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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1914)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10, 1914. FIRST MfODIST TO LEADERS OF SUNDAY L OF GROUND FOR NEW ROSE CITY PARK CHUCH BROKEN IN PRESENCE OF BIG CROWD WELLKNOWN MINISTER IS BACK IN PORTLAND JGN 1SSI BOARD THIS MONTH Gathering Likely to Be Es ' Jen Weeks' Course Will Be Refinishing j ;and Enlarging Structurcjjpmpleted; Tay lor Churcrj: Dismantled, Started in This City on !i; Wednesday Evening, pecially Interesting Owing! to Prominent Men Present, 0 ANNUA MEETING WORSHIff IN GRACE CHURCHi TOMORROW 1LL ' - r- SCHOOLS ARRANGE TO FORE NARY (C N TRAIN OTHE R WORKERS . ;t; fx Presbyterian and Congregational aderM of Sunday School work Jn the city have arranired to opn a ten weeks' training school -for Sunday hii hool leader at the First Presby ' terian Church, house, next Wednesday evening. The school will have two periods each Werinetiday evening. At the, flint period, lecture course will be Kive-n on "MJJor Principles in Tteli- Ifclous Education," and recitation worn; 'win be done at the second period in llJr. WelKle'n book, 'The Pupil and Ithe Teacher." Kach member of the 'lan will; be expected to do outside uoservation und practice work undjr Ihe HVipervislon . of the directors qf th-j hchool. The school lias been indorsed by tho presbytery of Portland and by th L'-ongreKallonal Ministers association I'f the city. Kach church is permitted I o. -Henri one or more representatives. fi'hese may be present or prospective l'-ders of teacher training work in 4 he locul church, educational directors, Ippartnif nttil Huperlntendcnts. and any lrwons who desire to make a study of the church's problem of religious education, especially teachers usin graded lessons. Kev A. M. Williams, Presbyterian educational superintendent, and Rev. Wiles H. Fisher, of San Francisco, Congregational educational secretary, will have charge of the school. Mr. Fisher will deliver the lecture next Wednesday evening- at 7:30 o'clock in the chagl of the First Presbyterian church on "The Kdueational Ideal in ttunday School Teaching" Similar work is being done In Se attle and in Spokane. Mr. Williams reports that In Spokane 140 have en rolled In the night school for Sunday School workers in which lie is one of the lecturers. The school there is .under the direction of the City Sun day School association. Loft to right Dr. Ward Piatt, corresponding secretary Board of Home Missions and Church Extension Society, Philadelphia, Pa. Super intendent of Rose City Park Methodist Episcopal Sunday school. F. S. Akin, secretary Oregon Conference Board of Home Mis- M. E. Church, South, Will Hold Revival A rouslnsr old fashioned revival, typical of the southern statesy will take place at the First Methodist church South, Union avenue and Mult nomah streets all next month., Kev. Jovlck P. Law, the new pastor, whs In the evangelistic service through the southern states for a number of years before taking this charge. He Will conduct this series. Mrs. Law lll have charge of a large chorus thoir at the local church that is now being trained. Follpwing the revival there will be Bible conference to extend over a . teck with a reunion of students of the Moody Bible' Institute in the north V est. The revivals will continue each night, the preaching starting at 7:30 Tvlth half an hour's song service pre ceding. Orchestra music will be fur nished at each service. slons and Church Extension, dirt, for the new church. 'Ground for the new Rose City Park M. K. church at East Fifty-eighth street and the Alameda was broken on Conference Sunday, two weeks ago tomorrow, with 225 attendants of the Sunday School and other friends of the church present. Dr. W. W. Youngsen, pastor of Rose City Park Methodist Episcopal church, turning first spadeful of The permanent basement Is now un der construction, and over this will be placed a temporary room for the holding of the Sunday School and church services. This win remain until the church is financially able to complete the building. It Is ex pected that the temporary structure will be finished before December 1. Dr. "Ward Piatt of Philadelphia, gen eral secretary of home missions and church extension work for the Metho dist church, was present and made short address. Dr. Piatt, Rev. V. XV. Youngson, pastor of the churchy Dr. J. Earl Else, superintendent of the Sunday School and others among those present turned spadesful of earth. Dr. 'Lane to Preach First Time Sunday Rev. Thomas W. Lane will take np his duties as pastor of Centenary M. E. church with the services tomorrow, and Rev. Delmer II. Trimble, whom Dr. Lane succeeds, begins his ser vices in Dr. Lane's church at Tacoma at the same time. Dr. Lane arrived in Portland Thursday evening, and is stopping for the present at an east side hotel, while awaiting the comple tion of the remodeling work being done at the parsonage He is scheduled to address the Men's Brotherhood of the First Methodist church at its first monthly meeting next Tuesday night. He was present and made a short talk to the Men's Brotherhood of his own church at its first meeting of the church year last night. This is Dr. Lane's second Pacific coast charge. Tie was at Tacoma four and one-half years, having come from the Fourth street church at ' Wheeling, West Virginia, the largest church in that state. He was district superin tendent in Ohio for a time and several times represented the state at the general assembly. A daughter and son still reside in the east. Series of Sermons May Be Published Following the "completion of the series. It is probable that the ser mons noT being delivered by Rev. W. M. Hlnsoh at tho White Temple on me general topic, "The Devil in the Church." it is probable that thev will be' published in cheap book form. The jermons have already received wide publicity. Tomorrow morning Dr. Hinson BPeaks in the series on "The Covenant f the Church." In the evening Dr. "Ulnsoii's fourth sermon on the subject of Christian Science will be given. In the morning, the quartet wjU render the anthem. "Praise the Lord O Jeru salem" (Mannder); and the offertory, "The Omnipotence" (Schubert), will b sung by Norman A. Moose. WHAT CHURCH MEMBERS AN D CLERGY ARE DOING Mormon Elders to Meet in Conference Fifteen elders of the Northwestern States mission of the Mormon churcn, working in Oregon, will meet In , Ihe semi-annual conference Sunday in the church at 368 Hemlock street in the Iadd addition, when reports of the work accomplished during the spring and summer' will be given. The elders work in pairs and consequently there will be seven reports. Melvin J. Ballard of Portland, president of the board of elders, is in charge of the meeting and will reassign the elders early next week, when they will leave again on their assignments. There will be a reception and social in honor of the elders Monday night. Informal Reception Keld. I An- Informal reception giving mem bers of the church and the church neighborhood an opportunity to meet the new pastor, Dr. Baum, was held at Calvary Presbyterian church last night, and was largely attended. Methodist Preacher to Meet. The Methodist Preachers' associa tion meets at the First M. E. church Monday morning at 10:30. The sub ject to be discussed will be plans for the work of the conference year, fol lowing the outlines laid down at the meeting of the Oregon conference two weeks ago. Hew Pastor Arrive. Rev. E. O. Eldridge, formerly of Medford, who has been appointed to the pastorate of the Mt. Tabor M. E. church, arrived in Portland this morn ing to take up the work. He was ex pected earlier in the week, but was detained on account of a funeral. He will occupy the new pulpit for the first time Sunday morning. Many to Join Church. The largest accessions to member ship in the history of the Kenflworth Presbyterian church will be received at services tomorrow morning. The sacrament of the Lord's- supper will be administered in the morning. At night the pastor will speak on "The Christian Progress-of a Warlike Na tion." The address will be illustrat ed with stereopticans. Will Interpret "Time and Satan." At the services in the New Thought temple tomorrow. Dr. Perry Joseph Greej will-; interpret the allegory of "Time and Satan," by Edward Carpen ter, in which the evolution ' of the soul is shown. Sjfrces are held iool morning and evening with the S or Truth at 10 a. m. Presiding Elder Will Preach. Rev. E., H. Mowre. former pastor of the First Methodist church south. and now presiding elder of the South branch of Methodism in the north west, will preach in the Portland church tomorrow. Dr. Mowre was pastor of the congregation when the stone structure at Union avenue and Multnomah street was erected. Beceptlon to Pastoz. Pleasant Valley, Or Oct. 10. A re ception and harvest social will be held at Pleasant Valley Baptist church Wednesday evening In honor of Rev. J. Hoey, who has occupied the pulpit of that church during the past year. Bally Bay at Milwaukie. Milwaukie, Or., Oct. 10. The annu al Rally Day will be held tomorrow morning at Milwaukie Evangelical church. The. Sunday school and regu lar morning services will be combined. The children will present a varied program, under the direction of the teachers and Sunday ' school superin tendent, Fred Birkemeier, and the pas tor, Rev. H. R. Geil, will preach a ser mon especially for children. The pas tor will preach tomorrow evening. Bible study at 8 o'clock each Monday night under the leadership of the pas tor has been started in this church. Orran for Mission In India. The San Grael Christian Endeavor society of the First Presbyterian church, which meets in the chapel every Sunday evening, has just fin ished collecting funds to send a porta ble organ to the mission fields in India, where such a little instrument is of immense value to the teachers and preachers in the mission schools. Eabbi Wise Will Be Speaker of Day The Current Events class of the First Presbyterian church opned the fall season last Sunday with a spirited discussion of the measures to be voted upon at the November election. The attendance was large. It is the pur pose of this class to meet and study in an unpartisan way, all questions of the day which effect the life of the nation, the state or the community, especially as to their moral signifi cance and the relation they bear to Christian people. Today, immediately after the morn ing service. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will present the question of "The Relation of the Existing War to the Jew." Christain Science Lecture Announced Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, Professor Hermann S. Herlng, C. s. B ' of Concord, N. H., will lecture in First Church of Christ, Scientist, Nine teenth and Everett streets, on "Chris tian Science Healing, Spiritual and Scientific," repeatrn the lecture to morrow and Monday evenings at S. xne puoiic is invited. As a member of the Board of Lectureship of the mother church. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass, Professor Hering will speak authori tatively concerning the teachings of Christian Science. Boston, Mass., Oct. 10. The one hundred and fifth annual meeting of the American Board -of Foreign Mis-i slons will he held in Detroit October 13-16. It is likely to prove an espe cially Interesting meeting this year, because of the array of f-ireign (.pettk ers, the number of new recruits who are to be there, the wide rnnire of snh. 1ftu T1t nnlipliM tit V .ex innclHortrt on the number In attendance, which will probably be large. A trio of missionary doctors will be there. Kinnear of Foochow, whose new hospital received its baptism of blood during the Chinese revolution; Dr. Hollenbeck of Africa, who is a successful hunter of hippopotami a w-eil as a healer of disease and a preacher, and Dr. Hoover of Talis, Turkey. Five veterans from Turkey will be there: Dr. Tracy, president emeritus of Anatolia college, G. C. Raynolds, president of Van college, far in the east. G. F. Herrick, J. K. Greene of Constantinople and Rev. H. T. Perry, of Sivas. Industrial work is to be represent ed by A. J. Orner, of Africa, who went from the Baldwin Locomotive works to Mt. Silinda, Africa. Rev. Henry Fairbank of India will also tell of industrial help given the people around Ahmednagar. His son, Alan Fairbank, is one of the new appointees and will be on the same platform with his father. The Shansi team of young people going out to work under the condi tions of the Chinese government's edu cational offer, will be at Detroit and will be a feature of the meeting. Four young men will tell why they propose to be missionaries and two young couples will receive their commis sions at the closing session on Oct. 1C I Rev C. J. Larsen. After a residence of a little more than a year in Seattle, Rev. C. J. La--sen has moved to Portland again, not i as a pastor, however, but as district ' Slllif-rintpntlpnt nf VnrnjAcriun.ltQ. nish M. E. church for the four north western states of Oregon. Washington, Idaho and Montana. lr. Iirsen succeeds Rev. J. Olson in the suDerintendencv. the latter hiiv- church. Ir. Iarsen was formerly pas tor of the Vancouver avenue church here. His appointment to the super visory position by Bishop R. J. Cooke at the recent Norwegian-Danish con ference in Seattle caused general sat isfaction. Dr. Larsen is regarded as the foun der of the Scandinavian Methodism on the Pacific coast. He has been in the service here for nearly 40 years. He also organized the first church of the denomination in Alaska. MASSED JUNIOR CHOIR CHRISTMASFEATURE An important innovation In th preparation of a suitable program of music for Christmas has been inaug urated by the pastors and Sunday School superintendents of the Congre gational churches of this city. For years there has been a strong and deeply felt aversion against the cheap and worthless music which composed thp average Sunday School or church Christmas service. To bring back the incomparable grandeur and charm of the truly grand hymns which have become famous with the years, a committee has been appointed, composed of Rev. J. J. Staub, of the Sunnyside church, Rev. F. W. Gorman, of the Atkinson Mem- lorial church and Rev. D. T. Thomas of the St. Johps church, who are to have charge of a unique Christmas service for 1914. In every Congregational church of the city there will lie organized a Ju nior choir, which tor a number of weeks preceding the holidays will be drilled by competent talent in Christ mas music of the choicest and most inrpiring character. On Sunday afternoon before Christ mas these combined junior choirs will be mussed into a great union junior chorus in some large auditorium, prob ably at -Sunnyside, to givo a sacred concert that will gladden the heart of lovers of hymns of dignity and power. Several handsome prize ban ners will be awarded among the co operating choirs. i r ' ie work .of sjFinishitrg and enlarg ing. the1 auditorium of the old Grace Methodist churcJi jat Twelfth ami Tay lor streets to Hcijnfnmodate the congre gation of tho ,f'rst church, having Uen oompleted,g the services of that body will be resumed ther. tomorrow morning. ! j t . After meetinJ-jover sixty years in the pioneer" Mefiiodist church of the northwest, at. iiThird and Taylor streets, the Finite Imreh was consoli dated with the Grat e church und it was decided, ov$n;a ear ago. to erect a new building at Twelfth and Tai lor streets. ' I . A large number1, of members objected fo leaving Thirj'aiid Taylor streets, wanting to pu";the new structure there, and a split followed. Service were held in tllpld building tor the last time Sunda.-, a.nd during the past week the interior as hee:i oinmantled and the church Jlp lock.-d up. The principal . 'hnptrovenient in the building at Twelfth ;Jnd Taylor, streets is the balconygilti feet wide, which was erected un&nd three sides of tie auditorium, nn4 i which increases the seating capacity; to a total of more than 1000. i j Four rows ofjtipera chairs are in the wings and eiglft!rows at the back of the balcony. The. walls have been re tinted and stenjEieU and the floors recarpeted. Th; pipe organ has been redecorated to :;rreHpond to the gen eral color schegie. Four stairways t the balcony, th?tee of which eo th the main auditorium floor to the street level, have beei:added, and new exl:s at the grade llrte have been cut. The Sunday ijfcjchoo I room has been done over In wihite enamel und cream and new carpets fhave been laid. Elec tric lighting Hiis been Instulled in some portions Jojf the church to take tho place of th& gas lights. me or the cjas rooms in the bate- the room that de partment very immodious,' and it has oeen retltted vith cooking equipment. The regular jolr will be attired for the first time;!tomorrow in full vest ments. The Bitoir is so large that some of the ngjitiber.s will hav,- to ho seated in thef balcony. . Howard 1 Barlow is leafier. The quartet ' con sists ot Mrs. idna Smith Flo, of Al bany, soprano-; Mrs. Elizabeth Hamil ton Stowers. ifdntralto; A. Musgrovn Rot.arts. baii&ne and director, arid Warren A. fctwin. tenor. William Lowell I'atton!((i organist. At the services tomorrow morning Dr. Lovelai.d iHl speak on the sub ject, -I Am the Divine Light." Hlj evening ubj.-4jf jj. "The Size and '..n tents of VouriiJUfe'ti Cup. ' The choir will make aiq h. responses at both services. 'r j , v,.- v.Gojna IUUHI3 III int ment has beenitprn out and tro udded to the kfrihen. making tl DIRECTORY OF PORTLAND CHURCHES This Year's Receipts Largest in History ' Fr four years In succession the 12 months' Income for work under the care of the American hoard of for eign missions has passed the $1,000, 000 mark. This year's receipts are the . largest the treasury has ever known, totaling l,ns:t,170.3O; while the year' expenditures were 1,nKfi.7d4.11, thtis leaving a surplus of J2.4fifi.19 to be applied on the deficit of the previous year, which is now reduced to J87fi7.70. In addition to the amount , just mentioned the hoard has secured cash and pledges amounting to about , $100,000 for work In Albania and some ; JlS.000 for enlarged work In Shansi, China. Workers Assigned To Make Survey Workers who are to make the church and Sunday School survey in the district of l.'.O square blocks around the Millard avenue Presby terian church, were assigned their re spective territories at a workers' con ference held at the home of Mr. anr1 Mrs. Roy N. Stearns, 5703 Seventy first street southeast, Monday. The district is to be thoroughly canvassed before October 14. In addition to this business, com mittees were appointed to outline a Christmas program and to handle the junior choir. The school will have a special program for the World Tem perance Sunday, November 1'. WEEK IMPORTANT ONE TO SUNDAY SCHOOLS The coming week is to be a big one for Sunday School workers. Two In ternational Sunday School association secretaries are to be in Portland and in addition to this two district insti tutes are to be held. Sunday afternoon in the First Chris tian church Mary Foster Bryner of Chicago, secretary of the elementary department of the International Sun day 'School association, will speak at a mass' meeting held under the supervi sion of the Portland Graded union. Tuesday evening at the White Tem ple. W. C. Pearce, superintendent of the adult department of the Interna tional .Sunday School association, will f-peak. Mr. Pearce is one of the strongest Sunday School men in the United States. At 6:15 a men's ban quet will be held when Mr. Pearce will speak on men's Bible classes and broth erhood work. Monday evening at the Rose City Park Presbyterian church, the district institute for the Rose City Park dis trict will be held. The Rose City Park Methodist girls' choir will sing. Next Sunday at the Lents Baptist church the institute for district No. 9, covering the southeast section, will be held. There will be an afternoon arid evening session. The program for the institute at the Rose City Park Presbyterian church has been completed as follows: Chorus, "Come With Singing," Rose City M. K. girls' choir: invocation, Rev. W. M. Youngson; vocal solo, "Angel's Serenade" (Braga), Miss Laura Shay; violin obligato, Miss Rheubina Larson; accompanied by Mrs. C. C. Shay; ad dress, "Our Girls," Mrs. S. W. Ormsby; chorus, "Scatter. Deeds of Kindness," Rose City M. E. girls' choir; address, "A Big Thing in Sunday )School WTorft." C. A. Phipps; benediction, Rev. T. F. Bowen. Highland Church to Have Jubilee Day The Highland Congregational church will celebrate tomorrow as a inhiloo day. The day is to be the mile stone I of freedom from debt. Rev. E S Bollinger has just entered the ninth year of service as pastor and this, with encouragement of some friends of the church, has led to an effort make a clean sweep of all incum brances and to re-carpet the audi torium. During the 11 years' history High land church has accumulated a church property. including its parsonage, valued at about $15,000. With quiet and persistent work this church has been self-supporting for eight years. The church has a membership of 200 and raises an annual budget of over $2000. Rev. Bollinger will preach in the morning on "The Old Message Con tinued," and the choir will give a jubilee praise service at 7:30 p. m. Thanksgiving at Saint Matthews DOUBLING OF MEMBERSHIP IS CREDITED TO OFFICIAL BOARD To Discuss Issues i Of Sunday School Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner of Chi cago, one of the noted Sunday School workers who Is making one of her periodical visits to . the northwest in connection with her work, will speak 'tomorrow afternoon nt the First Christian church. She will go into Some of the probTwns that confront fcYinday School workers today. The "Warren quartet of the Fourth Pres byterian church will furnish music. Sellwood's New Pastor Arrives Rer. A. R. McLean, formerly pastor . of the First Methodist church of Rose jiburg: and assigned to the pastorate of Sellwood Methodist church by the '4Tcent Oregon conference, arrived yes- ; terday and wlthhis family is now !'domicild at the parsonage, 5SS Tacoma Avenue. He succeeds Rev. J. K. Haw ' Viins. assigned to the First Methodist ' church of Medford. Rev. Mr. McLean i will preach his first sermons at the i Sellwood church tomorrow morning .? i and evening. Wednesday evening at 1 the church the members of his con ' rregatlon will tender him a reception, : to which everyone is Invited. OP zTr&i v$ f if -tevi v In Holland The Hague building workers have concluded a four-year . agreement with their employers, which ' provides for a njlnlmura wage of 32 ' cents for masons- and 27 cents for la- borers, " with a provision for an in i crsaae of 1 cent each. year. Members or oniciai board of the Vancouver Avenue Norwegian-Danish Methodist HacK row, lert to right j. p. Jensen, R. M. Robinson, H. Otterson. Middle Miss Edith Jones, Mrs. F. P. Holm, J. Peterson. eide, F. P. Holm and S. Allen. Episcopal church, row A. Elwick, In front H. Granville, J.. Blied, Rev. A. Ver- The official board of the Vancouver avenue Norwegian-Danish M. E. church is given the credit for having caused the membership- of that in stitution to increase twice over in the past year, making it one of the lar gest churches of; the denomination in the northwest. Rev. A. Verelde, the pastor, has had charge of this church for a little over a year and his success has been un usual. Bishop R. J. Cooke, at the con ference in Seattle recently, reassigned Mr. Vereide to this church, and a re ception in honor of him and his fam ily will be given tonight at the church. A program of musical numbers and addresses by District Superintendent C J. Larsen, H. P. Nelson and O. T. Field has been prepared, and the La dies Aid society will serve refresh ments. Besides the members of the board shown in the picture, the others are S. Winther, Valdemar Peterson, M.- K. Docken, L. P. lliasen, f?. Rolfness, J. Molver and Mrs. J. A. Jones. The annual Harvest Home Thanks giving service of St. Matthews Epis copal church will occur tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. The church will be decorated with fruits, vege tables and flowers for the occasion and after service the fruits and vege tables will be given to the Oood Sa maritan hospital and Elizabeth Home both of which are Episcopal institu tions. The Thanksgiving season is an ticipated somewhat with this service because most of the harvest products are out of the way by -that time The service is usually held the first Sun day in October, tut President Wilso.-Ts peace day proclamation caused It to be postponed one week f 3 j ST ATE-WIDE BREVITIES! e . v Rev. J. C. Ghormley. a Portland medical student preparing to assume the duties of a medical missionarv in India in 1916. has been made rwsfnF j of the Christian church at Estacada ror the coming year. He assumed his new duties last Sunday. Over 30 additions to the church have been made as a res-ult of the Bulgin Rose revival services in the Christian church at LaGrande. The Epworth league, the Baptist Young Peoples' Union and other young people's church organizations of south ern Oregon are preparing for a con vention to be held at Medford October 16-18 inclusive. G. Evert Baker, of Portland, state president of the Chris tian Endeavor, will attend. A similar convention, which was. very successful, has just been concluded at Klamath Falls. A new Congregational church at Plymouth, pear Corvallis. will be dedi cated tomorrow. Dr. C. A. Bushnell, president of Pacific University, Forest Grove, will speak. Revs. George K. Paddock and H. N. Smitn of Portland, will also attend. Journal Want Ads bring results. Bafitlst ririt White Temple, W. B. Hlnos. prtor. Bible drhnol. 10. Service. It and 7:30. S. 11 a. m. K. V. 1". U.. tt:0 p. ui. "I, ii1 Mr Church'. ' aud "Christian Science aiid the Bible No. 4." East Side Rev. O. W. SbtinK, paator. Servtcra 11 and :.a S. S. 10. B. Y. P. U. H:Mi. Character is a Sara of Litlle Tolncs," ami "Is There a Heaven." Hlghlaud 'lev. C. a. Elliott. B. x P. u. 6.:0. Services 11 a. uj. aDd 7:30 p. m. iy. s.. U:45. Rally Iar exercise, bermotia ny Kev. I). Springflou ami liev. t.. A. W ixjus. Calvary Uev. Walter Duff, pastor. Eaat Sth and Grant. l'reai hiug at 11 a. m. and ; MO p. ru. S5. .. 10. l. Y . r. i . , o:4j. Grace," and "The Jew Return." Arleta Uev. XV. 1. S. Sprigfs. Sunday school 9:45. H. V. P. C. 6:15. Service 11 aixl t; :.o. Buiuung IP u" txaj- oi i.iyi!L. uuu "The Goodm-ss or goo. University l'arW Jtfv. A. C. Sun on. paator. 11 and 7:j0. S. !F, 10. B. Y. P. C. 1 Sellwood Rev. F. H. Harea, 11 oi 7:30. S S. 10. Y. P. V. 6:30. Grace Montavilla, Kev. H. T. Cah. 11 and 3U. Y. P. 6:30. S. 8. 8:4 Sunnrsld (German) S. A. 11:45. Conrad Wvss, sunerinteDdent- St. Johns (German) Eev. Karl Feldnath. 6. 8. S:45. 11 and 7:30. Y. P. U. 7. Bt. John K. P. uorcen, paior. a. a. 10 a", to. Servire 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Third Uev. W. J. Beavau, Knott and Van ee.ver avenue. 11 and 7USO. B. Y. P. V.. 6 30. S. S.. f:5 a. m "The Vino and the Branches," and "The substitution of ChriM." East Forty-fifth street Het. A. B. Walla. S. S.. 9:4r. IrearMjig, 11 . rn. and 7:0 p. m B. Y. I. I".. 7. "TrnnbleAome Moun ta'ina," and "The Religions Quark. ' First German Rev. J. Urutt. 11 and 7 :3U. 8. 8. 9:45. Chines Mission 8. S 7. J. G. Ala lone, ra pe rintendent. Mt. Calvary Weidler and fnlon iw.. Rev. A. M. Marhrack. Service 11 and 8. S. S., 'J a. in. Tabernacle tid st. ana 4oui ave., s. t.. Rev J Clark Tibhetta, pastor. Sermons 11 and"7:45. S. S.. S:15 a. ru. B. Y. P. C. 6:45. Second German h.-. Frederick Baerrman, 11 and 7:30. S. S. 9:45. Y. P. U. 6:45. LentsUeT. J. id. Xer"m. S. S. :45. Serv ices 11 and 7 .CO. B. Y. P. C. 6:30 p. m. "The Sin Bearer," and "Does Jesus Care?" Mount Olivet Kev. W. A. Magnett. pastor. 11 and 8 p. m. S. 8. 12:30. Swedlah 15th and Ilort t., 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. S. 8., 10. B. Y. P. V.. 6:30. Italian Mission Rev. Franeeaeo Sannella. pastor. Pastor' circle 8V. Preaching 10:3O, abort sermon for HagllaU apeakins people; aia 7:30. afathodla. Flrst 12th and Taylor ota. Rev. Prank I,. Iceland. S. S.. 12:15. K. L.. (i:4.".. Service. 10::W and 7:4.". "The l.ihr Divine" and "The Size and Contents of Your Life Cnp." Trlnitv East lOtn and Shermac. Rev. A. B. Calder, 11 a. in. and 8:00 p. in. S S.. 10. E L.. 7. Rev. Geo. V. Hopkins and John P. Pnrceil. A. M. topii-. "The Veteran Preacher." Swedish P.orlhwlck an Befell. . j. Berg, pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8. 10. E. L. 7. Epworth Rev. C. G. McCulloch. Service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. b. 6. 9:45. E. 1. 6:30. Hrst Norwecran Corner lth and Hovt Rev. Ellas GJerding. Preachinj; 11 and 8. 'Y. P. M.. p. nj. 9. 2. L.. 6 p. m, Woodlawn Rev. Loot- Thomas, pasior. H.. 10. E. L-i. 7. Preaching 1st and 7:43. "The Unre of. FUse and Laxurj." and "Mi ry or Babel." Norwegian rianlsti Vancouver ana naio snore, Kev. Abe. Vereide. paator. lo:45 and 8. 8. 8.. 12 m. Sunnyside K. 35th ami YarrAlll. Rev. R. Elmer Smith. D. U.. II and 7:45 p. m. S. S., D:50 a. :n. K. I.., 6:30. "True. Communion Spirit," and "The Man With the Ble Stick.' Central Vancouver ave. and farso. Uev C. C. Rarlck. Servtres 11 and 7:30. 8. S. fi:45. Class meetlnes. 12:lo. . U. 7 "The Inmost Jiearnesa of God." and "The Greatest Moral Peril Before Youne Men." Centenary Thomas XV. Iane. K.U.. psKtor. 8. S., 9:45. E. I... 6:30. Services 11 and 7.45. "A Supreme rurpose." and "I'rovlng Ihiups." St. Johns ReV. 3. i. Patten, bervice XI and' 7:30. 8. 8. 10. E. L. 8:30. Japanese Mission Uev. EUsen Rlbara, 9:30 nd 8:30. 8. 8. 3:30. Laarehvood Rev. V. E. Willing. 63d St., S. ki. and Foster Koad. 8. S-. 9:45. E. L.. 6:30. Service. 11 and 8. Sellwood Uev. James 1.. Hawkins, 11 and 7 20. J. K.. 2:30. E. L,.. 6.30. Chinese Mtsaion II anu 7:3u. German F. A. Schumann. 8. 8. 9:45. Serv ices 11 and 8. Epworth league 7:15. Mount Tabor Kev. C. L. Hamilton, 61st and E. Stark. 11 a ad 8. 8. 8.. 9:45. E. 6:30. Montavilla Rev. W. Ft. Hampton- Sermon at 11 and 7:30. 8. 8., 9:45. Js. L.. 8:15. Junior beaaroe. 3. CIbhs meeting. 12:15. I Clinton Kelly Memorial John Pa'aou. pas i tor. 8. 8.. i) 45. Services II a. in. and 8 p. ' m. E. L.. 6:45 p. vu African Zion Uev. W. W. Howard. 11 and 8. 8. F., 1. E. 8. L.. 7 Bethel Rev. 1. L. Craw, pastor. Services 11 snd 7:45. 8. 8. 1:15. C. K. 7. Roso City Park amt Cltr Park club bouse. Rev. William W. Youngson. pastor, services 11 and 7:45. 3. S-. 9:45. "Capttaliaa- Chrtstianity tion of Defeat," and "Ha Failed?'' University Park Rev. C. L. Hainitton, 11 and 7::K). S. Kj a. m. E. I... 6:15. "The Ueal Work of the Church." aiid peo ple s piicl service. Patu.u Kev. Ge-jrge T. Hopkins, pastor. Preaching li and 7:45. S. S., 10 a. m., E. L 0:4.".. Wesleyan Rev. D. B. tlampe, paator. Preaching 11 aud 7:30. S. 8. 10. Y. P. M C:3ti. Lents Rev. W. Boyd Uoore, 11 and 8. 8. S. 10. K. L. 7- Woodstock Frank James, paster. 11 and 7:30. 8. 10 a. m. Class meeting 12 in. E. L., 6:30. Lincoln Street M. E. M. O. Reed, pastor. 11 a'.d 8. S. S. 10 Oak Grove Kev. C. H. Wooley. Services 11 and 8. S. 8. 10. Westmoreland Uev. Alfred Bates. S. S.. 7. Sermon. 8. First German A. P. Cramer, pastor. Preaching 11 and 8. S. & 10. E. L. 7:30. rreshvierlan. First Presbyterian church Ttev. John Boyd, minister. Preaching 10:3O aud 7:30. C. E. 6 ::;o. MUpab Rev. Harry Leeds, pastor. Sermoi. 11 and S. ? S. 9:45 a. m. C. E. 7 p. ni. Cnlvary F.Ieventn and Clay sts. Uev. 0. S Bauni. Preaching. 10;.'K ami 7 S. S.. '.2 in. Grain oi raJtb. and ""Who Are the God." KcullTiorth F.iwt ?.4th and Glartftone Rev. teslle Kirk Ulcliardson. pastor. 11 snd T : 15. Bible school. lj:4.j a. m. I'ourtb Kev. Henry G. Ftasann. pastor. Service. UliiO. S. 8.. 12. C. K.. 0:30. "M:-i"ii of West Africa" J. It. Gulhrie. Alialx-I Unbert N. Mrl-at. Service 11 and 7:45. S. S., 9:45. C. E.. 6:45. Hope. Moctjvilla. Tth and Everett st.. Rev. S. W. Scrman. 8. S.. 10. Service 11. and 7 :30. C. C. .:3 t'- ro. llawthornv Park C. . Giimee. Mater. 8. S. S.. noon. Services, 10:3O and 8. Meilmont Re. J. E. Snyder. Cleveland and Jarrett sts.. 11. C. V... 6:30. 8. 8.. 9:45. Thtrd 13th and I'inc Hta.. Rev. A. L. Hutchison. iftstor. lO .iO aud 7:45 S. 8.. 12.1 E. K. , 0:45. Forbes IWv. Henry L. Pratt, 11 and 8. 8. S 10. OT E. 6: D. m. Third Uev. A. L. Hntchlson. paator. 6ervlees 10:3o and 7:45. 8. S. -12. C E. 6:45. Unity W. Lee Grsy. minister. S. S. lo. Presetting 11 s. m. and H p. m. Artor Lodge Itev. George R. Cromley, 11 and 7 45. 8. 8. 10. Mt. Tabor Rev. Graham Moore. Service 11 a. m. and 8 p. m- - a. 10 a. m. c. L.. i p. m. Vernon 10th snd Wytant sra. 0. N. Mount. pasur. Services 1) a DC 7:30. S. S., 10 a. m. C. E.. ::x p. m. Westmlnxler Kev. Henry Mareotte, E. 17tb and Hcbiivier. io:." inn :45. s. s.. 12. Y. P. S. C. F... 6::o. Morning topic. "Men Wanted. Spokane Avenue J. E. Youel. paator. 8. 8.. 10 a. m. Sermon. 11 and 8. Millard Avenue Kev. W. H. Amns. Serv Ices 11 snd 7:30. 8. 8. 10. Y. P. 8. C. S. B:.X) p. m Hose City Psrk Services 1 1 snd 7:45. Rev Ro'Hllnot Seely. C. E-. 6:30 p. m. S. 8.. :45. Dr. J. R. N. BeU Msrshall street (lev. Mr. Black, pastre. 11 snd 7:30. 8. 8. 10 a. m. Y. P. 8. C. E. 6:30 p. ra. Trinity, corner Virginia snd Wetraska sts.. Rev. E. Benson, paator. Services 11 and 7:30. 8. S.. 10. Y. P. S. C. 6:30. Chlnew 145' ltt St. 7:45. 8. 8. :43. Reforn.ed Frank D. Fracer. Preaching. 11 sad 7:30. S. 8. 10. Boys oflMillard Churcli! Entertained eilnvdav fvenirii; Mr und Mrs. J. F. Vsiiontiii.- entertaine.l at their hon:c, 13. t' 3 Sixtv-first m venue. K., Mr. Vliitntine's claRK of kovn of the M i 1 1 a pel j AvoniK Presbyterian church school; jfjames and music wcrn the ainusemi4t(i of the evcniriK. on Wednesday ogjn.iriK the hoys arranged for digsrinK' SiHeir crop" of iotati.-s. They also (lfSt'tUnl to resume tlu-ir weekly flub nfttlins.s Tucsiiiy cvemntr () tot)cr 1 h. ' lu a silhuutj&te' Kucssirir lunlct h'.il--oncr t'amplij;. won firt .i ii..-. the booby awnr-d-feline to Nnrrnan ( Mson. Mrs. Shaw. l(- Swanson anl Mrs. Valentine sercU refifshmcnts. Thoi-o Irf'nt wereff liaymond Kllis. Frank Md'artfr. Artjiur I'.ullay, Hollin Moore. (Il-nii c'amp will. Kali-oner (Campbell, Merrill Hollirfgiworth. Floyd Huffiel.l, Nornifin ricj. Ilarrv Shjjc. IMgar .eh ruiic, Mr. J. fgL.y.fUvung, Mih.s Queenie Swanson. Mr jSwan.-on. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Shaw airl Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Valentine. s Cn4tsd PrassTtsnsa. Kenton 1. 8. Cole. Services 10:13 a. in. snd 8 p. m. 8. 8. 10 a. m. First Sixth and Montgomery. Fmnk Ie Witt Findley. Services a:30 and 7:3. 8 -v evening. Arnone tboxe from whom Marks of ,..,,. v...- i ,h fv.uv.t. East Silje Baptists' Rallj fiay Tomorrow ai i TUiily day jfjterclses of the Sunday school of Kast Side Baptist church. Incatijdfat liat Twentieth and. F.axt Ankcnyf streets, will be held-tomorrow. TliV ! school is thorouKhly praded throiHput and at this time the annual fcromotlon exercises also will be heldaind certif irate of pro motion preKejstjed to Kuch scholam an are. being promoted from one rlass t another. B J During theft tfftst week ea'h cla! in the school hSts; held a bo ial rally and "Ket tOKethefc.' j exercis-- The annuil ! t lec tion was held on Tuesday evejy ti and all the old offi cers were naif-d to iwrvc a sain. They are: Superior,, .t r k. Mall; a sistart supeintcniJi nt. Ir. J W. Mc Micheal: tfi-p-jury and treasurer, Mia Nellie Bo4ilflM: aLKtai.t seretary. Miss ZaiU ft EvuTf., orKanist. Mla Vivian Wrigfci 4-4 Greatelt Moral Peril Is Subject MainR Jiircd from a number of personx theti- ' opinion a! to what '.n the greate.i moral period before young men orlay. I!ev. ('. I. Ttarlck, pastor. of ? the Central Methodlit church. Vanjfoqver avenue and Ksriro Htrect. will r'PaK on trie Munject .tin- m. Rev S '. K.. (i:30 p. A Cry of tLe !S. . la m. f. h.. 0:4a p. Jesiis." and "Safety Urst." The Cbsreh ot the trs Karl DuboU. 19 ) and 7:r;o. m "Listening to God," and I'erlshlns." ITiird -W. A. Rpsldlng. D D. pastor, 37th snd Hawthorne. 8. 8.. 9;50. Y. P. S-, 7. Services 11 and 8. Osk Grors Methodist Episcopal, first M. K. Church c. : Woo ley. pastor. S. li. lo a. m. ('reaching li II I, a. and 8 p. ru. E. L., 7 p. m. M., E. Church Boetb. Flrst--rnloo ave. and Multooman Lovlck Fierce j, potor. ITeschins; 11 and 7:30. S. 8., 10. Rev. K. U. Moore. de' t IJooseVcU, t.l eral elates, il the mayors 01 some Kovcrnnrs of ev- the lare jtltles and the he-ad of larjre corpora tlont. These exprenion will be. read,' during the course of th nermon. j Flrirt Park and Columbia street Services at 11 and K. S. Si- 10. C. E.. 7 p. m. First I'ark and Columbia streets Services st 11 and 'A. S.. V... 7 p. m. . Montavilla K't Sventy-sistU anl H'.yt. Rev. J. F. Ghorm.rj. Service. II aud p. in. 8. S 1 a. ni. C. K-. 7 p. m. Central Kev. Sstnuel R. lis kins, pastor 8. S i. C. K.. V p. in. Se-vlce. 11 and . Rodney Avenue P Diirrls. pastor. 1. 10. C. 7. Service 11 and 8. "The Holy Spirit." and "Present Day Amiutementa." Olsd.tcne Rev. 'toy L. Dunn oattor Hrv- Continued on Fo-llowing Page). Visit OUR CHrURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BOOKSrBIELES. TESTA- MENTS. l Mats, ,kutons, CARDS. cCERTI FICATES, Etc THIRD ' AND ALDER" STS. A .J