sari 10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 8, 1914. LiUle51oiie forDedtirae BY TMORNTON V BURGESS J BnUj h Persistent. , Persist, persist. jnd still persist And then persist some more; JLnd when It eenj no ua at ail Persist lust as before. , ' That seems to' toe the motto that Bully the English Sparrow believes In and trld to llv on to. It la a. arood ' tnotto. - Tea, Indeed, It Is a very food r motto, wbn It (la rightly used. You ; know, that to persist means to keep i trying and try In and trying over and i over strain: Ba it la always perfectly splendid to persist In things that are r right; Bur always be sure that you t if you don't you may fare no better ' than did Bully. Wen Farmer Brown's Boy pulled J' Bully's neat out of the bole In the apple tree la the Old Orchard and tore -' It to piece and carried away the six ' eggs that were in it be thought that ' Bully and hta wife would surely leave the. Old Orchard. That Is why he did what seemed like such a dreadful .thing.. He wanted them' to leave the ' Old Orchard, because be knew that ' if fthev didn't the other birds would, and "S that would be trulv dreadful. He knew that-the other little feathered people simply xouldn't live with such noisy, quarrelsome neighbors as Bully and ,hla wife, and wouldn't live there. He knew that unless something was done the Bullys would have the Old Orchard to. them selves the next spring, and then how the worms and the Insects (would thrive on the trees! But, he 'couldn't quite make up his mind to kill or really hurt Bully and Mrs. Bully, bo be thought that if lie took their eggs and destroyed their nest there couldn't b any baby Sparrows to grow up and i make mors trouble, and then perhaps ! Bully and his wife would go away from the Old orcnara. r But Farmer Brown's Boy didn't know now persistent Huuy can De. ina nen I day he visited the Old Orchard to see It Bully had left.. What do you think ' he found? Why, he found that Bully ! and his wife had a new nest half built I in the very same hole that the old one had been in! He tore this to pieces ' only. to find another on the-next day. And so It wun the following day and the day after that. .Farmer Brown's ' Boy lust had to admire the spunk and v. persistence of Bully and Mrs. Bully. X0U certainly aeaerve iu uo ii - alone," said he, "but I can't do It. Tou are a nuisance, and so you have got to go If I bave to come down here ana f Dree up your ni i tner." Th6 next day he visited the old orchard to see if Bully had left. A . day or two after that Farmer Brown's Boy found no nest when he put his hand in the hollow of the tree. "At last they've given up," thought he. "I hope they have left the Old Orch ard for good." He wq,s almost out of the Old Orchard on the other side when his sharp eyes caught sight of a little bird Just disappearing in a hole in the very last tree He walked up and pounded on the tree. Out popped whom do you think? Why, Mrs. Bully, to be sure! She and Bully were build ing , a nest there. It took Farmer Brown's Boy three days to make Bully and his wife understand that tbey couldn't build there or anywhere else In the Old Orchard. Finally they gave up and flew away. And where do. you think they went? Why, straight to Farmer Brown's barn, and there, way up under the eaves, where only the longest ladder could reach them, they built a nest and raised their young. Farmer Brown's boy"; said that such boldness and Impudence deserved a re ward, and so as long as they were out of the Old Orchard and not bothering other blrdshe would leave them alone. And now in the Old Orchard thers was great rejoicing, for now no one wanted to move away, and for the first time every one there looked on Farmer Brown's Boy as their friend. Next story: "Farmer Brown's Boy Misses a Duck." FRATERNAL NOTES Grand Domain of K. of P. Will Assemble Here Next Week. Sessions to Last Xhxea Bays. Tha truid domain of Oregbn. ! Knights of Pythias, will assemble in Portland Monday evening in convention xo consider mailers 01 interest to ure- I gon lodges ana to elect grana omcers. I Headquarters will be opened at the Imperial hotel and the convention Is i A vrhrt tn In at until lata w wlntcilg v evening.- Monday evening at K. of P' hall the play of "Damon and Pythias' will be given by Ivanhoe lodge team. After that the minstrel show of the Hlllsboro lodge will be placed on the boards.. Tuesday morning the grand lodge proper will be called together. mm Will Give Sane. Alberta assembly, United Artisans, ! will give a dance and social Wednes day -evening, October 14, at 178 Al- berta street. .V Sewing Society Meets Tonight. This evening the Degree of Honor Convention Sewing society will meet ' In the hall at 129 Fourth street as the guests of Mount Tabor lodge No. 65, rf- Degree of Honor, A, O, U. W. Re freshments will be served. On Octo ber 16 the bazaar for which the so ciety prepares its dainty wares will be opened. . Oood Time at St. Helens. Last Saturday evening the city of St. Helens was Invaded by about 50 members of the Modern Woodmen of America from Portland, representing Alberta, Rose City and Oregon Fir camps. A team put on the work and duly Initiated the class of 25 candi dates. After the ceremonies a theatre party followed and later a banquet. Last Official Visit. Tuesday evening the Knights of Pythias of Cornelius entertained Frank S. Grant, grand chancellor of the domain of Oregon. This is Mr. Grant's last official viit to Cornelius. During his year of ;ofice he has visited every lodge in this state. Election Deferred One Say. The Knights of Columbus of this. city will give up their regular meet ing night to the celebration of Colum bus day next Monday and will hold their regular meeting, when officers will be chosen, on Tuesday. The Royal Circle, Women of Wood craft, beldl a card party and danoe at W. O. W. temple, last night. Over 100 couple were present. : , ....... Mount Hood Tent of the Maccabees, at K. of P. hall, last evening; Initiated two, and. then partook of a 40 pound salmon contributed by Ned Monger, i G. A. Graves, well known Maccabee rustler, will go to Newberg tomorrow to help out the K. O. T. M, there for a few da ye. -;..---v - The Loyal Order of Moose win Ini tiate a large class tonight at Hllls boro. Portland officers will -put on the work. V--' e Cum Tux Tribe of Red Men from Vancouver, will come across the river this evening, and present a trophy to Minnehaha tribe. . . The Loyal Order of Moose last night balloted on 90 applications. CLUB ACTIVITIES Jewish Conncil Meets. The Council of Jewish Women, one of the largest and most helpful of Portland's many women's organiza tions, held its first meeting for the fall yesterday afternoon in B'nai B'rith hall. The women were welcomed to the beautiful new hall by Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, who extended cordial greet ings and expressed the desire that the women would .make the hall a center of their activities and at all times feel at home there. The new president of the council. Mrs. Isaac Swett, gave an earnest address bespeaking the hearty cooper ation of the women for the coming year, and urging upon them a con tinuance of their good work at the Neighborhood house, the principal philanthropy of the organization. Mrs; Fred Olson sang with much charm and sweetness, "At Parting" (Rogers); "Little Pink Rose" (Bond); "A Mem ory" (Park); "I Hear a Thrush at Even" (Cad man). Miss Claire Oakes was at the piano. Several delightful dramatic readings were given by Miss Henriette Janet Smuckler. Mrs. M. Baruh was In general charge of the meeting, and Mrs. Max S. Hirsch was hostess. She was assist ed by Mrs. Charles Berg, Mrs. Henry Ottenheimer, Mrs. Ben Neustadter,' Mrs. Samuel Rothchild, Mrs. Abe Meier, Mrs. Ludwig Hirsch, Mrs. Sig mund Frank, Mrs. Eda Hirsch, Mrs, Julius Louisson and Mrs. "Sanford Lowengart. Refreshments of tea, coffee and cake were served from ta bles -made attractive by the use of autumnal foliage. " . at -The Coterie Meeting. Home day was observed yesterday by the Coterie at its meeting held at Hotel Benson, the president, Mrs. Rob ert Berger, presiding. "Mother and Child," was the subject of a most helpful and inspiring talk given by Mrs. F. S. Myers. In the course of her remarks Mrs, Myers made a plea for a greater spirit of comradeship, a greater sharing of joys and sorrows between mother and child, and she laid much stress on the mother's re sponsibility through keeping the con fidence of the child. Miss Charlotte Banfield and Miss Irene Yerex gave a group of delightful vocal duets. Following the meeting luncheon was served In the grill, and at the table two minute talks' were given by Mrs. Newton McCoy, Mrs. C. M. Kiggins, Mrs. J. H. Spencer, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. George Stovall, Mrs. J. H. Barbour, Mrs. L. W, Chambers. Mrs. W. H Markell, Mrs. A. Lomax, Mrs. Joseph McQueen, Mrs. W. K. Baxter, Mrs. G. E. Husted, Mrs. W. F. PowelL It K Metzger Association Meets. The Metzger Parent-Teacher asso ciation met at the schoolhouse .Friday October 2, to reorganize for the year. There was a large attendance of inters ested mothers and teachers. Mrs. .V. LeRoy Haggles was elected ' president of the association. Matters pertaining to the welfare of the school were discussed and It was planned to build an outdoor playshed to be equipped with,' suitable apparatus; also to - have a school entertainment the last of November and a New Tear's ball. - ; V- -V.'' -!.. "V It was Toted to affiliate with ; the Oregon Congress of Mothers and. the following delegates were elected to at tend the state convention in Port land: Mrs. H. Tobin, Mrs. R. I Eber man. Hiss Rebecca Ream, Miss Dora Clapper, vice President Mrs. ueorge Johnson and Mrs. Rugglea The officers of the association gave a'sllver tea September 30, the proceeds to go for playground apparatus. at at v Club Notes. The Arleta Parent-Teacher assocla- slon will hold an old fashioned "sing" Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the schoolhouse with Professor Chapman, the director of music, in charge. Any one in the Arleta neighborhood Is eligi ble to belong to this singing school. which was one of the Important fac tors In the social life of that section last season, The Monday history class will open its seventeenth year of work next Monday afternoon with a meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. George West. 984 East Eighteenth street. A good attendance, is dee tree . - at . at : Montavilla-" Association. , The Montavilla Parent-Teacher as sociation will give a community aingr in the assembly ball of the school house tomorrow evening at 7:30, fol lowed by a discussion of the, proposed measures to be voted on at the elec tion In November. W. F. Ogburn, Harry Wendridge and Nowell Brad ford will lead the discussion. The night school will also be announced and registrations for classes received. On Tuesday at 3 o'clock the asso ciation will meet In the assembly hall. and Miss Butler will speak on Delin quent Girls." Mrs. F. S. Myers will speak on "Our Duty as Voters." A cordial invitation is extended to all. at at at Chapter of P. E. O. Chapter E of the P. E. O. sisterhood met at the home of Mrs. Heath, 312 Forty-seventh street, October 1. An Interesting feature of the evening meeting was the initiation of two new members. After the regular bus! ness meeting the following program was given: Piano solo, "Largllo (Handel), Miss Heath; paper, "Handel, the Great Composer," Mrs. Risley; aria, "Lassla Ch'io Piango" (Handel), Miss Beatrice Kirkup; serenade (Schu bert), Mrs. Risley. The, hostess and her daughter served dainty refresh ments. The chapter will meet October 15 with Mrs. Jones of Courtney Station. at at ae Stephens, Association. The Stephens Parent-Teacher asso ciation held its first meeting of the season yesterday ' afternoon with a good attendance. Mrs. M. M. Hall, vice president, presided. Principal R. R. Steele gave an interesting and in structive talk on popcorn culture, tell ing how to plant and care for the corn and how to care for it after It ripens. Plans for the year's work were dis cussed. It was decided to hold an evening meeting and social October 16. A program will be arranged and refreshments served. at at at Richmond Association. The Richmond Parent-Teacher asso ciation will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. Miss Nina Joy . will give a solo and Mrs. A. D. Combs will give a reading. A large attendance is de sired as matters of importance will be discussed. Refreshments and a social hour will round out the after noon. at at at Corriento Club Meets. The Corriente club met at the home of Mrs. Alice Shorno Tuesday after- neon, October T. 'An Interesting pro gram en Bible history was eamea out. Those on the program were: Mrs. Bo Dine, Mrs. Kinder, Miss M cores and Mra v Clark. The club had as guests Mrs. Rossman and Miss Mc- Callum. Next meeting will be octo- hex 20 with Miss Moores at Oak Grove. ' at i at at " . To Honor New Pastor. The women, of Calvary Presbyterian church t will - give a reception Friday eveninsr In honor of the new pastor, Dr. .Oliver Baum, .who recently arrived from Los Angeles, and to meet the new members of the church, mere will be an informal musical program, a social hour and dainty refreshments win be served. -All members of the church and congregation' will be ac corded a gracious welcome. at at at Central W. C. T. V. - Central W. C T. U. was addressed by Everet Jones Wednesday afternoon on the subject. "Men and Measures." He spoke of the new politics, reiernng to tha new Issues of direct legisia tion, equal suffrage, prohibition and world Des.ce. He discussed a few of the men who are candidates. A lively discussion followed his speech. Mrs. L. H. Additon and Mra M. L. Hidden also talked. for the entire conference. Judging; by the attendance at previous conferences leading cltlsens will be present from the states of Idaho, Washington and Oregon. The railroads have granted special rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip and many well known men from tHe east and north west will be among the speaker. FURNITURE BADLY NEEDED Have you some extra bedroom fur niture that you do not need a small bureau, commode, chiffonier, mirror, chair, sheets, pillow cases or blan kets? If you have' and you want to place them where they will be a great comfort and blessing to worthy old people, call up Tabor 2492. All such articles are needed for the furnishing of the Old People's Home recently opened by Mrs. Hat tie B. Lawrence as a branch of her uplift work among the worthy poor. WHO EVER HEARD Of Talking Machine Being Cut in Price t Now, believe me. everything Is" cut in price at S88 Morrison street. Sou'ie Bros.' failure sale. Columbia, Edison or Victor talking machines and records. Everything goes; also a large number of brand new player pianos and baby grand pianos. If you want any kind of a musical instrument be sure and call at -38 8 Morrison street right away, tor the balance of this stock is R-oiag to be sold out between now and Satui lay night. Everything goes.' Remember the place 388 Morrison street. Open in the evening until 9 or 10 o'clock. Rend page 9, this paper, for further par ticular. (Adv.) Portland Sirl Is" .: Leaderjof "Stunts" if University of .ipjalfornia. Berkeley, CaU Oct 3. Thjei annual woman masquerade of tb! phlverslty was held Friday night. feV smaasium ,wag transformed into iaf country' barnyard, with haycocks anpiwanderlng animals scattered about. telc-dmma and danc ing, interspersed !iih music and vari ous thrilling actfrwere on the pro gram. There biNg no men present the '"stunts" were .ftot restricted. The program was undjffc the supervision of Miss Mildred Clefflfhs, '15, of Portland, ur. m i - mi C0NFERENCEAT SEATTLE TJnder the auspices of the Seattle Rotary club the third annual conference- of the League of Pacific North west Municipalities will be held at Seattle November 10 to 12. "The Mu nicipal Ownership of Public Utilities" will be the general topic or oiscussion "Brownatone Tints Your Hair In a Minnie "we sell etergthing a First Class Drug Store s i i - ; b 1 All So -Called "Restorers'' That Claim to "Gradually Restore" j Color to Yonr Hair Are Sim ply Slow Acting Dyes. The 6tralghteet road and the short est cut to the certainty of an attrac tive and beautiful appearance is the use of "Browna tone" Hair Stain. This prepara tion will instantly change gray, streaked or faded hair to the soft est and richest golden brown, medium or dark brown or black Just as you wish. Just comb or brush it into your hair. "had no previous experience. Impossible of detection, will not rub or wash off. and needs retouch ing only as the hair grows out. "Brownatone" hair stain Is far su perior to "dyes,' and is absolutely harmless In every way. Sold by all up-to-date druggists, in two sizes, 25c and $1.00. If you are offered a substitute, save annoyance by refusing it and ordering "Browna tone" direct from the makers. insist . on urownatone at your hairdressers.' A trial bottle and Interesting book let will be mailed for 10 cents, Address The Kenton Pharmacal Co., 581 E. Pike St.. Covington, Ky, For sale by. The Owl Drug Co. 20 stores on the Pacific Coast. fi&l fjk "Brownatone" ifaS iVaSi will always give SJ& Pleasing results "W1 and you need have Arabaline Liquid - Powder OOvj 33c 15c Barbo Com pound. ...... Calox Tooth Powder. . ... . . . . Canthrox Shampoo m Castoria, Laxative for Children. . ... , Cocoa Butter only, lb...... Celery; King Tea ...i.t-v Danderine (4 oz.) for Dandruff 22c 27c 17c 33c Herpicide Hair Grower. . ... ... Liquid Arvon only........... . . . The Store of Style and Service Credit and Easp Pay ment Terms Your Privilege Remarkable Waist Special $3.75 Friday Only Values to $7.00 Beautiful waists of chiffon, laces, nets, messalines, flowered crepes, and flowered taffetas make up this splendid 'assortment. Some with long and some with short sleeves, some with high and some with low necks all with the finest lace, hemstitch ing or pleated trimming. Every popular color or dainty com bination of colors. Specially priced for one day yf only di.lo New Black Velvet Coats A handsome line of black velvet Coats has just arrived, some fur trimmed with 'cape effect col lar of bear, or high standing collar of coney fur lined throughout with brocaded silk. You should also see our exquisite , line of black broadtail Coats in the many new models cape effect, flare and straight lines hanging from the shoulders. ' . Mbst. noteworthy are the black Velvet coats we are now displaying, trimmed with black pomoire. They are made on the new Redingote lines, with belt and standing collar of the pomoire- Exceeda Cream, fine for cleans chaps cleansing or for '5 JOVj Fellows Syrup of Hypophosphites . . Glove Cleaner for.. .......... Hamburg Breast ' Tea. . 73c 19c 17c Murine Eye Rem edy for. . . ... ; . . . Nadinola Cream f or .......... . Phenolax Wafers, bottle of 100. . Pompeian Cream for . . ... ; ..... . Pond's Cold Cream! only.,. Palmolive Cream Only i-i.: . . Resinol Ointment only. ... !: Syrup of Figs, the original and genuine:' 25c Todco WhitejjjPine Compound, excel- iH Qs. lent coucrh remedv .iJtV Woodbury's Facial Cream. .. ....... ....... JS5 1 "Satisfaction in Every Transaction1 TWENTY STORES ON THE PACIFIC COAST ;i Ij WASHINGTON AT BROADWAY, PORTLAND, OREGON i m 15c IS!! l if M M B Ml fm lal fMl B Ml EbU m A Charming Little Suit Very chic yet very inexpensive is this clever Red ingote model. Designed in new blue, diagonal weave, with the latest standing collar, cuffs and but tons of blue velvet. The coat is long and .perfect ly plain but for the touches of velvet The skirt is in basque effect and has four small pleats at each side. A most unusual value at It Is a Pleasure $25.00 to Show Our Millinery Confident that we display more beautiful and in dividual styles than shown elsewhere, we enjoy hearing the enthusiastic comments "of our many sat isfied customers. You, too, will find your ' hat here and priced most reasonably. 405 Washington Street Corner of Tenth 3 A Mercantile Power ; ; on the Pacific Coast DuiJirtingCfe ASK FOR PEOPLES BROWN: TRADING STAMPS You Can Win One of These See Page 13 II First Prize District No. 1 A Haines Bros. Piano 'A- 'l 3 ' iljgfc. Tmr'mY,fmimirri i . i A PIANO OF MERIT acODZXi TWILTE Height. 4 feet S Inches; DeptX 2 feet 2 Inches; Width. 6 feet. Made In Mahogany. Circassian Walnut and Quar tered oak. Polished or Art Finish. On display at ' GRAVES MUSIC COMPANY 151 Fourth Street II First Prize Disfnct No 2 A Kurtzmal Piano mmmmmmmuautt m a!(MWwr "ill A,X '' '1 ii STYLE! S 4' DESCRIPTION Case Hardwood, doub! i'Vcneered through out; handsomely figured vjtrieers, in niahogany, oak and walnut. - -!;iS On Display at SHERMAN, CLy & CO.'S Sixth and Morrjson Sts.