TrtJS- UKEGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER - 8, 1911, TOWN TOPICS (Mist DAT or M14.) AMLSEMJ2XT3 BITLIG BroeJwar t TJat. Curtains 2:18 and SUA. "Bab Mlae." Saturday mat Inee. . . BAKJCa Broad war 4 Slit, 'nrtalna J:2o aa4 8:30. Matinee ttnodar, Wednesday end Saturday. Baker Flayers la "UtUe Miss Brown PANTaGEH Broadway at AMw. VanderUla. Curtains 8:80, 7:30 and 9:Vi. LOSW'S ElaPEKfJI broad way at IimMTL Vas4ellle. CcoUaooua 1:30 to 6:3o, 6:80 to It waek Saje. Umtluuoue 1 to U Sua- . flays. . LYHIC Fonrth at stark. Curtains 1:30, 7:30 and tiia. Keatlnc Flood Mualcai Com. edr Company la "Bargain Iay." COLUMBIA Hlitb, between Washington and . Stark atresia. Motion pictures. 11 a. m. U 11 P. m. PEOPLES West Park at Alder streets. Mo ' tlo plctoree, 11:) a. at. to 11:80 p. m. STAR Waihlnfton at Park. Motion pictures, 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. GLOBB WanblntUm at Etereata. Uotloa pie torn, 12 m. to 11 p. m. UAJ KM TIC r Whiu(rtoo at Park. Motion pie. tares. 11 t. m. U) 11 p. n. 8CN8BT Waahlngton at Broadway. Motion pltnres. 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. C1BCLK Fourth at Waahlnctoa. Motion pic- tttras. 10 :.'Hl a. m. to 11:16 p. m. ART MCfcKUM Firth and Taylor. Honrs ta weak daya, 8 to 8 Bundaya; free afternoon of Tuesday, Thuraday, Friday, Saturday and Monday. River Trip. Steamer Georgian to Aatorla, dally except Friday. W a ablution treat dock. Steamer Bailey ttataert and bailee City, ta Tb bailee and Caacado Locks, dally elcept Sunday, Alder atreet dock. . I Steamer State of Waanlngtoa to To Dallas dally except Thursday. Taylor street dock. Today's Forecast. Portland and ticlnlty: Tonight and Fjriday Cloudy, probably rain; southerly winds. Oragoo and Washington: Tonight and Fri day cloudy, probably rein: aoatherly winds. Idaho: Tonight and Friday cloudy, prob ably rain. Weather Conditions. Unsettled weather preTtlle on the Pacific ' slope with oat any welleflned low pressure area being in evidence. Tbe barometer con tinue relatively hlich In the Atlantic states. Light rain baa fallen In northern California, southern Oregon, tbe Great Halt Lake baaln and In the Mississippi and Missouri Talleys. Change In temperature since yesterday have been unimportant. The conditions are favorable for cloudy weather In this district tonight and Friday with rain and no marked cbangea In tempera ture. KDWAKD A. BEA1X. Ijlatrict, Forecaaler. Observations. STATIONS. Baker, Or. ...... Boiae, Idaho Boston. Mais. ...... . Chicago, IU. ........ Denver, Colo. ....... Dolnth, Minn. ....... Eureka, Cat. Freuo, Cal 0 a Weston, Texas .... Havre, Mont. Jacksonville, Fla. .... Kansas City, Mo. Lewlaton, Idaho Los Angelea, CaX .... KartktlekL Or New Orleans, La. ... New York, N. Y. .. North Mead, Wash. . North- Yakima, Wash. Phoenix. Aria. Portland, Or Boaeburg, Or. ....... Saoramento, CaX ... St. Louis, Mo Salt Lake, Utah .... Saa FraacUco, Cal. . Seattle, Wash Sitka, Alaska Spokane, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. Tatonah Isl'd., Wash. Valdea, Alaska Walla Walla, Wash.. Washington. I. C. .. Winnipeg, Man. ...... Temperature. 44 48 64 J 46 60 50 60 1 38 72 02 M f2 78 68 64 42 62 08 64 66 ee 48 68 62 CO 38 52 64 88 46 82 68 IT? S K J k" ma Si ? 6 60 62 60 RZ 66 52 60 78 82 40 80 78 68 68 84 80 60 70 80 71 72 68 80 68 62 84 60 60 68 64 68 63 68 44 43 60 66 4- 48 54 68 76 38 68. 62 88 68 ea 74 68 64 40 60 5a 54 56 64 48 64 62 42 86 50 62 86 46 62 64 4 10 4 4 16 4 10 10 12 4 18 4 6 0 4 10 8 4 4 4 4 0 12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 a A 0 o 0 .20 0 .01 r .02 .66 0 1.14 0 0 .10 0 0: 0 .26 iJ2 .04 .22 0 0 .10 .01 o o .12 0 0 .04 Colonel C-X' S. Wood disensssxl tbe different initlstiv measures which win be Toted on next month. : Nxt week W. 8, tTRen will liscass ths boms exemption t&x . measure. Mr. tTRen is ths Independent candidate for gorernor. As well as one of tbe initi ators Of the measure to be discussed. The meeting are held In tbe college room of tbe Hazel wood, and are open to tbe public - . v 'Aaonsed at Wif nsiiiriihrr Le was caught beating bis wife last mvvuwg in weir apartment at 84 Russell street. Patrolman IL Davis was called to tbe place and took lee this morning lira. Lee explained that "w ouioasa oniy attacuea ner once, and that be did so because be was Judge Stevenson set the case over until uus aiiernoon. TreparisAT for Snore. Estimates The . county commissioners yesterday called tbe attention of the beads -of departments of the county to provis ions of the administrative code regard ing preparation of budget figures for the coming year, and of Auditor Mar tin to the provision regarding assist ance to be given to those making tbe estimates in tbe way of figures on past expenditures. Honey Under PlUow Stolen Whan Simon Wlllimer went to bed Tuesday bight in bis room at tbe Oak hotel, be placed (80 under tbe pillow. Tbe money was forgotten yesterday fore noon when be arose. When be re turned tbe money bad disappeared. He told the detective department about the loss. Oscar Carlson, who engaged a room in tbe Berkshire hotel Tuesday night, lo&t $30 In a similar way. Wife Says She Zs Husband's Slave Immediately after their wedding cere mony, in 1904, Hugh.Rlttenhouse told his wife. El vie Rittenbouse, be was boss of tbe family, according to ber divorce complaint filed yesterday, and made good bis word. She alleges that until she left him recently be treated ber as bis Slave. Frederick L. Miller filed suit for divorce against Elizabeth Miller, charging cruelty. rillpino Trader Arrest. Pedrd Hillo. a Filipino hotel employe, found a check of 86 belonging to a young woman stopping at the hoteJE Going to a local jeweler, Hillo bought a dia" rcond ring withAa check, which came near going through, although the sig nature of ' the young . woman was forged. Hillo was arrested and is In the city jail on a charge of larceny. Tonr Appearance coufetsv The man of affairs Is quick to analyze good qualities which go hand in band with careful dress. We are offering spe cial values this week besides allowing tbe following terms: $10 down and balance $6 a month. Order your suit now. Unique Tailoring company, men's and ladies' tailors. 309 Stark, between Fifth and Sixth. ' CAdv.) German culture and civilization and for a course In the history of German literature, a meeting will be held in room A of the Central library at o'clock tomorrow night, to which all Interested in either proposition are invited. Both, lectures and courses are offered by the extension depart ment of the University of Oregon In conjunction with the German Literary society of Portland.' Professor F. G. G. Schmidt, professor of German lan guage literature at ths University of Oregon, will preside at tonight's meeting. ..- - t ,v Burglars Hake Bicfc Haul. It was a heavy haul of silverware and Jew elry that burglars made last night at ths boms of EL F. Hitchcock, 808 Clackamas street. Tbe family was away at ths time, but returned about 10 o'clock, at which time the loss was discovered. Entrance was gained by forcing open a window In tbe din ing, room. After gaining admission to this room, the burglars saw lying before them 115 pieces of various kinds of silverware, consisting of knives, spoons and forks, af well as two carving seta. Two watches, nine stick pins, three rings, two ear rings and two, gold necklaces were also taken. ; Alleged Guarantors BuedV Alleging that. : hopplcklng machines used in the yards of tbe T. A. Livesley Co. ranch near Quinabv. Or- recently caused 161 persons to lose 11 days of a promised 29 day pick and $37.(0 for their time, Angelina Peters yes terday filed suit against George EL Dorcas and R. C Dorcas, who operate under the name of Dorcas Brothers, for $4427.50. Tbe 160 claims beside ber own were assigned to ber. Sbs alleges that ths firm guaranteed the 20 days work when the hopplckert were hired. Seneca Fouts represents the plaintiff. Quarterly lleetinr postponed. The first regular quarterly meeting of tbe diocesan branch of the woman's aux lliary to the board of missions has been postponed from Friday, October 9. to Wednesday, October 14. when it will be held at St. Mathews parish house, Bancroft and Corbett strata, at 2:30 o'clock. Fined for Auto Speeding A. M. Leisure and A. M. BeoUm were each fined $20 this morning in the mu nicipal court for automobile speeding last evening on their ' way home. Motorcycle Officers Gouldstone and Nutter made the arrests. Burglars Work In Tain. The borne of Captain W. W. Babbidge, Columbia river pilot, at 505 East Sixtieth street, north, was ransacked by burglars while the captain and his family wers at a theatre last night. . The thieves first cut out a screen and then broke tbe window with a . rock. , - Although ths bouse bad been thoroughly searched, nothing of value was missed. . Approached Wrens; Oustomer Wh en J. J. Costello offered to sell Detective Smith a- razor yesterday afternoon on the street, little did be think of the trouble into which be was getting. Ths detective asked several questions about ths - razor, but Costello refused to answer. This morning Costello still refused to explain in the municipal court where he got , the -cutlery, and was given 15 days m ths city jail. Friday Specials. $2 wine, $1 gal: $1.50 wine, 76c gaLj Kentucky whis key, reg. $4.50, $3.50 gaL; regular $3.50. $2.50 gal.; reg. $S whiskey, $240. Penny Bros $7$ East Morrison et. East 287. B-2425. Free delivery. (Adv.) Pvtorce Beoree Crraatett. Circuit Judge Cleeton this morning granted a divorce to Margaret Nice from J. R Klce on grounds of cruelty. Steamer geese Hernias for Camas. Wasbougal And way landings, daily es eept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 1 p. xn, : Adv.) Xaeglslato to Speak. -Ben T. Wilson, Socialist member Kansas legis lature, will speak in Arlon ball to night. Crawfish Millions of 'em. Snyder's, First and Madison. On sale Thursday and Friday only, $5e dos, M. 1781. Ad. Estes Spanish Orlll, lit Park street. Spanish and American dishes. Moat moderate priced grill in city. (Adv.) WsAte6-OppoTttmlty to-gather fruit on shares. Tabor 2492. (Adv.) Hademetsene Alexandre, French teacher. Hotel Portland. (Adv.) Br. W. A. Wise will be at Ms office all this week. (Adv.) X. H, rex, optician. Journal bldg. Ad. S. H. Qmbsx, lawyer, Stock Bx. (Ad.) Men's Raincoats Take the elevator and buy your rain coat from Jimmy Dunn. Yon escape the nigh rent profit. Oregonian build ing, third floor. (Adv.) TJe common - sense buy Superior eoal, $8 ton. Main 154; A-154L Adv. Find Body in River Near Cascade Looks Cascade Locks. Or," Oct. S. Tbe body of a man not yet identified was taken this morning from the liver just below the locks. Tbe man was apparently about 46 years old. five feet eight inches tall, light, with mustache, and bald spot on top of bis bead. He wore no coat, and there were no marks of identification. Condition of tbe body Indicated that it bad been in the water about 1$ days. No Ons baa re cently been reported missing from this section, A missing man was reported from Kennewick some time ago. Saturdayis Boys' $5 00 Suit Day A great sale of boys' all wool double service, two pant Norfolk Suits All sizes 6 to 17 years, all colorings These Suits are the equal of any $6.50 Suits in the city. See them in the window. Sales Slips Good for Votes in The JonrnsJ Contest. Open Saturday Night mmm IT II. ' - Tfiluvenfie Outrttc.3Lfl, Cnildreix. 143 Sixth Near Alder At First Vniversalist Church tomor row night, Miss Anns Shannon Mon roe, a writer for Saturday Evening Post, will speak on William Hanley for United States senator, and tell stories of homesteading. Miss Monroe tells her stories as well as she writes them. The public is invited. Broad way car. (Adv.) P. M. report of preceding (lay. Civil Service Examination, The United States civil servipe commission announces that a stenographer and typewriter examination wlU be held in this city, November 21. Persons who desire to enter the examination should apply to the local secretary, board of civil service examiners, at the poetoffice, this city, or to the secretary, Eleventh civil service dis trict, 207 Poetoffice building, Seattle, Wash, for application blank (form 1171), and Information for applicants (1424). Both men and women will be admitted. Age 41ml ts are 1$ years or over on the date of the examination. tectujre on Christian Science will be delivered by Professor Hermann S. Herlng, C S. B.. member of the board of lectureship of The Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., next Sunday at 3 p. m., in First Church Of Christ, Scien tist, Nineteenth and Everett streets. Professor Herlng will repeat this lec ture Sunday and Monday evenings at 8 o'clock. No admission is charged. The publlo is invited. 1 i (Adv.) Colonel O. B. S. Wood speaks . on Hanley vs. ChamberlalrH Booth, for United States senator, Friday evening at Central Library. Mrs.' Lulu. Dahl Miller, contralto, win sing, with Miss Edna Blake at the piano. The public is invited. (Adv.) Ijeotuxes on German Culture.- To arrange for a series of lectures on Articles Are PUed Articles of in corporation of the George E. Wight man company, to manufacture clean ing compounds and capitalized at $30, 080, were filed yesterday with County Clerk Coffey by George E. Wightman, Peter M. Johns, Robert Smith and Frsnklln J. Mushaben. . Initiative Measures Discussed, At the regular noon-day luncheon yester day of the revenue and taxation de partment of the Oregon Civic league, Business Training We fit men for definate roea tions so they will be in line for ! advancement. ' 1 - I Term , Trade Schools. Fee. Assaying ...1$ 30.00 Automobile Comp. Course... 61.00 Automobile (no driving) .... 45.00 Carpentry 10.00 Electricity ... 15.00 Business and Professional Schools. Accounting (3-yr. course)... 150.00 Advertising (see Sec'y) Bookkeeping. ; 7.00 Cost Engineering 10.0o Pharmacy .. 30.00 Reinforced Concrete Const... 15.00 Show Card Writing ........ 15.00 Salesmanship . 85.00 Shorthand 6.00 Surveying and Mapping..... 15.00 Telegraphy and Dispatching. 15.00 Telegraphy. Wireless (coorae) 50.0Q Some of SO Other Courses. Arithmetic, Algebra, Geom- " etry 6.00 German, French or Spanish. '7.00 Penmanship or English 5.00 Public Speaking 16.00 Boys Day School .......... '18.00 Boys' Night School..... ..... 6.00 Architectural, Mechanical or Free-Hand Drawing 10,00 Catalogue Free. T. M. C A, Sixth arid Taylor Streets. i 1 !l)72S Store Open Saturday Until 10 P.M. of Stylish New Cape Coats $15 to $20 Values One of the rarest bargain events of the season ! 150 of these . popular garments arrived just in time to go on sale tomorrow. Poplins, fine worsteds, etc, in Roman stripes and dozens of other smart patterns. Some of them with white vesta, others with red, is All the smart est color combinations you can imagine. These Cape Coats are positively the newest for Fall and are gen uine $15 to $20 values, bought at a special pricri Come and select one early They won t last loner at this price. ON SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 1 1 l 7 4 I I II I I I I- . . - a. IS ,-t: -. v - ! . .. . J (fwltar IATif-il TIata 1 ,: .liyWl : fhiksale Was I V j JfMm Authorized by 7 nmW Qft of Court h nMw Plavier Pianos 111 7f J.'" ... 1 1 1 ms rMJSffff Ik I alii. . a-sr-isi v IMnu; I ace I hon J,A w,i"VtfU r Silent Pirlnos I W a-' 1 - - V .,rg. V-a aS h 1 1 tssst M ' UL Any lefts av s mmm s i au e w. w a m sr si si - J s-a a kj i , yaw S . ASm Va Must SSSW J.'BKaS II II I 1 f A. SI m YT E t a B JU W Jll r I $7-95 $3.00 Silk Petticoats AD Colors $1.95 Hundreds of New Fall Hab $2.98 to $10 New Fall Suits Arriving Daily Charming new Cutaways, Redingotes and Russian effects in an immense variety of colors and designs Suits for all At White House ropular pnees, now at $9.50 to $25.00 Quality Is Economy, Live Well Good things cost, and to do bad ones. Good things give satisfaction bad ones don't. Satisfaction added to our price here in every sale. "The Store of Quality." Portland's exclusive handlers of everything good to eat , . .. L. MAYER & CO. 148 Third Street A 4432, Main 9432: SEASONABLE GOODIES TO TICKLE YOUR PALATE New 1914 Budded Walnuts, pound rtv80 New 1914 Green Walnuts, pound .isOS New Importation Italian Chocolate, pkg. ....... .25,. 60s, l St Johnsbury Crackers, 20c-2 for . . ?. 7.35 Full line of Educator Crackers. lV, for eating and stewkg. Maillaird'a Mint Melange. ; , i M!n!Sch0C0te:?iPp'ed Maraschino Chefries-box....80e AlaUlaird's Sugared Almonds box ..... ....T! 5 Hood River Pure Apple Cider, gallon 40 a If ? "yef fT"ld ye or Bourbon, full quarts, per bottle fl.75 A full line-of Imported Liquors, Wines and Cordials -" Out Sanitary Fruit and Vegetable Department - should be the place for you to find your daily wants. Everything kept under glass and . away from ' the street We are receivinz fresh strawberries daily. Full pound boxes ........;..2o Yoart for Quality On the Great Light Way "Special Messenger Service. TheG 1 1H) 1 Journal's Circulation iranci iFnze j contet-see pa8e ' ii-'"; Ufa wm. li -V ?'fi ii , " '.nlr'"' hyP Vk' 'p''m'''fmmmmm IReo -fee j , Five-Passenger Touring Car Regular Price $ 1 280 i F; O. B., Portland Electric Starter, Electric Lights, Moha;r Top with full Side Curtains, Mohair Slip Cover, Clear-Vision Ventilating Windshield, Speedome ter, Electric Horn, Robe and Foot Rails, Extra Rim and Improved Tire -Bracket, Pump, Jack, Complete Tool and Tire Outfit. : - NOW ON DISPLAY AT THE NORTHWEST AUTO CO. BROADWAY AT COUCH STREET Hers Is a Weber Pianola Piano that regularly tells for $1000. We havs been asking $237. Now, coma in and make us an offer. We also have some Steck Pianolas. Stuyvetant Pianolas and a lot -of others. Gome player pianos for even $165 to $170. Of course, they art SS-nota. Who would want to buy a 65-note player? However, we have some specially constructed 65-note players that can easily be changed into 88-note. Ufea i WW - . - . TTV3 W If r r- .w ill fci, ,J W ri r x. J U o We have a larte number of these pianos we have been holding on spe cial sale for $145 to $185. Some of them are even more than $400 regular values. To dean them out, they go at file each. TT T Here are a lot of player pianos that we have been asking $450 and $500 for. $750 and $900 values. . Now we close them out at f 325. A number of special Mission cases, not only in player pianos, botlspright pianos as well old reliable makes, too. Remember. I will take any price I can get. Not a piano must be left unsold Saturday night s, Any fnce, tvery. tKing Must Go Sell impljH Svon't quit with a Pi ano onniiand. The Court or dered this sale to me to get money fpf creditors and it's up f r mm tril is St How? Cuttmg'IPrices? I should say sw. a ma iiign-r-ncea, never- Kun-a-Sia Houses holler be cause I am Sellinff Their Verv Same Pianos at Half; Some Pi anos at Itlst Than. Half; a Few More. We have been asking $287 for a $600 Steinway. NowWhat WiU You Give? Two Beautiful GraMs. One Chickering, aU, $10(K Values, $385. What WiU You Give? il l lMewIfianos (MiT oa r ilior a it i lorjpzou values ALL OTHERS) EQUALLY LOW GRANDS Grari pianos now for less than the same qualliy uprights would cost at any other time; :jfoo values now $337, $800 values now $4m and S&50 values now 255 18, all old reliable! established makes. Also many other pianos;! ot listed here, and T want to say to yought now that you can secure almost any rrae of piano you desire. Someof the Harps in This Sale: Chick ering, Knabe, Behnlhg, Wegman, Lester, Steinway, Steck. Weber. Emerson, Schu mann, Weber Pianolas, Steck Pianolas, Vose & Sons, Briggs, Estey, Ludwig, Hobart M. Cable, Hallet & Davif. ' In fact, you wiliijtjnd almost any make, either in an upriftht,flayer or Grand Piano. FURTHER PArVtlCULARSSome par ticular values we haMf left to offer at what ever they will bring:!!; $950 Weber Pianola Piano $527. This i he finest and best ever made by the Aedfiin Company; also a $1500 combinatiohMLester Grand-Pianola, $666; $500 Combljjiation Burmeister-Pi-anola, $218; $6oo jife$700 Kingsbury Play er Piano, 88-note, vim $335. J : HERE IS THE LAT! CALL! X paid Dr. Brown this week's rent No- mft. Even if I am oblixed to sell every piano for $2&or less. 1 am going to start sellins pianos at anything Ithey will brint $48, $68. $87 and all the $250 new pianos worth that on any mar ket, now $90 each; Alllcfbers equally low. Many of ths hlghesucrad Piarilj Player Pianos and Baby Grand Pianos. il There are $850 Player Pianos for only $188. Lat 88-note. Of course used, but you could hardly tell it Many others ner ones, $700 to $850 values, $287, $387, $437. Upright and grand piarjios equally low. $250 new upngm pianos, yu. BUT REMEMBER, THIS IS THE The Sale of the Soiile Bros raiiure CALL :S !. ; :: ft . ' 'Hi ... . ' . . vuuu nuuiwiuy vi Order of the Court G.E.LIJC0R TP 1 1 ii ,t; - Agentind Crcditors, Rep resentative. 388 Morrison H Ml J I; OPEN EVENINGS TILL O'CLOCK