu that the taw on wines shall be. six cents a galifhj and that the tax on distilled spirats, used in fortifying wines, be increased from three to fifty-five ceWs. the subcommittee la waiting for final action until it bears from the treasury department that this scheme will Jual in revenue the house tax on wines.'pf 12 and SO ecnts. . j4-; . Don't Believe Peace TalkjiNot Official Publio Warned by State Department . "Peace Proposals' So Far Are In ventions off Those Opposed to Peace. ' Washington Oct. 10. Acting Secre tary of Statf? 'Lansing tonight issued a warning tS the American public to disbelieve sgiries of peace proposals by the UnitSi States government un less they wre given out officially. "AIT such Stories, In the future, un less given Sit from' official sources. should be taken as the Inventions of persons who? have some motive other than peace ih setting afloat rumors of this sort," declared Lansing. Lansing's .Announcement was issued after dispatches came from London that Great ftrltain was being irritated at the constantly growing and un founded remits of peace proposals. t"hinii Are Arrested. Three Clkese were arrested and two cow piegj; outfits for opium smok ing were suited last night during a police raid ft a place at SO 3-4 Second street OniNlCbinese escaped. Special Officer Siagdifer of the state board of pharmacy and Patrolmen Wise and Martin conducted the raid. . . YOUNG COUPLES SHOULD START BY INVESTIGATING EDWARDS' CREDIT PLAN Gohen, N. Y.. Oct. 10. Roland Hat- T fw ' interetting items rlman. youngest son of the late E. H. T'.k i WM. u -1 ..,'.' Jl, - -I lh nam of th classifioatian in which tt Harriman, had a narrow escape from acinar follow each itam: i.xcftanr 49 aori ia Clark county. I Washington ; clear of incumbrance ; bedrock WANT AD ITEMS paying and going farm." Farms death today at the weekly run of the drag hounds of the Glenarlen hunt. The horse he was riding stumbled af ter taking a fence and young Harri man was thrown on his head on hard ground. Dr. Wiley, a member of the hunt, brought the youth back to con sciousness after about 10 minutes and said that Harriman would recover. WpmaM Found Dead. Mrs. Clara Morse, 54 years old, was found dead In- her bed at a rooming house at 1 V Grand avenue about 9 o'clock last sight. It is believed that lim-t fallnrM wna rpnnnnlhlA fn hnr I death. She.-had lived there about a year, but little Is known of her history. price ; want a little - home, dear, or small place on Oregon City carline, " Exchange Real utate. "For Sale $1200 first mortgage on 160 acres cf land, value 13000. Will discount." Financial. Irrigated Farm Cheap SO acres, with paid up water right ; SO acres in cultivation, geod buildings, a fine dairy and hog proposition. Fries 1 500, on reasonable terms; or will put in stock and equipment at market prices and take mortgage to cover. Here ia a chance for seme one with limited' capital to get started For on a Bale. "Old established and good' paying launoh business, ruining between Kelso, Wash., and Rainier, Or., consisting of launch Eadem, length 55 feet, beam 11 feet, 45 h. p.. Im perial engine, and North Star, length 84 feet, beam 8 feet, 18 h. p., Standard engine, and float. Will sell cheap, if taken at once." Business! Chanoes "Want SO to 40 acre improved farm between Portland and Salem; not over 84000; cash. "Wanted Farms. "For Kent A large stock, cattle, hog 4nd alfalfa ranch I one of the finest places in the state; for rent a very attractive terms; stock far sale. If you are looking for a place to go inw im stock Dullness on a large scale, this wiu suit you. farms for Kent. J-UsX' Advertisers Directory 11 ' 1 1 , 1 1 ss11 ' i iW r ; . . , 50 Pie45 Dillner v V v i7 & VI. 7tv - fjw2J!-rjm? n-ciH- I BSCS rzmj mm U Three Roonts $1201 Completely furnished lf you live on a modest income and work for wages, we. will extend you as much credit as though you owned a bank. This plan lowers your cost of living and raises your standard of ImiiM it puts an end a . it i . i a ii i i - : it. at i i 1 r : ri A wonderfully easy homefurnishing proposition for every couple of modest means. On your "promise to pay" we will turn your house into a beautiful home. to waiting, skimping" and "saving up." It enables you to enjoy the comforts and fefining influences of beautiful home surroundings. It is a short, easy road to home comfort, because it if a great deal more pleasant to nejoy your home while paying for it than to deprive yourself while saving ilk BUY AMY ARTICLE PAY WEEKLY SEE THAT URVE FREE If your- glasses need adjusting, tightening, straightening, a new screw, rivet, temple, or some ( little repair, it doesn't make any dif ference whether they were bought of us or not, we ar always glad to attend to these little matters for you, and we Know How The scientific examina tion of the eye and the furnishing of glasses if necessary is our busi ness exclusively. THOMPSON OPTltAL INSTITUTE 209:10-n Corbett BldgV ; Fifth an Morrison, 2d Floor. 9. 10. li. 12. Page. SECTION ONE Tnomoeon Optical Inatitate. -Edwards Furniture Co. Specials. Baberts Bros. Specials. Lion Clothing- Co. Kuppenheimer Clothes. Ban Selling Hen's Clothing. GeTmrts rurnitare Co. Executrix Sale. Electro Painless Dentists. Woodard-Clarke Co. Drugs. Leue-Deris Drue Co. Trusses. C. E. Lucore Announcement. Nisbeth Sanitarium Announcement. Painless Parker- Dentist. Korvao-Atohley Furniture Co. Orefon Society for Dental Education. I. Q. Maok ft Co. Closing Out Sale. WSUam Hanley Political Announce ment, Pacifio Coast Syrup Co. Tea Oardea Syrup. Xue-DaTia Drug Co. "Nitrite." C. E. luoore Announcement. F. N. Clark tc, Co. Westover Terraces. Parkins Hotel Kestaurant Sunday Specials. I. K. Gill tc Co Late T lotion. Star Theatre Special Program, Portland Seed Co. Bulbs. Union Painless Dentists. Multnomah Hotel Announcement. Meier A Frank Co. Specials. . SECTION TWO Olds, Wortmaa A King Specials, 7. Jaeger Bros. Jewelers, Nortonia Hotel Announcement. J. K. QUI Co. Corona Typewriters. Kilham Stationery and Printing. Wise Dental Co. Teeth Specialists. Filers Musio House Pianos. Lenox Hotel Announcement. Laae-Daris Drug Co. Kola Tablets. University of Oregon. Law Department. Christian Yega Free Lectures. . 8. H. Clauaseniua Sen. Sou tied re Seed A- Floral Co Bulbs and Winter Flowers. K. J. Walsh Co Lighting Fixtures. B OTerbeck-Cooka Co. Stocks and Bonds. Steamship Cards. 10. Warren ton-Astoria Townsita Co. FlaveL SECTION THREE Part 1 Alien A Lewis El Sidelo Cigars. Roy Barkhurst Jean's Tailoring, Samuel Rosenblatt ft Co. Ken's Ap pareL ' McDonald ft Oollett Special Sale of Men's Suits and Overcoats. Northwest Bank Building Barber Shop. Dundee Woolen Mills Tailoring. Honeymaa Hardware Co. Sporting Oeeds. Lioa Clothing Co. Shoes. Bradford Clothes Chop Announcement. The nand 1 Butts and Overcoat. JTatima Cigarettes, . Treves Music Co. Special Sal. t3bnmie Dunn Men's Suits. . Tne - Hand Raincoats, , - Page. Page. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. em Archer ft Wiggins Hunting and Fish ing Paraphernalia. Part 2 C. E. Lucore Pianos. Auctions New Today. Want Ads. Want Ads. Want Ads. Want Ads. Want Ads. SECTION FOUR Payo rs. 1. Lipman Wolfe ft Co. SoMial Salea. ft. Theatrical Announcements. X. Lipman Wolfe ft Co Special Sales. Theatrical Announcement. . Howard Auto Co. Buiok Announce ment, Firestone Tire ft Rubber Co. Firestone Tires. Areher ft Wiygins Diamond Tires Ballou ft Wright Special Announce ment. Northwest Auto Co. Announcement. Prear Tool and Supply Co. Announce ment. R. E. Blodgett Diamond Tires. I. Oregon Motor Car Co. Btudebaker Autos. ' Goodyear Tires. . J. W. Leavett ft Co. Overlands, Northwest Auto Oo. Cole Announce ment. 7. H. L. Keats Auto Co. Chalmers An nouncement. John Deere Plow Co. Telia Announce ment. Frank C. Riggs Ce. Packard An nwuaeemeat. 8. Meier ft Frank Co. Special gala. SECTION FIVE Page, 1. Powers Furniture Bale. 8 Henry Yeaning ft Sons Furniture. Portland's Emporium Bala Ladies Hate. Felix Block Jewelry Announoement. W. O. Smith ft Co. Wedding Cards. S. Eastern Outfitting Co. Ladies' Hats. G. P. Rnmmelia ft Boa Sale of Furs. K. 8. Ervin A Oo Men's and Women's Raiaeoata. 3, K. Starn Ladies' Tailor. 4. Ben Selling Ladies' Suits. K. Liebea ft Co Fur Sale. ; Portland Hotel Announcement. Sherman Clay ft Co. Pianos, ate. . Cherry's Announcement. : M. 8. Beetle Women's Apparel. T. t. X. Oi'i Oo. HaUoweea Novelties. , Graves Music Co. Announoement. 8. Aaaeoaoements from Leading Musi cians.. 9. Standard Jewelry Ce. Special Sale, 10. A ' -a Scrip Co. Bpewisl AanouBoe- ment. 11. 3k Toting Contest Aanouacement. IX. Holta . Bpeciai Henry - Jeaning ft . Seats Garland . ' Rangaa. Butteraat Brand Announcement. Closing Out All Office Furniture 8 gig-, mi 1 No. 314 O. O. Flat Top ..$13.50 1 No. 0343 G. O. Flat Top ..8J22.00 1 No. 090 G. O. Roll Top ..$28.50 lNo. 93 G. O. Roll Top ..SJ30.00 1 No. x629 G. O. Roll 'Top sanitary ...f39.0O Pay $1.00 Weekly Power Washer $19.75 Select Any Dinner Set in Our Store Pay One Dollar Weekly Beautiful 31 Piece Set $3.SO 50 Piece Set $7.95 100 Piece Set $15.90 Your choice of four pretty patterns including plain white, blue and gold; white and gold or white with blue decorations. Remember, if you buy an outfit, you get your dishes free. Pay One Dollar Weekly And Secure This Fine Bed Davenport Here is the greatest value made in a combination bed Davenport solid oak con urner FOR Wood or CoM This ia the best ever in a combina tion coal and wood burner made exactly like Illustration. Fitted with not blast cast end linings, con suming all smokei and gases and making every possible saving in fuel. You will soon save enough In fuel to pay for it. Other, combination heaters priced up from st ruction, finished, in rich golden waxed oak or fumed, grace any living-room, den or library. A piece of furniture that will Includes the steel spring and remov able cotton mattress. im Pay $1.00 Weekly 50 Pound Felt Mattress $-1 o.so BJ BED I) Par i.oo Par Week It washes while you rinse and hang out. Simply attach hose to any ordi nary faucet. Specially priced, $1.9.75 sssaaassswA feOOO Place TO TWAPg aewss aj ISSEafTed-i9i rirwi st- Only occupies five foot o f wall space wben closed. This fine 50-pound, iiure cotton felted mat tress. Full size, stitched Hide s and imperial rolled' edee. Guaranteed not tf bunch. Covered with art tick in pretty colors.f ! Pay $1.0Q1Per Week a c.oa eitet to raPj Makes a full-size, comfortable bed. with ' head so jmIIow ' can't fall out," Matting Remnants Yil5c warn IK