The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 09, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Seven Hundred Children Quit
Shattuck School in Two
Minutes, Five Seconds.
following Inspection Meetta Za Held
at Which Mot Are Compared
and Xssms Drawn.
TP. t M Inn C"hft tttrnvtrnm of fh frt
department iitepped to the door of a
room IfeBnattuclc sr.nool yesteraay and
wild to the teacher:
"If T ahoiilii tll vnn that the mom
rtmt to yours was afire, what would
"I'd march my children oat," she
rppJiM promptly.
"Well, madam, that condition ex
Im'im" i-nntlnncl the. hut all Ion r.hiftf.
The teacher Immediately started the
children from the room.
"Ttnt xrhiit ore Vnn srnimr to do about
the reat of the children In this baUd-
lnKT expostulated Stevens.
Th 4 ia fM rannMt T If ueJW Td
better send a boy to tell the prlnci-
.u I aha mA
'. Blanal Is Sounded.
"Meanwhile. " predicted the batalllon
rhlef In conference a few minutes
ijir with h mihlle nafetv commls-
, slon, the superintendent of schools,
presidents of the Woman's club and the
Tarent-Teacher association, who wer
on a trip of inspection, "that school
might have burned to a point where
hundreds of little lives would be de
stroyed by fire or trampled In panic"
Tho general fire alarm, the same
signal used for fire drills, was soond
d. The little children came trooping
out. Some were visibly nervous, for
the old Shattuck school's reputation
'. a a had fire risk has gotten even Into
childish minds.
.Mrs. O. J. Frank el, president of the
Woman's club, stood watching: them.
Seven hundred children marched out
of Shattuck school In two minutes
and five seconds after the alarm had
v... amtnAaA it rmiiilrmi two min
utes and 32 seconds to tret 1300 stu
dents out of Lincoln high' school and
but one minute and 28 seconds to get
92D- children out of Ladd school. At
' Washington high school 1150 students
'were marched out in one minute and
48 seconds. '
Vote Are Compared.
After the Inspection by members of
the public safety commission, the
presidents, of the women's organlza
. tions. Superintendent Alderman, the
batalllon chief. Fir Marshal Roberts
and J. C English, president of the Ro
tary club, a meeting was held in Lin
coln high, school to compare notes. It
was agreed that children in the first
floor rooms should be marched out so
promptly that children of upper rooms
would never need pause after starting,
that children marching in pairs should
take hold of hands to keep them In
line an4 prevent panic, that all pupils
should be trained in giving ftrealarma
and should memorize the fire depart
ment's telephone 4umbM, that certain
boys In each school should be appoint
ed fire marshals and others to assist
cripples from the buildings.
Hay From Portland
To the Philippines
War Department Will Advertise tat
Bids for Transportation of Product
Purchased In Portland.
Washington, Oct,' 9. The war de
" rvartment informs Senator Chamberlain
it will advertise for bids to transport
from rortland to th-e Philippines be
fore. February, a quantity or nay pur
t based in Portland. ,
Market for Ctielfwr Salmon.
Washington, Oct, 9. Senator Cham
berlaln is taking up with the depart
ment of commerce the finding of a
market in South America for fall Chi
nooks, silver salmon and other cheaper
grades of the fish. Modification of
the foreign tariff on these goods may
be sought by the department.
Postofflce at Vale.
Washington, Oct. 9. Senator Cham
berlain has been notified that the post
office department will lease from
Lowell J. Hadley a portion of a build
ing on A street between Court and
Bryant In Vale. Or., at $420 per annum.
John P. Cooley Most Popular.
Washington, Get. 9. Candidates for
the postmastershlp at Brownsville, all
of whose names and endorsements
have boyfli sent to the pos.tmastcr gen-
, eral, having agreed to submit their
claims to a. popular vote, the result
was John P. Cooley received the most
votes. Ills indorsements being good,
; he seems likely to get appointment.
ftift to Senator Chamberlain.
Washington, Oct 9. The city of
Haltimore has presented Senator
Chamberlain with one of the 24 bronze
tablets commemorative of the trans
fer of Fort McHenry from the United
States to Baltimore. Each tablet was
. modeled Individually by Sculptor Hans
School Directors" Dropped.
Salem. Or., Oct. 9. State Superin
tendent of Bchools Churchill has sus
tained the action of the county school
superintendent of Clatsop county in
declaring vacant the office of WU
. liam Billlngslea as -director. The
Clatsop county superintendent had de
clared the office vacant on the ground
that Billlngslea had ceased to dis
charge the duties of his office for two
- consecutive months, and that he. had
pot been 'prevented from discharging
sucn auue oy sicicness or other un
avoidable cause.
Superintendent Churchnl finds that
the reasons given by Billlngslea. for
;jiot .attending the board meetings are
.not sufficient.
Stack pianolas, stnyvessat Pianolas,
any srioe xney win Bring. .
Of course they are the late 88-note.
Soma as low as $288. . Other dealers
ask anywhere from $700 to $800 for
them. Player pianos, 88-nor. They
are the late models,, $165 and $170.
US Morrison at. Open tonight and
tomorrow night until 9 o'clock or later.
ooujf .roa, lauea. vvrt ordered a
!. CAdvJ
In the War of Competition, We Have Made Allies of Courtesy, Service, Reliability
Saturday's Aggressive Campaign to Win and Hold Public Approval Is Herein Announced
Demonstrator Here Novo
Explaining Superior
Point of
H oover Suction Sweepers.
Homefurnish'g Dept., 5th Floor
New Skating Coats
Saturday's Attractive Sales From
Junior Suits
A Sample Collection
SELUNG TO $30.00
Saturday $16.50
These suits are made of the
finest of materials, such as
duvetyne, all-wool serge, heavy
cord and fancy materials. Trim
mings of velvet, sealette, braid
ing, fancy buttons. Peau de
cygne satin linings.
Coats are cutaway front,
straight ' back, some with belts
across back, set-in raglan
sleeves, some plain, others with
turn-back cuffs. Skirts are
plain straight styles and some
are fancy.
Gymnasium and
School Blouses
Regular $1.50 to $2.25
Special 69c
-Made in loose and wide
belted style, of extra quality
white, galatea, trimmed with
navy, red, cadet or all white.
Some have fancy emblems on
pockets, or belt.
Every girl will want several
of these blouses for gym wear,
they are so pretty and practical.
Sizes 6 to 20 years.
Fall Coats for Girls $4.65
Regular Price $8.00
In sizes 8 to 14 years. Just the thing for school wear,
Made of excellent materials in desirable weights for Winter
wear. Made with set-in sleeves, in low-belted style, patch
pockets, plaits at back, high close neck, trimmed with fancy
buttons. They come in plain and striped zibeline, large fancy
plaids, checked and diagonal weaves.
Girls' AttractiveSchool Dresses
Selling Regularly From $6.00 to $7.50
These pretty, dresses are made of corduroy, wool challie,
serges and broadcloth, with , trimmings of lingerie, lace, self
materials, embroidered collars, fancy buttons, silk pipings and
braid. They are made in a great variety of styles, showing
yokes, long waists, Norfolk, middy sailor, tunic styles, plaited
and double ruffled and plain skirts. Colors are rose, white,
brown, navy and fancy figures.
from b to 14 years or age.
Children's Hats
Special 49c
Special lot of children's hats in
zibelines, corduroys and velvets.
Made with high, round crowns,
stitched brims and trimmed with a
stick-up, also drooping shapes. In
gT7t green, Oxford and white or
combinations of colors or plain
white. Sizes to- fit children 2 to 8
years. - ' . -
Children's Hats
Special 98c
Hats for small girls 2 to 6 years.
In velvets, - plushes, cloths ; and
chinchillas. In becoming styles,
trimmed with ; feather stick-ups,
high crowns and rolling brims.
Colors, are navy, brown, tan, gray
and two-toned effects.
Silk Service
The Best Dollar Stocking
Best by .actual test. In
black and 30 colors
First Floor
Are Here $15.00
l he skatinz coat is a suc
cessor of the sport coat, which
became so popular last season.
But the skating coat is. far
smarter and more youthful
looking than the sport coat
a novelty coat in different
color combinations that every
girl and woman will want.
With the opening of the new
ice rink this coat comes at a
most opportune time. Made 38
inches in length, of Roman
striped zibeline, with loose-
fitting back, belted. Has two
large patch pockets and two
side pockets just right to keep
the hands warm.
xnis coat comes m many
clever color combinations.
Third. Ploor
For Saturday Only We Offer
Girls' Storm Serge Dresses
AGES 6 TO 14
Regularly Sold for $6.50
Special $5.00
Girls' dresses of all-wool storm serge
in the newest Fall model, long belted
style with tunic, long armhole with inset
sleeve, sailor collar and turn-back cuffs.
Belt of navy and green combination plaid.
Trimmed with fancy bone buttons. Black
silk cord and drops finish the neck. Par
ticular attention is called to the quality,
the tailoring and the style of these
dresses. Sizes 6 to 14 years.
White Balmacaan
Coats for Girls
Special $8.95
Most attractive coats for girls
and small women of a combination
of polo and chinchilla cloth, form
ing a novelty block pattern. They
are made with, regulation raglan
sleeves, with turnback cuffs and
convertible collar. Large self
covered buttons form the only
trimming on these pretty girlish
Excellent dresses for the girl
Learn Knitting and, J
: Free Lessons
You are cordially invited
to attend the classes as often
as you wish. Ample provis
ion has been made for yqur
comfort and convenience
' Art Needlework Dept
. . Fifth Floor
l y y
i if
Girls' Section, Fourth Floor
oPMcicfaswteao of fJ Merit OafcT
Concerning Some
Swiss Handkerchiefs
On Sole Saturday
Instead of 25c
Two weeks ago today we offered
the identical handkerchiefs at the
same special 'price. It was half of
a lot we purchased from an im
porter. Not a handkerchief was
left after the day's selling Not
one. For Saturday we offer the
second half the same quality.
.Not one will be left.
Swiss handkerchiefs with scal
loped embroidered eyelet edges,
dainty embroidered floral and but
terfly designs in corner. Made on
hand looms. Really wonderful at
the price.
25c Imported
Handkerchiefs 15c
English handkerchiefs with
colored borders in green, pink,
lavender and blue, fast colors.
First Floor
the Girls' Store
Shrewd Shoppers Are Anticipating Glove Needs Now
Particularly in This Store With Prices Unaffected by War
Women's fine quality dress gloves, perfect in every detail, unsurpassed for style
and durability. Made one-clasp pique sewn, glace finish, fancy embroidered backs.
Shown in black, white, tan, gray and champagne.
Women's tailor costume glove, in the popular mocha stock, one-clasp pique style,
backs finished in wide imperial stitching. Gray only.
Women's $L50 high-grade cape stock glove, one-clasp pique style. Shown in
black and tans only.
Women's two-clasp real kid dress gloves. Imperial stitching on backs. Come in
black, white, tans, gray, brown and navy.
Women's reindeer mocha, unsurpassed for wear One-clasp, P. X. M. sewn, fancy
embroidered backs, in gray and tan shades.
Women's 16-btrtton washable doeskin, a warm, serviceable glove for street wear.
Sold regularly for $3.00.
"Boys fleeced gaiinrtrts in Rough Rider and Boy Scout styles. First Floor
A Special Factory Special
$7.00 Smart Set Corsets $3.95
Made to Our Own Specifications
The Smart Set corset is specially noted for its long, graceful lines and
soft, supple construction, which combine the two principal foundations of
present fashions. .
The corsets on sale are made of soft, fancy brocade, with low bast and
long hips and back. These models are built on the new straight lines now
worn, without boning over the hips. They are prettily trimmed and come
with two pairs of hose supporters attached.
Sizes 19 to 28.
Excellent fitting models, made in cross-back style, of a soft, firm mate
rial, and trimmed with lace and embroidery medallions. Sizes 32 to 48.
The newest thing in bust ruffles, with outside covering of white lawn, all-
over embroidery and allover nets, with adjustable ruffles inside. Perfectly
sanitary, as they can easily be laundered. Fourth Floor
Hair Goods at Unusually Low Prices
$4.00 and $5.00 Switches $2.50
$4.50 and $5.00 Gray Switches $2.50
$5.00 and $6.00 Transf ormat'ns' $3.50
These switches and transformations are made of fine grade
- hair, especially selected for its soft, lustrous quality, and ob
tainable in practically all shades.
Switches made from your own combings, $1J25.
Mail orders promptly and reliably executed.
' " " - '
Saturday Is the Day
To Select, and Have Sent to Your 'Home.
A Victor or Columbia Phonograph
Easy Terms $1.0C KDoum,$1.00 Week ,
100 Smart Hats
Every hat is made of silk velvet,
in exquisite taste, designed to be
worn by our most particular cus
tomers. Close-fitting turbans, tn
come and narrow brim sailors,
edges trimmed with ribbon. Tai
lored with high standing effects,
of fancy feathers, quills and velvet
In black and various color com
binations. These hats are indeed
an example of the milliner's art to
produce such attractive styles at
such a moderate price.
"Xelrjet Shapes;
The newest Fall shapes for
women and misses, desirable mod
els, including becoming sailors.
Some with plain edges, others
bound with ribbon.
This is without question the most
desirable assortment of correct
shapes we have shown this sea
son, made of good quality velvet,
moderately priced. -Second Floor
Second Floor
We are principal agents
for Klos-Fit Petticoats,
With the Fitted Rubber
Band Top. Third Floor
The Men's
Shoe Section
Is showing strongest lines of
standard . makes of shoes at
liberal savings on every pair.
The materials and workman
ship of these shoes are first
class. Every pair will be found up
to the usual high standard
of our merchandise.
Priced at $5.50
Men's demi-calf buttons, chrome'
calf. Tuxedo Blucher, patent colt,
button and lace shoes. With flat
fore part, English models, flange
$3.50, $4.00, $4.50
Men's dull calf and patent colt
button and Bluchers, and vici kid
Bluchers, made over high toe lasts
and London and wide freak lasts.
Shoe Section, Basement
Boys' and Girls'
Wayne Knit Hosiery
School-wear stockings that are
well known for their splendid-wearing
qualities. They are made in
two desirable weights, medium and
extra heavy for rough wear. Made
in ribbed style, reinforced, but
made without a seam. These
stockings are full in length and in
Sizes &A to 10.
"Wearwell" Stockings
For Children
For boys and girls, "Wear-wen"
is one of the best makes of hosiery
made. Made of soft cotton yarn, in
a heavy or medium weight. They
have triple knee, double heel and
toe and wear like iron.
All sizes. 6 to lOj. ,
First Floor
, ' "Toilet; Needs
Specially Priced
25c Kolynos Tooth Paste. 16c
25c Sanitol Tooth Powder. 1 6c
50c Cutex 'Nail Acid 39c
25c Massatta Talcum. ... .73c
25c Mermen's Talcum 12c
35c Orris Root Shampoo. .26c
25c Ayer's Cuticle Ice 16c
25c Powd. Paper Books... 1 5c
35c Hazeline Snow 24c
50c Pond's Powder.... 39c
50c Elcaya Powder... 35c
15c Face Chamois 9c
15c Silk Face Sponges. ... ,9c
15c Hydrogen Peroxide 9c
35c Lavender Smelling
Salts, special 23c
50c Beef-Iron-Wine 39c
25c Laxative Bromo-Quinine
35c Vanilla Extract 25c
$2 Houbiganfs Ideal Perfume
$1J75 ounce
$1.00 Violet Oil Concentre s
Special, 79c each
First Floor
' Silk Boot Hose
Eight hundred pairs of extra
quality silk boot hose. They
are made three-quarter length
of silkane one-third lisle, this
giving the fine silk appearance
with r the durable garter top.
Shown in seamless and full
fashioned style with heavy rein
forced heel and toe. - Black,
white and all the new season's
colors shown. . First Floor
Free Sewing Machines, $1
down, $1 week. The Mew
ing machine that is insured
against fire, breakage,
damage by water. 5th Fir.
It is generally conceded that in jtpcoats there -is more
good style in London makes than in jny made over here.
They fit, but they never bind. They) always drape grace
fully no matter how much spare cijii there may be over
chest and back. j; j ,
Pockets are capacious for use an'j ;a pouch and pipe in
one of them wonA alter the good "jihes.
-And whatever, anyone may say, thSjcloth is the sturdiest
in the world .stoutly woven, dyed rii the yarn, in shades
and mixturesthat indicate an admirable unconcern of con
ventions, i
Individuality that's Kenneth Durward.
Incidentally, these top coats, hand-tailored expressly for
the Lipman, Wolfe & Co. men's shop in several styles for
town and automobile wear, are nriced materially lower
than, heretofore.
$35.00 and $45.00
Men's Store, just off Wshington-St. Entrance
Lilk L
What We- Belief to Be
An Important Sfale of
Boys' Suits and Furnishings
Ends With Saturdays Selling
It would be foolish to ignore the' fact that there is more
economy, more real worth in this sale than ever before an
nounced in a boys' furnishing sale.' Our slogan, "The best
only in boys' clothing," is your guarantee that materials,
style, fit and workmanship are the h tst that can be produced.
Hurry With Your Boy
Don't delay, as many did last Saturday, and wait until the
afternoon, when, with 12 extra salespeople, we were unable
to serve half the customers who crpWded our Boys' Section:
BOYS' SUITS TO $6.50 51
Of all-wool materials, excellent for school wear. Some of these
suits come with two pairs ot pants, j !i;hey include wort oik and
sack styles, double or smgle-Dreastedl 1 1 rousers are full lined,
taped seams. Colors are brown, tan aW gray mixtures. Sizes 10
to 18 years. j- $
pi- SALE, $328
BOYS' SUITS TO $8.00 f v .
Suits with one and two pairs of pants,K Plain and novelty Nor.
folk styles and sack suits with patch j pockets, sewed-down belts.
single or aounie-oreastea. They
in stripes, diagonals, plaids and
grays and blues, bizes 6 to 17
Fine novelty suits of the best
their shape. Novelty English' Norfolk with patch pockets, knife
and box pleated, plain sack models, kff ij tweeds, homespuns and
fancy mixtures in many different coloirifand combinations. The
trousers are full lined, have taped seans and the best quality of
lining is used throughout these suits. Tliey come in browns, grays,
tans and blues, in sizes 6 to 17 years.- j f . ' '
! ? SALE, $7.95
Suits for dress wear as well as general -wear. Made of the finest
quality navy blue serges and cheviots, jiff Norfolk and sack styles,
single and double-breasted models, periejet fitting, .well made and
lined with fine serge or mohair. Excellent suits even at regular
prices. Sizes 6 to 18 years. ijf
lily SALE, $7.95
All-wool Russian suits, with military sailor or Eton collars, side
button styles, plain and braid trimmed.!' They come in fancy grays,
tans, browns, black and white checks ard stripes. Sizes iy, to 6
years. ijilit
III SALE, $5.95
Plush, French felt and velvet hats irfijaj large variety of different
styles, in all colors and in all sizes, iijf
. JjiJi?! SALE, 98c
Rolling brims, Tyrolean, telescope, siftall and large shapes, will
be found in this assortment of French &nd scratch felt and velvet,
in black, navy, gray, white, red, broWn, steel and Oxford. All
sizes. . '-
jilt SALE, 75c
Laundered blouses .of percale, madrki" and gingham, of extra
good qualities. Made tapeless. In size 6 to 14 years, in stripes
and figures in dark and light grounds.;!; I i
' Jill SALE, 50c
For school wear, made of mouse-c6iored corduroy, in Knicker
bocker style, with taped seams. Sises: to IS years.
.. ilk. SALE, 69c
A splendid line of boys' fine blouses nd shirts of fancy, striped
sotsettes, flannels and silk-finished sbirpng in light blue, lavender,
black and white or gray and white colored stripes. Shirts with detachable-collars.
Blouses with attached; collars , and French cuffs,'
tapeless style. Shirts, sizes 124 to HuijBlouses, 6 to 14 years. .
. SALE, $1.00 AND $1.25
"The DeviVs Garden," by
W. B. Maxwell, the subject
of Dry Chapman's lecture,
Monday, October 12.
On Sale, Balcony Book Store
are ; made of all-wool materials
herringbones, in browns, tans,
Sale, $4J95
materials, made to fit and hold
4' I