10 THE OREGON DAILY , JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENINGT OCTOBER 8. 1914, !lfi IIKLP . WANTED FEMAL.B - 2 LTI-Mniihrtfa or chorus) rirla jho can inf and dance; city work: r hour. Inquire room 650, Hotel ton, after 11 a. m. T , appearing1 solicitors; good ney, . exclusive territory to right e. Call 9 to 12. Youtbol Scien- IaDoratorlea, 601 Bro-oway mag. ERLV Udr or gl'l for, light houee- .- . nA km r I r rut v Mm. I n 0V.- 1111 'f i -wg puLE sired lady, housekeeper for an; rooming uuu.e. ws-es, - you answer tiicsMt Want Aon, jetiuon ine journal. 8lTUATION'f MALE 3 -lEAIt-OLL boy who la very anx- aia to educate himself ao that he I not belong to that army of un fed laborers, wishes to work for rd and room where he can go 5c boot and have a chance to make a 9 spending money. Main 717, A- UM1Kj Position a an all round indy man; can , do pipe work, , tiblng, firing, oil or wood; can do . ttor work; tan give references. Call SNi'ElJ Hy man with family, odd Us, gardening, putting in wood, will work very reuHonabic; must f work to support family. Alain A -16 17. NTKL liy experienced man with kmily, poHitlon as clyinder press- er; or any Kind i common iaoor, onable terms; must have wotk. trial I 2780. . .iTKL iiy single man, position as nltor or carpenter helper; willing o general Job work. i-in 717, A- rhKiKM'hl) nun of neat appt-ar-pce, 'wishes position us clerK in r siorn or .reniuurn ni. ii jive "1 references; '-l)3. with family willing to do any .Jtht work; has been sick, but must k to support family. Main 717, IT. !Ku fOMittou u.n shipping clerk assistant; a years experience in capacity in Ukcgu seed house. O Journal. . INI Ell 1'onition oti chicken ranch small farm, capable of handllDg )er: years' experience In farming. t f0, Journal. ' ilADV man wants work. Janitor, (jrnacc or watchman, garden; handy h tools. 1,-192. Journal. JUATlON .wanted as bookkeeper , s any clerical work; experienced. i2! . V, Si T O m. flATlON slanted an janitor or por f r; references exchanged. Tabor 4' ill! school boy with wheel wants ioric after school fne Eas 4372. and - Saturday. fr'NTED Hy married man-, posltoln j, Janitor; have had experience; will f a reasonable terms. A-2627. .NTEL-By trustworthy man, po j lion as Janitor or secoiui cook; rea-i- thl terms. Main 717. A-151". i N'lKU by experienced man, car it inter work: tan furnish own tools. i "jlnwn 339&. s I jt lawyer wishes position in law .' .'flee; has had some cxperiencew;K ; ; .1 oil mill. v , O men with famlll.H want work. ? -ok. r-1967. Wnodlawn 267. -t I NTKD-r-Janrtor work"; handy man i 'ound houxe. Main 717. A-1617. r uNXING, tinting, paperhanging. 3S4 I, 1th wt. Main 252. Tabor 4762. H t K Position as watchman or Main 166f,. UM I4U .. i'osition as nor tor In hotel. H. Whaefler, general lellytry. SITUATIONS FEMALE f" LL educated ! rench girl wiMhen po i tion as nure girl, or work in or laundry: can speak three lan- , ges ; very snxlous to get employ- , j M"1n 717. A-tfil7 'irilkiU By experlenc-d woman tun ooy or 4 years, position as . Htekeeper, or housework; can give : lj references. 412 Flint si. Main "I- JNG womun, tliorouKhly expert d In hotel work, would lik" place at iiber work, or would take fu-il . irge of house: city or country, Have Sd 8. Mrs. Hout'.'her, 1'erklns note!. ' V-'-i ageU lauy would like house ' jteplnn or cookins In sinall hoard ? house, country preferred; can give irencee. 434 Broailway st., W. S, ' tne A-662:. ',' fit TED -By rellalile woman, posi n as chambermaid, waitress, ler or capable of taking charge of 'frtment house. Main 717. A-151 7. jT middle uaed iajy, ooU nouse- cptr, wnnia pusiiion needing iiolihv elderly couple or elderly gentle : must be neat. Marshall 2434. HV-iC woman would like to take Ire of old ladv or children: will around house; reasonable; refer t. Marshall 5413 fcll-tbM K.m 1 young lady stenogra fcer desires position at once; two rs' experience, $10 per week'. Miss "Hollons, La Grande, Or. ;NTED -By ret Inula woman with irl 6 mos., position as housekeeper jfousework In private family; refer- n. "Main 67 71, room 3 'a . ' InTED By experienced single wo . tan, position as chambermuid. day ' 'k Or laundry work; reasonably :. fin. Main 6515. k.bEKfc.KPlN(G uesired by middle fged lady with young daughter, good tia appreciated more than wages'; . hWS leave city. R-46K, Journal. ' fLNG woman with experience would ikee pmce an waitress in restaurant. 0llaWll Z08Y. -s DY wants day work of any kind, 20c n nour. seii.wooa it89. call be t-en 7 and 8 evenings. :tL. lfi WnnlH ttl lln licrht twmaA. work; sleep home nights; west side rerreu. i'none Marshall 3t79. )MAN with boy 4 years wants posi tion as housekeeper or housework in vats family; references. Main SS75. UNO. lady wants position as. book keeper In grocery store: will assist gc'crit; experienced. Tabor 5313. lu desirous of learning cookine and kDusework in good family. C-933, irnai. 'PERIENCKD cook and waitress Wants job cooking lor crew; can give prences. t:au aiain Mz. k-WOGkAPiER wants position, temporary or permanent. Phone In S130. 4PH.H1KNCED cook and housekeep er warns position, u. very com Wnt. B-314, Journal. jjtaN WOUki like position as hoimn per or to do nursing or chamber tk. Main eziz. (MAN wants position an waitress, anitresa or In real estate office. in zz. -1 , NTED Position as salad mixer. thoroughly experienced and will . ;e references. Main.1 3539. r "KT T IT I IJ ' . S. !. .-1 . . J i. a XKA- mjj cAiJCi icuucu woman, ' lay work, washing, ironing, clean- I, ttc. East 884. - r sinu tsy experienced woman. hamber work, or lieht housework rrxhaii c&zo. jLADV with years of experience in iJiotography, desires a position in 5512. studio or store. C-937. JournaL liNHUJ American woman wants v f'" ndie washing, reasonable. Wood. tn IBZ9. UNO girl wishes ' to learn dresa oaklrrg, has aome experience. V-33, irnsi. MJATION wanted as housekeeper on j i ranch by woman with 2-year-old ld. Tabor 2492. i 1LDREN' cared for by the day, week i-r montnr wooaiawn ana i LL-. jLare for child; no other chil i ren; F.nwt 153. Mrs. Hughes. UNO woman wisnes position as ouseKoeper. Marshall 4738. j iMAN wants work, hour or day 'hone nam ; ; boine for childrn. Tabor 4728. lINcl man wants position in garage There be can learn the business; es no object; willing to work. . tta J. Davis, 11 N. llth st., I'oit- HI : i I : . i . .' '. v : ' " . 1 SITUATIONS -WAifTEDALaiLB I otr83SEnraro hooks AND FESIAL.B s 23 EAST SIDE PEIVATB PAJtaT T4 - -.1., s.-- ' , - (Con tinned) ' YOUNQ man and wife want work on( , ia " llliriJ' rIini ranch. wif first cta- noic man'9:14 Clean, nice, well furnished rood ranch man and teamster. Address E. w.. 185 l-th et. Phone 7416. WANTED By man and wife, posi tion as Janitor; experienced In plumbltir. etc. Marshall 2969. DRESSMAKING 40 FASHNABLE dewnalnenour own home. $2.50 per day. Miss Buck ley, Main 6384. DRESSMAKING by day or home, work guaranteed, prices reasonable. Main 312, DRESSMAKING, day or home. Will call for work. M. 3498. Miss Cooper. NURSES 60 TRAINED nurse wants work and go home nights. Wood lawn 1572. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE , YOUNG men may consult, without charge. register or fur nished rooms listiner several - hundred in all parts of the A.; also those in clty, at trie . M. u. thw Annotation bidg THE ALBION HOTEL, 212 'A 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free bath, phone. 310 and 312 month, newly furnished rooms, walking distance, steam heat, phone, hath. 2&8 4lh at., or phone Main 3449. ACKLY HOTEL Cor. 12th and Stark. $2.60 wk. up. Private bath, $4 up. Clean outnidtj rooms, modern brick bidg. BUCKINGHAM hotel. 20th and Wash ington; new, fireproof, brick, every modern convenience; $10 month up. 3 EI 'HNiKH Kl rooms, heat, light and bath, iio ana si. n month. aU- Jef- ferHon st. HOI EL ARTHUR, llth near Aiomson. Transient and permanent, rooms with all modern conveniences. $17.50 mo. up. 228 V. 2d. Kenilwoith hotel. Reasonable rent. Excellent treatment. Main 1182. THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely fur. rooms, moaern, central. room up. BOOMS and apartments in modern ho tel. 2J0 week and up. 455 Alder. STEAM heated rooms $1.50 week and up. ZftZ Columbia st. MODERN, 1 choice rooms, $12 up. 469 Jefferson st. Main 2009. HOTEL NORRIS 533 Alder; clean outside rooms; modern; $2 to $4 wk. rTJBlfTSHED ROOMS WTEST SIDE PEIVATE FAMILY 70 ONE or two rooms in beautiful home. hot water heated, running water in room; also shower. 6;: Everett. LOVELY front room with alcove, suit able for 2 or o ; also smaller room. 8S Salmon st. NICELY furnished single rooms, all conveniences, close in: board if de sired. 470 Columbia St. NEAT warm sleeping rooms, $1.25 per week. 208 13th su FURNISHED ROOMS KAST SIDE 52 HOTEL FA It RE L, Knott and Missis sippi ave. Clean, steam heated rooms, new furniture, new manage ment, reasonable rents. Phone Wood- lawn 1128. Mrs. Thos. Farrell. TVttBlliiLEB K002IS CAST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILY 71 NICELY furnished room, bath and ; light, $6 month. 269 Fargo st. U car. UNFURNISHKD KOOMS 10 SINGLE $3.50, 2 rdoms $6.50, 3 rooms $9. 188V Market. KOOMS AND DOAItD 15 ROOM and board;, also table board; home cooking. 300 Jefferson . BOOMS ABO liOAJEU fSlVATE FAMIIiY (Continued) 72 NICELY furnished, room with board, for 1 or 2; every modern conven ience; hot and cold water In room; use of piano, etc. Main 4504. 344 Salmon Ht. ROOM and board, steam heat, bath, phone, piano, parlor, pood home, modern, reasonable, at 554 E. Madison, Hawthorne car to 13th st. ROOM and board far 2; home privi leges, $22 per month each; modern home, close in. 127 Grand ave. N. East 5055. WANTED 1 or 2 children to board, age from 8 months to 2 years, terms reasonable. lt83l, Kant 13th st Phone Sell. 1604. Sell wood. Or. BOARD and room, $5.50 and up; young people; music. 449 3rd st. ROOMS with or without board, use of piano, free hath and phone. E. 19 1 7. FIRST class board with room or sleep ing pccjavxrinity ir'lace. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention rne journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE ONE room with kitcnenette, complete ly lurmsnea, steam neat, running lot and cold water, phone In every room; i diocks rrom otn ana Aiorrison sts.; $16.60 and up. 291 Columbia st cor ner fith st. fcjteam heat d,P Am Free Batni Clean Rooms UCIJI I lUlCiPhone. Piano Nicely furnished and housekeeping room. $1 week; 15c day up. 665 V 1st st. Cambridge bidg., furnished H.K. rooms. central, cneap. lba. 3d, cot. Morr n. OILMAN hotel, 1st and Alder. Fur- nisneo ri. K. rms. cheap, jl.&o wu. up. BLTTS2r:PXKCr BOOMS WXST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILY 73 SINGLE, en suite, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms", light, bath, heat, 2 blocksof f Washington st. 594 r.verett st wain 3306. NEAT housekeping roorns, piano, phone, bath, gas, electricity, private entrance. $15; S car to Abernathy. 1 block east 810 Kelly. . . WO coiiifortable front H. K. rooms, phone, 'light, bath. etc. $4 ner weok! walking (distance. 253 Chapman t Mnrshu rSSSS THREE i-neat housekeeping rooms, pi ano, pnone, oam gas electricity, pri vate entrance, $15; S car to Abernathy. , 1. 1 . . i . ....... r. , a r". 1 1 .. ' JS1CEL.Y furnished houseseeping rooms: ras. bath. $12.50 month. e Front. TWO or 3 housekeeping apartments. 1 sleeping room, cheap. 289 Broad way. Phone Marshall 3978. NICE, clean, front housekeeping; also sleeping rooms. tuu jerrerson st. $12 Neat housekeeping rooms; also Dasemeni suite, zob i3tn st. TWO large modern housekeeping rooms. $18 per month. 392 Columbia. HOUSEKEEPlXCi KOOAlb EAST SIDE 48 NICE, furnished 2 and 4 room house- Keeping suites at Z44i Killings worth ave.; low rent Phone ' Wood lawn 680. C-1387. $1.60 TO $2.76 weeK, furnished H. K. rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, baths. Phone East 6039. 406 Vancouver ave. 3 NICELY furnished housekoAninf rooms, bath. eas. electric lio-htu close in. Phone East 479P. TWO nicely furnished, steamheated housekeeping rooms, $17; 272 Wil liams ave. LARGE basement housekeeping .rooms. 167 E. 8th st WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The JournaL EotrsEEEErara books r AST SrPE PRIVATE T imt 74 2 ROOM front corner suite complete for housekeeping $3.60 week; free light bath and phone. 193 Grand ave., cor. Taylor. ... LOWNSDALE st, 1-ond 2 rooms ""ucicciiuig, i..bu w a - T rt.'' WiTI housekeeping rooms, electric light. gas range, laundry, free phone, water, light and beat, close In., 313 Tilla mook at. NEWLY furnished, large, clean rooms. - rooms complete from dishes to gas range, bath, phone, heat and light, $10. 71 East llth st. No., near Bnrnside. FURNISHED housekeeping suite, fur nace heat, light, phone, ot and cold water, linen. 169 E. 14th. HOUSEKEEPING suites, 1 2-room, 1 4-room. Phone after 8:30 or Sun days. Wood lawn 622. WELL furnished rooms, one with kitchenette. Walking distance. 487 E. Ankeny st. 3 CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, 'rent $15. 95 E. 30th, corner Washington. East 6505. LIGHT, clean . housekeping rooms and suites, cheap. Buckeye rooms. 362 ft E. Morrison. WHEN yot- answer these Want Ads, mention 'ihe -TournaL FOR RENT HOUSES 12 MEIER & "FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex. tjompiete ana rename list or an cant houses, flats, anartments and bungalows In the city; make use of mis service wnen you aesire, mis uuc . not ODiigaie you in any manner 10 uiii store. You will find us willing and ready at all times to help you In locat ing. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men 'and owners of private prop erty are invited to list their unoccu pied apartments, flats and houses at Meier & Frank's free rental bureau. BUNGALOW, $10. 4 room bungalow, 100x100 grounds, gas and wood ranges already connect ed; thicken parks and good coops. Fine place for garden, etc. Very cheap at 10 per mo. R. K. Feemster, 309 Ab inscton bldn. " . NEWLY tinted, clean, 4 room cottage. Gas range, partly furnished or un furnished. Close in. 1 blk. of cars. Cheap rent. 400 Fremont st. Alberta, or Wood lawn cars. 5 ROOM moaern cottage, t09 Front st, 4 room cottage, west side; walking distance, $S and $8. Cor. Hood and Caruthers. Phone Main 779 weekdays 8 to 5:30. , 8 ROOM bouse, arranged for 3 separ ate housekeeping suites, 718 E. Mor rison. $20. F. W. Torgler, 106 Sherlock bidg. 10 ROOM house in heart of Sunnyside, suitable for two families, giving pri vacy to each; rent $12.50 to each party. Call for particulars at oiz riau mug. FOR RENT Large modern 14 room residence suitable for rooming or boarding house; west side, low rent. M. E. l.ee, uorpeit. dip FIVE and 6 room houses, -west side, very low rent. M. E. Lee, 522 Cor bett bidg. . toiA room house ton Knott St.. near Williams ave., large yard. Rent $13 per month. Call at 512 Piatt bidg. MODERN 8 room house, fireplace, fur nace, gas, electric. E. Burnside, near 22d. $25. Tabor 1993. u mum h.msiA at hoi iTommercial st; a bareain at $18 per month. Call at 512 Piatt bidg. $10 5 room cottage; gas, bath, etc.. walking distance. 32&te JacKson st. Inquire Marshall 6740. 5 ROOM house, beautiful yard, on Thurman st. Also 4 room house $8 a month. Call Woodlawn 730. MODERN 5 room house, furnace, etc East side. Phone Wdln. 197. FOR RENT 5 room cottage, fur nished. Tabor 2099. NEW 6 room house; furnace, fireplace, $17.50. 864 E. FranKiin. FOR RENT 1 room cottage, east siae, close in. Phone Main 1755. $12 50 6 room house, 1 block from Sunnyside school. Tabor 3586, 8-ROOM house, 1080 E. Harrison St., $12. inquire I04 nawinume avg. 5 ROOM cottage, close in. modern con veniences. East 798. 1 ROOM, house, $15, all modern. Main 8982. FURNITURE FOR SAW HOUSES FOR RENT 32 FURNITURE 8 rooms, near library, all occupied, leaving the city; a bargain; investigate today. 188 10th. Main 8898. ; ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished in the Household Goods classi fication when house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 3 MODERN, well furnished 6 room house, west of Peninsula park; piano, gas, electricity; very reasonable. Mar- shall 5321 or Woodlawn 1597. $20 5 room modern furnished house, piano near school, or will share. Tabor 3484. SEVEN room house, furnished, $18 per month. R-467, Journal. $204 ROOM house, clean, piano, steel and gas range. "Woodlawn 3161. 7 ROOMS, hot water heat, garage, pi ano, beautiful furniture. Tab. 1970. NICELY furnished 6 Call 414 College st. room cottage. WHEN you answer these Want AOs, mention The Journal. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THE DEZENDORF , 208 16T11 ST., NEAR TAYLOR. Elegant 5 room furnished and unfur nished apts., also 3 room fur, apt. GRACE apt-, 24th and Northrup sts. 3- large rooms, bath, heat, phone, new and strictly modern, unfurnished. Call Marshall 1075. DRICKSTON, 448 11th, choice low priced modern 2 and 3 room apart ments, all pleasant outside rooms. Marshall 57. MEREDITH Mouern, newlj renovated 3 and 4 room apts., $13 up; ga.id Janitor service; walking distance, ref erences. 712 Wash., opp. 2 2d. M. 7134. EVELYN APARTMENTS, 3 rooms. furnished and unfurnished, outside apartments, $20 to $25. 267 21st st N. Marshall 1323. THE ALCO. E. Couch and Union ave.; walking distance, summer rates, new, modern. 2 room apts., $18 to $24 per month. 3 LARGE ROOMS, $22.50. Save $15 monthly, completely fur nished, bed and table linen, phone. bath. B-1079. NOKOM1S APARTMENTS. Modern 2 room furnished apts bath, phone, walking distance, , $16 month up. 17th and Marshall. Marshall 4943. MODERN 2 room apartment; built-in dresser, disappearing bed, gas range. $15 per month, including- heat, light, gas, water, telephone. 861 E. Wash. CAMAS, 704 Lovejoy 2 and 3 room furnished and unfurnished apart ments. $16 to $25. Marshall 2915. DAVENPORT APARTMENTS. 505 Jefferson st 1 3 room, $29 2 room, $24? modern brick bidg. FOUR room steam heated apartments furnished and .unfurnished. $20 un. Main 792. . JULIAETTE APTS, 2d and Montgom ery, modern 2 room apts., furnished or unfurnished, reasonable. THE LAURETTE One furnished 3 room apartment, private bath; phone. 229 llth st. 1LLLHEE Apartments, 487 Taylor, near 14th, furnished apartments $16 to $22. Phone Marshall 6598. THE ALBEMARLE 2. S room fur. apts. Steam heat, phone, bath, $20 to $28. 3 S3 Williams ave. jsast i3. NEW steam heated apartments in South Piedmont, unfurnished or fur. nished. $14-323. Phone Woodlawn 2622 THE PAGE Two lovely apts., with prices to suit tenant East 3o66. THE ORMONDE, light front 6 rooms. 656 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251 j DO WNTOWN aoartments. newly ren- i ova ted,, $20 ana up. ovb jnornwa. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED -:A APARTMENTS 43 j -" " ' -' C Con tinned) :' BRAND NEW COR. 1TH AKULOVEJOY. Just completed, 6 - story fireproof brick bid g.. 57 2. t and 4 room outside unfurnished apts., large, light and airy, with all modern up-to-date conven iences, automatic elevator, marble bathrooms, private balconies. Refer ences required. PRICES MODERATE. BUEiMA VliTA APTS. 12th and Harrison. Under new management, five story fireproof brick building, all outside apartments, 2 and 3 rooms, furnished and unfurnished, modern, up to date. Both phones; automatic elevator; beautiful view; walking distance. References. Prices moderate. VILLA 8T, CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely burnished apts. Walking distance. References. THE CODY 431 E. Taylor sc. modern brick building; ail outside rooms, steam heat, phone, light, furnished; rents very reasonable; thoroughly clean and under the personal manage- meni or Mrst Cody SHEFFIELD apartments. 272 Broad way S.. cor. Jefferson, easv walking distance; 3 or 4 rooms, with' private hatha Vfirv KfiTia Vila rant hut onrv ice, splendid arrangements, all outside rooms, aii ect pnones. REX ARJdfit APARTMENTS, 13TH AND E. MORRISON STS. Modern 2 and 3 room furnished and unfurnished apts., $20 to $22.50 month; new fireproof bidg with balconies. WASHINGTON GRAND tBricJC) 2 room furnished apts., $15 per mo. up, just rebuilt, modern, hot, cold water each apt.; heat, llgl t, bath furnished. Grand ave. and E. Wash. East 4449. CHAPMAN apt., brick bidg., modern, cor., front apartment, furnished, $25: unfurnished, $18 to $22. Baths, dressing room in white, walking distance, 6 blocks from 14th St.; Mill. cor. Chap man. Marshall 5469. THE IRIS Apartments. 3d and Mill sts., will 4ie completed ' October 1; rents from $17 up; 2, 3, 4 room, all modern improvements: lareest heatinjr plant in city; furnished or unfurnished. No charge for cooking gas. 2 ROOM furnished apt private bath, phone, dressing room, large outside kitchen; modern brick bidg., 12 blocks from postoffice; $20 to $28. Call Mar shall 4637. THE MARLBOROUGH. ' 21st and Flanders, offers yon a modern 5 or 6 room home In Nob Hill district with high class service, at moderate prices. Main 7516, A-2676. MORTON apts., cor. wanning ton and King sts.; 3 and 4 room furnished and unfurnished apts. Best and cheap est place in city, walking distance. Mnin 10S2, A-1108. VEiLESLEY COURT APTS., East 15th and Belmont, half block south of Morrison st. Eurnished and unfur nished 2 and 3 room apts., rents rea sonable. New 4 story brick building. THE ORLANDO Cor. 20th and Wash ington sts., very desirable, elegantly furnished 3 room corner apartments, $42.50 and $40; every modern conven ience; references. Marshall 184. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS 3d and Montgomery. New brick, all outside furnished 2 room apartments, private bath, phone, automatic eleva tor. close in. $20 up. Main 9466. WALDORF COURT, 1RVINGTON. East 9th and Schuyler. Five rooms unfurnished with large sleeping porch; strictly modern. c 668. East 647. THE WASHINGTON, 689 Northrup, 6 room fur. or unfur. apts., with bath and all modern conveniences; phone, steam heat, gas, electric lights, etc.; "W' car to 21st & Northrup. M. 4376. THREE, nicely furnished outside rooms,' bed, table linen, bath and phone, reasonable. B-1079 or 1293.4 Belmont st. NEW YORK APTS. E. 7th and Bel mont, furnished rooms, modern brick bidg., all outside apts., steam heat, lights; personal management of owner. FOR RE3TT FLATS 13 JUST FINISHED; MODERN 5 ROOM FLAT. $15. Built-in buffet, bookcases, Dutch Kitchen, close in. 728 Missouri ave. near Fremont Take Mississippi car. 3 ROOM modern flat, in one of best districts in Sunnyside; fireplace, gas range, hot water heater, builtin Dutch kitchen, $18. Phone Tabor 1811. FIVE room flat, fireplace, balconies, partly furnished. 548 E. Taylor. $20 per montn. FLAT for rent, newly painted and kal somined, 43114 Larrabee. Main 7005, .ast t3i4. $10 4 ROOM flat, 301 E. llth st; no children. East 963. 3 MODERN four-room flats; rent $19 ana $21. Cor. 12th and College. NICE 2 room flat very cheap. 706 Van couver ave. wooaiawn i&3. BEAUTIFUL 3 and 4 room flats; view. ' $12. water, garbage. 568 Market. SWELL 5 room modern lower flat. nice yard. 789 E. Yamhill. East 6948. WHEN you aiiswer these Want Ads, mention ine journal. FURNISHED FLATS 50 ONE 4 room flat modern, nicely fur nished, 2 blocks from Union ave., between Beech and Failing. 800 E. 6th st N. UP-TO-DATE, walking distance, 4 and 5 room flats. Free phone. E. 3737. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The JournaL STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent trackage, light and airy. On paved street reasonable. Journal Publishing Co., Broadway and Yamhill FOR RENT HALLS 59 LODGE hall with good dancing floor, steam heated. Ill Second st. Phone Main 183. HOTELS 54 THE BAR VIEW hotel, on Tillamook Beach, under new management, is open all the year. 211 Failing bidg Phone A- or M. 2029..W. A. Wise, prop. WANTED TO RENT WANT to rent for terra of years 60x76 room for bookbindine and nrintine- business, bet Tarohill and Oak. Call 414 coroett bidg. BUSINESS is good, 50x110. only $250. zus ADingxon mag. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 of horses and wagons, Thursday, Oct 8. Horses and wagons sold on com mission. Columbia stables. 302 Front UCTION SALE of horses, wagons, etc.. every TUESDAY at 10:30: everv transaction in these sales is and must be ABSOLUTELY ON THE SQUARE. consignments or siock, etc., solicited. Old Star Stables. 308 Front st Main 9103. ONE span grey horses, 6 and 6 years old, and harness for sale; several other matched teams from 1200 to 1400 lbs., young and sound; well broke. 292 Union ave., cor. Clay.- HORSES Broke and unbroke, all sizes, guaran teed as renresented. cash or terms. Frazler McLean, oldest horse firm in city, zoo 6th st. cor. Taylor. WAGON and team, 2500 to 2800 horses for light farm work, for their keep for the winter; will consider a buy if price and terms are right Inquire lieo. uonaiason, vo Mississippi ave. AT your own price: serviceable team. weight about -2000 lba, trial allowed. No trades. iuz Jg. Yamhill st FOR SALE Cheap; 2 large horses. harness and light wagon. Phone Main 2266. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. - Call day or niKht. Tabor 4203. WHEN you answer inese Wait Ads,' mention The JournaL HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 t (Contumea Just Received a carload of eastern Oregon horses and mares ranging from 1100 lbs. to 1700 lbs. Everything sold with a guarantee as represented. G. O. Williamson. 248 Front. GOOD horse for sale. 1413 Vulcan at. LIVESTOCK 35 FOB SALE Our entire herd of;, cattle, 9 registered Holsteins, bred . In the purple. King Segis, Pontiac, Henger veld. and De Kol families. 14 regis tered A. J. C. C Jerseys, bred in Chief Engineer, Stoke Pogis, and other lead ing 'families. Also a few registered bulls, Holsteins and Jerseys. 12 high frade cows, Holsteins and Jerseys, hese cows are all young, heavy pro ducers, good individuals, and either just fresh or will freshen soon. See or phone Peterson Bros., Forest Grove. Oregon. 5 FRESH cows, with calves by side, heavy rich milkers; come and milk them yourself and be convinced; 1 Jer sey; cow giving 2 gallons a day, com ing fresh In January, very reasonable. 2061 E. Washington st. ML Tabor car to 82nd. 2 blocks north. 20 HEAD of extra good milch cows, Jersey, Holstein and Guernsey, 12 to to , quarts per day. Take Woodstock car to 59th ave., walk 4 blocks west. 4 FRESH cows, 4i and 6 gallons day, young and gentle, at bargain. 619 E. John st., St. Johns. COME and see us about all breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co.. 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. FRESH family cow; 6121 41st ave, Mt Scott car 62d. TWO fresh cows for sale, one Jersey ana one JJurham; 1594 Division st. HAVE beef cow to trade for fresh cow. inquire Main 84 7. POULTRY 37 S. C. Buff Leghorn hens. 75c: S. C Buff Oroinsrton hens, tl: cockerels either kind. $1.50. Georee WestfalL Ainity, Or., route 1. GOLDEN Silver Chinese pheasants: Mallard ducks. Japanese silkies: Or egon Bird &. Pheasant Farm, Beaver- ton, kjt., , io. l. CHOICE White Leghorn cockerels, big kind, price reasonable. 1357 Burrage. Woodlawn 937. FOR SA1J Laying hens and DuDeta, an breeds. Foot Yamhill st Main 3534. FOR SALE All kinds pullets. 26 E. l&in st, near Pine st SIX Plymouth Rock hens, full blood. $o. seuwooa 1472. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, men uon ins journal. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 FOR SALE Pedigreed English bull- aog; no reasonable offer refused if sold before the 15th: lea vine: city. Call Main 2866. HOROUGHBRED English bulldog. Owner will sell chean or trade for pigeons. 2930 52d st Phone Tabor 630. WANTED A bird dog puppy, cheap. fnone Taoor 3977. 40 Royal ave.. Mt Tabor. WHUiN you answer these Wane A.m mention The Journal. AUIOMOHLLES-ACCESSORIKS 44 Buy a Car NEW OR USED. Electric lighted and self starting. Learn to drive free. Go to San Francisco 1915. We guarantee them all. You can't buy a repair bill from the Howard AUtO to. This list excells them all. W will demonstrate any one of the following cars uuon reauest: f $250 up, terms to suit. maxwell roadster. Warren roadster. American roadster. Moline 5-passenger. Buick 5-passengr. Regal 5-passenger. Pierce-Arrow 7-Dassenr We sell the best cars for the money. iiu ur lit w. Call and see. Howard Auto Co. Buick Distributors. , 14th and Davis Sts. Used Auto Snaps LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 1914 CHE VIOLET roadster, 2 pas senger. 25 h. d.j electric starter and lights, snap, only $677.00 i4 ri AiyLjt,is., 7 passenger, 6 cyl inder, Just overhauled and re- painted, for quick sale. .. $1350.00 is" oi uuulb AKe.it, & passenger, 30 ,, h p-, only $576.00 1911 COLE, 2 passenger, 30 h. p., fore-door, just overhauled. $475.00 ii .i-U-iiHtR, 6. passenger. 6 cylin der, nearly new, liberal dis count Several other good buya Investi gate Deiore purchasing. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH. NEW MOTOR TRUCKS. Any capacity, from 750 to 5 tons. You cau pay for it on monthlv install. ments; will sell without any payment down, providing you can give substan tial security; let the truck earn its payments and earn you good money DCMues. 1-J14, journal. STUDEBAKER 30,"' delivery car, in penect mechanical condition. New oversized tires and complete equip ment A great bargain at $300. See Mr. jvinier, tiregon Motor Co., Stude baker bldg Chapman and Alder sts. Main 940:2. OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tir Shon." 5o0 Wasfhington st. at 18th Marshall 379. We get your tires ready for TIRES mii wurr si.ki. MICHIGAN touring car. 40 II. P self starter, electric lights and n. rator. fore doors. 6 nasseneer. 2 ntm tires; overhauled 3 weeks ago; $700 cash; terms, or will consider vacant lot, o morgan Bidg. 1-TON TRUCK, COMPLETE WITH BED. TOP AND CURTAINS -NTRW. LY PAINTED AND OVERHAULED, $750. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS, 209 FRONT. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS Large Stock. Prices. $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker Bidg. Corner Chapman and Alder W ritten guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 15th st UN TED Painting Auto Top Co. U M I I Lu isinglass put In; prices reasonale; factory finished. 15th and Wash; Mar. 945. Lowit & Mossman. 1S10 7 PASSENGER Chalmers, 40 h p., foredoors, speedometer, presto tank, new side curtains, horn. te 1450- linn down, $25 e, month. 309 Stark. . FOR trade for an automobile In good - running order, harness and saddler tools worth $350. Send description of auto. AX-660. Journal. TWO-TON TRUCK. Two-ton truck in good mechanical condition, new tires, stake body and top. $650; easy terms. W-233. Journal. WE want to trade 5 pass, auto for light delivery or truck. Hawthorne Sheet Metal Works. 1363 Hawthorne ave. MY 1913 Cadillac, in perfect mechan ical condition, extra equipment, $1300. Marshall 2140, Main 5136. ONE 1500 lb. truck for sale, cheap, guaranteed In first class condition. Owner.' phone mornings. East 4247. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock in Portland, $3 to $15. Fine repair ing Tire Supply Co 207 Madison. AUTO SPRINGS". Frank Lange. 228 Salmon. -Main 181. -WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 FOR BENT Player piano, cheap. .Main 472. room 326; call from 2 D. m. to 5 r. m glT ., P' ., r WILL sell cheap. Edison phonograph and records. Ad. 127 W. WyganC TYPEWRITERS GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C. Smith, Oliver, Smith Premier, Royal, etc., $15 and op; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co.. 3d and Alder sts. WE save you from SO to 76 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our tilustmted folder; retail de partment.' WHOLESALE TYPEWRIT ER CO.. 321 Washington St.. YOU can rent visible typewriters 3 months for $4; convenient at home, delivered and all rent applied on pur chase. Main 6273. or A-4441. 244 S tark. TYPEWRITERS tor rni. 3 nontli for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter company. 8 Broadway. NEW. rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. WHEN you answer these Want Aaa, mention The Journal. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for Sale .65 FURNITURE Before . buying second hand goods, see what you can o here on new goods, for cash. Get post ed. William Oadsbv. 1st and Wash. WE buy. sell and exchange new and second hand furniture of all kinda Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction & Com. Co.. 191 Second st. TWO largs rugs $20, fireless cooker i, ana t pieces of antique furni ture at 1-3 their value. Call Tabor 4912 after 6 p. m TWENTY yards linoleum, gas range, wood and coal range, mattress, all good as new; a bargain; Tabor 570. LAUNCHES AND BOATS C4 FURNISHED houseboat for sale. cheap. Phone Sellwood 373. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 SODA FOUNTAIN FOR SALE. Strictly modern fountain, with Ger man silver, mahogany and Alaska mar ble finish. 30 feet long; can easily be converted into 2 fountains. See it to day at the Holtz store, 5tn and Wash ington. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers"' and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. HERRING-HALL-MARVIN safe, Bur- iuuiis Auuing xuacnine, filing cabi nets. Remington typewriter, office chairs and tables. 1129 Northwestern Bank bidg. FOR SALE Metal hood for restaur ant; kitchen range, also exhaust fan and motor. The Holtz store, 6th and m asmngion. WHY pay. $25 for your suit or over coat whpn von ran rrtt tv &nm. for $15? Money Back shop, 34 2 Wash., isa-ii mutt. peii uniii p. m. SHELVING LUMBER. More than So.oon feet of uium lumber, suitable for inside work. The l-ioitz store, 5th and Washington. , 14 lynullQ) F. o. b. cars Oregon Cilv. Partl.vi. lars box 131. Oregon City. Or1. SAt!.& All sizes at cost; safes re- paired. Mosler Safe Co.. 40 it North. western Bank bidg. Main 7676. BUY your plumbing supplies, pipe and fittings at wholesale. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d st. M. 797. TABLES, counters. shelving, office The Holtz store. furniture for sale. 5th and Washington. $55 buya pair diamond earrings, beau- uiui .stones, jzv bumDer n;x. bidg.. 2d and Stark sts. $35 buys fine diamond ring; big bar gain. 320 Lumber Ex. bidg., 2d and Stark sts FOR SALE 2 hydraulic barber chairs. leauier, rounu Dase, cneap. l.ee Kemp, Tabor 4 831. BAJ3Y buggy for sale, 'Sturgis,' $15. ir-none wooaiawn zkuy. FOR SALE Painters 32 ft. extension ladder, call Woodlawn 3477. $35 buys up to date diamond brooch. 3Z0 Liumher ex. bidg., 2d and Stark. SAFES New and second hand, bar- gains. 101 1st st. Main 3565. DIAMOND paint, $1.65 gal. Port Door & Window Co.. 230 Front. Mar. 100. GEVURTZ furniture store, 208 1st Lowest cash pries In the city. 4x5 AUTO Graflex, Goertz, Dagor lens. ZV5COSt $145. 6 IN. 3d St $12.60 DROPHEAD sewing machine with attachments.. 162 Grand ave. SEWING machines- soid. rented, re- paired. 382 Morrison. A-5110. Mar.721 FOUR ton ice making and refrigerat ing machine. Washington." 4 44 Wash. DIAMOND worth $76 for $50; -Tel. Kast 4731. WHEN you answer these Want aiu, mention The Journal. Professional and Business ACCORDION PLEATING K. 8TEPHAN Ueniotltcbing, accurdlon. Md and aon burst pleating; buttons covered; gooda aponfred. Sealloplne;. S3 Alder. M-P373. ASSAYEK3 WB bay old sold, ailrer, platinum, or ore samples. Pickering & Co., Assayera, 610 KorthwCTt bidg.. eth and Washington ats. ATTOBJTETS RELIABLK lawyer, divorces, collection, bank raptcr; free advise, reasonable fees, easy terms. 612 Swetland bidg.. Marshall 57B6. BUUTK BOOS MAKERS DAVIS A llOLMAN, Inc., lOU iA t. Blank book manufacturers: xenta for Jones' las- Erovea Loose Leaf Leaders. See tne ureka Leaf. A-31S3. Main 183. BTSnTESS COLLEGES LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEUK, 6th floor. Til- ford bidg., Portland. Or. Phone Main oota. CARPET CLEANING. JUVCS BROS. Electric Cleaning works, car pets cleaned and laid, refitting our ape- ciaitT. t.ast 44Q. B-Jma. 4 ic. itn sr. n CAlU'tris cleaned, retiitins and lain. Packer. Tabor 106. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST BGO CO. rug from old car pets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 1S8 It. bta. Work called for. East 3SS0. B-12K0. PENINSULA Hug Works 11a g rug and car pet weaving. 1518 Pat too aye. Wldn. 2S. CHIROPRACTO R8 DR. McMAHON, 121 4th. 376 Williams are., 18 adjustments $10. Patients get well. COAL AND WOOD. NEER & FAHii for A-l dry 4 foot fir and oak cordwood Also sawed to order. Prompt de- r( A I Urery. Main 4590. A-4547. V-lVJAL. PACIFIC oLADWOOl) CO Main V7W, A-7306. Green short wood, blocks, big Inside, small Inside, dry slabwood. short planer trimmings. Edlefsen Fuel Co. PU rrnn I J- KVKBTS, MAIN 8767. OnalCOcUrooT of curry btreet DRY sUb and box wood, cordwood and (Standard Wood Co.. East 2315. B-lttf.V and coaL COIXZCTIONS I BUY aeeoonts, bills, notes and Judgments of erery name and nature anywhere. For qnick results answer journal. OPEN accounts, notes, judgments collected. Adopt short methods for quick results. Short AoJutnient Co.. 826 N . W. Bank. M. 91 CONTRACTING AND RUTLPINQ HO RACK D. JONES, JR. I BDTLD ANYTHING FROM 8CREKM DOORS TO A HOTEL. TABOB 1704. WB lower all bids, city or country, i. p. Harner. Msrthall 2747. p, W. BENNETT, carpenter and general r pelrer. Prices reasonable.- Wood Is wa 7.W EDUCATIONAL DANCING PROF. WAX, WILSON'S Walts, hesitation. one-step, two step, scbottlache; leaaooa 25e moruing. afternoon, ere.; guarantee t teach anybody who walks bow to dance. 8&H Cth st bet. Stark snd Oak. 4 private lessons S2; ' , . ? SBAJ?,8"c?col; t"e'i soelal and all lbs la teat daaees tangbt: waits and two-step gearantecd in 4 prlrata lessons; class Mob. and ri- ere., 7 to O; as- scmhiy after. 231V4 Morrlaoe, cor. 24, Mar. 8ia. FOB 8 ALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 fOOBtianed HESSIAN Grocery, staple and fancy - groceriea -hardware, tinware, school supplies. Orders taken and promptly fiAiiverAA 1a all , - i t l v. .. A. ronise public markets when you can uuy iur tess irom tne retailer? Bar gains in land and city property. If not right we make it right W. A. Hes sian. TrOD 1193 Himlhnr.. o o T. bor 981 or B-2S49. GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Marine & stationary. Ma r 1 n e Hardwires Write for catalogue. GAS POWER SUPPLY COW 168-172 Front at, Portland. Oregon. Electric Motors ' Electric motors bought C sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Wks, 10 and Burnside. Main 6674. FOR SALE 10-horse Erie City fire box boiler and 32-horse McErven automatic engine, all in good work ing order, suitable for small sawmill or any other power. If in need, caM and see us. Molalla Creamery, Molal la, Oregon. H)R SALE N'g vm second hand carom and pocket .-lllurd tables and bowling alleys and w. cessories. bar fixtures of all kinds, easy payments. The BrunswicK-Balke-Collender Co.. 46 48 6th st. Main 769, A-1769. ELECTRIC COFFEE MILL. Coffee roaster and grocery scales for sale. The Holtz store, 6th and Wash ington. SWAI- COLUMN BOARDING house in good location to exchange for light auto truck and some cash. Call Mar. 2503 or A-7051. COAL range, gas range, dining table. rug, typewriter, other articles, foi cow, pigs, or chickens. Tel. E. 4731. GOOD sewing machine, full drop head. Will exchange for 9x12 Axmlnster rug. 191 4th nt. LADVS solid gold watch chain, tur quoise ring, 11 diamond chips. What have you? C-XU2, Journal. TO TRADE Lady's watch for a viola. Gold filled cace, 15 jewel movement T-182. Journal. MILLINERY Trimmed or untrlmmed, $1 to $100, for diamonds, or anything I can use. Main 8047. AWNING. 20 ft, for potatoes or any thlng can use. Main 8047. WANTED--MlftCKLLANEOl S 3 WANTED The people of Portland to know that I pay highest cash prise for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too email to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st Eat 67C7. LEVIN .HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front St.. buys 2d hand fut nlture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Main 9072. Our huver calls promptly. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy $lu00 worth of sec ond nana iurniture ana pay all th cash it is worth. Williams Ave. Fur- niture Exchange.. East 636. THE GLOBE SToKE WANTED. SECOND HAND CLOTHING And everything Highest prices paid. Main 2080. 2x5 1st. ntar Jefferson. WANTED Dry fir eordwopd up to 1000 cords. Address Oregon Inde pendent Fuel Co.. E. Water and Sal inon sts., Portland, Or. CALL up E. 652U, M. R. Sealer, to sell your furniture. Prompt attention, hlehest cash prices. 868-374 Hawthorne BE WISE Get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8951. ON the square, Secord pays most for second hand goods. East 6717. HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shot rutii. cameras. Hoc'nfeld, 44 N. 34. WHEN you answer these Want Aas, mention The Journal. LOST AND FOUND 21 THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., and owners there of may claim same at the 1st and Al der street station. Mar. 5100, A-6131: Oct 6 1 overcoat 9 umbrellas. 2 small packages, 1 milk bottle, 1 ring, 1 . pkg. laundry, 1 grip, 3 packages, 1 satched, 1 suit box, 1 broom, 2 books, 1 roll butter, 1 purse, 1 pr. spectacles, 1 small sifitcase, 1 grip. 1 pr. rubbers, 1 pocket knife, 1 locket, 1 grate, 1 hand saw, 1 coin, 2 school books, 1 lunchbox. THE party taking lady's brown travel ing bag from The Dalles City steam ship on Oct 2 through mistake, please return to The Dalles City ticket office and get their own. WILL party who took scales from Estacada car Monday evening please return to Journal office. No ques tions asked. DANCING WHIT1NG-1R ELAND Dancing Academy. Un lie, One-Step. Hesitation. Lesson dally. 2ul Allsky bide. 3d and Murrlaon. Ma Id 801 8. mrglC 8CHOOL8 AND TEACHERS lb. 1 HlfcLHOll.N, vlj.lu leliei. pupil rierrlk, 207 Kllednpr lildg. A-41i Mahall lfiH). T. E. LAW SUN, piano studio. iZZh UorrUou. Main Bl.". lnn. . 60r. POPULAR MUSIC RAGTIME on piano guarauteed ttetclnnera in 10 lessom. Picture playiui;. Kree demon stration. Fre Booklet. Wl Kllers bids;. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS. ltlOTOliS, generators bougtit, -id, rvnted and repaired. We do all kiuds of repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. II. Electric Oo.. 81 N. lt st. Phon. Main 2ia WK buy, sell, rent and exchange new and aecoud band motor, repair work a specialty. Western Electric Work. 213 flth at. Mar. WI. EXPRESS AND TRANSFER MAIN W15.i, f. Bunk-asa, express and bag gage transfer, east and west side. Stand 1st snd Jefferson sts. EYE. EAR.NOSE. THROAT. LUNOB. Speiriallsi. Moderate prices. Olaiwes fitted. Dr. K. r. Caswla y, 517 Dfkiiro bidg.. 3d Wash. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. PHOENIX Iron Works, Last 3d and Haw thorne. General machine and (oaudry work. KODAK SUPPLIES. K D D A k S aDd all supplies. DeTvloplng, IUUnr0 printing i.ud enlsraing. PIKK MARKMAM CO.. Wasblngtoa. MESSENGERS. alOIOUCiCLlIS and ftlcycles. Pboue Mais M. A-215H. HASTY MKKKKNOEK CO. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. UK. PHILLIPS Paralyis. nerrons and ettrosv. 1c dlsesses. .VH-fi Oregonlnu bide. M. 8142. OSTRICH PLUMES. Uartneas Plums fcbop, cur. Park and Y a ta li 1U. Main Oatrtott. paradise, fancy feathers, remodeled, cleaned, dyed to anatck samples. Work gnsrsnteed. PATENTS JOHN F. KUBB, patent lawyer, of Washing ton. D. C 1 st the imperial, where clients and inventors may consclt him by srraaglng an appointment. PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, TINTING ROOF painting and repairing by an expert. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phones East 2022. Res., Tabor 4787. ButeUffe A Blled, best work in painting, pa pering. M. 1872. A-2225. 129 llth St. Manufacturers Jobbers lilVholesalers BREWERS ft BOTTLERS BKNKT WEINHARD. ISth and Burnside. DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS VEHICLES R. tl. WADE A CO.. aZI Hawthorn are. WboWi le Agrk-nltnrsl Implements. GRAIN MERCHANTS M. H. HOL'ftR. Board of Trade bidg LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHA&. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front. Leather f every description; finding. KEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR wOlAJUlSla Nsvkwear Mfg. Co., a bta sL IXMST AND; !TOUND '21 Continued LOST Fraternity pnj with name, O Magladry, engrave! ipn back. . Kb ward. Please phone SStsa 4947. LOST Sunday evening a lady's goid watch. Finder pleane'teturn to or. gon Journal office fjypreward. . - y WHEN you answer ;:Lh, Want Aua mention The JournaL: 1 MEN and women, thQjuf tering from ed and cured by thsS latest natural healing methods, utcfuding radium, electricity, heat lights I'batha. manipu lation, adjustments 'tffnld massage; nv operations, so medicl.Ti9, free consulta tion. Dr. P. E. Lewis, successor to KOtnthlld Mdg. , LADIES --4 Ask for Antlso , Mixture 3oT8. "Better than V pills for female Ills. A qulcs. If safe end siret regulator, easy to use, wurfca like magic, without hau. pain or inter ference wltUwork. Price $ Double strnkth, $6.00. For sale by Hftlfond Drug Co.. 222 MorrlBon. near Ffrffe TO A ! arjGHT on high pfises. Why pay $J to jf for a pair of m eijiBjfps. wnen i can fit your eyes with fifti! quality lenses in a gold i:lled fiairtie ui low as $1.50 C. W. Goodman. 1 ACorrlson st, near bridge. Katisract'ortl uaiunteed. MKfc. STEVENS Zt$ t,ars Portland's renowned palmist:? jjid clairvoyant; author of Palmisifar .Made Easy"; Is located 291 Vi Morrtiqn; st. Aeslted by Mrs. Dr. liumei :lri tual adviser end divine healer. ti i ail jfea EXPEit'I. work In dyeing, remodeling and restor ing piuinies. Moderate iiargew irid prompt serv ice. TIBE PLUME. 258 Morgang jjldg. Main 40Q9 ME. DRU-IFl S 9. vyno was for years Portland's most girted clairvoyant I demonstraUng and teaching mind '(Sillng and mental suggestion. 405 Gi4lnough building. opposite postoffice.;'jj ,); ; ABOUT HAfitji 'GOODa Don't trust peddi wltn combines; Jet us make them tim V5c un. Wigs, toupes a specialty. H rt. estrd. Febvet A Hanebnt. 147 BrdajljAay. nr. Morris' n. niVHRPFQ I,re' ;j.c4nsultation stty. Ul VUnUtlO with;iuch experience. Office hours 8 a. inli.tb'10 p. m. Phone for appointment. Mplhall 4368. SPIRITUAL medUitaj! Rev. Virginia Rowe. Readinic.iiihjlaling daily; cir cles Tuesday and igljjday evenings, t oclock. 23i 6th mi's ;; phone A-7116. MASSAGE Ladled Jjid gents treated" at the Auditor) vitB-..-3rd and Salmon. Phone Main 8527. 4ikfitp71. GenUeman DK. MA RGl-ERITfifRAWFOR"D. Chl ropodist. will bejiSrjMaaed to see her old patrons at nevi cation. 204 Mac- ""'g., - wagrjihgton nt. un.m,A i c cnirftiiliat manicurlet scieniiric massenc-: T Anu. 204 Macifay hldg.jj;M Washington s! LU V UllVOperiihrt reliable, advice free. 404 RothchlU? ldg.. 2S7 Wash. SPIKJTIJaLism; RV?.M. A. Price. Cir cles. Tues.. 2: Wii. and Sun.. 8 p. m. Readinar daUv. 6i 6th nt. Mar. 3X0. LOST Cameo ba)j pi a set with pearls; valuable as keepsake. Liberal re ward. C-2278. . SPIRITUAL meJigia.-Kmelia Pearsin; readings daily; jpublic cin les Tues day. Friday evening, 431 Salmon. HAVE your hair permanently waved.. Guaranteed to last Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 De'mrm. Marahall 1702. SPECIAL, 2 mo!ohly, 18 Chiropractic treatments. $10, S; 11-3 regular price. Dr. C. S. Tigardjifoft Allsky bidg New orders, rtenpdelinK, best work, lowest prices. Tlj? .a wetland bidg. DR. G. V. KETCpUM Women mal- adleg and acute; diseases men. Wash. bidg.. 4th and Wjh. Km. 41. Ml. 448. CHIROPRACTI TICj S121 41 eat:iijnts $10 th. Chronlo cases: 18 trea Others en I AVAVFR Consults tion free. Main i-nti i i-1 1 499$.i 708 Selling bidg BALM of Figs,; a-medy for diseases of women. 604 4 PjvV la st. Main 2393. pueSBants prepared for hats. ii7:17 Swetland bidg. . -. -Xj, 20 FKOrOSALS for hortwij :wr rtepvtment Vt Keoeh. Montna. ,irj jl. 1914. KeiiM pro posals will be rfiJrM I her untV. 12 noon. Not. 2, 114. for fiipilsHlng 600 roaau borwu. Information on app5-iiiton. Ham. Van Leer, Ciipt.. Q. M. Corpajjtj ! DEPOT (loarterniHStjfr'jj I oftlc. 10S0 North Point itrwt,' San: f-Aoel'wo. CaL, Sept 11. 1914. Sealed proposala! Will b recelei lm until 10 a. m., Oct.i.J' 1314. for conatrnrtion of water aystem atj in rrnnrlaro National cemetery. Informatiitnajnti application. W. 11. Hart. Depot Quarterttfater. Directory PAXNTTNO. PAPEHKANGINO. TINTTNO PAINTING, I'aerliii tntlug. $2.00 per op. e. A. Hrnlfj jMaln 421. '.8 i! I PATINdji ebiMPANIES TUB BARHh.lt ASHVlifl.'l PAVING CO.. Porv land cfflre. ffns KM(rir bidg RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS : 3',' ? . : : ALSO siencli&, trsloj icliecks, brass slga PACIFIC COAtSfii STAMP WORKS '.' . f .1. s. A MIA 231 Wachlngt.w st Mln T10. A Z7I0. BEWTNQJ jMACHINES WIN(r MAC1UNU :j4ilM:iiiaktfS. imsw aud nairJ; tor sale or rent. All prig., i tiewliig Machine Rut- jus;SUi, iuu l niro. sear Xay-ot-J,;iln Mil. SHEET ijETAI. WORM. RKPAI RING, tin .Si: a LosU, am First. ; ) tMie Main 1124. TAXDLRM1ST3 CUKAPlUil' and Iwil-'wurk u ouast. rinley, OroTtlle.;a).; TRANSFER !AJD STORAGE C o. fkx 'irMDi.r-i it bturaga uUks and congoMMS a4i' story trck warenoase with separate iron Haiitua aud fireproof rsalt Lfor raiuabies. N. Wii corner ii and Pis s4a. rlano ana lanminjiiipuTca aua pacaev uar Lipping. Bpeclai:,rftea made on goods, la through ears, to.i.sQ domes lie and furclg points. Main 6W;;j A-l OLhEN-HOal iKANiil' a.lt CO. New fireproof fekrenotfe wltn aevarate rooms. We Buoe'-il pack bouseaold. good and pianos and sniprat reduced rates. Aula vans sad teams fv$ fetorlng- Forwarding sad distributing sgeota.1 d-fee trackage. uUlu and warehouse. 15tn xllSl 'Itoyt. Main 547. A OREGON iBANSFER CO. EstVbttHDed 1!.U. Trsssfer audi ) forwarding agents. Storage) Kree trackage. Office sad ajutage 474 Ulisan st. snd GIIimiu. i . Main MO. A -1 169 l.Ttb and STORAGE. MANNING WAUKgOL'tfK TRANSFER CO. 13TII ANSjiiJVEEKTT ST3. ' Let us move, p&'k !r ahlp you bonseholl goods. Reduced ittreight r: on eastern shipments. Tbroailj' tar serrlce. - MAI?j aoB. A -2214. UNITED Trsnsfel'1 W- Storage snd general handling. 231 fcfi'flton. Mar. 24. A-4U53. BAGGAGE Tranf"? ierrUe U - Mala 120. A-li 228 Pise st. WINDOW CLEANING. EXPERT WINDWnft IcLEANINU A-47W. Msla 6327. 2i2Hurj bidg. paint; :otx and glass EASMCSSEN a J, ' Ulgh Standard" paint. N. E. corner fcvE krid Taylor. M.-A-17d- rlON KKU ril.M ! lab 1st st. Mala IS. A -7043. jjjl. PIPEHWOOD ptpe M PORTLAND WOSui Pll'fc CO Factory sod office near 24tti' r1 V'tfk sts. Msln S4M9. lUMBrN0--PtPtEJ--8TEAM SUPPLIES Ml Lt KLINE rROXTTKKT. RGPE ANO BINDERTWJNE PortlanclXordage Co. Wljji PAPER bet wee SaUnoa; sd Msln, it :!!-'.