The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 11, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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. S VSdT ' "N ml ' II Kt 'a'Fi-A Willie '.W. v,
Ali-tfik Principal Events of the
ar Week Briefly Sketched for
Information of the Busy
European War
ACCORDING tJ a letter which the
British found plans of the Ger
mans to coal ships in New York.
: Cape Town and other points at the
outbreak of the war were detailed.
Shipment of American 3yeetuff sent
from .Switzerland by way of Rotter
dam was seized by the Germans. Ship
ment was valutxj at $500,000.
Edward Page Gaston, American, who
; lately distributed olothiu for the Brit
'lah prisoners at Berlin, has been placed
vnder arrest, but the nature of the
; charges have not been revealed.
; New submarine which had Just been
.completed In a private shipyard In the
..gulf of Bpezla Is said to have mysteri
ously disappeared, according to Lon
. don dispatch.
. Drastic attempt to get an adequate
apply of clothes, gloves and other
- garments for the army Is being made
by the, British war office.
Warsaw is now completely dry, the
ale of wine and spirits having been
forbidden by the government.
News was received at Petrwgrad that
'Archduke Frederick has been replace"!
as commander in chief of the Austrian
army by the heir presumptive to the
Austrian throne. Prince Charles Fran
Russians are said to have capture!
the heights near PraemysL Gall da, and
, that the AuBtrlana have made a num
oer 01 unsuccessxoi a exempts to re
gain them.
, The steamer Ardmoant, laden with
grain, which left Do-rer for Holland,
truck a mine and sank, her crew of 85
being saved.
French fleet in the Adriatic again
i bombarded Cattaro.
. French and German traders dashed
.In a number of places in Belgian Congo,
'With several fatalities as result.
Belgian go-vcrnment placed gnus on
the boats plying on the Congo la order
to resist German attacks.
Allies, after permitting the Germans
to exhaust themselves by vigorous at
tacks, again resumed the offensive.
Many picturesque villages In France
have been damaged as result of the
evere fighting and other damage la
certain to come.
Tho country where the chief fighting
In France la going on la flat and under
.cultivation. In many places It Is boggy
ana mere are scattered coal mines,
The allied armies are constantly
tending toward the north and bending
ist ward toward the Belgian frontier.
Germans claimed to have captured
' three of the outlying forts at Antwerp
win io nave uiit en, me reuoubts. 1
ne leit wing or the Russian army.
after crossing the Nleman river, are
t Bald to have been defeated by the Ger I
mua wim a neavy loss, more uaa ztgo
' prisoners navuig Deen Ty tv
v . The force of native troops from BrlU
: lsh East India, recently landed at Mar
seilles, has loft that place for the
: north.
' British ships have arrived at Lisbon
and probably are destined to transport
' Portuguese troops.
It is believed that Porta gal will Jots
, III the fight on the side of the allies,
oecaose or too demands of the British
men jrrencn are disputing the claim
ft that the Germans are holding Alsace.
- It betas' Claimed that th 0n1 aM
' there In large numbers.
,, Night and day attacks hare been re-
pulsed by the French In the region of
, the Argonne and oa tho heights of the
ureal Britain nas pot oat orders to
, -niiaaeipnaa nrra to manufacture
.o.gvo sweaters I or the as of tho
4 foldlera
It Is said that the retreat of the
t Germans In East Prussia continues.
Russians having captured all the
, varpauuans nave - commenced the
inarch on Hungary.
t i - Tho German war summary is opU-
y . oi' vust iwuf viu
, soon enter the conflict on the side of
Germany, sending its navy against
. Russia and its army against Great
Brltaln. ' ,
!, Germany blames the British for de-
, siroying me iraae wun ue United
. States. poinUng out .that the business
i amounting to $1,500,000,000 for goods
' bought annually from the United States
Dwvimu o.uv suuu inter-
mxvvnu. iu neutral
i Toklo announces that the occupation
? Of Jalult Island was made for military
- yuiyvpc. "." utijses 01
permanently holding it
rr.v:.r -
" wiuwuwi
It Is reported that newspapers which
published accounts of Austrian defeats
s r ue ia i cauxera are oeine; se-
verely dealt with.
French removed their wounded after
German aviators had set the hospitals
afire with bombs and replaced them
, wim uermaoa, canning ue asata
of the latter.
Wounded French colonel says that
the Germans are trying a new trick In
Warfare, namely, the combining of cav-
airy and artillery.
- German cavalry "Is seen In large
numbers in tne vicinity or Ulle on the
main rarway line leading to Antwerp.
'Dr. David Starr Jordan, chancellor
of Leland Stanford university, who
returned rrom Europe, blames the war
on the emperor or Germany.
In tho .opinion of Dr. Jordan,
y&rV?? rTrSsS' lvrsrj52? Net 0 ,Nf,- i
land is In the best condition tokcp
up under a prolonged war.
London dispatch says German shells
are doing comparatively little damage
and that attacks of German Infantry
ceased some time ago.
Greece denies the right of Turkey
to abolish capitulations granting extra
territorial rights to foreigners of ner
own initiative.
German reports that England sent
large quantities or ammunition to a
French fortress before the war began
are denied by the British. England
insists that no ammunition was sent
to France until after Germany had vio
lated Belgian neutrality.
Body of Captain Pilta. who
killed in an engagement against the
Servians, was brought to Vienna.
Canada will send to the front
additional force of 20,000.
Englishmen praise the efficiency of
the American Red Cross worker in
the battle sone.
Russians claim to have almost wiped
out an Austrian battalion in the Car
pathian mountains, hardly a eoldlor
escaping 'deat,h or Injury from wounds.
Antwerp was still resisting the bom
bardment by the Germans but the fall
of the city was deemed only a matter
of a short time.
German aviators set fire to houses
In Antwerp by hurling bombs.
Thren vessels can-vine th tntt ran
ttngent of the Canadian troops reached
JaBanea women shell Hvr of fared
to dear th TCI an r.hati bnv of min
laid by Germans bat the Japanese gov-
i eminent declined to accept the offer.
Removal of von Moltke as chief of
the German army Is denied In German
military circles.
rHAT Henry Wattersoa and Presl-
l dent Wilson are to settle their
diXferences is indicated by the
visit of tho editor to the Whit House
I ror a conference, following a similar
i conference between the president and
I uoionei George Harvey,
Great Britain will not molest imri.
I can conTWtr nhlnmnntia tk nn-rai w..,n-
tries provtdin the shipments are made
In neutral bottoms.
Ex -Governor John H. Osborne of
Wyoming, now first assistant secretary I
I of state, la plaintiff in an action to
I recover tlf.OOO alleged to have been 1
aeenred by fraud, In suit at Bpring-1
neid. 111.
American ambassador at Coastaa-
tlnople requests the United States to
send additional aid for the Americans
now in the Ottoman empire.
tJonoiuons or finances in Turkey are
assuming disquieting proportions,
checks and other paper being refused
" iauioubbs.
President Wilson declare th- T.r.
bas made satisfactory explanation of
Intentions In taking German pos-
sessions In the orient. It Is said that
the sUtlons wlU bo returned after th
China's protest against Japan for
seising territory is based on the claim
that the action was taken to clear
I v-iiiiia oi, any uums 01 lnaemnity that
I uermany may mase alter the war.
t President Wilson and adminta -
tlon heads conferred on the congres-
sional campaign and special efforts
w Kitrry oa we ugai ww Do mad in
New York, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Kan-
ff3 SZ.iZZ': JSSL-
.r:?.'v: "u "n-
i AQuaoauDi in uut on th. r
eral war tax bill Democratic leaders
are plannlns: for the dtanaa af th.
I measure.
I Democrats win base Uvrfr irnnMnt
for the war tax measure oa President
Wilson's clause In his special message
In which he states that such action is
of I necessary to preserve rne rirv.iyj
I stability of the government.
I President Wilson and renresenta.
tlves of North Carolina cotton Indus -
tries conferred on the plan of relieving
I the distress of the cotton growers.
President approves the plan nf rais -
lng a fund of $160,000,000 amonir bank -
I era to aid cotton men, scheme being I
1 to issue warehouse certificates fori
has! goods, as security for the loan.
j Egypt is also facing- a serious situ
I auon as result of the disturbance
1 tho oottom market brought on by thsjl. Repreasivo forces of gorernavint and
i ill rn""""""' -op . .. u t-- wsiv -.
-The grave of the first German soldier to fall at Liege which the German soldiers always keep decorated. 2 Wounded Algerians, enlisted nnder French colors, retaining froibthe front aboard a Red
Cross train, 3 A group of Belgians with a German standard, captured near Malices. 4 Dead horses and wreckage In a street in a Belgian Tillage raked by German fire,j !5 Ruins of a Belgian
bridge blown up by the German. Ruins in Senlis, France, where fierce fighting occurred. 7 Algerian soldier wounded at Al&ne while fighting for the allies. 8 German prisoners of war in
Solssons after the bombardment. 9 Photograph taken at a
war and plans are being made to limit
the acreage for next year's planting
to prevent a surplus.
The house failed to reach agreement
on the report of the conference oa . the
Clayton anti-trust bill..
Secretary of State Bryan has entered
1118 campaign In New York in behalf
of the candidacy of Ambassador Gr-
for the United States senate.
Debaters on the Jones Philippine MT1
in the house declared that slavery la
being practiced In the Islands.
Amendment was adopted t the mti T,rovidtae that no slav-
ery Bhall exist In the Islands and that
there shall be no Involuntary servitude
in prison except In punishment tor
plural marriages In tho Philippines
are prohibited and civil and political
rights shall not be determined on any
I religious test.
era of middle west In securing loan of
$150 000 000 for aid of the cotton ln-
dustry were set In motion by the fed-
eral reserve board.
Federal reserve board appointed Gov-
ernor Hamlin, Paul M. Warburg and
w P G Harding to confer with the
bankers regarding the proposed cotton
I loan.
I lowest bidders for the two new
1 v.. v. hniu fn, TTntfl
states this year were the Newport
News Ship Building company, and the
I New York Ship Building company,
Commercial and Industrial.
k toit. wn nffpri
p w - -
F I for the contestants at the Wahkla-
kum county fair to be held at
1 Skamokawa October t to .
Work of excavatlne for the founds
tlon of the new city hall at Wlnlock.
Wash., has commenced and the work
of building the upper part will begin
i mxxya. by Contractors Jenions Mauer
I Big- apples of the Wolf river variety
I rrown on the farm of Misses Ida and
1 Mary Heitman are being displayed at
I Ridgefield, Wash.
I Bonds in the sum of $4200 have been
1 voted for the new electria Ughtlrg
1 plant for Cathlamet, Wash.
Rockefeller Interests are accused by
John White, president of the United
I Mine Workers of America, of trying
- 1 to destroy the ' efficiency . of that or
of I ganlxation,
demands of organised labor have left
capital In a dangerous position so far
as investments in railroads is con
cerned, according- to President Ripley,
of the Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe
Northern Pacific Railroad company
at its New York meeting urged the
need of higher passenger and freight
rates. The road will take up the mat
ter In? the states -traversed by the Bux-
1 In grton road, laying- the matter before
individual state commissions rather
than before the Interstate commerce
The Boston A Maine. Boat Al
bany, New York, New Haven & Hart
ford railroads requested the Boston
public service commission to increase
mileage rates two to two and one-half
The Ben Harrison mtne tn Ore west
ern part of Baker county has been com
pelled to close down on account of tho
heavy snows.
Plan of establishing auto bus street
car service has been taken up for con
sideration by committee of the Com
mercial club of Baker. .
Auto bus line operated by Portland
and Linnton citizens has commenced
business on the Portland-Llnnton line
in the fight to compel by moans of
boycott, the United Railways to grant
a fbre cent fare.
Ashland Commercial club win secure
$1000 to be added to the fund 'or the
normal school at Ashland.
Most of the farmers residing in the
Baker section of Oregon are said to
be willing to sell their grain, for the
present good prices.
Mail Is being delayed becabs the
United States postofflce department
refuses to accept bids submitted for
the Cottage Grove-Bohemia route.
H J A c
ranged a banquet In honor or Senator
Key Pittman, of Nevada, in apprecia
tion of the work he did to secure pass
age of the Hetch Hetchy water bill.
Expected federal tax and the demand
because of the European war is caus
ing activity In shipments of California
wines to the Atlantic coast via the
Panama canal route.
Legal and Criminal.
111 5"ears old mother of a two-year-'
old baby, was held In tho Jail at
Saa ' Fraaclsco ow tho charga f, at-
wayside station in Northern France
tempting to murder her husband.
W. L. Heine, In a counter charge to
a divorce suit In Santa Clara, CaL, says
his wife burned his feet with hot iron
and gave him overdoses of medicine
while he was tlL
California supreme court set aside
an order denying a new trial to Joseph
Mueller, convicted of selling liquor at
Red Bluff, the court holding that the
contention that a certain territory was
dry must be proved.
Joseph Fishier was sentenced to the
penitentiary for five years for the
theft of Jewelry from the Samuels
Jewelry store where ho was employed,
at San Francisco.
Javier Esplnosa Cuevas, eon-ln-law
Of John Montgomery of Dos Angeles,
has been shot as a traitor at Mexico
City on the order of General Carranza,
according to a telegram received by
Mexican consul.
Adolphus DaughTin, at Dos Angeles,
created a panic In the lobby of the
courtroom when h fired two revolver
shots at his wife, who is plaintiff in
a divorce action. He was overpowered.
Mrs. John S. Jewell, of San Fran
cisco, wife of the former police com
missioner, filed a second suit for di
vorce. The first decree had been set
aside after the couple had settled their
William Do rimer, president of the
Da Salle National bank of Chicago, was
Indicted by the federal grand Jury on
the charge of misapplication of the
funds of the bank.
General Newt.
HE next annual convention of the
I Methodists of Southern California
win be held at San Diego.
si on Just closed at Pasadena.
Eploslons between tunnels 0 and 1
on the Southern Pacific line at Sum
mit, CaL, caused death of two Western
Union linemen and Injury to four.
Attorney John P. Coghlan was named
receiver for the Northern Electric Rail
way company doing business In Sac
Dos Angeles county registration for
the November elections will likely ex
ceed 900,000.
Mrs. Esther Page fell through a sky
light while washing windows in the
Hotel Delghton, Dos Angeles, and was
perhaps fatally hurt.
George T. Kelly, who started to Had
i aa army of t&M unemployed to Wash
showing Indian Senegalese and British soldiers fraternizing with each
ington and who was arrested for vag
rancy at Sacramento, CaL, has Just
been released after serving a sentence
of six months.
Lewis county. Wash, teachers' Insti
tute will be held at Central la the week
of October 26.
Charles F. Murphy, of Tammany
Hall, at a meeting of the Democratic
committee in New York, indorsed
President Wilson.
Undivided support for Martin GTynn
for governor of New York, was pledged
by. the Democratic committee of New
Suffragist "melting pot." composed
of various gold and silver trinkets
contributed by the women to raise
money for their cause, has been deliv
ered at the United States mint at
Progressives In state convention at
Boston, Mass., declared in favor or na
tional prohibition.
National assembly at Panama, in se
cret session. It is reported, voted to
reject the award of Edward D. White,
chief Justice of the United States su
preme court, in the boundary dispute
between Panama and Costa Rica on the
grounds that the Jurist exceeded pow
ers given him by the arbitration treaty.
Methodists in general conierence in
Canada decided to continne their policy
of demanding to know whether theo
logical students used tobacco, snuff or
Intoxicating liquors.
Ed Barr. of Baker, Or, lost Ms nre
In a fire which destroyed a small build
ing in which he lived.
Ernest Vosper. of Portland, has been
elected yell leader at the University of
Pasco city council attermpxea to re
duce the nay of the city clerk from
SS0 a month to Jl, Politicians oo-
William Sulzer has rued ms peunon
as candidate for governor of New York
on th American ticket.
Mrs. J. P. Morgan and other distin
guished women passengers on the liner
Celtic from Liverpool to New York
busied themselves on the way by knit
ting socks for the soldiers at the front.
It is estimated that less than 1.
000,000 labor union men, by acting as
a unit, could procure the enactment
of more federal and state laws than
any other .000,000 voters in tho coun
X J 1
Photographs CopyrigTit
Second Year Men
Win at Eugene
(Special t Th JomBt
University of Oregon. Eugene, Or,
Oct. 10. The fourth annual under
classmen's mix held here today was
won by the second year men, 40 to
25. Since the abolition of basing at
the University of Oregon this affair
annnally is a vent for the escape of
class enthusiasm. The nine events
in the mix are arranged by the Junior
class of the university and are held
under the espionage of the seniors.
The two under classes assembled
on the campus at t:30 this morning
and marched to the entrance of Kln-
cald field. Then each class was ad
mitted separately to the field and
marches, fancy drills and yeHs were
given. Each class had previously
decorated a half of the grandstand
allotted to them. After tho parade
the features, tie-up, sandbag, flag
This Home-Made Mixture Stops
Dandruff. and Falling Hair and
Aids Its Growth,
To half a pint of water add:
Bay rum 1 ox.
Baroo compound -.a smau box
Glycerine hi es.
These are an simple Ingredients
that you can buy from any druggist at
very little cost, and mix them your
self. Apply to the scalp once a day
for two weeks, then once every other
week until all the mixture is used. A
half plnj. should be enough to rid the
head of dandruff and kill the dandruff
germs. It stops the hair from falling
out. relieves itching and scalp dls-
Ai though it is not a dye, it acts
upon the hair roots and will darken
streaked, faded, gray hair in ten or
fifteen days. It promotes the growth
of tho hair and makas harsh hair soft
by Intei-tiaUonal News Service.
i !
fight and tug-of-war
were held l. succession.
The flafij: score was:
(freshmenKi: 10; yells
6; feature (sophomores). 6: parade
(sophomoa), 6; tie-up, (sophomores)
10; sand b jig. (sophomores), 10; flag
rush (fmshmn), 10; tug-of-war
called oflj Water fight, (sopho
mores), i i(freshmen), 6.
If your Back is aching or Bladder
botbtl drink lots, oi water
jaWi eat leas meat,
!$ j
When v&ur kidneys hurt and your
back f eelift sore, don't get scared and
proceed trw joad your stomach with a
lot of drKgs that excite the kidneys
and irritil the entire urinary tract.
Keep your? kidneys clean like you keep
your bowte clean, ny nusning uera
with a mcd, harmless salts wnicn re
moves ttt j body's urinous waste and
stimulates them to their normal ac
tivity, "lie function of the kidneys
is to rutasr tne diooo. - in z noun
they strato from it 600 grains of acid
and wast. I so we can readily under- :
stand the?; vital importance of keeping
the kidneys active.
Drink lata of water you can't anna
too muefci also get from any pharma
cist aboU ifour ounces of Jad Salts;
take a taiespoonful in a glass of wa
ter before breakfast each- morning for
a few das and your kidneys will act
fine. Thr famous salts is made from
the acldtjfof grapes and lemon juice.
COmDineov wim uxnia, ana ua ve-ui
used forj- generations to clean and
stimulator; clogged kidneys; also to
neutralize the adds In urine so It no
longer la- a 'source of irritation, thus
ending bladder weakoess.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot In
jure; majces a delightful effervescent
Uthia-water drink which everyoca
should taKe now and then to keep their
kldneysj -clean and active. Try -this,
also keed - up the water, drinking, and
no doub you will wonder what be
came oour kidney trouble and back
ache. U .: - CAdv,
6 -15.