THE OREGON DAIUY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 7, 1914. m MR. AND MRS. JAMES F. CLARKSON opened their beautiful Irvington home In Eat Twenty-first and Klick itat street to th parishioner of the Madeleine church in. Irving-ton to cele - brate the third anniversary of the founding of the church. Several hundred people were in attendance and the affair both socially and financially was a splendid success. Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson received with Rev. Father George Thompson, pastor of the church. Mrs. Clarkson was charmingly attired in a light blue satin gown with lace elaborations. Assisting in receiving were Mrs. J. R. Ridgiey. Mrs. Clark-: son's mother and her sister. Miss Cath erine Ridgley. Mrs. A. E. King, Miss M. Beahm. Mrs. Horace Luckett and Mrs. Dan Kellaher were In charge of the card games .-hlch were played on the third floor. ' There were 30 tables at "500" arranged amid a veritable bower of autumnal foliage. The ceil ing and walls were entirely obscured with the beautiful and varl-colored vines, maple leaves and little red, green and white electric lights were strung over the entire ceiling illumin ing the room and bringing out the col oring of the autumn leaves. Card honors fell to Mrs. Martin, Miss Keveny, Miss Mayme Barry. William feature of tonight's entertainment will be the costume ball. For the best made and decorated baskets prizes were awarded the wom en last night. Mesdames Bernard Morita and 3. P. Kirby were winners of first prizes and other winner were Misses Elsie Baumgart and Margaret ! Smith. "W. H. Warren, secretary to the mayor, was present and officially opened the festivities with a short address. Other speakers were Sheriff T. M. Word, C. N. McArthur and Andy Weinberger. The latter was auctioneer. The hall presents the appearance of a veritable Fairyland. The various booths were filled with beautiful arti cles. Orchestral music was furnished during the evening. At tonight's affair, two prizes each will be awarded for. the best cos tumes among men and women. To morrow night will be Mardi Gras, with a confetti battle, Coming and Going. Mr. and Mrs. Brenham Van Dusen of Astoria and Mrs. C. J. Trenshard of Portland were Salem visitors last week, guests at the Henry B. Thielsen home in North Capital street. Mise Fay Bartholomew has returned LITTLE GIRL SENDS CHRISTMAS SHIP GIFT P. Slnnott and C. J. H. Malarkey. The i horn after passing several weeks with prises were unusually pretty having been donated by Mrs. John Clark, Mrs. Charles Wesley Jones, Mrs. Douglas McCallum, Mrs. Dan Kellaher and Father Thompson. Refreshments were, served througM out the evening in the dining room and drawing room to the many puests who did not play cards. The dining table was centered with yellow dahlias which shaded into the deeper golden tone. Presiding at the table were Mrs. William P. rtinnott, Mrs. J. T. Walls, Mrs. James Dougherty and Mrs. Joseph 8. Kean. A bevy of pretty young girls assisted in serving. Mis Rachel Clark assisted by Miss Mayme Collins and JUfSfon Catherine Ryari had charge of the BWale of homemade randy. During the early part of the evening the Portland Hotel orchestra, Waldemar Lind, di rector, played and later musical num bers were given by Mrs. A. F. Petael, contralto; Miss Marie Chapman, vlolin- I Mrs. Frank H. Hayes in Pendleton, Mrs. Hayes entertained with an in formal at home in her honor Saturday atternoon. Mrs. E. A. visiting Mrs. Pendleton. Mann of this city is Charles Greullch in Mrs. J. R. Dickson of Pendleton, who passed the summer in Portland, has returned home. Prior to going home she accompanied Mrs. Dickson to California, where he will remain for some time. Mrs. George A. Hartman Jr., of Pendleton, ha-s as her house guest her sister, Airs. Louise Gray of Portland. Mrs. William P. Temple and Mrs K. fc.. Chloupek, both of Pendleton, en tertained jointly at trie Temple resi dence recently, honoring Miss Rae Vo- gei or Portland, who is visiting there. - M. M. 1st; Miss Dagmar Kelly, mezzo con-I ,,m - , . . t alto, and Miss Nona Lawlcr, soprano. " uflu Miss Chapman and Mrs. Joseph Don nerberg were the accompanists. w : , Mr. JoNselyn Visiting Daughter. Mrs. Be'nage 18. Josselyn arrived here from Chicago last night to pass a week or 10 clays with her daughter, Mrs. Mason Manghum, who is convalescing after an operation for appendicitis. LAtar she will take her daughter back to Chicago with her for several months' visit. For Miss Wright, Iiride-Elect Mrs. Charles Wemmett entertained last. Friday afternoon for the pleasure of Miss Hazel Wright, the bride-elect of Kpear Hurlinger. Bridge was played at four tables with several additional guests calling for tea. Mrs. Ernet Graham and Mrs. Walter Walling won the highest honors. The decorations were most effective, the yellow chry saotbemums being used with ferns and greens. . Those present were Miss Helen Woodburn, Miss Helen Hall Mrs. William H. Euson, Mrs. Oscar Iapham, Miss Eva Tucker, Miss Ma rion Wood, Miss Kern Wilson. Miss Doris Ford, Miss Estelle Forde. Airs WUliam Searlef, Miss Vivian Macklin, Mrs. William Spence. Miss Fern Hol- lingsbiel, Mrs. Otis Wood, Mrs. Walter Walling and Mrs. Ernest Graham. Mystic Shrine Hand Concert and Dance. A concert program by Al Kader Shrine band will be given at the Mar sonic Temple Saturday evening, Octo ber 10, from 8 to 9 p. m., with Frank L.uctfs, director. The program will be: March. "A-nduIko Saffarova". . .Kmoch Selection, "Simple Aved" Thome ' "Songs of Ireland" Valse, "Dreaming" Joyce Idyl, "Mountain Maiden's Dream".. Labitzky At the close of the concert there is to be dancing and "500." Music is to be furnished by a 10 piece professional orchestra. Although the dance is given by the Mystic Shrine band, members of all the Masonic bodies and their ladies are especially Invited. Rose City Club Card Party. A card party, both auction and five hundred, will be the form of enter tainment Thursday evening of this week at the Rose City Park club, East i uty-sevtnth and Sandy boulevard. The active committee in charge of the affair expects this to be one of the large pwties of the season. The women of the club will hereafter have lull charge of all social affairs. Artisans Dance. The girls of the Cadet club of Ore gon assembly No. 1, United Artisans, announce their opening dancing party to ha given In the Selllng-Hirsch building this evening at 8:30 p. nu The patronesses for the evening are Mrs. Maines, Airs. Dearing and Mrs. Bu chanan. The committee in charge in cludes Miss Clara Iienderson, Miss Jeannette Raicy, Miss Norma Hummel Miss Grace -Graff, Miss Louise Han lbch. Miss Essie Shinn and Miss Irene Ralcy and Miss Hilda Lyskey. Red Cross Benefit Dance. Saturday, the evening of October 10, the women's auxiliary to the German Red Cross wish to announce that young folks dancing party will be Civen at the Deutsche Hauae, Thir teenth street, between Main and Jef ferson. Tlie patronesses of the even tng will bt . Mrs. Aljendroth, Mrs. P. Whwabe, Mrs. Kleischhauer, Mrs. H S. Dammasch, Mrs. A. Heisler, Mrs. T. Mueller. Carnival in Fairyland Opens. With thousands of artificial roses, electric llghla and autumn leaves in termingled to create a beautiful dec-, oratlve effect In the hall, th "Car nival in Fairyland," being given by the women of the Church of the Im maculate Heart parish, opened last night in Columbus hall, Morria street, near Williams avenue. Th nail waa crowded, and it was estimated that nearly 1000 persons attended. The carnival s to last three days, ana the Auction bridge will be the attrac tion Tuesday, October 20, both after noon and evening, at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Weaver. 2bi Last Twelfth street, north. Ar rangements have been made for 18 tables and the affair, which will be on an elaborate scale, is being given for the benefit of Grace Memorial Episcopal church, Irvlngton. 1 e- ill I t II II J . II ti;rl i I Hester Miller. Hester Miller, the little girl at Hills- boro who has given material for a dress and some -stockings tovgo with the Christmas ship, has been asking other children of her neighborhood also to contribute to the- Christmas ship cargo and yesterday she said that a number of her little neighbors intend to give. although she played in Portland some years ago with Creston Clarke in "The ' Power That Governs." Miss Oshier will arrive In Portland In a fortnight. . . PERSONAL MENTION Knbli Is Appointed. K. K. Kubll has been appointed dis trict deputy grand exalted ruler of the B. P. O. E. lodge for the northern Oregon district -while E. L. Parrott of Roseburg received ' the same honor for the southern Oregon district, ac cording to a letter received from Ray mond Benjamin, grand exalted ruler of the lodge, yesterday. Mr. Kubli's territory Includes all of eastern Ore gon. Astoria and the northern part of the Willamette valley. f Terrible Condition in Europe. Despite the strict censorship once in a while a little real news reaches this country. Colonel H. C Bowers, man ager of the Multnomah hotel, has just received a cablegram which throws and clears up a number of things about which there has been a great deal of speculation. Although un signed It Is believed the dispatch -was written by a chef turned war corres pondent. The message follows: The Germans have taken Pilsener and are surrounding delicatessen where the wurst is expected. The Belgian hares had a fallinr out with the Welsh rabbits and the Swiss cheese is shot full of holes. This will make the Irish stew and Eneiish mustard hot and when the Russian caviar sees the French pastry it will cause a Swiss movement watch! The Spanish onions are strong for a mtxup and if the home preserves are called out and spread over the German noodles they may ketchun with the navy beans, thereby causing an uprising of the Brussels sprouts. Woman Frightened Into Hysterics. Sent Into hysterics by a huge New foundland dog which attacked her as she stepped onto the back porch of her home, Mrs. D. J. Pruisxls, 321 North Twenty-second street, is stm eon fined to her bed. The dog killed a pet cat belonging to Mrs. Pnxiszis and was still shaking the body of the cat when she stepped onto the porch. Drop ping the cat. th doc attack-ad Vra. Pruisxls. She succeeded In getting into the' boos and shutting the door. Thin she became hysterical. Dr. T. M. Brooks was called. Portialrxjrrs Call on Chamberlain, Washington. Oct. 7. A. S.RothwB and Ml ifclosessohn of Portland paid their fleets to Senator Chamberlals today. - p ' THEATRICAL NEWS Talented Leading Woman Will Join the Baker Stock Company. St. Rose Parish Social. On the evening of October 15, at me Kose-city club. East Fifty-sixth ana sandy boulevard, the Young La dies' Sodality of St. Rose church will entertain with cards and one of their delightful dancing parties. Royal Neighbors Dance. Marguerite camp, Royal Neighbors of America, will give a dancing party luesoay evening, October 13, W. O. w. Temple, lis Eleventh street, Harrinian Club Dance. The Harriman club has issued invi tations for its third annual ball, to be given Friday, October 16, in Cotil lion hall. Fourteenth, near Washing ton. Mrs. Warren to Entertain. Mrs. Floyd Warren has asked tuestji in for four tables at bridge Friday aft ernoon at her apartments in the Elm-wood. Society Notes. The Misses Theoline Larsen. Marie Throndsen, Clara Karntson. Julia Johnson, all of Portland, Or., and F. b. W eir, a student of the North Pacific Dental college of Clyde. Wash., spent ounaay at tne Cedar Springs ranch. near here. E. H. Cooper, Mrs. Elizabeth Baron and children, Mrs. Ray CooDer and on. and Mrs. Maudie Songby. all of Oregon City, autoed out and spent th day at the Cedar Springs ranch Sun day. Mrs. Isaiah Si Slchel Is at th St. Vincent hospital and is improving nice ly alter an operation. Mrs. George Mosteller of WestDort. or., is visiting her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. George W. McMatlt She plans to return home Saturday. Irene O shier Coming Hera, Beginning October 25 with "Bought and Paid For," the Baker Players will be reinforced with a new emotional leading woman of considerable repu tation, Irene Oshier. The introduction of Miss Oshier will not in the least interfere with the work of Cora, Belle Bonnie, who will play yie leads of ingenue nature In the less emotional roles. Manager George L. Baker Is elated at his success in securing Miss Oshier to carry out his new plan of two strong leading women. She began her stage career- under Blanche Walsh, followed Dorothy Donnely In "Madame X", played the lead in "The Third Degree," starred in "The Poor Little Rich Girl," and was the first leading woman of the Municipal Stock com pany in Northampton, Mass- the pre mier stock company conducted by a city government, and has been a leading stock woman In t Pittsburg, New Tork and other places. This is her first western stock experience THERE'S A STORE THAT'LL SELL ME ALL THESE LOVELY THINGS ON CREDIT!" "There's nothing I love so. much as clothes, Genevieve. But if s the prac tical things that appeal to me the kind of clothes I will have use for every day, not just flimsy, fluffy crea tions that only a millionairess oan afford. ' "CHERRY'S, my own special store for clothes, have EVER YT HI NG that you or I or thousands of other Port land women would EVER wear. Waists, Genevieve, and BUlts and the very smartest dresses and the kind of ador able coats you've always dreamed of and longed to have a dozen of! "Now, Genevieve, remember, when we're gazing rapturously at the glort ous windows, that WE CAN HAVE ANYTHING WE WANT TO WEAR JTJST WHENEVER WE WANT IT "Let's see CHERRY'S pretty things tomorrow. You know where to go? up to 389-391 Washington, In the Pit tock block." Adv. THE PORTLAND with its rare courtesy of service, its at tractive dining places and its de lightfully tempting cuisine appeals to people of refinement andkiiscrimination. The new ivory-and-gold ball room is an added attraction provided by the man agement for the pleasure of The Port land's clientele. Available for afternoon, evening, or after theatre. Table dHote Dinner 5:30 to 8 Service m the Grill to 1 A. M. Ike PORTLAND HOTEL G. J. Kaufmanru Manager ; PRESCRIPTIONS J That Are Correct HAACK BROS. Prescription Druggists ' j Medical Bldg. 351 Alder Street Mala 718. A-6712. ICULMJJjlOl ana THE Steimway ALLIANCE When the demand for a Steinway Player Piano became apparent, Stein way & Sons began an investigation which embraced both the European and American fields, and extended over a period of several years. As a result pf this investigation, it was demonstrated that the supremacy of The PIANOLA had been gained solely through superlative excellence and recognized super iority, and that the artistic qualification of The Pianola alone, among all instruments of its type,, were of a standard commensurate with those of the Steinway Piano. . ..v . ' Q When such a House virtually stakes its reputation upon the superiority of The PIANOLA, no individual need hesitate to accept the verdict as authoritative and finaL 9 v Steiuram, May :&0a VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND ALL. THE RECORDS PIANOLAS STEINWAY. WEBER AND OTHER PIANOS Morrison Street at Sixth, Opposite Postoffice Dollsoys, Games, Wheel Goods; Etc., 4th Fl. Take Lunch in the Tea Room on 4th Floor "S. & H S tamps Given on Charge Accounts if Paid in Full on or Before the 10th of Each Month 0M9 Woipttmniaiim & Kfiei Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 . it: Home Phone A-6231 NoTCtnbef Ladiea Home Journal Patterns Now on Sale at the Pattern Counter Main Floor Ne wLIec FaMl Coatts All 812.50 GARMENT SALONS. SECOND FLOOR These attractive new Coats will be shown for the first time tomorrow. It's a special lot purchased by oar garment buyer, who is now in New York, and we consider them most re markable value at the price. Smart Ji-length styles in the warm, serviceable tweeds and novelty stripes or plaids. Some in loose-back effects, with deep plaits on either side, others in belted-back models, with Jarge storm col lars and deep cuffs. Trimmed with fancy buttons, etc. All the wanted (?1 0 TA shades. Priced very special .... V-l-fc(tlU NEW TODAY Women's and Misses Cor duroy Middy Blouses low-neck style, with sailor collar. Lace at side and front. Price $5 Stylish New Waists At $2.79 SECOND FLOOR Scores of pretty styles to select from all new models, just recerved. Long and short sleeves and low necks many have the new collars of lace, organdie and pique. Daintily trimmed with embroidery, laces, fine tacks, frills, etc Complete range of all sizes. Priced very special for tomorrow'at New Cape Coats Similar to Illustration. $2.79 .f22.50 to f35 Sale Underweaif Hosiery Hp? At Basement Center Circle IN THE UNDERPRICE STORE Timi offerings in Men's and Boys' Underwear and Hosiery supply (lor Winter needs now. Union Suits 98c Men's medium i Men's jt3s Hose 19c F ine, soft wasui vv nucr union onus. Nicely finished. Regular 125 to $1-50 grade. The QQn garment wOv 75c Union Suits 48c For boys 6 to 16 years of age. Fleece lined and excellent weight. Regular 75c grades. The 19c Hose in medium weiehta is. Black, Oxford and naturall jfe Regular 25c - Hose. Itte pair.. Men's ifSjI Union Suits 79c Splendl; Winter weight and fine, ciile. ribbed. All sizes. Regulaii 1 1 Union Suits. HCkg Now akl W, I il 1 1 $ Special Oiler 9X0O WarG Xvoa ana gSo packara of Ctowa Waffla Plonx. Total valoa fia.V JRuxraday bota for ...... $1 Grocery Dept., on 4th Floor This special combination .offer is made to induce you to try a package of Clow's Waffle Flour scientifically prepared and guar anteed under the Pure Food Act. If you cannot come to the store in person, telephone your order. Regular $1.00 regulation size Waffle Iron and 25c package Clow's Waffle Flour both Vl ; jjiii Me wTFfiminniiicl HaHs 4445 ii Millinery 1 jl DepartmeW 2d Floor i Exceptional Qual ity and Style AWON0ERFULL Y Pretty group of styl ish new Hats are these we place on sale to morrow at Five Dollars. Exact copies of higher-priced models in the season's very smartest effects. Tailored, Semi-Tailored and Dress Hats of black, navy and brown vel vets in every desirable shape sailors, turbans, roll brims, round crowns and vaj$us other models, beau tifully trimmed with ostrich and fancy ifjeithers, flowers, ribbons, etc Many very pretty effects in large; jiediura or small styles. By all means, come to the store tomorrow and see these attrac tive new Trimmed Hats we price yr special Tor (PET Aft Thursday at ... life PtVJU 5 a"-: Basement Millinery Black Velvet Hat Shapes SSPc Basement Special sale Black Velvet Hat Shapes in quality usually selling at $2.00. Numer ous styles and shapes, ranging from small, close-fitting styles to large -sailors. In all there are. six different styles in sail ors, many with the new soft crown and" telescope or round corner effects. Priced for Thursday at 89c Satin & Velvet Shapes AH 65c Basement Small lot of 100 Satin and Velvet Combination shapes in black only. There are about a dozen different styles to choose from in small and medium shapes. Made of excellent quality black satin and silk velvet Shapes worth npto $2150. Priced spe- Ctp rial at UtIC Knit Underwear Price On Sale at Center Circle, Main Floor Special offering women's high-grade Underwear Broken lines in medium and heavy weights Union Suits and separate garments offered for Thursday's special sale at just one-half regular prices: Regular 50c Heavy Fleece Lined Vests and Pants, special at Regular 75c Heavy Ribbed Pants, priced special garment 38 Regular $1 Medium Weight Ribbed Vests and Pasts, sped at CO Regular $1-25 Imported All-Wool Stuttgarter Underwear for Regular $1-75 Imported All-Wool Stuttgart er Underwear for 88 Regular $2.25 Imported AH-Wool Stuttgarter Underwear for 113 Regular $2J5 Imported All-Wool Stuttgarter Underwear for 1.38 Regular $3-50 Imported All-Wool Stuttgarter Underwear for f 1T5 Regular $5.00 Imported All-Wool Stuttgarter Underwear for f 2.RO Special line Women's Union Suits all sizes and styles, a peel T9f Blanket Sale Ifl j-fc " - I I.I IM I If Bargain Circle Main Floor $4.0btMixed Wool (JO QQ PtafdJ Blankets... t?.70 $4.iiFancy Mixed C0 QQ WdC Blankets.. $6VO $ Plaid OA QQ W6tj Blankets. .. &UO $6.5f)liand $7 Auto OA QQ Indian Robes.... OtwO $6.&!Wool Auto'flJQ QK Rome's, special... DOuO Ask! Llor "S. & H." Trading 111 Stamp. Great Sale of Sample Dining Chairs ; i VJ., ' 1 I - I - Fornltare Dept. 3d Fir, ONLY ONE OF A KIND! Manufacturers sample line of high-grade Dining Chairs on sale tomorrow at less than regular factory prices. Late styles and' finest of workmanship. Golden quartered oak, fumed, mahogany, etc, with leather and wood seats. Don t miss this offering. S2.75 to $5.25 Lines Now at 51.89 86.00 to $7.25 Lines Now at $2.98 $7.25 to $11.00 Lines Now at $3.95 mfntii n H if tin i r H it 40c O W K Coffee At-29c Fourth Floor "Coffee Day" to morrow doirt fail to order your week's, supply. Regular 40c OWK. Coffee at. a pound - .29c 50cOWKTea39c Fourth Floor This is our reg ular bUc quality Uncolored Ja pan and Ceylon Tea. Priced for Thursday's sale at, OQ a pound , .O J C All Electric and Gas Portable Lamps Reduced Hundreds of Handsome Styles Deit 3d Floor Electric Reading Lamp (square shade) for f 4.00 Electric Student Lamp (complete) at only $5.90 Electric Floor Lamp, complete with shade, S.OO Electric Art Desk Lamp with shade, for S9.85 Electric Desk Lamp, brass or bronze mush, at&jo Electric Desk Lamp (ivory finish) specl, f 1120 Electric Luminer Floor Lamp, the latest, $28.75 Electric Luminer Table Lamp, special at f We carry a full Jine of iihij celebrated Mazda Elec tric Lights in all sizestj Ipive double the light at same cost Ask thei?lesman to demonstrate this to you the next tiidjlyou are on our Third FL 40 Watts, 60 W, 4O100 Watts, TO Automatic Gas Lighlet guaranteed for two years, 50$ All GasjjEortables at 6ale price. Basement Sale Aluminum Cooking Utensils 30c Pudding Pans for only 244 40c Pudding Pans for only 32 27c Aluminum Pie Plates 22 30c Aluminum Pie Plates 24 35c Aluminum Pie Plates 28 35c Handle Sauce Pan for 28 45c Handle Sauce Pan for 36 50c Handle Sauce Pan for 40 This three-piece Aluminum " $chen Set consisting f one Double Boiler one Coy eyed Sauce Pan and one Kettle exactly as reproduced, to the left Cf OA Priced very special for Thursday's sale at jL.OU 50c Fry Pans. speeT, 40 2c Pudding Pans at IT 50c Fry Pans, speeX 4S 2 Pudding Pans at 20 60c Handle Saaee Pan for 4S 60c Ahnmntrm Kettle for -AS 75c Ahrmrnum Kettles for GO 90c Aluminum Kettles for 72 $1.10 Aluminum Kettles at 88 $1.15 Double Boilers for 92 tl.40 Double Boilers for 81.12 2.25 Tea Kettle (4 qts.) 81.80 $230 Kettle (5 qtO f2.00 35c Di.TiGlxs Tumb'rs, dz. 24 $125 Set Mrs. Potts' No. 3 Sad Iron with stand set for 8 Regular $1-25 -Success" Fold ing Clothes Racks 16 bars, containing 32 feet of soace for l CJOthesj priced special tor ws Special Reduced Prices on Andirons and Fire SeU -On the Third Floor Special Showing New Art Brasses and Farxy China---On the Third Floor sfr.1,: