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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1914)
flit .r J if; . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,- PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 8, 1914.. WOULD.HAVE FORESTS ASSET TO COUNTIES, SAYS U. S. OFFIIA L Henry S. Graves Believes Re ' serves Can Be Used as Credit to Build Roads, ' DIVISION OF THE REVENUE Plan Contemplate Giving LOc&l OOT- irnmtnt 35 Pr Cant of Proceeds of th Amounts &celvd. TlTiry S. Gravp. forester and chief of the United SUttea forest service. has a plan for making 4he national I foretttH represent actual value to the counties nnd districts in which they arc located. , 1I bfllpvpg the national forests can he uHfl nn a credit In building perma nent htghwayn that will aid the de velopment of the county In which a Riven forest is located, the road to be either within or outside the forest. Then plan may BOlve the problem xt bulld- lnsr the projected road around the i bane of Mt. Hood. Mr. Graves, who has been In Port land for several days, explained his plan In an address before the Pro- irresstve Business Men's clijb at lunch eon today, in the Multnomah hotel. I Briefly, it In this: Forests Pay KTo Taxes. National forests pay no taxes, state r county. The federal, government recoisrnizeji that the forest should not be a dend weight on the county or J community. Tnererore. it provides that the rourcty In which a forest Is lo-! cated hall receive 25 per cent of the ! proceeds of the forest from the ! Rale of ripe timber or the fees from trrazinie. In some In stances the amounts thus received are considerable. In other Instances the ; forest is too distant from transporta- ' tlon or market or too Inaccessible at present to permit the sale of timber and the Rriizlnpc opportunity may be ' limited. Then the intent of the kov- eminent to make the forest contribute to the support of the public lnstltu-1 tionx in the county Is largely defeated. Hut Mr. Craves believes that in the future. 1f not now. the forest will be realized from. In the meantime the need for the road serving the purposes already defined ls immediate. So he proposes that the credit of the forest be drawn on in other words, that congress advance the money to build the road, unci be reimbursed from the, county s. proportion or the proceeds from the forest. j Possibilities Almost Unlimited. 1 There need be no general legislation covering the plan, he says. A gen- ! eral definition of policy Indtscrlm- j Jnately affecting all forests and in- i volvlng a ponderous total of probable expenditure might defeat it, Kach project, says Mr. Graves, should be handled independently, its merit to be well determined before beginning, with cooperative work by the forestry de partment, the state highway depart ment arnl the county officials. The application of this plan In the Ticlnfty of Portland might result in building the proposed road from Gov ernment Camp around the east base of Ml. Hood into the Hood River valley, making the loop connection between the Mt. Hood road and Columbia High way. Forestsr Addresses Tsls Men. The foTester was the speaker of the evening at the in-formal dinner of thj Yale Alumni association of Oregon at the I'niVft-Hity club Tuesday night. He discussed the influence of the Yale forestry si-hoot ipon the national for- j estry service and declared to the 35 Tale men present that the university should seek to develop along thofae lines in which it is or may easily be. preeminent In this country rather than l seek to develop every department of, education. Following the dinner, Samuel Hill exhibited in the auditorium his stere optlcon views of the Columbia River Highway and other roads throughout the world. Mr. Hill paid a tribute to Itoadmaster .1. H. Veon, Amos Benson and Hufiis C. Holman. chairman of the board of county commissioners, for) the work accomplished in building the .highway. j Newberg G. 0. P. j i Women Active! Newberg. Or.. Oct. 8. At the meet ing held here Tuesday sftemoon by IIIC v wmtu iiri'iiirm nil . I U LIS J L a CVIII j hill county there was a lively interest1 manifested, hJM it is evident that the1 votes of the women of this county, at ! least, will be a factor In the election. That there are two women candidates on the Republican ticket this year i srtves lidded Interest. Mrs. Carrie Sher-' wood and Miss Alice L. Adams, the, former candidate for recorder and the i latter for treasurer, were present at ! me meeting aim muue niiori laiivs. j A numner or men were present also. Charles B. Wilson of Newberg, oandi- ' date for county clerk, was called upon ; for a talk, as was also J. B. Dodson ofl jncMinnvuie, candidate ior county Judge. , I The clubs have a total membership of 87. The next meeting is to be i held at Sheridan, October ,12. There's a Reason For Baldness But No Excuse for It Bow to Prevent Ctrayncss ; What to Do If Already Bald. - Neglect of the hair and scalp is the ' primary reason for baldness in nearly ' all cases. But any excuse for the '. neglect is necessarily a poor excuse. A little systematic attention and the use Of a really good halt tonic will destroy and prevent the return of dan druff. That. In turn nrnvpnta nrmo. ture grayness and baldness. Many hair tonics on the market are worthless if not harmful. The SAFE way is to mix vour nwrt hair tonic nt hnm e nr-.hav. ' s, reliable druggist mix it for you. ac-! cording to this formula: Dissolve H i cracnm juemnoi urysiais in oz. Bay Rum; then add 2 oz. Lavona da Com pos ee. Mix thoroughly. Rub into the scalp with fingers or stiff brush night and morning. This is the best-known formula for dandruff, to stop falling hair, to cleanse and beautify the hair. and to stimulate the growth of new oslr. One of the ingredients not only stimulates .the hair-growing, follicles, but tends to revive the activity of the pigment-forming cells,, so as to make prematurely gray hair turn bacK to its natural color. The ingredients of thjs balr tonic Cfn be purchased at any firug store. Try this tonic night and morning for 39 days, even If totally paid; It has accomplished wonders for Women's Union Suits Perfect-Fitting Garments in High-Neck, Long-Sleeve fl 2 Q Styles, in Ankle Length Regular $2.00 Grade at, SuitD 1 .O T Tomorrow, we will give prominence to a splendid: line of Women's Wool Union Suits by placing all sizes on sale at a special price reduction It is a sale that many women will take advantage of to supply a full season's needs -They are fine elastic fibbed garments "of perfect fit and correct weight shown in high neck, long sleeve styles, in ankle length and in all A QA ...01Je7 CHILDREN'S HOSE in 20c Grade, Special, Pair An unusually fine line of Children's fast black Cotton Hose, made with double knee and foot. All sizes for boys and girls stockings that stand hard wear and are regularly sold at 20c a pair. "I "1 JL-ft-V sizes Regular $2.00 values, on sale at. WOMEN'S HOSE, Our 27 n Best 50c Grade, Special Oft On sale tomorrow, a splendid line of fall fashioned, imported Lisle Hose fox women all sizes. They come with rein forced heel and toe. Good, durable, well looking Stockings. Always sold at Qp7 50c a pair. On Sale at O I V lie On Sale at Pacific Phone All the Latest and Best Home Phone Marshall 5080 Styles Are Here in La-1 A-2112 dies' Home Journal Patterns at 10c and 15c Each Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled Same Day Received Charges Prepaid Within 150 Miles of City ' ' ' Store Opens Daily at 8:30 a. m., on Saturdays 9 a.m. Store Closes Daily at 5:30 p. m., Saturdays at 6 p. m. 4 -4 p.rtjt urn THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST IN QUALITY Great Economy in This Sale of Boys' Well Made j Shirts They Come With Soft Turn-Down Collar and in i Assorted Dark and Light Patterns Regular 50c Values Only Boys need a generous supply of Shirts for school and ee3ry day wear and .here is a splendid opportunity to secure well appearing, $4ll wearing Shirts at a iuue cose iney arc maae 01 gooa materials in iignj; uxia aarK pari eras and in all sizes They -come with soft turn-down collar iaiid are the OA kind sold everywhere at 50c Priced this sale at.. :t.. ...... .IJJfC MEN'S GOWNS, Regu- AQr lar 75c Grade, Special at Tt V C Good styles in Men's Outing Flannel Gowns all sizes in neat patterns. Good, generous length and width. The AQg best 75c grade. This Sale at XV MEN'S SOCKSj iPegular 1 A 25c Grade, Special Price 1w Men's Fine CashmeiC Socks, underpriced 11 sizes in black iwith gray heel and toe. The best Z5$i Jjrade. Sale at .J.i i? .1 This.' fl9c Prudent, Economical People Buy Here, Because There Are No Prices Lower Than Ours 2i5S?oEK!? OUR 785th BARGAIN 1FRIBAY Involved in this sale are seasonable goods from every section of this great store. From end to end and from top to bottom you will find unmatchable values on every hand. For morrow's sale we have reduced prices to an unusually low point the lowest we have ever attempted. Price reductions that are going to draw the greatest crowds of shoppers that this store ever entWtainecL Come! For Friday Are You Ready to Profit By This Sale of Women's and Misses' Mew Fall Goats This Underpriced Offering Includes the Season's Best Styles and Most Fashionable Fabrics Balmacaan, BelteS-Back and Other Models, in Black, Plain Colors and Mixtures Regular Values to $16.50 on Sale at Low Figure of Only It is just such value-giving as this that is doubling our ready-to-wear business It is evidence that after comparisons people fiSd that our new fall stocks are most complete and satisfactory and the values here are unquestionably best For tomorrow's sale we have gathered a fine lot of women's and young ladies' Coats and repriced them at worth-while reductions The assort ment includes many of the leading styles Balmacaan,. belted back effects and many other models in desirable lengths They come in Boucle, Astrachan, plaids, mixtures, plain and fancy Zibelines, etc. All sizes in black, navy, brown, Russian green, Copenhagen .and other wanted colors Every garment of perfect finish and beautifully modeled Select your new Coat tomorrow and save the difference between figures up to $16.50 qj and -s. vf mUO A Fortunate Purchase That Brings to You Wonderful TOTr 5 4- Values in Women's W SL JL S Til Four Popular Styles in Four Different Fabrics CQ Plain White and Printed Patterns $1.25 Values at U7 V YouTl be tempted to buy a half dozen or more when you see what wdnderful values are to be had at this sale We were for tunate in securing some 40 dozen well finished, perfect" fitting waists at about half their actual value and now we offer them to you in the same way They come in four different fabrics and in four popular styles with low neck and long sleeves All sizes in plain white and in pretty printed crepe with organdy col- rA lar Waists that sell regularly at $1.25 on sale tomorrow 0C None Exchanged, Sent C O. D. or on Approval at This Sale Price. An Out-of-the-Ordinary Sale of Short Lengths of Percales and Ginghams Standard Quality Percales in Light and Dark Colors and Full 36 Inches Wide Also Fine Quality Ginghams in Medium and Dark Styles Our Regular 10c and 2l2c. Qualities for This Sale at Only Another important underpriced offering of special interest to women who have home sewing to do. A sale of Manufacturers' Short Lengths of best standard quality Per cale and Ginehams 3000 yards of Percales in a full variety of desirable patterns in light and dark colors. They come full 36 inches wide and in 10 to 20-yard length; Yd. th Gintrhams are of the best standard quality full width and are shown in medium and dark styles. They come in 14 to 12-yard jengtfis. Qualities regularly sold at 10c, and 124c 7 a yard. On sale BARGAIN FRIDAY AT I V A Sale of Manufacturers' "Scraps" This Bargain Offering for Tomorrow's Sale Consists of an Assort- ment of Odds and Ends, Samples of Toweling and Damask, Art Linens, Huck Towels, Napkins, Etc Specially Priced for This Sale An Unlimited Assortment to Select From, and Every Piece a Great Bargain! It is an important sale of Mill Ends or "Scraps," Odds and Ends and Maufacturers'. Sample Pieces of Huck Toweling Dice Damask Towels Napkins Art Linens, etc in fact, innumerable needs may be supplied from this great assortment You will find pieces suitable for fancy work, dish towels, dust cloths, napkins, polishing cloths, etc, etc Various lengths and "widths. Come early and have first choice from, the entire lot, placed on sale tomorrow BARGAIN FRIDAY AT EACH a Ea. A Sale of Cotton Batts, Full Size Qr for Comforts, 90c Grade, Each UC FOR TOMORROW ONLY We offer at a splen did price reduction a fine lot of Cotton Batts in full comfort size and full 3 pounds In weight They open out in sheets 72 by 84 inches, and are CQs snow white. Regular 90c grade Friday at U if 1 A Sale of Cotton Challies for Com fort Covering, 124c Quality, Yd. FOR TOMORROW. ONLY At this opportune tfrne we have arranged this special sale of Cotton .Challies, suitable for comfort covering. A great many styles and colorings to select from in 10 r to 20-yard leneths. Ree. 12l4c jrrade Friday wt Closing Out Surplus Stock of Dainty Bufflings in Shadow Laces and Nets A Complete Showing of All the Newest Patterns in White, Cream and Ecru They Are Also Shown in Dolly Varden Effects in Chiffon With Colored .Edge Our Regular 25c and 35c Grades Specially Priced for Tomorrow's Sale Only A' superb showing of dainty Ruf flings at a price reduction that will cause rapid disposal 6f surplus stocks. The as sortment includes all the newest and best styles in various widths. They come in dozens of pretty patterns in shadow laces and nets in white, cream and ecru; also in charming Dolly Varden effects in chiffons with neat colored edge. They C are of excellent qualities sold regulatly at 25c-35c yard; Bargain Friday at 1 OL i Yd. Extra! Special Friday! A Great Sale of Battenberg Scarfs and Centerpieces Reg. 65c Val- 2Qr ues on Sale for JsS For tomorrow, at our Art Section, we place on sale a fine lot of Battenberg Scarfs and Centerpieces. They're neatly made of Renais sance braid, with fine linen centers. Scarfs come 17x54 ins., cen ers 30 ins. They are the kind sold regularly at 65c Priced Qr this sale at. . . .Ot ensaicioiiLai saiie BeanitiffuLl Bolls Full-Jointed Dolls, Full Twenty-Four Inches High Sleep ing Eyes With Eyelashes Sewed Parted Wig With Rib bon Bow Shoes and Stockings Blondes and Brunettes They Are Regular $2.50 Values Special for Tomorrow 9 For Choice Take advantage of this great sale. Purchase now for pres ent needs and for rift purposes later. A special import order, placed before the war, with one of the largest Germm Doll .Factories, has just been received. It is a sensational Doll sale planned to gladden the hearts of the little ones. A price comparison will tell you what an important spring is possible by purchasing now. About 25 dozen Full Jointed Dolls of gooil durable quality, that are full 24 inches high; beautiful Dolls with sleeping eyes aiji real eyelashes, pretty curly hair with fine parted wig. Some have blue eyes, offers brown, and you have choice of light, medium and daTk hair. They come with hbes A Q and stockings and are the kind regularly sold at $2.50. For this safest. .!) 1 Vs Extra! Special Friday! A Sale of Stamped Ready Made Gowns Reg. 85c Kind A Cn On Sale Only Here is your opportu nity to secure a High Grade Gown at a low price. They are made of good quality nain sook and stamped in many pretty designs. Come in low-neck and kimono - sleeve style. The kind that sell regu larly at 85c This sale Final Clean-Up Sale of All Broken lines of Hish Grade AUSIver and Flommcimg A Huge Variety to Select From Venise Bands and All overs, Shadow Flouncings, Net-Top Edges, Colonial Silk Allovers, Nets, Etc Regular Values to $1.25 the Yard Specially Reduced for Tomorrow's Sale to Low Figure of A vptv sjitisfarlnrv Vnisinps; in nirr I.arf. .9rfinn in fart an unusuallv laree volume of sales has left us with sev- eral broken lines, short bolts and odd pieces of dainty allover arjflouncing laces, and tomorrow we place the entire assortment on sale at a ridic'ilfiusly low price. You have choice from a huge variety of patterns in Venise baMs and shadow flouncings with and without allovers to match. Also net-top' fies, colored silk allovers and nets, cotton point de sprit, etc. It is an unusual Importunity to se cure the most dainty and desirable laces at about one-fourth their actual value. You have choice from qualities regularly sold up to $1.25 a yafefj. Bar gain Friday, while they last, the yard . ! HM7J Extra! Special Friday! Only About Half Price For the Regular $1 Size The "White House" Cook Book 59c Tomorrow, at our No tion Counter, we place on sale a limited num ber of the latest edition of the celebrated White. House Cook Book a book of inestimable value to housekeepers. Comes in heavy oil cloth binding and in the regular $ CQ size. On sale. 0!C A Wonderful Showing and; pale of TU -rv A -r if In Popular Styles j n They Are Made of Excellent Quality Amoskeag Gingham, in Neat Checks, Both Fitted and Gathered Styles, With or Without Bibs Wide Tie Strings and Pockets Regular 25c and 35c Grades Specially Priced for Tomorrow's Sale at :?2 '- J . 3 I Ea. Buy as many as you wish, and as long as they last, but don't delay your coming, for they'll surely sell rapidly at this bargain price. They are well made, well finished garments mde of excellent quality Amoskeag ginghams in neat checked patterns. in the popular fitted or gathered styles with or without bibs, and with plain herrj for ruffled edge. All are made in good widths and lengths, finished with wide tie sfrfigsand 1 P neat pockets. Made to sell regularly at 25c and 35c; priced Barga Friday 1 OL 100 Crepe Paper Napkins Regular 10c Kind Great Sale of Women's Fall and Winter -Weiffht Elkoes tf 2 f A PAIR Styles for street and evening wear; qualities yrth $3J0to$4. DdUU Up-to-the-minute, brand-new footwear of the most defjlndable qualities; shape-retaining, perfect-fitting Shoes shown here in all sizes andiMpdths. The most fashionable styles for street and evening wear, including those jth cloth tops, patent vamp, narrow recede toes and kidney heel; as well as trimore conserva tive styles in patent, kid and dull leathers; also patent and gunriMal "Baby Doll" Boots with short, broad toe, low heel and cloth top and fine kidjjahoes with hand turned soles. All these come in button or lace styles and reprejfint the best of workmanship and materials. Qualities sold in exclusive shoes g&res ff J A A at 3.50 to $A pair, priced at . ... . .O.UU Sale of Children's Dependable School? Shoes Boys' Donbte-Soled School Shoes, m sizes 9 to 13 J4, Boys' Double-Soled School Shoes, .in sizes 1 to Sj4, at $1.75 $1.98 Boys' Oil Grain Logger Sh43, in sixes' CO AO 9 to at 4lT.v.'ii P0 $3.48 Boys' Oil Grain Logger Shf in sizes 1 to si2, at Ill v. i awrjij i u a-w