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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1914)
if : 14 THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 6, 1914. SITUATIONS -FEMALE 4 y. V '- (Coatiansg) i :. OUNti ' widow" would keep- house for widower with furnished home for free houae.' rent and heat: no Feference eicrmnreo1, Ty-21. Journal. NEAT middle aged laay, koojI house keeper, wants position keeping hvuse fpr elderly couple or elderly gentle j fnan; must be neat. Marshall 2434. . i ttTRONO. capable woman would like position ajr housekeeper, country or city. Mr. Robinson, Gresham, Or. rnone Farmers 83, tiresnam, WANTED By reliable woman with trl' mon.t position as housekeeper or Housework In private family; refer ences. Main 6771, room 3. . WANTED Ky experienced single wo man, position- as chambermaid, day work or laundry work; reasonable terms. Main 6535. ; WOMAN with boy 4 year wants posi tion as housekeeper or housework in private family; references. Main 8875. ' WIDOW lady wishes day work washing-, Ironing, cleaning; must have work. r. Phone Main 2039. WOrtK iy me huur; hignest recom mendation. 67th ., 6Jd ave., Port land. 8. K. GIRL desirous of IrarmnK cooking and housework in good family. C-933, .Toiirnal. DKKHb'M AK Kit, reliable, cut. fit and finisher, $1 day, carfare; no phone; call or address 3'.i21 Hid, t, 8. K. hlUtKliY lady would keep house, for one or two young men; small wages; must he respectable. 9fiS K. Ktark. Vv A N'l Elj H y neat, respectable wom an with l.oy 4 yearn, position hb ' housekeeper or housework. Main S875. EXPKRIKNCKb laundress and house cleaner, wish work by hour. Refer ences ' KXPEItlKNCKD cook and waitress wants Job cooking for rrw; can give references ''til 1 MHln S9X2. fe I' iUKA I'llKH wants position, temporary or permanent. Phone Main nao, COM PK'I KNT Meti..t;il.ei ii-r. po sition, city experletn e ami references. Phone Knt .!Sfi. A 1 i-u - Knicriy iady to take care of two children Tor hoard and room Mm) II week Jefferson ft. t 1 .vi 1 I-, 1 i-.. 1 woman wants house keeping position : for widower or bachelor. No t r i f l?rs. Marshall 31SX. tAl'r.iu r.Nt KD girl in KriPtaJ liouae- work wlsl position in good home, wages $1'5 or $3i month. Maisiiall 1367. JOCPKKIHNCED cook and housekeep er wants position. $40. Very com petent. K-.lli. Journal. WANT KI I'ohition as salad mixer. - thoroughly experience') and will give, references. Main 35l!9. Vf ANTED My experienced woman, day work, washinv. ironing, clein''. Enst SKM. RKIJAHLk woman wants day work" Main 2H. bill ATlU.VS AVA.Ti:i .UALK MAN. and wife, fine workers, thorough ly reliable, want woi k of. liny kind, Janitor work preferred. 1,-253, Journal, IHJKSSM Akl.Mi 40 MILI.INI.HV makeover .shop, reblock Ing. making, $1.0 up; trimmings 50c Up. Will call ut your home or go out by day. Phone Main 1731', Winston pf. 21 cor. 14th and Market. LAinl.S lailoiin. alterations, coatj reline I. Prl'-es reasonable. 4 15 Mor rin 1 Mrl' !::. floor. KASII IONABI.K dressmaking in your own home. $L'.r,i p, r da. Miss Buck lev. Main :,h. B'fVI.IHI dresses suits. Reference) wi'l sem i-tailored $- .Uyr E 5195. DRESSMAKING by .lav or home, work Kiiainnt el, pi lets reasonable; Main 8312. NUltSKft liO rif.n THul(jl I nurse w ishes en gagements. Mrs. Allison, 3s'J 11th ft. Ma n 32 4. 'l H.M.vKi1 miri-e Wants work and go home nights. Woodlawn 1572. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE -S--Srrr- iOKNG men may Vonsult, -. without charge. register or furnished- rooms listing Several hundred in -all parts ..of the A. ; also Ciobe In Oil J , U . II. 1 . .!. . . the AHsoclatlon hide ir.Wi,i renovated rooms, brick build ing, wiilklng distance, free bath and phone. Steam heut. 'I ransient 50c nd up Per week, $1.75 and up. 283 13th t THE ALBION HOTEL. 212A 3d and Salmon. , Rooms $1.5 week up; steam heat, hot Ht"l cold wat'-r, free bath, phone bi.i.i.i i .st luo. tuinislied. $2 up; single rooms $2.50 up; 2 rooms $3 up i-i we"k; teum inquire JtrCV 3d. Main 77T1. ACK.Lt iiOT&L Coi. 12th and Slant. $2.50 wk. up. Private bath. $4 up. Clean out.iidt rooms, moib-rn brick bidg. BUCKINGHAM hotel. 20th and Wash ington; new, iiieprour, brick, every modern convenience; ?in month up. Hill KL Alt 11. I li I On livnr ,nrri..n Transient and permanent, rooms with all modern conveniences. $17.50 mo. up. 2u. Keniiwortn hotel. Reasonable rent. Excellent treatment. Main 1182. THE KING. 309 Jefferson, nicely tur rooms, modern, .eniral. $2 room up. huoAIS uriij upHi uiioni.i in moun n i,o tel $'.'.5i week and up. 455 Ald?r ! ' fcTKAAl heated rooms II. ou week and ; up. 22 ( oluinblit ut MODERN, choke rooms. $1 up. 4ti'J Jefferson st. Main 2w'U. HOTEL NOKRIS 533 Alder: cleai outside rooms; m.wle r n ; $ 2 to $ 4 w k rUttdlbHED KOOM3 WEIT StUB AT ti jf AMILT 70 3 ROOMS, private bth. light, water telephone, lnrge regular kitchen pani.y, ionh, yuid, fivnilied new and cican; privileges. til Alder St., S. E. 'lvvO llnely turnished rooms in lovely privHie nome; mouern conveniences spien.h.l location; references. F-ltfl journal. HAN.DSOME bay window room, bath adjoinln;. always hot water. Two gentlemen can have nice home. 40 Jefferson. A. ONE or two rooms in beautiful home, hot water heated, running water in room; niso snower. h.i.i Everett. NICELY furnished tiin,:le rooms, all , conveniences; ciose m, hoard if de siren. 4iii i oiumma st. NICELY furnished room, bath and pnone. ; w . l amhiii. SINGLE sleeping room and iiouse tent, , 1 cenirai. (4 Ainer st.. s. k. cor, lit ptramsEED booms BA8T Pg vf ATU FAMILY 71 FURNISHED rooms, private. Laurel hurst. Largo, sunny bedroom with Iirepiace. r.very convenience. Refer encew. labor S95. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 1() TWO rooms. $6.5o; single, $3.50; room flat. $9. 1 88 1-Market, ROOMS AND DOAUD 15 ROOM and. board; also table board home cooking. son Jeffers.m . HOOKS AMD BOA3S FJtlVATE JMIT.TT "3 WANTED Oiri to care for: 2 to '-.years old: refined home; mother' ipre- 1" ip month. Tabor fi") ROOM for 2 gentlemen; furnace hea witn good cooking. 54 North 16i comer Iavis, WOULD like to care for two children. Stanley Or.. Estacaia earline, 4 blks. from station. - ' KIND lady wishes to- board children. , School 1 blocfc 383 5th. . -.BOARD and ' room, $5.6 1 and . up; young people; music. 449 3rd st. HOODS -with or without board. ue of piano, free bath and phone. Ii 1977. BOOKS ASS BOASO piuvatb rAvaux (Continued) 72 ROOM and board, steam heat, bath, 4 room cottage, west side; waltinir phone, piano. : parlor, good homestsnce,- $6 and' 8. Cor. Hood and modern, reasonable, at 554 E. Madison, i Caru triers. Phone Alain 779 weekdays Hawthorne car to 13th st. 4 i n r-ao WANTED 1 or 2 children to board, j MODERN, 6 room house, all eon 1 aire from 8 months to 2 years, 1 , venienc-es. Gas range, furnace. Fino terms reasonable. IBSS'i East 13th st. location and view. 2d minutes from Phone Sell. 1604. Sellwood, 0- 1 center of city on 2 carlines. Phone WHfcN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. . i ! HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 ! ONE room with kltcnenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running iot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts.; $16.60 and up. 291 Columbia st, cor ner 6th st. fciteam heat'd.rom Untol Free Ram Clean RoomsUcill NU lei Phone. Piano Nicely furnished and housekeeping room, $1 week: 16c diy up. 665lstst. 175 12th., COMFORTABLE single rooms, complete for housekeeping, all conveniences. Cambridge bid;., turnlshed 11. K. rooms, central, cheap. 1 65 3d, cor. Morr'n. OILMAN notel. 1st and Aiaer. bur nished H. K. rms. cheap. $1.50 wk. up. WEST SIDE iRIVATX SfAlOLY 73 TWO young men to occupy 2 large rooms in home; may also have break fast; close in, lino view. 403 12tli tit. A-6237. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, good cook stove, electric lights, sink, nice yard; no objections to children 673 Kearney st. Reasonable. HOUfcrEtvEEl'l-NG rooms $i month; transient $5 month; 1 garage $4 month. 324 Jackson st. Phone M. 7095. LKNlbrtiiU and unfurnished house. keeping rooms. 497 (Columbia. J Main 361 TAYLOR, comfortable suites and single rooms, complete for house keeplnf NiCELV furnished h.ousr-Keepitig rooms; gas. bath, $12.50 month. 69' Front. 9 LARUE bay window suite, close in, sink, range, porcli, leasonable. Ci-i Yamhill. SUITE housekeeping rooms; heat, bath, gas range. 171 N. 17th st. TWO room suites, $11 and $13 month ly. Lights, bath, phone. 6S5M: Gliwan. NEWLY furnished housekeeping-rooms, $2 per week. 241 6th. cor. Main. NICE, clean front housekeeping; also sleeping rooms. 500 Jefferson st. DON'T search; modtrn H. K. rooms, always hot water. 407 Jefferson. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 (1X0 TO $2.75 week, furnished H. K. rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, baths. Fhone East 603f. 406 Vancouver ave. TWO nicely furnished, steamheated housekeeping rooms, $17; 27:J Wil liams ave. LARUE basement housekeeping rooms. 167 E. bth St. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. HOTTBEKEEFINO- BOOHS EAST SIDE PBWATi: FAMILY 74 NEWLY furnished, large, clean rooms. 2 rooms complete from dishes to gas range, bath, phone, heat and light, 10. 71 East 11th st. No., near Burnside. TWO' rooms, fine lacation, walking distance, sleeping porch," fireplace, modern. Phone East 3245. tiuO E. Alcfer. FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; all modern; one blk. from earline. Terms reasonable. 2 East Hoyt st. WO rooms, fine location, walking distance, sleeping porch, ti replace. modern. Phone East 3245. 650 E. Alder. HOUSEKEEPING suites, 1 2-room. 1 4-room. Phono after 6:30 or Sun days. Woodlawn 622. THREE nice H. K. rooms, first floor, $13. Nr. schools. 749 Mississippi ave. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention the journal. FXJR RENT HOUSt:S 12 MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable list of all va cant bouses, flats, apartments and ungalows in the city; make use of this service when you desire; this does not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find us willing and ready at all times to help you in locat- ng. isewcomers in Portland will rind this service especially valuable. Real state men ana owners ot private prop- rty are invited to list their unoccu pied apartments, flats and houses at Meier & Frank's free rental bureau. 41 E. Stark. 6 rooms. $14. 935 E. Stark. 6 rooms, $14. 73 K. 31st St.. 6 rooms, $13. 68 Buchtell ave., 5 roms, $12. 921 E. Stark st., 5 rooms, $14. 66 Buchtell ave,, 5 rooms, $14. See Owner at 206 Stock Exchange bldg. ok RENT, 2 good houses in Irving ton, each has a cirase. Either one for $35 per month to good tenants. Will H. See. 495 E. 27th. N. Phone C-1X90 between 8 and 12 mornings. 35 for a fine Irvington residence of 7 rooms, with fireplace and furnace. hardwood floors, fine lawn and best of surroundings. Bianchard & Clem- son. 702-3 Selling bldg. NEVV 5 room bungalow. 682 E. 70th st., 1 blocks from Rose City, car; reasonable to good tenant. Key at 683 E. 7lst st. Tarnjr 4491 or Mar. 4214. 10 ROOM house in heart of Sunnyside, suuauie lor two lamines, giving pri vacy to each; rent $!2.o0 to each party. Call for particulars at 512 Piatt bldg. ATTRACTIVE 6 room cottage,-, good location; hot water system: reason able. Inquire E. 58th and Sandy road. Phones Tabor 2545. Tabor 373. MODERN 8 room house, fireplace, fur- nace, gas, electric E. Burnside, near 22d. $25. Tabor 1993. o. AiooEKN s room house, yard and roses; 625 corner E. KOO(j 16th and Hawthorne ave. MOUERN house, 653 Mississippi ave., near O.-W. R. & N. car shops. Near school. Price $16. A-7931. Main 1359 5-ROOM modern house, reasonable, in quire 919 Woodward ave., or phone Sellwood 1551, 8 ROOM house, beautiful view. Mt. Tabor near Belmont: rent $1K. Main 3863. MODERN, clean 7-roorn house, fur nace. Key next door. 450 Montgom ery. Phone Sellwood 1.-1. MODERN 6 room bungalow,. 740 E. 42st N.. Beaumont, ouen 11 to .1 Tabor 3862. -Woodlawn 2356. MOUERN, attractive 6-room house, 378 Victoria st.,, near Broadwav. C-1428. J biA. room house on Knott St., near Williams-ave., large yard. Kent $13 per month. Call at 512 Piatt bldg. $10 6 room cottage; gas, bath, etc.; walking distance. 32!'2 JacKson St. Inquire Marshall 5740. 10-ROOM modern house, $12. East 87th and Salmon; 5-room cottage ?9. Ta bor 3320. iOR-RENT 6 room cottage, east side close in. -Phone Main 1755. ' $12.50 6 room house, 1 block from Sunnyside school. Tahor 35x6. 8-ROOM house, lOg'o E. Harrison st., $12. Inquire 1084 Hawthorne ave. FOR RENT Modern 6 JR BENT Modern 6 room house, 344 Oregon. Tel. East 3329. -.T.r.. s . r MODERN 6 room 0ngalOW. shades !LI!!? JiiPe. $18. Wdln. 1799. WEST side 4 room cottage close in"; yalso 6 room flat. Sell. S.Q. 4 rcom house, yard, near 16th st. 5ii Mill. 8 ROOM house, 1080 E. Harrison st ' Inquire 1084 Hawthorns ave. THREE room house for rent, hot and cold water, full lot. $5. 243 E. 59th N. M-V car. 7 ROOM house, $15. all modern. Main 8982. 12 weiiwooo - 13 16. GOOD 7 room house, ad and College sts., city. Inquire at 444 3d St. or phone A-5263. I FOR KENT. 5 room house. 734 Kear ney. Main 4S34. Fur-Mrunr- for sajuk & HOUSES FOR KENT FL'KNITL'KK 8 rooms, near library, ali: occupied, leaving the city; a bargain; investigate today. 188 10th. Main - ' 12 ROOMS of furniture for housekeep ing, at your own price; leaving city. 300 Jefferson st. " AOS of t'urtiiture torsale are puo lished in the Househola Goods classi fication wh"n house is not for rent. FUKX'ISHEI HOUSES $15 FIVPi room furnisned cottage, K. 13th and Ainsworth. Call 290 Hal sey or 1'liore East 3135. 7 ROOM furnished house. 0 and 6 room unfurnished, very reasonable. 529 Everett. 0 KOOM modern oungalow, furnished (piano and garagej. Tabor 190 or call 375 E. 47th st. iit;MlKAfciLE, well furnished house, gas, bath, etc. Small family of adults. 720. E. Ankeny st. FUU-MStlLD cottage, clean piano, phone, gas, water free, close in. 262 rage st. U car. $30 room modern furnished house. niiinn f 1 1 : i r Rfhnn , i r- will nhfl r6. Tabor :U4. EI : UNI SUED 5 room cottage for rent Modern. $18. 354 Sacramento st. 6 ROOM furnished house.' month. 621 E. lltti St. $12.76 per $1'0 4 ROOM house, clean, piano, steel and gas range. Woodlawn 3161. 7-ROOM house, furnished, good loca tion near earline. 1136 Di virion. ROOMS, hot water heat, garage, pi ano, beautiful furniture. Tab. 1970. NICELY furnished 5 Call 414 College st. room cottage. WHEN you answer theso Want AOs, mention The Journal. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED VERY desirable, completely or partial ly furnished or unfurnished new and strictly modern 3 room apartments, very reasonable rent to desirable ten ants. 1, block from 2 carlines. i min aula, 1 uiucn liuill 4 11 uti. - " ' " utes from business center. New Sha- vcr Apartments. 245 Shaver St. Wood- lawn 167 SHEFFIELD apartments, 272 Broad- waCcor. J eft'erson easy" walking J stance; 3 or 4 roomswith private I ths, very reasonable rent, best -serv- di bat ice, splendid arrangements, all outside i rooms, direct phones. THE 1K1S Apartments, 3d and Mill cts., will be completed October 1; rents from $17 up; 2, 3, 4 room, all modern improvements; largest heating plant in city; furnished or unfurnished. No charge for cooking gas. REX ARMS APARTMENTS, 13T11 AND E. MORRISON STS. Modern 2 and 3 room furnished and unfurnished apts., $20 to $32.50 month; new fireproof bldg with balconies. WASHINGTON OKAND iBnuk) 2 room furnished apts., $15 per mo. up; just rebuilt, modern, hot, cold water each apt.; heat, light, bath furnished. Grand ave. and E. Wash. East 4449. CHAPMAN apt,, brick bldg., modern, cor., front apartment, furnished, $25; unf urnisiied, $IS to $22. Baths, dressing room in white, walking distance, 3 blocks from 14th st.; Mill, cor. Chap man. Marshall 5489. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders, offers you a modern 5 or 6 room home in NobJ Hill district with high class service, at moderate prices. Main 7516, A-2676. MoRToN apts., cor. Washington and King sts.; 3 and 4 room furnished and unfurnished apts. Best and cheap est place in city, walking distance. Main 1HS2, A-1108. Vv CLLEiSLE) COURT APTS., East 15th and Belmont, half block south of Morrison st. Furnished and unfur nished 2 and 3 room apts., rents rea son a h leheLvy4storybrickbuU THE ORLANDO Cor. 20th and Wash ington sts.,'very desirable, elegantly furnished 3 room corner apartments, $42.50 and $40; every modern conven ience; references. Marshall 184. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS 3d and Montgomery. New brick, all outside furnished 2 room apartments, private bath, phone, automatic eleva tor, close in. $20 up. Main 9466. WALDORF COURT, 1RV1NGTON. East 9th and Schuyler. Five rooms unfurnished with large sleeping porch; strictly modern, c 66S. East 547. THE WASHINGTON, 6S9 Northrup, 6 room fur. or unfur. apts., with bath and all modern conveniences; phone, steam heat, gas, electric lights, etc.; "W" car to 21st & Northrup. M. 4376, THKEB nicely furnished outside rooms. - bed, table linen, bath and phone, reasonable. B-1079 or 1293 Belmont st. PARK HURST, 20th, corner Northrup. modern three-room furnished apart ments, private balcony; references. W- j car- NEW YORK APTS. E. 7th and Bel mont, furnished rooms, modern brick bldg., all outside apts.. steam heat, lights; personal management of owner. THE DfcZENDORF , 20S 16T11 ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. Elegant 5 room furnished and unfur nished apts., also 3 room fur, apt. GRACE apt., 24tU and Northrup sts. 3 large rooms, bath, heat, phone, new and strictly modern, untumishod. Call Marshall 1075. ! DRICKSTON, 448 11th. choice low I priced modern 2 and 3 room apart- ; 'n-i pic.ioa.iii. uuimuo iuuma. Marshall 57. ; MEREDITH Mouern, newly renovated I 3 and 4 room apts.. $1S up; good i j -. i . ii.i , .j ....... . - janitor servicej walking distance, ref elm wool) APIS., 10TH AND HALL .:..i i v.v. .. 1 .. i v..ii . i erences. I u vv usn., opp. aa. .n. nt. 2 and 3 room furnished and unfur nished apts.; reasonable. EVELYN APARTMENTS, 3 rooms, furnished and unfurnished, outside apartments, $20 to $25. 267 21st st, N. Marshall 1323. THE ALCO. E. Couch and Union ave.; walking distance, summer rates, new, modern, 2 room apts., $18 to $24 per month. $25 SIX room unfurnished flat, in cludes steam heat, hot water, bath, laundry, garbage. Inquire 402a 3d, Main 7771. THE JEFFERSONIAN, 514 Jefferson, Corner 16th. Two and three room furnished apart hients. $16.00 to $22.50. 3 LARGE ROOMS, $22.50. Save $15 monthly, completely fur nished, bed and table linen, phone, bath. B-1079. NOKOMIS APARTMENTS. Modern 2 room furnished apts.. bath, phone, walking distance, $16- month up. 17th and Marshall. Marshall 4H4:;. FOUR-ROOM steam heated apartments furnished and unfurnished, $20 up. Main 792. : JULIAETTE APTS., 2d and Montgom- ery, modern 2 room apts., furnished ' r,r-.-v . ; 1 ; j r PORTNoMAH apartments. 4 and 3 ! rooms, unfurnished, hardwood floors. 1 or iinrurnisneo reasonaote. leonine norr-he V.ast 12tH anrt TivlnJ ; . t . , , 9 , ,, J furnished apts.. $20 to $28, strictly -f modern. 383 Williams ave. East 419. ILLIHEE Apartments, 487 Taylor, near 14th, furnisned apartment ia to. ) Dhnnu Marahall fir;qi ' $2 I THE PAGE Two lovely apts witn prices to suit tenant. East 3566. THE ORMONDE, light front 5 rooms. 656 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251. DOWNTOWN apartments, newly ren- . FOR RENT HOUSES (Continued) 1 ,ov rated. $20 and up.: 350 Morrison, FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED : - APARTMENTS 4S . (Contlnnsd) BRAND NEW COR; 19TH AND LOVEJOT. Just completed, & story fireproof brick bldg., 57 2. 3 and 4 room outside unfurnished apts., large, light and airy, with all modern up-to-date conven iences, automatic elevator, marble bathrooms, private balconies. Refer ences required, PRICES MODERATE. BUKNA VISTA APTS. 12th and Harrison. Under new management, five story fireproof brick building, all outside apartments. 2 and 3 rooms, fufnisheo and unfurnished, modern, up to date. Both phones; automatic! elevator; beautiful view; walking distance. References. Prices moderate. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. THE CODY. 431 IS. Taylor St., modern brick building; all outside rooms, steam heat, phone, light, furnished; rents very reasonable; thoroughly clean and under the. personal manage ment of Mrs. Cody. FOR RENT FLATS $22.50 Modern 6 room upper, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, all outside rooms and view. Cor." East 19th and Davis. Phone Tabor 262. iNtiiW & room, furnace, fireplace, lino leum in Dutch kitchen, gas range, heater. Eajst 29th and Everett sts. Ankeny rar. FIVE room flat, fireplace, balconies, partly furnished. 548 K. Taylor. $20 per month. 3 MODERN four-room flats; rent' $19 and $-'1. Cor. 12th and College. lowek modern furnished; $15. 6 room flat; heat 1045 E. 21st st. N. $10.004 ROOM flat, 301 E. 11th st. No children. East 963. 4iuutK. 4 room flat. Tel. East 3329. 174 E. 2d N. FUEL free, also garage, niftiest five room flat in- city, close-in. Mar. 2832. SWELL 5 room modern lower flat, nice yard. 789 E. Yamhill. East 5948. WHEN yoj answer theso vVant Aas, mention The JournaL FURNISHED FLATS 50 PLEASANT four room, furnished flat. with bath, upstairs, rent very, rea sonable. 227 East 49th near Haw thorne. Phone Tabor 523. CLOSE in, east side, furnished, clean 3 room flat, large porch, reasonable to adults. Phone Sellwood 289; ref erences. n. L. i . . , . , a" OK0? ,7?,?' fo y . n'?he(1 floca Jl UntnnVfc.' between Beech and Failing. 800 E. 6th st. N. THREE - ROOM J"iisi .e M"11 so ,tw" mhed. oOb E. 2d st. b. hed flat, mod- rooms unfur- NEW, modern, 5 room, beautiful fur- nished flat. West side. Walking distance. Main 8311., WHEN you answer these Want Ais, mention The Journal. STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in Scuth Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co., Broadway and Yamhill STEAM heated, 3 front rooms, suit able for doctor; $15; good location. Tabor 3118. FOR RENT HALLS 59 LODGE hall with good dancing floor, steam heated. Ill Second st. Phone Main 183. HOTELS 34 THE BARV1EW hotel, on Tillamook Beach, under new management, is open all the year. 211 Failing bldg Phone A- or M. 2029. W. A. Wise, prop. WANTED TO RENT GENTLEMAN wishes 1 or 2 unfur nished rooms with gas plate; east sidd preferred; state price. ""D-808, Journal. 5 OR 6 room bungalow. Must have plenty of ground with barn or chicken house. Phone Tabor 3031. WANTED By 2 adults, a cottage at Seaside for winter for care of same. Woodlawn 2498. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 $100 buys a team of mares in good condition and not lame or sore; are good pullers and will work single or double or ride; set of good new harness included in price. Call 129 North nth st. Fine ranch team. Mares; team weighs about 2650 lbs.. are low, blocky built and are true pull ers, fast walkers, easy keepers, pentie in or out of stable, have no tricks or vices; gentle for anyone to handle or care for; also set bf heavy harness and nearly new tarm wagon, all ct low price of $325; sell mares separate. Union Transfer Stables, 11th at Hoyt St. Single farm outfit at bargain: $100: big mare in foal and good worker; set good single harness and nearly new farm wagon all complete, with springs under box. All at one nrice. S 1 no Call Union Transfer Stables. 11th at Hoyt st. 4 The Union Transfer Stables are re placing all their horses and wagon3 with auto trucks and have the follow ing to sell: Four draft teams, all well matched, and will weigh from 2850 lbs. to 3100 lbs., and weigh it: also their harness at prices from $250 to $350, including harness, will guaran tee ail horses to have good wind and be true to pull or money refunded in full; also six small teams, weigh from 300 lbs. to 2600 lbs.; mostly mares, and all are good workers: several farm wagons; also some trucks and harness and saddles. Call and look this over, as ft will save you money. All ship ments attended to free of any charge. .Union Transfer Stables, 11th and Hoyt sts. Just Received a carload of eastern Oregon horses and mares ranging from 1100 lbs. to 1700 lbs. Everything sold with a guarantee I represented- G. O. Williamson, 248 i r ront. of horses and wagons. Thursday, Oct. 8. tiorses ana wagons sold on com mission. Columbia stables, 302 Front FARM outfit, all for $165; matched team, horse and mare good workers and true pullers, gentle, good harness and good farm wagon with extra long bed; team will be hitched and tested. Price only $165. Call Union Transfer Stable. 11th at Hoyt st. HORSES Broke and unbroke. all sizes, tutaran teed as represented, cash or termrm. Frazier McLean, eldest horse firm in city. 200 6th st- cor. Taylor. GOOD serviceable ranch team, double harness and farm wagon cheat: trial allowed; also 1 2-ton platform spring wagon, is b 7 e. siant. TEAM for sale with harness and wag on; will accept good short timfe mortgage. Mar. 2832. AT your own price; serviceable team. weight about 2000 lbs., trial allowed. No trades. 1029 E. Yamniu st. FOR SALE Horse, 1200 lbs., dark brown, Irvington stables. Inquire for Snyder. WANT to buy or trade for horse 1000 . to 1200 lbs., for delivery purposes Columbia 67 5. - GOOD, driving outfit, rubber tired buggy; will trade; also good saddle, 368 H. 6th st. HSU l2ijJ ib. horse, 8 years old; sound . and gentie. is. jonn St.. at. jonns. 2O00 LB. Belgian stallion. $600 1200 trade, swank. Main !, East joi& WHEN you answer these VVant Ads, mention The JournaL DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call day or night. Tabor 4203. HORSE and wagon about new for sale cheap. 3913 71st 8. K. HORSES, VEHICLES ETC. 18 FOR SALE Good saddle pony for some boy; about 800 lbs. Main 8641. LIVESTOCK 33 FOR SALE Our entire nerd of cattle, registered Holsteins, bred in the purple. King Segis. Pontiac, Henger veld, and De Kol families. 14 regis tered a. J. C. C Jerseys, bred In Chief Engineer, Stoke Pogis, and other lead ing tamllies. Also a tew registered bulls, Holsteins and Jerseys. 13 high grade cows, Holsteins and Jerseys. These cows are all young, heavy pro ducers, good individuals, and either just tresh or .will freshen soon. See or phone" Peterson Bros., Forest Grove, Oregon. FOR SALE Frsh cow with or with out calf. 61 E. 76th st. North, Men tavilla. a CuME and see ua about all breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co.. 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. TWO good fresh cows, one Jersey cow with heifer calf, at 124 Corbett st. Take Fuiton tar. FULL blood registered Jersey bull, 18 months old; must be sold at once. Call B-1279 or Tabor 22, FRESH family cow; 6121 41st ave,. Mt. Scott car 62d. TWO fresh cows for sale, one Jersey and one Durham; 1594 Division st. FRESH cow, a bargain. 164 E. 80ta SL Take Mt. Tabor car. FOR SALE Fresh cow, cheap. K. 31st North. 1220 HAVE beet cow to trade for fresh cow. Inquire Main 847. FOR SALE Fresh 1731 Division st. young Durham. POULTRY THIRTY Racing Homers, few Black and Red Magpie Tumblers; exhibi tion Barred Rock cockerels. Oregon Carneau Co-, Box 279, Portland. Phone Tabor 4883. S. C. Buff Leghorn hens. -7oc; S. C. Buff Orpington hens, $1; cockerels either kind, $1.50. George Westfall, Amity, 0 r r o ute 1 . GOLDEN Silver Chinese pneasants; Mallard ducks, Japanese silkies; Or egon Bird & Pheasant Farm, Beaver ton, Or., Tt. No. 1. WHEN you answer these Want AUs, mention The JournaL DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS Ui FOR SALE Pedigreed English- bull dog; no reasonable offer refused if sold before the 15th; leaving city. Call Main 2866. CANARIES, guaranteed singers, cheap. JJ1IU UlCOU OUU OCCUD. luvuiauilB Bird Store, basement 171 W. Park st., near Morrison. REAL Irish terrier pups, dandies, best or pals and watchmen. John M. Mann, 382 Stark st. Both phones. Main na a-4U. 00 Homers, 50 Carneaux; this is a bargain: 204 W. 7th st.. Vancouver. Wash. AL lOMOBLLES-ACCESSOKIES 44 Buy a Car NEW OR USED. Electric lighted and self starting. Learn to drive free. G6 to San Francisco 1915. We guarantee them all. Y'ou can't buy a repair bill from the Howard Auto Co. This list excells them all. We will demonstrate any one of the following carg upon request: $2o0 up, terms to suit. Maxwell roadster. Warren roadster. American roadster. Molina 5-passenger. Buick 5-passenger. Regal 5-passenger. Pierce-Arrow 7-passenger. We sell the best cars for the money old or new. Call and see. Howard Auto Co. Buick Distributors. 4th and Davis Sts. , Used Auto. Snaps LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 1914 CHE VIOLET roadster. 2 pas senger, 25 h. p.. electric starter and lights, snap, onlv $677.00 1913 CHALMERS, 7 passenger, 6 cyl- tnaer, just overhauled and re painted, for ouick sale. . .$1350.00 1912 STUDEBAKER. 5 passenger, 30 n. p., only $57a,00 1911 COLE, 2 passenger, 30 h. p.. fore-door, just overhauled. $4 1 5.00 1 fit A T AVI CO o . -1 i aa's . .... ... . ..j ijaoccnci, v .Jli... der, nearly new, liDeral dis count. Several other good buys. Investi gate before purchasing. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH. NEW MOTOR TRUCKS. Any capacity, from 750 to 5 tons. You can pay for it on monthly install ments: will sell without any payment down, providing you can give substan tial security; let the truck earn its payments and earn you good money besides. Z-942. Journal. STUDEBAKER -30,;" delivery car, in pertect mechanical condition. New oversized tires and complete equip ment, a great bargain at $300. See Mr. Miller, Oregon Motor Co.. Stude baker bldg., Chapman and Alder sts. Main 9402. oO, 5 passenger. model "L." $650. Peerless 40.T' 5 passenger, a bargain. 1913 Haynes roadster to trade ror real estate. Case Auto Co., 454 Hawthorne ave. (Both phones). OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tire Shop," 550 Wasfhington st., at 18th Marshall 379. We get your tires readv for THE WET STREETS. TIRES BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large Stock. Prices, $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker Bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder. W ritten guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 15th st IINITFH Painting Auto Top Co. wmii-w isinglass put in; price, reasonale: factory finished. 15th ai 1 Wash. Mar. 945. Low it & Mossman; AUTOS WANTED. , Want 5-pass. auto in good PondTfiAn for new, 4 room, modern home si inject in nu mortgage. mar. TWO-TON TRUCK. Two-ton truck in good mer janical condition, new tires, stake bjy and top. $650; easy terms. W-233. .'journal MY 1913 Cadillac in perfect mechan ical condition. extra Muipment. $1300. Marshall 214J. Ma 5136. HAVE two 1 ton trucks fo sale cheap. Zible parties. or will rent to respon Address owner. W-48; Jf rfjrnal. WANTED 1912 or 1 J 13 fore-door body for Ford touring car. Inquire 239 Stanton st. ONE 1500 lb. truck Ror sale, cheap. guaranteed in firs' class condition. Owner, phone morn East 4247 i' UK DAbb neaj good auto; will take part in houe painting. E-112. Journal. SLIGHTLY usedy ures, largest stock in Portland, $? to $15. tine repair lng. Tire Supp y Co.. 207 MadisoS. AUTO SPRGSEAX KB" Franlt Lange 228 Salmon. Main' 181 FOR SALE-Fifteen hundred pound Reo auto dCruck cheap. See t at ol Front st. A KORCE'. sale, 5 passenger, 35 horse Auburn ,1 make me an offer. Mar shall S74. 402 Couch bldg KOAUft 'iSR and light 5 passenger. For cheap. 532 Alder. W HEf you answer foeao Want Ads, merjon The Journal. MUSICAL- INSTRUMENTS 34 FO ; RENT Player piano. rheap. ?ialn 9472. room 326; call fMm 2 P-m. to 6 p. m. IJR SALE $500 Chickering Piano for 1200 casn. manoeany itatsn. best of condition, i-bt. journal. TYPEWRITERS WE save you from so to 76 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder; retail de partment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRIT ER CO., 821 Washington st. YOU- can rent visiole typewriters a months for $4; convenient at borne, delivered and all rent applied on pur chase. Main 627, or A-4441. 244 Stark. TYPEWRITERS tor r. ut. i months for $5 and tip; months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter company, 8 Broadway. GILL'S REhtjlLT TYPEW Ki'ijo CHEAPEST AND BEST. THE J. K. GILL CO.. 3d and Alder sts. NEW. rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. WHEN you answer tde Want auh, mentloc The -Journal. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for Sale 63 FURNITURE. RUGS, ETC. 2 oom size rugs, small Wilton velvet rugs. 2 dressers, 2 beds complete, rock er, table, pillows, etc. These goods have been used less than 6 month must be sold Wednesday. 625 Loveiov st. FURNITURE Before buying secoi.u hand goods, see what you can ' here on new goods for cash. Get post ed. William Ofldshv. 1st and Waah WE buy, sell and exchange new and secoOd hand furniture nf aii ti.i. Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction & Com. Co.. 191 Second st. TWO largs rugs $20, flreless cooker iu, ana a pieces or antique turni ture at 1-3 their value. Call Tabor 412 after 6 o. m fcstD and springs and mnltrp nn.i range for sale or iviii tra, t. .... Ing machine and smaller stove. 251 E. 65ih st. N. 1 TWENTY yards linoleum, gas range, wood and coal range, mattress, all good as new; a bargain; Tabor 570 FiRM'l'LKE 5 room Iiouse for .vale cheap. 160 E 7Xth Bt m vi, villa. WHEN you answer these Want Aio mention The Journal. FOK SAIJE MISCELLANEOUS 10 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Typfc writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications All o a tisements of these goods are published under their respective classitications. Look them over. OFFICE FURNITURE BARGAINS DESKS CHAIRS TAHLF.S GILL'S. THIRD AND ALDER HERRI NG-H ALL-MARVIN safe. Bur roughs Adding Machine, filing cabi ets. Remington typewriter, office chairs and tables. 1129 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE Metal hood for restaur ant; kitchen range, also exhaust fan and motor. The Holtz store. 5th and Washington. WHY pay $25 for your suit or over- coti -"C"611 'ou ran Ptt the tame for $16? Money Back shop, 342 Wash. Morgan bldg. Open until 8pm SHELVING LUMBER More than font nf 'ioanr,A lumber, suitable for inside work. The nouz store. itn ana Washington. mm WOOD, m mm . F. o. b. cars Oregon City. Partica lars box 131. Oregon City. Or electric coffp;e MILL! Coffee roaster and urocerv M.-xi.-a tnr- sale. The Holtz store, 5th and Wash ington. jsAlcto All sizes at cost; safes re paired. Mosler Safe Co., 409 North-western-,Bank bldg. Main 7676 BUY yuur plumbing supplies, pipe and fittings at wholesale. - Stark-Davis ro . 212 3d st. M. 797. ONE good gasoline woodsaw. traction cheap for cash. Call 49 Hawthorne ave. TABLES, counters, shelving. office furniture for sale. The Holtz store, 5th and Washington. 20-FOOT awning, nearly new, cheap. Main S047. SAES New and second hand, bar- gains. 101 1st st. Main 3565. DIAMOND .paint, $1.66 gal. Port. Door & Window Co.. 230 Front. Mar. 100. GEVURTZ furniture store. 208 1st. Lowest cash prices in the city. $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing machine with attachments. 162 Grand ave. SEWING machines soid. rented, i f paired. 382 Morrison. A-5110, Mar. .i FOUR ton ice making and refrige tug HinLiiiiir. waaimiBiun, n v jiyri FOR SALE Dry or green slat yvvood" cheap; carload lots. C-931, J iyrnf FOR SALE Fine leather dav import N. end Westanna st.. St. Jo R "car! WHEN you :inswer these J nTAa" mention The Journal. FOR RENT Fine duck lak 4 weii fe C-823. Journal. . ' DIAMOND worth $75 fc $50- TeT East 4731. . Pro&ssional and Business ACCORDIOM pLEATING K, STEt'HAN tieuiM tHng, accordion. lde and aonburat pies V'Jg; buttons covered ; good aponred. Seal' h,,inc. nKl Alder. M-9373. ' j SATER8 . WK buy old goli'4 giirer. platloam, or ore sample. Pick, & Co.. Aiajers. 010 Northwest hldg.. Af Ha Waxhlmtton vt. .ATTORNEYS RELIABLE laver, diTorcea. collection, bank ruptcy; free. a,Tise, reasonable feea, easy tPrma. 612 y retland bl.Ur.. Marshall .'7f. rj.AKK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A ,iioLMAN, inc.. 1J9 2U t. Blank book ir 'aofaciurmt; aenta for Jones' ln proTed 1 k(.- Leaf Ledgers. bee the new Koreka U ?f. A-1H. Main 183. . BUSINESS COLLEGES LINK j BVSINESiS fOLI-lXJE. Tllford Bldg., Vox land. Ore. I'bone Main SOH3. CAB.FET CLEANING. Jfy CB BKOS. Electric Cleaning works, car 5f t cleaned and luld, refuting our ape- arilty. Kast 44. B-l'.ma. JM it. itn si. UfEXb cleaned, refitting and laying. a. J Vaei ker. Tabor ins. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST BUG CO.. rug from old car pets, rag ruga, carpet cleaning. 13 E. 8tb. Work c:;ed ft. Lar .I.V0. B-120. fh.M.NiLLA Uug VSorka Rax nig and car pet weaTlnK. 15IS fnllon a?e. W Ida. 2ttvS. CHIROPRACTORS DR. McMAHON. 121 4th. 376 Williams aT., 18 adjuatmenu $10. Patlentiget well. COAL AND WOOD. NEER & FAHK 4 foot fir cordwood Also sawed to order. prompt de- PHAI llTery. Main 43tt. A-4S(47. jJn- fAClKIC 8 LAB WOOD CO.. Main 370W. A-7&M. Green short wood, blocks, nig inside, small lnaide, dry slabwod. abort planer trimnrlngs. Edlefsen Fuel Co, "1 Charcoal K. J. E VEUTJ, MAIN 8767. FOOT or CUKBY STREET VHX slab and box wood, cordwood and eoai. Btandard Wood Co.. East :31V B-1BX.V COLLECTIONS 1 BUY accounts, bills, notes and. Judgments of every name and nature auymhere. For quick results snswer ri-twov jonrusi. OPEN accounts, notea, judgments collected. Adopt abort methods for quick results. Short Adjustment Co.. 826 S. W. Bank. M. 974 CONTRACTING AND BUILDING HCptACE D. JONES, JR. I BUILD ANYTHING FROM SCREEN DOORS TO A HOTEL. TABOK 1764. EDUCATIONAL DANCING PROF. WAt WILSON'S Walts, hesitation. one-step, two-step, cbottlsche; lessons 25c morning, sfternoin. eve.; gusrsntee to teach anybody who walks bow to dance. 65 Mb at., bet. Stark and Oak. 4 private lessons $2; 8 clashes. Phone Main 7637. MR. and MRS. HEATH'S school; fancy, stage, social and all the latest dances taogbt; wait, ana two-atep guaranteeo. re private lessons: class Mod. and Fri. ere.. T to i a sembly after. 2aiVi Morrison, cor. 2d. Usr. 81J. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 (Continued HESSIAN Grocery, staple and fanev groceries, hardware, tinware, school supplies. Orders taken and promptly delivered to aU parts city. Why pat ronize public markets when you can buy for less from the retailer? Bar gains in land and city property. If not right we make it right. W. A. Hes sian prop., 1193 Hawthorne ave, Ta bor 981 or B-2549 GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES Marine & stationary. Marine Hardware. Write for catalogue. GAS POWER & SUPPLY CO.. 168-172 Front St.. Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE 40-norse Erie City ure box boiler and 32-horso McErven automatic engine, all in good work ing order, suitable for small sawmill or any other power. If in need, call and see us. Molalla Creamery, Moial la. Oregon. SODA FOUNTAIN FOR SALE. Strictly modern fountain, with Ger man silver, mahogany and Alaska mar ble finish. 30 feet long; can easily be converted into 2 fountains. See it to day at the Holt store. 5th and Wash ington. Electric Motors Electric motors bought, sold rented and repaired. Walker Electric Wks, 10 and Burnside. Main 6674. FOR SALE New and stcona ii..u carom asiu pocket billiard tables anl bowling alleys and accessories, bar fixtures of Xlnds, easy paymenta The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 46 45 5ih t. Main 769. A-1769. 4x5 AUTO Graflex. Goerti, Sagor lens, 7:V cost $145. 6 N. ,3.1 St. S"VA1' COLUMN BOARDING house in good location to exchange for light auto truck and some cash. Call Alar. 2503 or A-7051. FIRST class carpenter will exchange carpenter work for room and board. N-646, Journal. WANTED $500 stock goods, groceries preferred, for vacant lots at Astoria. Gruber, 401 Stock Exchange bldg. COAL range, gas range, dining table, rug, typewriter, other articles,- fol cow, pigs, or chickens. Tel. E. 4731. LADY'S solid gold watch chain, tur- quoisri ring, n diamond chins. What have you? C-S02, Journal. iii-r.w uiihK, good condition, j ,r shotgun. Main 8047. y A viiiHATOK worth $50 for tjr T writer. Tabor 5798. pe- wante:--m?celianev s 5 WANTED The people of Port and" to know that 1 pay highest ci0 rrj, for second hand household g g eda. tvi0 amount of furniture too lai e 0P nn tmall to consider. Prompt Attention N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. Eat 6 70?! CO.. 221 Front st.. buyszd nar,d ru, . niture, carpets, stoves, f inetl hard ware or tools of any kin Call'A-717 or Main 9072. Our huver 'i'ns promptly. "NOTICE TO MC vl u YK?110 buy $10 9 worh of sec ond hand furniture r .nl pay all th, cash it s worth. V? ujairtB Ave. Fur niture Exchange., f t fi,fi All..,.yV.V. ii WANTED. SECOND HA7 .i cioTuivfi And everything nghest prices paid. Main 2080. JHj, ls, Jefferson. w an lf.l ury ' llr cordwood up to 1000 cords. . Address Oregon inde pendent I-uel " K Water and Sai mon sts., Por-J an(1 Gr. WANTED Winchester or Remington repeating or automatic shotgun: must be in firie condition and cheap; CAH L up Tj. tir,j;Ut M. R. Sealer, to ! ur -(fjrniturc. Prompt attention. you nignest ah nrir en llawlhnrn. ME WJ B Oet more for your second Jt furniture by selling it to Ford t' l CO.. 211 1st. Main S951. WAN2 t;it about 6 sets second-hand J1' k harness for plowing. W m. J"" Jt son. 527 Chamber of Commerce. HK' HEST price for 2d-h-nd clothes; noes bought. 247 Madison. M. 3595. A the square. Secord pays most lor second hanl goods. East 6717. L ft'Af . sh, NTED -Good second hand 12 gauge hotgun. Tabor 3672. WANTED for cHsh. -Dental office equipment Room 20, 1654 3d st. HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shot gun . camerns. Ilochfeld, 4 4 'A N. 3-1. WHEN you answer these Want Aus. mentlo.i The Journal. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Gold-filled barrette. Friday evening, between 21st and and 19th' and Broadway; reward if re- turncd to 500 K. 25th. N. Phone E. 2972. LOST Fraternity pin with name. G Magladry, engraved on back. Re- ward. Please phone Main 4917. DANCING WlilTIN'U-IRELAMi Dancing Andemr. Maa lie. (me-8lep. Heritutlnn. l-esaoni dally. Jot Allky bide.. 3d and Murrrnn. Main hOPV MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS E. THIELHOHN. TtjJin teacher, pupil Se-lk. 207 Klledu.T M'le. A-41i Manthall -. T. E. LAWSON. piano studio, 4-L2 kiurrlaou. Main tH'tt. IH.n. 50.-. POPULAR MUSIC BAUT1ME on piano guaranteed beginners lu 10 leaoon. l'icture pUin(. Kree deuion ftratlon. he !VKklet. Ellr bldg. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS. MOIOKS, generators bouKbt. sold, rented and repaired. We do 4ll kinds of repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. II. Electric Co.. 31 N. In at. I'bone Main S2HI. WE buy, sell, rent and excnaue new aud second band nwtor, repair work a apeclaltjr. Weotern Eleetrlo Works. 21:1 th st. Mar. (M. EXPRESS AND TRANSFER MAIN Wl.V;. I'. Bi-uni'atH. ixpress and bag gspe traiir-fer, i-n.t aLd cst side. Stand 1st and Jefferon tt. EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT LUNGS. tipeciailsl. Moderate urit-es. tilassea fitted. Llr. K. K. CaaeiNy. 517 Iekutn bl.lg.. 3d W.h. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. fHUEMX Iron Works. Last iitt and Mao tbonie. ;eneral um-hlne and foundry work. KODAK SUPPLIES. KODAKS n'1 ail supplies. DtttUviUi; lJ LniNvJ printlug end enlarging. 11KI ft MARKI1AM CO.. 1145 Washington. MESSENOER8. UllOKCl CLES and bicyi-lrs. I'bone Main 4. A-215.t. HASTY MEi.SKNiEK ('). NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. t'iilLLlt'S 1'arulysia, nervous and cbirm le illwiwi. r.OI-5 l)rearilai l.lic. M :U42. OSTRICH PLUMES. Hartaesa I'lum bbop, cor. 1'ark aud ui- bill. Main ISott. Ortrl.-b. prdlw. fau.y featbers. renHHlrle.I. cleaned. d;ed tu 1.141a. samples. Work guaranterd. PAINTING. PAPERHANGINO. TINTISU Suteliffe 4c Elied. best "rk U painting P- pering. M. 1S72. A-l'22-V 12a lltb t l'AI.Nl ING. Papering. 'lintinK. fl lO mt room up. C. A. Barnr. Main 421. Manufacturers Jobbers i4 Wholesalers BREWERS BOTTLERS HEN KY WEI Nil A Hi), Utb and Brn.e BRY GOODS WH0LE8ALE Fleichner, Mayer &. Co, FAR M IMPLEMENTS VEHICLES R. M. WaUE A CO.. ac. Wholesale' A rrlcnlmm I I mp'mm. GRAIN MERCHANTS M. H. HOt'SKK. B..rd of "I bnlir. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAS. L. MASTICK A to.. 7 Froul. Le.ttet of every decr1pt i"n : yldlng. MILL SUPPLIES PACIFIC STATES UCBBER CO.. 42 Mechanical robber r jd. 2d at. K cws-w-a nrrirwr i,i - I ix-n m - .. w ; lOUWfclA Nckear Mfg. Co.. M aC LOST .YSpr FOUND 21 z (Continued) 3 ilST On , : .- 1,l..t l . - . t , sewing bag. chijd s crochet coat; f 1 either article valued " as gifts. CaW Morton Apts ask foe Mrs. JamorV Kerr, receive rewara. LOST Sunday evening, a lady's go ,7X watch. Finder please return to gon Journal office; for reward. 2. AIREDALE pupsilost. Finder jrill receive reward y returning to ' - m oairy. rairv lfw. LOST A mesh bagi'conlalnlng nb..ut $13 and 3 rings; jreward. M. f 5904. W HEN you answer these NT'nT Aus. mention The Journal. i'ESOKAL MEM and women, tito sui.l rina troi every curable diaerfe or la Uit treat- ed and cured byi;he latfBl natural healing methods, mclud if lK radium electricity heat, liht. htj hi. fnanip": latlon, adjustment;, and .massage: m operationa, no niedcine, ,'free consulta tion. Dr. P- E. Lwi K .uccessor to Rr-.-., ?v, Mallor. J fit uro path. 31$ -RotnohlM bldg. . sir tthw Antun l ..lx,tur! N ' "Better than I Pills for tetiaie ma. a quica. C safe and n if ta regulator, easy to use.' rka like magic. without', t pain or inter- rerence T(tt work. Price $i. Double l.lnnh (SIM Cn. AV sale bW IklLnH llru'ir 222 Morrison, ne- r H.rst. -rv ""V. A , FIGHT on htis C lft 7 J irices. Whypayli -mr $10 for a pair of. grasses, when I can 7 youLe witll first uality lenses i? ? . K"d - d iimi as low as $1,607 C. W. Good o ' urv, 11 Morrison St., tisfacygn guaranteed. .-i.i ... r" near . . . j MRi. fell- 9KN&ai years x-urtiand'a renownw a palmist and clairvoyant; author of Palmisth-y Made Easy"; is located jjivs Morrison st. AcsUtad oy.Mrp. i)r Home, spiritual adviser "" ine healeri t . --. -i . EaFKkt work in uyelng, riifcnodellng and restor infl I-:plumes. Moderate r-hapges and prompt serv-lc(,-THE PLUME. 253 Moifean bldg. Main 4009. . MAlEiflSREYFrs " iJr ho was for lyS-ars Portland's most Y -fted clairvoyaMti is demonstrating " rut iMrhinff m 1 I 1, 1 1 ., ,,n.i . suggestion. 40JS Goodnough building. . ..... M "M'T nuiif, iiii iim jui opposite iK)8toffi3e. ABOUT IJHAIR GOODS. Don"t trust neadlers with combines; let us make ttw-ra up, 85c up. Wigs, toupes a speciaitir,f 20 yrs. est'd. Febvet & Hanebut. 147 jwrbadway. nr. Mcrri"n. MASSAGE ldiriB and gents treated at the Auditorium, 3rd and Salmon. Phone Main 85i2yU -A-7271. Gentleman assistant. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. Virginia Rowe. ReatUnSv healing dally; cir cles Tuesday aj Friday evenings; 8 o'clock. 231 6th5sl. Phone A-7116. H lHRP CQ tf6 consultation atty. U I V vJliCCO w4th much experience. Office hours 8 feim. to 10 p. m. Phone for appolntmenfa jjMarshall 4368. niVnRPFMye1- of 25 years' e Ul V UllOr0rence. reliable, advice free, 404 RotridJhlld bldg., 287 ,s Wash, SPlRlTUAISM-rRev. M. a. Price. Cir cl Ree cles. Tues. 2j:3)Sr'ed. and Sun.. 8 p. m. -I I . .... . I, , r . . . . . nna. rtpnainn n.;iv,j. jiua qui si. mar, 4&qu. SPIRITUAL rfiVum. Emella Pearsln; readings daUfJ-public circles Tues day, Friday evening. 431 Salmon. HAVE your h'lr permanently waved. Guaranteed (a last. Sanitary Beauty rlors. 400 1 lekum. Marshall 1702. SPECIAL. 2 mV. only, 18 Chiropractic treatments. $10. 1-3 regular price. Dr. C. S. Tlgard. 316 Alisky bldg T1IL FUR SHOP. New orders,,: Remodeling, best work, lowest pricern.?J?17 S wetland blcrg. . DR. O. V. KETCH U 11 Women mal adies and acute diseases men. Wanb. bldg.. 4th and' Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 44. CHIROPRACTIC, 121 4th. Chronic cases; 18 treatments $10. Others lean USE Hassettli Native Herbs for rheu matism: 50 tablets 25c All druggists I A AV P R C(?rtHultaiion free. Main M VV I L.n 4193, 708 Selling bldg. BALM of Ftgs,- remedy for diseases of women.' 604 Davis St. Main 2393. P Ht-TA is A NTH prepared for IBajts. 717 Swetland blrlg. NOTICES 20 orVICK yt.'ABTf BMASTEK. Columbia build in. Portlai. Oreifon. October 2, la 14. Sealed propralt( ; In trllleate, will b r relwed here until ill o'clwk . in.. I'tclfle lime, November ,'! 1014. and thrn opened In th presence ofjfldder. for f unilnlilnis .Km yonrn bore, not jIcm tliao .". 'i fun old. for cavalry and amS fiery aiTTtee, I'. S. army. Further infrm)rlB npii applleatlon. Jnbri K. Baxter, Lleuagnkut Colonel, guaiiermaater a C..r.; I'. S. Ari. PKOPOSAIJ4 fjr.horo. war department. Kort Kencb. Montxjrikj 0-t 1. I0U. Sealed mwilir-will be;ceived her unit. 12 noon. S'o. 2. 1BI4, 8' ifumljihlnE .W) .vonnic bn Information or ptlcatioo, nam. tin Ieer, rnt.. o. i. irrv PA'KETtO COMPANIEB THE BAHBEIt fl'HALT 1'AVKSU CO.. Porf Isnd nfflce. ;fig Electric bldg RUEBEllfTAMPB AND SEALS ALSO stencils.; .trade cbecks, brae sluus. PACIFIC ' AST STAMP WOltKH 231 WaahlmJtjm st Mxln 710. A-Z710. SgljKO MAQHIHES 5 J H All oiakea, new aud second band, tor sale or rent. All Vflcs. Sewlhg Machine Eui- C porluin. Xblri, near Tay. g jor. Mala 9131. SHiagTi METAL WORKS. UErAiUJ.SU, : and grarel roots. lwli. atO K1tj. uone Main 144. j TAXIDERMISTS CHEAPEST mWjSf beat work u cuuu '. Flnley, Oroa'lfo. CaL TRAJ9jlgER AMD STORAGE C o. Pick, 'fjfuntcr btoraxe i... Uitui and coinoioiis 4 tturr brick nsrebou wltb s-part j eou ioonu and fireproof vault for valuables. 5 .. W. curoer Ml aud I'lD st. Piano suit iteaiturr luov.d and packed tor sLlpplng. Sptial rates made on gouda. la. tbruuga ctujiio all dornrsilc and furelga points. Malg5f' A-l V.m. OliiAKOE 1' CO. New rooms. flreprXf war ireiirua m1 to sepsrata We tcre and pa.-s nnuaenoM gooda aud pianos aiyirahlp at reduced rates. Aula vans and iejUu',f"r Uiufiutf. Kortvardlug and distributing aa'i.U. Iree trackage. Uffiie and warehouse. l;i.nd liovt. Main M7. A ZM. 0KEG&$ TRANSFER CO. i' kstabllsned 1S70. TrsnnferJ laud for riling agents. Kgreage. tree trackage. Office Jifkd tor ag a 474 Glisan st. nh and GlltiMtJ Main 69, A-11B9 1 j J STORAGE. MANNING j'AKEHOUSK THANfFER CO. 1.1Ttf AND EVEKETT SI'S. Let ua UiJTi, park or Lip your bouseholl goods. Redta-isd frflgbt rates ua eastern tbipments. HijOueb car senrice. Sl .. A -Z21 4. UNITED Tra Stir i.A. Storase and general 1 S Jefferaon. M r, 2H, A -4iW l.andilng BAGGAGE TAt'r t Main lao. ! jAfiaor.. ttarrica 'tin Plua .t. wfSi DOW CLEANING. EXPEHT W3OOW CLEANING -A-47U. M.Iq 6227ji lZ Henry bldg. mt PA ST. OIL AND GLASS "Hlgli Siandird" patntT N. E. corp.; ?2 and larlor. M.-A-I77I PiONEEU I'jSrT CO.. ltMi 1st SU Ualu W.14. A-71H3. ills " 7 f ' tiPE WOOD PIPE IDKILXNI) -WociU PIPE CO Fsctorv au4 off let neai j?4tb and York srs. Main 4vH. PLUTMBINfeii EfePIPE 8' TEAM SUPPLIES M. LimilNE 4-6-7- FRONT KTRKET. i rtm ROPlEj lrVNP BINDER TWINE T Portlid Cordage Co. VTSlAj PAPER CO. 22u 2A."a between $ilfbpa sod Mala. . , tbin in Directory 1 1 , n .r til