The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 11, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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Washington Must Have Men
Who Favor the Administra
tion, It Is Shown.
Tot for Sr. Smltti and Bswator Cham
berlain, Also StcommtiAi Polit
ical Observer of Campaign.
By H. A. Coylc
Waat are wo people of Oregon who
have been In the vanguard for progres
sive legislation going to do at this
time? We have an administration at
Washington that haa about completed
a program of constructive legislation,
'a readjustment of affairs that we be
' Hove will work out for the best Inter
ests of all big and little business. It
Is what the people voted for. It is
what they want and the laws enacted
must be given a fair chance to bring
about the desired result.
From the very beginning of this ad
ministration until now, big business,
special privilege, the fellows who
heretofore have refused to play If they
could not have It 1 all their own way,
have made every effort to block and
discredit the program, to bring on a
financial panic, and thus fool the peo
ple some more. They have been met
and routed at every turn.
Too Much for Them.
"We have a man at the head of the
treasury department, who is too much
for them. His name is McAdoo.
This concerted effort to discredit
the only honest program that has got
by the people for 60 years is the main
cause of the present hard times.
The editor of the Oregonian and
other blind people say it Is all on ac
count of the tariff taxes that have
, been reduced on such things as sugar,
wool, meat, butter and eggs. "We told
you what would happen. The Dem
ocrats are Inefficient."
Our only hope is to fight it out on
this line If It takes all winter. Send
men to Washington who will support
Wilson, men who have been weighed
la the balance and not found wanting.
There Is no doubt about "Our
George" the best publio servant thai
Oregon ever had getting there once
more. He will win hands down.
And who will you have to represent
Multnomah county in the house of
representatives? We have a candidatn
who Is comparatively little known, but
as good-as the best, whose sympathies
are with the common people, because
he has been and Is one of them; whose
private and publio record la clean and
straight; who has the respect of all
who know him, and whose ability will
make him a credit to you, as your rep
resentative In congress A. F. Flegel,
who stands for Woodrow Wilson.
Flegel Zs Urged.
As against Flegel, there are three
others In the raca The etandpat ma
chine politician, McArthur; the dis
credited and bad loser, Laf f erty; . and
Moulton, who has no possible chance
to win. Now as there Is not an honest.
Intelligent, reading, thinking man or
woman In Multnomah county, who does
not stand for Woodrow Wilson, why
send McArthur or Lafferty to Wash
ington to oppose him? If either of
them is elected, he will be on the out
side looking In. Vote for Flegel, who
- will be on the Inside looking out.
This Is no time for a backward step.
Are you a Progressive? Then vote to
support the real progressives, who are
' In command and are going to stay
there. Vote for Smtlh, vote for Cham
berlain, vote for Flegel; vote Dem
ocratic and you will be In good company-
the company of Thomas Jeffer
son, the pioneer Democrat and great
est constructive statesman of his time;
the company of Andrew Jackson the
valiant guardian of the rights of the
people and the fearless opponent of
special privilege; the company of 'Wil
liam Jennings Bryan, who said only
yesterday. In speaking for world peace
at New Tork, that "moral principles
are as binding upon nations as upon
individuals. A nation Is but a group
- of individuals, and no group, however
numerous, can expunge one syllable of
ts moral law.
Sherman County
Fair Is Success
More, Or., Oct. 10. Indications are
that the annual Sherman county fair
which closes tonight will have ben
the best in point of attendance of any
In the history of the local association.
Neither can the exhibits, races and
sport features be given second place.
Tauter day" a crowd was swelled par
ticularly by the boosters from The
Dalles, who came m the first all-steel
train ever run Into Moro, a train of
seven cars loaded to the guards with
happy, good-natured people. Riding
and bucking contests with only na
tive Wasco and Sherman county
horses competing have been up to
high standard.
Disputed Lands Remain.
Eugene, Or Oct. 10. The Oregon
tk. California Railroad company's con
gresslonal lands In Lane county will
remain on the tax rolls this year, ac
cording to a. decision of the county
commissioners, court yesterday after
noon. The attorneys for the railroad
company appeared before the court a
few days ago, asktng that these lands
be omitted from the roll until, the
final decision of the suit, now in the
United States supreme court, to de
termine whether the railroad company
or the government owns these lands.
The total amount of taxes this year
on these lands Is 180,413.07.
'. Motorists Fix Road.
Ashland, Or Oct. 10. One hundred
local automobile drivers held a rally
yesterday for the purpose of clearing
the rocks from Farnum bill at the
north edge of Ashland. . The hill.
which Is in bad shape from loose rocks
and others partly burled. Is part of
Jackson county's $500,000 section of
the Pacific highway but controversy
over, a grade crossing had left it un
Bring Your Unlramed Pictures and Let Us Frame Them to Yonr Order at Lowest Prices, 4th FL
Headquarters tor Athletic Goods oi All Kinds Portland Agents HartmaiVs Wardrobe Trunks
Buy a Box ot Oregon Apples
They are wholesome, delicious and most economi
cal. We are receiving fresh shipments of the
famous Hood River Apples every day and the prices
are much lower than in former seasons. Order a
box tomorrow.
Choice Hood River
King Apples, box 1
Extra Fancy f PA
Jonathans, bx. 9AHJ
We Give
"S. & H."
(D)Hfe9 Wonrtmniffltt & MM
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A-6231
New Tailored Suits at $22.50, $28.50 and $35.00
J jl
Shown in the Season's Most Desirable Weaves and Colors
GARMENT SALONS, SECOND FLOOR A superb showing of Beautiful New Tailored Suits from America's Best
Designers of Women's and Misses' High-Grade Suits Awaits Your Inspection at Above Moderate Prices Tomorrow.
At 22.50
Women's and Misses
new Fall Suits in great
varirv of attractive
models; including the popular Redingote and
other long coat styles also stylish belted
back models. Materials include Cheviots,
Serges, Zibelines, Tweeds, Poplins, Broad
cloths, etc, in the newest fall shades and
black. Handsomely trimmed models appro
priate for all occasions. Full line iJOV ff A
of sires. Priced at $.JU
At $28.50
Many of these beauti
ful new Suits are also
shown in the Redin-
Others in basque Balkan and
Especially attractive
rote models.
Novelty Belted styles.
are the smart new Suits we show at this price
designed for misses and small women. Var
ious materials are used, including the beau
tiful new mixtures and broadcloths. Full line
of the wanted fall shades and COO Cft
black. All sizes. Priced at ?0.3U
At S35.00
Handsome new tailored
and fancy Suits for
Women and Misses in
a multitude of charming models in the sea
son's most favored styles. In this assortment
are several very smart models which have
lust arrived, in the latest military styles with
high collar and braid trimmings. Cheviots,
Serges, Broadcloths, Novelty Mixtures and
many other popular materials in CQC flfi
newest colorings. All sizes.... $j3.UU
Smniarft New Coats
For Women and Misses
SECOND FLOOR Assortments are so large and varied that you
won't have the slightest difficulty in finding a model to suit your
individual taste. Specially attractive showing of the new flare
skirt coats with belted back, large storm collars and cuffs.
This is one- of our best selling lines and,
needless to say, the styles and materials em
brace everything that's new and desirable.
Balmacaan, Balkan and novelty cuts of various kinds in Mo Cfl
all the seasonable shades. All sizes. Priced lOuU
At S25.00
At $18.50
Women's and Misses' Coats for street and
dress wear scores of styles to select from
at this price, and the materials are of the
very best Beautiful new models of Broadcloth, Pebble Cheviot,
Zibelines, Chinchilla, Astrakhan, etc All sizes. On COT A A
sale now at only ffaJUU
A C9Q 1 5A At this price we display an unusually at
ril 9 dOtVU tractive line of Women's and Misses Coats
: both in the tailored and novelty cuts. Many
styles for evening wear. Full assortment of the new- "TOO CO
est materials and colors. See these. Priced at vwOiUU
Other Coats Ranging in Price from $40 up to $125
Dresses lor All Occasions, 10 to $48.50
New Balkan, Cape-Back and Snrpllce Models
GARMENT SALONS, SECOND FLOOR Exquisite new Dresses for Women and Misses, of
Crepe de Chine, Duchesse Satin, Crepe Meteor, Silk Poplins, Serges, Whipcord, Broadcloth
and other materials. Beautiful models designed for street or reception wear in new Basque,
Balkan Surplice and Cape Back styles. Plaited or flare tunics and dainty waists of chiffon and
lace. Many are trimmed with satin or novelty braids others with soft laces and fancy silks.
A representative collection of this season's most approved styles from America's ?Q CA
best designers of Women's Dresses. Prices range from $10.00 to y'xOaUU
Special Oliering in Dainty Waists, $3.98
Women's Bathrobes at $3.98 to $6.75
SECOND FLOOR These attractive new
Waists are from our regular stock selected
and underpriced for Monday and Tuesday's
selling.- Dainty styles of Lace, Chiffon and
Crepe de Chine. Low necks and long sleeves
with net and silk vest effects. Trimmed with
plaitings, buttons, tucks, etc. Ex
ceptionally fine Waists at only. . . .
SECOND FLOOR Women's and Misses'
Bath Robes a beautiful new line just re
ceived. They are made of best grade ma
terials and are shown in great variety of
pretty patterns and colorings. Styled in the
new coat effect or regulation models. With or
without collars. Attractively trimmed TP"
with satin bands, cords, etc 3.98- $U.I D
Extensive Showing of New Fall Dress Skirts Priced From $5 to $28.50
$16.50 Corsets Only $2.98
$5.oo to siz.uu corsets, special si.ya
$1.50 to $3.50 Corsets, Special at 9Sc
BARGAIN CIRCLE, MAIN FLOOR This very! unusual of
fering is for the purpose bf closing out several roken lines
in these desirable elastic Corsets.. Nearly veryf woman can
find use for one of these, as they are the njost favored
Corsets for Golfing, Rowing, Riding, Walking and other
athletic purposes. The lines comprise elastic fclip-ons and
hip confiners Ampyx Abdominal Supporters, gurgical Ab
dominal Binders, Reduso Supporters, Klingfo-m Hip Re
ducers, Mothers' Maternity Supports and Lil of France
Elastic Slip-Ons and Hip Reducers. Divided intohree special
lots for quick selling. Note below:
LOT 1 Regular $ 1.S0 to $ 3.50 Code Spefaal at 98c
LOT 2 Regular $ S.00 to $12.00 Grades Special at $1.93
LOT 3 Regular $16.50 to $22.50 Grades SpeUi at $298
Special Sale of "Leo na" -Under muslins
$1.69 Grades at 89c Three-in-one
"Leona" Garments Corset
Cover, Drawers and Skirt com
bined. Made of fine quality long
doth and beautifully trimmed with
laces and embroideries. Grades
selling at 98c to $1-69. On Oft
sale Monday at ........ OJ7C
$3.98 G&de $1.79 "Leonx" three
piece garments Corset Cover,
Drawers and Skirt in one. These
are made of fine quality kxngcloth
and nainsook. Elaborately trimmed
with Saces. Some with aUorer
embroidery cover. Reg. 1 7Q
ft&ito $3-98 grades 3JUi H
Semi Dress Hats
Distinctive and exclusive models
not shown elsewhere in Portland.
The season's most favored shapes
of black velvet smartly trimmed
with ostrich and other novelties.
A display worthy of your
attention, both from style
and price standpoint.
Beautiful New lioees
From Ireland Lipen Dept- Floot
Richardson's famous make sold in Port
land only at this storel Our Fall stock is
now complete in every detail. New Table
Linens, Art Linens, Linen Sheetings, Linen
Towelings, Linen Hucks, etc., in all grades
and prices. Supply your Linen needs now.
Richardson's Table Damask
68-inch Damask, yard. .......... .$1.00
$1.75 Bleached Damask, 2 yds. wide $1.48
$1.25 Bleached Damask, 2 yds. wide $1.08
$1X0 Bleached Damask, 2 yards wide 88c
Richardson's Linen Huck Toweling in plain
and fancy patterns. 25 inches wide.
Regular 75c Grade special, the yard 50c
$1.25 Grade 27 inches wide Yard 90c
Richardson's Table Cloths
Richardson's Linen Pattern Cloths of good
quality. Pattern all around.
$3-25 Cloths, size 2x2 H yds., each $1.68
$3.75 Cloths, size 2x3 yds., each $2.98
$3 Napkins to match 22-in. Dx. $2.50
Embroidered Initial Pillow Cases are now priced special at only, the pair 9Sc
Fall Size Bed Spreads Scalloped and cut corners Of fered at the low price $4.1 5
Fall Size Bed Spreads Plain hemmed Offered at the special low price $3.60
New Bath Robe Blankets and Flannels on sale by the yard -Just received
New shipment Eden Cloth, made for sleeping garments, etc Jast received
mi J5SJi
S2e50 to $3.50
Velour Ribbons
DEFTt MAIN FLOOR 5 00 yrds
beautiful new French Velour Rib-bons-g-an
importers' s u r p 1 o s
stock: dosed out to us at a big
reduction to go on sale tomor
row at a remarkably low price.
Exquisite Patterns in
jPlaids and Rich
f Floral Effects
Thesl range In width from 5 to 7
inched" and are of the very best
quality. Much in demand right
now for millinery purposes, hol'ir
day ffancy worlc, . belts, girdles,
bowsji etc. Scores of pretty and
effective colorings in this assort
ment! Reg. $2 to $3 or
Ribbins on sale, yardl.D
nripJhrs' friend
rtj a Box
-i l. QnalUy
Men, Hre Is the Limit in Sock Wearablllty
WHILE Bachelor's Friend Socks are sold at the same price as the ordinary
guaranteed Hose, we will never ask you to buy on price, but strictly on
quality, for these Socks have quality sticking out all over them. Bach
elor's Friend Socks feel like silk to the skin they are soft, pliable, snug-fitting
ana comioruDie, Decause iney are Knit irom tne nignest quality yarns.
These are real gentlemen's socks absolutely fast dye sizes 9's to
12's every pair guaranteed sold in four grades all leading colors.
Any quality, the box
Silk Petticoats
Made of good heavy quality Silk
Messaline. Styled with narrow or
wide accordeon plaited flounces.
Full line of all colors. AQ
On special sale at.... $C1XU
Great Sale Waists
At $1.29
Scores of pretty and becoming
styles to select from.' Marqui
settes, Voiles, Batiste, etc..
! $1.29
trimmed with laces and
embroidery. Priced sp'
Hallowe'en Novelties
in Great Variety
loween Decorations of fancy Crepe Paper,
Festoons, Garlands, Table Covers, Napkins,
Streamers, Doilies, Candle Shades, Place
Cards, Invitations, Favors, Silhouettes, Seals,
Cut-Outs and hundreds of other novelties for
Witches, Ghosts, Figures, Lanterns, Cats'
Skulls, Lemons, Devils, etc. latest imported
Novelties for Halloween at the lowest prices.
Large Stock of Games in the City
Rare Bargains in Women's Fine
Linen Handkerchiefs
At 19c
MAIN FLOOR Women's fine
cambric Handkerchiefs with
H-iach hemstitched hem. Are
very fine and sheer. Regular
25 c grade. $2.15 doz. f Q
or at, each...... JL.C
At 35c
MAIN FLOOR Dainty sheer
linen and cambric Handker
chiefs for women. and
54 -inch hemstitched edge.
Regular 5oc qualities. Off
$3.95 dozen or, each ODC
At 48c
MAIN FLOOR Women's fine
sheer all linen Handkerchiefs
with J-inch hemstitched bor
der. Regular 65c and 75c
qualities at $5.50 doz.
or, each
Special Demonstration
Cooking Utensils!
THIRD FLOOR A representative direct
from the factory will conduct this most
interesting demonstration and yem are
cordially invited to be present
"Wear-Ever" Utensils' cut down
labor and save time and money
so last, ii you once use one,
you will soon have a whok
"Wear-Ever" kitchen. Read our
special "Free Sauce Pan" offer
below and take advantage of it.
See Special Window Di
Leather Handbags
MAIN FLOOR Made of genuine
leather. Several attractive new
shapes some fitted with four
toilet articles. Special at only
Solid Gold Jewelry
MAIN FLOOR We show a splendid line of
solid Gold Jewelry Rings, Lavallieres,
Chains, Fobs, Scarf Pins, Cuff Links, Lockets,
Lingerie Pins, Beauty Pins, etc. Prices lowest
Greaft October Sale off HigSu Grade Megs
THIRD FLOOR Here's a rare opportunity for thrifty home owners to buy the highest quality floor cover
ings at decided savings. All Rugs listed below have been chosen from our regular lines and the pattens
are very desiraDie. it you intend to buy a Kug in tne near future this sale offers economies you cannot
afford to overlook. "S. & W Green Trading Stamps given with purchases don't fail to ask for them.
6x9 Rugs for hall, chamber or den. A special lot
tf standard make Wiltons, Body Brussels and Ax
minsters to be closed out at great reductions. A
rare opportunity to save on high-grade floor cov
Birelow Wilton Rugs size 6x9-foot
Regular $27.50 to $30 grades special
Bigelow Body Brussels Rags, size 6x9.
Regular $20 grades offered special at
Bigeiow Axminster Rugs, size 6x9-foot
Regular $ IS . grades priced special , at
We also quote extraordinarily low prices on high
grade Carpets by the yard. Newest designs.
$5.00 Axminster Ross, ana 36x72 inches, $3.93
Lowell Body Brussels Rugs. Size 9:1 Ox $Q PA
11:8. Regular $39.25 grade. Special J10U
Whittail's Body Brussels Rugs. Size MA AA
9:9x10:9. Reg. $37.90 grade. Special
Floor Oilcloth,' two goo3 patterns to select from, regular price 40c yard, now on special sale at, the yard, 29c
Odd sizes Rugs made in our own workrooms. If
you have a room of odd size it will pay you to see
these splendid Rugs. The quality and price will
surely interest you. On sale on the Third Floor.
Bigeiow Axminster Rugs, size 7:2x
10:0. Reg. $27.50 grade. Special
WhittaPs Body Brussels Rugs, size
8:4x8:6 Regular $26.50 grade special
WhittalPs Body Brussels Rug, size
7:3x7 J. Regular $20.50 grade. Special
Regular $1.00
Att 59c
On Sale at Bargain Cen
ter in the Basement
We have made an extraordinary,
good purchase of these favored
materials and offer them for to
morrow's selling at a very low
price. Shrewd buyers will be
quick to take advantage of this
great bargain. 30-inch medium
cord costume Corduroy in good
weight for tailoring and perfect
in finish. Shown is black, white,
green, navy, castor, brown fed
and nary. Reg. $1.00 CO.
grade, the yard DDC
play of Wear-Ever
Cooking Utensils
Rice Boilers priced $1.55 to $3.75
Coffee PoU priced $1.80 to $2.40
Tea Kettles priced $3.75 to $4.75
Tea Pots priced at $2.60 to $2.85
Berlin Sauce Pans at 70c to $1.80
Berlin Kettles now at 70c to $2.60
Pudding Pans now at 40c to $1.05
Preserve Kettles at 55c to $4.50
Lip Sauce Pans at 35c to $1.25
Windsor Kettles at $1.35 to $1.90
Pot Covers priced at 12c to 90c
Steamer Pots now $1.25 to $4.50
Fry Pans priced at 70c to $2.00
Gridcle priced at $2.75 to $6.50
Waffle Irons only $3.00 to $3-25
Mnffw Pans at only 65c to $1.35
Cake Mcmlds priced $1.00 to $1.15
Pie Plates priced at 17c to 40c
Drip Pans priced $1.20 to $1.90
Baking Pans now $2.35 to $3.00
Measures on sale at 65c to 90c
Cooker Pots now at 75c to $1.60
Bread! Moulds now at 55c to 85c
Round Trays priced 70c to $2.00
Oblong Trays at $1.45 to $3.00
Covered Roasters $4.30 to $5.00
These Two Sancg Pans Free
During Demonstration
This $5.20 Three-Piece Set for $4.00
Buy the above "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Tf a. Kettle at the regular sell
ing price (which is $4.00) and we wflJgive you absolutely FREE
one each of the sauce pans as illustrated. jThis special offer 4 nn
is most unusual. $5.20 three-piece Set for. .......... . dlUU
85cLipped Kettles
Special 57c
4-quart size "Wear-Ever" Aluminum-Lipped
Kettle. Regular price.
85c On sale now at the CT
special low price of. . .... 9 0 C
950i Berlin Sance
i-quaYt Berlin Sauce Pans famous
We-Ever" Aluminum. Regular
9Scjgrade. On special sale .$?Q
0ttfy .?y.
aieaua bmbm eaw maa aaa mm aBaweaiam iJ
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