1 P i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 9. 1914. 13 EASTERN NTERLOPERS SCORED BY WOMEN REGARDLESS OF PARTY Effort of Congressional: Union . for Equal Suffrage to. De feat Chamberlain Resented POTATOES WONDERS IN FACT AS IN NAME ULTERIOR MOTIVE SEEN Interests Opposed to President Wilson Trying to Tse Buff ragiats as Cat's Pw, Is Asserted. Woman of all political beliefs, who comprise the membership . of the Everybodys Equal Suffrage league, at a meeting; of the league Wednesday night were unanimous in their de nunciation of the militant tactics adopted by the group of "women In the congressional Union for Equal But- "are. whose representatives have come to Oregon to defeat Senator Chamberlain and all Democratic con cessional candidates merely because they are Democrats. More than 100 women were present. Tvomen have gained suffrage In Oregon through their womanlj methods, by which they won the ad- miration or the men." said Mrs. Edith Toxier Weatherred, who expressed the general sentiment of the women that any other methods will work a great Injury to the cause of equal suffrage mrougnout the nation. TXlt.rlor Motive Suspected. Solicitude for the cause of eaual suf frage throughout the nation was the dominant note of -the meeting, which waa held at the Commercial . club. Next to thla was resentment at the Idea, of the Congresatonal Union for Equal Suffrage sending Mrs. Jessie Hardy. stubbsV Into this state to edu eate the- women of Oregon on how to use me bMlot. "We cannot understand why this union should adopt these tactics in the name of suffrage," said Dr. Esther Pohl-Lovejoy. president of the league. Because they will only Injure the cause. But we can see why the In tersts opposed to President Wilson mtg-ht send these women out to all the equal suffrag states, under the cloak of suffrage. In the hope of turning the women vote againet the present admin istratlon. Such a movement, in which me staunetieat friends of eaual suf f rage are attacked merely because they are Democrats, cannot help but work a great injury to the cause unless the true friends of woman's suffrage , counteract it. Republican Woman Are Opposed. As the league's membership and Its worn is "5 strictly non-partisan,, the membership. Including women of all political beliefs, the cause of sut rrage waa placed above everything else. And the women, of whom over 100 were present, unanimously adoDted resolutions denouncing the activities of the representatives of the Congres sional Union and decided to send copies of the renolutlons to all the suffrage etates, where these women are work-. Ing, and to. the seven states, where the question of equal suffrage la nend- i Ing, to the membera of congress, totBe1 iauonai American Woman's Suffrage association, and to the Congressional Union. During the discussion of the in vasion of Oregon by Mrs. Stubbs. Mrs. Millie It. Trumbull, who strongly de nounced the whole movement of the Congressional Union, asked for an ex pression as to how the Republican women felt about the matter. From every portion of the robm Republican women rono and expressed as being strongly opposed to it. ' ' Nearly all of the women who, spoke pointed to the non-partisanship of the suffrage movement, and that by being non-partifaii the woraon had won friends In al! political parties. They pointed out that the women could not afford to turu against their friends, nor allow others to attack them under the cloak of suffrage without resent ing It. . T Mrs. Btubba' Methods Ridiculed. ' They made light of Mrs. Stubbs schoolroom, with Its blackboard and 'chalk and charts, by the use of which Mra. Stubbs hopes to be able to edu cate the !reKon women how t n vntA One of the women speakers said she supposed some of the women of the east, wno are in this Congressional Union, looked upn the Oregon women as being in the name lass as the Fili pino women, and needed their lnstruc lion. Anions thne who nmr1 tniu lna Iglit wore Mrs. Millie l. Trumbull, Mrs. Edith Tozier Weatherred. Mrs. Sarah Evans. Mrs. Frank Myers and . Dr. Esther Pohl-Eovejoy. Officers of the league wereAlected aa follows: Dr. Esther I'ohl-l.ovejoy, preaident; Mr. c. S, Jackson, vice president ; Miss Marie Chambers, treasurer, and Miss Agness J. Gaff- 1 oey, secretary. The resolutions adopted were as follows: Resolutions Denounce Scheme. Whereas, The women of Oregon have the ballot, and campaigns for wom an's suffrage are now being made in seven other states, and Whereas. The voimg women of Oregon are anxious. tor the success of the woman's suffrage campaign In those seven states and in" the nation, and J Whereas, The Congressional Union lor woman's suffrage has opened in Oregon and In other suffrage states camoais-ns hostile to the administra- II XxttuA ".:Sr,:iK-.i v. He was an old soldier and S3 years of age. The funeral was held Tuesday. tie leaves no relatives here. - The program "has been eomnlated for the annual- reunion of the Lane County Veterans' " association, which will be bald here October IS and la. Several outside speakers are expected to address public session Thursday night' An effort Is to be made tn tnmmM the corporate , limits of the cltr trr voting In the Hilapoo Park addition. Manager Bales has received word that - the produce put tip by the can nery during its first season's ran is very satisfactory and that there will be no trouble In diSDOsina- of the output. - -i- Illness from a foreign growth In the abdomen caused the sudden death Mon day of Mrs. Mary Hart, aged 68. and a : resident of Cottar Rtm fnr . i e years. The funeral will be held Sat-J urday from the Methodist cnurcn. itev. H. N. Aldrlck officlaUng, Interment will be in L O. O. F. cemetery. Mrs. Hart was born December 25. 18 H, at TuckingmUl, Cornwall, England, and came to this country Is 17V - , Bridge Commission to Meet. A meeting of the Interstate Bridge. Commission has been called by Chair man Rufus'C. Holman for next Tues day afternoon, at 1:80 o'clock, to be held In the courthouse at Vancouver, Wash. Governor i West notified Mr. Holman that .he would be present. In vitations have been extended to Henry Teal, C. K. Williams and District At torney Evans, of the Multnomah coun ty bond advisory committee, to be pres ent. Issuance of bonds and a general outline of past and future plans will ' be discussed. sy us- -g y u vy SHARE Thi Journal's Girculatioil 3 5 Specimens raised on the half acre plot of S. A. Brown worth, 2800 Elghty-secona street, southeast. S. A. Brownworth, of 2800 Eighty- second street, southeast, is a poultry fancier but he also raises potatoes. And such potatoes! Without violating neutrality, they are pommes do terre de luxe. He has half an acre of pota toes. Planted In May they have Just become ripe and every one is a marvel of old Mother Earth. Mr. Brownworth says they are American Wonders. They are in fact as well as in name. Some weigh as much as two pounds. Others are a dozen potatoes rolled into one. If a cubist artist should ' ever desire to make a little study In still life, using potatoes as his subject, he would rave over these particular spuds. The stalactites of the Mammoth cave have nothing on them. Many of them look like Rodin statues showing the birth of an Idea, still others look like the animals In the Wizard of Ox, But after all they ara plain everyday "murphies. " - One has only to peel 'em to see that like the colonel's lady and Jody O'Grady, they are sisters under their skins. tlon of our great peaoe president, Woodrow Wilson, the expressed pur pose being to cripple and destroy his efficiency by electing a congress op posed to him, and Whereas, The tactics of the Con gressionl Union have been and are to harass and annoy and threaten those in authority with the result that the enthusiasm of many friends of suf frage In the national capital has been markedly abated, and Whereas, The Congressional Union is now opposing in Oregon and in the other states, .where women vote, pub lic men who fearlessly and to their own disadvantage fought for the cause of woman's suffrage during the years of Its unpopularity, and Whereas, These tactics of the Con gressional Union have been contrary to the policy of the National Ameri can Woman Suffrage association, and in direct disregard of the advice and n leadings of Dr. Anna Howard Shaw. the distinguished president of that as sociation; therefore, be it Hesolved By Everybody's Eaual Suf frage league, that -we disapprove of the political activities of the representa tives of the Congressional Union In Oregon and other states where women vote as inimical to the woman suf frage movement; that their policy' of "direct action," which In effect, is to shoot a close friend to spite a distant enemy. Is unworthy of Oregon women; that thelrsuccess would reflect un favorably upon the - Judgment and gratitude of the woman voter; that the errect ox tbeso activities win prove detrimental to the success of the suf frage campaigns in tne seven states where amendments are pending, and In the nation; and that we resent these efforts to lead trie women of Oregon and other states into a position of in gratitude to the men through whose help they now enjoy the right to vote. . Parent Wants His Children. Roseburg, Or., Oct. 9. A pleasant evening was spent at the Methodist Episcopal church here .Tuesday even ing when a reception was held In honor of Rev. W. T. Jeffrey and wife and Rev. A. R. McLean and family. Rev. Jeffrey waa recently appointed to the pastorship of the local church, while Rev. McLean and family will leave soon for Sell wood, where he will fill the pulpit, of the, Methodist church. About ISO persons were present. Because he carried a large number of new pocket knives and razors, a man giving the name of Frank Ray mond Is being held by the officers here on suspicion of having been implicated in a robbery somewhere. Inquiry is being made. He wore a new hat bear ing the label of a Spokane dealer. A man thought to be H. G. Cartmell, of MiddleboroUjjh, Ind., was; killed when he fell from, a train near Rice Hill on Tuesday night. A writ of habeas corpus has een filed In the circuit court here demand ing that the two children of George E. Aldrtch, of Wilbur, be returned to him. The children are at present in custody of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bonney, of Sutherlin, In whose charge they were placed upon the death of Mrs. Aldrich, the Bonneys' daughter, seven years ago. Aldrich is married again and wants the children, but the Bonneys refuse to part with them. The annual convention of the Doug' las County Sunday School association, which has been in session here' for two days, came to a close Wednesday night following an address by C A. Phlpps, a well kffown Sunday school worker, on the subject, "Seven Sunday School Symptoms." On Tuesday evening Dr. Phlpps spoke on "The New Crusade.' The attendance was large and the varied program was excellent. At one of the most largely attended and enthusiastic central committee meetings held In Douglas county for some time, the Democratic county een tral committee In session here Indorsed the candidacy -of R. L. Stephens, a Roseburg merchant, for county Judge. Mr. Stephens recently announced him self as an Independent candidate for that office. The- committeemen pressed as very encouraging the out look for. a Democratic victory in Doug las county this fall. Deaths at Cottage Grove. Cottage Grove, Or., Oct. 9. H. S. Powell, for 10 years a resident of; Saginaw, died Friday at Lakeport. Cal., where he bad lived for a year. A CITY EMPLOYE TELLS HIS TEST Prominent Seattle Man Tells How Plant Juice the Vege table Tonic Helped Him. Mr. C K. WilkinS, who is a draughts man in the office of the city engineer at Seattle, and whose address Is Sta tion in that city, said: -"I have suffered greatly with stom ach trouble and poor digestion, had frequent attacks of what I was told was gastritis. I had been troubled In this way for two years. Plant Juice has made me feel better In every wrfy. I sleep well at night now, am not troubled with indigestion, and have no more gastritis. I think Plant Juice was Just what I - needed." Indigestion, nervous debility and stomach troubles are the curse of mod ern times, they are the prices we pay for the rush and bustle of every day life. Thousands go through life half sick, tired and listless without know ing what' is the matter with them 6r taking the time to find out Plant Juice assists nature, strengthens and vitalizes the entire system, eliminates poisons from the blood, clears the liv er and puts it Into . active working or der, tones up the . stomach, steadies the nerves, gives sound, restful sleep. If your appetite Is poor or you feel tired and worn out from overwork. worry or illness, are restless at night and wake in the morning tired and grouchy, try Plant Juice. For sale at the Owl Drug Company's store. Adv. NO ADVERTISEMENT Of Lucore's in the Paper Today There in certainly noneed of it. for the store is crowded full of piano buy ers. 11000 grand pianos being sold for even as low -s $335 and $350. You never saw anything like It The store crowded full. Not one half enough people to wait on the customers. Did you ever see a piano store in your life whore there were not three times as many salesmen as there were custom ers? But here It is right the reverse. There are 10 times as many customers as there are salesmen. The reason? Soule Bros." sale. By order of the court, the whole stock was sold to Lu core, who Is getting action the quick est anybody ever heard of. Creditors will soon have .their money. The- store open In the evening tonight and tomor row night until 9 o'clock. Tomorrow night "Is the last chance to buy pianos at manufacturers' cost or less. 388 Morrison St. opposite . the Morrison street entrance t Olds, Wortman & King's. - 1 (Adv.) Oregon Humane Society T Oratad Ave. K betweea uuea a4 fiavia. Fhoaas Sail 1423. OFZS DAT.ASD HIQBt. - Report alt caaea of cruelty to thla fflc. Lethal chamovr lor email anl anaia. Horse ambulance for sick or aUaaeiad animals at a fasnnc,sBoiieev fir - . . av Journal Circulation arid Trade Contest istdf iateiidales How Theg Stand We publish below the first announcement of the standing of all contestants entered previous to Wednesday. October 7. This list In cludes all votes deposited at The Journal office up to Tuesday evening. October 6. The interest has been so keen that every candidate has votes to their credit Get to work at once and send in votes for your favorite candidate. Don't forget that one voU for every cent in pur chases of over 5c at the contest stores and one vote for every cent over 65 cents paid In advance subscriptions. Also double votes on merchan dise of the contest wholesalers are allowed. Ask for your votes. After the hunt, a bottle of good old Mam 49, - Gambrinns Brewing Co. DISTRICT SO. 1 4 Pollock, ifvelyn, 220 N. Eighteenth street Cotter, Miss Marie, 38? Fourth street Murphy, Rev. E. P 349 N. Nineteenth street... Rogers, Edna, 295 Eigtheenth street. North Bishop, Freda, Hotel Navarre, 11th and Alder Kelson, Courtney, 450 Montgomery street. Pellette, Evelyn, Arlington Hotel Robinson, Roy, 501 Clay street , Gray, Alice, 4S5 Twelfth street...... Hale, Ethel, 1649 Virginia street Meeve, Mrs. M, 718 Hood street...". Chiles, Eva C., 295 Eleventh, street. . McDougall, Esther, 395 Cable street Bohle, Mrs. A 24ff Harrison street Maffel, Ida, 325 Fourth' street Sutherland, Ethel, Multnomah Hotel..... Norwood, Nova, 308 Thirteenth street Seguin, Alwyn, 985 Corbett street Schmid, Miss Lena, 122 Abernatby street - Anderson, Charlotte, 910 Kelly st Teutsch Jr., Lee, 777 Kearney street... Van Sickle; Miss, 607 Marshall street Duncan Jessie, 153 N. Nineteenth street Wilkie, Robert, foot of Davis street . Fogel, Carl R., Washington Hotel, 12th. and Washington... Baker, Mabel Durand, Grace DISTRICT HO 2 Curtiss, Miss Nellie, 1120 East Sixth street North Carn&han, Verna, 480 East Fiftieth street. North Dryden, Ethel L., East Twenty-seventh and Knott streets.. Hennings Roy, 916 Haight avenue.... Circle, Miss Esther, 1438 Union avenue, North... Healy, Irving, 488 Williams avenue Pfaender, Ruth, 171 East Twenty-ninth street North Janlsch. Mildred. 286 Eue-ene street gj Daum, Mrs. John, 965 East Couch street g Salmonson, Rose, 1029 East Twenty-first street North.... White, Bernice, 963 East Ninth street North Blaesing, Lenore, 721 East Fifty-seventh street North.... Moore. Madelvne. 1874 Union avenue. North 3 Skans, Miss Hanjia, 337 Stanton street .uuei, juaura, 3t Kast couch street Gorge, Miss Minnie, 823 East Eighth street Northu Conlee, Mrs. U R., 331 Weidler street. Chastain,' Mildred, 264 Going street Gustafson, Mrs. Harvey, 65 Beech street. .". Bkogseth, Esther, 1472 Winona street Thomas, Mrs. Frank, 30 E. Seventy-sixth street, North.... Olson, Miss Mabel, 919 Borthwick Street Tucker, Miss Clyde. East 29th "and Irving Brown, Kathryn. 500 East Fifty-sixth street North....... Wentz, Louisa, 847 Missouri avenue....... Tobey, Miss Edith, 846 Patton avenue.... - Kurtz, Harry, 699 Schuyler street....... Kelly, Lester J., 516 East Forty-sixth Btreet North. Matthews, C. N., 242 Monroe street Thornton Ross C. B., 153 Alberta street . Ackles. Miss Ruth K., 1021 E. Twenty-fourth st. North.. Seybold, Ruth, 75 East Fifty-seventh street North... Schulz. Nora, 297 Tillamook street HilL Mrs. H. D., 1183 Albina avenue Cook, Ransom, 4S0 East Fortieth street North...... Durant Cora, 661 Commercial street...... Porter, Mildred, 408 Morgan street.......... Adams, Golda, 329 Larrabee street , . Olsen, Mrs. Mary, 1310 Denver avenue Cross, Virgil S-, 715 East Seventy-fifth street. North King, William R., 2040 East Couch street Machelle. Luclle, 31 East Eighth street North Maurine, Miss Maud, 1071 Maryland avenue , . Hopp, Miss Lydla. 816 Grand avenue. North Green, Miss Amelia, S38 Williams avenue Link, Cleo, 294 Going street Jemtegard. Myrtle, 417 Knott street Wilson, Raleigh C, 970 E. Twenty-third street North.... i PrebnoW, Miss Annette, 890 Gantenbein avenue...... F tan dish, Margaret 1658 Portsmouth avenue..... Rlnehart Miss Iva, 1313 East Fourteenth street North.... DISTRICT HO. 3 Dementi Miss Alice, 548 East Fourteenth street Shaw, Martha, 627 Henry avenue , Baker, Eva M., 631 Belmont street Alvord. Miss Maud, 6929 Forty-sixth avenue, S. E.. ....... Waitt Kev. W. A 1242 East Taylor street Bryant Grace, H East Seventh street Knight Priscilla, 4610 Sixty-second street S. E. Cracknell. Robert- 19 East Thirty -second street Reynolds, Glenn, New York Apts., E. 7th and Belmont,.... Hall, Mrs. H. N 1730 East Thirteenth street Shannon, Miss Pearl, 668 Tenino avenue, Sellwood.. " Spencer, Miss Ivah, 5719 Foster Road. S. E. Jones, June S., 228 East Thirty-seventh street..... Anderson. Helen, 1231 Hawthorne avenue Goodin, Miss Murel. 610 Thirty-sixth avenue, S. E.. Vetsch, Ruby, 512 East Market street Howe, Mrs. H. C, 1116 East Market street Crane, Gladys, 1099 Hawthorne avenue.. Bowerman, Gertrude, 180 Grand avenue................. Wallberg, Miss Alma, 434 Umatilla avenue....... Krohn. Alfred, 311 East -Twenty-second street.....' Stratton, Miss Edith Marie, 4128 Fifty-sixth avenue, S. E.. Inman, Mrs. E. E., 482 Beacon street FlierPearl, 6231 Sixty-eighth street S. E. Calaway. Mrs. Leota, 7249 Foster Road, S. E. Amato, Miss Marguerite, 5309 Thirty-ninth avenue, 6. E... Chaff in, Ruth, 6003 Thirty-eighth avenue Dahlgren, Clement 724 East Thirteenth street Siefer, Miss Augusta, 4836 Sixty-fifth street S. E.. ....... Ellis, Eva, 260 East Thirty-fifth street Anders, Edith L., 241 East Fifty-second street Buell, Sarah, 4916 Seventy-fifth street S. E. Mortensen, Dorcus I-, 20 East Tenth street............... Tate, Edward M-, 1819 East Morrison street.............. Strube, Marie, 1134 Hawthorne avenue Lynds, Mildred, 474 East Ash street St Claire. Grace, 4520 Fifty-ninth street, S. E.. .......... Jacobs, Mrs. Fred A., 127 East Twenty-eighth street...... Luihn, Mrs. J. W.-H.. 2811 Forty-eighth street S. E. Bakesy, Cora, 6442 Sixty-fifth street S. E. Thompson, Mrs. John, 4111 Fifty-sixth avenue, S. E. Jones, Mrs. Dorothy, 4803 Forty-fifth avenue, 8. E.. Nelson Florence. 1547 Belmont street... PantaX Mrs. J. WH 94 East Thirty-fourth street.. Spauldlng, Rev. W. E., East 37th and Clay streets.... Sturm, Laura, 818 East Thirty-sixth street Anderson. Helen M 735 Clinton street..... Rieger, Jr., Otto, 590 East Morrison street. Clodfelter. Nolan A..1221 East Madison Merrill. Joseph, 291 East Twenty-third street. Alts toe k, Helen, 75 East Ninth street...... Stelxer, Goldles 256 East Thirty-fifth street.. Hansen, Miss Lydla, 3840 Fifty-second street 8. E... French,-Jemima, 3722 Sixty-fifth. street S. E..... Hand. Opal. 7606 Sixty-third avenue, 8. E- Jaeger, Emily, 4861 Sixty-fourth street S. E. ..... Moore, Georgia, 1061 East Salmon street . . Grosland, Miss Mae 6929 Fifty-fourth avenue, S.E........ Hutchins, Fay, 313 Glenn avenue Johnson, Dorothy, 7411 Fifty-eighth avenue, 8. E.... ...... Kail, Mrs. Belle, 6915 Sixty-seventh street S. E.i.. ....... Powell, George, 6028 Forty-seventh avenue, S. E....... ... MacGuire. Miss Esther. 6926 Forty-fifth: avenue, B. E.,1... Wadsworth, F. Merfe, 378 East Fiftieth street. ........... Warden, Mrs. W. D, 210 East Thirty-second street........ '"T r i ' SISTBZCT HO 4 , .' McClure, Miss Edna, McCoy and Dow Sts., Brentwood. ..... Wood, Miss Ethel A., 7230 Sixty-fifth avenue, S.-E.. Hauner, Mrs. F. J. Beaverton, Or,........,.,...;,..,,,., Arnold, Frank V, Vancouver,-Wash... ......... .. 4..., . Parke, Kathrine Grace, R. F. D. No. 2, Camas, Wash.. Moore, Myrtle, 207 Third avenue, Lents. Or..............; Heck, Mrs. W. C, 924 S. Hayes street St Johns.. .......... Beard, - Tommy, Fossil, Or.. ............... ....... . Dickson, Mrs. E. T-, Camas. Wash.. ................... .t . Disnne, Minerva. Box 113, Estacada, Or.. ....... i. ,.... , Johnson, Earle IL. R. F. D. No. 1, Box 109 Clackamas, Or.. . Lee, Mrs. L. G, Aurora, Or.. ... .V. ............. . .., ...... Reynolds, Francis, Rainier, Or .................'........ A-1149 79,291 63,160 34,574 33,066 28,891 27.018 22.710 18,880 9,930 9.693 7,090 (.815 5,535 5,376 3,524 3,356 2,397 2,058 1.740 690 135 80 75 74 60 60 10 41,780 24.240 20,740 18,577 16,955 15.929 15.27S 14.263 13,265 11.155 8,145 7.090 6.225 4.045 3.091 3,080 2.885 2,490 2,075 1.745 1,530 1.455 1.380 1,075 960 625 360 825 215 195 185 170 150 145 125 115 105 105 100 100 95 95 90 80 0 75 75 70 70 60 50 45 E6.456 65.240 49,995 44,515 43,219 34,530 23,716 23,410 17,068 14,915 14.672 12,660 11.235 9,035 7.991 7.584 6,934 6,290 6.890 6,695 6,465 5,193 4,915 4.775 4,590 4.054 3.970 3,625 3,060 2.716 ,280 2,066 1.883 . 1,670 1,460 1,430 1,045 1,040 825 370 180 165 130 125 125 100 95 75 70 5 0 - 60 55 60 40 40 4 40 . - v -25 25 20 16 . 15 Nomination Blank JOURNAL CONTEST. DEPARTMENT: Please enter the name of tfame Address ......... Aye........ years. - Name Address .... a 4ft av - Residing In district Yours truly, a a i , . . . . . , Contest The following manufacturers and wholesale firms are rep resented in The JOURNAL Trade and Circulation Contest Allen & Lewis Preferred Stock. Labels worth 50 votes Golden Rod Milling Co. Cereals. ? votes tor evry cent represented Portland Pure Milk & Cream Co. Purity milk. Labels worth 20 vote? Rasmussen & Co Paints, Oils- and Brushes. Cash tickets worth 2 votes for every cent represented Portland Ry, L. & P. Co. Electrical supplies Closaet & Devert Teas, Coffee, Spices. 2 votes for every cent repre sented ' U. S. Laundry Dry Cleaning. Cash receipts good for 2 votes for every cent Ebenscott Chemical Laboratories Santiseptic Lotion. Cork seals good for 100 votes Scandinavian-American Bank Time Deposits. 200 votes for every dol lar deposited and left for 6 months. Log Cabin Baking Co. Tip Too Bread. Labels good for IS votes. Hudson d Gram Otter Clams. Labels good for 30 votes. Crown Mills Floor, 50-lb. sacks 330 votes. 25-lb. sacks 170 votes. lb. sacks 80 votes. Luckel, King & Cake Soap Co. Soaps. Wrappers count 2 votes every cent of value Union Meat Co. Columbia brand Hams and Bacon. Labels, 500 votes Lard labels, large, 350 votes; medium, 180 votes; small, 125 votes. Columbia brand Salad. Oil, 70 votes Holly Brand Milk Labels worth 20 votes Damascus Creamery Butter. 2 votes tor every cent of value. Albina Fuel CoJ Coal and Wood receipts. 1 vote for every cent of value Bring All Wrappers or Labels to Journal for Votes 10-for 4.249 4.106 4,000 3.150 1,740 80 75 25 15 15 15 15 IS Cash Slips From the Following Retailers Have a Voting Power of One Vote for EVERY CENT OF PURCHASE BenN Selling Men's Clothing, Hats and Haberdashery Women's Ap parel, Fourth and Morrison Sts. C H. Baker Men's, women's and children's Shoes, 380 Washington St., corner West Park C. H. Baker Men's, women's and children's Shoes, 270 Washington St. C. H. Baker Men's, women's and children's Shoes, 270 Morrison St. The J. K. Gill Co. Stationery, Books, Office Supplies, Third and Alder The Juvenile 'Children's Outfitters, Boys' Clothing, 143 Sixth St. Ray Barkhurst Men's Tailor 6th and' Stark Sts. Lennon's Gloves, Umbrellas, Hosiery, 309 Morrison JSt. Portland Emporium Coats, Suits, Dresses, Furs, Waists, Millinery, 124 Sixth St. Jones' Market Meats, etc., 4th and Alder. Phones, Marshal 1, A -6281 Oregon Hardware Co. Hardware, Sportfng. Goods, Cutlery, 70-72 Third St, near Oak. v Nichols Hardware Co. 141 Killingsworth Ave.. Woodlawn 547 Eriksen Hardware Co. 554 Williams Ave.. C-1366. East 559 Henry C Schroeder (Furniture) 244 Russell. C-1774. East 3542 Howard Hardware & Paint Co. 1927 East Glisan. Tabor 2977 Sunnyside Hardware Co. 983 Belmont. Tabor 2497 Bonham & Currier, General Merchants 103 Jersey St, St Johns, Or. W. E. Goggins, Shoes, Gents Furnishings 104 Main St., Lents. Tab. 4141. Sellwood Furniture Co. Corner Tacoma and 13th. Phone Sell 1682 Isis Theatre, Motion Pictures 13th and Spokane. Myrtle Rose Dancing Club Wednesday nights, Cotillion Hall-14th -near Washington JEWELERS . AND OPTICIANS Jaeger Bros. Jewelers and Opticians, 266 Morrison St Dillen Rogers Jeweler and Optician, Killingsworth and Albina.- Wood lawn 2863- GROCERS W. S. Cutler & Son 1009 Union Ave. N. C-1354, Woodlawn 1748 F. H. Rtipert 421 Jefferson St A-1796, Marshall 1645 J. Woolach & Son 19th and Broadway. C-2618, East 537 Simoia ft Davis 45th Ave. and 62d t Tabor 645 . Tremont Grocery 5907 72d St Tabor 614 J. B. Neubauer 373 11th St A-4232, Main 638 Burroughs & Gault 321 Third St A-1441, Main 1441 G. W. Long 840 Corbett St A-3523, Main 1704 Carl Walstrom 811 Williams Ave. C-1197. Woodlawn 1502 Geo. Hockenyos 128 Russell St East 5878 Peebler Grocery Co. 160 E. Broadway. 255 Holladay Q-1352, E. 1602 D. Kellaher & Co 133 Grand Ave. B-1694, East 418 M. J. Malley Third and Ankeny. A-5822. Main 303 Brubaker & Normandin 60th and East Stark. B-2125, Tabor 1133 R. A. Wallis East 80th and Glisan. Tabor 223. Sinnott Brosv 6203 Powell Valley. Tabor 14 John E. Malley Fourteenth and Washington. A-2167, Main 2167 White Front Grocery 373 E. Eleventh. B-1615, East 380 Emig's Grocery Fifty-Second and Sandy. C-1665, Tabor 139 - ' Schmeer & Co. 426 East Burnside. B-1183, East 483 Wm. Landauer 925 East Stark. B-2067, East 2618 A. M. Sauter 421 East Eighth. B-2189, East 298 W. J. Shanahan, Successor to Ray G. Sherrett 1189 Milwaukie. Sell. 2085 G. H. Zeisler East 21st and Clinton." Sellwood 150 ; McFarland ft Legrand 415 Everett Main 1540, A-l 540 Hawthorne Grocery Co. 1101 Hawthorne. Tabor 384, B-242S. Ross R. Peebler 680 Milwaukie. Sellwood 374 A. Robertson 13th and Tenmo. Phone Sellwood 1066 Chas. W. Stubbs 114 East 28th St. N. Phone, East 4381, B-2168 DRUGGISTS V Huntley Drug Co. 4th and Washington, Portland. " Main 3208, A-3105 Edwin A. Robison 23d and Washington. A-5357Main 8169 Rose City Pharmacy 57th and Sandy Road. C-2314, Tabor 2204 Wallace Drug Co."-37th and Hawthorne. Tabor 773 Irvington Pharmacy East 15th ind Broadway. C-1434, East 5500 Woodstock' Pharmacy 4610 60th Ave. S. E. Sellwood 55 Phoenix Pharmacy 6616 Foster Road (Kern Park Sta.) B-2716, Tab. 465 F. L. A. Wilson 460 Tefferson. AlIMain 2069 St Johns Pharmacy S"t Johns 1 Castleman's Pharmacy Killingsworth and Albina. C-1474, Woodlawn 55 Couch's Pharmacy 817 Mississippi. - Woodlawn 306 , Vemon Drug Ccv 17th and Alberta.: 01511, Woodlawn 2294 McGDlivray Bros-435 Durham Ave., Woodlawn 1810 . Allen's Drug Store 16th and Lovejoy. Mam 1640 Matthieu Drug Co-275 Russell St 01232, East 662 - ' Ausplund Drug Store HOrNorth Sixth. A-2221, Main 8106 Dickson Drug Ccv 73 East 80th. B-1419, Tabor 764 Gelman & Bader Front and Gibbs. A-5877, Main 5403 H. F. Brandon 701 Hawthorne. East 873 -Mt. Scott Drug Co-Lents, Or. Tabor 1417 Love's Pharmacy Grand Ave. and Burnside. East 341, B-1011 " Thr Rmvm- Pharma.SA) Umatilla Aw 1 Brink's Pharmacyl3th and Washiagtoau, Main 7233. A-4S3 - Dpn'l Slave and Save for Tears. Enter the contest and take a short cut to ownership of ' : ' . An Automobile. - A High-Grade Piano; A Columbia Grafono la, or! enjoy a trip to the Exposition. - Over 't 15000 in rlz. : will b. awartledr by The Oregon Journal to th parsons receiving th largest number ot votes In this circulation and trd camp.lsn. which Btart4 Thursday,: September 24, 1114, and ends February 14, 1915. Any person, excepting employes of iu journal or ineir imuie. ran enter thla contest by filling out the entrane coupon appearing on thla Page awl filing It with the Contest Department of The Journal. The 'retail merehanta mentioned below will issue, with every cash purchase of S cents or over, a sale slip or eonpon having a Voting value of one vote for every cent Xf you hava a: charge account with the mer chant the voting coupon will be Is sued wea you settle your bill. These coupon yr saiesups must oe pre sented fto The Journal's Contest De partment within seven days from the date otyBue to be credited to your self of Jtfis candidate you are sup porting . - The labels or trademarks of the article! mentioned tn the "Manu facturer;'. List" appealing below wilt have m .Certain voting value. See manuf aetarera list and advertise ments ifer details. Pald-m-advance subscriptions So The- DsRly, Sunday or Semi-Weekly JournsJtdated after September S3d, for'onemonth or more, will have a voting nsralue of one vote for every cent. . Knterfyour name or that .of your favorite In the list of candidates at once. "111 out a nomination blank appearing today and send it to The Journal? Contest Department Grand Prizes And pix Prizes in Each pffFour Districts. - The Oramd Tri Consists of a rive Passenger : XUe louring oar, 191 model, fiilly equipped, the regular re. tall price, of which is llta0. will be awards to the person having the largest gnumber of votes of all the district This automobile now on exhibition at the Northwest - Auto Company, Broadway and Couch street! i r. A S.cofli Orand Prlae, OoBsistlair of a KaxveU AatomobUe, 1915 model tour)ng!rar, fully equipped, the regu lar rjS.il price of Which is $860, will b awarded to the person havlnc the sernd largest number of votes of all tge districts. This automobile now . 4fl exhibition at the Pacific Motors ;fompany. Twenty-first and Washlnston streets. . Winners of the Grand Vrlaes wlU have xro. Interest ta. the JDlstrlet . :: - rrlses. Diltrict No. 1 Consist of all. territory west of the Willamette river and within the citf limits of Portland. Diltrict No. 2 Consistii of all territory east of the Willamette ' river and north of Burnside street, and within the city limits ;f Portland. r District No. 3 Consistii of all territory east of the Willamette river, south of Burn aide sttjeet, and within the city lim its of Portland. . District No. 4 Consists of all territory outside of V Portland. , . : 1ST:PR12E High-Grade Piano. 1st I k)iatriftA ITavne. Rrn, Music tore, 151 Fourth St 24 District Kurtzman Piano, now filing shown at Sherman, Clay & C46th and Morrison. 3d IMtrict-A' Xudwig Piano, on t. exhibition at Wiley B. ; Allen & Co., Jcroaaway and Morrison. , 4thi pistrict A Bush & Lane Piandjnow on the floor at Bush & Laire's, 433 Washington St.' . 2D PKIZE A 'trip for two per . sons! to the Panama-Pacific x position, either by rail or boat, .withg meals en route, one week at alfirst-class San Francisco ho telj ind $50.00 spending money, 3D PltlZBV-A trip for one person to ijht Panama-Pacific ' xposi tion either by rail or boat, with - ratals en route, one week at a ' first-class San Francisco hotel, an4 1525.00 spending money.. . . ' 4TH!feRI2E A $75.00 Columbfa Granola. - SThrzE A $50.00 Columbia Gronola. . ' , " 6THiRIZE A $25.00 Colombia GraPonola. Grafoolas. on display at Columbic Grapt&phone h Co 429-431. Wash ington street, and Graves lusic Co.,-151 Fourth, street i