THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTXAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 9, 1914. 17 COME AND SAVE 15c TO 25c ONMEAT TOMORROW! Soeoalls ffoir Meat Has Taken a Mighty Drop Only at the State Market If you're not already a customer of ours, be sure to come here tomorrow, for at no other market will such low prices, as these, prevail. REMEMBER ALSO our big FREE OFFER of meats, good at all times. Save $25 worth of our cash register receipts and get $1 WORTH OF MEAT FREE "ITS BETTER THAN TRADING STAMPS." HAMS Today are worth 20c lb. wholesale. Our retail price for Saturday only, n Lb. Sugar Cured Bacon Backs Worth 20c' lb. wholesale. Our retail price for Satur day only, n Lb. PICNICS Worth 14c lb. retail Our price for Saturday only, n Lb. Choice Sugar Cured Bacon Strips Worth 15c lb. retail Our price for Saturday only n AK Your Choice Now we are going make a big run on steaks for Saturday. Your choice of Sirloin, Tenderloin, Por terhouse, Round and Rib Steaks. Elsewhere these Steaks cost 20c and 22c lb. Come early and get the choice cuts. What One of Our Customers Writes Us: People's Market. Portland, Oregon, Gentlemen I am not one to give testimonials freely, but in your case, I feel that X am doing other people a favor and helping them to a chance to save money by telling of my experience with you. Every month since I have been trading with you. I have been able to save from $5 to $10 on my. groceries and meats. Instead of the occasional special to simply lead one on, your stock is uniformly low-priced, and yet the quality is always first class. If all the people in Portland knew how you can save them money, the high cost of living would not be such a serious problem. Very truly yours. (Name on request) SPECIAL for SATURDAY Our Choice Juicy BOILING Regular Price 12c Saturday Only lb. 10c b Roast of Pork, worth 15c lb. .I2V2C Pork Chops, worth 17c lb 15c We Will Sell Bacon for Saturday 20c - 22c - 25c A Saving of 2c to 5c Pound. SPECIAL for SATURDAY . Our Choicest of Pot Roasts Worth 15c lb. Sat. only 124c lb. Plenty of Fresh Eggs always on hand. Poultry at low prices. Chickens 18c Lb. Fish of all kinds fresh every day. Our own home made Sausage. BUTTER Newport Creamery Butter, roll ....75c Valley Creamery Butter, roll 65c Canned Goods Minced Clams, can. . . 10c-15c-20c Canned Salmon, special, can. .15c Supreme Condensed Milk, 2 cans for 15c Cottage Hams ! Elsewhere 19c Saturday only, . our wiU 17c Lb. price be . STATE MARKET Corner First and Salmon "Where Quality Reigns Supreme and the Price Is Always Low" COMPOUND In 5s . In 10's 45c 35c Meat Department BEEF Boiling Beef lb. Pot Koast lb. ... Sirloin Roast lb. Prim Rib Roast lb. ., Sirloin Steak lb. . io ,...12tf 16 ......16 .16 .Round Steak lb. 1 Shoulder Steak lb. 14 PORK Shoulder Roast lb. Loin Roast lb. .... Freah Side lb. .... Shoulder Steak lb. Loin Chops lb. ... ....15 ....30 ..-.15 ....15 ....20 MUTTON Ste lb. 8 Shoulder lb. lO Leg lb lZif and 15 Shoulder Chops lb. Loin Chops lb. 12 J4 VEAL Stew lb. ;.. 12Ji Shoulder lb. 15 Loin lb. 1 Leg lb 17 Loin Chops U 20 COMPOUND No. 5 pail . No, 10 pail LARD .SO .05 Mail Q1mo We are doing a cotutanIy : growing mail or ATXcm wi UCi a jer business and are noV preparing a com plete catalogue of groceries and supplies at low prices. Send in Your Name and the. Name ofSf Your Friend . Now for Copy of Our Money Saving jatalogue. , Campbell's Soups All Varieties 12 Cans for $1.00 Buy them by the dozen and keep a supply on hand. It's a good investment at this price. HOMESTEAD SALAD OIL SPECIAL Bottle .20c Half Gallon 50c Gallon .95c Homestead Salad Oil is pure, wholesome and nutri tious. Costs about one-third as much as good olive oil but so delicious that salads made of it win warmest praise. Try Homestead Salad Oil for deep frying and for shortening. It stands a high er temperature than animal fats, and cooks food thor oughly while leaving the crust crisp and golden. Granulated SUGAR 17 Pounds for $1,00 Goldan C Sugar, 17 lbs. $1.00 Holly Milk flj J PA case of 4 doz . . . tyO.OU 2 Cans .. it .15c Chipped Beef. Hillsdale brand 2 cans 35 Ginger Snap lb. 10 Three cans find Tillamook Clam for jjLT .25c New Dried Peachetf-4 lbs. 25 fancy wnue mission Tigs id auy Easy-Jell, a delicious dessert Wholesome and nourishing. Four packages . j. . . .25c FREE with abve, 4 pretty imi tation cut g lasj dishes. K 4 pkgs. Krinkle Kor Flakes Peanut Butter lb. . New Chestnuts 2 Ihs. . New Walnuts 2 Ihibi . . Soft Shell Almondsf-lb Filberts lb. . . Horesradish and Mtyitard-3 bottles . Horseradish and Mffetard 3 bottles, Onions 15 lbs. . . i 8. , .25 .15 .25 .250 .25 .20 .251 .25 .25 Poatum Instant Postum 20c 25c No. 3 pail 45 No. 5 pail 70 No. 10 pail $1.35 Picnic Hams lb. 15 Salt Pork lb. 15 Cottage Hams lb 1" CONDENSED MILK 2 cans Supreme 15 2 cans Aster . 15 2 cans Maribld 15 3 cans Carnation ... 25 3 cans Pioneer . .25 Eagle Milk can 15 Corn 3 cans -5 25 Tomatoes 3 cans ' ...25 Beans (string) 3 citns 25 Peas 3 cans .J. 25 Salmon 3 cans .'jg 25? 5 lbs. Broken Macafni 25 2 Dutch Cleanser .1 15 2 large Ivory Soapl :15 Baker's Cocoa 25 Snider's Catsup . . 20 Snowflakes large Sicksge .20 Small 3 pkgs. ' ...25 Peerless Sodas lare 20 14 case 75 5. Sunnyside Store 994-996 Bel mont. Located c o nven iently for many of our East Side patrons. Same prWs prevail here and the stock is Identical with our main store. Pboaaart Tabor 18. B-1SX&. rt j rnone II 1st. and S fe1 r tiaioniGi naI 1 1 m. Taken Fridays Until 10 P. Delivery Information Sellwood, Tues days and Thurs days. Rose City Park. Arleta. Kern Park Tremont and Lents. Wednes days and Fridays. Montavilla and Portland Heights. Thursdays. Other dally. .sections. Orders M Main 5700, A-6255. 3 16 Poiimdls Sugar SPECIAL Choice Veal Roast, lb. . I2ic Beef Roast Leg of Lamb Beef Steak Lamb Chops. . Lean Pork Roast. 12te ROAST OF LAMB 8c Sugar-Cuffed Hams. Fancy-Cured Bacon. Fancy Bacon Backs 1 ti nr Hamburger. . Sausage Meat Boiling Beef . 10 Dairy Lib. EXTRA FANCY Butter 30c Columbia River Salmon, lb. 7c Halibut, lb. ........10c Crabs, each . .10c Cooked Crawfish, doz. . . .30c Silver Smelts, lb. 10c GUARANTEED EGGS Dozen 20c POTATOES 16 pounds . . . : . 25c. DRY ONIONS 13 pounds ..... 25c CANTALOUPES 7 for ...... 125c CELERY 3 for .10c WASHINGTON corner First and wash i ngton st. HOLLY, ASTER SUPREME MILK 2 Cans, 15c 8 bars Borax Soap. ...... Snider's Catsup, reg. 25c size, 2 . .Ofi bottles OOC 25c BUTTER ! BUTTER! Oregon MUt, reg. 75c, cut to . . . .70c Panama, reg. 70c, cut to . 65c B. & M. Special, reg. 65c, cut to . . 60c BUTTER! Peanut Butter, best, 2 lbs. for .25c New Tillamook Cheese, per pound 20c ET At the B. & M. Butter Store, Washington Street Market Butter - Nut Banishes Balling Bay Many a woman bakes her own bread because she finds it impossible to buy bread as good as her family requires it. But to alLsuch women we say, try The NEW Butter-Nut Bread Thousands of women who formerly baked their own bread are now buying B utter-Nut and have banished forever the labor of baking. Batter-Not, made of the purest ingredients and scientifically mixed by our exclusive process, touches the taste of the whole family. One loaf will prove it. It's 5 cents at all good grocers larger size 10 cents. Bat look for the Butter-N ut label. UNITED STATES BAKERY 10 Cos. E. 11th and Flanders. Both Phones Choice Sugar Cured for casta only at thla low prlo. Some fnrthw ndnctloaa, cash or credit Legs of Pork, lb. . . Roast of Pork, lb. . . 17c Onr fork Saaaag in 1-1. Cartoas, 80c BAY For Quality CITY MARKET Both noaw Free Delivery COS. 4TK ft YAMXIU, Phone Me for Liquors Free Delivery RYAN COMPANY T ; . Ninth and Daris An Unusual Offer on Flour From the D. C Burns Company Buy yoar flour from us and you're getting it for less than the giarket price and a Money Back Guarantee in addition. Superior Fancy Patent FLOUR $530 $135 BU. Sack Our Guarantee If. after thor oughly trying Superior JPaaoy Pa teat nooi, yoa are not sat isfied that you like it better than any other flour ytm bare used before, we the atrents, ask you to feel at liberty to return th aack to us. who wiU cheer fully pay back your money. Zo. aat mlil vatnc kaU the ntik or mora before you de cide as to Its quality, and take astnuch tima as you please. f Big Coffee Special Coffee Onr Reg. 25a TJni- f Tersal Roast Coffee, -lb. eiUC Coffee Our Regular 40c Juno Koast Saturday only, 3 lbs. tor S1.00 Cottar Ham. sugar cured, no bone,, per lb....'. Wild Rose Pure Lard. X-ib. Pa" 45 Wild Rose Pure Lard, 6-lb. 74 Wild Rosa Pure Lard, 10-lb. P" S1.45 Apples rancy Northern Spys. PW box f 100 Apples Fancy Kinss, per box 1.00 Apples Fancy Baldwins, per box 91.00 Toilet Paper, full count. Pr roll A.183C aCJURNSCOItlPANY . 08-ai Jaet. Taylor st Salmoa, IH Blocks aoatk TamhlU BCarkat If you i have not joined the daily Jirongs that gather, at thismarket, at the cor ner of j Second and Yam hill, letter come tomor row, iKen .the crowds will .--p he atjfr height. ALL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SPECIAL HQR SATURDAY! CrowdM FOR RESERVATIONS ON THIS PAGE PHONE THE JOURNAL Main 7173, A-6051-Advertising Department Breakfast Blend COFFEE 19c lb. ROAST BEEF 12k lb. Mt. Angel Creamery BUTTER 75c Roll Fresh Colum bia River SALMON 3 lbs. for 25c 1 PEANUTS 10c lb. pT j&C Green Trading Stamps Fr With All Purchases M: Here Is the Story in Dedll ml STALL 26 S lbs. Peanut Butter 254 Best Comb Honey, 2 combs.. 2 5 Sanitary Butter (none better) roll 75e Eagle Biaad Creamery Butter, roii ese Breakfast Blend CofXee, lb.. 194 Sam'- Special Coffee (none bet tar), lb. 27 STALL 30 Leg of Spring Lamb, lb 15 Pot Roast of Beef, lb 12He Sugar Cured Back Bacon, lb.20 Pork Chops, lb 15 Sweet Strip Bacon, lb 15 ' STALL 9 Mount Angel Creamery Butter (scored with the highest at the State Fair), per rolr only . .75 STALL 7 FVesh Columbia River Salmon. 2 lbs 25 STALL 11 Monmouth Butter, roll 75 CloTer Blossom Butter, roll.70 Gold Bond Butter, roll 65 Guaranteed Errs, 2 dos. ..... .65 STALLS 4 and 5 Headquarters for JYuits, Vege tables and Groceries, Free de liyery east and west sides. M. J52. n Wesson's Salad Oil..' 30 20th Century Grocery Coffee roasted fresh erery Amy. Regular 30c Coffee, lb.... 23 Special 40o Coffee, lb 28 Walnuts, 9i good, lb.. 18 Fresh Roasted Peanuts, lb..lO Regular 26c Salmon (red)... 18 "There really isn't a better place." 21 STALL Iffi Fresh killed Poultry h. fresh and Salt Flaw "f Smoked kinds. STALL A ? E all 1 5c Coffee, lb 0c Teas, lb Full line of Bakery STALL r'f.' ;..,60c i;ods. Largs bottle Snider's Catsup. 20 Milwaukee Summer SauSase, ' Par lb ..35 STALL ill Salted Peanuts, glass, i,.';.. "15 Folgers Tea, pkg 15 : nd 25 3 boxes Morton Salt. --25 STALL 111 W. C. Special, roll. . . . . l i . . 70 Vuitt Brand Butter, roll..60 Blue Ribbon Pasteurized Butter. T&.i.VBe- Eggs, guaranteed, dos. . . . -35 60c TEAS 50c lb. Large Bottle Snider's CATSUP 20 c STALLS 22 arid 24 Mutton Legs .... .i12Vsc Shoulders ... ,9c Stera .... 5c Roast Pork, lb s. .15 Roast Veal, lb -a. ..15J Roast Beer, lb ..12 Good Juicy Steaks, lb... ...15 Juicy STEAKS 15c lb. STALL 1 Choice Steer Boiling Pork Steak, lb... ...... ..-15 Regular Hams. Ib W-..20 Pickled Pig's Feet, lb..4..10 Best Sugar Cured Bacon;lb.22 STALL 23 Only U. S. Inspected iU sold at this stalt Double c H. Stamps with every 10c purchase or orer. STALL Cauliflower, each lO Remember the Place Corner Second an! ftfamhill OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS ' BF m ST SJL . m. . 1 I .A. 1 S ' ' CAULI FLOWER 10c WALNUTS 18c lb. J Xstlre aar tax Mock, Corner Second and Yamhill Stieett A,