THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 8, 1914. 11 facial Penvon at PiffiESl l venlng the- event of fore-i most interest is toe oinner dance given by Mr, wi4 Un. wmiam MacMaater at their home, "Ardgour," for their daughter. Mill Ailsa MacMaster, as a birthday compliment. Mlee MacMaster ia one Of the charming . young debutante of thia season and the guest will include her closest friends. There will be cov ers for 22. Friday Mht Club Opening Dance. The Friday Night club's opening dance will be given tomorrow evening at Chrlstensen's hall. Thia ia a sub acrlption affair, the members including the younger set of ; smartjsociety. Klaborate plans have been made for thii season's series and tomorrow eve ning's event Is being much anticipated. The patronesses for the season are: Mrs. Elliott R. Corbett. Mrs. Adrian H, Fleming, Mrs. Charles C. Hindeman, Mrs. John K. Kollock, Mrs. J. Wesley LadJ, Mrs. William M. Lines, Mrs. E. C. Shevlin and Mrs. Erskine Wood. Miss Powell Wed In Springfield, Mats. The following notice of the marriage of Miss Faith Powell of this city. - which appeared in a recent Issue of the Springfield paper, will interest the many friends of the bride in Portland: 'The marriage of Miss Faith Powell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Powell of Portland, Or., and Dr. Philip H. Clark of New York city, a former resident of Hoi yoke, took place yester day morning at 11 o'clock in the First Congregational church. Rev. Dr. Neil McPherson, pastor of the church, per formed the ceremony. The bribe's fa the., who is In business in Nome, Alas ka, was unable to be present at yes terday's vceremony. The bridegroom's father is Dr. U H. Clark of Hoi yoke. The bride has been studying music in New York for seveial years and has recently been living in this city with ker grandmother, Mrs. M. A. Willard ei White street. The wedding was a y&ry simple one, only relatives and clone friends of the couple being pres ent. Following the church ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at Hotel Worthy, after which Dr. and Mrs. Clark left for a wedding trip, They will make their future home In New York city. "Yesterday's ceremony was of unus ual interest because of the fact that for more than 100 years, through four generations, the family of the bride has been intimately connected with the Flrnt church. The great-grand mother of the bride was a member of the church for more than 50 years, while the grandmother of the sbrlde, Mrs. Willard of White street, has also been a member bf the church for 50 years, and was married there by Rev Dr.- Reed. Mrs. Thomas Powell, the mother of the bride, was christened in the church, and married there 25 years ago by the late Rev. Michael Burnham. The bride was also chrls. tmed there and yesterday came to be married In the First church. Commercial Club Dinner Dance. Iast evening another of the Com mercial club's delightful dinner dances was given. George E. Waggoner was chairman of the evening and an en Joyable evening of dancing and music was prepared for the guests. Of es pecial interest was the solo dancing Of Miss Harriet Harlow and Jack Price. Their "Twinkle Hesitation. "Peter Tan Gavotte." "Castle Walk, rango and other selections were most gracefully rendered. Mr. ahd Mrs. Waggoner's guests included: Mr, an Mrs. C. C. Oolt, Mr. and Mrs. Bu ford Darnall. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dickey, Miss Nona I.awler and Miss Cochran. Toy balloons of all colors hung about the ceiling over the dinner tables, lending a festive air. The tables were beautifully decorated with centers of vivid pink Klllarney rose ' buds. Guet of Mr. and Mrs. Furnish. Mr. and Mrs.. Stewart J. Moore (Kathleen ' Furnish), who, since their marriage last year, have made their home, in Great Falls, Mont., are now settled in Portland to live and are for Uie present-the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Furnish. w Fourth Anniversary Danoa Occasion. The Daughters of Norway will cele brate their fourth anniversary on Sat urday evening, October 10, in I. O. O. T. hall. Refreshments will be served and the Daughters of Norway chorus will sing several national songs. Fifth Wedding Anniversary Is Celebrated. Mr.' and Mrs. Thomas J. Casey were informal hosts Tuesday evening when they entertained at their home in Westmoreland with six tables of five hundred in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Scudder's fifth wedding anniver sary. "The rooms were most attrac tively adorned with clusters of yellow chrysanthemums, dahlias and autumn leaves. The card honors fell to Mrs. J. H. Law and J. M, Scudder. V""' Royal Highlanders Dance. The Royal Highlanders. Bonnie Ross Castle 78, will give the first of their series of dances Monday, October 12, at W. O. , W. halL J2S Eleventh street Rudd's orchestra. Dancin at 9:00. 4' he committee is Miss Bertha Duvall, Miss Oeorgie Allen. Miss Mary Da main. Miss Bertha Reed, Len Haynes. ime uioson and Carl Pfelffei. The patronesses will be Mrs. Susan Gi.l dersleeve, Mrs. Anna Smith, Mrs. Anna uennam, Mrs. Lillian Wright. Knights Templar Dance. The first of ; a series of elaborate parties will be .given by th knights Templar club Wednesday evening, Oc tober 28, at the Masonic Temple. A general reception with dancing and cards will be the order. Refreshments will be .served. The club is supported by both Oregon and Washington com- manderies and an especial invitation is being extended this year to those who hold affiliation in other cities. Many have Joined who have' not here tofore been members of the club and the prospects are for a most success ful and enjoyable year. All Sir Knights resident in Portland are invited to join the club and participate in these so cial evenings. W MiLlaconia Club to Meet. Friday evening the Millaconia club will give their weekly dance at Vincent hall, Forty-third and Sandy boulevard. An Invitation is extended to all. Miss Olivia Ireland is directing the club oance ana demonstrating new Castle steps. Society Notes. Mr. and Mrs. John Benoit of Astoria returned home after a week viaitins friends in Salem and the parents of me lormer, Mr. and Mrs. A. Benoit. in rorutna. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Travis j T. ii ell a .riaignt) and baby have returned from their place at Rhododendron and have taaen apartments at the Roselyn. Little Madge Wheelock of Portland spent the past week visiting with her irienq miss Bessie Cherry, at her suDuroan home. Aloha, Or. . Mrs. H, J. Valentine of Baker, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. C. Hansen, has returned home, accom panied by her mother. Mrs. Hansen win pass teveral weeks in Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Rdwden of Baker nave as their house guest Mrs. R. B. crart or this city. Miss Minnie Fits Simmons of this city, who has been the guest of Mrs. D. J. McFall at Pendleton, is now visiting rnenas in Athena, Or. Mrs. Theodore Grams of 115 East Twenty-eighth street north, left for St. Louis, Mo., this morning to see a Drotner wno is very ill. CORNELIUS PIONEER TAKEN BY D&TH Mrs. Melisa Noland. Cornelius, Or., Oct. 8.- Mrs. Melisa Noland, who died here Saturday, Oc tober 3, was born, in Yamhill county in 1849. and came to Cornelius when child. - She was married here to Nathan Noland. By her death Cor nelius loses its oldest inhabitant. Mrs. Noland is survived by a widower and six children.' jumpers. Those who enjoy arunicen- ness as a foundation for comedy will find much to laugh at in "Fatty's Debut," the Keystone. Interesting current events are shown in the Pathe Dally News. An organ solo front "wooaiana" completes me dua. Bog Xs Star of Flay. A canine actor of unusual intelli gence and capabilities is the star on the Sunset's bill. He is a beautiful collie, Shep, in "A Dog's. Love." . In order to exploit the theme of a dog's love it was necessary to have a cun- j ning youngster pas away as a. result of being hit by an automobile." The dog manifests in his actions, to a re markable degree, the state of thought In which he is supposed to be. It was a happy idea on the part of the makers to flash a final sub-title, "Don't Cry; It's Only Make Believe," with a large picture of Shep.. and his little friend, all smiles and gladness. Next ih interest is a Keystone, "TJps and Downs," that has some new and clever slants to it. "Out of the Air" is a two part drama the big fea ture the drop of a man from an aero plane to a moving train. The bill is completed with a fair comedy, "The Sheriffs Master," and Matt Dennis, baritone. THEATRICAL NOTES Becomes an Author. Hobart Bosworth has long since placed tiimself at the top of motion Picture directors and actors. Now he nas entered the field as the author of a five part feature in which he proves ne is quite as capable a writer as an acter and a director. Mr. Bosworth has written scores of short scenarios, but his first long effort Is "The Pur suit of the Phantom," at the Star, for the remainder of the week. He ' has chosen for his theme, "What I had I lost, what I lost I kept. What I gave I have." Mr. Bosworth himself appears as a painter, whom he invests with all the charm of a strong yet gentle nature. Playing opposite him is the well known English actor, Court ney Foote, who is very effective. As in any Bosworth picture, the artistic and mechanical sides are beyond re proach, and the acting is always good. The sub-titles are not the least inter esting feature, for they are .particu larly noteworthy. The close of the film is startlingly effective, and is preceded by a massive visioning scene. Mystery Xs Interesting-. "Drawn Into the Quicksand," Is the title of this week's episode in "The Million Dollar Mystery," at the Co lumbia. The illusion of the quicksand Itself is not particularly good, but big Jiriyny Cruze does a mighty good piece of work on the electric cables In the rescue. There are no real de velopments in the plot, but the mystery is interesting, because of the quality of its presentation, and still main tains its reputation as being the best of the serials. "Meg of the Mines." is a drama with Ma Marsh and Dark Cloud play ing two of the principal roles. It is the story of a mine and two claim Chautauqua for Klamath. Klamath Falls, Oct 8. A Chautau qua assembly for Klamath Falls has been assured, following the signing of an agreement by 60 Klamath Falls busi ness men whereby each agrees to shoulder one-fiftieth of - any deficit. should there be one. Dent's E3 Gloves SI. SO to 82 McCall's Patterns lO and 15 SPECIAL Friday and Saturday $3 d $4 Waists Special at $1.98 25 different styles of the cream of the season's Blouses, all new, in Voiles, Lawns and Marquisette, worth 1 O O S3, S3.50, 4. Special j1.90 343 Morriion Stn Btt, Bro&- p Vn .nil Var F.P. YOUNG CO Two Awards in Journal Contest 1L First Prize District No. 3 A LUD WIG PIANO :See Page 13; JL x VSi xxv x- V v x . . . V 1 U It .OW'Wx'J-,; MfiVi' .w? I L t I ' if I :41 i ; ..&$iv i DescriptionCase, double veneered, in either mahogany, walnut or quartered oak; patent duet music-desk; patent pedal soft-stop attachment; .three pedals; patent noiseless pedal action; ivory keys. . On Display at W I LEY B. ALLE N ' S Broadway and Morrison First Prizes-District No. 4 A Bush & Lane PIANO .0 x "V'-i i m2 ESS1 "sSwf tJ St 8i I 1 iVaAvN s fx" 111:" ! A High-Grade Instrument On display at BUSH & LANE PIANO CO. 433-435 Washington St. "S. & Hf Trading Stamp? Given on All Charge Accounts H Paid in Full on or. Before the Tehtitb Each Month Free Lessons In Knitting Crocheting, Embroidering 1 to 5 Dally, 2d FL Children's Classes, 9:30 to 12, Saturdays ShoesShinedf or 5c In the Basement t ; i ,. - . Visit our up-to-date Shoe Shining Parlors in the Underp rice Store and get a regular 10c shine for 5 c. This special offer Is made for Friday f? only. Take advantage, toe Shine DC (D)E(ffls9 Wwttinniannrgi IKnniflj Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A-6231 Solid .Gold Jewelry! MAIN FLOOEtrrWe carry a cora plete line of ; solid gold Jewelry at lowest priceil Cuff Links, Scarf Pins, Neck 1 hains, Lavallieres, Brooches, fobii Rings, Watches, Bracelets, Linjirie Clasps, Bar Ribs, Hat Pins, Tie Clasps and many cfther articles in ttwevery latest designs. ill New Arrivals in Suits S15, S22.50 and $28.50 SUIT SALONS, SECOND FLOOR Clerer new models embodying the new est style tendencies. Redingote and other long coat Styles also beautiful new Suits with three-quarter length coats in belted, Balkan and novelty cuts of various kinds. Broadcloth, Serges, Cheviots, Poplins, Granite Cloth and the rich new mixtures. Skirts with yoke effects, side plaits, tunics, etc. Trimmings of velvets, braids and buttons. Complete range of the new shades, including nigger brown, greens and blues. Also In black MO Cfl and navy. All sizes for women and misses. Priced $15, $22.50, $uO0J Smart New Coats $15, $18.50 and $22.50 New Dress Skirts $5 and $6.50 SECOND FLOOR Many of these new Coats are shown with full flare skirts. Others in popular Balkan belted-back- styles and novelty cuts with English sleeves and large storm collars and cuffs. An excellent as sortment of Coats in all the most desirable materials and Cft colors. $15, $18.50 and LL03 SECOND FLOOR At these popular prices we display an unusually at tractive line of the new Skirts for dress or street wear. Latest yoke and plaited tunic effects also many with the plain flare tunic Shown in the season's very smartest weaves and colors. All sizes. On PA special sale at $5.00 and Women's House Dresses. 51.19 New Silk Petticoats at $4.39 CENTER CIRCLE, FIRST FLOOR Special one-day offering of Women's House Dresses. Made of excellent quality Percales, Ginghams and Chambrays in light and dark colors. High or low neck, long or snort sleeves. Square or round collars. Nicely finished. Priced very special at . . . . . $1.19 SECOND FLOOR Women's high grade Petticoats of good grade Mes caline or Messaline with Silk jersey top. Styled with wide and narrow accordeon plaited flounces or ruffles and folds. Complete showing of the new fall snades ail lengths and waist measures. Special at the low price of $4.39 New Belts at 65c MAIN FLOOR The season's newest novelties in Belts here for your choosing at 65c each. S-inch Boned Satin Belts with satin buckle and bow. Shown in black and colors; 4-inch Roman Stripe Belts with self colored buckles. All the latest colorings. Novelty Vest Belts of black jrehret, beautifully embroidered in pretty design. Suede and Patent Belts in new colors and combinations. Fancy Pique Vest Belts white gfoand with dainty Dresden patterns. Ribbon Sale 65c Grade 50c 85c Grade 65c MAIN FLOOR Extra good qual ity Black Satin Taffeta Ribbons very desirable for belts, girdles, hair bows and millinery purposes. Special lines on sale tomorrow: 55c Grade, 6 H -inch Yard 50c 85c Grade, 7 H -inch Yard 65c Hair Bows, Girdles and Sashes made to order by experts. Sale of Children's Wearables SECOND FLOOR Timely offerings in Girls' Coats, $3.48 to $5.98 $10 Coats at $7.48 Smart Balmacaan Coats in heavy wool mixtures also Coats of Zibeline, Bedford Cords and other materials trimmed with plush. Ages 6 to 14 years. These Coats are now priced very low at $3.48, $4.98 and $538 Other Lines' Girl' Coat I Girls' School Coats In popular cape styles of plaids and Cheviot s trimmed with plush and large buttons. Also Coats of black baby lamb with plush belts and collars. $10 Coats ire now priced at $7.48 pew $7.50 np to $22.50 Girls' Dresses at $2.85 to $6.48 Girls Sweaters, $3.98 Special showing of Girls' Dresses in all the pretty, hew materials. Two piece Waist and straight Buster styles. Ages 6 to 4 4. Priced special at $2.85, $4.98 and $6.48 Girls' Rain Coats, ages 6 Girls' Ruff -Neck Wool Sweaters in gray and cardinal. Styled with or without ,belt. Very serv iceable for school wear. Ages 6 to 12 years. On sale now at only $3.98 to 14, $2.49, $4.25, $5.25 Women's Kimono Aprons, 59c Each Women's Cover-AH Aprons, 79c SECOND FLOOR Women's Ki mono Aprons of good quality stripe gingham. Open in back and finished with strap and pocket. Good full styles not skimpy, ill-fitting kinds. Buy a couple of thesel Priced CQ special at 0JC SECOND FLOOR Women's Cov erall Aprons with - kimono style sleeves and open side-front. Made of splendid quality gingham in pink and blue checks trimmed with madras. Extra well made. Priced special for this sale 7Q at the low price of f 7C Special Sale oi Boyf Blouses $1 Grades, Latest Slyles, Willi larj Collars MAIN FLOOR Hundreds of mothers will be UU prompt to take advantage of this remarkable stiff offer 1 A great lot of Boys' Flannel Blouses, ; nought at a very special price, go on sale at if ?! a spienaia saving 10 our customers, iui iuu witn yoke. Finished with trench cults, deep sea pearl buttons and pocket. These are all strictly high-grade. Shown in neat stripe patterns. Stand ard $ 1.00 Blouses priced special 69c if i a it: -r. x. M I J 1.1 1 Ml It I Boys' 2-Pant School Siiits, 34.95 Pants Lined and Double-Taped DEPT. MAIN FLOOR These Suits were made to withstand the strenuous wear and tear of real live, energeticjbOys. They are made from excellent woolen fabrics and are styled m'jthe popular Norfolk, models with belt. Coats well lined, with front and shoulders that 1 1 A " l -T" A. 11 1 1 . J . I . k. win rciun snapc i routers arc cm on genervil v uncs, iuii imcu wim reinforced seams. We show these attractive uits in beautiful new fall patterns and colorings and in sizes. for tjbys 6 to 17 QC years of age. Suit with two pairs Pants'. y,.S vltSw Boys $5.00 Rubber Sllp40ns at S3.50 Boys' Corduroy Pants, $1.25 to $2.00 MAIN FLOOR Boys' heavy weight rubber Slip-On Raincoats the ideal garment for school wear. Will keep the children warm and dry. We have these in a good range of sizes. Grades usually selling at 5. 0 PA Priced special at $0DJ CompUte Ling Boys' Balmacaan Waterproof Csts at $7.50 and $8.50 MAIN FLbOR---Our new fan stock of Bpys' Corduroy Pants Is now comblejte. We handle only dependab inakes therefore you are sure -ff5 getting the best of service. Shown in good service able colors and in sizes. Of) A from 6 iqtif. $1.25 to $UU Boys' Balmacaan Hats t $1.50 Children's HaU st SOc to $5.00 15 Men's IZ Suits at $16.45 Fine Casslmeres and Cheviots MAIN FLOOR Men's and Young Men's styllsli new Suits a small lot to be closed out at once. Sizes from 34Mjto 40 only. A few stouts are included. They are made from spe1idid quality worsteds and cassimeres and are to be had in choice new! patterns and colors. TWO PAIR PANTS go with each one of thesejfuits. Be t1f AC one of the first to be fitted tomorrow morningii Special 10ltf Men's Hlgti Grade Fall Suits Special $18.75 Men's 50c Wool H&se at 29c Black OnlyHeavy Welg MAIN FLOOR Men's heavy Wool Socks ill jf black only a special lot of about 400 pairs!tci be closed in short order. Quality selling in the regular way at 50c. Priced at 4 pairs Ofjjj! for $1.00, or at, the pair i.. Men's SOc Cashmere Hose At 39c a Pair Tit iji imported Higea t: MAIN FLOOR Men's fine quality English Cashmere Hose in black with heel and toe. Not more than six pair sold customer. Thrifty men will be on hand tompp row and share in this remarkable offering. Regi5 lar 5oc grade now at 3 pairs for $1.00; or, the pair Orfjt We Give S. & H." Green Stamps. ' Don't Fail to Ask for Them! ' j i 7 Grades m $5 to $6 A Most Important Offering! MAIN FLOOR Hundreds of pair high-grade Shoes in the very smartest new lasts - decidedly under priced. The assortment comprises latest models in button or lace effects in Suedes, Patent Colt, Dull Calf and Vicl leathers. Many with brocaded cloth or mat kid tops and quarters. Every wanted style in heels to select from and all widths and AO sizes. Reg. 5 and $6 Shoes on sale, pair JJ.tO $1 Crocheted Slippers, 48c Bargain Circle, 1st Floor Women's Crocheted' Slippers in all wanted colors With lambswool insole. Easy and comfort- A a able. ; Special, the pair . . xOC Women's low-heel Vicl Kid Boudoir Slip- f 1q pers. Regular $1.7$ grade at. ........ Women's one-strap Argentina Kid Slip- 1 flft pers. Regular 1.75 grade, pair....... pl. -Women's and Children's Chippewa Indian f OA Moccasins. Priced at, the pair.-. .... kuiJ men's $2-2.S0 Home Comfort Kid Slippers $1.69 Trunks, Suit Cases Reduced FOURTH FLOOR We are principal Portland agents for Hartmann's Wardrobe Trunks. Canvas Covered Trunks at $8.45 36-inch canvas-covered and fibre bound Trunks with all-brass trimmings two straps and full covered inside tray. Regular price of these Trunks is 111. fo yir Priced special. now for vO.flD $25 Wardrobe Trunk $18.50 FOURTH FLOOR Genuine "Hartraann" Wardrobe Trunk. 3-ply veneer covered Trunk with waterproof duck and fibre bound. Riveted and full cloth lined. Style selling in the regular way at rig rn 25.00. Priced special now at OlO.UU Cow-Hide Suit Cases, $5 FOURTH FLOOR Genuine cow hide Suit Cases 24-inch size with all around straps and sewed-on handle. Steel frame and linen lined with inside shirt fold. An ex ceptionally good Suit Case at C tf this very low price 7J.UU 24-Inch Extra Deep Cow-Hide Suit Cases, Special $6 'v-s tr 'fin Hose Shows?! Black and AU the i Wanted Colors i't Great Sale Choice Hood River Apples Choice King Apples from Hood t A A Fancy King Apples from Hood ei OC River. Special, box $liUU River, the box $l,t) 200 Boxes Extra Fancy Jonathan Apples Fine even pack Priced special at $1.50 box pto50c - DressGoods ait 25c On Sale It Bargain Center" in the If Basement Double width materials suitable for Wonsen's Dresses, Skirts, Waists, etei, also very serviceable for children's school dresses. Medium fwight-fabrics in plain and fancinixtures. Extra good 39c to 5jbc? grades on sale or . in Basemejit at special, yd. CtDC ) rr Special Sale Electric Portables Entire Line at Reduced Prices Department. Third Floor Portable Reading, Desk and Floor Lamps in beautiful new designs on sale now at splendid savings: Regular $14.00 Electric Portable for $11.15 $14 Electric Lamps Wicker stand $10.00 $15 Electric Lamp-Z-Cretonae shade $11.95 $20 Electric Lamp 6-panel shade $15.95 $27 Electric. Lamp New design at $21.55 $29 Electric Lamp New design at $23.15 $34 Electric Lamp Dresden shade $27.15 $42.50 Lamp Hand-pain tod shade $33.95 Mazda Electric Lights Andirons and Fire Sets the largest and m t,t complete snowing of this class of goods in the city. Buy now and have the advantage of low prices. New Line Brass Novel" lies Just Received We carry a complete line of Mazda Lights. Will give double the light at the same cost. 15 to 40 watt Mazda Lamps at, each 30c 60 watt .Lamps at 4Oc--l0O watt Lamps 70c O'Cedar JLiops and Polish Preserve Floors and Furniture Smoking,Sets and Stands, Ash Trays Cigar Jars, Ink Stands, Pen and Pencil Holder, Cal endars, Desk Sets, Letter Pads, Jardinieres, Hanging Basket's, Trays, Gongs, Candle Sticks, Candle Shades, Busts, Animals and many other articles suitable for favors, prizes, gifts, etc. Ask to see these tomorrow. - V mi1