Ik THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1914. 7 TODAY 2S4th DAY Of 114.) YEAR AGO TODAY At Home. Sis departments of city foniinettt ask total of S3.741.907 to meet expends of Port 3Uid for coining year. Budget committee pro J&f)i9a to prune deeply. bast Bids Business Ilea's association Brged Comml loner Daly to atart plaB to revoke fraoenlaea of BoaUiera Pacific and O-W. R. A H, on East First sad Second streets and te substitute common user vlu. Abroad. Mexico City ProTlkiial President Huerta oapeaded' both buuftui on congress and prac tically assumed a dlctatombip. Liter pool Tba Uuer Voiturno burned to the water's edge at aea and of the 604 psiiaen gen and crew of 94 on board I'M are mtaalng. New York Atnlelics win final gam In Uia world aeries. AMUSEMENTS HE1LIO Broadway at Taylor. Cortalna 2:10 and 8:10. le Wolf Hopper and the Gilbert V Sullivan Opera company In "The Mikado." BAKk.lt Broadway and Sixth. Curtains 2:20 and a 20. atstuees Sunday, Wedueitday and Saturday. Baker Playera In "Paid In PAN TAG KS Broad ay at Alder. VauderUl, Cortalna 2:30. t:&) and 8:10. U.KWS fcMPHKS.' Broadway at YamhlU. VaodeTllle. Continuous 1:30 to 6: JO, e:li0 to 11 week day. Continuous 1 to 11 Sun days. LYK1C Fourth at 8 tars.. Curtain 2:30, 7:30 and :J0. Keating Flood Musical Uom edr ComDany In "Little Miss Win." CO Li;' MB IA Sixth, between Washington and 'btark streeta. Motion pictures. 11 a. m. to 11 d. in. PKOPLEM Watt Park at Alder streets. Mo tion Dlctnres. 11:30 a. m. to 11:H0 D. m. 6TA.il Waalilngton at Park. Motion pictures, 11 a. m. to 11 d. m. GLUBK Washington at Eleventh. Motion pic ture. 12 m. to ll d. m. MAJtUiTKJ Waablngtou at Park. Motioo pic tures. 11 a. m. to 11 d. m. fcL'NhKT Washington at Broadway. Motioo Di4turea. 11 i. m. to 11 D. m. CIRCLE Fourth at Washington. Motion pic ture. 10:3O a. m. to 11:13 p. m. ART MUSEUM Fifth and Taylor. Hours 0 to A week days. 2 to a Sundays: free afternoons of Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. River Trips. Steamer Ceorg!aoa to Astoria, dally except Friday. Washington srreet dock. Steamer Bailey Uatzert and Dalles City, to The Dalles and Cascade Locks, daily except Sunday. Alder street dock. Steamer State of Washington to The Dalles sally except Thursday, 'lay lor street docK. Public Library Meetings. All October meetings are free and open to the public. Kvery Wednesday evening The Bonvllle so ciety. Monday, October 12, 8 p. m. Portland Rose society. Thursday, October 15, 8 p. m. Massachus etts society. Thursday. October 15 and 22 Dr. C. H. t'bapmau, on the New bconouils and New Literature, auaplces Oregon CItIc league. Wednesday and Thursday, October 14 and 13, t:'J p. m.. also following week, October II and 22. Teachers' !Kmeatlc Science. Saturday, October 17, p. m. and October 24. 2H and 81. DenxxTatlc state committee. Monday evening, October 18. North Dakbta society. Tuesday evening. October 20. South Dakota society. Monday, October 28, 2 p. m. Coasumers league. Tuesday, October 27, 3 p. m. Bible studies. October 2H to 30. Inclusive. 0 a. m. to p. m.. except KYiday. October 30, morning ses sion only. State Conveutiou Oregon Congreba of Moth era. over to the Investigating body Friday. Ject to execution. The proceeding fol yeaterday dismissed the charge on con- lowed failure to realize on an execti dition that Reis be sent to relatives m tion issued against him in a suit by St Louis. Beia is partially disabled with paralysis. He sav4 Ui4 while he was ill in bed his wife efrsierted him and secured a divorce. To Consider Armory , Sit. At the request of the county commissioners and by order of Brigadier-Oeneral W. N. Finzer a general staff meeting of the Oregon National Guand has been called for Friday, October 16, to con sider the purchase of an armory site and to make aft advisory recommend ation to the county commissioners of Multnomah county. The following of ficers have received a formal request to meet at lije office of Adjutant Gen eral W. E. Finzer in the Morgan building at 10:30 o'clock In the morn ing of that day: Colonel Creed C Hammond, Coast Artillery; Colonel Charles H. Martin, third Infantry; Lieutenant Colonel B. K. Lawson, Coast Artillery; Lieutenant Colonel John L.- May, third Infantry; Major Cecil H. Bauer, Judge advocate gen eral's department; Captain Daniel E. Bowman, third Infantry. Cora Blrrell in which judgment was secured for approximately $700. He said thai he received but $2800 from the city as commission on a recent dock sit sale, the remainder being eM by ethers interested in the com mission. Of that and $150 received from a receivership to which he was appointed by Circuit Judge Morrow he said nothing was left Diamonds belonging to himself and wife be said, were heavily mortgaged and he testified that his wife owned their home. for a number of years in Burma and studied oriental religions. Professor Crabbe gives some intimate glimpses of the influence of Buddhism on the everyday life of the Burmese, whose natural wit and humor has earned for them the title of "the Irish of the east" Three Actors Arrested. Three act ors were arrested at Oregon City yes terday afternoon by the Portland de tective bureau, on the charge of hav ing taken articles belonging to men of rested yesterday afternoon by the de-the manual training room and a full mer could have got no more at the tective bureau. They give their names as George Hamilton, Carry C. Ford and Rose Thomas. Minus lost $70 in his dealing witn the three people. It Is alleged that after getting Minus intoxicated, the men beat him over the head until he gave up the money. Minus is in the Emergency hospital. Massachusetts Society to Meet. The Massachusetts society of Oregon will meet Thursday evening in the Rosariak room at the Commercial club, for a so. the same profession playing In Port-cial time, including cards. All former Many Sick Prominent Portland Peo ple have been successfully treated for rheumatism, gout Bright s disease, constipation, nervousness, obesity, liver and stomach troubles by our scientific superheated dry air treat ments and Swedish massage. We have given over 200 of these treatments during the past month to men and women. The test of any treatment lies In the result that It produces when actually tried. Words cannot convey to your mind any Idea of the wonder ful results we obtained. One treat ment, your own personal experience, will convince the most skeptical. Rec ommended by the most eminent physi cians of the world. Given only by The Electro-Hydropathic Institute, third floor Empress Theatre building, across from Portland hotel. Treatments by appointment only. Main 4014. Adv. Case Committee Meets Tuesday. The case committee of the juvenile court, which has charge of widows' pensions, will meet next Tuesday morning to discuss possible amend ments to the present pension law ,to make it more effective. The year and more of practical application of the law has brought .to light several bad features of the present law, which it is felt should be eliminated. Cremation Is Planned. Bodies of county Indigent will be cremated by the Ut Scott Park Cemetery corpora tion for $9 for adults and $6 for chil dren if a contract approved by the county commissioners yesterday is ap proved by District Attorney Evans. The company will charge 1 cent for tak ing the bodies to the crematory. To Discuss Amendments. Every body is invited to reserve Monday evening, October 19, for a meeting, under the auspices of the "Everybody's Equal Suffrage league," to be held .at the Library hall for the discussion of the amendments to be voted on in .No vember. A musical program arranged by Mrs. E. A. BeaJs and addresses by prominent citizens will be given. Speakers will be announced later. land theatres. The arrested men give the names of Carl Judd, Pillon Lally and Harry Ellings. Detective Royle took the men into custody when they finished their act in a moving picture show. They are held for municipal court Monday morning. . East Bide Club Truncheon. "W h y Is the East Side Business Men's Club?" and "Why Can't We Better the Con ditions for Our East Side?" are two pertinent questions asked of members of the East Side Business Men's club in the secretary's notice of a lunch eon to be held at the Hotel Edwards grill tomorrow at 12:15. Both ques tions will be presented at the meet ing and the answers discussed. residents of Massachusetts are invited. Cantaloupes Mark Levy & Co. have just received a fresh car of delicious Burrell Gem cantaloupes. The finest eating cantaloupe that grows. Ask your grocer. Adv. Classes in China Fainting now form ing. Firing guaranteed. Art novelties of all kinds made to order. Designing. "House of 1000 Gifts." Mrs. Lincoln, 405 y Morrison, block above O. W. & K. (Adv. Values Affections at $4500., Suit for $4500 damages for alleged alien ation of his wife's affections was filed yesterday by Soloraan Teiiin against Dave. Pavola. Teliln made the same charges against Pavola ic answer to his wife's divorce suit Kenton Snow Growth. If . schools are a criterion of growth of a com munity, Kenton has a , great deal of which to be proud. A year ago the Kenton school had a registration of 52; this year the registration Is 188 pupils. A year ago two teachers were suffi cient; this year six are employed, and Social Service Zague, The annual meeting of the Episcopal Social Serv ice league will be held in the parish house of St. Stephen's pro-cathedral. Thirteenth and Clay streets, October 19 at 8 :30 p. m. The meeting will be j another has been , requested. Kenton preceded by a service In the pro-cathe- n0w has a fine new schoolhouse. dral. Seven directors will be elected, j The bishqp of the diocese Is automat- i T w c Vesper Service- The ically president of the league. The su- vesper 6ervice at the Y. W. C. A. will perintendent is elected by the directors j be held at 4:30 thJa afternoon. Rev. and confirmed by the bishop. The , w j Beaven will speak on "The present superintendent is Chaplain : First of jesUs." The soloist Frederick K. Howard of Episcopal city i ni h. -jrp- street Th usual anniai missions and of the Good Samaritan hnll, wi11 fnunvr h sorviri. All wo- Portland Heights Meeting. The Portland Heights and Council Crest Improvement Association will hold its October meeting at the Portland Heights club house tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. All residents of the heights are most earnestly requested to be present Sewer Wffl Be I. aid. Permission was given the city by the .county com missioners yesterday to tear up East Eighty-second street, between the Barr road and East Burnside street, that a sewer may be laid. The contract for the sewer will probably be let Decem ber 1. hospital. There will be reports on the conduct of the Scadding House, of the social service work in Good Samaritan hospital, alrtd of the ministrations in the city and county institutions, also of the work done in welcoming and locating strangers in Portland. Weather Conditions. A small depression la cental over British Columbia and a large low pressure are over lies the lake region. The barometer Is rising rapidly over the North Pacific states. Ligbt to moderately heavy rain haa fallen on the Pacific klope aa far South as Sun I'rancixco and general raina have fallen In the upper Mlttslsaippl and Ohio valleys and the lake re- fion. It la cooler In Washington and northern in ho. The temperatures have also fallen In Ok In ho ha and the upper MIHlu.ippl valley. The conditions are favorable for occasional rain Sunday in this district. Professor Re-engaged. Professor Harrington of the department of Eng lish and public Hpeaking at Pacific university has been re-engaged for the ensuing year to conduct classes in public speaking at the Portland Y. M. C. A. Professor Harrington is a graduate of Boston university and the Eintrson college of oratory and ia well known as a public speaker and coach. He has coached many winners in intercollegiate oratorical contests. This year the class will be divided Into three sections, one meeting Mon day from 6 to 8 o'clock, another from 8 to 10 o'clock and a third Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The courses open this week. men and girls are invited to attend. Child "Welfare Promotion An inter esting and instructive entertainment will be given in the parlors of the First Congregational church Friday evening, October 16, under the aus pices of child welfare promotion. Seed College Service. Rev. J. E. Snyder of the Piedmont Presbyterian church will be the speaker at the Reed College vesper service this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The music for the ser vice will be: Prelude, "Meditation." (Massenet); contralto solo, "He Was Despised," from Handel's "Messiah," by Miss Clara Wuest Today's Forecast. Portland and vicinity Sunday, occasional rain, southerly winds. Oregon and Washington Sunday, occasional rain, southerly winds. Idaho Sunday, occasional rain. EDWARD A. BEAI.S, District Forecaster. Ijocal Record. Portland. Or.. Oct. 10. Mrvxlmura temper atrre. til degreca; minlmnm tenierature, 5J degrees. Kiver reading. 8 a. m, 2.8 feet. Change In last 24 hours, .4 foot. Total rainfall since Sept. 1, 42 Inches; normal rainfall since Sept. 1, 2.99 Inches: excess of rainfall since rept. 1. 1.83 Inches. Total sunshine. 3 hours 23 minutes; possible annshlne, 11 hours 14 minutes. Ksrometcr (reduced to aea level) 3 p. to, 30.OH Inches. ' IT. S. Weather Bulletin. Observations taken at 5 p. m.. Pacific time, October it), 1914: B , 1 Wld Station. 5 -r ? m S- :r i "it fl L. W a a a. a Baker f j M I .Oij 8 8 Pt. Cloudy. Bme I 5St l.O ( 4 N Cloody. Boston 78 I 0 1 14 SW Clear. Chicago 68 ! .081 10 W Cloudy. Denver 4 1 0 10 K Pt. Cloudy. Ouhjtb Ml .W! 30 W Pt. Cloudy. Kureka 2 8 8W Clear. Galveston . . I M I 0 10 8 Cloudy. Jelcna 44 .OS1- 10 SW Rain. InrkBonvllIc K2 0 4 SB Clear. Kansas City. tiH 2.22 NW Clear U Angeles. 7H 0 12 8 Clear. MatKhflcId . U2 .74 8 SW Pt. Clondy Medford .,.54 .08 NK Rain. Montreal . . . tW .04 14 W Pt. Cloudy. Sew Orleansl W I 0 16 S Pt. Cloudy. Sew York . 76 0 4 8 Clear. Vorth Jit-ad 54 . 50 20 S Cloudy. S. Yakima 50 .US Clondy. I'hoeni .... MH O 4 NW Clear. Cocatillo .-j )1 .ott 4 SW Cloudy. Portland ... 1 .4n VJ SW Cloudy. K.obnrg .. M .14 4 NW Clear. acramrnto .1 70 0 4 N Clear t. Iiula .. 68 .01 10 W Pt. Cloudy. alt I.dkc . 0 10 NW Cloudy 4a ii Kran. . ! 0 .01 6 W Clear. Seattle I 54 .2S 12 S Rain. pokune 1 SO .Itt 10 SW Cloudy. Tarouia 1 54 ! .m 12 SW Clondy. rutoosh Isldl 68 ) .34 18 S Cloudy. Walla Walla 5fl .50 4 SB Rain. Washington 80 0 4 8 Clear. Winning ..48 1.0 20 NW Rain. TOWN TOPICS auiu society senexiv To se cure funds with which to send a wid ow and her three little children back to relatives in Nebraska, the Nebraska society of Portland will give a benefit card party and dance at Hotel Mult noman Wednesday evening of this week at 8 o'clock. The admission fee will be 25 cents. Prizes will be award. ed for the card games and a good time is assured all those who attend, and tney win at the same time be assis ing in a most worthy cause. The com mittee -on arrangements consists of Mrs. Frank Clifford, Mrs. A. M. But ler, Dr. and Mrs. Earl Henton, Miss Ethel Mahoney and Mrs. Phtl Easter day. For further particulars telephone aura itiasteraay, raoor 2634. jueevare on vanraan Science, At I vciock mis aiiernoon rol. Hermann S. Hering, C S. B member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church. The First Church of Christ. scientist, in Boston. Mass.. will lec ture in First Church of Christ. Sci entist, ism and Everett sts on "Chri Can Science Healing, Spiritual and Scientific- The lecture, whichjs open to the public, will be repeated this evening ana tomorrow evening at o'clock in the same place. (Adv.) Charge Against Be is Dismissed. august Reis, an ex-policeman of st Louis, Mo., will not face the grand jury on a cnarge or threatening to kill hie wife and mother-in-law. rjis- uict Judge Dayton, who bound him Ed Williams Paroled. Ed Williams i was paroled yesterday by Circuit Judge ' Morrow after he had pleaded guilty to ; a charge of obtaining money by false i pretenses and had been sentenced to one to five years in the penitentiary. He had paid $105 of the 1197 he se cured and promised to make good the remainder. Portland Rose Society. The an nual meeting of the Portland Rose society will be held in Room H; Third Floor. Central Library building. Tenth and Yamhill streets, tomorrow at 8 p. m. The business of the meeting will consist of the election of offi- ; tant changes for the 1915 show. Of- ! wno esca-pea . w.c ""' fleers of the society have expressed j f" yesterday after -voluntarily corn- hopes that the meeting, which pro Tour Old Jewelry made Into new pieces. Gold, nlatinum and silver work. Original designs free. Bring in your diamonds, pearls, etc., and let us show you how to use them with good effect. Jaeger Bros., Quality Jewel ers, 266 Morrison st, between aid and 4 th. Adv. Buck Zakee for Lease. Two choice duck lakes, near Columbia river and Pacific highway. Railroad station on farm. Cabin , fer watchman and hunt ers. 35 miles from Portland. C-928, Journal. (Adv.) Service Today at Beth Israel. Services will be held tonight at eight and tomorrow at ten at Temple Beth Israel in celebration of the last day of Succoth. All are welcome. Port Information Supplied. -Information regarding this port may be ob tained from the Portland Chamber of Commerce, 69 Fifth street. Telephone Main 993 or A-1293. attendance of members is requested, French Sinner with bottle of wine, 40c Panama Cafe, 3d and Alder. Adv. Our coal Guaranteed. Co. Both phones. Mendota Fuel (Adv.) Haakon Glaaooe, Jeweler, has moved to SoS Morrison. V. Morrison, gonian building. dentist. Weoeter Sella Washington sL railway station for shipment to the market. I have bought thousands of dozens of eggs under Republican rule, for 5 to J cents, and shipped them to the Kansas City and St. Louia mar kets and at these prices my profit did not average more than two cents a dozon. ! While you are raising so much talk 205 Ore , about empty dinner pails at this time, (Adv.) I why not tell the dear public who was in power In all branches of the gov- Everything. 48S ! ernment when the disastrous panics (Adv.) j of 1873, 1883 and 1907 broke on the X. -Pox, optician. Journal bids. Ad. of 1893, that broke on the country a j few months after Mr. Cleveland was 8. X. Gruher, lawyer. Stock Ex. (Ad.) 1 inaugurated into office? Was there j a single law on the statute books of the government affecting the finan cial operations of either the govern ment or the people that a Democratic president had signed? No: you know there was not, and that the Republi cans were responsible for that panic, as they have . been for each panic since they have been in existence as a party. You know that your cry over the present tariff is dishonest and your purpose is to deceive the unthinking of the state of Oregon. Tou may de- Letters From the Peopla Haw Grand Theatre, Sixth street near Stark, a new future photop'ay and vaudeville every day. Sundays an( week days always 5 cents. Adv. Steamer Jeese Sarklns for Camas. Washougal and way landings, dally ex. cept Sunday. Leave Washington street dock at 7 p. m. tAdv.) Pive Passenger Autos, 93.50 per hour, 7 passenger Packards, $3.60. Duplex Auto Co.. 309 Stark. Main 614. (Adv.) Estea Spanish Grin, 133 Park street. Spanish and American dishes. Most moderate priced grill in city. "(Adv.) Ton Mother, 'also her mother, may be fashionably hatted at little cost, at Fraley's, now 350 Morrison. (Adv.) One Suit Pressed Each Weelv 31.60 a month. Unique -Tailoring Co.. S85 Stark. Main C14. A-4314. (Adv.) SVensk Teeter. Lars Anders Jan Anders orh deras baru. Arion Hall to night. (Adv.) (Communication sent to The Journal for publication in this department should be writ ten on only one aide of the paper, should not exceed 3U0 word ia length and must be ac companied by the name and address of the sender. If the writer does not desire to have the name published, be should so state.) "Discussion Is the greatest of all reform ers. It rationalizes everything it touches. It robs principles of all false sanctity and throws them back on their reasonableness. If th.t hav. nn ......!.. n. j It rathtfHUllT crushes them out of existence ' and set up lta I eelve a few whose minds are weak. but not a thinking man or woman will accept such stuff as you are putting out about prices being ruine by the present tariff. The very things you are howling about are certainly high enough; for Instance, fresh ranch eggs are quoted on Yamhill, between Fourth and Fifth streets, at 45 cents a dozen to the consumer, and Chi nese eggs at 20 cents a dozen on Yamhill between Third aqd Fourth. own conclusiuus iu their stead. woourow Wilson. I When Was Dr. Withy combe Natnr- r if Portland, Oct. 10. To the Editor of The Journal To settle a dispute, I wish you would publish in your col umns full information as tb when Dr. Withycombe, Republican candi date for governor, becttme a citizen of the United States. Is It a fact that he was here many years before he declared his intention? H. A. COYLE. Dr. Withycombe was born March 21, 1854, in England, and came to this country with his parents while a boy: His family settled In the Willamette valley In 1871, but it wa not until April 24, 1888, when he was 34 years old, that Dr. Withycombe became naturalized and a citizen of the United States. Accused of Bobbing Man. For as saulting and robbing J. G. Minus, 7Q years old, Friday night in South Port land, two men and a womaj were ar- Dr. A. A. Idndaay lectures, the Ben son, Sunday 8 p. m. free. "Telepathy." Adv. Association to Elect Officers. The Peninsula Parent-Teacher association will meet Tuesday at 2 o'clock for the purpose of electing several new of ficers. The meeting will be held in an isolated case either, for the far Chinese Eggs and Others. The following communication was sent to the Oregonian. but it has re fused to publish it. Portland. Oct. 8. (The Ore gonian) In your Issue of yesterday I notice an editorial ridiculing a man because he claimed that eggs had sold at eight and one-half cents under a Re publican administration. Now I can prove that eggs sold in August, 1911, in Oklahoma at as low as 6 cents a dozen. I saw them bought from a farmer at that price at a mine near Cold Springs Station, Kiowa county. These were strictly fresh ranch eggs, for I helped eat them. This was not I M i - . . .. Pray j: m how these prices hurl anyone ! Bestu)jatter is now quoted all over town, was last Saturday, at 40 cents pound. Is this not high enough Stor any ordinary man to pay. for hifcj gutter? Meats are so high that tlS average family must curtail using im. A few months ago you ' were healing about what the Demo crats Would do to wool, but your V predictions failed to materialise, aa wool wR higher la?t spring than for, many Hars past. You had the wheat i and a,i grain markets ruined, but your iir?iction of ruin didn't work, -because & tariff on none of the cr- eals csTS3 anyt figure whatever, be cause it.j surplus l hat this country : ships kay makes the price on the whole. Iii matter what tariff there is in effect, , WhyiirV't tell the truth? Will you do it?s?vo; becaune you know that ' if the; "truth were told not another Republican would be elected to a high, office a century; thev don't de-serve- Jf, C. w' CLAPP. ; linen's Raincoats. - - Taktjbt- elevator and buy your rain coat fwm Jimmv Dunn. You enc-apa) the hiofr'irent profit. Oregon lan build ing. 3uytoor. (Adv.) m ""IfViHii to xteini our sincerest" thankSUi the friends who extended ynp$r mid so kindly assisted us , during Mir bereavement, and for- the beautifgH flowers. " ? i O. SKi'.l'll ' ' ;ip. AND M KS. C. H. BODLET. J Portland's Breaks Largest Piano House All Selling Records Truants Sought by Court Officers;. Three persistent truants are being souerht hv iuvenile court officers, two of whom escaped while being held at ! una the arrangement for impor-i the Frazer Detention Home and one The Emergency Surplus Sale Every Day Grows Bigger and Better mises to be an interesting one, will be well attended. The secretary will be present to receive dues of any members who desire to pay them and to enroll new members. lng to court. The three have records for staying away from school. Good Clothes. Our clothes are made from good fabrics, expertly tailored. They are well-balanced clothes and made to your measure. They are the best clothes value you can obtain. following terms: 810 n m1 will r.nmn0ts.ThA va.rtoiln o i v. .t, j j k ty. Toll. guard will compete for the trophy cos- ,AO uriJ" irlhutprf hv thn hankers of the state a "- Jv- - to the best team of marksmen, the shooting of each company to be set by the regimental commanders, and supervised by two appointed orticers. , (Adv.) Pather OUara on Citizenship. "The Catholic Church and American Citi- Euch company will send a team of one-- zenship" will be the subject of a ser- third of its members, discarding frac tions. The distance will be 200 yards, any position, and 500 yards, prone. The United States military rifle and am munition issued will be used. to the organization Jury Tnable to Agree. Unable to agree in the $50,000 personal injury mon to be given tonight at St Mary's cathedral, BMfteenth and Davis streets. at 7:45 o'clock. The sermon is one of a series now being given by Father E. V. O'Hara. Primrose Denies Charges. George H. Primrose, the minstrel. deni-re charges of desertion, made by his wife Buit of William Conley against tha ' n her divorce suit, in an answer Southern Pacific and Pacific Rail- ! filed yesterday, way and Navigation company, a jury i In Circuit Judge Gaten's court was ' nationalist Society. The Portland discharged yesterday after being out ' Rationalist society meeting will be all night. Conley was hurt when a 1 addressed by Professor James Irving tree fell on the cabin furnished by the P. R. & N. company, by which he was employed as section foreman. He alleges responsibility for the acci dent on the part of the companies. Declares Inability to Pay. By his own sworn statement made yesterday In a supplemental" proceeding before v iii-u . judge Kavanaugh, Ferdinand E. Reed, a politician, declared he has but $13 in cash, part of which was borrowed, and nothing else sub- Crabbe at 8 o'clock this evening in room A, Central library, on "Burma, Its People and Religion." Having lived This is the JAEGER Quality DIAMOND the Ring That Made $100 Famous The Greatest Gift Value Ever Shown, in Portland for An Engagement Ring A Christmas Gift A Birthday Present and A Safe Investment Exceptional Color Full of Life Compare It With Other $150 Dia-. monds. Jaeger Bros. Quality Jewelers, 266 Morrison St., Bel. 3d and 4th. "Domestic Harmony How to Keep or Restore It. Christian Yoga FBKE XiECTTTBX By BET. P. O. OABRXSOX Christian Toga Center' 603 Abington Bldg. Healing Service After Lecture. r i ; - . 4 jfr v vM f , m. - ..IT?? r- v" I I 'Pl- w If ftp ' : rzMQML. i 'tt V Vy. fill fj t"lTl TTf WJ BTjujI. tfalipw I -St" v's ' - . ' ' . -nrrr"1 .... WP " .. v . - s , ' "" M - ' ' ' 1 i , V X " " ' x ' " ' ' ' " . , ' ' - T v- . r . I-''" V, ! ' V2 V c - x 1 " v , , ' ,'',' I Eilers Duo-Tonal Pianos Appreciated Most by Musicians Hotel Lenox THIRD AND MAIN STS. has more attractive accommodations, and rates, than any modern hotel in the city for permanent guests $15 ind up. ' The famous Eilers Duo-Tonal Piano, j and the Eilers De Luxe Player Piano are included in this great sale, which is now being conducted by the manu facturers under an agreement tnt the Eilers Music House will buy three pianos every time the manufacturers' representatives sell two. You can readily see how this would be a pay- ing proposition for the manufa.turers as -well as Eilers Music House. How ever, a sale like this can never Happen again, for the same condition will never again exist. This sale is b -ought auout on account of the Eastern manu facturers having no foreign out'et, and a consequent surplus of stock. Haver Were the Old Sellable Makes of Pianos Offered at the Low race How Marked on Every i Instrument. Never since the establishment of the Eilers Music House many! years ago have prices been ; made so low and terms so easy. Think of buying the L-hickering, America's oldest and best; the Sohmer. pride Of New York, the in strument you find in the most exclu sive circles of that great city; the Kimball, the piano that today enjoys having received the indorsement of more of the great artists, and musi cians than .all other makes combined; and we could go on and enumerate many other makes included la this emergency surplus sale, but the thing that will interest you most la the price. of 17 instructors. Located in heart of :! .mn.. . I & graltceements o7 Chicago pHus thTfre full information address Carlton EL I lt na Deeii agreed not to advertise the line. Kola Tablets have many friends who use them as a general tonic and for Kidney trouble. Price 25c per box, 5 boxes for $1,00. For sale by Laue-Davis Drug Co, 3d and Yamhill sts. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Law Department University of Oregon POBTXtAHD, OBEOOIT. Fall term opens September 21, 1614. Course of three years, leading to degree of LL. B. and embracing 2$ branches of the law. including moot court and debate work. Candidates prepared es pecially for admission to bar. . Faculty Spencer, secretary, 410 Tilford build- i names of these piano now on sale in 1 connection with, the prlca. To give you an idea of the real val- i ues that you can secure. Just 6top a second and think what the fo lowing means to you: Instruments that are worth 11000, $1100 and $1150 In the regular retail way can now be secured in Uprights, Players, or Grands for only $585. How ever, if you do not care to Invest in the very highest priced of all pianos manufactured, we will sell you he me dium grades at corresponding. y low prices. This would mean instruments valued at $200, $250, or $300 .'or $98, $118, or $145. Or for only $195 we fur nish highest grade, strictly warranted Colonial design Uprights, which usual ly sell for more than double th;j price. KOSET-BACK Ot7A3AHTE. We are the only house on the Pacific Coast that gives a money-back guar antee. This Insures absolute satisfac tion with the privilege of exenanging or the refund of your money. This guarantee is the fairest to you and our selves. It has made hundreds of friends for us, because they know that beyond a doubt there is no danger but that they will be thoroughly sausfied. baby tTPBigrrrs FOB pasttxjiotts Musicians. On the third floor of our building Ws have a most beautiful display of Baby Uprights the joy of the fastidious musician. The daintiest of all case de signs; the most exquisite finlch and sweetest toned; the most durable of all upright pianos. These, too, are to be Included in the price sacrifice. In' fact, nothing is reserved. The Httl beau ties are priced at $345 for the regular $525 styles, and $333 for thj plain TEBMS. In such a sale as thla terms should be cash, but, realizing that by this ar rangement many pianoless homes would be barred from owning an In strument, we have decided to give 40 months, 30 months, 20 month, or 10 months. HTB CSSSZT7 KJfOWS HO LAW. It was certainly a necessity that made the manufacturers dispose of their surplus stock under the arrange ment we are now working. BEAX BEAUTTJBS. The Autopiano Baby Grand Player Piano. In our advertising of late we have drawn special attention to the ' latest achievement or the world's i latest player piano makers, who have ! just lately produced a player grand which contains, without any change, ' the wonderful Autopiano action. The I first shipment of these wonderful in- j stryments were all closed out quickly, i and now we have Just received another S supply. We want to draw your pecial attention to the remarkable values found in these player pianos. - BSOASWAY AT ALOES. Opnja. the Bresta; Until 9 o'clock. MrsigTiohn Nepimi-h and family wish to egs their ppreciatin and thanks? for many kindness thown them igiitlieir late bereavement Adv. rtr ! ANHOTE nal for its central location and rj all points of the. city. Economii i of the plete in NORTONIA gliest cias. com- y detail, indn id- tlv accessibility to 1; rales. !fl . Entrance on Both Eleventh and Wal&igton Streets. j .1. ? m 1 s 1 CORDNA Folding Tip ewritcr The Little Machine JThat Writes The War NevV at the Front. iK..-..l The CORONA isljijie only f,,!di,lg type writer with full wHirUji standard Iryhoard: two color reversilj;j rib! on ; lat sparer; ball bearing carria';jteii. il ct:tti:ij device: front stroke type tifj. "d aii tin- -tirngtli and durability of a'ijl hv cominercial ma chine. The frame if alumimini i light; compact and practical. YOUR INSPECTION AND COMPARI SON INVITED. Ideal for Traveling iIier. For the Professional Man and iilbe Business Man Office Furniture Tliir.l Mcor (Bill's The J. K. Gill to., iljinl ami Aider Sts m lIlIIIIIilliiH 1 1 ii Our full line oi 1915 Ex celsior Dia- , riesand Journals is now on display and this is the proper time t!ii3uplicate your pres- cm uuok aim gei just wnat jju want. q BUY YOUR DESK CAl4ffrARS AND PADS now and save copying your memorandum. ' f 1 q This is also the right time ftli inspect our lines of HOLIDAY GREETING . CAB0S and place your order for the engraving on slfije business and so cial for December delivery! i ' "Everything for thj Office" Commercial Stationers, Offices Outfitters, Printers, r j xy f.l.a W 1 'la r . ' vaovn wgnivcra, mwmci wmMcra au$a DOOKDinaers K j Cold Weather-Bad Teetfi-Aches and Pains 1 si . Unless toot teeth arM)arid and in perfect con ditioOjihe cold east vliijds will make ilieni ache .. andcSise yoa untoldjrsery - .. Attend to Ylr Teeth NOW ; We are the oldest trSlable dental comoanv in Oregon. All our derjflts are collese graduates r- ' 1 Km and registered. Gold Crown White Crown Bridge Tooth 1. ,r, - Ve Give a 15-Year Guarantee Work Finished in 0ie Day When Required xr. w. a. wim. ar AitisZBU ri?ivirr a. t fr Tr, la PorttanO,! Tf JLwJMZl X-iN JL -JLai S Failing Bldg, 3d nd Washington, Cot. Entrance on 3d St.